Bridgerton (2020) s03e04 Episode Script

Old Friends

[bright classical music playing]
[Philippa grunts]
Move more slowly!
I must not rush as I am with child.
- Pfft. You do not know that for certain.
- Uh, I threw up all night.
Is pregnancy sickness
not associated with the morning?
What is it? My housekeeper said
that Varley said it was urgent.
- I was sleeping.
- Shh.
[whispering] Look.
Your sister has a caller.
I have brought you a plant
so that you might continue
to enjoy nature from your windowsill.
[chuckles softly] Thank you.
- What is it?
- [Lord Debling] Um
Why her?
She must have blackmailed him.
- Or trapped him in a closet.
- [both chuckle]
Think she used a potion
like the one Varley gave us?
We know what she did.
She used Colin Bridgerton's help.
Many people would do much worse
to be connected to the Bridgertons.
I shall have to pick up
Mr. Bridgerton's mantle of assistance.
Lord Debling.
My other daughters
just happened to drop by,
and they wish to say good day.
Good day.
Good day.
We are so pleased to have you.
So often, my Penelope
is sat at that window, reading.
And now, here she is, in the room.
And we have you to thank for that.
Is that so? Is there a reason
you like that window so much?
- Is the settee particularly comfortable?
- [chuckles]
Not particularly.
I suppose I mostly just enjoy the view.
But I have grown rather tired of it.
And I am very glad to be here with you.
- [chuckles]
- [light classical music plays]
[knocking at door]
[Colin clears throat]
Oh, I thought I might find you in here.
- I am found.
- [Violet chuckles]
We are expecting the Marquess Samadani
to call on Francesca this morning.
Can I count on your presence?
I think it may be best
if I absent myself from this round.
Well, if I am there,
I will surely eat all of the biscuits
and leave none for the marquess.
Dear at last night's ball,
when you were asking about friendship
and whether it can blossom into love,
is there something
you wished to discuss with me?
That is kind of you, Mother,
but it was purely a speculative question.
I simply want the best for Francesca.
I shall come down later.
Very well.
[rousing instrumental music plays]
[door closes]
[music peaks and fades out]
[Lady Whistledown] Dearest Gentle Reader.
A question.
What is the primary force
that guides us along our paths?
You are my solicitor.
Although, whether you remain so
depends on what you say next.
[man] I shall return with things in order.
[brisk classical music playing]
- Are you here to overcharge me as well?
- [chuckles] I am not.
I have come to call on you.
Mr. Bridgerton.
I do not wish to be called on.
[Lady Whistledown] Is it our minds
or our hearts?
[music fades out]
The poor cousin says,
"Well, I ought not dispute it,
for I have heard you claim so
these past ten years."
[staff stop laughing]
But before you consume
all the mirth in the room,
you must tell us, to what do we owe
the pleasure of your return to London?
You must forgive me
for performing for the room.
I am accustomed to the staff
at my country estate
being my only company.
It is that very lack of society
that has brought me back.
Not to mention a lack of ladies.
Well, then, all shall work out perfectly.
I am occupied a good while.
And thus, you are free to meet with
as many ladies as you might like.
[light music plays]
[Lady Whistledown] When heart
and head are in conflict,
every choice may feel like agony.
One person in whom
thought and feeling are united
is Her Majesty Queen Charlotte.
After their meeting at the Hawkins ball,
it seems the queen's sparkler,
Miss Francesca Bridgerton,
may indeed be poised
to become the new Marquess Samadani.
She lavishes you
with praise, Your Majesty.
You can read from all the way back there?
With much practice, anything is possible.
Then I am pleased we are so well-practiced
in hosting the most exquisite gatherings.
We shall arrange one promptly.
A celebration of our good standing.
And a chance, perhaps,
to secure our match for Miss Francesca?
Step another pace backwards.
You read me too well.
[light music continues]
[Lady Whistledown] Of course, whatever
maketh our collective hearts swell
may yet make them break.
