Charmed s08e21 Episode Script

Kill Billie: Volume 2

Watch it, guys.
|Wait for me.
This thing's heavy.
We gotta keep moving.
I think we're going in circles,|because this looks very familiar.
It looks the same to me too.
Of course it does.
|It's the underworld.
It all looks the same.
How many looks|can they come up with? No wonder they wanna take over|our world.
This is ugly.
They've already taken over our world.
|That's why we're stuck down here.
We gotta do something.
Come on.
I'm open to suggestions.
Maybe we should talk|to the leprechauns again? No, I've had it with the leprechauns.
I think they made|their allegiance pretty clear.
- They wouldn't even let us explain.
|- I don't think it would have mattered.
Billie and Christy have everybody|thinking that we're the threat.
We gotta get out of here.
Why haven't the Charmed Ones|attacked yet? They will.
I assure you.
When? When they're at|their most desperate.
When they realise|they have no other choice.
And Billie and Christy? They've taken over|the Halliwell manor.
And they've got the entire|magical community behind them.
Not to mention us.
But are they prepared for the attack? They will be.
Where'd everyone go? Oh, I sent them home.
I thought|they'd be safer away from us.
But we might need their help.
- The sisters|- Are gonna come after us.
I know.
But it's not the magical|community's fight.
It's ours.
- It's our destiny.
|- Here we go again.
Don't worry.
|I know it's the right thing, and it's all for the greater good,|but it doesn't mean I like it.
Look, Billie, I know|this is hard for you.
Okay? But it'll all be over soon.
|I promise.
Don't be so sure.
|We came after them with our best shot|and they still got away.
- Yeah, but barely.
|- It makes me think maybe we don't have enough|to go against them.
They aren't the most powerful|witches of all time for nothing.
But we're no slouches either.
Besides, we don't know|what would have happened.
They got away|before our best shot hit them.
You know, Dumain thinks we should|use vanquishing potions next time.
Vanquishing potions? You wrote down|their most powerful ones.
If we catch them off guard,|they won't stand a chance against us.
Billie What are you guys doing here? Oh, it's a long story.
Oh, what happened? That's what we're|still trying to figure out.
So, what brings you here? I'm looking for Phoebe.
|I can't find her.
- When's the last time you saw her?|- Last night at her loft.
Someone put her under a spell and You know what? Never mind.
If you see her, tell her|I'm looking for her.
|And you do the same.
We're looking for her too.
He said she was under a spell.
- So?|- So Phoebe said the same thing.
- That makes me wonder|- She'll say anything to save herself.
So will he.
Come on.
We have a potion to make.
Okay, do it.
Okay, we can't keep playing|"Survivor:" "Underworld" much longer.
What are we gonna do? - How about we just orb home?|- No, it's too risky.
Billie and Christy will be waiting|for us.
And their new friends.
Okay, well, we gotta do something fast because word will get around|that we're down here.
She's right.
|We can't fend off demons forever.
- We need a plan.
|- Maybe just give up? - What?|- What.
It's just that every time we go out|and try to get a life, meet people, do new things, we seem to wind up|back in these kind of lame positions.
Giving up is not such a bad idea, is it? No, I'm not giving up.
Not now and not after|I finally found someone I could see having a future with.
Look, if we want our lives|and Leo back we're gonna have to fight.
Fight Billie and Christy.
Are you sure you can do it?|I mean, really do it? Can you kill them? Yeah, they're no different|than demons now.
Not after all of this.
Look out.
Energy ball.
Go, go, go.
- Excuse me.
|- Hey, how are you? - Sure, no problem.
|- Thank you for waiting.
- Right.
|- Oh, yeah.
Okay, I'll tell him you called.
Excuse me? Can I help you? Oh, I'm sorry, I was just looking|for Miss Halliwell.
- And you are?|- I'm an admirer of hers.
For quite some time now.
If you'd like|an autographed picture, - leave your name and ad|- I don't want a picture.
I'm actually here|for personal reasons.
