Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e09 Episode Script

Friends and Family

Officer Torres had
an illegal sexual relationship
with his CI.
Detective Burgess knew.
Your team spent the past two days
attempting to cover the whole thing up.
You didn't think that that was
important information I should
know before going undercover?
You have nothing to say, Sergeant?
I'd rather you tell me why IAD
isn't here to arrest Officer Torres.
Why are you here?
I'd like you and I to be friends.
You look at those résumés I sent you?
Dad, what you mean, no?
It's been four weeks.
I got Annie afternoons and Fridays.
I get you the rest.
Mm-mm, we talked about this.
Come on, with this new job,
I'm not going to be able
to come here as often.
When you were at ISU,
you didn't come at all.
I survived.
Yeah, and you had three other employees.
Now, can we not afford another employee?
Yeah, we can.
Look, it's always been
you and me, right?
We'll be fine.
I'm going into work today.
I should get going.
- It's Saturday.
- I know.
I'm new.
I'm trying to clock in some extra hours.
Do you need to say something?
No, baby girl.
Be safe.
- Love you.
- I love you more.
Look at the résumés.

What's this dumbass doing?


Hey! Hey! Stay in your car.
Stay in your car now. Get back inside.
I'm police. Get back.
5021, on-view multiple vehicle crash
on LaSalle and Polk. You all right?
All right, I need you to stay
in your vehicle right now.
I need ambos at CFD Road.
I need a lot of help here.
Miss, I'm police. You OK?
That Range Rover, did you see it?
- I saw it.
- I don't know where
- Are you hurt?
- I didn't know what to do.
- I don't.
- You're OK.
- I'm not I'm fine.
- I know.
I know. Let me just check you, OK?
Let me check you.
OK, I need you to stay here.
Paramedics will be on the way.
Hey! Get back!
I'm police! Get back in the car.
Help's coming.
No, get get back to your car.
Hey, I'm police. I'm police.
I need you to stop moving, OK?
I need you to stop moving now.
I need you to be still now.
No, no, no, no, no.
I need you to stay put.
I need you to be still, OK?
All right? Hey, we got a
civilian pinned in his vehicle
with multiple injuries.
Notify CFD, please.
I need to go. I need to.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I got you. I got you.
- Let me just look at you.
- No, I'm running out of time.
Hey, I need you to be still.
No, you have time.
I cannot help you unless
you stay still for me.
You don't understand. It's my family.
- It's my family.
- I know. I know.
It's all right. It's all right.
It's all right. It's all right. It's OK.
It's OK. It's OK. It's all right.
Please, stay still for me, OK?
Please. Hey, here.
Here. I need some help. I'm police.
He is pinned in his car.
He keeps trying to move.
I can't stop him from moving.
OK, we got it. Move aside. Move aside.
You don't understand,
they took my family.
- Yeah. Uh
- What?
Wait, ma'am, you gotta
get out of the way. Ma'am
- Who took your family?
- My wife and my kids.
You have to get out of the way.
Wait. Hold on. Hold on.
Sir, I'm gonna put
a C-collar on you, OK?
- Stop moving, sir.
- It's OK.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Who took your wife?
What's her name? Huh?
Come on, stay with me. Hey.
What makes you think
your wife is in danger?
When was the last time you
saw your wife and kids, huh?
What's this bag for?
- My wife.
- What about your wife?
- My kids.
- Uh-huh.
- What about your wife and kids?
- Ransom.
A kidnapping and ransom?
Is that what this money is for?
A ransom?
OK, who took your kids, man.
Come on, man.
All right, come on, move, move, move.
I can't help you stay with me.
Who took them? Come on, tell me.
- Who took your kids?
- Get him out.
- Who took them?
- Easy, easy.
One, two, three.
Hey, do you know who took your family?
- They want the money.
- I understand.
They want a ransom, I understand.
I understand.
But do you know who they are?
[GROANS] I don't.
You don't know who took your family.
Do you know what demand they made?
- What demand did they make?
- Pressure's dropping.
- They they they
- They what? They what?
Come on, stay with me.
Stay with me. Stay with me.

