Bridgerton (2020) s03e01 Episode Script

Out of the Shadows

[up-tempo classical music plays]
[driver shouts]
[driver] Hup!
[horses whinny]
Whistledown for you.
[Lady Whistledown] Dearest Gentle Reader,
we have been apart for far too long.
At last, London's fashionable set
has made its return.
And so too has this author.
It's good to be home.
It certainly is.
[Lady Whistledown] As the season begins,
the question on everyone's mind is,
of course, which newly minted debutante
will shine the brightest?
The crop this year
appears to be rather dazzling.
There is the exquisite Miss Malhotra,
said to be quite a catch.
Miss Stowell is thought to be
a most accomplished young lady.
The mild-mannered Miss Hartigan
will certainly appeal to genteel suitors.
Miss Kenworthy is a welcome entry,
brimming with confidence and charisma.
And then there is Miss Barragan,
who certainly stands out in a crowd.
[snorts] She wrote my name! [gasps]
[chuckles quietly]
It seems as though
your business is thriving.
As is yours.
[Lady Whistledown] And let us not forget,
should we all need a little excitement,
there is another Bridgerton
making her debut this year.
I cannot hear anything.
Probably because she knows
we are out here eavesdropping.
- I am sure that she is well enough.
- Oh, as you were last year?
This is not last year.
- Francesca is
- Very quiet.
Perhaps she has been stunned into silence
by the beauty of that giant feather.
I cannot wait to wear one.
Perhaps she has swallowed
that giant feather.
- We are not ready to go?
- Is there anything we can do to help?
Would you mind asking
whoever is playing downstairs
to quieten down so I might hear?
I can try, but is that not, in fact
[classical tune playing on piano]
Who else would be playing pianoforte
in this house?
Certainly not me.
[Violet] Francesca?
Why, there you are. Dear.
- Francesca.
- There's no need to shout.
All those piano lessons in Bath
have reaped their reward.
- [chuckles]
- You've gotten good.
How did you get down here?
I've been outside your door all morning.
I woke up early. Got dressed.
Took breakfast in the garden.
Because it is just another day.
Shall we go?
Perhaps we do not need to worry so much.
You do realize what tune
she was playing just now, don't you?
Mozart's "Funeral March."
Oh God.
[Lady Whistledown] Debutantes aside,
there is also the question
of which gentleman will reveal himself
as the prize of the season.
For our young ladies
will certainly need someone dashing
at whom to set their caps.
Whoever it is
that makes the finest match this year,
let us hope that their pairing
brings some titillation.
[laughter and chattering]
[light classical music playing]
[laughter and chattering]
What are they all squawking about?
[Anthony] Like they
spotted a side of beef.
[women chuckling]
[Benedict] Is that
- Our brother.
- Colin.
[Colin] Family.
Apologies for my late arrival.
I got stuck in presentation traffic.
Do you not wish to greet me?
[indistinct chatting and laughter]
[Eloise exclaims]
[indistinct chattering]
[Benedict] Are you not gonna change, or
[Lady Whistledown] For, of the status quo,
this author quickly grows weary.
[theme music playing]
- You must tell us about your adventures.
- [Anthony] Yes.
Upon your return last season, we heard all
about your toil across the Mediterranean
by the time we broke our first fast.
Indeed. Under what foreign sun
did you apparently get so sturdy?
- [Colin] I was nowhere and everywhere.
- [chuckling]
- I shall not bore you with details.
- I must know, who are you?
- What have you done with our brother?
- This time away was exactly what I needed.
It has given me some sense of proportion.
I should like some proportion.
[Colin chuckles]
[stifling laughter]
- Miss Anne Hartigan.
- [Charlotte sighs]
Presented by her mother,
the Right Honorable Lady Hartigan.
[up-tempo classical music playing]
[announcer] Miss Dolores Stowell.
[in British Sign Language] She hated me.
[in BSL] Impossible. You were perfect.
