Chicago Fire s13e11 Episode Script

In the Trenches: Part 1

You didn't set your alarm?
You always set your alarm.
All right, we gotta step on it.
Lieutenants can't be late.
Or at least I can't.
Not without Pascal
making a federal case.
Sometimes I think
you guys like butting heads.
Oh, I know he does.
I would be happier if he gave it a rest.
And speaking of,
if we are still going to go out of town
for the long weekend,
I gotta book the tickets today
before the fares go up.
I know you want to get out
of the cold for a few days, but
I just think we should wait
till we have a little more time,
take a whole week.
Do it up right.
Yeah, but more time
doesn't just magically appear.
We have to make the time,
or it's never going to happen.

I hear you.
We will.
I promise.
And when we do
it'll be worth it.

we are going to be late.

Morning, Captain.
What's with the luggage?
I thought you got back
from Champaign last night.
Yeah, well, all the other
future lieutenants were
staying to hit the U of I bars,
so I couldn't be the oldest one there
and the first one to go home.
[LAUGHS] So wait,
you got up at 3:00 a.m.
and drove straight to work?
Four hours' sleep I can handle.
But Trudy?
That's a whole nother story.
Why? What happened?
Well, she felt bad
about missing our big
promotion party at Molly's.
So she wanted to make it up
to me with a big to-do last night.
She was not a happy camper
when I told her
I was staying in Champaign.
I'll be paying for that later.
Would you look at us, Herrmann?
what am I looking at?
You, me, making rank at our age.
It's a hell of a thing.
He can't be worse than
our last ride-along from Med.
That guy was insufferable.
Could not stop doc-splaining
to us all shift.
Is it me, or are you
even more anti-doctor
now that you're dating a lawyer?
I don't know. Dr. Frost seems chill.
Maybe a little too chill
if he thinks it's cool
to roll in 15 minutes late.
It's just a ride-along.
No, it's a respect thing,
which is something
all these guys seem to lack.
Oh, and he's going to miss
our first run, huh.
Squad 3, Ambo 61, Battalion 25.
Still and box alarm.
Multiple units responding.
345 Columbus Drive.
345 Columbus?
That's a city government building.

What are you doing out here, Doc?
We gotta go.
Yeah, wiper blade looked a little wonky.
Just needed to be snapped
back into the J-hook.
All fixed.
Well, we're not allowed to
fix things on the ambo, so
CFD policy.
I think what she meant is,
thank you, Dr. Frost.
Yeah, you're welcome.


All responding companies
be advised.
We've received reports of
multiple underground explosions.
Be aware of structural collapse
and secondary explosions.
Proceed with extreme caution.
Looks bad.
Stay ready!


Battalion 25 to Main,
I need a 2-11 alarm and EMS Plan 2.
Possible gas explosion.
50 to 60 victims.
I need an immediate gas company
response and a PD backup.
OK, let's get her across the street.
Engine 51, Truck 43, Fire Investigation.
All right, let's go, Engine 51.
Game time.
Doherty, tie into the standpipe system.
Squad 3, recall the elevators
and begin your primary search.
Copy you. Tony, Capp, let's move!
Ambo 61, go to triage.
Mikami, you're in charge.
On it.
Novak, make sure we got triage tags.
And let's set up 100 yards to the south.

You ever seen anything like that?
It's hungry for more fuel
and won't stop until we choke it off.
925 to Main,
where's my gas company response?
Gas company en route.
ETA 15 minutes.

We got you, sir.

Keep it moving, people!
We gotta keep this area clear
for the first responders!
Jordan, keep it moving!
All right, let's go, folks.
I'm Lauren Bates,
the building's head of security.
All right, what are we looking at here?
We've got 64 floors, two below grade.
We're evacuating all of them.
Approximately 500 occupants.
You know where the fire started?
Gas explosion must have blown in a wall
and started the fire down there.
How many points of egress?
- Right now?
- Yeah.
The north staircase collapsed
just above the subbasement.
Service elevator's working,
but they can't get to it
because of the fire.
How many people we got down there?
Floor's mostly occupied by server rooms.
There's just a handful
of offices for the IT people.
Maybe eight, ten on a normal day.
This much smoke two floors up,
that fire must be cooking.
We got chemical suppression
in the server rooms,
but either it malfunctioned
or that fire is so hot,
the system got overwhelmed.
That's not good.
Keep moving, people. Keep moving.

