Bridgerton (2020) s03e02 Episode Script

How Bright the Moon

[light classical music playing]
Evidently, diamonds
are not so rare, after all.
Which is exactly why
I am not choosing one,
no matter how many jewels
anxious mamas might send.
So you are unperturbed
by what Lady Whistledown has written?
[chuckling scoff] That she thinks
I am afraid of choosing a diamond?
Why should I be?
I hear my choice last year, Miss Edwina,
has made a splendid match abroad.
[Lady Danbury] Certainly, Your Majesty.
So why not continue with your success?
And give Whistledown
exactly what she wants? I will not.
Besides, I have not seen
nearly enough from this year's girls.
If I am to grant someone my favor,
she must do more to earn it.
[Lady Danbury] I see.
I shall simply choose someone
Who sparkles?
- Precisely.
- Hmm.
My sparkler shall make
the best match of the season,
and then Whistledown
will be reminded once and for all.
It is she who should be afraid.
[Lady Whistledown] Gentle Reader,
it is said that fools rush to judge
while the wise watch and wait.
Years ago, Miss Henderson,
once thought to be on the shelf,
triumphed over many a deb
to marry Earl Fraser.
Miss Dunham
had been doomed to spinsterhood
until she married Baron Ely.
And Miss Kathani Sharma,
at the ripe age of six-and-twenty,
still managed to capture the heart
of none other than
the Viscount Bridgerton.
I am glad your mama
let you keep your dresses.
A looking glass does not lie.
[Lady Whistledown] The truth is
that which some dismiss as common rock,
time reveals to be precious stone.
A fact the new Baron of Kent
and his family
are learning this very week.
Through that door is the east wing.
The west wing.
And if you'll follow me
[pleasant classical music playing]
[Alice] Boys!
No one touch anything.
Upstairs, you will find your library,
as well as the music room,
the private drawing room,
your writing room, and the study.
How many rooms are there?
including the servants' quarters.
Mind you do not bother Mrs. Khanna,
or you'll have to clean them all yourself.
And this is your bedchamber,
Mrs. Mondrich,
just opposite Mr. Mondrich's.
- Separate rooms?
- Of course.
That is how it is done.
[Lady Whistledown] At other times,
what appeared to be priceless,
under pressure, shatters like glass.
The Kent estate
has gone to the son of a boxer.
What if some shopkeeper or or
or chimney sweep is next in line for ours?
Why worry yourself, ma'am?
One of the girls will make good.
Here we go.
Oh, dear God.
Mama, Rae is accompanying me
to Rotten Row for fresh air.
Can you not see we're busy here?
- [Philippa] Catch.
- Oh!
- [Philippa laughs]
- [grunting]
[Lady Whistledown]
What this author knows to be true
is that diamonds
are not the only gems that sparkle.
Oh. Would you prefer to be promenading
with your fellow debutantes?
Would you like to watch grass grow?
- [Colin chuckles]
- And it is not me they are eyeing.
[Eloise chuckles]
I do not understand
the limits of your new outlook.
You're snug with Cressida
but have no interest in other debutantes.
You wear a ribbon in your hair,
but where is your fan?
Why must I be
the object of your curiosity?
It is not me
whose outlook has most changed.
[Benedict] Mmm.
Did you not promise Anthony
you would give society a try?
[Benedict sighs]
I shall see you both later.
Perhaps one of those ladies
has a fan I might borrow.
Looks like it may become rather warm.
[bright classical music playing]
So how do we begin?
Perhaps there is a book
I might read on charm?
Are you certain you want my help
after what Lady Whistledown wrote?
She has never been more wrong
about anyone. Let us pay her no heed.
Indeed. Sooner or later,
she will be caught,
and we shall dance
on the day of her demise.
Now, no more talk of books.
If you are to secure a match,
you must engage in real life.
I should like to see
your skills as they are first.
But I have none.
You know how to wave your fan.
Flutter your lashes.
Often, that is all it takes.
Men are quite simple beings.
Well, I just suppose I can show you. I
Not me.
[indistinct chattering]
I believe you know Miss Featherington.
[Penelope chuckles softly]
How delightful to see you all.
Such splendid weather we are having.
Miss Featherington, you seem discomposed.