The season is still early
and oft has a mind of its own.
That is the cake?
- I believe it is called mille-feuille.
- Oh.
Our cook has spoken
with Lord Samadani's kitchen.
- This should be exactly to his standard.
- [chuckles]
I hope we have not put our cook
to too much trouble for nothing.
Lord Samadani may not choose
to call upon me.
- There is a caller here.
- Yes! Bring him in. [chuckles]
[enchanting music plays]
Lord Samadani, welcome.
Our cook has prepared some mille-feuille
in anticipation of your arrival.
Hyacinth, this is not Lord Samadani.
- Oh.
- [Violet] Please forgive us for the error.
Oh, the error is mine, I am certain.
I am here to call upon
one of your daughters, if I may.
My daughter Francesca?
Miss Francesca.
John Stirling, Earl of Kilmartin.
- It is a pleasure to meet you.
- [John] The pleasure is mine.
[music ends]
Lord Kilmartin and I met briefly
at the Hawkins ball
but have not had the opportunity
for a formal introduction.
I see.
May I join you a moment?
I should like that.
She does not speak to him.
I am in awe.
I thought one had to use wit
or banter to dissuade a suitor.
But simple silence
is radically more effective.
Perhaps they are enjoying themselves.
But how will they know each other
if they do not speak?
And he comes to call
without having had
a formal introduction first?
Uh, there is another caller here, my lady.
- Lord Samadani, for Miss Francesca.
- [chuckles]
Lady Bridgerton, good day.
Good day, Lord Samadani.
I shall fetch you a pastry.
Mr. Bridgerton. Miss Bridgerton.
And you must be Miss Hyacinth, I presume?
[whispers] How dashing!
Miss Francesca.
It is a pleasure to see you.
Good day, Lord Samadani.
I do not believe
we are known to each other, Lord
Kilmartin. But I was just leaving.
I do not wish to interfere.
Good day.
- Oh!
- [both chuckle]
[light whimsical music plays]
[music fades out]
And he is the third lord to suggest
you must give up the club?
It seems that every member of the ton
has had something to say on the matter,
all out of alleged concern.
Their concern is insincere at best.
But once it is done, they will surely
find something else on which to fixate.
You believe I should do
as they would wish?
Give up all that we have built?
Was it not you who proclaimed that
we should embrace all that we have now?
Why burden yourself with a business
that will only cause further confusion?
I am not the one who is confused.
I am keeping my club.
[rousing classical music building]
[host] I have been building my collection
since 1790
and thought it only fitting to share it
after all these years.
[music stops]
Mama, we are in a library.
For once, you must allow me
to look at a book.
I cannot have you growing distracted.
You must think only of Lord Debling today.
This book is on voyages to the North,
where Lord Debling intends to travel.
Well, let him tell you about it.
Men love to explain the world to us.
If we have already explained it
to ourselves through reading,
then they will feel
superfluous and unmanned.
[music resumes quietly]
Good afternoon, ladies.
Miss Featherington, are you reading
about the fabled Northwest Passage?
- I was. I find it so
- Terribly confusing.
[chuckles] We cannot make
head nor tail of it.
Would you be so kind as to explain?
[chuckles lightly]
[up-tempo classical music playing]
I find books so captivating.
I have a collection of over 1,000 myself.
Nothing a book loves more
than to be collected.
Yes, quite.
[music fades out]
I do not know that anyone in this library
has in fact read a book
through to the end. [chuckles]
[Cressida] Perhaps mine
will be in the collection soon.
The tragedy of a spinster
whose father is now promising
to marry her to one of his aged friends.
Sounds like German literature. [chuckles]
[indistinct chatter]
I aided you with that balloon,
and yet all the fan-fluttering
seems to be markedly in your direction.
Perhaps you might grace us tomorrow night
with your presence
if you are not busy fending off admirers?
We are in pursuit of some revelry.
[light music playing]
I think I shall accompany you.
I could use a little revelry myself.
