Cells at Work! (Hataraku Saibou) (2018) s01e09 Episode Script


1 EPISODE 9: THYMOCYTE "Thymocyte"! Inside the human body, roughly 37.
2 trillion cells work energetically, DENDRITE all day every day.
ANTIBODY ENCYCLOPEDIA 24 hours and 365 days.
WHITE BLOOD CELL They are all working very hard.
PLATELETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION This is the inside of a human body.
We're the invincible T Cells! There's nothing in this world that we fear! We're the invincible T Cells! Hey! Step on it, you slowass scrubs! There's nothing in this world that we fear! KILLER T CELLS (CYTOTOXIC T CELLS): Mobilize under orders from the Helper T Cells.
Assassins who recognize and destroy foreign cells, such as Graft Cells, virus-infected cells and Cancer Cells.
Killer T Cells.
Mobilize under orders from the Helper T Cells.
Assassins who recognize and destroy foreign cells, such as Graft Cells, virus-infected cells and Cancer Cells.
We're the invincible T Cells! All right, line up! Next up, some hellish resistance training and combat practice! You losers! Yes, sir! 1,867 1,868 2,465 2,466 3,578 3,579 3,580! Look dammit, I can't hear you! You call yourselves T Cells, you miserable losers? Yes, sir! Take that! Take that! Not one of you even has a spine? You think you can phone it in if you're a T Cell? No, we do not, sir! Loser scrubs like you aren't fit to be T Cells! Yes, sir! You do know that as T Cells, you're the immune system's last line of defense? Yes, sir! What good is a weak last line of defense? Get yourselves in shape, you morons! ANTIGENS Yes, sir! I'm going to close the window, all right? Your lifestyle choices are Yes, sir! You think I'm stupid? What a drag! How obnoxious is that? Even in here, we can still hear him hollering.
HELPER T CELLS: When notified of invading external enemies, they serve as commanders who formulate appropriate attack strategies, and they issue orders to Killer T Cells.
Helper T Cells.
When notified of invading external enemies, they serve as commanders who formulate appropriate attack strategies, and they issue orders to Killer T Cells.
Talk about ruining tea-time, huh, Regulatory T Cell? Is that right? This isn't tea-time, though.
I'm working.
REGULATORY T CELLS: They prevent Killer T Cells from spinning out of control, and suppress excessive immune abnormalities.
Regulatory T Cells.
They prevent Killer T Cells from spinning out of control, and suppress excessive immune abnormalities.
You know, tea-time is totally— Are you okay? Whoops, Commander, sir.
Looks like I hurled him too hard.
Oh boy! He took out the Helper T Commander! Killer T Boy.
I've been meaning to say this for some time! Look, you! Would it kill you to play it a little cool? You've never been one to think about efficiency, have you now? I've got a job to do, you know.
I need to make sure these guys can attack like they should on your orders.
Who's gonna get jammed up if all we have are wimpy combatants? Wouldn't that be you? Which is why I'm telling you to rethink your methods! Don't just send them flying like that! You're as heavy-handed as ever! What are you talking about? The most crucial thing about drills is to strengthen their hearts! How can they learn to get tougher if I train them softly? You know what, you've never had a clue about planning things out! Are you all right? Just take it easy.
Wh-What's going on? Yeah, and all you do is drone on and on! "Do this, do that!" Those two Who are they to each other, exactly? I'm the one who knows what it's like on the front lines! Aren't they boss and subordinate? I do not drone on and on! Do you want to know? DENDRITIC CELLS: Their role is to present bacteria that have invaded the body, and fragments of viral infection cells as antigens, and to notify other immune system cells.
They're also involved in nurturing T Cells.
Dendritic Cells.
Their role is to present bacteria that have invaded the body, and fragments of viral infection cells as antigens, and to notify other immune system cells.
They're also involved in nurturing T Cells.
What did you say? What's your problem? T CELLS See, those two What the hell? No way! They were classmates back in Thymus School.
The guy with the glasses He's the Helper T Commander? He's totally pumped up! Killer T Senpai is so scrawny! H-He's crying! Just like us! My job happens to involve using my brain! He's getting his butt kicked! He's nothing like he is today! I envy you for having the mindless job of just drilling them! Looks that way, doesn't it? But years ago, those two What did you say? - Welcome to Hell, you useless runts! - We're the apprentice T Cells! THYMUS: The lymphoid organ that categorizes and fosters precursor cells into full-fledged T Cells.