And, if you forgive me,
I am quite well, my lord.
[grunts lightly]
[exhales sharply]
[exhales deeply]
[music ends]
I hear Lord Courtenay
arrived in town last night.
He did. He is rather handsome
and a lover of music, I hear.
Is he? Perhaps a good match for Francesca?
Oh, he's not the only one.
Lords Petri and Godwin
are both great supporters
of the arts as well.
- Are they also handsome?
- You must talk to all three.
It is good to have options.
You may have more than you realize.
The reason that I have come for tea today
is to inform you that Her Majesty
is not done with the season.
She is still seeking her diamond
by some other name.
Nevertheless, she desires to see more.
Does she?
- I believe so.
- Ah.
And it could be anyone.
- Anyone?
- [sighs]
Anyone who has already made their debut.
[both chuckling]
She is. She's going to be a hand
[yawns exaggeratedly]
It is fatiguing
preparing to be lady of this house.
Shall I take your fatigue as a good sign?
That you have been engaging
in the, uh, necessary activities?
Albion and myself have frequented three
different places of business this morning.
Places of business? What kind of places?
Uh, an upholsterer, a silk mercer, and
[quietly] Do not let Varley hear,
but a meeting with a new housekeeper.
I might change some things
when I become the new Lady Featherington.
But I want to keep Varley.
Do you not think
that you are both putting the, uh,
cart somewhat before the horse?
There is, I trust, every reason to hope
both of you might, before long,
be presenting the family with an heir.
Mama! How rude.
Albion and I are very passionate.
- Of course.
- Good. And you?
[coughs] Mm.
This tea is it's quite bitter.
Never mind the tea.
[sighs] Yes, Mama.
We have been familiar with each other.
Well, I should hope you have.
- How often?
- Uh
- On our wedding night.
- Hmm
[chuckles quietly]
Do you think babies
simply appear in your womb?
You must be familiar
with each other often to create one.
But I want to be out with my husband,
showing him off, not in bed.
And it flattens my hair.
If you want to beat your sister,
you must try harder.
A full moon is on the rise.
A harbinger of fertility.
I suggest you make good use of it.
[light instrumental music playing]
[sighs deeply]
I am decidedly late.
It has been wonderful, ladies.
[chuckles lightly]
Same time tomorrow?
[indistinct background chatter]
[speaks indistinctly]
Are you quite sure
you wish to resume my lessons?
I would not be angry
if you found me to be a lost cause.
The truth is, you do not need a lesson.
You agree. I am unteachable.
You are very teachable.
You simply do not need to be taught.
You already know how to do this.
I assure you, I do not.
[Colin chuckles]
Do you remember when we first met?
I was riding my horse,
minding my own business,
when I was assaulted
- [chuckles]
- by a devilishly yellow head covering.
It was not my fault.
The wind blew it off my head.
Wind or not, you certainly seemed
pleased when I landed in the mud.
[chuckles] I apologized.
Yes. And you were
so very charming about it.
Teasing me. Mercilessly, in fact.
And I think I know why.
Because we were children.
Before the self-consciousness
of adulthood set in.
Before we started caring
what others think.
Colin, it is impossible to be in society
and not care what others think.
Society is entirely composed
of the judgment of others.
Do you know what I discovered
when I was abroad?
No one knew me.
No one knew who I was supposed to be.
I was entirely freed
of being the Colin Bridgerton
the ton knows me to be.
Which is how I became myself.
Pen, living for the estimation
of others is a trap.
Once you break free, the world opens up.
You make it sound so easy.
Good day.
[indistinct chattering]
Why is it you want a husband?
So that I may have my freedom.
So I may feel comfortable in the world.
I see.
And it will be finding that comfort
in yourself will get you there.
What is the one thing in the world
that makes you feel most comfortable now?
Most at ease?
It used to be Sunday teas
at Bridgerton House.
It was one of the few places I could
go unchaperoned and truly be myself. But
that is no longer a possibility.
I am sorry about whatever might be coming
between you and Eloise.
What exactly happened?
I should get back.
Before we are noticed.
[indistinct background chatter]
[light classical music builds slowly]
[driver] That's it!
