Camp Snoopy (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11 & 12

[plays trumpet call]
[inhales deeply, blows]
Ooh! [chuckling]
[inhales deeply]
- [wind blows]
- [whimpering]
[Sally] "Beagle Versus Bug."
- [crickets chirping]
- [snoring]
[insect buzzing]
[insect buzzing]
- Whoa!
- [thud]
Snoopy, what are you doing here?
Is something wrong?
Did you have a bad dream?
Or maybe you just missed m
[insect buzzing]
Is a mosquito bothering you?
[exhales sharply] That's unfortunate.
Well, you're the Beagle Scout,
but it seems to me your best bet
is to ignore it.
That's the spirit.
A Beagle Scout of your experience would
have no problem ignoring one little bug.
- Just put it out of your Ugh!
- [screams]
Pillow fight!
- [chuckling]
- Gotcha. Yeah.
Psst. Naomi, are you awake?
I am now.
Would you mind trading bunks with me?
I think there's a monster under mine.
That seems unlikely.
If it's so unlikely,
you should have no problem switching.
[sighs] Okay, we'll check it out together.
Seems pretty quiet, Sally.
Classic bed-monster stuff.
Create a false sense of security.
[insect buzzing]
I'll stand here, you check underneath.
Or I can stand here
while you check underneath.
[sighs] Okay, we'll both check.
- See? There's nothing to
- [Snoopy grumbles]
- [screams]
- [campers] It's a monster! Hide!
No beagles in the bunkhouse.
No bugs in the bunkhouse either.
Ah, what a beautiful night.
And stay out!
[log crashes]
[grunts, yelling]
[insect buzzing]
[Snoopy screaming]
[grunting, panting]
- [chitters]
- [shushes]
[insect buzzing]
"A Beagle Scout is Thoughtful."
[birds] Ah!
- [cheers]
- [cheers]
[birds chittering]
[bird whistling]
[playing "Moonlight Sonata"]
[birds chittering]
["Moonlight Sonata" playing in distance]
["Moonlight Sonata" ends]
[Schroeder] "Camp Song."
[droning adult chatter]
Another glorious day.
And what a better way
to salute the morning
than with the official
Spring Lake rally song.
- Camp-a-doodle-do ♪
- Camp-a-doodle-day ♪
Camp-a-doodle-day ♪
Doodle-day, doodle-di ♪
[campers cheering]
Something about the camp song
always raises the ol' spirits.
I strongly disagree.
Really? I think it's inspiring.
It's just the same thing
over and over again.
If anything,
that only reinforces the inspiration.
Seems like somebody's grumpy
about the camp song.
Grump-a-doodle-day ♪
- [plays fanfare]
- [yelp]
Brush-a-doodle-do ♪
Breakfast-doodle-day ♪
Paddle-doodle-day ♪
A fish jumped.
Fish-a-doodle-day ♪
- [plays fanfare]
- [shrieks]
[plays fanfare]
I never thought the sound of slurping soup
could be music to my ears.
But at least it's not that song again.
What song?
You know. I'm surprised that
you aren't singing "soup-a-doodle-do."
Soup-a-doodle-day ♪
[campers cheering]
I can't stand it!
[campers] Doodle-day, doodle-di ♪
I've got to do something about that song.
[playing acoustic guitar]
[plays fanfare]
Oh, what's this? A contest?
Camp song contest?
But we already have a camp song.
It says here, "This is a chance
to create a new camp song
and be immortalized
as part of Spring Lake tradition."
The old song sounds good to me.
But who could argue with
the promise of immortality?
Presentation is tonight?
Looks like we have a jingle to write.
I don't know why we need a new camp song.
What more do you need
than a few good doodle-dos?
It should capture the spirit
of the great outdoors,
the fun and excitement
of being with friends.
All the stuff camp
is supposed to be about.
Seems like a lot to ask.
How would you even do that?
With tempo, arpeggio,
larghetto and andante.
I don't know who those people are,
but we're probably not supposed to have
outside help.
Good grief.
- [inhales deeply]
- [bubbles]
- [inhales deeply]
- [trumpet squawks]
Welcome to the Spring Lake
Camp Song Contest.
First up tonight, Charlie Brown and Linus.
One, two, three, four.
I told you we should have written lyrics.
Spring Lake's in the woods
And the camping is good ♪
We're here on vacation
Happy birthday to you ♪
- We ran out of new lyrics.
- [microphone feedback]
Cue the winds, Pigpen.
[Naomi, Sally coughing]
Thank you, Naomi and Sally.
That was more of a dance than a song,
but I liked it.
Our final act for this evening is
"an individual who loves Beethoven."
That's all it says. Schroeder.
[playing slow classical music]
[campers snoring]
[playing camp song tune]
Camp-a-doodle-do ♪
Camp-a-doodle-day ♪
Doodle-day, doodle-di ♪
I believe we have a winner.
I have something to confess.
I made this whole contest up
because I found the original camp song
boring and repetitive.
But do you know what I missed?
It's also fun and filled with joy.
And that sums up
the camp experience perfectly.
The old camp song stays!
[acoustic guitar playing]
[plays camp song tune]
[jazz playing]
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