Blue Lock (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


I was born to prove this talent of mine.
Using these legs to outrun everyone
was a joy that was only available to me.
I was going to be the best
striker in the world someday.
Back then, I had no doubts about that being the future that awaited me.
Episode 7
Good job, Team Z.
You won't get away with this!
I'll kill you, Kuon!
Cool it, Raichi.
Do you want a red card?
So you've betrayed us, huh, Kuon-chan?
What are we gonna do? It's 12-on-10 now.
Damn it.
I can't let it end like this!
I'll crush them!
I told you, man.
Kuon-chan told us everything.
Your weapons, your tactics, all of it!
Take you, Isagi Yoichi, for example.
While you have
outstanding spatial awareness,
you're a dunce who
can't do anything by himself!
Just give it up, Isagi-kun.
As a sport, soccer is 11 against 11.
If it's 12-on-10
you have no chance of winning.
Here he comes. Defend!
Not only do they know our tactics, we're at
a total disadvantage playing 10 against 12.
If they score again,
we won't be able to turn this around
Nice, Iemon!
Get the loose ball! One goal's
all we need! Let's focus on not losing.
We only need to tie.
If we get a goal and level the scores,
it'll be a draw and we'll still have a chance!
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
2 Matches Left to Play
2 Matches Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
2 Matches Left to Play
2 Matches Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
1 Match Left to Play
I'll defend this goal if it kills me!
Get it, Chigiri!
You're so slow.
Don't worry. Today, we'll end
your soccer career for good.
You just stand there and watch!
The hell are you doing, Chigiri?!
Don't just stop!
Shut up.
Listen up, new members!
We're the Wanima brothers, the two star
players of Rakosute Business High School,
a mainstay in the National High
School Soccer Championship.
"Respect your supreme seniors!"
That's what my bro says.
Excuse me.
I came to this school to win the championship
so I can make a name for myself.
Could you please get rid of this
unproductive hierarchy you've got?
Hm? And who exactly are you?
I'm Chigiri Hyoma.
If I beat you, will you please zip it?
So fast!
What's with this guy?
Let's go with one up top again in the next
match to take advantage of Chigiri's speed.
Becoming national champs
isn't just a dream now!
Rakosute Business High School
"Don't get cocky just 'cause Coach favors you."
That's what my bro says.
Whatever. It's simply a matter of
whether you have talent or not.
That so, Mr. Genius?
Excuse me.
Talent isn't dished out equally.
I am one of the chosen.
The day I outran everyone for
the first time at the age of six,
soccer became everything to me.
In this world, there are those who
have talent and those who don't.
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Striker to Watch
Striker to Watch
Chigiri Hyoma
And I was born to prove this talent of mine.
\hRakosute First-Year\h\h\hChigiri
"I was born to prove myself"
Rakosute Undefeated
Rakosute Undefeated
FW\h\hChigiri Hyoma
Hat-Trick Hero
Hat-Trick Hero
\hRakosute First-Year\h\h\hChigiri
"I was born to prove myself"
If you keep this up, you'll rocket onto
the national scene. Your feelings on that?
Nothing special. I mean, I can do more.
I'll do my best.
He's the genius!
Using these legs to outrun everyone
was a joy that was only available to me.
I was going to be the best
striker in the world someday.
Back then, I was in no doubt that
that was the future that awaited me.
It's a right ACL tear.
Hyoma-kun's leg muscles have
developed in a unique way,
which explains why
he's so good at sprinting.
If he were to experience
a tear in the same place again,
it would be difficult for him
to continue playing soccer.
Isn't that the former genius?
Come on.
Oh? It's been a while, Mr. Genius (lol).
Why are you here?
What are you worth now that you can
no longer run and your talent's in tatters?
"It's simply a matter of whether
you have a talent or not." Right?
Serves you right, former genius!
Damn it.
Damn it!
Rakosute Business
High School
Hey, everyone. Chigiri is back.
Good job on your rehabilitation.
Just take your time to get back into it.
Hey, what's the matter, Mr. Genius (lol)?
Is this it? What happened to those
nimble feet you were so proud of?
Shut up. Mind your own business.
You scared to sprint 'cause
you might damage your knee again? Huh?
Shut up!
I'm not scared of
wrecking my right leg again.
All this time, I truly believed I could
become number one in the world.
I'm scared of losing who I am.
Ever since then, I've been
looking for a way to give up.
Five more minutes.
Five more minutes, and we lose.
And then, after that
I can put an end to my soccer career.
Run, Chigiri!
It's not
It's not over yet!