I have long marveled at your shop
through the windows, Madame Delacroix,
but it is another pleasure entirely
to step inside.
[chuckles softly] Of late, there must be
many new pleasures, I imagine.
Over 30 new gowns,
all in desperate need of alteration.
[groans lightly]
I practically begged
the last Lady Kent to let me craft her
something more contemporary,
but she insisted on the old fashions.
Perhaps you might like
to spend some of that new fortune
on something more grand?
With such an unexpected
new face amongst them,
I believe it best to show the ton
that not everything has changed.
I understand your hesitation.
But remember,
the ton feeds on the nouveau,
and it gets ill-tempered
when it is hungry.
[shop bell jingles]
Look at this lovely French-blue satin.
Certainly this will catch the queen's eye.
I am so grateful now that Mama
has you to absorb her attention.
I can delay dealing with suitors
at least another year.
Maybe longer if you hold out as well.
I regret to disappoint you,
but the prospect of marriage
is the one aspect of the season
that I welcome.
I'm eager to find a suitable match
and be done with it
before Mother schemes
to get the queen interested in me.
I thought the queen was
uninterested in the season's ladies.
Lady Danbury says,
"The queen only waits to be dazzled."
Perhaps if there are others
vying for the queen's favor,
it will not matter what Mama is scheming.
Miss Hartigan. Miss Malhotra.
I have some information
you might like to know.
Hesitating, Hyacinth?
I do not hesitate.
And yet, here we are waiting.
It is to your good fortune,
as she fleeced you in the last hand.
- I play a long game.
- [Hyacinth clears throat]
I am pleased with my hand.
Now you hesitate.
I should like to trade.
- Mm?
- Mm.
[light classical music playing]
I am out of this round.
- Coward.
- He had a strategy.
We may need more coins,
the way Hyacinth is playing.
- [Benedict scoffs]
- Are you certain you're not cheating?
- Do you think me a magician?
- [Benedict] Mm.
Well, if you are,
please teach us some tricks.
No, thank you. I am happy to wait here.
[Colin] Penelope.
- I've been eagerly awaiting your visit.
- As have I.
But it'd be better to meet you at
the market instead of coming here first.
We are not going to the market this time.
We are going
to the Bridgerton drawing room.
Uh, but why?
Your next lesson, of course.
Uh, but Colin,
my maid is outside, and Eloise
Is out at the modiste
with Francesca and our mother.
- And the rest of your family?
- Playing cards in the garden.
You've seen my family play pall-mall.
You know how competitive we are.
Hyacinth loves to win,
Gregory hates to lose to her,
while Benedict will refuse
to miss the spectacle.
Trust me, not one of them will be leaving
that table in the immediate future.
You mentioned you were comfortable
at Bridgerton House,
so we are going to practice here.
Uh, I was comfortable
at Bridgerton House. Previously.
We needed a place to be alone.
Here, your maid can wait outside,
and we can pretend we are at a ball.
Have you gone mad?
Imagine it with me, Pen.
The quartet is by the pianoforte,
preparing for the Parisian quadrille.
Here, on the sofa,
some mamas are debating
the merits of the decoration.
Across the room,
gentlemen are asking
a young lady to dance.
And here, we have the lemonade table,
which is where we shall begin.
Very well.
Shall I pretend to flirt
with the imaginary cellist? [chuckles]
No. With the dashing suitor
you just met by the refreshments.
I'm the perfect person to practice on.
You don't have to be embarrassed.
You know me.
That is exactly why I will feel
even more embarrassed. I know you.
[Colin sighs]
Forgive me. It is only [sighs]
Deep inside,
I know I can be clever and amusing, but
somehow, my character gets lost
between my heart and my mouth,
and I find myself saying the wrong thing
or, more likely, nothing at all.
Forget what is wrong or right.
Imagine what you would want
to say to me if I were a suitor
without concerning yourself with
how I might receive it.
[light classical music playing]
Your eyes
are the most remarkable shade of blue.
Yet, somehow, they shine even brighter
when you are kind.
I might say something like that
if you were a suitor.
Well, that was, uh, rather direct.
- Um [clears throat]
- Um
[Eloise] I believe
I did them a great service.
[Francesca] Unless you care to tell Mama
about your "great service."
- Eloise is here.