[announcer] Miss Clara Livingston.
Shall I fetch you
a refreshment, Your Majesty?
Perhaps a casket.
The lack of interest here today
shall usher me
to an early grave at any moment.
[announcer] Miss Alexandra Moore.
Presented by her mother,
the Right Honorable Lady Moore.
Since when are you one
who simply glides in?
Since when do you wear so many ruffles?
- It is the style of the season.
- [announcer] Miss Natalie Green.
Presented by her mother,
the Right Honorable Lady Green.
[classical music fades out]
[exhales deeply]
It is your debut, Francesca.
Are you not excited?
I suppose entering society
means I might meet someone.
It would be pleasant to have my own house.
You are only a week back from Bath,
and already you are eager to escape us.
No. I simply could use some peace.
I'm afraid if peace is what you are after,
then this may all be rather overwhelming.
You know, even Daphne
Mama, do not trouble yourself.
If I can be at ease
in the chaos of our home,
surely, I shall find my way in the season.
[announcer] Miss Francesca Bridgerton,
presented by her mother,
the Right Honorable Dowager
Lady Bridgerton.
[light classical music builds slowly]
The Bridgerton girl, Your Majesty.
You have had good luck with Bridgertons.
[announcer] Miss Winifred Barragan.
Presented by her mother,
the Right Honorable Baroness Barragan.
[music peaks and fades out]
Unquestionably, our wedding
was much more beautiful than yours.
I thought our wedding was rather fine.
Yes. They do say
it is easier to impress older brides.
If it were to please my bride,
I would wed you a second time.
A third.
As many as it takes to make you happy.
And spend our dear departed Aunt Petunia's
money in the process, Mr. Dankworth?
Thank goodness Aunt Petunia died.
And just in time for our honeymoon.
- I rather liked Aunt Petunia.
- [Prudence scoffs] Of course you did.
She was a tiresome spinster
who always had her nose in a book.
She was not tiresome.
She just did not care for either of you.
Enough. Today we return to society
in good standing, our finances in order,
and without any man telling us what to do.
Let us enjoy this day.
[soft classical music plays]
[chuckles, muttering]
If I may speak my mind, ma'am.
You always do, Varley.
[clears throat] The Aunt Petunia story,
no offense to the dead,
but will anyone
really believe that a spinster
who never owned so much as a donkey cart
would have a fortune to leave to you?
[quietly] For heaven's sake.
No one in London knows how she lived.
For all they know, she could've been
hiding jars of coin under her floorboards.
The truth has a way
of rearing its ugly head.
But pay no heed to me.
There you are.
I take it you are finally done
with daydreaming?
I am. Shall we go?
[jaunty classical music playing]
[light chuckling]
[Lady Livingston] Where is she?
Not to pick a diamond
at the presentation is one thing,
but not to appear
at an event arranged in her honor
is another thing altogether.
Did our girls this morning
leave that much to be desired?
They do seem rather preoccupied.
Do you find yourself back in town
for any particular reason?
In search of something? Or someone?
If you're asking if I came back
to take a wife this season,
I'm afraid the answer may disappoint.
Although, if there is one thing
I learned on my travels,
it is forever to expect the unexpected.
[chuckling lightly]
[laughter and indistinct chattering]
[Cressida] Oh, look.
If it isn't Penelope Featherington.
Back in a dress the color of
- Cressida.
- [Cressida] Eloise!
- There you are. I've been looking for you.
- [Eloise] And I for you.
Shall we go and get some lemonade?
Splendid idea. I am parched with thirst.
Is it not congenial
to be back from the country?
All that draft and emptiness.
You do know others call that "fresh air"?
[Cressida] Of course.
Befriending you there
was a happy surprise.
But ultimately, it is London
where I am most at home.
And the season will be all the better
now I have you by my side.
[Eloise] Of course.
I've been dreaming of my future husband
since I was a child.
He should be handsome,
romantic, intelligent.