[indistinct chattering and laughter]
Are you looking for someone,
Miss Featherington?
No. Only
taking in all the books.
What is it you prefer to read?
I do not mind a stirring tale
or a book of fact.
But in truth, I find myself drawn back
time and time again
to stories of love. [sighs]
And what is it about those stories
that interests you?
They are histories of connection,
of hope for a better life.
Does that make me sound terribly vapid?
Miss Featherington,
I am happy to learn you have a passion.
One that brings you such joy
as my research brings me.
We are alike in that way.
Are there any novels
in which the man
goes traveling for a very long time,
and his wife is happy to stay behind,
tending the estate?
I suppose that would not be a book
with much sentiment, would it?
[both chuckle lightly]
Not necessarily.
But if the wife did have
her own interests in life, then
perhaps they could both be very happy.
A practical match but a happy one?
- I like the sound of that.
- [chuckles]
And how, dare I ask,
might this fictional gentleman
ask for the young lady's hand?
Especially if she had no male relative.
If If you were writing the book, that is.
Well, I suppose
he would have to ask her mother.
I see.
And if her mother gave her blessing,
do you think she would say yes?
[pensive music builds slowly]
I think you would have to read the book.
[chuckles lightly]
[tense music builds]
[music fades]
Are you quite well? You appear
I am afraid my enthusiasm
is elsewhere this evening.
So you would prefer to watch?
You have already paid.
[gentle music builds slowly]
[women giggling]
- [music fades]
- Good day.
If the marquess asks you to dance
a second time at the queen's ball,
it is a clear declaration of interest.
We shall see if he even asks me
for a first dance this time.
Oh, something tells me he will.
But if that interest is not shared, and
There is Lord Kilmartin.
- Uh do you know his family?
- Oh, not well.
They're a rather reserved bunch,
known to keep to themselves.
Are you interested in him?
[Francesca] Good day, Lord Kilmartin.
Miss Francesca. Lady Bridgerton.
You left quite abruptly the other morning.
Well you had another caller.
I hoped I might see you at the opening
of Lord Fuller's collection yesterday.
No. I do not often attend society events
unless I am required to
by the rules of good manners.
I see. [chuckles]
And so, are you stopping to speak with us
just to be polite? [chuckles]
I believe you stopped me.
[tune playing on fiddle]
Enjoyable music, yes?
If I am being honest, no.
The pace is too fickle.
Just as you think you are starting to
comprehend the melody, the song is over.
A song like this would be sweeter if it
were played in 3/4 so one could, in fact,
feel the music.
That is helpful.
Uh If you'll excuse me.
To answer your question,
no, I am not interested in him.
Oh. Uh
[tune ends]
[clock ticking]
[footsteps approaching]
A visitor for Miss Cowper, my lady.
Cressida. Lady Cowper.
What a welcoming home you have.
It is like a museum in here.
It is calling hour, Miss Bridgerton.
And I should like
to call on Miss Cowper a moment
if that is allowed.
Is everything all right?
I came to see that you are well.
You did not seem yourself yesterday.
Oh. [chuckles softly]
I do not believe I have ever had
a friend call to the house before.
I cannot blame anyone.
It is more like a mausoleum in here.
Isn't it?
[both laugh]
Are you all right?
[Lady Cowper] I did
make it clear it was calling hour.
[Lord Cowper] Certainly,
you were not clear enough.
Miss Bridgerton,
if I may speak to my daughter.
Of course.
You are not to be seen
with that Bridgerton girl any longer.
Do we have an understanding?
[indistinct overlapping chatter]
Are you certain
you cannot come with us to dinner tonight?
Two-thirds of the lords
have closed their accounts.
I cannot afford to bring an outside
bartender in until I solve this problem.
Perhaps a new decorator or a cook.
I am sure the answers will come to you.
[soft music builds slowly]
[men laughing]
On my Grand Tour, I encountered
this Greek girl in the Balkans.
