Chicago Fire s13e10 Episode Script
Chaos Theory
- Look at you.
- Yeah, Flynn is just fun.
He's not afraid
to be kind of a goofball.
I'm sorry things didn't
work out with you and Tori.
I think she'll be happier back home.
- That's a good thing, I guess.
- It is.
What happens if the
whole world finds out
you closed the door on my cousin?
I did my job that day.
You got nothing on me.
OFI got a call about a fire
from 12 years ago,
the one that killed Flaco Rodriguez.
The family member had
some new information.
Tell me what you want.
I need to get in somewhere
that's got protection.
So we go in as firemen.
Changed my mind. I'm not doing it.
You're doing this, Joe.
Let's find the money
and get the hell out of here.
- It's Junior!
- No, no, no, no!
Yo, man, you home?
I need some help.
- I think it's still bleeding.
It looks worse than it is.
Better than Junior.
Are you sure he's dead?
What about the other guys?
Uh, I don't know.
Um, the one dude's named Moreno.
I got a pretty good look
at the other guy.
If I saw a picture,
I could probably pick him out.
Joe, you can't go to the cops.
I don't think
I have much of a choice here.
So you're going to tell them what?
That you witnessed a gang shooting?
What's that going to do?
I got a face. I got a name.
And what are you going to do
when the Kings find out
you ratted them out?
- Or Moreno?
They got ways of protecting witnesses.
You going to take that chance?
They won't just come after you, Joe.
It's me.
It's Chloe. It's the boys.
No. No, that can't happen.
No, you're right. It can't happen.
That's why you need to go home,
forget all this.
Junior is our last connection
to that fire,
to the Kings, to all that.
And they could go away for good.
All you got to do is go home.
Do I know you?
I think I used to live here.
You? No. No, I would remember that.
[SIGHS] No more being away
from each other, all right?
If I go out of town, you come with me.
Does that go for ATF cases, too?
I'll let you talk Pascal into that.
Hey, hon.
I know.
I'm sorry. I left the phone in the car.
Yeah no, no, no, everything is OK.
I just, um
Just Cindy and Herrmann got in a fight,
and we just stayed at Molly's
way longer than I wanted to.
But I, uh, I'll be home soon.
Yeah, yeah, I
I promise I'll be quiet.
I love you, too.
Remind me to never
take another contracting gig.
Why? Is the client not paying?
No, this time, the client is suing.
Or at least threatening to.
- Oh.
- I got that email this morning.
They're saying that the TV I
mounted broke off the wall,
did a ton of damage.
Is it possible?
No way. The mount was secure.
I did a pull-up on it.
Oh, my God. They're asking for $4,000?
For damages. [SCOFFS]
I'm not paying it, obviously,
so I guess I'm going
to small claims court.
You know, Flynn is a lawyer.
I know he would be happy
to help you with this.
No, that's all right.
I'll figure something out.
I got myself into this mess.
I'll get myself out.
- I got Truck window duty.
Hey, Lizzie.
[CHUCKLES] You guys carpool now?
How cute.
Herrmann's van wouldn't start.
Yeah, the damn fuel pump is faulty.
So you finally got your
official captain's shirt, huh?
Uh, yeah, I sure did. [CHUCKLES]
Listen, on the way back, I want
to introduce you to Steely Dan.
Is that a friend of yours?
[LAUGHS] That's funny.
I told you you never should
have given him a ride to the airport.
Now you're his ride guy.
He's our captain.
What am I going to say, no?
You know, I should get a ride guy.
No, I'm literally asking. Can I say no?
[SIGHS] I've got
a CrossFit class after shift
I've already missed three times.
OK, so why doesn't
he just get a rideshare?
Herrmann's flip phone
is older than both of us.
- You think it's got apps?
OK, so why don't you order
the car from your account?
That's actually a good idea.
I know. I have very good ideas.
How was the acting lieutenant
while I was gone?
- Ouch.
- Mm?
It was terrible.
He's an embarrassment
to the institution.
You you do know that
he's not here today, right?
He's in a RIT course down at IFSI.
We got Chippy back.
Oh, well, then I can speak freely.
Mouch is a natural.
It was good seeing him
get in on the action.
But it got me thinking,
you know, if I do make chief,
uh, it's not going
to be my life anymore.
Pascal is not sitting
on the sidelines during calls.
Boden didn't either.
I'm talking about the rest of the time.
Can you really see me sitting
at a desk all day?
I think you'd look good, Herrmann.
- Of course I look good.
That's not the point.
Hey, I got a bone to pick with you.
What are you saying to Chloe about me?
Chloe. She called up Cindy.
She asked if everything's OK
at the Herrmann house.
Why would she be asking that?
How should I know?
Well, Cindy thinks that
I'm airing my dirty laundry.
Look, I said I don't know!
You don't know.
No need to blow a gasket.
I'm sorry. I
I didn't sleep well last night.
I'm going to I'm going
to go to the bunk room,
try and get some shuteye.
[SOFTLY] Yeah. Mm.
Hey, Cruz.
Chief's been looking for you.
Close the door. Take a seat.
This is about the Humboldt Park Fire.
From 12 years ago.
Are you familiar with it?
That's the fire that
killed a gang member
from the Kings, Flaco.
Good memory.
Severide gave me the heads-up.
He told me someone from Flaco's family
might come forward with some
new information on the case.
That's right. But so far, nobody has.
Lieutenant Severide feels it's
time to close the books on this,
but I like to be thorough,
cross my T's, dot my I's.
Yes, Chief.
So before I hand it back to OFI,
there is one thing I want to know.
Why now?
Uh, not sure I follow.
Why come forward now?
Flaco's family's had 12 years
to review the police report,
the OFI file.
Well, a lot of times, people are just
looking to get money from the city.
