Charmed s08e22 Episode Script

Forever Charmed

Piper, you gotta keep it down.
There's nothing in the book|that could fix this.
- No, there's gotta be something.
|- There's not.
And they can't undo|what's already been done.
Are you sure the boys are okay? I'm sorry you had to|come back to this.
- Good, you're still here.
|- Billie, what happened? - Where's Christy?|- She's gone.
What about the Charmed Ones? Piper.
Piper's the only one left.
I don't understand.
|You said The Hollow would be enough.
They got it too.
|They somehow found out you were going to use it|against them, so they summoned it too.
|It must've split, infected you all.
I just want Christy back.
You might be able to.
You've got the power, Billie.
You've projected yourself|back into the past before, haven't you? When Christy was young,|when she was trapped in that cave? - Well, yeah, but I|- Then why can't you do it again? Only this time you can go back|to change what was.
To save her.
You trust me, don't you? Damn.
- Hi, Daddy.
|- Oh, sweetie, I'm so happy to see you.
- Leo.
You're back?|- Hello, Victor.
I don't believe it, it|This is good, right? I mean everything worked out all right? Maybe you should sit down.
No, I don't wanna sit down.
|What happened? What's going on? Phoebe and Paige They didn't make it.
- What?|- But it's okay.
I mean, I'm gonna fix it.
I don't know how,|but I'm gonna fix it.
- Where's Wyatt and Chris?|- Sleeping.
We need to take them someplace|where nobody can find them, so we can figure this out.
|Do you understand? No.
What about the Elders?|Can't they help? Apparently not.
How about the rest of the|magical community? What about that guy Coop? How do you know about Coop? Well, he was here yesterday,|looking for Phoebe.
Who's Coop? He's a cupid who took Phoebe|to see her past loves.
- So?|- So maybe he can do the same for us.
Coop? If you can hear me,|I need to talk to you now.
Guys, if this is about Phoebe, she's made it very clear to me|about the way she feels, so - Phoebe's dead.
|- What? But if you lend me your ring, I think|I can go back in time and save her.
It can do that, right?|I mean, you can go back in time.
- Yeah, to follow love, but|- Okay.
So hand it over.
Okay, what do I do|How does it work? You just think about that person and how much you love them.
I gotta tell you, it doesn't always work|the way you want it to, because love Love isn't practical, it's emotional.
- That's okay.
It's all I've got.
|- I'm going with you.
I'm not losing you again.
Keep it simple.
Just follow your heart|to one of them.
This isn't right.
Oh, my God.
- What happened? She didn't freeze.
|- I don't know.
Probably because I'm your daughter.
You must be a pretty powerful witch, you know, to be able to|come here from the future.
Oh, no, it really didn't have much to do|with me.
It was Coop's ring.
- Who's Coop? A future son?|- No, Dad, sorry.
All girls.
You mean it's just|you and Prue, huh? Maybe we shouldn't|tell them too much? You know, changing the past|might change the future.
Well, we gotta|tell them something.
I mean, how are we gonna figure out|why we're here? Coop will fix it.
What? I'm just not used to|seeing you guys holding hands.
Let alone Never mind.
Hey, I remember this.
How old am I?|I mean, now, in your time? Almost 3.
So Prue would be 5.
- And Phoebe|- Phoebe? Wha Who's Phoebe? Not born yet.
I don't understand how this happened.
I was focusing on Phoebe, and it was supposed to take me|to when she would be alive again.
Well, maybe it did.
You know,|maybe we just overshot it a little bit.
A little? Try 30 years.
Wait a minute, I'm still a little new|with the witch thing.
So what happened? Well, we were trying to save|Phoebe and Paige Paige? Do you mean|we have another daughter? Yes, Mom, you do.
But the point is they died.
In a huge battle.
And we were trying to|go back in time to warn them.
But without the power of three,|we had to use this.
Did you say|the power of three? Then that makes you|the Charmed Ones, right? And you all came from me? Well, yes.
- So|- So If I'm the mother|of the Charmed Ones, and we could|find the grandmother, then maybe we'd be able to|re-create the power of three.
At least in theory.
You know what she's|talking about? I'm talking about using our family magic to|get you to where you wanna go.
Instead of that silly ring.
|Could that thing take us to her? I mean, your grams? Because|it would be faster than driving.
You can't come|barging in here from the future, and tell me that|two of my girls are dead, without expecting me to help.
So let's get going.
I'll be right back, baby.
- What happened?|- Where's Victor? Now where are we? Triple Word Score.
Hold it.
That's not spelled right.