Nice, Raichi and Kunigami!
Go get the loose ball!
Isagi, one more time!
Come on now. It'll be the same outcome
no matter how many times you try.
We know all your weapons and tactics.
And it's 12 against 10!
Not long left, so let's defend our lead, guys!
Damn it! What do we do?
If we don't break through their
defense, we can't do a thing.
Bachira's being marked constantly.
Kunigami has no space to take a shot.
If I play it into the area
No, that won't work,
because we're outnumbered.
Find it.
There has to be a route
to goal somewhere
What's this, Isagi-kun?
You don't still believe you can win
if you just refuse to give up, do you?
Matches don't allow for
naïve thinking like that.
Even if you don't give up,
the game ends when the game ends.
See? It's nearly over.
You're going to lose.
A-Additional time! We've got three minutes!
This is bad! Isagi, pass the ball!
The ball!
No I don't want it to end here.
If we can't use anyone's weapons
I'll tear them apart myself!
Hey, what the hell? Number 11
has skills we didn't know about?
Has he gone berserk?!
I will score!
Nice interception, bro!
Don't scare us like that, buddy!
Your dribbling sucks!
Hey! Isagi, c'mon!
Don't be a ball hog!
You can't do it alone, idiot!
What's he doing?
Is he a moron?
I will score!
I will!
Pass it around!
Coordinate with Isagi and
press them! There's no time!
Get the ball back!
I told you guys it's useless!
Defend! Keep it away from them!
Stop already.
Just stop, Isagi.
Stop chasing the ball
with that glint in your eye.
Stop believing in yourself
and playing soccer like that
Snap out of it! Get the ball!
Outta my way.
Pass it, Isagi!
Hey, are you listening?
Did you tell me to get out
of your way? Screw you.
If we lose, I can put an end to this.
I can give up on soccer and be at peace.
Ah, damn.
Why am I
I see now.
Isagi, you're just like I was back then.
Believing you can be
the best in the world,
and putting everything
you've got into soccer
Get the ball! If they get it, we lose!
What am I scared of?
Rakosute Undefeated
Rakosute Undefeated
FW\h\hChigiri Hyoma
Hat-Trick Hero
Hat-Trick Hero
No longer being a genius?
Injuring my right leg again?
Or not being able to play soccer anymore?
The truth is, none of that really mattered.
It's heading for the touchline!
This match is over!
What I can't afford to lose
What I have to believe in
It's the rush I'm feeling
watching you play.
It's still in play! Isagi, pass it!
I don't care anymore.
If it tears again, so be it.
I don't care if this is my last play.
Are you ready, right leg?
The best striker in the world is me!
I can smell a goal!
Let's go! One last play!
You can't do it alone! Pass the ball, Isagi!
No I can see it.
I can feel it.
Running down the opposite flank,
hugging the touchline
I see you!
To me, Isagi!
Are you ready?
Show off your weapon, Chigiri!
Huh? Where are you passing to?!
There's no one from our team over there!
Idiot! We'll clear it, and it's game over!
Get the ball, Kuon-chan!
Chigiri At that speed
Yes. I can
reach it!
All right, it's clear. And that's game over—
Outrun them!
Let this rush carry you!
What's with that crazy speed?
Were you hiding that?!
Is he for real?
So fast!
Stop, stop!
Stop him!
I haven't felt this in so long.
This sensation of kicking into
high gear and eating up the ground
Aw, jeez, he can run now?
Let's stop him, bro! Foul him if we have to!
I don't care about being a genius or
never playing another game of soccer again.
Much more important than that
is the joy I felt the day
I played soccer for the first time.
Outrunning someone is what
soccer's all about for me!
It's a joy only I get to experience!
What's Chigiri doing?
Don't tell me he's trying to
catch up to the pass he just hit!
Stop him, bro!
This is it. This is what I was looking for.
The only time I believe in myself
is when I beat someone's speed!
Go, Chigiri!
Good, I caught up—
Go even faster!
Get fired up!
Eyes on the prize!
Come out, goalie!
Get to it first!
Stop him!
Once more
I will dream!
To become the best in the world, I want
another chance to play soccer!
Hell, yeah!
Check it out, Isagi.
Check it out, you guys!
This is Chigiri Hyoma!
All right!
Heck, yeah!
We stay afloat for now.
You're amazing. Those legs
of yours can really motor!
It's your fault.
Watching you fired me up,
and next thing I knew, I was sprinting.
I didn't know what was
important to me anymore.
But that wasn't it.
The invincible guy I was
before the injury is no more.