Do not forget well-bred and tall.
I have always pictured a man
who writes poetry. But above all else,
it should be someone who gives me
butterflies just by looking at him.
[chuckles softly]
And you, Miss Francesca?
[clears throat]
Someone kind, I suppose.
Well, that is plain.
You do not want someone unkind.
[chuckling] No. Of course not.
[awkward chuckling]
[Violet] One week returned from honeymoon,
and already my son
has left you to fend for yourself.
[chuckles lightly]
Our time away means
Anthony's stack of paperwork
has grown nearly to the ceiling.
With luck,
he'll be caught up by the first ball.
Let us hope so. With two sisters
out in society this season,
the work has only just begun.
She seems rather composed, does she not?
Quite practical.
She is, but practicality
is quite the opposite of love.
I am eager to see how she will fare.
And Eloise?
I do not understand this new friendship.
[chuckles quietly]
But I spent enough time last season
trying to assist her
until my assistance
nearly drove her outside society.
So I am not interfering.
For now.
- You always see your children so clearly.
- [chuckles]
I hope to be half the viscountess you are.
I am sure you will be even greater.
And forgive me. I will move
into a dower house as soon as I find one.
It is quite a task
having two girls in society at once.
Do not worry.
Back in India, mothers stay in the home
long beyond their children's wedding.
I am grateful to have you close.
Lady Bridgerton.
[both] Yes.
- Oh!
- Oh, dear.
- [laughter]
- Are you enjoying the festivities today?
Very much.
Although the queen's absence is noted.
I do think she finds herself
somewhat reticent
after her instincts
went astray last season.
But, of course,
it all worked out in the end.
- [chuckling]
- I would not worry.
Perhaps you should tell that
to the other mamas.
- [whimsical music plays]
- Mmm
My travels? I cannot begin
to share my travel adventures with you.
If I did, you would swoon.
- [Colin] And we cannot have that.
- [chuckling]
How is it possible
your dance cards for the season
are not yet full of suitors?
[girls chuckling]
You are flowers in bloom.
Each one of you.
My stories from abroad are not suitable
for such tender young ladies.
Were I to tell you
even the tiniest adventure, well,
I'd be forced to marry you.
[girls chuckling]
Such an array of beautiful ladies.
Men will be fighting over you.
I cannot compete.
[girl] Oh
[whimsical music peaks and fades out]
We woke up to find
he had fled in the night.
He did not even stop
to take his gun cabinet. Or me.
[Lady Cowper] Well, let us hope
that whoever lays claim to be
the next Lord Featherington
has more scruples.
Or does common thievery run in the family?
In fact,
there shall be no more laying claim,
as the last Lord Featherington
wrote a document
bequeathing the estate to my girls.
Just as soon as
one of them produces an heir.
Did he?
Shall we get some refreshments?
Perhaps something strong?
Pen. It is good to see you.
Is it?
Truly. It has felt like I've been absent
years instead of months.
Much has certainly changed in that time.
A good deal, I know,
but it was all the rage in Paris.
You look distinguished.
But, then again, you always have.
When all is said and done,
it is merely clothing.
Whereas elsewhere,
things seem to have fundamentally changed.
Am I mistaken, or was Eloise walking
arm-in-arm with Cressida Cowper?
As you said,
sometimes time moves rather quickly.
[Philippa] Why didn't you tell us sooner
one of us would be
the new Lady Featherington?
What purpose would there be
in telling either of you to make a son?
You're both married women.
Must we tell a baker to bake?
Technically, one of our sons
would be the new Lord Featherington.
One of us would be the heir's mama.
"One of us"? You think you are part
of this race? With what husband?
Technically, when I'm the heir's mama,
the first necessity will be
ridding the house of dusty books.
After, of course,
I've changed Mama's ghastly curtains.
Do not worry. I will let you
keep your books in the cloakroom.
Oh! Which, I imagine, will be empty,
as who will want to visit either of you?