- Well, sure it is.
|- No, it's not.
No? Is that an official challenge? - Excuse me.
|- How do you spell Zankou? - With a Z or X?|- That's cheating.
I'm not asking you, I'm asking me.
Well? - Z.
|- Told you.
- Are you?|- The future you and Leo? Yeah.
- And we've been expecting you.
|- Yeah.
I baked cookies.
I just don't understand how You were aiming for Grams|but you weren't specific enough.
So you came to the future where|you're the grams instead, - and here I am.
|- Wait, I'm a grandmother? Blows your mind, doesn't it?|Mom? Hold on.
I don't understand|how you know all this stuff, and how did you know|we would come? Because 50 years ago|we were sitting there, where you're sitting,|talking to our future selves.
That's why we were expecting you.
Now, you sure|you don't want some cookies? - No, I think I'd rather have aspirin.
|- Like she said we were expecting you.
You remember when|we were them? Kicking butt, fighting demons.
Losing you, getting you back,|losing you again.
- But it was all worth it.
|- Oh, you bet.
Oh, that's so sweet.
You know what, I'm just|not quite ready for all of this.
Besides, we need to get back to - save Phoebe and Paige.
|- Save Phoebe and Paige.
And the only way you're gonna|be able to do that is if you Don't say too much, hon.
We don't want them to|mess up the future.
Well, isn't it already messed up? Oh, no, not yet.
The future is worth saving.
|Believe me.
You keep using the ring.
Focus on who you want to go to|with your heart, not with your head.
That way, you'll get to your grams,|and then to Phoebe and Paige.
But what do we do|when we get there? - How do we save them?|- You get rid of The Hollow together.
I think we're back in my time.
- You want another tissue?|- No, I'm okay.
Well, you're|more than okay, sweetie.
You're very, very special,|and you need to know that.
Not as special as Prue.
|Or even Phoebe.
Everyone likes Phoebe.
But you're special|in your own way, Piper.
I mean, you're kind and caring.
You're the best little helper|I've got.
Plus, you are the only one who can keep your sisters|from killing each other half the time.
And you may not know it yet,|but you've got gifts.
The most The most amazing gifts.
And someday, those gifts are|gonna make you even more special.
- How?|- Well, you'll see.
Now, run on upstairs|and play with your sisters, okay, - while I make dinner.
|- Okay.
You loved your grams.
Who's there? - It's okay, Mom.
It's just me.
|- Oh, no.
Patty? Mom! Oh, my|What happened? - Why'd she faint?|- Oh, well, probably because you're dead.
All you need to do is|focus on saving your sister.
Which means|focusing on the battle.
Let's try again.
Clear your mind of everything else.
From all that has happened since.
Let go of the pain of loss, because where you're going,|that hasn't happened yet.
Think only of Christy.
See her at your side.
You want to save her|more than anything else.
And that's what you're going to do.
That's it.
You're almost there.
Now go project yourself back|to the Triad.
The Triad? What the hell are you talking about? - Are you trying to trick me?|- No, of course not.
Then what was that? You said|I was going back to see my sister.
You're right.
I should have told you.
Should have told me what?|What's going on? What's going on is that|if you don't go back to warn the Triad about the battle|they won't be able to stop it.
Which means they'll still be killed|and so will your sister.
So you're saying|the Triad was still alive? - More or less.
|- And you didn't tell me? So you've been manipulating me|this entire time? And Christy too? Christy understands|exactly what is going on.
And what might that be? Why don't you go back|and ask her yourself? Then maybe|you'll understand too.
- How is she?|- I think she's coming to.
No, I meant Mom.
I think it's more information overload|than anything else.
Well, welcome to the club.
What's wrong? Nothing.
I just was thinking about after you guys|say the spell to get rid of The Hollow.
Well, hopefully it'll work.
Yeah, if it does it means|everyone's gonna come back to life.
Including Billie and Christy.
Not for long.
|Not if I have my way.
Until you do, it means the ultimate|battle wouldn't have been fought yet.
Which means the Angel of Destiny|might take me away again until it is.
All I know is that we will be|playing Scrabble in the future.
And I'm pretty sure|you won't be losing.
Oh, what happened?|Where am I? You're okay, Mom.
|You just fainted.
Well, of course I fainted.
|You're dead.
Yeah, I know.
|They just told me.
- And who are you?|- Well, believe it or not, I am Piper.
From the future.
|And this is my lovely husband, Leo, - from the future as well.
|- But I'm from the past.
I need a drink.
- Oh, Mom.
|- Okay, Grams, relax.
I know this is all very complicated,|but we don't have time to explain.
