Breeders (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

No Cure - Part 2

I feel sick.
That's not a fever.
That's just a naturally hot head.
- Daddy.
- Shush, mate.
I'll stick some frozen peas on his forehead.
Luke, please wake up, babe.
He won't wake up.
Could you please come with me, Mr.
Worsley? - Sorry.
- Ooh! Luke Worsley.
Are you looking for a patient? Yes, Luke Worsley.
He's in isolation in the Adams Ward.
Where's the Adams Ward? Hi, excuse me.
- We're looking for Luke Worsley.
- Luke Worsley.
He's 7.
Admitted earlier today.
We're told he's in an isolation ward up here.
He was in there.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What's happening? We're in an ambulance.
Luke's been transferred to the acute neurology unit at Heddon Street Hospital.
They specialize in pediatric cases.
Has he got worse? Yeah.
He's developed these seizures.
- Oh, Jesus.
- And he's having trouble recognizing things and people.
- He didn't recognize me earlier.
- Fucking hell.
They're worried about encephalitis.
Listen, I shouldn't be on the phone in here, hon.
I'm sorry.
I will see you at Heddon Street.
Come on.
You can lean on me, honey.
I'll support you.
Tight squeeze.
What's wrong? Is he - I'm just trying to stabilize him.
- Okay, yeah.
What did he say, Paul? What does he say? What does who say? Come on him.
Captain Piss Stick.
Well Captain Piss Stick he says We're gonna have a baby! - No.
- Yes.
- Big, hairy Christ.
- Huge, hairy Christ.
Digby, the hairiest Christ in the world.
We've made a baby.
Well, no.
We've made a collection of cells that have the potential to become a baby.
I mean, are you sure you want this? 'Cause I realize it's mainly been me who's talked about having kids.
Well, I better fucking want it, 'cause I am the one who is gonna get sick and eat burnt toast.
And not sleep and, like, have tits the size of fucking Space Hoppers, and then suffer the most horrific pain a human being can stand.
Can we still Oh.
Mm no, sorry.
'Cause then we'll end up having twins that look like your cock.
- Blah.
- Well To be honest, I'd get it while you can, mate, because there's gonna be precious little of this happening for the next few years.
Message received, Skipper.
I'm coming in.
- Fucking hell.
- I know! Hi.
Come here.
Come here.
Luke's having an MRI.
Oh, okay.
I'll take you to see his main consultant in a bit.
She can tell you everything she's told me.
Paul, is Luke gonna die? I don't know.
They're just trying to keep him stable at the moment.
Stop the seizures.
I'm so sorry, Ally.
This is my fault.
No, it's not.
I was away, so Well, you have to be away for your work.
Yeah, and you did ask me to stay away this weekend.
Well, because your work was disrupting them.
- My work.
- Yeah, it's your work, hon.
It's for us though, Paul.
I am doing all of this for us.
No, I know.
Where's Ava? You like egg on toast? Because that's all I can cook.
I can't do pasta.
Don't understand it.
It needs to be soft and hard at the same time? Shove off.
It's just boiled dough, and the idiots go mad for it.
Sausages I'm not bad at.
But there's none in.
I like nuggets.
I wouldn't know what a nugget was, I'm afraid, love.
So let's have fried eggs, eh? Great, thick doorsteps of toast.
Loads of brown sauce.
I want nuggets! You'll have what you're given.
We still had rationing when I was your age.
Three ounces of cheese a week.
A shilling's worth of meat.
We've never been healthier as a nation.
Or hungrier, or more miserable.
So, fried eggs? Oh.
- Hi.
- Sorry.
Sorry, that was a rude "oh.
" I've just been thinking about this as my smoking spot the last couple of days.
Didn't think anyone else knew about it.
Well, I can go somewhere else.
- No, no, stay.
- Kay.
Are you Yeah, my son's in pediatric ANU.
Mine's in pediatric cardiology.
We don't need to ask each other how they are? 'Cause obviously they're both quite ill.
Uh, here.
We're waiting for the results of Luke's MRI.
They're worried about encephalitis.
My Matt's just gone into surgery.
Atrioventricular septal defect.
Hole in his heart.
To repair the hole, they need to stop his heart.
And, it turns out, mine.
Scary, innit? How old is Matt? - 7.
- Same as Luke.
- It's a long op.
- Hmm.
All we can do now is trust the surgeons and pray.
I was saying earlier, I've been praying.
Don't know who to, 'cause I've got no, well, religion, but I've definitely been praying to this being, this vague shape of a being.
And I've just realized who it is.
Who? - Bowie.
- David Bowie? Yeah.
- That's so - I don't know.
The last couple of days, I've found it helps to think back to specific moments with Matt.
Not significant ones particularly, not first steps or first words.
Mundane moments around the house, doing crayon drawings in the kitchen or eating pasta bake.