Neither of you will be inheriting anything
if you do not go home and get to work.
Can we not come over for pudding first?
Your cook is so much better than ours.
Well, that's your fault
for marrying men without title. Go!
[light classical music playing]
Let us hope they take their time.
I take comfort in knowing that you
will always be here to take care of me.
[exhales deeply]
[pensive classical music playing]
[pensive music intensifies]
[music peaks and fades out]
I do not wish to see
a citrus color ever again.
Sour colors, indeed.
But what has brought about
this sudden desire for change?
I cannot live at home any longer.
It's been hard enough living
under my mother's rules. But my sisters
To live at the whim
of either the most cruel
or the most simple person I know
I must take a husband before that happens.
It is time.
I see.
And does my lady
have a certain suitor in mind?
I should like to be sensible.
Someone kind,
who allows me my privacy,
for obvious reasons.
Then a new look is just the thing.
Perhaps something
like what they are wearing in Paris?
[light tune playing on piano]
- I love it, brother. Where is it from?
- A trader in Marseille.
My perfume is from Paris?
Where are my handsome playing cards from?
Is this writing Spanish?
- You visited France and Spain?
- My sheet music is Italian.
Exactly how many cities
did you visit in four months?
I lost count, in truth.
No. Not in here.
Outside, where our mother can't see.
[Colin chuckles]
Francesca, where is your sister?
Eloise! Time for the modiste.
Will this family ever be on time?
A gift for you, Mother.
Thank you.
It is lovely.
[both chuckle]
Oh, my. We really are late. [chuckles]
[whimsical music playing]
Eloise. Surely you are not eager
to hasten to the modiste?
- [chuckles]
- I've something for you.
- Ah! Here it is.
- It is a book.
- A rare Bavarian text on the rights
- I am reading something.
- It is called Emma.
- A novel?
You have never been one
for silly romances.
[music fades out]
Perhaps my tastes have changed.
The writings I read before
of women making their way outside society,
those were the romances.
This book has humor and truth
the pains of friendship.
It is altogether more probable.
And I take it your taste in friendship
has changed as well?
Cressida surprised me this summer.
She showed me kindness
in the country when no one else would.
And what of Penelope?
We have simply grown apart.
Lady Whistledown
nearly ruined me last season.
I lost the battle, and I have no appetite
for the war. I've joined the winning side.
Not unlike you, I take it?
Or is this truly the new you?
A man cannot tell his secrets.
Must be lonely.
[bright classical music playing]
[music fades out]
Could you please meet me
in the carriage, Rae?
[shop bell rings]
I've been hoping we would meet.
Did not seem so when you were hiding away
in the countryside this summer.
I avoided society because
I did not know if you'd want to see me.
And because you were worried
I might reveal your secret.
I do appreciate you keeping it.
Eloise, I am so sorry about everything.
For what you did, or because I discovered
it was you who wrote such damning things?
You may not understand,
but I was trying to protect
No, I do not need your explanations.
I have kept your secret exactly because
I do not wish to keep revisiting the past.
Now you have your life, and I have mine.
With Cressida?
- [scoffs]
- Are you really friends with her?
I wish you very well, Penelope.
Your Madeira, sir.
I am not one to complain
about a mid-afternoon tipple,
but what's the occasion?
To thank you for taking care of the estate
while I was on honeymoon.
I was surprised to see
every "t" crossed and "i" dotted.
Well, I do not know
whether to be moved or offended.
Perhaps both?
In truth, I enjoyed having a purpose.
Whereas now that you're back,
I'm not certain what I'm supposed to do.
I'm certain Mother has a list
of ladies she could offer you.
Brother, please take
some of his attention.
And you, I invited here
to congratulate on your many new admirers.
I'm not certain that should cheer me.
Bridgertons, my apologies for the wait.
- Business is good.
- [Benedict] We are glad to see it.
- Will you join us for one?