My bear leader looked the other way
while we became acquainted
for six months straight,
all over the peninsula.
She sounds like the young woman
who made my time in the French Quarter
worth the length of the voyage.
Much to offer upstairs,
and I do not mean her mind.
[men laughing]
[Lord Fife] What about you, Bridgerton?
You were gone for quite a while.
I am sure the girls of summer
made your trip quite fulfilling?
[men chuckling]
I did tell you my story
of the contessa, did I not?
Yes, but you did not give details.
Well, a gentleman
must keep some things to himself.
Oh, come now.
I do not see a gentleman amongst us.
- [laughter]
- And I concur with you there.
[music fades out]
Oh, forgive me.
But it is tiring, is it not?
The necessity imposed on us
to remain cavalier
about the one thing in life
that holds genuine meaning.
Do you not find it lonely?
[pensive music builds slowly]
[sighs deeply]
Miss Featherington.
[Penelope] Mama?
Lord Debling has requested
my permission to propose.
- [music stops]
- Did you give it?
Of course I did.
You have done very well.
You know, I've heard that Lord Debling
has one of the largest homes in Mayfair,
24 staff, a fleet of curricles.
And he tells me he travels often,
which means it will be up to you
to manage his estate.
Can you imagine
the kind of influence that will give you?
The kind of influence
it will give all of us?
[scoffs softly]
Mama, I have not said yes yet.
But of course you will.
His traveling does have its advantages.
I do enjoy my privacy, but
But what?
Penelope you have spent your pin money
changing your clothes, your hair,
and it has had the desired effect.
Lord Debling is a bird in the hand,
and a very fine bird at that.
Do not become greedy in your success.
What more could you want?
[pensive music playing]
[chair creaks]
Oh, do not tell me
you're holding out for love.
This is the very reason
why I discouraged you from reading.
Love is make-believe.
It is only in your storybooks.
Do you know what is romantic?
Be smart, Penelope.
And if you will not be,
then I will be for you.
[music fades out]
[mildly frenetic music plays]
[knocking at door]
- Are you ready for me, miss?
- Yes.
[exhales sharply]
[music fades out]
- Your gloves, ma'am.
- [Violet] Thank you. Mrs. Wilson.
Colin, everyone is in the carriage.
Are you not dressed?
No. I wanted to tell you
I should like to stay home tonight.
Oh, you do not look well.
Was it you I heard lumbering
in the hallway late last night?
I am well.
You know
you have always been one
of my most sensitive children.
Always aware of what others need.
Always trying to be helpful
or offering a joke to lighten the mood.
You so rarely put yourself first.
I am proud of your sensitivity.
[gentle music playing]
But living to please others?
I imagine it can be wearying at times.
Painful, perhaps.
So, I do not blame you
for putting on armor lately.
But you must be careful
that the armor does not rust and set
so that you might
never be able to take it off.
My head is bottle-weary.
Forgive me for lashing out.
I should simply like to rest this evening.
[music grows solemn]
It is only a shame
that you might miss
the fruits of your labors.
I hear Penelope
may be getting a proposal tonight.
Lady Featherington will not stop
telling anyone who will listen.
That is rather quick.
Likely because of your help.
I do hope you feel better.
[music fades out]
[pleasant classical music playing]
- [drivers shouting]
- [overlapping chatter and laughter]
[driver shouts]
[indistinct conversations continue]
[music fades out]
[energetic music playing]
Perhaps this little love play
will inspire my lovers tonight.
[music intensifies]
[music peaks and fades gently]
Miss Featherington. Lady Featherington.
Good evening.
Have you come to steal away my daughter
for a dance, Lord Debling?
I do believe she has at least
one spot left on her dance card.
Many, in fact. [chuckles]
In that case, may I have the honor
of taking one of your spots?
[bright classical music playing]
- Lady Bridgerton.
- Lord Anderson. [chuckles]
[inhales] Oh, thank you,
but I have no appetite.
- Are you enjoying your evening?
