Charmed s08e20 Episode Script

Gone with the Witches

I can't believe I got up early|on my husband's day off for this.
Stop complaining,|we're getting close.
Close to what, getting killed? We scried for evil and it was here.
Yeah, because their names|are Christy and Billie.
I'm telling you, it can't be them.
They're supposed to be|the Ultimate Power.
Yeah, but I still think they're|being manipulated by something.
Or maybe|you're just avoiding the inevitable.
Piper, I told you.
If we need to take down Billie|and Christy, I'm there, seriously.
But I still think there's something else|behind them.
And whatever it is,|it's behind that door.
What have we got to lose, right? You know, just our lives.
Look, we're not even ready to deal|with Billie and Christy, let alone what may or may not be|behind door number three.
Well, the sooner we find out,|the better.
All right, now that we've ascertained|it's a creepy, empty room, I think we can go.
Just because we don't see anything,|doesn't mean it's not there.
This place is giving me|really creepy vibes.
Me too.
I'm with Paige, let's go.
This room's not even supposed|to be here, right? Well, whether it is or it's not,|let's go.
There's gotta be something in here.
- Okay, that's enough, let's go.
|- Okay.
The Charmed Ones.
You're not supposed to be here.
Actually, I think|you got that backwards.
I mean it.
So, what, are these hall monitors|working for you now? Does Billie know about this? Billie's not your concern anymore.
And neither is this place,|so just go now.
Sorry, that's a no-can-do.
What are you gonna do, Paige?|Are you gonna vanquish me? Oh, wait, I'm human|and that's murder.
That's illegal, isn't it? That is unless it's self-defence.
I guess we'll just have to see|how this plays out then, won't we? Let's get out of here.
We'll be seeing you again.
You're not supposed to be here.
Yes, but I was told they were here.
|I thought I promised my sister|they wouldn't be hurt.
Not until we're ready.
Just out of curiosity, was it easier dealing|with all of this stuff when Leo was mortal,|or when Leo was magical? It was easier|when he was still around.
Well, obviously.
I just mean, you know, being pulled away|by demons all the time.
Oh, I don't know,|it's kind of a toss-up.
When he was magical,|he understood more.
But when he was human,|he was in more danger, so I was more worried.
So what I'm hearing you say|is that it pretty much sucks either way.
Yes, basically.
You just got married.
You know,|give it some time, you'll get used to it.
But, see, that's the thing.
|I don't want to get used to it.
I want to be able to go away|with my husband, go out, do things without always|being called back on some emergency.
Yes, well, good luck with that.
Piper, Paige, come here.
Now what'd she find? Probably another reason|to avoid Coop.
I think I ID'd the new power.
Yeah, are you sure you're just|not trying to keep busy to avoid? Piper, I told you,|if worst comes to worst, I will totally I'm not talking|about Billie and Christy.
I'm talking about Coop.
- What about Coop?|- Yeah, what about Coop? I love Coop, okay? I'm in love with Coop.
I love him and I just can't help it.
But this has nothing to do with that.
Hey, it's completely understandable.
You're miserable|that he can't love you back, he's not allowed to, and so you'd like to take|your frustrations out on some demons.
Can we please just focus here? We are running out of time, and we have no idea|what we're up against.
Since we can't go back|to Magic School because it's not safe for us, I compiled a little list here|of all the good magical creatures that have helped us in the past.
Why are leprechauns|at the top of the list? Well, because they have luck|and we need luck.
Yeah, but isn't that like throwing them|into the lion's den? No, I mean,|it has to do with them too.
It's good versus evil, you know,|it affects all of us.
What happened to my life|that I wound up having to talk to leprechauns|so much? I'm sorry, honey,|but you know them best.
Okay, you and I|are gonna go upstairs and see if we can ID|Christy's new hall-monitor friend.
Hey, there you are.
God, I've been looking all over|for you.
Well, I've just been here.