- Pardon me. Um
Wife business comes first. [chuckles]
Mr. Dundas is here to see us, Will.
Mr. Dundas. Can I offer you a drink?
[chuckles] No. No, thank you.
Ah. I shall be quick.
And now that I have you both.
Are you aware, Mrs. Mondrich,
of your great-aunt, Lady Kent?
Kent, yes.
We met once in my youth. A very cold lady.
She is colder now, I am afraid.
Oh, she's died?
Has she left us something?
She has not left you something.
She has left your son Nicholas everything.
And while you have several cousins
more closely related to her,
none have male children.
As such, Nicholas shall be
the next Baron of Kent.
[hopeful classical music playing]
Perhaps we might need drinks.
[music fades out]
[dog barking]
[gentle classical music playing]
[Kate pants]
[both moan softly]
[Kate panting slowly]
[Anthony moans softly]
[Violet] Do not run. She will hear you.
[Gregory chattering]
- [Anthony] Ignore them.
- I cannot.
- [Francesca] Go away! She will hear you.
- Trust me.
What's happening there cannot be as
important as what's happening down here.
Making an heir.
[both laugh]
You do know
that what we are doing
is not how one makes an heir?
We have to start somewhere.
It is my first week
as viscountess in my new home.
Tonight is Lady Danbury's ball.
I must make a good impression.
[Kate laughs]
[light classical music plays]
[indistinct overlapping chatter]
[music fades out]
I should like to try something
a little different tonight.
[uplifting classical music plays]
[music fades out]
[indistinct overlapping chatter]
[up-tempo classical tune playing]
[Lady Danbury] Ah
Oh, Lady Danbury,
you have outdone yourself once again.
As you know,
the first ball is no small thing.
I do not take it lightly.
[classical tune ends]
[Cressida] I wonder what
Whistledown will write about next issue.
The season is off to quite a dull start.
I am sure she will find something.
Or make something up.
Pardon me, miss.
We failed to collect your cloak.
Yes, of course.
[uplifting classical music playing]
I do not think that will be necessary.
[Prudence] Is everyone staring at us?
Jealousy, my love, that you are now mine.
It is not us they stare at.
[Philippa] She spends my fortune
before I can claim it!
That is her intention.
If she wants to wear
such a melancholy color,
that is her prerogative.
I told the contessa that,
in my homeland, we do not
[song fades out]
[up-tempo classical tune plays]
Miss Featherington. A pleasure to see you.
What a striking gown you have on.
You as well, my lord.
Uh [chuckles]
Not the gown part, obviously.
The first part.
It is a pleasure to see you all
in your proper evening dress,
which is not at all gown-like.
You genuinely enjoy embroidery?
Of course I do. There is
simply so much one can do with it.
For example?
Since you have asked,
the stem stitch, tried and true.
The straight stitch,
running stitch, chain stitch.
The French knot, if one was feeling bold.
[Miss Hartigan] Oh, yes! [chuckles]
I like to read very much.
Perhaps too much.
My mama is always telling me
put my books down.
Not that there is anything wrong
with reading, of course.
I'm not sure of her reasoning.
Do you all like to read?
[Miss Hartigan]
The feather stitch, the fly stitch.
Ooh! The detached chain stitch. [chuckles]
Do you not have a favorite, Miss Eloise?
Wha The uh, shift stitch. [chuckles]
I'm not familiar.
It's the one that shifts this conversation
perhaps to something besides embroidery.
A jest.
How clever.
[light classical music playing]
- Perhaps
- I Oh [chuckles]
Uh, forgive me. Uh Please.
You were saying, Lord Barnell?
[Lord Barnell] I was going to say
perhaps we should take our leave,
lest we remain too long and give
Lady Whistledown something to write about.
And that one. Who is she?
That, Your Majesty,
is Miss Penelope Featherington.
This is her third season out.
But there are several
impressive new contenders
for Your Majesty's favor,
should you care to grace them with such.