- You can hide in the study.
[tense music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[breathing deeply]
[music fades out]
[pensive music plays]
"I can now declare with great certainty
that Paris has some
of the most beautiful women in the world."
"How lucky I am to be surrounded by them,
on the tree-lined streets of Le Marais,
in the charming cafés
along the Seine at times
when the city is still, alone at night."
[inhales sharply]
[Colin] "In those moments alone,
as my fingers trace freckles
from cheek to collarbone,
or as I watch the way
starlight dances across skin,
I marvel at how
one can feel such intimacy,
but also such great distance."
- [shudders]
- Pen.
- Were you reading that?
- No. I did not mean to.
- Mean to pick up my journal and read it?
- No. I did, but I should not have.
No, you should not. Whatever you read
was not meant for another's eye.
- [glass shatters]
- [gasps]
- Damn!
- Colin, your hand!
- It is nothing.
- It is not nothing. Stay there.
[Colin grunts]
Let me.
[soft classical music builds slowly]
Your writing
it is very good.
Perhaps we should pause for the day.
[music stops]
- Will I see you tonight?
- Uh
Indeed. Thank you for the, um lesson.
[soft music plays]
[soft music intensifies]
[soft music fades out]
[intriguing music builds slowly]
Any adornments, ma'am?
Perhaps simplicity is better?
Would you not like to at least see?
We may have had
different taste in garments
but Lady Kent
certainly had an eye for jewels.
[music fades out]
Is something troubling you?
Penelope was at our house today.
I am sorry for that.
But it is difficult to know how to act
when, still, I do not know what happened.
We simply grew apart.
[scoffs softly] Yes, you have said that.
- Do you wish for me to cast her out?
- No.
I do not wish for her to be friendless,
and you might be all she has now.
Perhaps just not at the house?
Of course.
How is she?
- Penelope?
- I mean I do not need to know details.
But I only want to make sure
she is not suffering or despondent.
She is neither suffering nor despondent.
In fact, she seeks
to take a husband this season.
[scoffs] A husband? Penelope?
- Mm-hmm.
- That is so unlike her.
Perhaps she has changed.
- She is not seeking a husband in you?
- No. I'm only helping her find one.
Is that wise? What if anyone
were to find out about your helping her?
Well, who should help her?
She does not have any male relatives.
Yes, but you are an eligible suitor.
Perhaps the most eligible
right now, strangely.
- It would not look right.
- No, it would not.
And that is why we are not telling anyone.
[up-tempo classical music playing]
Finally, they seem
to be putting in some work.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Perhaps a little too much.
If only your curtsy had been low enough
in your first season out.
My dear
you should know it is not my intention
to push suitors on you this season.
But perhaps you might become acquainted
with a few other young ladies
so that your circle is wider
than simply Miss Cowper?
I plan to.
- Do you mean it?
- [laughs]
Miss Bridgerton. Would you like
to take a turn about the room with us?
I do enjoy a good turn.
[light chuckling]
Well [chuckles]
And then there were two.
Shall we greet the queen?
Perhaps that could wait?
At tea, Lady Danbury mentioned
a musically inclined suitor?
Several, I believe.
Let us start with one
and see where the evening leads us.
[both chuckle]
[indistinct chatter]
Good evening,
Mr. Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton.
Ladies! And more ladies!
[all laughing]
They've taken to hunting in packs.
Mr. Bridgerton, I have yet
to see you on the dance floor.
What say you, brother?
Time for you to dance?
Miss Stowell, may I have the next dance?
[music fades out]
Mr. Dankworth, Mr. Finch.
Where are your ladies?
I have lost mine somewhere
in this splendid celestial display.
I sent mine to look for pastries.
Your wife is a pastry, Mr. Finch.
Perhaps if you savored her
as much as you do food,
she would be with child by now.
I think of Prudence as a bonbon.
[chuckles] Delicate and, oh, so agreeable.
Mr. Dankworth, you are so pretty.
- Oh.
- I shall find them for you.
Has anyone told you
that your mother is rather terrifying?
[chuckles lightly]
[mid-tempo classical music playing]
Good evening.
How is your hand?
Much better, thanks to you.
I'm sorry again for reading your writing.
