Cells at Work! (Hataraku Saibou) (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

Blood Circulation

1 Inside the human body, roughly 37.
2 trillion cells work energetically, DENDRITE all day every day.
ANTIBODY ENCYCLOPEDIA 24 hours and 365 days.
WHITE BLOOD CELL They are all working very hard.
RED BLOOD CELLS: They carry oxygen and carbon dioxide using blood circulation.
Let's see Which way was it again? All right, attention, rookie Red Blood Cells! IN TRAINING CLEARANCE Up ahead is the inferior vena cava.
When this workplace tour is done, Rookie Red Blood Cells? you'll be sent out immediately to the front lines.
LANES MERGE AHEAD PLEASE SLOW DOWN! So please make sure you get everything straight while you have the chance! So the rookies will be starting their first day of work soon.
I see.
Yes, ma'am! All right, let's move on to our next stop.
Follow me, please! Yes, ma'am! I'd better look sharp myself! Even though in everybody's eyes, I'm a dummy and directionally-challenged Seriously, you! Sticking your nose into other people's work! Ms.
Macrophage! I've got to come into my own, or I'll always be a drag on everyone else! I can't keep depending on others anymore! Delivering carbon dioxide to the lungs, receiving oxygen in return, and delivering it to cells throughout the body That's my job! And I'll go all around this circulatory system by myself without getting lost! EPISODE 8: BLOOD CIRCULATION "Blood Circulation.
" Let's see.
Since I'm in front of the inferior vena cava now, INFERIOR VENA CAVA YOU ARE HERE HEAR I should just go Inferior vena cava Heart Lungs! And then just make my way back, right? All right! CELL Now I turn this corner, and Something there Get in my way and I'll stab you to death! Stuff like this is always happening around me! And I just vowed to myself that I'd try my best! I'm history! I'm gonna get stabbed and dissolve! HEMOLYSIS The destruction of Red Blood Cells.
I'm gonna die! What? Y-You headed me off! Die! You germ! Hey, Red Blood Cell Are you all right? WHITE BLOOD CELLS (NEUTROPHILS): Their main task is to eliminate foreign substances from outside, such as bacteria and viruses.
Neutrophils comprise over half of the White Blood Cells in the blood.
Wh-White Blood Cell Thank you so much! What are you doing in a place like this? There's nothing but lymphatic vessels up ahead.
I lost my way again! You're lost? Y-Yes.
And now White Blood Cell is all injured because of me! I can't go on like this! I've got to get a grip! Then, I'll show you the way again.
Whoa! R-Red Blood Cell is ablaze! "I'm going to finish the job all by myself!" That's what her aura is saying! So I guess I'll stop meddling.
S-See you! Keep up the good work, okay? Right! Big Sister, there's still construction going on here! Please watch out! PLATELETS: A type of blood component.
They aggregate when the blood vessels are damaged, and cover the wounds.
R-Right! Under construction.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
- I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! - A-Are you all right? I-I-I'm fine! Sorry to cause you trouble! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! A-All right, if you'll excuse me Hey! Would you mind not charging ahead like that? I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I really am sorry! Red Blood Cell VEIN SIMPLIFIED MAP Wanna have something sweet? GLUCOSE The going's gonna get tough after this, you know.
I'd like some ice cream! DEXTROSE: Also known as "glucose.
" Red Blood Cells are fond of sugar.
Unlike White Blood Cells, Red Blood Cells have no mitochondria, so glucose is their only energy source.
Also known as "glucose.
" Red Blood Cells are fond of sugar.
Unlike White Blood Cells, Red Blood Cells have no mitochondria, so glucose is their only energy source.
SIMPLIFIED MAP Let's see If I go this way, then I'll reach the inferior vena cava! This is #1146.
As of now, I'll be patrolling the entire body.
Roger that! I'll be hanging around the liver area.
Good work! My shoulders are so stiff! Let's see, let's see This is the vein.
