Charite (2017) s02e06 Episode Script

Stunde Null

Evacuate them to Wiesengrund.
Don't tell my wife.
She's the last one.
He would give away his own child?
He tried. I don't trust him.
-Why are you still here?
-I deserted.
I can hide up here and watch Karin.
Wiesengrund sent a letter,
Karin never arrived.
So many children get lost.
Tell them that she was transferred
to another facility.
You're up already?
Hello, sweetie.
Hello, did you sleep well?
Yes, come.
Good morning.
Help my boy! Help!
Put him here.
An incendiary bomb.
We came out too late.
We'll help him.
Sit down for now.
Keep calm.
Prepare some Pantopon
and tetanus antitoxin.
Give him painkillers.
Second-degree burns. No necrosis.
No brushing.
-Pop the bubbles?
-No, let them dry.
Treat them with 5 percent of tannic acid.
Syringe, please, I'll pop the big ones.
Please, don't tell the authorities.
Less than a third of the skin is affected.
He has a good chance of survival.
I have the Dermatol powder and the foil.
Have a seat.
-The powder.
-You, of all people, helping Jews?
-You don't know me that well.
That's all I could find.
Not enough to feed both of them.
Do you have shoes or cigarettes that you
could trade at the Brandenburg Gate?
No, I don't.
What about the hospital allotment?
I don't have the keys to it.
Can you ask your husband?
He must have access.
He would know that Karin is near.
Okay, I'll try to get some diesel fuel
from the generator.
For 10 liters, you get a piece of butter.
People are starting to share
their last piece of bread.
"Charité" really means "compassion."
What a beautiful room.
-I have to see Professor Sauerbruch.
-He's at the shelter performing surgery.
Take me to him.
I must fulfill an important mission.
Follow me.
Gas gangrene.
The leg was tied for too long
at the dressing station.
I have to incise a large area,
so that air gets to the tissue.
Rinse with hydrogen peroxide.
Prepare 60 cubic anaerobic serum.
-We have none left.
Then Prontalbin wound powder.
Someone needs to go to the aid station.
Two nurses tried to go there
and were shot. Nobody wants to go.
How are we going to treat serious injuries
without any basic drugs?
We have nothing!
The Americans have penicillin!
So much of it,
that they even treat German POWs!
You and Paracelsus used to say,
"The best degree of drugs is love."
Yes, but it won't help gas gangrene.
Access is prohibited during surgery.
Are you seriously injured?
I'm Yrsa von Leistner from Munich.
I have to see the professor.
I'm a sculptor and want to make
a bust of him.
You said it was important.
When destruction prevails everywhere,
art becomes even more important.
When you're right, you're right.
A surgeon is also a type of sculptor.
-I had a dream about you.
-I'm sorry.
As a child.
I think I was looking for you
my whole life.
Who gave the order for a bust of him?
From the medical office
and the Todt Organization.
I'll perform my medical service duty
later on.
The things people do
so they don't have to work
All right.
Dulles will be interested in this.
Information from our embassy
about updated Japanese aircraft.
How do you get out of town?
The Waffen SS locked up the city
so people are staying and fighting.
Fritz got an official courier job
to Switzerland,
in order to get out.
My boss sent me on a secret mission:
I am to transfer his mistress
and some oriental rugs to Bavaria.
You have a car and gas?
A Mercedes with wood gasification.
-Greetings to the Americans.
-I'll tell them to hurry up.
Come with me, please.
I can't leave,
I have to help with the surgery reports.
German bureaucracy in hell.
The reports are proof
that the patient didn't desert.
You're right.
Don't forget, if they catch you,
your death sentence is in there.
Is it usable?
We have no clothing.
Caution, please.
-We're all out.
You're stealing stuff, for whom?
Is Karin here at the Charité?
They're not for Karin.
Are you hiding Otto?
None of your business.
If my wife hides a deserter,
that is my business.
You endanger us both,
and Karin will be alone.
Since when do you care about Karin?
Did you forget? You wanted to send her
to Wiesengrund.
She would be safer there.
I'm not a monster.
My mistake, you only kill other kids.
We'll visit Grandma soon.
When the war's over.
Operation Clausewitz was issued
by the Führer.
Dr. Goebbels, the chief representative
for the war,
declared Berlin a fortress.
He wants to give the enemy a fight
they've never seen before.
Can you provide me with pictures
of injured or burned kids?
We have to inform the public
about what will come.
That will raise morale.
It'd be better to create a cross
in the sky with spotlights,
the symbol of Christ, to protect the city.