Listen up! There's nothing in this world that we fear! This thymus is where we're gonna separate the useful from the useless! We're the apprentice T Cells! And we're gonna kill any virus or germ! We're the apprentice T Cells! EPITHELIUM There's nothing in this world that we fear! We're the apprentice T Cells! And we're gonna kill any virus or germ! You numskulls, starting today, I'm gonna train you really hard, so brace yourselves! THYMIC EPITHELIAL CELL: The Epithelial Cells that form the thymus.
They nurture Lymphatic Cells, aiding in T Cell categorization.
Thymic Epithelial Cell.
The Epithelial Cells that form the thymus.
They nurture Lymphatic Cells, aiding in T Cell categorization.
Ya hear me? Yes! Now let's get started! You guys will be taking a test now! A test to see if you can react to an external enemy antigen, got that? CELL You will see human-type panels appear out of the blue! Judge for yourselves which ones you think are antigens, and attack! Those who mistakenly assault common cells, those who fail to attack a single antigen before they reach the goal, will be disqualified on the spot! Got that? Yes! Only two to three percent will still be standing at the end! So go for broke! Yes! I-Is that C-Could it be an antigen panel? All right! Good job! Okay! Wh-Whoa! Can you believe this guy? He split the panel into two! H-Hey! I went after that panel first! And how could you stomp on my head? Oh, sorry about that.
That was me using you as a springboard.
Because that was the shortest route to the panel.
But you've got to have better reaction time, or it's gonna be hard to become a great T Cell, you know.
Why, you Ouch! Would you mind not making me expend unnecessary energy? D-Did it really hurt that much, that poke to the forehead? Just leave him! Getting involved with that one would be wasted effort! Hey you! Stop sniveling and start running! Such a glaring talent gap in this crop of candidates Who would've thought we'd end up rooming together? So the room assignments aren't based on merit.
Wh-What's that supposed to mean? Don't make me spell everything out for you.
As for the bunk bed, I'm taking the bottom bunk.
You're letting me have the top one? Because it's a waste of time to climb up and down.
But in return, make sure you keep your climbing to the minimum.
Otherwise, I won't be able to get a full night's rest.
I mean, you might as well sleep on the floor.
Wh-What did you say? Hey you! Is that any way to treat someone? What's your problem? Is force the only thing you understand? You two sure have a lot of time on your hands.
What do you want? Nothing.
I just happened to be walking by.
I thought you were deliberately creating a problem because you wanted to drop out.
Well, you're wrong! Why would I want to do that? Is that right? Oh, by the way Seems like the two in the bed across from you flunked out after today.
I'd better get my game on, too.
See you! The hellish training sessions continued after that day.
Somehow, they managed to get through it and avoided flunking out.
Hey you over there! Quit that loud bellyaching! Drop out right now! N-No, I won't, sir! Hey, don't be so stubborn.
It's gonna end the same anyway! You're not cut out to be T Cell.
Only the top achievers in this class can hope to survive.
Right? That's right.
Everyone who's finished, head back to the dorm! That was exhausting! My body is aching! Dammit! I'm laying my life on the line here, and you're always sipping tea! Shut up, will you? You want another poke to the forehead? All right.
Let's do this.
I think I'll call it a night.
Wh-What the heck is he doing? Killer T punch! 42 in a row! Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! Punch, punch, punch! Jab, jabbity, jab! He's got to be wiped out after today's drills.
Epic Immune Cytolysis Fist! Ultimate Internal Secret Art! Antigen-bludgeoning Pulverizing Fist! Jeez, what does he mean, Secret Art? Moron Oh whatever.
It has nothing to do with me.
Now that's what you call youth! You're interested in those two, as well? No.
Not really.
Now if the fists started flying, it'd make it even more like a teen movie.