And why should I grace them with anything?
Well, there is some anxiety
amongst the mamas
that you have not yet selected a diamond.
A diamond is precious
precisely because it is rare.
I throw one diamond ball,
and anxious mamas expect
a diamond every year. Hmm.
I threw a zebra ball once.
Do they expect a new zebra each year?
Mmm Well, you are right.
You have only named the diamond once.
I believe it was Lady Whistledown
who named the diamond the first year.
How right she was about the duchess.
[Charlotte] Mmm.
Miss Francesca, tell us,
what are your hobbies?
I play the pianoforte.
That is magnificent.
And your other interests?
Pianoforte does take up
a great deal of my time. [chuckles]
I think what Lord Fife means to say is,
who are you besides your hobbies?
Yes. What do you desire?
What do you despise?
What makes you, uh, tick?
I think my brother needs me.
If you would excuse me one moment.
Brother, I should like a moment alone.
Of course.
Oh, dear. Is Francesca quite well?
She simply needed a moment, as do I.
And I should like to use that moment
to dance with my beautiful wife.
Please enjoy yourselves.
- [whispers] Interference.
- [Violet chuckles, inhales]
[sweeping classical music plays]
[Penelope] You ought to take to the floor.
[Francesca] Ought I?
Once one finds oneself on the wall,
it is difficult to come off it.
No matter what one does.
At least the wall is not asking
what makes me tick.
[Penelope] Did you not enjoy
conversing with those gentlemen?
[Francesca] I expected conversation.
I did not expect to be inspected
as if I were some rare insect
writhing under a microscope.
You do not much like
attracting notice, do you?
Not really. No.
Perhaps that does make you rare.
It seems as though every Bridgerton
was born to attract notice
in one way or another.
I am different from my siblings as well.
It can be difficult, can it not?
But they are wonderful, each of them.
I know. You are lucky for that.
And you are lucky to have so much notice.
Even if it is trying.
For some of us, notice is very slight.
Miss Francesca. A dance?
[music fades out]
Of course, my lord.
You really ought
to take to the floor again.
It's difficult to come off the wall
once you are on it.
[chuckles softly]
[bright classical music plays]
Are you well, Miss Featherington?
Yes. Forgive me. Cold headache.
From the ice cream
or the very congenial-looking miss
with the sneer?
Do not worry. I've been the recipient
of an untold number of withering looks.
Hers was mediocre at best.
Um, Lord Debling, is it not?
And why do I have the feeling that you,
in turn, know how to make one wither
if you so choose?
Well, I I suppose
I do not. [chuckles]
[chuckles, coughs] Uh
Excuse me. I
- [fabric tears]
- Ooh!
How mortifying! I am so clumsy.
My deepest apologies.
Heavens. Well, accidents will happen.
Miss Featherington,
I shall find a maid to help you.
It'd be most appreciated.
Miss Cowper.
It is a pity you did not choose
something sturdier.
Perhaps if you had not bought
such cheap fabric,
it would not have ripped. [chuckles]
Pen, I am I'm so sorry.
There were perhaps some late nights.
Pen? She did not look well, did she?
The Featherington girl?
Why concern yourself with her?
I want to know what happened
on these late nights.
Whatever happened to you, I must say,
you are much more fun this season.
Do excuse me, just a moment.
[footman] Right away, miss.
The carriage for Miss Featherington!
[man] Aye.
- Pen.
- Colin.
What are you doing out here?
I am just getting some fresh air.
Why are you leaving so soon?
Especially in such a charming dress.
- Do not mock me, please.
- Mock you?
I assure you I am quite serious.
The color rather suits you.
Good night, Mr. Bridgerton.
- Do you not need a chaperone?
- Spinsters don't need chaperones.
[chuckles] You are not a spinster.
I am in my third year on
the marriage mart, with no prospects.
What would you call that?
Is something wrong, Pen?
Between us, I mean.