The Red Cross paintings on the hospital
have to be retouched.
You can barely see them.
I'm not here to tell you
how to protect yourself,
but how to fight.
Every doctor and nurse gets a bazooka,
in order to fire upon the Russians.
I am not doing surgery
with a bazooka in my hand!
We have better things to do.
I am the military commander
of the Charité,
you cannot order me around.
Should I tell that to Minister Goebbels?
Be my guest.
Professor Sauerbruch is right.
According to the Geneva Convention,
medical staff should be neutral, unarmed,
and should not be attacked.
Do you really think
these Bolsheviks will adhere
to international law?
Did Sauerbruch just explode?
Soviet rocket launchers, I bet.
I'm supposed to deliver them to Forensics.
-Are they still operating?
-Yeah, they're busy.
These are especially cruel.
We found them at Ulap Park,
all with a shot to the neck.
Good, you need to investigate.
I hope they catch the whole gang.
-Ask in the back.
-Thank you.
I'm sure it was Bonhöffer's son.
Not Dietrich, but Klaus, and the other one
could have been his son-in-law.
-Hans von Dohnanyi?
-No, the other one.
-Rüdiger Schleicher?
-Yes, him.
What a death toll for one family.
If you liquidate political prisoners
the is end near.
I don't know if I can get through.
Do you want to wait at home?
In our house, we are only civilians
and they'll plunder us. In the Charité
we are the doctors they need.
Drive back, Kobov. Take care of Lux
and barricade the house.
-We're fine here.
Waiting for the final victory.
Just go.
If the enemy sends airborne troops
or breaches the line with tanks,
we'll hear the alarm.
Five minutes of constant alarm.
Constant alarm? We use PTF,
power through fear.
If I were a man, I'd shut you up.
Others give their lives to save us.
General Wenck's liberation attack
is imminent.
With the secret weapon
of your beloved Führer.
The one you also swore an oath to.
Where the Führer goes, we will win.
Even if Russians, with all their power,
fight their way into the heart of Berlin,
our troops are right behind them.
-Stop playing the Weekly Review.
-We have the longer breath.
When you need a good firebombing,
nothing happens.
Hail Hitler, Mrs. Goebbels,
you're still here?
There are rumors that your husband is
on his way to the Alpine fortress.
He's with the Führer.
I'm on my way there,
me and the children.
-What can I do for you?
-I need cyanide.
Our glorious idea is destroyed.
We want to be with the Führer
and would rather end our lives
than watch Germany be destroyed.
And the children?
They don't deserve what's coming.
I have two capsules,
for my wife and myself.
Ask in the Reich Chancellery
for Dr. Stumpfegger.
I'm sure he has a big supply.
Will Dr. Stumpfegger help me give it
to the children?
He should give them an anesthetic first.
Death by cyanide would be
a terrible sight for a loving mother,
the cramps and attempts to gasp for air
Die with dignity.
The upper floors are in danger
of collapsing,
but on the first floor you get
a good look at the terrain.
Very good, we need a clear shot.
Hey, hey. Hey!
What do you want here?
The hospital is a neutral zone.
The Ivans don't care either.
Revenge is our virtue, hate is our duty.
If the Russians see you armed,
they'll kill you.
Get to safety.
You're undermining the war effort,
punishable by death.
You shouldn't run away.
You need a good cover.
I can show you a place
where you can barricade yourselves.
Go on, show us.
There are shooting slits for you.
A good field of fire.
-Open up!
-Give me that.
Open the door!
Throw your weapons out
and I'll open the door.
Their mothers will thank me.
You'll hang from the nearest lamppost!
I have something for you.
Thank you.
The Russians are coming.
What if you can't get to Karin?
Where is she? With Otto?
A deserter can't protect her.
It's about survival. Karin is only safe
with us, bring her here.
I beg you.
Four kilometers, maybe six.
Do you know where the front is?
No newspapers and no radio.
Not even any propaganda.
-But they had the Weekly Review.
-The theater's running?
Yes, believe it or not,
Kolberg is still running,
It All Started So Gaily
and also The Punch Bowl.
People almost died laughing
when Goebbels talked
about a new offensive.
What'll happen to us after the war?
Maybe they'll change the laws?
The Russians lock up gay people, too.
-Best to go to France.
They'll welcome a German with open arms.
The Russians arrived at the Alex.
Nurse Käthe saw them.
-That close?
-Finally, the end of the war.
I'm even more scared than before.
Not sure if I can make it up here
once the Russians arrive.