- Oh, very much.
I have not spent much time in Mayfair
since the early days of my marriage.
[both chuckle]
In the countryside, one can walk
and look at trees
and lounge about one's house.
[Violet chuckles]
Enlighten me. However does one
pass the time here in the city?
I am afraid most of us spend our time
meddling in the lives of our young.
At least, that is my
and your sister's favorite pastime.
- My sister likes to meddle?
- Well, that word does not do her justice.
She molds society to her will,
and she is rather good at it.
You do not know that about her?
We are
becoming reacquainted.
And who is the target
of her molding at the moment?
Ah. My daughter, Francesca.
[Marcus] Ah
Though, I am not certain
she has yet found that spark.
- Well, for what it is worth
- Mm.
sometimes a fire is slow to burn.
My own marriage was not a love match,
and admittedly not very passionate
in the beginning.
But I became very fond of her.
We were happy until the day she died.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Maybe there is hope, then.
I, myself, had a love match,
so that is all I know.
You have my deepest sympathies.
But I am envious.
You had the chance
to experience a love match.
That is something I, myself,
have not given up
on finding in my second act.
[music ends]
[indistinct chattering]
It looks as if your sparkler
is shining brightly for you.
- Indeed, she is.
- Hm.
Even Lady Whistledown could not disagree
with the brilliance of my match.
Perhaps this has opened the door
to a friendlier alliance
between the gossiper and the Crown.
- I daresay it very much has.
- [Lady Danbury] Mm.
[whispering indistinctly]
I am grateful to you
for keeping me company.
I did not want to miss another ball,
but I also was not
looking forward to coming here alone.
Your husband should be here with you.
[light classical music playing]
Mr. Mondrich seems to be
having a difficult time
relinquishing our old life,
no matter how hard I tug at him.
He's quite attached to his bar.
The queen will not smile favorably
on a man of rank working in a club.
You must show Mr. Mondrich
that this new life is worth his sacrifice.
Past lives
are dangerous places to revisit.
Did you enjoy the ballet, Mr. Bridgerton?
Very much. So much so
I wonder if I have missed my calling.
- As a dancer.
- Oh.
Ah. Lady Arnold. You must join us.
Lord Fuller. Lady Fuller.
A pleasure seeing you both.
Have you met Mr. Bridgerton?
- Indeed.
- Briefly.
Quite so. It is a pleasure, though.
We were just sharing
our thoughts on the ballet.
I must say,
I do not know that the male dancer
needed to be in such a state of undress.
He certainly could have put on a shirt.
Could not agree more.
Nothing worse than a state of undress.
Eloise, there you are.
I've been searching for you all evening.
[scoffs] Should you
not be careful talking to me?
I am "that Bridgerton girl," after all.
You heard that.
I apologize for my father.
And I apologize that he is a bloody fool.
[both chuckling lightly]
If you need to keep your distance
from me a while
I understand.
No. My father will have to endure it.
Besides he is a fool.
[both chuckling]
You are unlike many people, Eloise.
How is it you have the courage
to be so different?
It is not courage.
I simply cannot understand
why others do not see things the way I do.
And how do you see things exactly?
since you have asked
[pensive music builds slowly]
- Damn!
- Let me.
[music fades out]
[exhales, clears throat]
Sister, where are you off to?
I am retiring early.
The ballet has been danced,
the queen is satisfied by her sparkler,
and I should like
to take a little time for myself.
If you've finished
your meddling elsewhere,
perhaps I can offer myself
as your new target.
I hear you are something
of a molder of society.
And I keep meeting
the most intriguing woman.
I do not know what you have heard,
but I ask that you leave me out
of your raking about town.
I am not interested.
I understand how my activities
may appear rather rakish,
but I assure you, they are pure of heart.
And is your heart
located in your breeches?
[up-tempo classical music plays]
[music ends]
[chattering and laughter]
[Lord Kilmartin] Miss Francesca.
Lord Kilmartin.