But you truly write so well.
You make it seem effortless,
which is so difficult to do.
I'd very much like to read more one day
if you would let me.
Should we make an agreement?
I will consider it
if you speak to at least one lord tonight.
Very well.
Whom do you suggest?
Him. Lord Basilio.
Lord Basilio is a viscount.
And you are Penelope Featherington.
Do not forget that.
He's all yours.
Good evening, Miss Featherington.
Oh. Lord Basilio, I did not see you there.
No matter.
I cultivate reserve these days anyway.
Life is too short for that, is it not?
[breathes shakily]
Lord Basilio, are you quite well?
He went quite quickly. Sorry. Excuse me.
Um what happened?
His horse recently died.
- You are joking.
- I am not.
- [chuckles]
- Colin!
Forgive me. Um, I did not know.
[sighs] Surely someone here
is not in mourning.
- We shall gallop along.
- [laughing] Colin!
[laughs, chattering indistinctly]
[music fades out]
You know, whenever I have
a disagreement with an acquaintance,
I find the best course of action
is simply to pretend they are dead.
I do not think
that will be possible with Penelope.
Unless I pretend she is a ghost.
She was at my house today.
Whatever for?
It seems Colin
is helping her look for a husband.
We used to say we'd be spinsters together.
That is rather scandalous of your brother.
And even more so for Penelope.
Well, she may not think you dead,
but her feelings toward you
are clearly altered.
Perhaps you ought to alter yours as well?
Yes. You are right.
Eloise, do you have any special talents
with which you hope to impress the queen?
Talents? No.
[chuckles] Unless you consider a knack for
saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Like the time I tried to tell
the French tutor he was nice,
instead, called him "une chouette."
- An owl! Oh no.
- [all laughing]
Mr. Beaufort? He is rather furry.
owls have feathers, not fur,
so even if I had wanted
to insult the poor fellow,
I'd have failed at that as well.
Yes. Well, in truth, I cannot blame
my teachers for my lack of talent.
It is not their fault I am
such a troublesome student.
I think we have found your talent.
Indeed. You are a most
entertaining speaker.
Do not stop.
[chuckling lightly]
by Vitamin String Quartet playing]
[song ends]
Mr. Bridgerton,
you are an excellent dancer.
The pleasure was mine, Miss Stowell.
Ah. Um, if you might excuse me.
Now I see why
no one came to the bar for so long.
Mr. and Mrs. Mondrich welcome to the ton.
I've been up against men in the ring
who could have killed me,
and yet I somehow find myself more nervous
about tonight's program
of dancing and socializing.
Well, at least you have your arms.
I can barely move in this.
You both look superb.
And do not be intimidated.
This can all be rather enjoyable
if you do not resist.
You looked to be enjoying your time
with the young lady.
Are you courting?
No, no. Miss Stowell is lovely,
but that was me doing
the not-resisting bit.
I am not certain Miss Stowell
is taking your experiment so casually.
[inhales deeply]
Excuse me. I must find some ratafia.
Your situation is making me
all the more nervous.
One dance, and suddenly,
you have signaled you are available.
How are we expected
to understand all these society rules
when even someone
born into this world cannot grasp them?
[man and woman laughing]
Do you see those two?
Lord and Lady De Leon.
It is considered impolite to dance
as often as they do with the same partner,
but they cannot
keep themselves off the floor.
And Lord and Lady Singer.
The rule is you are not supposed
to have more than one or two drinks
at these events,
and yet they are like that every time.
Drunk as fiddlers.
And happy. Do you know what
both of these couples have in common?
They are married, like yourself.
All these rules are to keep
the marriage mart churning.
But once you have performed your function
and found your match,
you are free.
Francesca, dearest?
Lord Petri is quite the music devotee
and, I hear,
accomplished on the cello as well.
The dowager viscountess flatters me.
My love for the instrument
surpasses my ability, to be sure.
The cello is such a beautiful instrument.
What music do you most love?
Lately, I have been enjoying Ries.
His Piano Trios are quite beautiful.
And Beethoven's Appassionata.
[gasps] I could listen to it forever.
That is quite expressive music.
I once heard a rumor
the Trios were written
to convey his feelings
for Mademoiselle Ludwigs.