I wrote to you this summer,
as I always do.
And well, you did not respond.
Admittedly, very few did. But
If you are going to make me
say it out loud,
I miss you.
You miss me?
You miss me, but you'd never court me.
Is that correct?
Pen, I
I overheard you
at my mama's ball last season,
telling everyone how you would
never court Penelope Featherington.
Perhaps we should talk
somewhere more private?
Because I embarrass you?
Of course you would never court me.
I am the laughingstock of the ton,
even when I change my entire wardrobe.
It never occurred to me that you,
of all people, could be so cruel.
[tense classical music playing]
[birds chirping]
[music fades out]
There is, um, a gentleman
here to see you, ma'am.
Lady Featherington,
I am pleased to make your acquaintance.
Good day, Mr
Walter Dundas, Esquire.
I work for the Crown,
responsible for ensuring
the lines of succession run smoothly
within our great families.
I see.
And, uh, to what do we owe the visit?
I have been made aware
that your cousin Jack Featherington
recently left town
with your entire fortune.
Yes, sir. My cousin, the swindler.
That man was a terrible liar.
I have in my possession
a document he signed granting the estate
to one of your daughters
once she produces a male heir.
Ah, yes, that document.
That document is valid.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
It is a rather unusual situation.
Are any of your daughters with child?
Oh, I do hope
to receive the news any day now.
I see.
Currently, the Crown is unaware
of another living male heir.
It would be quite a task
transferring the estate to another family.
A great deal of upheaval
for the Featherington tenants and society,
and, frankly, me.
But should I find that this rather
convenient document is, in fact, forged
before one of your girls has an heir,
the upheaval may indeed be necessary.
Well, then,
it is a good thing
the document is not forged,
and that my girls
do so love their husbands.
A very good thing indeed.
I shall pay
another visit to you very soon.
Such a beautiful home.
Good day.
Thankfully, I do not have
much competition this season.
Aside from Francesca, who stirred
a good deal of interest, I suppose.
But I do believe my handling of Penelope
was a clear message. Would you agree?
I believe the message was received by all
with that particular trick.
You disapprove?
- I thought we did not like Penelope.
- What you did was cruel and unnecessary.
You often talk of how difficult
it has been for you to find a husband.
But do you not think it might be easier
if you displayed a bit less frankness?
It has been difficult to find a husband.
It has been more difficult still
to find a friend.
I've not had many since my debut.
Not real ones.
I did as a girl.
But the season has a way
of coming between young ladies,
pitting us against one another.
I suppose I've fallen prey to it once
or twice.
- Or thrice.
- [chuckles]
But you are right.
Society does not seek
to forge affections amongst us. I
I thought I was the only one who noticed.
I did try to befriend you
in your first season out.
But you rejected my suit.
I actually do not blame you.
I have not always been kind.
But whatever Penelope did
to lose your friendship
you are right.
She is undeserving of my attention.
And of yours.
Let us think only of ourselves.
We are far more interesting.
I'm inclined to agree with you.
[pleasant classical music plays]
You are back.
[music fades out]
How were your meetings?
Not nearly as good as our bed.
Shall we return to it?
- [sighs]
- Mmm
There is a matter
I must discuss with you first.
Your mother.
I know.
I know. She's doing
everything she can to delay her move.
- I will speak with her today.
- What if you did not?
Your mother enjoys
being viscountess so much,
while I have already spent years
taking care of Edwina
and running the Sharma household.
And I've never seen you happier
than when you were away
from the duty of running this place.
[gentle music playing]
So why not put ourselves first for once
and extend the honeymoon?
Are you quite sure?
We have our lives
to be viscount and viscountess.
For now, the only duty that interests me
is making an heir or two.
[sighs] Ah
- Let your mother stay a little longer.
- I do not want to speak
of my mother a moment longer.
[Kate grunts]
[both moaning, panting]
[music fades out]
My dear.
Tell me, how was last night? Mm?