VENOUS VALVE: Prevents blood from backing up.
Keeps the blood flowing one-way through the vessels.
Venous valve.
Prevents blood from backing up.
Keeps the blood flowing one-way through the vessels.
What? It's the opposite of my map? Th-This way? Why are you running the other way, Red Blood Cell? Hey you! Why are you going the other way? This is the same valve you just passed through! S-Sorry about that! What a dummy! I was holding my map upside down! INFERIOR VENA CAVA: The largest vein in the human body.
Collects blood from the lower body, delivering it to the right atrium of the heart.
Inferior vena cava.
The largest vein in the human body.
STAY CALM MOVE SLOWLY Collects blood from the lower body, delivering it to the right atrium of the heart.
I mean, the vena cava's just a huge straight path, so sure, it's a breeze! The way it goes uphill wipes you out, huh? Yeah, okay! I've got to give it my all, especially in places like this! When the path is confusing, it takes up so much time, after all! Huh? What are you doing alone here? Want me to go with you? Sh-She's on fire! She can't even hear my voice.
!! CAUTION !! Attention, blood cells! It's extremely congested up ahead, so you'll have to leave your carts behind! Please advance only after you've placed your carts in the corral! You are now entering the heart.
HEAR ROUTE Please follow our instructions and circulate quickly! Due to congestion, please leave your carts behind.
Attention, blood cells.
Please advance only after you've placed your carts in the designated area.
Attention, blood cells! Hello! Welcome to the heart! I'm going to explain lung circulation and body circulation now, LUNG CIRCULATION AND BODY CIRCULATION so please pay attention! You are about to embark on a speedy, thrilling journey called "heart circulation"! PULMONARY ARTERY RIGHT VENTRICLE RIGHT ATRIUM First, lung circulation.
You'll be traveling from the right atrium to the left ventricle, and through the lung artery.
Once you arrive in the lung, you will discard your carbon dioxide and receive oxygen.
This is the first task that you've been assigned.
1: RECEIVE OXYGEN! PULMONARY ARTERY LEFT ATRIUM LEFT VENTRICLE AORTIC VALVE AORTA From there, you'll pass through the lung artery to the left atrium.
Next up, body circulation.
From the left atrium, go through the aorta, and head to the capillaries from the arteries.
NUTRIENTS Hand over your oxygen and nutrients there, WASTE and once you've received waste such as carbon dioxide, 2: RECEIVE CARBON DIOXIDE! you'll have cleared your second task! Body circulation will be complete when you've returned to the right atrium! Please be sure to conduct yourself responsibly, and see your mission through to the end! Good luck to you! LUNG CIRCULATION AND BODY CIRCULATION Attention, blood cells! Hello! Got that? Nope.
Welcome to the heart! And here I am! The final hurdle! The place that mystifies me no matter how many times I look at it! The heart! Come on, it's this way! Right! I can't impose on others anymore, right? BEWARE OF SUSPICIOUS-LOOKING CELLS/LIFE-FORMS CALL ON NEARBY IMMUNE CELLS That's the spirit! Hang in there! PRAY FOR HEALTH All right! Here I go! To the heart! Cells at Work! Cells at Work! HEAR MOVE STRAIGHT AHEAD Attention, cells.
S-So heavy! You will soon arrive at the heart.
Please be careful as you make your way through.
I finally made it! HEART: An organ made entirely of muscle.
Provides pumping action that sends blood returned to the veins to the arteries.
This action is repeated approximately 100,000 times per day.
The heart.
An organ made entirely of muscle.
Provides pumping action that sends blood returned to the veins to the arteries.
This action is repeated approximately 100,000 times per day.
The right atrium.
RIGHT ATRIUM: Receives venous blood from the upper and lower vena cavae, which it then pumps into the right ventricle.
Receives venous blood from the upper and lower vena cavae, Please be careful not to drop any important hand luggage.
which it then pumps into the right ventricle.
Please line up behind the white line and wait your turn.