That could be, but it
doesn't explain the timing.
Cruz, maybe you've got
some insight here.
I know your brother Leon had
some contact with the Kings.
That was a long time ago.
So was the fire. You
you didn't answer my question.
You know of any reason why a
witness would have come forward now?
No, sir.
I have no idea.
All units, multiple persons
down from unknown causes.
1026 Franklin Street.
- What's going on?
Some kind of fumes got everyone sick.
We tried to evacuate
the building, but [COUGHS]
There's still kids inside.
Squad, search and rescue,
Truck, get the smoke detectors
on the doors.
Engine, help the medics with those kids.
- Truck, tanks, fans.
- Got them.
- Let's go.
- 9-25 to main.
You need a level 1
hazmat response and an EMS plan
at this location.
Copy, 9-25.
We're notifying Hazmat.
Tony, Capp,
you take the room on the right.
- Cruz, follow me.
- Copy that!
Fire department. Call out.
Fire department. Call out.
All clear!
Let's go.
Come on, we'll get you out of here.
[COUGHING] Jeremy's back there.
- Cruz, go.
- On it.
Fire department! Call out!
Fire department! Call out!
OK, all right.
Come on, buddy. We got you.
We got you, we got you.
Over here. We got you.
Here you go, buddy.
That'll help you breathe.
I got a victim, male,
severe respiratory distress!
- I'm coming out now!
- Copy, Cruz.
Put him on the stretcher.
I think he's asthmatic.
His name is Jeremy.
- OK.
Oh, this is empty.
He's going to need epi.
Any idea what they were exposed to?
[SIGHS] OK, Jeremy.
We're going to get you
to the hospital now, OK?
Med can't treat that kid until we
figure out what happened here.
I got something.
One of the teachers, Amy,
she told me that
the first kids to get sick were
on the playground.
Hey, Chief!
So Ritter just got word
that whatever these kids were
exposed to,
it moved in from the outside.
We know what's around here?
Lot of commercial buildings,
residential, some industrial.
Chemical plants, anything like that?
I think I may have found something.
1/2 mile away.
- Go check it out.
- Copy.
Truck 81, load up!
Think it's back here.
What the hell?
Hey, hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here?
You need to shut this down right now.
What happened?
That smoke,
it just poisoned a bunch
of kids half a mile away.
Hewitt, Sykes, shut it down.
Copy, commander.
We train here all the time.
I don't understand how this happened.
We could talk about that later.
Right now, I got a very sick
kid on his way to the hospital.
I need to know what he was exposed to.
It's CS and OC gases.
Tear gas and pepper spray.
Calling Med.
What the hell were you doing
back there taking your mask off?
We had no clue what those fumes were.
You put yourself and that kid
in more danger by doing that.
[SIGHS] You're right. I wasn't thinking.
- It won't happen again.
- Better not.
Change out.
You're bleeding.
Uh, I must have caught it on the door.
Have Violet take a look at it
when she gets back.
Who the hell puts a training field
in the middle of a damn neighborhood?
Apparently, the city
signed off on the whole thing.
It was a riot control exercise.
They were getting their
recruits to build up
a tolerance to the gas,
test their resilience.
And what?
They just let the toxic crap
blow 1/2 mile?
Trust me, we are on it.
Pascal has got me meeting with
the Fire and Police Commission
later today.
Yeah, good.
Oh, hey, Ritter.
Cindy asked if we could
swing by the grocery store
on the way back home.
And do you know how
to pick out a ripe avocado?
I can't.
Gently press near the stem.
No, I I mean,
I can't give you a ride.
I have a CrossFit class.
Oh, you're still doing that?
Not for the last three weeks.
I keep missing it.
- Mm.
- And I already prepaid.
Oh, never prepay.
That's how they get you.
Now I said that
I was going to get you home,
so I got you a rideshare on me.
What? One of those apps?
No, I don't like
getting into a stranger's car.
It's too personal.
It's like I'm looking through
their underwear drawer.
It won't be like that.
I only get the nice cars.
Trust me, you'll love it.
It's like being chauffeured.
And I don't have to do anything?
All you have to do is enjoy the ride.
All right.
But if it smells weird,
I'm not getting in there.
Hey, just who I was looking for.
Same. How are the kids?
Most of them are already home.
Jeremy's still being treated,
but his O2 levels stabilized.
Good. I'll take stable.
Really helps that
you knew it was tear gas.
How did you put that together so fast?
We had help from one
of the teachers, actually.
OK, are you talking about Amy?
Because she's why I'm looking for you.
She says that she knows you.
Did you recognize her?
No, I I don't think so.
Did she say how?
But if you want to ask her,
she's still at Med.
She hasn't left Jeremy's side.
I just got off with OFI.
They informed me that
Flaco's cousin, Junior,
just got out of prison.
Did you know that?
No, I didn't.
Apparently, he got early release.
Well, thank you for filling me in.
Um, I'll let Leon know.
Leon should already know.
They notify anybody
involved with the case.
He didn't tell you?
maybe he didn't want me to worry.
hopefully, there's nothing
to worry about.
Why does it feel like Cruz
is giving me the runaround
on this OFI case?
I can't speak for him.
Say you were compelled.
I'd say
it's a complicated case.
It's reopening old wounds.
That's all.
You think you're being objective here?
No, I didn't think I was supposed to be.
I thought I was speaking for Cruz.
Well, what would you say
as an arson investigator?
About Humboldt Park?
That wasn't my case.
It is now.
I want you going through it
with a fine-tooth comb,
every last detail.
Expect a report on my desk next shift.
Oh, how's the patient doing?
He gets leave tomorrow,
so I'm going to hang here
to the end of visiting hours
when they kick me out.