And may I ask what it's regarding? Well, like I said, it's|It's personal.
I'm afraid I'm going to have|to ask you to leave.
Of course.
Forgive me.
It's just that she's not been back|to her condo for a couple of weeks, nor to her sisters' house and I can't find her anywhere.
I'm just a little concerned.
That's all.
Aren't you? - Are you sure it was them?|- They vanquished our best.
Kadl hasn't been heard from|since he followed them.
Believe me, if it's the Charmed Ones,|he's dead too, like the rest.
Then why do we keep sending demons|in after them? It's suicide.
No, no, no.
It's necessary.
I need to understand|what they're doing there.
It's so uncharacteristic of them.
After all, they love it up here.
They have everything they want:|Friends, family, a bit of romance.
So then, what are they doing|in the underworld? What are they running from? My old mentors.
- The Triad?|- Who else? They're the only ones powerful enough|to turn their worlds upside down.
But I thought the Triad|had been vanquished.
Well, they had.
But they always resurrect|sooner or later.
First in spirit form, then completely.
You see, it's why our generation|can never take power.
They won't let us because|they just keep coming back.
But it's our right.
It's our time.
Perhaps, but they're too powerful.
We can't yet eliminate them,|at least not without help.
Charmed help.
What are you talking about? Phoebe hasn't been to work in days.
But it's so much more than|a job to her.
She gets to help people|with her column.
She needs that.
She misses that.
Just like Piper misses her children,|and Paige misses her new husband.
And they'd do anything|to get it all back.
Believe me.
Even if it means working with us.
Unless you draw a double red,|you don't stand a chance, my man.
Go ahead.
Pick that card.
That's cheating.
It wasn't me.
It's Chris.
No way.
He doesn't have any powers yet.
Yes, he does.
Wyatt, shield.
Orb! All right, who the hell are you|and what do you want? You've got the wrong idea.
|I'm a friend.
I'm a cupid.
Yeah, right.
Get out of here,|or I'll sick my grandson on you.
I'm telling you,|I'm not the bad guy, it's Hey, Wyatt, what's going on, buddy?|You remember me? I was at Paige's wedding|with Aunt Phoebe.
Saw you sneak out a little bit of cake,|before the ceremony, with Henry? There we go.
All right.
- See?|- Sorry.
We're a little on edge around here.
Yeah, I see that.
Listen, I know a little something|about what's going on, and that's why I came here.
I'm looking for Phoebe everywhere.
|I can't find her.
I'm worried.
- Phoebe, huh?|- Yeah.
She and her sisters|are just fine.
They sent me a message|not too long ago.
Really? Where are they? Well, you don't get to know that.
And frankly, I don't have anymore time|or patience for cupids or fairies, and others like you.
Especially after the way|you treated my girls.
So buzz off.
I completely understand|where you're coming from, but I'm different.
I swear.
I'm in love with your daughter.
- Oh, for the love of God.
|- And I just wanna help her.
If you really want to help her,|just stay away and let her live her life.
If she survives this anyway.
Victor, listen to me Listen, I mean it.
I've watched one daughter|go to hell and back, falling for some magical being, and I'm not about to|go through that again.
And I'm not about to let Phoebe|go through that.
She deserves better.
She's been through too much.
Nobody will ever love your daughter|more than me.
I promise you that.
What do you know about love? I'm a cupid.
That doesn't mean squat|unless you had your heart broken.
Have you had your heart broken? No.
Then you don't know about love.
|Believe me.
Listen, I I'm sorry I'm so cranky.
Got a lot on my mind.
Just Just do us a favour|and let us be, okay? We got enough to worry about here.
Victor, I am in love with your daughter.
There's nothing you can say|that's gonna change that.
So please, when you hear from her,|just call out my name.
Okay? It's Coop.
I'll be waiting.
Hey, you guys, keep it down.
They could still be in the house,|you know.
- Here's hoping.
|- We don't wanna have to attack before we're ready.
I wish we hadn't taken|the "Book of Shadows" to your condo.
- We could have used it.
|- I don't think we'll need it.