Don't push! Ouch! Ouch! It's so crowded! Welcome to the heart! YOU ARE HERE This is the right atrium.
RIGHT ATRIUM Please, no pushing.
Rushing to circulate is dangerous.
Up ahead is the junction for the inferior vena cava and the superior vena cava, and so there will be heavy traffic.
For your safety, please be extra careful not to lose your hats or glasses.
TRICUSPID VALVE Stop pushing! The venous valve will be opening shortly.
I dropped my notes! S-Sorry! My precious notes! My notes! My notes! Ouch! My notes came flying towards me? What's that neutrophil up to? Please do not stop in your tracks.
Keep moving, please.
TRICUSPID VALVE: The three flaps of tissue between the heart's right atrium and the right ventricle.
When the heart constricts, it pumps blood into the right ventricle, preventing backflow into the right chamber.
Tricuspid valve.
The three flaps of tissue between the heart's right atrium and the right ventricle.
When the heart constricts, it pumps blood into the right ventricle, preventing backflow into the right chamber.
RIGHT VENTRICLE: Where carbon dioxide-rich venous blood is found.
Right ventricle.
Where carbon dioxide-rich venous blood is found.
So heavy! Welcome to the right atrium.
As it is constricting at the moment, please do not stop inside the venous valve.
YOU ARE HERE I dropped my hat! Excuse me, someone up ahead dropped this.
Pulmonary artery.
PULMONARY ARTERY: The artery that pumps venous blood into the lungs.
The artery that pumps venous blood into the lungs.
YOU ARE HERE Um MOVE STRAIGHT AHEAD Straight ahead, huh? This is just a short straight path.
Great! Now, then, I need to switch out this gas in the pulmonary alveoli.
LUNGS: The organs where carbon dioxide is discarded, and oxygen is received in its place.
The organs where carbon dioxide is discarded, and oxygen is received in its place.
Wow! So that's what the pulmonary alveoli's shape looks like from afar! PULMONARY SAC Welcome.
We are happy to see you.
This is the pulmonary alveoli.
HIGH-PRESSURE GAS HANDLE WITH CARE We will collect your carbon dioxide here.
RELAXING TEA OXYGEN GAS Thank you for waiting.
Please take your oxygen.
YOU ARE HERE Come to think of it For starters, I think I'll take the edge off my appetite! I never would've thought you'd be hiding inside the package! This is where White Blood Cell first rescued me.
PULMONARY VEIN PULMONARY VEIN: The artery that pumps venous blood into the lungs.
Pulmonary vein.
Where oxygen-rich blood flows.
YOU ARE HERE All right, I'm heading back to the heart now! PULMONARY VEIN ENTRANCE I'd better hurry! So fast! YOU ARE HERE AORTA: From the aorta, the path splits into two smaller arteries, traveling to all capillaries in the body.
From the aorta, the path splits into two smaller arteries, traveling to all capillaries in the body.
CAPILLARIES: They distribute oxygen and nutrients to cells, and retrieve waste, such as carbon dioxide.
They distribute oxygen and nutrients to cells, and retrieve waste, such as carbon dioxide.
All right, now all I have to do is deliver this oxygen! Hey, Detour Route which way is right? The hand you're holding your pen with is your right! This way! Hey, I can't stick these on well! A-All right, then, I'll help you! Construction Up Ahead Hey, do that "Die, germ!" thing, yes? I hear there's a small abrasion nearby.
Not again! Let's see So the road's closed up ahead, huh? Looks like we managed to infiltrate.
And right on cue, here comes a sucker.
Our target's that airhead Red Blood Cell, huh? Let's lie in wait on this corner and bash her face in together! Die! ROAD CLOSED Your cooperation is appreciated Um Yeah! Going great! That was a close shave! Hey, did you take out those germs already? I'm leaving the rest to you! Where are you going? Hold up! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE Heave-ho! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho! On my own! Until the end! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE I can barely fit! I-It's so cramped in here! I can't breathe! But just a little further, and I've come to deliver your oxygen! Oh, thanks.