We can't get this thing out yet?
Not until we got the main line shut off.
For now, we just got to let it burn,
keep a close eye on it,
and hope that son of a bitch
doesn't throw us any curveballs.
Understood. Where do you want us?
Well, this plaza's going to fill up,
so we need to keep people
as far away from the flame as possible.
Let's set a 100-foot perimeter,
no vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
- And reroute all CCT trains.
- You got it.
- Ruzek.
- I gotcha, Sarge.
- Yeah.
- All right!
100-foot perimeter all the way around!
- Move out.
- Let's go!
Copy, sir. 100-foot radial. Let's move!

Sergeant Platt.
Officer Bates.
Been a while since I was Officer Bates.
Oh, yeah, I heard you were
in private security.
I see the bad luck follows you
wherever you go.
All right, look, we got more radios.
- I'll make sure you get one, OK?
- OK.
Chief, we got a collapsed
staircase in the subbasement.
Up to ten people trapped.
Gonna need ladder support.
Chief, I got it!
Copy that, Severide.
Truck 81's flying in a ladder.
Truck 43, prepare a Stokes basket
for the top of the ladder.
- Copy, Chief.

81, let's roll!
[LAUGHING] Sergeant Platt, mm!
- I ever tell you
- Now is not the time, Randall.
Sir, that tape is not decoration!
Everything all right there, Mouch?
Yep. Let's go to work.
Come on, people. This way. This way.
Got it.
Go, go, go.
Come on, come on, come on.
Hurry, please!
- We're down here!
- Stand back!
Give us room! We're dropping a ladder!
Grab it, grab it.

Stay down and let
the fire department drop first!
Hey, we're going to get you
out of here, all right?
Just be patient.

Hey, is anyone hurt?
There's a man in that rubble.
He was coming down the stairs
when they collapsed.
All right, we'll get him.
All right, let's start to get people up!
Truck 43, send the Stokes basket!
- Capp, Tony, grab the beams!
- Copy.
- Ready on three.
- Carver, grab the pipe!
One, two, three!
Come on!
You gotta put that fire out
before the whole server room's
Getting people out
is our first priority,
- starting with you.
- Let's go.
Watch your shoulder.
All right.
- Come on. I got you.
- Let's go!
- I got you.
One step at a time.
I got you. Come on.
Source of the fire appears to
be in their server room, Chief.
- Headed that way now.
- Copy, Severide.

- Medics, got another red.
- Put him right over here.
His name's Pete.
He was having chest pains.
Then he lost consciousness.
OK, set him down right here.

Agonal breathing. No pulse.
- OK. Start an IV.
- Copy.

- All right, he's in V-fib.
Let's shock at 200.
- Clear.
- Still V-fib.
I'm going to start compressions.
- Push epi.
- OK.
All right. Novak, grab the i-gel.
Frost, take over for compressions
- and the monitor, please.
- I got him, I got him.
- Go, go.
- OK.
Pushing epi.

OK, you're probably going
to need stitches,
but the wound's not too deep,
so do me a favor.
Get on the green tarp
and we'll get you cleaned up
and off to Med as soon as we can.
- Thank you.
- Hey!
How do you know she's not concussed?
It's OK, Ms. Bates.
No, it's not OK.
They can't only take care of the suits.
- Yep.
- Pushing another milligram
- of epi.
- Yep, copy.
Who the hell is in charge here?
My friend needs a doctor!
- This is ridiculous!
- Take over compressions.
Hey, I'm a doctor. What's the problem?
This woman has a serious head injury.
OK, look, I hear you.
But that woman is in charge here, OK?
She decides who takes priority
for treatment,
and she made the right call.
Now, please take your friend
to the green tarp now.
- OK.
- OK, come on.
He's still in V-fib. Let's shock again.
- We've got a rhythm.
- Great.
- Stretcher!
Coming in.

Hey, we got fire in here! Turn around!
Fire Department! Call out!
Help me!
[COUGHS] Please!
Ma'am, where are you? Call out!
I don't know where to go!
Please help!
Herrmann, cover me!
All right. We're coming!
- [COUGHING] Please!
- Keep low to the ground!