I yeah.
And I relive those moments over again, and it helps.
That's useful.
Thank you.
Just random moments replayed.
What the fuck have you done now? It jumped out of my hand.
Open the fucking door, Luke.
You're a waste of space, mate.
They need to show us Luke's scan.
Gotta go.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
Luke's been intubated and sedated, but his seizures aren't stopping, and the pressure on his brain isn't decreasing.
So we'd like to place him into a pentobarbital-induced coma.
Just for two or three days to reduce the swelling caused by the encephalitis.
What are the risks with that? They can be substantial.
Respiratory depression, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, and an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
I won't.
I won't let them do it.
I won't let you do it.
What if we say no? The type of encephalitis Luke has carries a mortality rate of about 30%.
Because of the brain swelling, the skull can push down onto the brain stem, which affects breathing and circulation.
Could we have five minutes to talk about it? - Of course.
- Right.
Just to be clear, the extent of the swelling is what we can see on the scan here? He's got a big head, hasn't he? We don't know if it's a boy yet.
It had better bloody be, head that size.
No, big-headed women have a tough time.
Wedding hats and so on.
I was convinced Paul was gonna be a girl.
Yep, convinced.
Instinct, intuition, whatever you call it.
I bought all pink things, little dresses, and then out he pops with his little prawn.
More like a Morgan Bay shrimp.
Can you not penis-shame me as a baby please? You actually do this quite a lot, and it's just it's just weird.
Baby boys have small penises.
A baby boy with a huge, adult penis, then you'd have to worry.
We didn't have any boys' names ready 'cause I had chosen all girls' names.
Paula, Pauline Hang on, I think I can see where this is headed.
No idea.
Anyway Congratulations.
We didn't wanna tell you before 12 weeks.
No, 'cause so much can go wrong.
- Yeah.
- But it's all gonna go right.
Can you pay extra for color? Or are these all in black and white? - I think she's right.
- No.
- Ally, he could die.
- Okay, then fine, fine.
You do it.
You put him into this coma.
Go ahead.
Don't you fucking dare put this on me.
This has to be our decision, both of us.
- A coma, Paul? - Yeah, I know.
Deliberately putting our baby boy into a coma.
I know.
I know.
But it could save his life, right? So I think we have to take the risk.
Mummy! - Hi! - Hey, darling.
- Hey, darling.
- Sorry.
- He's brought her back.
- We had a set-to about nuggets, and it all went wrong.
She wants to see you.
She wants to see Luke.
I couldn't hit her, so I just did what you said.
Where's Luke? Um Luke is about to have a bit of a sleep, darling.
So you can see him after.
I'll tell Dr.
I don't even know what a bloody nugget is.
We saw your mum downstairs.
She'll be up in a minute.
She was just buying co-codamol and a protein bar.
What is happening with Luke? Baby.
They are putting him into a coma.
Putting him into one? Aren't they meant to get you out of them? They're doctors, Jim.
They know what they're doing.
Well, I hope so.
- Mum.
- Come here.
What is a nugget then? Do you remember Birds Eye cod balls? Yeah.
It's like that, but chicken.
They sound fantastic.
So now, let's just remind ourselves about pain relief.
Hmm? Now, we've chatted about gas and air.
You'd like some of that, wouldn't you, Robert? Well, it sounds like it could And we've talked about TENS machines and water births, but do you know one aspect of pain relief in labor that people don't tend to talk about? No? - I was making a noise.
- No shit.
Now, when we make these kind of animal noises, we release oxytocin and endorphins, and we relieve our pain.
All right.
On all fours please, ladies.
Let's do that.
That's it.
Okay, down we go.
And Good.
Right, let me hear those moans.
Good, good.
Right, partners, let's have some solidarity please.
I want you all to join in, so on your knees.
And Come on, and you, Mr.
Odd One Out.
Down you go.
Hands and knees.
Can you stop fucking laughing? I'm so sorry.
It's just if your worst enemy wanted to devise a torture you'd hate the most, it would've been that.
Yeah, I know, hon, I know.
Your little face! Christ.
Do you think that's her sex noise? - That, but louder.
- Mm.
I am very, very happy that I'm having a baby with you.
And I'm really happy that I'm having a baby with you.
See, it's fun! - It's all right, innit? - Yeah.
That's really good! Dad.
You should go home.
Get some sleep.
No, I'm fine.
I wanna feel like I'm useful.
Do you want anything from the snack machine? No, no.
God no, thanks.
I'm already half man, half Mini Cheddars.
I met this woman outside when I was smoking.
We were weirdly flirty given that our children are both seriously ill.
Human beings are complicated.
You forget I used to work in an off-license.
Well, how's this for a complication? For a minute, I wished her son would die.
- You what? - Mm-hmm.