I'll take Karin to the shelter,
I want her with me.
And Artur?
Nobody gets transferred,
it's chaos outside.
Why don't you come?
Can you guarantee
that nobody will rat me out?
Otto's right.
They still execute deserters.
There are no more trials.
The Volkssturm is more fanatic
than the SS.
I locked some of them up earlier.
Be careful.
Are you going to beat me up, big sis?
I'm not that big.
You saw all of this, way before I did.
My boy is thirsty.
We have no saline infusions left.
Something else to drink?
Not that easy,
the plumbing's been destroyed.
We are slowly running out of everything.
-I can go to the well.
-It's too dangerous.
We're under attack.
What is better?
To die of thirst or a bullet?
Get us out.
Get us out of here.
Get going, best to head north.
Nurse, forceps.
Tell the nurse to sterilize
the instruments.
-There's no water.
-I am standing in a puddle.
The well pumps are off-line.
Any other good news?
No more sterile bandages.
We have 12 saline infusions,
and we're out of morphine.
Give the wounded cognac for the pain.
And check for hidden weapons.
I have to go, the last train is leaving.
I wanted to show you something.
Don't despair,
I saw a peace star over Germany.
I am reassured now.
I'm so glad she's well.
-It would've been bad, right before--
You know exactly
what they would have done with her.
To be clear,
it was not my idea to send her.
You can thank your husband.
He put the little one on the list.
It would have been safer than here.
Gas is probably better than bombs.
Gas? What are you talking about?
They don't gas kids.
Are you really that gullible?
You and all the other doctors told us
about the mercy killings of the unwanted.
I don't have a problem with disabled kids.
I was always good to the kids.
And to Karin, too.
You went to Bessau for Karin.
I didn't make the rules.
You had a choice.
You of all people
-who helped get a disabled man killed?
-Yeah, and I'm ashamed of myself.
-Neither of us is innocent.
-Kids, be grateful it's still war.
What happens next is way worse.
Where are you going?
You have to turn it in
before the Russians arrive.
The ship is sinking.
Himmler fled, too.
He used the ratline
to Flensburg.
You should burn the uniform.
-Take him outside, okay?
-Yes, sir.
Tempelhof is occupied.
No water, but there's salami and cognac.
Amazing what you find among the rations.
They just explained
how to cook frogs and rats.
Time for the Russians to take over.
I know you look forward to the Russians,
but I have three sons out there.
France didn't start the war.
I have family, too, and no word yet.
We should prepare for judgment day.
"Welcome" is:
I want to kiss the first Russian
who comes through that door.
You will not!
We should make Russian signs.
So they know it's a hospital.
Write "risk of infection"
on the storage room door,
the young nurses can hide in there.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
It's your own fault
if you're still alive
There was enough bombing.
Water! I got water.
They say Russians love kids.
-They won't harm the children.
-Hold on.
This might help you.
If only more were as brave
and helpful as you,
none of those barbaric things
might have happened.
You might need it for the Russians.
Not the first time I'll have to drop
my pants to prove that I'm Jewish.
I can always pray.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God,
the Lord is One--
I can't take it.
Yes, please.
I have another one.
Two weeks ago, she was
at the Jewish hospital to give birth.
They deported her,
together with our daughter.
-That's crazy.
-It was always crazy.
Thank you, I won't forget it.
I won't let you down again.
Are we a family?
Even if Karin is disabled?
Yes, of course.
Will they prosecute doctors?
The nurses will blame us, you heard Käthe.
Patients will make statements, too.
They might prosecute you?
Are you scared
because of your vaccine tests?
Bessau chose the subject group.
I had no say.
As a doctor with a disabled kid myself,
they'll believe that I'm innocent.
What have we here?
Here. That's all we have left.
There, there.
Armed forces are starting to occupy
the upper floors.
What? They are not to fight here.
The Charité is a neutral zone.
These wackos endanger our lives! Margot.
Please get the typewriter,
we have to send a letter to the Führer.
Armed forces have to leave immediately.
A letter?
How will it get to the chancellery?
Someone can walk, it's so close!
I have a question about Otto Marquardt.
He deserted and is hiding upstairs.
Can he join us down here?
Of course, a doctor is always welcome.
I have a feeling
that you have run out of places
you can rat him out to.
Come on. On with it. Are you going AWOL?
What should I write? My leader
In this last hour,
in the name of our wounded,
I would ask for--
A wounded spleen,
I may have to extract it.
Scalpel, clamps. Hurry up!
Do you know who I am?
My name is Sauerbruch.