So Violet, our medic,
she says that we know each other?
I know you.
I've seen you hanging up flyers
at the Center for Girls On Fire.
Oh, OK.
It's pretty badass what you guys do.
I didn't do what I should've.
I should have gone in and helped,
but I just stood there.
Amy, you were exposed, too.
And that's not your job.
It is my job.
Teachers are supposed to
take care of their students.
I didn't.
I should get back.
So that's the conclusion?
Really bad luck?
That's not exactly how they put it.
So what?
Five degrees warmer,
different wind conditions?
And the tear gas never makes
it to the community center.
It was the perfect storm.
Oh, that's unsettling.
It's chaos theory.
[SCOFFS] Oh, go on.
I know you want to
tell them all about it.
It's it's just a theory
that a series of insignificant events
can add up and lead
to disastrous outcomes.
- Mm.
- The butterfly effect.
- Impressive.
- Be right back.
I only know that because of the movie.
What's up?
Oh hey, Carver.
I heard you might be having
a little legal trouble.
Oh, yeah.
It's really not a big deal.
Don't worry about it.
No, yeah, I'm sure it's fine.
I'm not trying to pry.
It's just when Violet told me,
it got me thinking about, you know,
what I would have said
if you were looking for advice.
OK. Well, what would you have said?
Well, what I would
have said in this case
is it's not so much
your word versus theirs
because in this scenario,
you're an expert.
You had a website, pictures, reviews.
OK, so now you got testimonials,
comparative evidence.
You can establish a pattern
of reliability, consistency.
Anyway, what I would have said.
OK, I'm officially frustrated.
Still no ride?
I've been trying for ten minutes now,
and no drivers are accepting.
Hey, you said club soda, right?
- Uh, yeah, thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Let's take a little break.
Seriously, why does
the algorithm hate me?
Maybe it's just busy.
No, I see a bunch
of cars available, like,
two minutes away.
I think this is just you.
You guys, my rating dropped.
Your passenger rating?
How low are we talking here?
I had a 4.93, and now it's a 4.8.
So what'd you do?
I mean, you don't get a bad
rating for nothing, right?
It wasn't me.
[LAUGHING] Oh, nice.
Your dad's a firefighter, right?
Yeah, he is.
So does he actually put out the fire?
You missed a crate.
No, Engine puts out fire.
So what's your dad do, then?
You ever hear of Squad?
No, what's that?
[CHUCKLES] They're like the
Navy SEALs of firefighters.
What do they do?
They do the craziest,
most dangerous stuff.
Oh. What, so does he, like,
rescue people?
Yeah, all the time.
My dad's whole job
is saving people.
Ooh, your health's low.
You alone?
Yeah, come on in.
What's going on?
I have to tell you something.
I won't be coming in next shift.
I'm going to the police.
I saw Flaco in that room and he saw me.
He screamed for help.
And I just closed the door.
Junior saw you do that?
I didn't know back then,
but, yeah, I guess he did.
So that OFI call, that was him?
He wanted to scare me.
It worked.
That's how you got wrapped up
with Junior.
And now, he's dead.
I wanted to go to the police right then.
I but I just thought
what if these gangs,
they come after Leon,
they come after my family?
I just [SIGHS]
Oh, I messed up, man.
You did what you had to do
to protect your family, Cruz.
I'm not going to judge you for that.
What do you think the cops
are going to do?
Depends what you tell them.
Oh, I'm telling them everything.
No more lies.
So you know, I looked into that case.
There is no way that Flaco was
getting out of that room alive
no matter what you did.
No, you don't know that.
Cruz, it was 1,000 degrees in that room.
It was near-flashover.
You didn't have a hose line.
No one could have saved him. No one.
And that's not me talking.
that's the science.
But if you go in there
and put it back on you,
there's no way to know what
they're going to charge you with.
I know what I did.
And I know what I got to do.
I just got word
all training on the field
has been suspended indefinitely.
So I can tell the parents that this
is never going to happen again?
Yeah, the new training facility,
it's 15 miles away in River Grove,
so a category 5 couldn't
blow tear gas that far.
they'll be glad to hear that.
This is Amy's room.
- [CHUCKLES] How cool is that?
- She built that with her kids.
[BOTH CHUCKLE] Look at that.
She's a great teacher.
I hate that she's leaving.
Amy's leaving?
Did she say why?
I'm trying to convince her to stay,
but I think what happened here
really got her rattled.
The truth is we've been
losing a lot of teachers lately
for all kinds of reasons.
Let me show you out.
All I'm saying is that
if I had practiced,
I could have dunked that ball!
On a regulation hoop?
Yeah, Muggsy Bogues did it.
He was only 5'3".
Hey, Mr. Universe, how was CrossFit?
- Fine.
- Mm?
How was the rideshare?
Well, I have to say, it wasn't half bad.
For the most part.
What do you mean for the most part?
What's going on?
My passenger rating
- Mm-hmm?
- Tanked.
And I'd like to know why.
Oh, boy.
Wait, are you saying
that I tanked your rating?
Well, it wasn't me
and you are the only other
person who's used my account.
Hey, you tell the handkerchief story?
What's wrong with that story?
Would you stop enjoying this?
This is your fault.
Truck 81, Ambo 61.
Hey, I'll have you know
I was the perfect passenger!
She's over here.
I seen this jogger.
She seemed all loopy.
Started stumbling in the street
like she was on something.
I tried to get her out
the road, but she just bolts.
Obviously, she wasn't looking
where she was going.
Ma'am, can you hear me?
OK, we need to move this cover
out of the way.
Chippy, grab the pinch bar.
Ritter, grab the rope bag.
Carver, prep your webbing.
You're going down.
Copy that.
Take a look.
Oh, there's an insulin pump
attached to her stomach.