Doing what? Just writing stuff down|about the sisters.
That's good, that's really good, Billie.
We can figure out|what their weaknesses are.
Yeah, well, I'm hoping|we can disempower them so we don't have to hurt them.
Who are you kidding, Billie? It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than|that to stop them, and you know it.
No, I don't know it.
I mean, besides, Piper has kids.
She has a baby, for God's sakes.
How can you even think|of wanting to hurt a mom? What about our mom? She didn't have any concern|about her.
Look, I didn't seek this out, Billie.
This was given to me.
It was given to us.
Yeah, we're supposed to take down|the most powerful witches of all time.
That's what this nightmare's|all about.
- So now I'm a nightmare.
|- No, going against good people is.
They're not good people, Billie.
If they were,|we wouldn't be in this position.
They've lost their way.
And the longer it takes for you|to figure that out, the more time they have|to attack us.
Like they tried to do today.
What are you talking about? They were here.
I saw them.
Are you sure|they were looking for us? - Billie.
|- Look, if they come after us, fine.
I was wrong, we don't have a choice.
|But until they do If we give them enough time|to attack us, we'll die.
You know what, Billie? I'm tired of trying|to convince you of this.
If you don't wanna believe me,|then fine.
But I'm gonna introduce you|to someone that you'll have to believe.
Come on already.
- You.
|- I'll raise you two.
Now, what, for God's sake,|could you possibly be wanting now? Look, I know you just did me a favour,|okay, which I so appreciate, but I just need this one thing.
The balance of good and evil|depends on it.
Well, it's always something|with you people.
It shouldn't take long,|it's super easy.
All I need you to do|is sneak into Magic School and just identify a certain evil,|that's all.
A demon, no doubt.
Place is swarming with them.
Probably part of the brewing storm|we've been hearing about.
Exactly, that's it,|that's all you have to do.
We're leprechauns.
We toss a bit of luck about|here and there.
These big battles, well,|they're really more up your alley.
This fight affects us all.
Still, like he said,|we're not much for the fighting.
Might be better if we sit this one out.
Well, if the balance of power shifts, you're gonna be doing an awful lot|of sitting around here, because there's gonna be nobody|to protect you from all that evil.
Look, I came to you guys first, because you're smart,|you're cunning, you're brave - Good-looking.
|- You're damn good-looking.
I mean, that's for sure.
But hey, if you don't wanna help me|stop the Ultimate Power, that's okay.
I'll just go ask the gnomes.
What? The gnomes are idiots.
You can't trust them any further|than you can throw them.
All right, we'll do it.
But we don't like it.
All right, Phoebe Jeez, what, are you mad at me|or something? No, of course not,|why would I be mad at you? All right, good, because I think|I found you the man of your dreams.
Oh, really, do you? Yes, yes, I do.
|I think he's perfect for you.
He's an aid worker in Bangladesh.
He's rugged, handsome, you know,|a real do-gooder type.
Of course, there's the long-distance|thing, and you're gonna need to get shots.
Okay, yeah, I'm not gonna get|vaccinations to go meet a guy.
What's the matter,|you couldn't find anyone in the area? Well, yeah, yeah, sure I can.
You know, I don't think you understand|how difficult it is.
It's not my fault that you reject|every guy that I bring.
Wait, every guy? Coop, there's been one guy, one.
Yeah, but he was a really good guy.
Okay, you know what I think? I think that you just have no idea|what I want.
Oh, I know exactly what it is|that you're looking for.
No, trust me, you have no idea.
All right,|then why don't you enlighten me? You.
And I know it's impossible, because of the rules|and everything, but Okay, so Dad is taking the boys|to the zoo Wow, excuse me,|hello, hi, sorry to interrupt.
But, you know, Ultimate Power,|mysterious things, gotta go, tick-tock.
Right, right, exactly.
You should probably go,|I'm thinking, you know? Yeah, we'II - Talk to you later.
|- Okay, yeah.