I am afraid I am rather parched
from dancing with Lord Samadani.
So much so
that I do not feel much like talking.
Ah, is that not, in fact,
our preferred form of communication?
You must forgive me
for rushing off abruptly last time we met.
It is only that I wanted to get you this.
I am not a man of many words.
And the words I do have,
I am afraid they are not very good.
But I do believe
in the power of a gesture.
- [chuckles softly]
- [light music plays]
Miss Francesca,
I've brought you some lemonade.
Forgive me, Lord Samadani.
Mama, I am keen to return home early,
if that is all right?
Well, I
Let us find your brother
and your sister first.
Of course.
Lord Samadani.
Lord Kilmartin.
What is happening?
I believe Lord Samadani
was fetching Miss Francesca lemonade,
and now she is
[Charlotte] Not drinking the lemonade.
Precisely, Your Majesty.
She is not drinking the lemonade.
- [music fades out]
- [indistinct conversations]
[sighs] Perhaps it is for the best.
Uh, children do take up so much time
and drain one's beauty.
Though, of course,
we both have much to spare.
Are you suggesting we give up?
Ow! You are giving me a pain in my chest.
Oh, no.
Uh For Forgive me.
In fact, I have been tender all week.
[clears throat] Are you mocking me?
My chest has been sore nonstop.
And that is not dropsy of the pancreas.
Mama said it's a clear pregnancy sign.
Is it?
[light classical music plays]
[man] Good evening, Bridgerton.
- Hear, hear.
- [men chuckling]
Bridgerton. Fashionably late?
In truth, it is not worth it.
Come out with us.
Though, this time,
we are drinking at White's
instead of that dreadful Mondrich bar.
- [men chuckling]
- Excuse me.
Is everything all right,
Miss Featherington?
Everything is wonderful.
I am glad to hear it.
May I ask you a question, my lord?
Considering how often you travel,
it makes sense to me
that you seek a practical match. But
do you imagine that, with time
love may one day grow?
I do not know.
To be honest, my work has such
a large portion of my heart,
it may be difficult to make more space.
But I am very glad
that you are someone
who seems to have such a full life.
You look especially beautiful tonight,
Miss Featherington.
And can you imagine
the spare time there'd be
if we did not always
have to think about marriage?
The time we would have
to read or exchange ideas
or do anything that isn't entirely
for the purpose of ensnaring a husband.
- [Cressida] That is interesting.
- Isn't it?
No. I meant, your brother is walking
right up to Penelope and Lord Debling.
Do you mind if I interrupt?
- Colin.
- It should only take a moment.
It appears you two
have something to resolve.
I shall leave you to it.
We shall return to this conversation
another time, yes?
Lord Debling.
[chuckles] You are much
too handsome for social ruin.
I'd be more than happy to finish your
dance with you if you need a partner.
[breathing heavily]
Colin, you'll ruin things
between me and Debling.
- Perhaps that is for the best.
- What do you mean?
Pen you cannot marry him.
You hardly know him.
I know him well enough.
I hear he is leaving.
For three years.
I know that already, Colin.
It takes a year alone
to get where he is going.
[chuckles lightly]
They do seem upset, do they not?
Eros and Psyche battling it out.
What you are trying to say, Miss Cowper?
Are they not old friends?
The oldest of friends, really.
Ever since the Featheringtons
moved in across the street.
Across the street
from the Bridgerton house?
I see.
I have made my peace
with what Lord Debling has to offer.
I am going to accept his proposal.
Thank you for the dance, Miss Cowper.
I said I'd help you find a husband,
but I cannot watch you make a mistake.
The only mistake was me ever
asking for your help in the first place.
Lord Debling!
I'm sorry we were interrupted.
I know the ball is ending,
but shall we return to our conversation?
Why is it you sit
at your drawing-room window so often?
All week,
I've watched you search for someone.
I thought you might have had
a falling out with Mr. Bridgerton.
But now I suspect you may have been
searching for him for a different reason.