She's diabetic.
Low blood sugar would
explain her behavior.
Yeah, that pump is gonna
keep dropping her blood sugar
and put her into a diabetic
coma unless we can get it off.
We don't have a lot of time here.
Where's that rope bag?
Let's go!
OK, I need everybody back!
Oh, my God.
Prep the rope.
I'm going to sit you up,
if you can hear me.
[SOFTLY] Mm-hmm.
There you go.
Your hand.
Almost there.
Drop the line.
That's good. Hold.
OK, she's ready.
- Got her.
- Yeah.
One, two, three.
She's out. [SIGHS]
Reading's low.
Let's get an IV and give an amp of D50.
On three.
One, two, three.
My guys can put this back.
Unless you want to do it yourself.
You can take it from here.
You said there wasn't much time.
Mm, I think you just wanted to show off.
How heavy was that? 150 pounds?
200, actually.
OK, Superman, relax.
Flynn, hey. [CHUCKLES]
Um, Superman?
- Mm.
- No, i-it's nothing.
It's just something, um,
Carver did on a call.
Sounds impressive.
Uh oh, wanted to tell you
I got my client to drop the claim.
Used some of the legal jargon you said.
Think I scared her off.
You need jargon, I'm your guy.
All right, I got to change.
I got sewer on me.
See you around.
- Take care.
Uh, well, he won't admit it,
but you really saved his ass.
[SIGHS] May not be Superman,
but I guess it's something.
Um, I know the call cut into lunch,
but I'm hoping you still have
time to grab a bite?
we're back in 30.
- Oh.
- Probably need to head out.
OK. Text me later.
- Yeah.
- OK.
If Flaco's family wants to come forward,
they're just wasting their time.
There's nothing here.
Still got a Cruz problem.
He called the building clear,
Flaco was inside.
- It's in your report.
- The building was clear.
Flaco wasn't a rescue. He was recovery.
Going after him in that fire
would have been suicide.
You're going by the facts here?
I'm going by the science.
And the science says Cruz is clean.
[SIGHS] So then where is he?
- Yeah, I know.
Hey, Joe.
You wanted to talk?
I do.
OK, let's talk.
Gentlemen, I appreciate your patience.
This is Daniel Strauss from
the state's attorney's office.
I'll let him take it from here.
Good afternoon. Sorry for the delay.
Our office has had a chance to review
all the documents in the case,
the OFI file,
Lieutenant Severide's report,
Mr. Cruz's statement.
After careful consideration
of the evidence and testimony,
the state's attorney
has made a decision.
No criminal charges
will be filed against Mr. Cruz.
W I'm sorry. I-I don't understand.
You read my statement.
I told you what I did.
The state's attorney's office
only takes cases we can prove.
And we have no material
evidence or eyewitnesses
to verify your version of events.
Frankly, all we really have
is an OFI file
that offers you an airtight defense.
You should be relieved, Mr. Cruz.
What about the shooting
at the paint shop?
We do have an APB out on Moreno.
We're going to run some pictures by you,
see if you can identify the accomplice.
Is there any chance Moreno
could find out I'm helping?
Come after my family?
Gang cases are under protective order.
Everything is confidential, Joe.
Your family is safe.
All right, thanks for coming up.
What? T-that's it?
That's it for us.
It's in your hands now, Chief.
Thank you.
Let's go, Cruz.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Come on, Jay! Come on, Jay!
Nice hustle! Nice hustle, ladies.
All right, let's repack it.
Get ready to go again.
I went by Horizons and I saw your room.
It's very cool stuff.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
I don't know how much longer
I'm going to be there.
I heard.
I also heard that
they don't want you to leave.
Flyer says there's
still slots available.
These slots
are reserved for girls who
want to become firefighters.
I know I froze.
I know I didn't run in
but I think I could learn
if you gave me the chance.
Amy, I am sure you could
be a great firefighter.
You are already a great teacher.
People get messed up
after traumatic events.
They rethink everything.
You are exactly where
you're supposed to be.
You got this.
Think maybe I just needed to hear that.
Would it be all right if I hung
around and watched some drills?
Of course.
All right, girls, who's next?
Three, two, one, go!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
- Nice!
- ♪
I would just like to point out
that the superhero, Daredevil,
is a lawyer by day.
I'm sorry if I was weird earlier.
I was being a, um
a guy.
Still going to Molly's?
I have a better idea.
Well, thank you for the drinks.
I guess I have to order our ride.
Give me your phone. I'll do it.
I can't believe
Violet and Flynn ditched us.
Huh. I say good for them.
Violet deserves a win, you know?
Did you just cancel, like, two rides?
Third time's a charm. One minute away.
Ritter! Canceling rides is, like,
the number one way to get a bad rating.
- Really?
- Yeah!
Why are you doing that?
If I'm paying for a ride,
I'm not getting in a beater.
- I like a nice car.
Ritter, Herrmann
didn't tank your rating.
You did.
Oh, my God.
I've canceled a lot of rides.
- Mm.
- A lot.
And was it worth it?
Do me a favor.
Don't tell Herrmann.
Two-week suspension without
pay for conduct unbecoming,
effective immediately.
After taking the night to think it over,
I felt that was the most
appropriate punishment.
Yes, Chief.
Setting aside everything else,
you withheld information
from the firehouse
and you lied to me.
That's unacceptable.
I agree.
And it's exactly what I told my wife.
I'm ashamed of what I did.
Now there's something I need to know.
When you told Severide
you were going to confess,
did you know he was
looking into the OFI case?
Yes, Chief.
And did he tell
you that you were cleared?
And that no one would know what you did
if you never said anything?
Yes, Chief.
But you still confessed?
I want to be the man my son thinks I am.
I'd say that's a worthy goal.