Engage! Make a move!
I'm going for her! Tony, with me!
Hey, Severide!
Get her out!
Go around the back.
We need a Stokes basket
by the stairwell!
Stokes basket coming in.

61, we're coming out.

All right, get IO access
and run fluids wide open.
I gotta intubate and secure an airway.
- Frost, grab me a burn sheet.
- Got you.
All right, let's cover her up.
I can't die yet.
Not like this. [GASPING]
Not yet.
I haven't told him.
OK, we got you. All right?
We got you.
I'm going to give you
some pain meds, OK?

OK, pushing 100 mics of fentanyl.


OK, I'm in.
- OK, bag her.
- Yep.
OK. Medics!
- I'm going to take this one in.
- You go.
- I got you covered here.
- Thank you.
Yeah, this'll work.
Plenty of space, good visibility.
We'll put CFD comms over here
and PD over there.
Copy that, Chief.
You Chief Pascal?
- Took you guys long enough.
- We may have a problem.
The geyser's sputtering. Could be
Another gas leak
causing the pressure to drop.
You have to shut that off right now.
If there's more gas building up,
it's going to cause another explosion.
That's the problem.
The closest shutoff is
less than 10 feet from the geyser.
And it's buried under rubble.
We'll have to go to the next one down.
How long will that take?
I don't know. Ten minutes, maybe?
If there's another leak,
we don't have ten minutes.
Damn it.
He's good. Clean him up.
- Send him over to radiology.
- Thank you, Dr. Archer.
Mr. Milken?
- Yeah.
- I'm Dr. Charles.
How you doing?
Shoulder hurts like a son of a bitch.
- Oh, man, I bet it does.
Just waiting for the orthopedic surgeon
to get here, all right?
- OK.
- How's your head?
- Any dizziness, nausea?
No, nothing like that.
When's the ortho going
to get here, you think?
I got to get back to my
building and assess the damage.
Real mess back there,
you know, a lot of casualties.
- I
- No, the building, Doc.
I I I'm concerned
about the building.
OK, well, the building is
a level 1 disaster site,
so I don't think you're getting
back in there anytime soon.
Oh, my God.
- I'm going to go change.
- OK.
- Hannah.
- Hey.
How'd it go?
He gave a beautiful eulogy.
But I think he was happy
to have any excuse
to get the hell out of there.
Yeah, I get that.
This is the woman we called in.
Appears to be in her 40s.
Second and third degree burns
on her face,
arms, neck, and torso.
Trauma 1.
Let's prep her for a central line,
and get respiratory down here.
You get a name?
No, but she was talking about someone
before she lost consciousness, a man,
so maybe a partner
or a husband will show up later.
God, can you imagine?
Going about your day totally oblivious
that your loved one is going
through this all alone?


Carver, Ritter, on me.
Let's knock this down right now.
Another explosion like that,
and the whole block goes.
On our way.

There's the valve!
Come on!
Go, Carver!
Come on!

Oh, no, thanks.
I'm sorry, again, about last night.
But I just got to say
I know you're proud of me,
and that means the world.
But I haven't even
officially been promoted yet,
so the thought of doing
another celebration
just felt self-indulgent
- If I'm being honest.
You're absolutely right, hon.
Another celebration would have
been really self-indulgent.

Oh, for the love of
[SIGHS] It wasn't for me.
It was [SIGHS]

I forgot your birthday.
I am such an idiot.
I don't know what I was thinking.
I've been so wrapped up in
We can talk about it later.