Something very bad has happened|in the future, and we need your help to fix it.
We have to save her sisters, Mom.
We have to save|the Charmed Ones.
The Charmed Ones? You become the Charmed Ones? What do we have to do? Christy? Christy? Christy? Whoa, wait.
- Who are you?|- Well, I'm from the future.
I came back to warn you|Me.
Not to do this.
No, no, I'm serious.
You're gonna get|yourself killed.
This is not gonna work.
We've been waiting for you.
Well, the wait is over.
- No potions, huh?|- We don't need any potions.
Neither do we.
I knew we shouldn't have|trusted you.
You should've followed|your instincts.
Next time.
There won't be a next time.
- What the?|- Don't ask.
You'll get a headache.
Now, there's something|you don't see every day.
What is going on? Looks like time|caught up with itself.
How did everybody get here? Well, actually you have|Coop to thank for that.
What happened?|What went wrong? Not here.
Damn it.
It's okay.
|At least Phoebe and Paige are alive.
- Right.
But where's Prue?|- Oh, Mom.
Not now.
I'm sorry, but I have no choice.
Wait, but Okay.
So let me get this straight.
Because you guys altered|a key moment in time by saving us - And the manor.
|- Right.
Because of all that, what is supposed|to happen after this, won't happen? Exactly.
That kind of|makes this the new present.
Says the woman from the past.
Though a different past than mine.
Are you getting any of this? Whatever.
As long as we're|alive again, that's all I care about.
Plus, it's really nice|to see you guys again.
Actually, we've never met.
Yeah, we have, but you were a ghost.
Does she know? Yes, yes, we know.
|We're both dead by now.
- We're over it.
|- Well, you speak for yourself.
Okay, the problem is we're still|right back to where we started with Leo, and if I'm gonna have that|future that I saw with him Wait, you went to the future too? We sure did miss a lot|when we were dead.
Anyway, the point is|if I'm gonna get my husband back, we have a battle to finish.
And we're gonna have to|get Mom home safely, - otherwise Paige and I won't be born.
|- Good point.
Well, fantastic.
|Are there any other problems we should be|worrying about? - Wyatt.
|- Chris.
What are you two doing here? Somebody just|screwed up our future.
We're gonna need Dumain's help|if we're gonna finish what we started.
Haven't you been listening to me?|He's been manipulating us, probably since we met him.
If we could get to|The Hollow sooner this time.
- Christy, listen|- We can figure What is the matter with you? Dumain is using us, okay?|And he's not the only one.
The Triad is also.
Yes, that's right,|they're still alive.
Or they were, but Dumain|didn't tell us that, did he? Instead he tried to trick me into|saving them instead of you.
Maybe you should've|listened to him.
- What?|- The Triad could have helped us figure out|how to kill the sisters - if they were still around.
|- Okay.
Look at me.
Listen to me very carefully.
|They don't care about us.
They have twisted everything.
|They're using us, Christy.
They're using us for our powers,|our sisterhood, and our lives so all we can do is kill.
And that's exactly what we're|going to do, Billie.
We're going to kill.
Well, I can't do it.
I won't.
Then I'll do it on my own.
We don't know what happened.
|One minute everything's fine.
- We're kicking demon ass|- Actually, I was kicking demon ass.
- Watch your language.
|- Sorry, Grams.
- Wait, Grams? As in the Grams?|- Yeah.
Are these my|future grandkids or yours? No, yours.
Oh, hi.
As you were saying.
Suddenly, in the middle of|all the fighting, everything changed.
And the demons started|kicking our as Butts.
- Just because|Wyatt here lost his powers.
- Wait, how did you lose your powers?|- That's the thing.
We don't know.
So we cast a spell to take us back to|when they were lost and it took us here.
To you.
Maybe we messed up something|without realizing it.
With all the jumping around|we've done, it's a wonder|everything's not messed up.
No, it's gotta be|Billie and Christy.
They used The Hollow|to steal his powers.
I'm gonna kill them.
Well, before you do that we need to|get Wyatt's powers back, otherwise there's not gonna be|any future to save.
Well, I think the only way to do that|is to go back and stop them.
But how do we know|exactly when to go back to? I'll know.
Or at least I'm hoping|little Wyatt might jog my memory.
Well, he's at Dad's.
|I mean Grandpa's.
- Do you remember how to get there?|- Yeah.
- I'll go too.
|- But Dad's gonna be there.
I know.
I miss him.
Besides, I'm dying to know what he|looks like at this age.
She doesn't know.
Apparently, I hadn't|chased him away yet.