That's right, Lenin.
I did surgery on him 30 years ago.
It was only a rotten tooth, but still.
Pardon me.
I'm French.
Get a grip, Jung.
On April 30th,
the Führer committed suicide
and failed all
who had sworn allegiance to him.
Every hour that you continue to fight
prolongs the terrible suffering
of the civilian population
and our wounded.
In agreement with the high command
of the Soviet troops,
I urge you to stop fighting immediately.
Weidling, former commander
of the defense sector
The end.
God has drummed and whistled.
It's all quiet out there.
I need a sheet and a stick.
I'm going out to negotiate
with the Russians.
-I'll come, too. I speak some Russian.
Keep your head high
even if your neck is dirty.
I'm glad you're here.
I wanted to tell you something.
Greetings to your wooden leg.
You have to help me, Otto.
Damn it.
Good, just like that.
Professor Sauerbruch!
Marquardt was shot in the stomach.
Back there.
His injuries are more severe, understand?
It's an emergency. The other guy has time!
Don't shoot.
I'm a Jewish doctor.
In the shelter, there.
All good!
We can evacuate.
The iliac vein is damaged.
Hoepfner's forceps, quickly.
-We're out.
-Whatever you have.
Fortunately, there's no arterial bleeding.
He's lost too much blood.
Ninety over 60.
We need more volume.
-We have no infusions
-Anyone blood type O?
Anyone blood type O?
Anyone blood type O?!
Let's go, don't be scared.
-What's your blood type?
-A, why?
Otto's bleeding out.
To the left.
We stopped the bleeding,
but he's not out of the woods yet.
His pulse is stable.
I think he'll make it.
He'll be thirsty when he wakes.
I'll fetch some water.
You had one more life left.
I'm thirsty.
I'll try to get home.
Miss Fritsch will give me her bicycle.
-Did she give you the letter I dictated?
It's proof for the Russians
that you worked here involuntarily.
The SS also had French volunteers.
I know. Thanks for the letter
of protection.
I'll return the favor.
-Are you going to say goodbye?
Jung, what do I do without you?
Well, surgery.
Otto woke up.
Thank God.
Thank you.
Over there.
Right here.
-Professor Sauerbruch, remember me?
-Not that I recall.
Colonel General Alexei Wisniewski.
Chief of Medical Services of the Red Army.
I was your student years ago.
I failed the exam.
"Wisniewski failed."
I passed the second time around.
I'm a professor at the Institute
of Experimental Surgery in Moscow.
-That's great news.
-I have more.
Your son is in a prison camp
in Lower Silesia.
I am committed
to getting him released soon.
That'd be great. Please.
What can we do for you?
We have to get the hospital up and running
as soon as possible.
Two-thirds of the buildings have
been destroyed.
I need to determine what is still usable.
What are we lacking the most?
After the war, Karin and I went to the
Bethel Sanatorium, where I got a job.
Karin remained disabled,
but mastered her life.
From the '50s on, you could operate
on children with hydrocephaly.
I divorced Artur.
He became the head of
a children's hospital in northern Germany.
The denazification court classified him
as innocent.
Martin and Otto remained at the Charité.
They would be able to come out
in the late '50s,
after the GDR abolished Paragraph 175.
In Germany, the law remained in effect
until its reunification.
About 50,000 homosexuals were convicted
of fornication.
Under Soviet occupation, Sauerbruch became
a councilor to the Department of Health.
The Allied Control Counsel let him go
because he was accused of helping
to advance the Nazi dictatorship.
He was nominated for the Nobel Prize
multiple times,
but never won.
In 1951, he died of dementia.
Margot Sauerbruch worked as an internist
at the Martin Luther Hospital
in Berlin Moabit.
At 84 years old, she still rode her horse
through the Grunewald and died in 1995.
After the death of her husband,
she never remarried.
Adolphe Jung went back to his family
and university in Strasburg.
He was able to refute the accusations
that he had collaborated with the Nazis.
He died in 1992
as a highly respected surgeon.
After the war,
Fritz Kolbe married Maria Fritsch.
His resistance to the Nazis
was not recognized,
and he was not allowed to work
in the Foreign Ministry.
He died in 1971 in Bern,
without having been exonerated.
In the Third Reich,
400,000 people were forcibly sterilized,
and 200,000 sick and disabled murdered.
The war cost over 60 million lives.
Ninety percent of the Charité buildings
were destroyed or damaged.
they still cared for 800 patients.
Lectures were quickly resumed
after the Dutch famine of 1945.
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