Oh, God, I know, I know,|it's forbidden love.
And I'm doomed and we're doomed,|and everything is doomed.
That about sums it up.
Well, at least you're not avoiding|anything anymore.
Did you happen|to ID Christy's hall monitor? Yeah, but he's gotta get away|from Magic School before we can do anything.
Okay, that's all right.
Because when we do, he'll talk,|I guarantee it.
What is this? You'll see.
No, this is creepy,|I'm getting out of here.
Don't be afraid, Billie.
It's me.
Oh, my God.
You're all grown up now, aren't you? How is this possible? Anything's possible here, Billie.
That's why I come here.
For guidance, for him.
But he's not real, is he? I've always been real, Billie.
Just like I've always been there|for you both.
I wasn't just an imaginary friend.
Who do you think wrote in my diary|and told you how to find me? He prepared us for everything.
I was sent by the greater powers|to show you your destiny, to help you understand|that your powers were given to you for a reason: To do good,|and to keep what's bad in check.
So this is where you get that from? Yes, it is.
Much is at stake, Billie, and only you|and your sister can stop it.
This is the reason,|this is the moment why you were gifted|with these powers.
To save the future from this.
Of all the people to betray me.
I didn't go back|to betray you, Wyatt.
I went back to save you.
Wyatt? Save me? From what? It's all about power,|it's as simple as that.
That's why I keep|this museum intact, to remind everyone the power|from which I was born and that which I possess.
Piper's progeny.
That same sweet little boy|you once babysat.
That is what unchecked power|will become in the future.
A future that only you|and your sister can save.
It is your destiny.
I can't.
Billie, wait.
We are not pleased, Dumain.
And we are running out of time.
This was your plan, Dumain.
You came to us.
We didn't sacrifice ourselves,|our lives, only to fail now.
We haven't failed.
We just underestimated|Billie's connection to the witches.
It's a lot stronger|than we anticipated.
You mean stronger|than you anticipated.
For 15 years, I've worked tirelessly|to bring this plan to fruition.
We will succeed.
Not unless we can kill|the Charmed Ones, we won't.
And Billie remains reticent.
As do the Charmed Ones.
They, too, hesitate|to attack fellow humans, as I knew they would.
But they won't hesitate for long.
Don't ignore the great progress|we've made.
We've successfully|inverted morality.
We've convinced|both Christy and Billie that the Charmed Ones|are the evil ones.
Which does us no good|unless Billie is able to kill them.
And if she can't,|the balance of power won't shift.
And we won't have the power|to return.
Which means|you won't become one of us.
Have faith, my lords.
Once Billie is fully turned,|and believe me, she's close Wait.
Someone is coming.
Oh, me aching back.
Serves me right though,|for letting them witches strong-arm me into being their lackey again.
Aye, for the love of Saint Andrew,|stop your griping, will you? Something's not right here.
Oh, let's just get this over with,|shall we? Well, what are you gonna do,|take a photo? No, I'm identifying the threat|like she asked us to.
Do you have a better idea? And you call yourself a leprechaun.
Let luck reveal what can't be seen Leave it,|we'll find another way back.
Oh, curse those Charmed Ones.
Like lambs to slaughter, we are.
We may have just found a way|to help Billie cross the final threshold.
She may not believe|the Charmed Ones are evil from us.
But she'll believe it from them.
Summon Creo.
At your service, my lord.
Because you've never had friends,|you don't know what it's like for me.
I have Dumain and I trust him.
Can you honestly say that|about the sisters after they've put their needs|above yours every single chance they've got? Look, I admit|they've become a little selfish, but they haven't done anything|bad enough to deserve to die for it.
But, Billie, they will|and then it'll be too late.
- You don't know that.
|- You saw their inner truths.
How they're being corrupted|by power.
- It's our destiny|- Oh, I'm so sick of this destiny crap.
No! What are you doing here? Wait.
Perhaps you should use him to send a message|to the other demons.