God damn it.
Hi, I'm Dr. Frost.
Are you looking for someone?
Yeah, my mom.
OK, well, we got a lot of people
with walkie-talkies around here.
Maybe we can help you track her down.
My Friend Finder says she's here.
Well, were you supposed
to meet her here?
No, uh, she said she had
a job interview downtown.
But I've been texting her all morning,
and she hasn't been answering.
Here's the thing.
- What's your name?
- Ellie.
All right.
Well, here's the thing, Ellie.
If your Friend Finder says
her phone's in the network,
then she's got to be
around here somewhere.
Could be in one of these buildings
in the middle of her interview.
So she might just
not be looking at her phone.
Well, in the meantime,
you know, is there
anyone else we can call?
Your dad or another
family member, maybe?
OK. Hey, come on.
We'll talk to someone with a radio, OK?
It'll be all right.
Chicago City Transit just informed me
that one of their trains
is disabled directly below us.
Apparently, it hit some
concrete rubble on the tracks.
Are they saying the explosion
compromised the tunnel?
We don't know that.
CCT engineers are looking into it.
Well, then we should evacuate
the train just in case.
Yeah, that's our other problem.
Gas company's
pressure monitoring systems
are telling us that
there's an active gas leak
still down there somewhere.
So there could be gas pockets
in the subway tunnels?
Anywhere in the subway infrastructure.
Rail tunnels, service tunnels,
emergency access shafts, sewer drains.
If there's gas accumulating
in any one of those,
then, well, we saw the damage
one explosion can do.
We'll start with the access shafts.
Hey, good tell.
What the hell is this place, anyway?
Some kind of data center, I'm guessing.
These are all high-end computer servers.
Burn patterns aren't consistent
with an external ignition source.
From what I can see,
point of origin is
somewhere around this area.

Somebody tampered with these fuses.

What the hell is this?

[SIGHS] I I'm no Mr. High Tech,
but what is an open O2 tank
doing in a computer room?
Only one reason I can think of.

The server's electrical
distribution system
was deliberately rigged to overheat.
That's the source of the ignition.
We found a large O2 tank down there.
It's enough oxygen to boost
the O2 levels in that room
to 30%, 35%, which would turn
the place into a powder keg.
So whoever torched that server room
is responsible for this whole disaster.
- Dom.
- Sergeant.
I think that fire would have
been volatile enough
to crack the gas line and start
the whole chain reaction.
Sergeant Voight.
Bates. Wow, been a minute.
All right, tell me
about that server room.
Belongs to the Employee Pension Fund.
And as far as I know, those servers are
for administering
the city's pension plans.
So they must have all kinds of
sensitive data on them, then
socials, tax information,
employment history,
medical history, banking intel.
So these guys break in
to steal city workers' data
and then torch the place
to cover their tracks?
Well, it's not a crazy theory.
Identity thieves pulling
a robbery like this
for data they could just hack?
No, these offenders are after something,
something tangible.
The guy we pulled out
of the staircase collapse,
someone said they saw him
on the way down the stairs.
He was in such a hurry
to get to the server room
that he was willing
to fight the fire himself.
Did you get his name?
No, but he shouldn't be
that hard to track down.
His collarbone was damn near
sticking out of his shoulder.
- Probably at Med.
- That was Mr. Milken,
executive director of the Pension Fund.
I saw him get put in an ambulance.
All right, let's you and I head to Med.
Trudy, grab Adam, go with Bates.
Scrub the building's security footage,
see if you can ID any of our offenders.
I'm gonna get Atwater down here.
He can process the scene,
pull any prints. Let's go.
I can only let firefighters
down there right now, Sergeant.
There could be toxic
off-gassing for a while still.
I can go down there
and bag up whatever I find.
- You good with that?
- You saying I got a choice?
No, I'm just being polite.
OK, then, we all have our orders.
Let's go about it.
- Uh, hey, hold on.
- Yeah?
Captain, an incident like this
is a rare learning opportunity
for a future battalion chief.
I want you to stick by my hip
and keep your eyes and ears open.
Yes, sir.
Access shafts I'm OK with,
but sewer drains?
One tunnel at a time, Mouch.
Hey, open the hatch. I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
- Fire scene.
- Why? PD's here.
Isn't this their investigation now?
No, Pascal only wants
firefighters down there right now.
This can't wait.
The longer we take, the harder
it will be to catch these guys.
I know. I just
please be careful.
Look, you owe me a trip to Cancun.

Come on. [GRUNTS]
- There we go.
- All right.
Let's have the smoke ejector
and plenty of ducting standing by.
Carver, you mask up. You're with me.
Copy that.