Is that right? I hope those two end up surviving, don't you? We're apprentice T Cells! Cells at Work! Cells at Work! We're apprentice T Cells! There's nothing in this world that we fear! We're apprentice T Cells! And we're gonna kill Today, there's gonna be a special surprise test! Don't flinch like that, you idiots! There's no advance warning when an external enemy shows up! Those of you who lack sufficient training will be saying goodbye today! You guys will be taking a test called "Positive Selection"! The rules are the same as always! POSITIVE SELECTION/NEGATIVE SELECTION: Positive Selection (selecting useful T Cells for survival) and Negative Selection (eliminating harmful, self-destructive T Cells) occur in the thymus.
Through this process, the Lymphocytes that can precisely distinguish between self and non-self proteins, such as pathogens are selected.
Ultimately, only a few percent of these cells can become T Cells.
All you need to do is assault the antigen panels until time's up! But almost all of you will be weeded out today! Don't worry! You just need to carry on as usual! Get going! I just need to carry on as usual, right? All right! That head Target sighted! All right! This means I've passed! Wh-What's this? You're out! That's a panel of a common cell holding a pickling stone! This isn't the same as usual! I thought it was a virus, but it was just a fancy hat! You're out! That's impressive! You pass! I see.
So, it looks like this test is more difficult than usual.
No, this is a common cell wearing a disaster hood! It's this one! So, now, it's my turn, huh? Whenever you attack, you have a habit of unconsciously closing your eyes.
So, no wonder you can't land a punch.
When you're attacking your target, keep your eyes on it until the end! Th-That guy Next! R-Right! I-I'm so nervous, I'm starting to feel sick! That's it! Whenever you attack, you have a habit of unconsciously closing your eyes.
Keep your eyes on it! Th-That was close! This is a common cell holding a pincushion! A sewing kit? So you didn't fall for it! N-No! Jeez, he makes me nervous.
There isn't much time left! Stay alert until the end! Behind you! Behind you! What? To your right! To your right! Wh-Which way is right again? Dummy! Don't be nervous! That way! To your left! - No, right! - No, left! - No, right! - Behind you! - No, right! - Behind me Which way is it? - Right! - Left! - Behind you! - Right! - Left! - Behind you! You're running out of time! Behind you! Behind you! Ultimate Internal Secret Art Antigen-bludgeoning Pulverizing Fist! How come you know about that? You pass! Congratulations! You should be glad.
That you passed and all.
That was dumb luck.
To be honest, I have no confidence in being able to carry on as a T Cell.
Lucky you.
They told you you could be a Helper or a Regulatory T Cell, not just a Killer T Cell, right? If you're gonna be like that, it's not too late to tell them you're gonna drop out.
You have no confidence, right? Then, why don't you quit? Wh-What did you say? Just for the record, people won't humor you when you have these stupid maudlin moments, but this world No, the working world isn't such an easy place! Did you say "stupid"? A genius like you doesn't know jack about how I feel! You idiot! If you've looked your own weakness in the eye, then, deal with reality for once! Open your eyes, will you? You have no choice but to keep giving it your all! Even if your efforts seem wasted, your redeeming quality is how you keep grinding away on your own, isn't it? Y-You Gotcha.
You won't hear me whine again! Good.
I'm gonna get stronger.
I'm gonna train until I can take out any enemy with one blow! I'm gonna build up my muscles like there's no tomorrow, and give it my all! Right.
Now I know what it is that I should strive for myself.
I can see that inefficient bumblers like you need someone to issue them orders.
If you're gonna become a commander, you need to loosen up a little, or your subordinates will freak out.
You don't have to tell me.
I'm well aware of that! I just need to loosen up, right? Even I can do that.
Just watch! Those two morons So, you see, that's what happened.
Dammit! We're laying our lives on the line here, and you're always sipping tea! Well, that's because deskwork is so grueling! Do you have to nag like that? Wanna trade places? So that's how those two came to be like that? What have you guys been looking at anyway? Hey! What photos are those? Give 'em back! Those photos! Burn 'em up this second! Hey, what do you think you're doing? This is important data! We're asking you anyway! Just burn those photos up please! MIGRATION IN PROGRESS I'm sorry! Seriously, those two are so ridiculous.
They're just the same as they were back then.
NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW It's the person in the mask! Next episode of "Cells at Work!", "Staphylococcus Aureus"! He's asking you to please watch.
I think he's asking you to please watch! EPISODE 10: STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS
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