Still, I don't wanna take any chances|after what happened last time.
Okay, well, that should be enough.
|They are human, after all.
I'm not so sure.
All right, get the vials.
Anything? No.
Well, I guess they're not here.
Maybe they're at Magic School.
No, we're not.
Waiting for us, I see.
We knew you'd have to come back|here eventually.
Yes, well,|seeing how it is our house - Oh, wow, I see we have potions.
|- You taught me well.
So, what are you waiting for? - Nothing.
|- Stop it.
I told you this wouldn't|make them attack first.
- What was that?|- Billie's projection power.
- You okay?|- Piper, you okay? Oh, my God, you're hurt.
Where are the other vials? Let's get her out of here.
- Damn it.
|- We've gotta take care of this.
- No, it doesn't matter.
|- Well, it matters to me.
Let's go.
I'll go get her some water.
How did you know|they'd come here? Where else could they go? It's tempting just to kill them now,|isn't it? Oh, it's never that easy.
History proves that.
Besides, we need them as much|as they need us.
- Piper.
Wake up.
Wake up.
|- What? Well, it's about time.
Piper, blast.
If you vanquish me now,|who will help you stop the Triad? - We already stopped the Triad.
|- Yes, but they came back.
Or didn't you know?|They're evil incarnate.
And since evil never really dies,|neither do they.
Well, at least not for long.
Who else could invert morality|to the point of making you out|to be as bad as us? Billie and Christy? I don't think so.
I always knew somebody else|was behind them.
All right, what do you want? We want to help you.
How, by knocking us out? We could have killed you|if we wanted to.
Or at least, we could have tried.
|But we didn't.
The point is,|if you want your lives back and you want to stop the Triad as|much as we do, then you'll let us help.
- Help with what?|- I know the Triad.
I used to serve under them.
And I know what they're thinking.
I might be able to find out what Billie|and Christy's next move might be.
Which might help you|defeat them next time.
Why would a demon want our help|killing another demon? Personal reasons.
Look, what we need to know is if|you're going to do what must be done to save your future.
|You're gonna have to trust us.
Well, what do you say? I don't know.
I don't like it.
- Did you see that?|- See what, sweetie? Nothing We'll take whatever help we can get.
How can you trust them? We can't.
But we're out of options.
How do you know|the Triad are even here? I don't.
The witches are,|so I doubt they're far away.
But if you're right|and they find us here? They banish us|to the wasteland.
Our sacrifice won't be in vain if we|find a way to make sure they die too.
Understand? It's time for the Triad's reign to end.
One way or the other.
Christy, sit still.
You're bleeding.
I don't care.
Just put a bandage on it.
Too bad we're trying to kill Paige.
|Otherwise, she could have healed you.
Are you done yet? No, this is gonna sting a little bit.
|So hold on, okay? - Does that hurt?|- No.
Well, I still think we should|get this checked.
What are we gonna do, Billie? Are we gonna go to the ER|and tell them what happened? We have work to do.
|We have to find a stronger potion.
Well, there aren't any, okay?|That was the strongest one they had.
Then we'll make a stronger one.
Look, Christy,|maybe this isn't a good idea anymore.
- Billie.
|- I'm serious.
Look, it doesn't change how I feel|about them or what they've done.
But I don't want to lose you too.
|You're all I have left.
Okay, Billie, listen to me.
You're not gonna lose me, okay? And I am not gonna lose you.
As long as we stick together.
- What happened?|- It's nothing.
I'm fine.
No, she's not.
|The sisters attacked us but they used the same potions|as we did.
They got hurt just as badly as we did.
- We'll get them next time.
|- Apparently, not without more power.
You should go back to the manor.
|We don't want them using it as a power base.
|In the meantime, I'll see what I can do|about getting you what you need.
Wait here.
You told us they already had|what they needed.
That's the second time|you've overestimated Billie and Christy.
Or underestimated|the Charmed Ones.
With all due respect, it was always|an ambitious plan to begin with.
But it was|your ambitious plan, Dumain.