Good idea.
Any more of your demons come here|and attack our friends, they're dead, do you understand? Are you okay? Yeah, sure.
Thanks to you.
Well, you guys can come out now,|it's safe.
Don't worry, we're your friends.
You never really know for sure|these days.
What were you doing here anyway?|Why did you risk coming here? We were sent.
Really? By whom? The Charmed Ones.
Paige hasn't heard|from the leprechauns, which is not a good sign.
I just hope we didn't confirm|the mystery power's existence at their expense.
Yeah, that would be a bad thing, which also means that|we're running out of time looking for it.
Tell me about it.
I'm beginning to think|that the Ultimate Power's power is to drive us crazy.
I think you're gonna have to face|some harsh realities soon, Phoebe.
We may just have to Don't say the K-word.
Do not say the K-word in regards|to Billie and Christy, please.
Okay, well,|just because you don't wanna say it, doesn't mean we won't have to do it.
Oh, okay, and push comes to shove,|you're gonna be able to do it? You're actually gonna be able|to kill them? If it's us or them, absolutely.
Look, we're not talking|about innocents here, Phoebe.
And whether or not|there's a force behind them, the Triad handpicked them to kill us.
|I mean, it's time to get real.
That's even more reason|to avoid confrontation and figure out who's behind them.
Which I think I may have just done.
- You found the demon?|- I think so.
Okay, I'll get Paige.
We'll use your truth potion|to pry a name out of them, and you stay here and figure out|if the leprechauns are coming back.
Well, what if they don't?|What if something happened to them? I'm sure I was a goner.
I guess that's why|I'm a little shaken up.
Don't worry, you're safe now,|I promise.
I just don't understand|why the demons keep coming back.
I thought we killed all of them.
Good as new.
I thank you for that|and for saving us.
Just one thing I can't figure.
You folks are good, so why did the Charmed Ones|send us here? That's what we're still trying|to figure out.
What did they say|they wanted you to do? It was to find a great evil.
They called it "the Ultimate Power.
" And they said it was evil? What else did they tell you? That the power was huge|and that they were bent on stopping it.
Really? And how did they plan|on doing that? Same as they deal with all evil,|I suppose.
Vanquish it.
Is that what they said? That they were gonna vanquish|the Ultimate Power? Are you sure? Well, they didn't actually say that.
But that's what they do, isn't it? I just don't know why|they would send you guys here to do their dirty work.
Have they done this before? All the time.
It's not just us.
They use|the whole magical community.
Yet they never took the time|to save Magic School from demons? Couldn't break a nail, I guess.
Cannon fodder.
It's what we've become to them.
Now do you believe everything|I've been telling you? We give up everything for them.
And this is the thanks we get? What does Dumain think we are?|Lackeys? We've had this conversation.
It's all part of the Triad's plan.
We'll get what we deserve|soon enough.
Yeah, that's what you keep saying.
But I'm still sleeping|behind a dumpster.
We do as we're told.
Even if we have|to make the ultimate sacrifice, it's all part of the greater victory.
Yeah, but if we're not a part of it,|I'm not sacrificing anything.
You signed an oath in blood.
We both did.
And if you don't protect them, you'll face a fate|much worse than death.
Funny you should say that.
We have a few questions for you.
Gentlemen, who is the wizard|behind the curtain, so to speak? - The what?|- The demon.
Who are you working for? The demon is No.
- We can't.
|- Too bad you don't have a choice.
Two and a half corn dogs?|What, are you crazy? Dad, he's 3,|I don't care if he begged.
Look, I gotta go, but seriously, no more junk food|or he will vomit on you.
- Where's the demon?|- In the wasteland probably.
Him and his pal vanquished each other|so they didn't have to talk.
They sacrificed themselves? Yep.
Scary, huh? Any word|from our little green friends? No, nothing.
I hope they're okay.
- What are you doing?|- I am going to call them.