Yeah, he's having open heart surgery, and just for a minute, I wished he would die.
Why? Because I thought that, you know, if one of our children has to die to appease the gods or to be punished for some sin or whatever, I'd rather it was her son and not mine.
That's not how it works, Paul.
- We're not fucking Aztecs.
- Mm-hmm.
But it's where this stuff takes you.
Christ almighty.
I'm gonna get some chocolate.
Hey, Bowie? If you're listening, I'm gonna ask this one more time.
If you let Luke live and recover, no complications, I promise you, I'm gonna be the best dad in history.
I won't shout.
I won't rage.
I won't swear.
I mean that.
I fucking mean it.
Please, please, Bowie.
Do what you can.
Thank you.
And "Hunky Dory" is possibly the best album ever made.
- Talking to yourself? - Probably.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You all right? - Yeah.
Listen, I couldn't sleep in the gaps between Luke's feeds, so I just thought I'd get up.
- Don't be angry with Luke.
- I'm not.
His first night at home.
Hon, I know.
- Is that weed? - No.
- Yes, it is.
- No, it's not.
It's hash and tobacco.
Since when did you smoke dope? Since a couple of weeks ago, when I fully realized I was gonna be a father.
Hmm? - I'm breastfeeding.
- Sorry, of course.
One of us needs to not be stoned.
I'm not stoned.
Tiny bit of resin in there.
It's like having half a shandy.
I just needed to Nah, I get it.
- This is it, isn't it? - Yep.
Never properly at peace ever again.
You don't really realize it, do you, until he's at home with you? It's wonderful, isn't it? It's sort of magical.
When you're handed this gift, and at the same time, it's a curse 'cause you suddenly have the possibility that the worst thing in the world could happen to you.
We'll keep him alive, Paul.
I guarantee that we will keep Luke alive.
Oh, he's hungry.
He's hungry.
That's a good sign.
You say he still has quite a bit of dizziness? Yes, we'll keep him in a couple more days to monitor him, but he looks like he'll be able to continue his recovery at home.
Thank you so much for everything.
Luke's been very lucky.
He's avoided the complications that often come with this kind of inflammation.
We have been hoping and praying very, very hard for this.
Well, whoever you were praying to came through for you.
Darren, hi! You got my text.
I did.
Such brilliant news about Luke.
You must be so relieved.
Wondered whether I might say hi to him.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
It's still no visitors outside family.
I'm sorry, you've come all this way.
No, no, don't worry.
I'm here with Karen anyway.
- Oh.
Is she - Oh, there's nothing wrong with her.
In fact, it's the opposite.
She's she's pregnant with twins.
Oh, my God, Darren! That is amazing news! I know! The balls have finally done their job.
Well done, your balls.
Your excellent balls.
Thank you.
I'm so pleased for you.
Karen's in and out for monitoring, - which is the IVF way.
- Yeah.
I didn't wanna tell you our news until you were sure that Luke was, you know Oh, that's I really appreciate that.
And I know that we should talk about Berlin at some point too.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
We should.
Nick's sort of holding the fort out there, - but he's not you.
- No, no, I know, but obviously, with Luke, I can't guarantee Well, let's not talk about it now, but we should talk about it very soon.
I'll get back to Karen and the fetuses.
Go, your balls! Yay.
Go, my balls! Sorry.
- Give me Giraffe! - No, you can't have it! - Mine! - Can you get me pepper? - Hmm? Yeah.
- I don't want to! - Because it's mine! - It's mine! Hey, do you fancy eating out one night soon? Yeah, great.
That'd be nice.
- Hmm.
- Thanks.
We haven't really left Luke alone with anyone else since Yeah, I know.
We'll have to get used to that, 'cause school gets back soon.
- Yeah, yeah.
- And I need to - Go back to Berlin? - It's mine! No! No! I do have to go back, Paul, like, soon.
No, I know.
Because if the Berlin office fails, then the whole company collapses.
Like, UK operation as well.
No, absolutely.
I totally get it.
And you'll wanna take that think tank job Daniel offered you? Well, yeah, I'm not sure I can now if you have to be heading back.
Yeah, but do you want to take it? Yeah, of course I wanna take it.
It's exciting, and I haven't been excited by anything at work since the Ronaldo and bird flu era.
Mum thinks that all this has the potential to ruin us.
Well, yeah, it could.
- But it won't.
- 'Cause we're solid, right? - No, we're not solid.
- What? I think that's a good thing, though.
We're bendy.
Solid things get knocked over and bendy things don't.
We're good.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, of course we're good.
- Good.
Good, 'cause I mean, after all we've been through, I just - I don't think I could bear - Jesus Christ! Just give her the fucking giraffe, you spiteful little prick! Okay, Paul.
How can I help you? I think I might have some anger issues regarding my children.

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