For the same reason you prefer
your drawing-room window
and the view it affords
out towards the house across the square.
I do not know of what you speak.
I am speaking of Mr. Bridgerton
and the feelings between the two of you.
I can assure you,
Colin Bridgerton would never
ever have feelings for me.
It is laughable to think as much.
We are friends, nothing more.
Would you like it to be more?
I do not
That is not even [sighs]
That is not a possibility.
I did not ask if it was a possibility.
I asked if you'd like it to be.
[gentle music playing]
Miss Featherington,
with the amount of time I will be gone,
it is essential I make a match
with someone whose affections
are not already engaged elsewhere.
Whatever it is you are searching for,
I do hope you find it.
Good evening.
Where is he going?
What have you done?
That is your question?
Not am I well?
Do I only matter to you if I have
a lord's engagement ring on my finger?
Mama, I am pregnant.
[chuckles] I think. [clears throat]
Hello? Are you not excited?
[tense music builds slowly]
[Lady Whistledown]
It is said that the heart
is forever making the head its fool.
[horse whinnies]
[driver shouts]
[music intensifies]
- [music fades]
- [piano tune playing]
Lord Kilmartin,
he had the music we heard
earlier this week rearranged
exactly as I imagined it.
[breathes deeply]
[Lady Whistledown] And when
one chooses the heart over the head,
often, all reason goes out of the window.
[tense music picks up]
But the body has a way, indeed,
of knowing most what it needs.
And this author is not one to deny
the age-old wisdom of a beating heart.
[Colin] Wait!
[carriage rattles]
- Penelope.
- [music fades]
I do not wish to speak with you.
[Colin panting]
Let me in.
- [driver shouts]
- [horses whinnying]
We will stop at Bridgerton House first.
[driver] Yes, miss.
What do you want?
Did Lord Debling propose?
- What business is that of yours?
- I need to know. Did he propose?
It is odd.
When I asked for your help
in finding a husband,
I did not realize that also meant
you might try to deny me one as well.
It is my business
because I care about you.
You cannot marry that man.
He will leave you,
and he is too particular.
And he is
He is just not right for you, Pen.
He did not propose.
In fact, he rejected me because of you.
The scene you caused led him
to believe you have feelings for me.
An idea so preposterous,
I do not know what to do besides laugh.
Now, will you please let us
ride home in silence and leave me alone.
- I cannot.
- Please!
I cannot.
What if I did have feelings for you?
I have spent so long trying to feel less,
trying to be the kind of man
society expects me to be.
And for a moment,
I thought I had succeeded.
But these past few weeks
have been full of confounding feelings.
Feelings like a total inability
to stop thinking about you.
About that kiss.
Feelings like dreaming of you
when I'm asleep.
And in fact preferring sleep
because that is where I might find you.
A feeling that is like torture.
But one which I cannot,
will not, do not want to give up.
Do not say things you do not mean.
But I do mean it.
It is everything I have wanted
to say to you for weeks.
But Colin, we are friends.
[music pulsing slowly]
Yes, but we
Forgive me. Um
I do not know what I was thinking.
But I'd very much like
to be more than friends.
So much more.
[music peaks and fades]
["Give Me Everything (Stripped Down)"
[by Archer Marsh playing]
[breathing heavily]
[panting and moaning softly]
[music peaks and slows]
[breathing heavily]
[music intensifies]
[music peaks and fades]
[music resumes intensity]
[gasps, panting]
[breathing heavily]
[music ends]
- [knocking on carriage]
- Oh!
- Colin! We are at your house.
- What?
Oh God.
Could the carriage driver
not keep on driving?
[both laughing]
Do you think anyone saw us?
I was not paying much attention
to anything.
[hopeful music stirring]
What are you doing?
Are you coming with me?
Your Your family will see me.
For God's sake, Penelope Featherington.
Are you going to marry me or not?
[stirring music builds]
[music fades out]
[theme music playing]
[music ends]
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