Appreciate your coming through such a cramped pathway.
ROUTE Pretty tough, wasn't it? Oh no! It's my job! Now that was tight! I did it! Finally Finally, I I managed to circulate without getting lost! I did it! I did it! Yay! Yay! This is amazing! I did it! I really did it! Yo! Killer T! What are you doing here? KILLER T CELLS (CYTOTOXIC T CELLS): Mobilize under orders from the Helper T Cells.
Assassins who recognize and destroy foreign cells, such as Graft Cells, virus-infected cells and Cancer Cells.
What does it matter? Wooo! Yay! Never mind that, that kid Is that the Red Blood Cell you were showing the way the other day? Huh? Hey, so you managed to circulate all the way here on your own? Yes! It's all thanks to your guidance, Senpai! So she finally found a way to get her job done by herself? Hopelessly inept much? Hey! Don't talk like that! You and I stink at certain things, too, you know.
It's just that she happens to stink at "not losing her way.
" Even still, she's been trying to overcome her issues in her own way.
Even if she had to be guided, even if she kept messing up, she never gave up.
Don't be such a goody-two-shoes! What do you mean, "guidance"? It's actually a no-brainer to be able to do that! I never really gave it much thought until now, but it's a tough job, what Red Blood Cell does.
Hauling heavy luggage all around this vast body, and even as she fulfills her daily tasks, she still works so hard to try to change herself.
Well, good for you, I guess.
For making a teensy bit of progress! What an amazing kid she is.
Thank you so much! Hey, Killer T, we, Immune Cells, tend to scare the Red Blood Cells, but I hope that one day, we can get a grasp on our respective jobs, and find a way to get along with them all.
You feel the same way, don't you? You damn idiot! Ugh! - Damn you! - Ugh! Damn you! Ugh! Stop spouting those sappy platitudes, you spineless candy-ass! You just keep going on and on! Wh-What? Listen up! If we need to, we kill without mercy! Even our own allies! That's what Immune Cells do, remember? You wanna get all chummy with everyone? You wanna join the Red Blood Cells who sit around sipping tea? You're looking to crash a neighborly game of cards with the other cells? Pining to get ribbed for drawing the Old Maid? "Oh, you chump!" Well, you can kiss all those shameless daydreams goodbye! Hey, it's not like I had anything that specific in mind.
You and I We're assassins, got that? Yeah.
Keep it honed until it's sharp as hell! So you can use it at a moment's notice! The knife in your heart! Heart? I didn't hear your answer! Oh Right.
Jeez, you're such a handful! Oh! White Blood Cell! I have something to tell you! Somehow, I just managed to finish all my tasks! Wait, how did you get that? I-It's nothing, okay? Killer T No, a mugger No, um, an antigen This doesn't even hurt anymore.
No, forget about my wounds! Anyway, did you just say you somehow finished all your tasks? Y-Yes! Would you mind telling me all about it? I mean, about what you guys do Oh, well, you see Just now, after I ran into you, the first place I went to was the vena cava! And since that's where all veins end up, it was so huge! Right.
After that, I went to the heart! I got all smooshed in there, so it was tough! Like smooooosh! Right, right.
Oh, and also, when I was in the heart, I dropped my notes, but for some reason, they came blowing towards me from behind! Right.
And then, I went to the lung and the pulmonary alveoli! From the outside, it was all lumpy-bumpy and a funny shape! Is that right? Wow.
Lumpy-bumpy And then I made it ultra-light! It's light as a feather, guys! Really? Let me see! Now migrating.
Lost my way! Oh, you chump! Damn.
I'm so not envious at all! NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW Keep it honed! The knife in your heart! Wait, how do you do that? Figure it out yourself! Next episode of "Cells at Work!", "Thymocyte.
" All right! Time to work! Time to work! EPISODE 9: THYMOCYTE
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