But the guy I am now
is one that gets fired up
even when I'm risking
never playing soccer again.
I want to put my faith
in this new version of me.
Thanks, Isagi.
I'm going to run until this
leg of mine no longer works.
Until this fire goes out.
Yeah, let's fight together.
Don't get me wrong, slowpoke.
This is Blue Lock.
You're right.
I'll become the best in the world!
Yeah, give it your best shot.
I'll become the best in the world.
Yo, man! You've got an amazing weapon!
You're our savior, young lady!
Looks like you weren't just a selfish lady.
Shut up.
If it wasn't for me, we'd have lost.
Yeah, Chigiri. This draw is huge.
We're hanging on by a thread, huh?
I still ain't forgiving Kuon, though.
What is this bullshit?!
You were gonna help us win!
That was the deal!
Why'd you keep Chigiri's leg a secret from us?!
Y-You're wrong! I really didn't know about it!
Stop lying! I'll make sure
you stay down for the count!
Stop it, all of you!
Huh? What do you want?
Want me to kill you, too?!
Stop it.
Keep your hands off my team.
Hey, Kuon ran away!
Not so fast, you bastard!
Match 7
Match 8
Building 5's seventh and
eighth matches are complete.
The next match is the final one.
3x3 All Stars!
But I mean, it's a miracle
we even managed to draw.
When Isagi went berserk,
I had no idea what was gonna happen.
I'm sorry. There wasn't
any other way to attack.
You're not the type of player
who can take people on one-on-one.
Do it again, and I'll kill you.
Let's go eat!
I'm starving!
Our final match is against Team V, the only
team yet to lose a match in Building 5.
I don't care who our opponent is.
All we gotta do is win.
But we have no chance with just ten of us.
That's true.
Hold up, everyone.
Okay? I'll give you info on Team Z.
I'm sure you could stop them from scoring.
That way, I can advance
as the team's top scorer.
If I do, I promise I'll give you some
advantage in the second selection.
He's at it again.
I could sabotage other teams,
or provide assists for your team
He needs to die.
Cool it.
Anyway, making a deal with me will up your
chances of passing the second selection.
What do you say? Why not work with me?
I refuse.
Sounds like a bother.
How boring.
Those guys are from Team V
There is no merit at all
in what you are proposing.
In fact, it would be a demerit.
In other words, the priority of this
business is an initiative method.
Team V
BL Ranking
Um, how was that?
Did I use those words right?
Knock that off, Zantetsu, you half-wit.
Stop trying to make your
dumb ass sound smarter, idiot.
Anyhow, I hate lame guys and boring guys.
Team V
BL Ranking
And you're both.
Whatever, Reo. I can't be
bothered with this deal.
Team V
BL Ranking
Top-Ranked Player in Building 5
I mean, even chewing
is getting tiresome.
Let's go back now. Gimme a piggyback.
Nagi, I brought you here
because you said you were hungry.
Sorry. It's too much hassle.
You're just going to let
this steak go to waste?
Hm. But eating the scraps makes me
look like a simpleton, doesn't it?
What should I do?
Please listen to me!
Hey, Reo. Why's this guy so desperate?
He wants to win.
Mmm, yummy.
Huh. So you can't win
unless you try this hard?
Being weak sounds like a hassle.
I'd rather just quit playing.
Hey, Reo. Is soccer really that
fun to play even if you lose?
Hey, hold on a second.
Who are you?
Don't underestimate soccer!
Like I said, who are you?
I'm Team Z's Isagi Yoichi.
I'm the one who will defeat you!
Blue Lock, Additional Time.
Additional Time!
Additional Time!
Additional Time!
Additional Time!
Additional Time!
Additional Time!
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Blue Lock
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Blue Lock
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Blue Lock
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Blue Lock
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Blue Lock
Additional Time!
m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100
Blue Lock
Additional Time!
Girly Hairstyle
Girly Hairstyle
Chigiri Hyoma
Chigiri Hyoma
No, that's not it.
It just doesn't feel right.
Here. Wanna try using a hair band?
Kunigami Rensuke
Kunigami Rensuke
Oh, thank you! That's a good idea.
That's thoughtful of you, Kunigami.
I've got two sisters, one older, one younger.
So I know how young ladies' minds work.
Who are you calling a "young lady"?
But you know, fashion isn't
just about functionality.
It's also about how it pumps you up.
Hey, lookin' good. A new Chigiri.
Nope, not right either.
Uh, excuse me, miss, but everyone's
waiting on you so the meeting can start
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