Did you enjoy your first ball?
It was satisfactory.
My dear,
think of the balls as playing a duet.
When you play with another person,
there is a certain vulnerability
which can be quite frightening,
I would imagine. But it is worth it
once you find that person with whom you
make an unexpected harmony.
I'm not frightened of the balls, Mama.
Or of finding a match.
What you and Father,
and Daphne and Anthony
all have is enviable,
but it is also rare.
And I am not certain I need to feel
butterflies or unexpected harmony,
per your metaphor. [chuckles]
But you will at least be open
if love comes your way.
Let us see what happens.
Ma'am? The viscountess is looking for you.
[Violet chuckles lightly]
[somber music playing]
You have a visitor, miss.
I'm sorry for intruding.
[music fades out]
It's all right.
And I am very sorry
for my callous comment here last year.
- It pains me to see you upset.
- Then perhaps you should not have come.
I am not the man I was last season.
And I'm most certainly not ashamed of you.
The opposite is true, in fact.
I seek you out at every social assembly
because I know you will lift my spirits
and make me see the world
in ways I could not have imagined.
You are clever and warm and
I am proud to call you
my very good friend.
It has been vexing
watching you walk back
into society with such ease.
When every year, I pray I might finally
feel that way amidst the marriage mart,
and that comfort never materializes.
Well, if a husband is what you seek,
then let me help you.
Help me how?
I was in 17 cities this summer,
and what I have learned
is that charm can be taught.
Colin, I cannot have you with me,
whispering into my ear in every ballroom.
You will not need that.
We will have lessons.
And you will quickly master them,
I am certain.
There is nothing more I want than
to earn back the favor of the one person
who has always truly
made me feel appreciated.
What do you say?
You want me to shake your hand?
It is perhaps unusual,
but are we not friends?
[pensive classical music plays]
[Colin] I shall see you soon.
[chuckles softly]
[woman] Is that Whistledown?
[Lady Whistledown] Dearest Gentle Reader,
when the tide of change turns,
it can be sudden, fierce, and deadly.
Especially for the unprepared.
It seems to this author
that our bon ton is moving
with the changing tide,
to be sure.
Lord Kent.
Welcome to your new home.
[Lady Whistledown] While others cling
firmly to that which they already know.
None more so than our queen,
who has still yet to choose a diamond.
This author wonders if her hesitancy
is a symptom of fortitude or fear.
If it is the latter,
pride in past achievements
will not benefit her,
as our debutantes
are ready to play this season.
Your serve, Your Majesty.
It seems Lady Whistledown
is playing games again.
Are you going to play along, Your Majesty?
I do love a game.
Especially when I am so often the victor.
[Penelope] Whistledown has come early.
I am reading it. Are you mad?
You of all people would be quite
interested in today's issue, Penelope.
Lady Whistledown has a good deal to say
about your precious Bridgertons.
Colin, in fact.
Whatever she's said about him,
she is wrong.
[Lady Whistledown] Dare I say,
this author is ready to play as well.
I do not fear change.
I embrace it.
And then there are some
who take the embrace of change
a step too far.
Good afternoon, sister.
Brother! Afternoon.
Where were you?
Nowhere. What are you reading?
You are mentioned.
[Lady Whistledown] And then there are some
who take the embrace of change
a step too far,
as with Mr. Colin Bridgerton,
who seems to have embraced
a new personality entirely.
But one must wonder,
is this new character the real him,
or simply a ploy for attention?
And does Mr. Bridgerton even know?
[music fades out]
[clears throat]
How are you?
I do not care what
Lady Whistledown writes about me.
But ruining Miss Thompson
I mean, Lady Crane,
and then nearly ruining you last season
I will never forgive her.
[tense music playing]
Do you
have any idea who she might be?
I do not.
But trust me, if I ever find out,
I will make sure
it is her life that is ruined.
[music intensifies]
[music fades out]
[theme music playing]
[music ends]
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