So this is what
retirement looks like, huh?
Man, you're working harder now
than when you were on patrol.
Retirement? On a disability pension?
That's hilarious.
I know cops who put 30 years in
and they're still working
odd jobs to make the mortgage.
But, uh, maybe it's different
on a fancy sergeant's pension.
Who knows?
You always were a ray of sunshine.
But it's nice to see you, Bates.
It's been too long.
This is it?
Yeah, we can go back further
if you want.
No, that's all right.
Yeah, security footage is a bust.
Went through it twice.
Checked the keycard access logs
for the last 24 hours,
and no unauthorized entries.
Well, who was the last person
in the room?
It's Gary Powell.
Pension fund IT tech.
Left at 6:12 last night.
That's it.
No entries this morning.
I mean, that doesn't add up.
Look, if Severide's theory is right,
somebody was inside that room
right before the fire ignited.
Well, they weren't on camera.
All right, get the footage
over to the OCD tech lab.
Maybe it was tampered with somehow.
Yeah, I'm on it.
OK. Thanks, Kev. I'll keep you posted.
Sarge, you're not going to believe this.
Hell, yeah, I was concerned.
Those servers are worth a small fortune.
It must be insured, though, right?
Yeah, sure. But
And all that data
is backed up in the cloud.
So what had you panicking?
A few months ago, the Pension Fund put
a significant amount of its
assets into cryptocurrency.
It was all over the news.
People were seriously
pissed off about it.
Those headlines were a little dramatic,
- considering the price
- Will you stop dicking around?
You know what we're asking.
For security reasons,
the funds were kept in cold storage.
What does that mean?
They were on a data storage drive
that stays offline at all times
to prevent hacks and malware intrusion.
And if somebody physically
got their hands on that device?
Yeah, they they got the money.
How much money are we talking about?
$250 million.

She's been on oxygen therapy
for almost two hours
and still no improvement
in her blood gases.
And you ordered a bronchoscopy?
Yeah, they'll be seeing her soon.
And we'll see how bad
her airway edema is.
Has anyone come here looking for her?
Not yet.
When Violet brought her in,
she said she thought
there might be a husband
in the picture, but
I guess we'll see.

Hello? Is somebody out there?
Fire Department!
I'm going to get you out!
- Hey, hurry up!

- Get us out!

Thank God someone came back.
We could have suffocated in there.

You guys are lucky
you had those respirators on.
Air's clean now.
You can take them off if you want.
Nah, better safe than sorry.

Suit yourself.
Go out to the left.
There's a ladder in the stairwell.
Why don't you lead the way?

- Let's go!

Got two lone suspects
in CCT jumpsuits
in the subbasement.
The air is safe down here, Chief.
- Send in CPD backup.
- Copy that.
Sergeant Platt,
we've got two armed suspects
in the subbasement, both
of them wearing CCT jumpsuits.
You make sure no one goes
out those doors.
- Yes, ma'am.
- You two, take the stairs.
- I'll take the service elevator.
- Copy that.

You all right? Which way did they go?
They they split up.
This place is a maze down here.
This hallway goes all the way around.
There's two connecting hallways
in the center.
All right, got it.
I'll go west, take the first connector.
You take the second.
Stay safe, bro.

5021 IDA, in foot pursuit of
one offender in a CCT jumpsuit,
345 Columbus.
Copy, IDA. We'll notify command.

Don't you move!
Back up.
Up against the wall. Chicago Police.
Easy, lady. I didn't do anything.
What the hell is a CC
employee doing down here?
It's the Employee Benefits Building.
Just dropping off some forms.
Next thing I know,
it's a damn towering inferno.
Turn it around, slowly.


Remove the mask.



You see a guy in a jumpsuit?
I lost him.
Bates, you got eyes on the other one?
Negative, but I thought I heard
gunshots at the southwest corner.

[RASPING] 2101,
10-1, 10-1, shots fired.
Adam, I'm hit.

Officer down, subbasement level.
Shots fired.
Sergeant Platt's been hit.
Severide, primary search.
Copy that!
Ambo 61.
On our way, Chief.
Mouch is headed inside, Chief.
Copy, Ritter.
I know this is one of the hardest parts
of commanding a scene, Captain,
fighting the impulse
to rush into the trenches
with your team.
I hear you, Chief.
But you're here.
And if I stay out of the trenches today,
I'm not going to be able
to live with myself tomorrow.