We hold you responsible.
And I accept responsibility, my lord, as well as all due credit|for getting us this far.
After all, fighting the witches to a draw|is better than any demon has ever But that's not good enough.
We need to take over|before it's too late.
The Charmed Ones are weary,|depleted.
They'll never be more vulnerable|than they are right now.
And if we don't destroy them|while we can, their magical offspring will continue to grow|in numbers and power.
And then there will be|too many to stop.
We need The Hollow.
We can't use The Hollow.
I mean, there's a reason|why both good and evil banished it hundreds of years ago.
|It's uncontrollable.
Nevertheless, it is our only choice.
No, but it's too dangerous.
|It consumes powers, sure, but it'll drive whoever is|trying to control it insane.
Look what it did to The Source.
Billie and Christy will need|charmed-like powers to summon it.
Fortunately, Dumain knows|exactly where to obtain such powers.
Don't you? Okay, they're back.
- At the manor.
|- Okay, we're almost ready.
I'm worried Billie|is gonna be able to match whatever potion we come up with.
Well, it's three against two.
|It should be enough.
Yeah, well, not if the Triad|is helping them, it's not.
I mean, what we're making|might not be strong enough.
I just hope our demon friends|come through for us.
And isn't it strange saying,|"Demon friends"? - We can't trust them.
|- I think we're gonna have to.
So how much of this has to do with|what you think you saw? I don't think I saw Leo.
I know I did.
What do you think it means? I don't know,|but I can't imagine it's a good omen.
Well, it's about time.
So you want the good news|or the bad news? - Just cut to the chase.
|- Very well.
The Triad is, in fact, alive,|at least in spirit form.
But I don't think|Billie and Christy know.
- Then how are they helping them?|- Through a demon I don't know.
But the big news is what they want|Billie and Christy to get to kill you.
The Hollow.
The Hollow? Actually, you should take it|as a compliment.
They obviously want you dead|at all costs.
And even, potentially, all of mankind's.
Well, that's really great because|even we can't stop The Hollow.
Which is why we need to get it|before they do.
- Wait, what?|- Piper, do you remember the last time|somebody unleashed it? Yes, I do.
The Source used it to steal|our powers, which, I think, is the point.
But, then, he went nuts and then|it went into Cole and he went nuts.
And then he turned evil|and we had to vanquish him.
Is that ringing any bells, here? Yes, which is precisely why|we need to get it first.
Finally, Phoebe What's going on? In there.
- Are those demons?|- Yes, they are, but - What the hell are they doing?|- That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I'm sorry.
We're just We're a little on edge|right now, you know? I think you should go.
There's no way.
I'm not leaving,|especially with demons out there.
I can't do this right now.
|Okay, I don't have time for this.
I don't have time for you, okay?|I'm completely overwhelmed.
My sisters are sitting out there|and they need me right now.
And that's the most important thing|in my life.
Okay? So I can't.
I'm sorry.
You okay? Does it matter? So are we gonna do this, or what? Hey, buddy, five more minutes|to bath time.
Okay? Hi.
It's okay.
I'm not going to hurt you.
|Auntie Billie sent me.
No, Wyatt, Wyatt,|Grandpa won't understand.
He's not magical.
|He'll ruin everything.
Do you want to help save Mommy? Because you can, you know,|but you have to trust me.
I'm not going to make you go|anywhere.
I promise.
All you have to do is orb back home.
|Auntie Billie will tell you the rest.
Do you think you can do that? For Mommy? Well, that's a good boy.
Now, hurry, son, before it's too late.
|Go on.
Wyatt, what are you|doing here, honey? I'm gonna help Mommy.
And the best way to do that|is to help Aunt Billie and her sister get more powers.
Dumain, what is this? But the kind of power they need|can only be summoned with great power itself.
|Charmed power.
It's the only way|to summon The Hollow.
- That's crazy.
We can't do|- You don't have a choice.
It's the only way|to guarantee success.
It's the only way to save the greater|good and it's the only way to save Wyatt and Chris|from following in the wrong footsteps.