I'll see you in two weeks.
- Look at you.
- Yeah, Flynn is just fun.
He's not afraid
to be kind of a goofball.
I'm sorry things didn't
work out with you and Tori.
I think she'll be happier back home.
- That's a good thing, I guess.
- It is.
What happens if the
whole world finds out
you closed the door on my cousin?
I did my job that day.
You got nothing on me.
OFI got a call about a fire
from 12 years ago,
the one that killed Flaco Rodriguez.
The family member had
some new information.
Tell me what you want.
I need to get in somewhere
that's got protection.
So we go in as firemen.
Changed my mind. I'm not doing it.
You're doing this, Joe.
Let's find the money
and get the hell out of here.
- It's Junior!
- No, no, no, no!
Yo, man, you home?
I need some help.
- I think it's still bleeding.
It looks worse than it is.
Better than Junior.
Are you sure he's dead?
What about the other guys?
Uh, I don't know.
Um, the one dude's named Moreno.
I got a pretty good look
at the other guy.
If I saw a picture,
I could probably pick him out.
Joe, you can't go to the cops.
I don't think
I have much of a choice here.
So you're going to tell them what?
That you witnessed a gang shooting?
What's that going to do?
I got a face. I got a name.
And what are you going to do
when the Kings find out
you ratted them out?
- Or Moreno?
They got ways of protecting witnesses.
You going to take that chance?
They won't just come after you, Joe.
It's me.
It's Chloe. It's the boys.
No. No, that can't happen.
No, you're right. It can't happen.
That's why you need to go home,
forget all this.
Junior is our last connection
to that fire,
to the Kings, to all that.
And they could go away for good.
All you got to do is go home.
Do I know you?
I think I used to live here.
You? No. No, I would remember that.
[SIGHS] No more being away
from each other, all right?
If I go out of town, you come with me.
Does that go for ATF cases, too?
I'll let you talk Pascal into that.
Hey, hon.
I know.
I'm sorry. I left the phone in the car.
Yeah no, no, no, everything is OK.
I just, um
Just Cindy and Herrmann got in a fight,
and we just stayed at Molly's
way longer than I wanted to.
But I, uh, I'll be home soon.
Yeah, yeah, I
I promise I'll be quiet.
I love you, too.
Remind me to never
take another contracting gig.
Why? Is the client not paying?
No, this time, the client is suing.
Or at least threatening to.
- Oh.
- I got that email this morning.
They're saying that the TV I
mounted broke off the wall,
did a ton of damage.
Is it possible?
No way. The mount was secure.
I did a pull-up on it.
Oh, my God. They're asking for $4,000?
For damages. [SCOFFS]
I'm not paying it, obviously,
so I guess I'm going
to small claims court.
You know, Flynn is a lawyer.
I know he would be happy
to help you with this.
No, that's all right.
I'll figure something out.
I got myself into this mess.
I'll get myself out.
- I got Truck window duty.
Hey, Lizzie.
[CHUCKLES] You guys carpool now?
How cute.
Herrmann's van wouldn't start.
Yeah, the damn fuel pump is faulty.
So you finally got your
official captain's shirt, huh?
Uh, yeah, I sure did. [CHUCKLES]
Listen, on the way back, I want
to introduce you to Steely Dan.
Is that a friend of yours?
[LAUGHS] That's funny.
I told you you never should
have given him a ride to the airport.
Now you're his ride guy.
He's our captain.
What am I going to say, no?
You know, I should get a ride guy.
No, I'm literally asking. Can I say no?
[SIGHS] I've got
a CrossFit class after shift
I've already missed three times.
OK, so why doesn't
he just get a rideshare?
Herrmann's flip phone
is older than both of us.
- You think it's got apps?
OK, so why don't you order
the car from your account?
That's actually a good idea.
I know. I have very good ideas.
How was the acting lieutenant
while I was gone?
- Ouch.
- Mm?
It was terrible.
He's an embarrassment
to the institution.
You you do know that
he's not here today, right?
He's in a RIT course down at IFSI.
We got Chippy back.
Oh, well, then I can speak freely.
Mouch is a natural.
It was good seeing him
get in on the action.
But it got me thinking,
you know, if I do make chief,
uh, it's not going
to be my life anymore.
Pascal is not sitting
on the sidelines during calls.
Boden didn't either.
I'm talking about the rest of the time.
Can you really see me sitting
at a desk all day?
I think you'd look good, Herrmann.
- Of course I look good.
That's not the point.
Hey, I got a bone to pick with you.
What are you saying to Chloe about me?
Chloe. She called up Cindy.
She asked if everything's OK
at the Herrmann house.
Why would she be asking that?
How should I know?
Well, Cindy thinks that
I'm airing my dirty laundry.
Look, I said I don't know!
You don't know.
No need to blow a gasket.
I'm sorry. I
I didn't sleep well last night.
I'm going to I'm going
to go to the bunk room,
try and get some shuteye.
[SOFTLY] Yeah. Mm.
Hey, Cruz.
Chief's been looking for you.
Close the door. Take a seat.
This is about the Humboldt Park Fire.
From 12 years ago.
Are you familiar with it?
That's the fire that
killed a gang member
from the Kings, Flaco.
Good memory.
Severide gave me the heads-up.
He told me someone from Flaco's family
might come forward with some
new information on the case.
That's right. But so far, nobody has.
Lieutenant Severide feels it's
time to close the books on this,
but I like to be thorough,
cross my T's, dot my I's.
Yes, Chief.
So before I hand it back to OFI,
there is one thing I want to know.
Why now?
Uh, not sure I follow.
Why come forward now?
Flaco's family's had 12 years
to review the police report,
the OFI file.
Well, a lot of times, people are just
looking to get money from the city.