There's definitely a gas leak
down here somewhere.
LEL is at 13%.
Not combustible yet.
No, but it's crowding out the oxygen.
O2 is down to 15%.
Make that 14%.
People aren't going
to make it through that tunnel
if the O2 is that low.
- Mm-mm.
- Hey, Mouch, Ritter!
Fire up that smoke injector
and drop a tube down.

I don't know if I'm getting through.
Mouch, Ritter, do you copy?
Copy that, Lieutenant.
Setting the fan
at the opening now.
Let's keep going.

Stop the car! Stop!

Hey, Carver, give me the meter.
All right.


You guys OK?
Hey, there's an obstruction
on the tracks.
I was told to stand by
while the brains upstairs
decide whether we're evacuating
or going back to the last station.
Yeah, the plan is to evacuate the train.
But we got a gas leak
in the access shaft
that's causing dangerous buildup.
It's too dangerous
to send people through there
until we vent the tunnel.
Well, how long is that going to take?
These passengers are
already pretty grumpy.
You think this tunnel
could actually collapse?
I don't know.

What's happening up there, Chief?
It's not what's happening up there,
it's what's happening down below.
Breaking windows is the first
sign of structural failure.
The foundation's going to give way.

All right, we need to get
everyone further back.
Everyone off the plaza right now!
Back up, everyone! Let's go!
Uh-uh, kiddo, you got to keep moving.
- Keep moving.
- My mom, my mom!
Ellie! Hey! Ellie, you OK?
- You know her?
- Yeah.
- Sort of, yeah.
- Help!
One of my guys is trapped over here!
- You stay with her.
- You got it.
Truck 43, we have a victim trapped
under the southwest corner
of the building.
Severide, Herrmann, Mouch,
evacuate immediately.
All right, hey, look,
you got hit by some glass.
I need to check you out, OK?
My mom's phone,
her dot was moving over there.
- When? When?
- It disappeared just now!
OK. Hey, come on, come on, come on.
Please help me!
Hey. Hey, Trudy!

I checked all the rooms
on the south side.
Leapfrog search north from here.
Repeat, Severide,
Herrmann, Mouch, do you copy?
Evacuate that structure
Go. I got this.
No, you stay, we stay.
We're not going anywhere without Trudy.
Let's split up.
Sergeant Platt!



OK. Come here, sweetie.
Don't you die.
OK. Come on. Come on.
Wake up. Look at you.
Don't you OK. OK.

- Change of plans.
- Yeah.
All right.
Stay calm, please.
The ten of you
closest to the door, come on.
Let's go. Come on.
- We're going to take them out.
- Copy.
- Slowly.
- Let's go.
Careful. Watch that first step.
Do not touch this third rail.
Watch out.
Do not touch this or this rail.
Watch this rail. It's hot.
Easy. No pushing.
Stay clear of this third rail.
- Hey, stop pushing!
- All right, hey!
- Hey, guys, guys, guys!
- Watch the rail!


Guys, back on the train.
Hey, everybody, stay on the train.
It's the safest place
until the ground settles.
Carver, get him up to a medic.
- Come on.
- All right, let's go.
Come on. Keep pressure on him.
Go. Keep moving.
You seen a guy in a jumpsuit?
I don't think so, no.

What are you

Her pulse is strong
and she's breathing on her own.
Stay positive, Mouch.
OK. I'm right here.
I'm right here, baby.
Don't you go. Don't you leave me.
[SOBBING] I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

That way. Come on.

- Hey, where's Kidd?
- Back on the train.
I'm going to go back
for more passengers.
Go! Now!

Severide, report.
Herrmann and I are out.
Mouch is on his way
to Med with Trudy.
Truck 81, report.
Ritter and I made it
out of the access shaft,
but it collapsed behind us.
I don't know where Kidd is.
Lieutenant Kidd, report.

Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?
The tunnel just
the whole thing just collapsed.

Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?

Stella Kidd, report back right now!

Lieutenant Kidd?
Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?

We got three wounds.
Two in the back, one in the front.
Get her to Trauma 1.

On my count.
- Give them room.
- One, two, three.

She's crashing. Starting compressions.
Get me an epi and intubation tray.

Come on.


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