Do you not think you feel it in the music?
[man] Follow me, my dear.
I mostly enjoy the chord progressions.
A mother in her natural sphere,
always watching from the sidelines.
- Lady Danbury.
- [chuckles]
After Eloise's fumbles last season,
I am fearful of pushing
another daughter too hard,
but also fearful that, without a push,
Francesca will marry
the first "good enough" match.
And never set foot
out of her natural sphere.
[Violet] Mm.
A conundrum, to be sure.
Perhaps the best thing you can do
is to let her be
in her natural sphere, then.
[whimsical music playing]
Come with me.
I may be with child already.
I must eat for two.
Your arrogance
does not count as two people.
- [sniffs]
- That is enough.
Why do you not stand with your husbands,
whom I took pains to secure for you?
You could be setting the mood for later.
Alby and I lay together before we arrived.
Just lower your voice! Not here.
[music ends]
And what about you?
Did you two
We began.
I simply
[groans] I do not enjoy it.
A woman's pleasure is
somewhat more subtle than a man's.
You see, when he
inserts himself
Inserts himself?
Inserts himself where?
[whimsical music plays]
What on earth do you and Mr. Finch do?
We kiss,
and then he makes an odd sound,
and he goes to change his breeches.
His breeches remain on?
- Of course.
- Why must I be punished over and over?
[soft instrumental music playing]
I am tired of these chits tripping over
themselves the moment they see me.
I have seen enough.
It is time for me to retire.
Before you go.
Have you seen
the Gérard painting in the back room?
I think you might find it, well,
rather brilliant.
She is leaving.
She has barely spoken to any of us.
Finally. Now I can stuff my mouth
with chocolates
without fear of appearing impolite.
Excuse me.
But we've not nearly had
enough time to show off our gifts.
Does anyone at least have any good gossip?
I cannot think of anything at the moment.
[all exclaiming softly]
[pleasant classical music playing]
Good evening, Lord Remington.
Miss Featherington.
It is a fine evening, is it not?
I suppose so.
I heard Her Majesty
has yet to choose a diamond,
and it has caused some consternation
with your fellow young ladies.
I do not much care for idle gossip.
Truly, you are
a more resolute person than I.
I love a bit of gossip.
I should not be so eager,
but on days Whistledown is delivered,
I sit by the door
and read it as soon as it arrives.
Do you? I must admit,
I do quite enjoy Whistledown.
Did you read the passage
about Lady Carter's housekeeper?
That Lady Houghton stole her,
and that is why Lady Carter
fell off tonight's guest list?
[chuckles softly]
- Good evening, Lord Remington.
- Yes, my lord.
Colin Lord Remington
has asked to call on me tomorrow.
Well, that is excellent.
Do you like him?
I did enjoy myself. Very much.
I am certain he did as well.
[Miss Livingston] It is rather unseemly
that Miss Featherington took his help.
Pitiable, I think.
It is kind of him, but perhaps overly so.
I wouldn't believe
She's done for.
Pardon me, what are you whispering about?
Mr. Bridgerton, we were wondering
why an eligible gentleman such as yourself
would help a spinster find a husband.
Especially someone
who is so beyond hope of success.
[women chuckling]
Mmm It's actually all rather sad.
[indistinct whispering]
[tense music playing]
Pen, wait!
[breathing rapidly]
I cannot wait to know
what Lady Whistledown'll write about this.
It will surely be the main interest
of her next edition. [laughing]
Eloise! Did you tell anyone
of my helping Penelope?
No. I did I did not mean to
Which means you did?
- I confided in Cressida.
- Because you thought you could trust her?
Why you are friends
with Cressida in place of Penelope,
I will never understand.
What could Penelope possibly have done
to warrant such maltreatment?
[Eloise sighs]
[music fades out]
[sobbing softly]
[bright, elegant piano tune playing]
That was splendid.
Forgive me, Your Majesty.
I was taking a small pause from the ball.
Because you delight in your endeavors.
Someone who performs not for me
but for themselves.
[uplifting music builds slowly]
"Sparkling," one might say.
[knock at door]
My lady.
Will, what are you doing?
Should you not be sleeping
in your own bedchamber?
I do not wish to sleep.