That could be, but it
doesn't explain the timing.
Cruz, maybe you've got
some insight here.
I know your brother Leon had
some contact with the Kings.
That was a long time ago.
So was the fire. You
you didn't answer my question.
You know of any reason why a
witness would have come forward now?
No, sir.
I have no idea.
All units, multiple persons
down from unknown causes.
1026 Franklin Street.
- What's going on?
Some kind of fumes got everyone sick.
We tried to evacuate
the building, but [COUGHS]
There's still kids inside.
Squad, search and rescue,
Truck, get the smoke detectors
on the doors.
Engine, help the medics with those kids.
- Truck, tanks, fans.
- Got them.
- Let's go.
- 9-25 to main.
You need a level 1
hazmat response and an EMS plan
at this location.
Copy, 9-25.
We're notifying Hazmat.
Tony, Capp,
you take the room on the right.
- Cruz, follow me.
- Copy that!
Fire department. Call out.
Fire department. Call out.
All clear!
Let's go.
Come on, we'll get you out of here.
[COUGHING] Jeremy's back there.
- Cruz, go.
- On it.
Fire department! Call out!
Fire department! Call out!
OK, all right.
Come on, buddy. We got you.
We got you, we got you.
Over here. We got you.
Here you go, buddy.
That'll help you breathe.
I got a victim, male,
severe respiratory distress!
- I'm coming out now!
- Copy, Cruz.
Put him on the stretcher.
I think he's asthmatic.
His name is Jeremy.
- OK.
Oh, this is empty.
He's going to need epi.
Any idea what they were exposed to?
[SIGHS] OK, Jeremy.
We're going to get you
to the hospital now, OK?
Med can't treat that kid until we
figure out what happened here.
I got something.
One of the teachers, Amy,
she told me that
the first kids to get sick were
on the playground.
Hey, Chief!
So Ritter just got word
that whatever these kids were
exposed to,
it moved in from the outside.
We know what's around here?
Lot of commercial buildings,
residential, some industrial.
Chemical plants, anything like that?
I think I may have found something.
1/2 mile away.
- Go check it out.
- Copy.
Truck 81, load up!
Think it's back here.
What the hell?
Hey, hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here?
You need to shut this down right now.
What happened?
That smoke,
it just poisoned a bunch
of kids half a mile away.
Hewitt, Sykes, shut it down.
Copy, commander.
We train here all the time.
I don't understand how this happened.
We could talk about that later.
Right now, I got a very sick
kid on his way to the hospital.
I need to know what he was exposed to.
It's CS and OC gases.
Tear gas and pepper spray.
Calling Med.
What the hell were you doing
back there taking your mask off?
We had no clue what those fumes were.
You put yourself and that kid
in more danger by doing that.
[SIGHS] You're right. I wasn't thinking.
- It won't happen again.
- Better not.
Change out.
You're bleeding.
Uh, I must have caught it on the door.
Have Violet take a look at it
when she gets back.
Who the hell puts a training field
in the middle of a damn neighborhood?
Apparently, the city
signed off on the whole thing.
It was a riot control exercise.
They were getting their
recruits to build up
a tolerance to the gas,
test their resilience.
And what?
They just let the toxic crap
blow 1/2 mile?
Trust me, we are on it.
Pascal has got me meeting with
the Fire and Police Commission
later today.
Yeah, good.
Oh, hey, Ritter.
Cindy asked if we could
swing by the grocery store
on the way back home.
And do you know how
to pick out a ripe avocado?
I can't.
Gently press near the stem.
No, I I mean,
I can't give you a ride.
I have a CrossFit class.
Oh, you're still doing that?
Not for the last three weeks.
I keep missing it.
- Mm.
- And I already prepaid.
Oh, never prepay.
That's how they get you.
Now I said that
I was going to get you home,
so I got you a rideshare on me.
What? One of those apps?
No, I don't like
getting into a stranger's car.
It's too personal.
It's like I'm looking through
their underwear drawer.
It won't be like that.
I only get the nice cars.
Trust me, you'll love it.
It's like being chauffeured.
And I don't have to do anything?
All you have to do is enjoy the ride.
All right.
But if it smells weird,
I'm not getting in there.
Hey, just who I was looking for.
Same. How are the kids?
Most of them are already home.
Jeremy's still being treated,
but his O2 levels stabilized.
Good. I'll take stable.
Really helps that
you knew it was tear gas.
How did you put that together so fast?
We had help from one
of the teachers, actually.
OK, are you talking about Amy?
Because she's why I'm looking for you.
She says that she knows you.
Did you recognize her?
No, I I don't think so.
Did she say how?
But if you want to ask her,
she's still at Med.
She hasn't left Jeremy's side.
I just got off with OFI.
They informed me that
Flaco's cousin, Junior,
just got out of prison.
Did you know that?
No, I didn't.
Apparently, he got early release.
Well, thank you for filling me in.
Um, I'll let Leon know.
Leon should already know.
They notify anybody
involved with the case.
He didn't tell you?
maybe he didn't want me to worry.
hopefully, there's nothing
to worry about.
Why does it feel like Cruz
is giving me the runaround
on this OFI case?
I can't speak for him.
Say you were compelled.
I'd say
it's a complicated case.
It's reopening old wounds.
That's all.
You think you're being objective here?
No, I didn't think I was supposed to be.
I thought I was speaking for Cruz.
Well, what would you say
as an arson investigator?
About Humboldt Park?
That wasn't my case.
It is now.
I want you going through it
with a fine-tooth comb,
every last detail.
Expect a report on my desk next shift.
Oh, how's the patient doing?
He gets leave tomorrow,
so I'm going to hang here
to the end of visiting hours
when they kick me out.
So Violet, our medic,
she says that we know each other?