What are you talking? What don't I know? All right.
Everybody go.
But just, you know,|hurry back if you find anything.
- Phoebe.
|- Hi.
Thanks a lot for|telling me she's alive.
You're welcome.
Uncle Coop.
Uncle Coop? What? All right, everybody out.
Okay, let's get to the condo|and get to the "Book.
" Wait for me.
Wait Damn.
Oh, surprise! Oh, my goodness.
Oh, you're just as handsome|as you ever were.
- Wha What's going on?|- Hey, Gramps, how you doing? Chris.
What are you doing here? Hey, Grandpa.
How you doing? Now, this is our grandson, Wyatt.
|So handsome.
But I'm|I'm, I'm, I'm so confused.
Yeah, you'll get over it.
|I did.
- Where did you come from?|- 1975.
How do I look? Didn't anyone tell her|we're divorced? What? You dumped me|for your whitelighter.
- Who, Sam?|- Yeah, Sam.
Paige's father? Gramps, we're in a bit of a jam.
|Where's little Wyatt? He's in the other room with|With you.
Oh, come on, Patty.
It's all right.
It's a long time ago.
What do you mean Billie's not coming?|We need her.
We can defeat the Charmed Ones|without her.
No we can't.
We need the Triad to do that, and we need her power|to go back and save them.
Well, maybe there's another way.
That's not nearly enough.
|Here, let me do it.
I think I know how to do it|after all this time.
It's Billie and Christy.
|They're not demons.
They might as well be|from everything you've told me, which means we|can't take any chances.
I can't get over|how big this book has gotten.
- I'm so proud of you girls.
|- Then why don't you let me stir? Piper, why don't you get that? Paige, why don't you get that? Okay, I'll get that.
What are you doing here? What am I doing here?|I'm looking for my wife.
She didn't come home last night.
|Are you okay? Yes, I'm okay.
Of course I'm okay.
|I mean, we weren't "okay" okay, but now we're okay and|I think in the future we're gonna be I think we're gonna be|more than okay.
Don't tell me she marries|a whitelighter too.
A mortal.
Oh, good God.
Didn't I teach you girls anything? Hey, what can I say?|There's always Uncle Coop.
I really should be|out there helping them.
Not until we talk.
- Look, there are lives at stake here.
|- Yeah, and so is love.
I let you kick me out of here yesterday,|I am not doing it again today.
And you know why? Because I love you,|Phoebe Halliwell.
With all of my heart, with every|fibre in my being, I love you.
I've found love for thousands of people|all over the world, but I have never found love for myself.
|Not until now.
Until you, and I know you feel the same way|because I can see it.
I know what love looks like.
And I am not letting this|get away from us, Phoebe.
- Apparently not, Uncle Coop.
|- Yeah.
Look, I don't know what you want me|to do with this information.
I mean, we haven't even been|out on a date yet, and I don't know how to get past|the whole forbidden-love thing, I Phoebe? I'm I have to go.
I will call you|when we need the ring back.
Nice ring.
|Can I borrow it? Okay, all we need to do now|is find Billie and Christy.
You don't have to look far.
Can we talk? Look, I am so sorry for|what I've done to you guys, after everything you've done|for me.
I just wanted|my sister back so badly.
I couldn't even see|that she was manipulating me.
Well, that's very convenient.
But how are we supposed to know|this isn't a trap? Guess we have to let her talk.
- Where's Christy?|- I don't know.
Probably at Magic School trying to|figure out a way to kill you.
- But you're not.
|- No.
That was before.
They twisted|everything to make us think we were doing the right thing.
- Who?|- The Triad.
They used us.
They used Christy.
They have spent the last 15 years|turning her into a killer.
That's all they care about.
|That's all they wanted.
We already vanquished the Triad.
Dumain will figure out a way|to bring them back.
I know it.
- Who's Dumain?|- He's a demon, but he knows them better than anyone,|and with Christy they will stop at nothing.
Mom, are you here? Keep an eye on her.
Where's Mom I mean Grandma? She wanted to stay|with Grandpa to talk.
Well, that had better be|all that they're doing.
What did you find? Grandpa said that someone|came and picked up little Wyatt at 5 in the afternoon yesterday.
Some man, but that's|all I could get out of him.
- Wait, what man?|- Dumain.
He brought Wyatt to Christy and me|to summon The Hollow.
And then you stole his powers.
We were being infected.
|We didn't have a choice.
You used my son? That is all in the past, dear.
Now, let's|just focus on how to fix it now, okay? Okay, so we have to go back in time|to the day Dumain took Wyatt.