At least, not yet.
And when I do, I will sleep here
with my beautiful wife.
Not in a cold, lonely room by myself.
You heard Mrs. Khanna.
That is not how it is done.
- We cannot
- Yes, we can.
We can do whatever we want, Alice.
This is our life now.
We are a married, noble couple.
Our son is noble.
Our family is noble.
[pleasant music playing]
I think
I am somehow afraid
I will do something wrong,
and they will take it all away.
We've made use of our advantages,
but everything up until now,
we have worked for.
And I cannot stop thinking
- What have we done to earn this?
- Nothing.
The same as every viscount
and earl and baron out there.
Absolutely nothing.
But it is ours, so let us enjoy it.
No more tiptoeing around.
No more sleeping in separate bedrooms.
No more old Lady Kent clothes.
Away with Lady Kent's clothes.
Away with clothes.
But I am keeping all the jewelry.
There you go.
[Lady Whistledown]
By the light of the moon,
it is easy for one
to mistake the night as a place of safety.
Which is why, perhaps,
both Featherington sisters
snuck away early last night
with their husbands.
[Lady Whistledown] But one must never
forget that, despite the cover of night,
there are still eyes
upon us all at all times.
Good evening, Lady Danbury.
A letter for you, ma'am.
Thank you.
Apologies for the disturbance.
Please alert Mrs. Walsh.
We shall be having a visitor.
[Lady Whistledown] We know there is
one young lady who most certainly wishes
her plans had remained in the dark.
Penelope Featherington,
who was so certain that
she would not find a husband on her own,
that she had to enlist the help
of Mr. Colin Bridgerton.
And while we knew Miss Featherington's
marital prospects were slim at best,
this recent scandal
will certainly make
any further hopes disappear.
Eloise. There you are.
Is this what you wanted to happen?
I do not know of what you're speaking.
When you spread gossip about someone,
it will inevitably end up in Whistledown.
You must know that.
But perhaps that was your goal
in communicating the secret
I told you in confidence.
Or can you really
just not help being cruel?
I did not communicate your secret.
But I did notice Miss Livingston
whispering around the room
after hovering nearby.
You were rather indiscreet
when you told me about Penelope.
Perhaps if you were more decided
about your former friendship,
you would not have felt
the need to gossip.
I do appreciate
your concern about cruelty,
but perhaps you should like
to find a looking glass
rather than looking at me.
[somber music playing]
Have you seen this?
[music fades out]
Tell me it is not true.
I cannot.
Oh, Penelope.
How could you be so reckless?
This family has already endured
so much public scrutiny,
and now this?
It was foolish to ask
No, what is foolish is being unreasonable
about what you can achieve.
I thought when you bought those dresses,
it was only for your amusement,
not that you earnestly believed
you might find a husband
in your third year out.
[Lady Featherington sighs]
[melancholy music playing]
A life unmarried is not all bad.
Trust me, men can often cause
much more trouble than they are worth.
[melancholy music builds intensity]
[door shuts]
[Lady Whistledown] This author would
not be surprised if Miss Featherington
should wish to return
to her familiar shadows
once and for all.
[door opens]
You have a visitor.
What are you doing here?
[music ends]
I bribed her to give us a moment alone.
I had to see how you were.
- You read Whistledown.
- She is beastly to write such things.
It's her job to report
what everyone is talking about.
It would have been
suspicious if she had not.
In truth, I brought this on myself.
A sad, stupid girl who believed
she might possibly have a chance of love.
- You must not say such things.
- [gentle music builds]
[Lady Whistledown] Perhaps a return
to the shadows is for the best.
After all, a small taste of the light
can lead to that
most dangerous of emotions.
And once hope is lost,
a lady may become reckless.
could I ask you something?
Of course.
Would you kiss me?
- Penelope
- It would not have to mean anything.
And I would never expect
anything from you because of it,
but I'm nearly on the shelf
and never been kissed,
and I am not certain I ever will be.
I could die tomorrow
- You are not going to die tomorrow.
- But I could, and it would kill me.
But you'd already be dead.
I do not wish to die
without ever having been kissed.
[breathing quickens]
[gentle music rises]
Thank you.
[music fades out]
[theme music playing]
[music ends]
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