I know you.
I've seen you hanging up flyers
at the Center for Girls On Fire.
Oh, OK.
It's pretty badass what you guys do.
I didn't do what I should've.
I should have gone in and helped,
but I just stood there.
Amy, you were exposed, too.
And that's not your job.
It is my job.
Teachers are supposed to
take care of their students.
I didn't.
I should get back.
So that's the conclusion?
Really bad luck?
That's not exactly how they put it.
So what?
Five degrees warmer,
different wind conditions?
And the tear gas never makes
it to the community center.
It was the perfect storm.
Oh, that's unsettling.
It's chaos theory.
[SCOFFS] Oh, go on.
I know you want to
tell them all about it.
It's it's just a theory
that a series of insignificant events
can add up and lead
to disastrous outcomes.
- Mm.
- The butterfly effect.
- Impressive.
- Be right back.
I only know that because of the movie.
What's up?
Oh hey, Carver.
I heard you might be having
a little legal trouble.
Oh, yeah.
It's really not a big deal.
Don't worry about it.
No, yeah, I'm sure it's fine.
I'm not trying to pry.
It's just when Violet told me,
it got me thinking about, you know,
what I would have said
if you were looking for advice.
OK. Well, what would you have said?
Well, what I would
have said in this case
is it's not so much
your word versus theirs
because in this scenario,
you're an expert.
You had a website, pictures, reviews.
OK, so now you got testimonials,
comparative evidence.
You can establish a pattern
of reliability, consistency.
Anyway, what I would have said.
OK, I'm officially frustrated.
Still no ride?
I've been trying for ten minutes now,
and no drivers are accepting.
Hey, you said club soda, right?
- Uh, yeah, thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Let's take a little break.
Seriously, why does
the algorithm hate me?
Maybe it's just busy.
No, I see a bunch
of cars available, like,
two minutes away.
I think this is just you.
You guys, my rating dropped.
Your passenger rating?
How low are we talking here?
I had a 4.93, and now it's a 4.8.
So what'd you do?
I mean, you don't get a bad
rating for nothing, right?
It wasn't me.
[LAUGHING] Oh, nice.
Your dad's a firefighter, right?
Yeah, he is.
So does he actually put out the fire?
You missed a crate.
No, Engine puts out fire.
So what's your dad do, then?
You ever hear of Squad?
No, what's that?
[CHUCKLES] They're like the
Navy SEALs of firefighters.
What do they do?
They do the craziest,
most dangerous stuff.
Oh. What, so does he, like,
rescue people?
Yeah, all the time.
My dad's whole job
is saving people.
Ooh, your health's low.
You alone?
Yeah, come on in.
What's going on?
I have to tell you something.
I won't be coming in next shift.
I'm going to the police.
I saw Flaco in that room and he saw me.
He screamed for help.
And I just closed the door.
Junior saw you do that?
I didn't know back then,
but, yeah, I guess he did.
So that OFI call, that was him?
He wanted to scare me.
It worked.
That's how you got wrapped up
with Junior.
And now, he's dead.
I wanted to go to the police right then.
I but I just thought
what if these gangs,
they come after Leon,
they come after my family?
I just [SIGHS]
Oh, I messed up, man.
You did what you had to do
to protect your family, Cruz.
I'm not going to judge you for that.
What do you think the cops
are going to do?
Depends what you tell them.
Oh, I'm telling them everything.
No more lies.
So you know, I looked into that case.
There is no way that Flaco was
getting out of that room alive
no matter what you did.
No, you don't know that.
Cruz, it was 1,000 degrees in that room.
It was near-flashover.
You didn't have a hose line.
No one could have saved him. No one.
And that's not me talking.
that's the science.
But if you go in there
and put it back on you,
there's no way to know what
they're going to charge you with.
I know what I did.
And I know what I got to do.
I just got word
all training on the field
has been suspended indefinitely.
So I can tell the parents that this
is never going to happen again?
Yeah, the new training facility,
it's 15 miles away in River Grove,
so a category 5 couldn't
blow tear gas that far.
they'll be glad to hear that.
This is Amy's room.
- [CHUCKLES] How cool is that?
- She built that with her kids.
[BOTH CHUCKLE] Look at that.
She's a great teacher.
I hate that she's leaving.
Amy's leaving?
Did she say why?
I'm trying to convince her to stay,
but I think what happened here
really got her rattled.
The truth is we've been
losing a lot of teachers lately
for all kinds of reasons.
Let me show you out.
All I'm saying is that
if I had practiced,
I could have dunked that ball!
On a regulation hoop?
Yeah, Muggsy Bogues did it.
He was only 5'3".
Hey, Mr. Universe, how was CrossFit?
- Fine.
- Mm?
How was the rideshare?
Well, I have to say, it wasn't half bad.
For the most part.
What do you mean for the most part?
What's going on?
My passenger rating
- Mm-hmm?
- Tanked.
And I'd like to know why.
Oh, boy.
Wait, are you saying
that I tanked your rating?
Well, it wasn't me
and you are the only other
person who's used my account.
Hey, you tell the handkerchief story?
What's wrong with that story?
Would you stop enjoying this?
This is your fault.
Truck 81, Ambo 61.
Hey, I'll have you know
I was the perfect passenger!
She's over here.
I seen this jogger.
She seemed all loopy.
Started stumbling in the street
like she was on something.
I tried to get her out
the road, but she just bolts.
Obviously, she wasn't looking
where she was going.
Ma'am, can you hear me?
OK, we need to move this cover
out of the way.
Chippy, grab the pinch bar.
Ritter, grab the rope bag.
Carver, prep your webbing.
You're going down.
Copy that.
Take a look.
Oh, there's an insulin pump
attached to her stomach.
She's diabetic.