Well, I might have known it was you.
Dropping us on our behinds.
You've no right|to call us back like that.
Well, I'm sorry, I was worried.
Are you okay? Now you're worried,|after sending us into harm's way.
We wouldn't have done it|if it wasn't important.
Yeah, come on guys,|we're trying to save the future here.
So you say.
I'll be taking that back now,|thank you.
Hey, what are you doing? We're no longer|at your beck and call.
That was a gift.
And don't bother calling.
Oh, wow, what's wrong with them? I don't know but it's not good.
Okay, I know leprechauns are crabby|but this is different.
What do you mean, you think Billie|and Christy got to them somehow? Or maybe somebody else did.
I just can't believe|they turned on us like that.
I mean, what did we do? Maybe it's not anything we did.
Maybe it's something|Billie and Christy did, or whoever's behind it.
What are you saying? I'm saying I think they did|to the leprechauns what the Triad did to them.
Turn them against us? Twist everything around|and make us look like the bad guys.
That's crazy,|they would never believe that.
Sure they would.
Think about our track record|with them lately.
But what purpose would that serve?|I mean, why even bother? I don't know, to isolate us, make sure we have a little less backup|in our time of need.
You mean when they attack.
Maybe that's what|they've been waiting for.
Well, we have to warn|the magical community.
- Tell them not to fall for it.
|- Where's that list? - Upstairs, I'll get it.
|- No, I'll get it.
You talk to Coop, make sure they don't|try to turn anybody else against us.
And I am going to talk|to our little friends again.
I think that's kind of a waste of time.
I don't think so.
I'm not letting them|off the hook that easily.
We're almost there, my lords.
Almost? The longer it takes,|the greater the chance she'll regain sympathy|for the Charmed Ones.
Which we already know|Billie is prone to do.
I don't think that's going to happen.
Especially now that she believes|the leprechauns were set up by the Charmed Ones.
Then what's the delay? Either she's ready|to kill them or she's not.
She's close, she just needs|a little more convincing.
Once she thinks the Charmed Ones|have turned their backs on the entire magical community Well, that's impossible.
The community's too vast|and too loyal to the sisters for years of protecting them.
We need to create a situation where they won't be there|to protect them.
- How?|- Simple.
We distract the Charmed Ones when the magical beings|need them most, using the same distractions|that have worked on them in the past.
Billie herself has provided us|with all we need to know.
The witch doctor|who turned inner truth into obsession.
That should work quite nicely|on Paige.
Should be enough|for the lot of us to tough it out.
If things get as bad|as I think they're going to, no amount of luck will be too much.
Battening down the hatches we are.
Now, what do you think|you're doing here? You're no longer welcome here.
That is exactly the kind of attitude|that I am here to talk to you about.
Our attitude? It's your attitudes in question here.
Look, I don't know|who has gotten to you, but contrary to popular belief,|we are still the good guys, okay? And the fact that you guys|have gone demon-free for all these years|pretty much proves that point.
Still, things change.
People change,|especially human people.
- Same difference.
|- You know what I mean.
What I know is that this is not the time|to bail on us just because|we've had our differences or because someone|has been whispering in your ear.
We are going into a very big battle,|which you obviously know about, because somebody|has been stockpiling luck.
You were saying? What am I doing here? I need to find enlightenment.
But you were telling us|about the battle.
Oh, battle.
Well, good luck with that.
I've always found lust to be the greatest|of the seven deadly sins.
And apparently, so has Phoebe.
Oh, it's about time.
I was wondering|when you were gonna get here.
Listen, I Oh, no, not that.
- Not now.
|- Not what? You know,|whatever is in your mind right now.
We've got a big problem.
Yeah, I know, I know.
If there's one thing I know about love,|it's that we'll always find a way No, no, no, that's not the problem.
I mean, that is obviously,|you know, a problem.
But that's not the problem.
Okay, I don't understand.