Look, I wanna get them|as much as anybody else.
But at what cost? You know, if we take this in,|how do we get rid of it? Well, there's a spell right here.
Okay, if we summon the Hollow|and we get infected, who is gonna be around to say it? She's got a point.
Well, we can take Billie and Christy out|before we get infected or we can do nothing,|let them get The Hollow and then all of this really won't matter|because then we'll be dead.
You do realise, of course,|that taking out Billie and Christy will only eliminate today's problems.
- What about tomorrow?|- What are you talking about? What am I talking about? The Triad.
You'll have to go|after them, too, if you want|this nightmare to be over.
Otherwise, they're gonna keep finding|new ways to attack you for another eight years.
But with The Hollow, you'll have the power to vanquish them|once and for all.
How do we know|you're not gonna come after us next? We might, but probably not|any time soon.
No, we're not powerful enough|to challenge the Charmed Ones.
No demon who remains is,|save for the Triad.
You decimated the old guard and, we|Well, we need time to rebuild.
We might be ready when|your next generation takes power.
I'll be looking forward to it.
There'll be nothing to look forward to.
|Unless you take in The Hollow.
Do you see him again? Yes.
Let's do it.
Come on Phoebe, pick up.
Hey, it's Phoebe.
|Leave me your name and number.
Hey, hey, hey.
|Don't you worry, big buddy.
We are gonna find your brother.
Yes, we are.
|Don't you worry about a thing.
- Hello.
|- Hey, Piper.
Sorry I can't get to the phone|right now.
Damn it.
Oh, sorry, baby,|didn't mean to scare you.
Christy, we can't do this.
|This isn't right.
He's 3.
We need him.
|We don't have a choice.
Well, what if he gets hurt? That's a chance we'll have to take.
What has happened to you?|Are you even listening to yourself? We didn't create this problem, Billie.
|They did.
They're the ones who turned|their backs on everything good.
It's not our fault this is happening.
Okay, listen to me, Billie.
|We've come this far.
We can't go back now.
If we don't do what we have to do,|they're gonna kill us.
Look, you only have to hold|our hands and we'll do the rest, okay? Okay.
I hope one day you understand.
Hey, Chris.
Listen, buddy.
You wanna play hide-and-seek?|Okay, where's Wyatt? Can you find Wyatt? Can you use your powers|to bring him home, please? Its thirst for power is insatiable.
It craves it, absorbs it.
Now take his.
Hold out your hands.
Now you have his powers, all of them,|including his power to orb.
But that's not possible.
Oh, attaboy, slugger.
Just so you know, your sacrifice|will lead to the end of the Triad.
What sacrifice? - First the Triad.
|- Then Billie and Christy.
You don't understand.
|It's an uncontrollable situation.
There's There is no telling|what they'll do now.
They'll go after the Charmed Ones,|destroy them.
Yes, of course, but then what? By infecting them,|their only allegiance now is to power.
- Your point being?|- They can't be stopped.
Short of some cataclysmic event,|The Hollow will never leave them.
Which means they'll keep craving|more and more power, until they have it all.
Including yours.
I think we can handle them|if they come.
But you can't.
Don't you see? Nobody can.
We can.
We've been waiting for you.
Well, your wait is over.
No potions, huh? We don't need any potions.
Funny, neither do we.
I knew we shouldn't have trusted you.
You should have followed|your instincts.
- Next time.
|- There won't be a next time.
It's okay.
Phoebe, come on.
Wake up, wake up.
Come on.
It's okay.
Look at me, look at me.
Breathe, sweetie.
|Come on, kid, now, wake up.
The battle is over.
Though not as I expected.
Paige? Hold her.
Hold her.
Paige! Paige.
Piper! What are you doing? Stop! What's the matter with you?|You're gonna kill her.
No, let go of me.
Stop, you don't understand.
Stop! Christy! Why did you do that?|You let her get away.
We need to get out of here, okay? There is nothing left for us here, okay?|Do you understand me? We gotta go.

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