Low blood sugar would
explain her behavior.
Yeah, that pump is gonna
keep dropping her blood sugar
and put her into a diabetic
coma unless we can get it off.
We don't have a lot of time here.
Where's that rope bag?
Let's go!
OK, I need everybody back!
Oh, my God.
Prep the rope.
I'm going to sit you up,
if you can hear me.
[SOFTLY] Mm-hmm.
There you go.
Your hand.
Almost there.
Drop the line.
That's good. Hold.
OK, she's ready.
- Got her.
- Yeah.
One, two, three.
She's out. [SIGHS]
Reading's low.
Let's get an IV and give an amp of D50.
On three.
One, two, three.
My guys can put this back.
Unless you want to do it yourself.
You can take it from here.
You said there wasn't much time.
Mm, I think you just wanted to show off.
How heavy was that? 150 pounds?
200, actually.
OK, Superman, relax.
Flynn, hey. [CHUCKLES]
Um, Superman?
- Mm.
- No, i-it's nothing.
It's just something, um,
Carver did on a call.
Sounds impressive.
Uh oh, wanted to tell you
I got my client to drop the claim.
Used some of the legal jargon you said.
Think I scared her off.
You need jargon, I'm your guy.
All right, I got to change.
I got sewer on me.
See you around.
- Take care.
Uh, well, he won't admit it,
but you really saved his ass.
[SIGHS] May not be Superman,
but I guess it's something.
Um, I know the call cut into lunch,
but I'm hoping you still have
time to grab a bite?
we're back in 30.
- Oh.
- Probably need to head out.
OK. Text me later.
- Yeah.
- OK.
If Flaco's family wants to come forward,
they're just wasting their time.
There's nothing here.
Still got a Cruz problem.
He called the building clear,
Flaco was inside.
- It's in your report.
- The building was clear.
Flaco wasn't a rescue. He was recovery.
Going after him in that fire
would have been suicide.
You're going by the facts here?
I'm going by the science.
And the science says Cruz is clean.
[SIGHS] So then where is he?
- Yeah, I know.
Hey, Joe.
You wanted to talk?
I do.
OK, let's talk.
Gentlemen, I appreciate your patience.
This is Daniel Strauss from
the state's attorney's office.
I'll let him take it from here.
Good afternoon. Sorry for the delay.
Our office has had a chance to review
all the documents in the case,
the OFI file,
Lieutenant Severide's report,
Mr. Cruz's statement.
After careful consideration
of the evidence and testimony,
the state's attorney
has made a decision.
No criminal charges
will be filed against Mr. Cruz.
W I'm sorry. I-I don't understand.
You read my statement.
I told you what I did.
The state's attorney's office
only takes cases we can prove.
And we have no material
evidence or eyewitnesses
to verify your version of events.
Frankly, all we really have
is an OFI file
that offers you an airtight defense.
You should be relieved, Mr. Cruz.
What about the shooting
at the paint shop?
We do have an APB out on Moreno.
We're going to run some pictures by you,
see if you can identify the accomplice.
Is there any chance Moreno
could find out I'm helping?
Come after my family?
Gang cases are under protective order.
Everything is confidential, Joe.
Your family is safe.
All right, thanks for coming up.
What? T-that's it?
That's it for us.
It's in your hands now, Chief.
Thank you.
Let's go, Cruz.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Come on, Jay! Come on, Jay!
Nice hustle! Nice hustle, ladies.
All right, let's repack it.
Get ready to go again.
I went by Horizons and I saw your room.
It's very cool stuff.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
I don't know how much longer
I'm going to be there.
I heard.
I also heard that
they don't want you to leave.
Flyer says there's
still slots available.
These slots
are reserved for girls who
want to become firefighters.
I know I froze.
I know I didn't run in
but I think I could learn
if you gave me the chance.
Amy, I am sure you could
be a great firefighter.
You are already a great teacher.
People get messed up
after traumatic events.
They rethink everything.
You are exactly where
you're supposed to be.
You got this.
Think maybe I just needed to hear that.
Would it be all right if I hung
around and watched some drills?
Of course.
All right, girls, who's next?
Three, two, one, go!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
- Nice!
- ♪
I would just like to point out
that the superhero, Daredevil,
is a lawyer by day.
I'm sorry if I was weird earlier.
I was being a, um
a guy.
Still going to Molly's?
I have a better idea.
Well, thank you for the drinks.
I guess I have to order our ride.
Give me your phone. I'll do it.
I can't believe
Violet and Flynn ditched us.
Huh. I say good for them.
Violet deserves a win, you know?
Did you just cancel, like, two rides?
Third time's a charm. One minute away.
Ritter! Canceling rides is, like,
the number one way to get a bad rating.
- Really?
- Yeah!
Why are you doing that?
If I'm paying for a ride,
I'm not getting in a beater.
- I like a nice car.
Ritter, Herrmann
didn't tank your rating.
You did.
Oh, my God.
I've canceled a lot of rides.
- Mm.
- A lot.
And was it worth it?
Do me a favor.
Don't tell Herrmann.
Two-week suspension without
pay for conduct unbecoming,
effective immediately.
After taking the night to think it over,
I felt that was the most
appropriate punishment.
Yes, Chief.
Setting aside everything else,
you withheld information
from the firehouse
and you lied to me.
That's unacceptable.
I agree.
And it's exactly what I told my wife.
I'm ashamed of what I did.
Now there's something I need to know.
When you told Severide
you were going to confess,
did you know he was
looking into the OFI case?
Yes, Chief.
And did he tell
you that you were cleared?
And that no one would know what you did
if you never said anything?
Yes, Chief.
But you still confessed?
I want to be the man my son thinks I am.
I'd say that's a worthy goal.
I'll see you in two weeks.