Okay, look, there's this new power|at Magic School and we're afraid that it's gonna turn|everybody against us.
Okay, and by everyone,|you mean? Ogres, fairies, leprechauns,|cupids, maybe? All right,|well, when will all this happen? Phoebe? You all right? Their grandmother's wedding ring, which she apparently put a hex on to remind her of the horrors|of being a housewife.
Should be perfect for Piper,|considering her current situation.
Oh, crap.
This place is a mess.
Now it's time to bring in the demons.
It won't be long now before everyone's|against the Charmed Ones.
Especially Billie.
All right now.
Let's go, boys.
Now, we all know|that the winds of war are blowing.
Yes, yes.
It's time we faced the facts.
The Charmed Ones can't be trusted|to help us anymore.
I don't believe that.
They've always been there for us.
Well, you didn't see Paige today come here to beg us|to fight the coming evil.
Except she left right in the middle, all in a hurry|to go find enlightenment or get her nails done|or who knows what.
They don't care anymore.
Like last year,|when they took on new identities, stepping away from the fight|without so much as a goodbye.
They did it to stop Zankou.
Just one of the many threats|they saved us from.
They stopped The Source,|the Avatars, the Triad.
Who are we to question them? Witches prophesied centuries ago|to fight for the greater good.
That's just the point.
They don't anymore.
They don't care enough|to protect us from Run! Run this way! Follow me, follow me! If we don't get the Charmed Ones,|we're all dead.
Paige, you gotta help us.
We're under attack.
I'm sorry, this is me-time.
They killed Liam.
They're trying to kill us all.
I'm trying to find a deeper meaning.
Please go.
We're being attacked.
What? Not now.
- You all right?|- Yeah.
- You want me to stop?|- No.
May I help you? What's that? You and the whole magical community|is under attack? Demons are slaughtering you|left and right? Your only hope is us? Well, I'm sorry, but unfortunately,|I can't help you.
I need to be here|for when Leo comes home.
That's just awful.
I just vacuumed there.
Help! Help us! What's wrong? What happened? Demons.
They're attacking us all! But where are the Charmed Ones? Leaving us to die.
We'll take care of that.
Thank God, you're all right.
|Why didn't you answer your cell? I left it at the condo.
- Was a spell cast on you as well?|- Yes.
I don't know what happened.
One second I was talking to Coop,|and the next, I was attacking him.
- Magically?|- No, sexually.
Who do you think did this to us? Who else? Billie.
She's the only one who knows us well|enough to use our past against us.
- I'm gonna kill her.
|- Where have you been? Okay, the big question is,|what do we do now? They seem to be one step ahead of us.
|I mean, we tried to warn our friends.
Who probably think|we've abandoned them.
Yeah, well, we need to find them|and change their minds.
The only way to do that|is to save them.
What's going on? We were just coming to save you.
Well, we've already been saved,|and not by you.
For years, we thought|you were on our side, counted on you.
Then to leave us high and dry.
- Hey, we were under a spell.
|- Yeah? We wanted to save you|but something wouldn't let us.
You've betrayed us.
It's always one thing|or another with you, isn't it? Our good friends|are being slaughtered, while you're kissing your loved ones|or contemplating your navels.
Billie and Christy|were right about you.
Look, they're twisting everything.
|It's not what you think.
They know exactly what to think.
They think it's over.
And so do we.
The "Book.
" What? How did we get here? I don't know,|I aimed for Magic School.
They must have protected it|from us.
Wait, so there's demons up there|and we're stuck in the Underworld? We're the bad guys now.
Well, how did that happen? Well, more importantly,|what are we gonna do now? Oh, this is bad.
This is really bad.
They've escaped.
But not for long, they're on the run.
Banished with nowhere to turn.
So how can they be destroyed? They won't give up.
They'll attack Billie and Christy|with everything they've got.
And so will begin|the ultimate battle.
One which will destroy all the witches,|including Billie and Christy.
Then we can return once and for all.

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