No, we have to go before that.
I know him.
He's gonna warn the Triad|before you can vanquish them.
Then you have to get the ring.
Coop? Coop? We need you.
Something's wrong.
What? The Elders sent Coop|down to you, Phoebe.
Not just to help you find love,|but to help you find him.
They hoped you'd fall in love|with a cupid.
It was their way to make up|for all your sacrifice.
They weren't gonna put you through|what Mom and Dad went through, so It wasn't and it will not be|a forbidden love.
I don't know how that information|helps us right now.
Well, in the future,|when you're together, you guys are like one.
All you have to do is think about him|and he's there.
Oh, my God.
What happened? I fought him for|as long as I could.
Okay, who did this to you? Some demon.
I'm sorry, he took my ring.
We're too late.
|They're going back in time.
But I can too.
- What?|- My lords, we come from the future|to warn you about it.
The Charmed Ones will get The Hollow|at the same time Billie and Christy will.
Which means we've gotta get to it|before they do this time.
Get out of here! - No!|- Oh, yes.
I don't understand.
How could this happen? Billie projected us here.
By focusing on you.
- Paige.
|- Ring! How could you? Christy, please.
It's over.
Just come home.
Oh, thank God.
Is everything all right? Did anything|change that wasn't supposed to? Nope.
- I got my powers back.
|- I can see that.
- Now, where's Billie?|- She used her own power to get back.
But she at least|tried to help out, right? - I mean, try to make amends at least?|- Yeah.
Okay, hang on a second.
You're not gonna|take him away again, right? No.
This is the way the battle|was supposed to end all along.
And it's over.
Hi there.
Come here.
Did we miss anything? No, well, we changed the past, we|fixed the future, and saved the present.
- That's all.
|- What's that? Yeah, if you haven't figured it out|by now, you probably won't.
Doesn't matter, just as long as|everything's back to what it should be.
It will be if you get us back.
I mean, otherwise How are we gonna|get them back? Oh, I can take care of that.
Yeah, but how will you know|when to take them back to? Well, the ring will.
|If I can ever get it back.
Be sure you return them|just before they were taken.
That way they won't|remember anything.
Oh, no Don't, don't do that.
|I mean, there's so many things, wonderful things, that I just|don't wanna forget, you know.
There's just as much|I don't ever wanna know.
Like what happened to Prue.
- Victor told me.
|- Oh, Mom.
It's all right.
I know everything|happens for a reason.
I believe that.
I also know that when one door closes|another one opens.
- Thank you for coming by.
|- Anytime.
Don't tell me we have to|go fight a demon.
I don't think we'll have to|do that any time soon.
Then what's with the book? Well, I think we should|write everything down.
Everything that happened, everything|we want future generations to know, so that we can pass it down.
|Just like it was passed down to us.
After you.
So much has happened|over the last eight years.
So much has been|gained and lost.
Still, in some ways, I feel like|my life is really just beginning.
Do you, Phoebe Halliwell,|take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? I do.
And it was.
|For though I had love before, I've never really known love.
|Until I met Coop.
A man who I shared this|special little girl I had long ago foreseen,|but feared I might never have.
- Good night.
|- Mommy, we love you.
Along with two other|special little girls I had not foreseen.
I was suddenly so blessed to have|a new family of my own.
And old friends to share it with.
And though I kept working|and giving advice to those who asked, I was more interested in|helping them find love.
Since finally having been loved.
Phoebe had become somewhat|an expert on the subject.
As for me, life without demons|opened up similar avenues.
Henry, of course, continued to|look after his parolees.
Even if they didn't|want to be looked after.
While still making time to help me|with little Henry and the twins.
Which allowed me time to finally|embrace my inner whitelighter.
Arrow! And to help the next generation of|witches come into their own.
So that Paige could pass on|all that she'd learned.
Not just to her own children,|or to mine, or to Phoebe's, but to other future witches|and whitelighters as well.
Which filled the time between when|we were doing the fighting, and when our kids were|old enough to take over.
Allowing me time to|get back to my roots, and cook something|other than potions for once.
And open the restaurant|I had always dreamed of owning.
As for Leo,|after we reclaimed Magic School, he went back to teaching.
- So who'd like to try it first?|- I do! Which he continued to do|until it was time to retire.
Great job, Matthew.
And although we certainly|had our struggles "And heartaches over the years,|we're a family of survivors, and we will always be.
Which is why|we've truly been charmed.
" Again, Grandmamma.
No, dear, I can't.
I need to rest.
But you can|look at it for a little while if you'd like.
After all it'll be yours one day.

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