Hey, you said enough.
I'm gonna find them.
You hear me?
I'm gonna find them, I promise.
I promise.
Male victim, severe head and
body trauma from a car wreck.
- He coded en route.
- How long has he been down?
Four minutes.
He's had two shocks of defib,
but still nothing.
Get me a crash cart. Prep epi.
I need a [INDISTINCT].
- He give you anything else?
- No, not since I radioed.
Just he never regained consciousness,
and he was dead.
Oh. He confirmed the ransom?
Hey, here.
Take that.
There you go.
Did he confirm there's a ransom?
But he couldn't give me anything else.
I pulled his ID from his wallet.
His name is Gregory Miller.
He lives downtown.
- He has a wife and two kids.
- OK, good.
Come on.
Listen, I need you to call CPIC,
get the wife's number.
Maybe her phone's still on.
Then we get BOLOs out
on all their vehicles.
Adam, you on scene?
Yeah, yeah. We're here.
So the duffel bag contains
about $22K in cash.
Got some real expensive looking jewelry.
There's no weapons in the car.
Nothing with any details
about a ransom drop.
- You find his phone?
- Yeah, we got it.
It's locked, so we're gonna
have the lab put a rush on it.
And what about the car's GPS?
It's completely smashed.
We're pulling car data as we speak.
Phone doesn't have maps running live.
All right, boss,
we'll get you more information
as soon as that car data comes in.
Yeah, copy.
We're headed to his home now.
Get that phone cracked.
We need to know who he was talking to.
Yeah, we're on it.
- Kevin, you there?
- Yes, sir.
Right here, Sarge.
The family is Gregory and Cara Miller.
The pair have been married for 15 years.
They have two young children,
Courtney and Maya, ages seven and five.
I'm pulling up their
socials and phones now.
- Cite exigent.
- Will do.
Sarge, there are no
in-service calls yet matching
any abductions in that area,
but Gregory is an executive
at a law firm downtown,
so he's self-made, like real self-made.
The penthouse you're on your
way to is worth $1.4 million.
It seems like a perfect family,
involved, loving, happy.
OK, dig in.
I want to know everything about 'em.
Copy that.
Where are you at?
Wife's phone keeps going to voicemail.
It's either off or dead.
Same goes for the landline.
OK, BOLOs next.
Hi, this is Officer Cook
in Intelligence,
badge number 51339.
I need to lodge a BOLO.
Excuse me, sir.
I need you to take us up to Cara
and Gregory Miller's penthouse
right now.
They're not at home.
We still need to get up there.
Tenants pay for privacy.
- If you don't have a warrant
- We don't need a warrant.
It's a matter of life and death.
So you're gonna take us
upstairs right now.
You're not gonna make
a scene, you understand?
When did they leave?
Mr. Miller left about an hour ago.
Mrs. Miller and the kids
left early for gymnastics.
- Do you know what time it was?
- Around 8:00 a.m.
- They leave on foot?
- No, they took the car.
Did you actually see them drive away?
No, but I saw them go into the garage.
Security cameras in the garage?
Of course.
OK, I need you to go back downstairs,
get us all the security
footage you have.
Please, don't say
a word of this to anyone.
[WHISPERS] You take that way.


Cara Miller's severed finger
and wedding ring arrived
via messenger at 10:00 a.m.
We track pickup and delivery?
Yes, the messenger didn't
talk to or see the sender.
It was a porch pickup
from an abandoned house
with no nearby PODS.
Where are we at with the footage?
Just got in. Kev's reviewing it now.
You get anything on the ransom drop?
Nothing yet.
Nothing on the car's GPS,
but the techs were able
to track Gregory's phone.
He got a call from
a pay-as-you-go burner
at 10:04 this morning.
Call lasted three minutes.
OK, we trace?
Hit a tower in back of the yard,
so the whole block is dark.
Right after that,
Gregory called two banks,
then his brother, Travis.
Patrol's bringing Travis in now.
And the call with his brother was
the last time Gregory used his
phone before crashing the car.
So no texts, no videos,
no details on the ransom drop?
No, we believe the offender
is the "pay as you go."
A three minute call,
that's plenty of time to give
all the directions he needed.
The only person who heard
the directions was Gregory,
- and he's dead.
- Yo.
I got something in the footage
from the Miller's garage.
8:06 a.m.
She puts the kids in the car,
comes over to the driver's side.
Here we go.
The offender jacks her,
forces her to drive out of the garage.
By 8:08 a.m. they're gone.
There's not enough for facial rec.
Any of the cameras capture
where he came from?
Still trying to track his vehicle
on PODS. I got CPIC on it, too.
OK, whoever this offender is,
they don't know that Gregory is dead.
They're expecting him to show
up somewhere with that ransom,
so we need to find out
where and when fast.
All right, Kev, just cull
through the rest of that footage.
You two, dig into the Millers.
Who would do this?
Who had access?
You guys press the brother.
I mean, hopefully Gregory
told him something.
Let's go.
First, you tell me he's dead,
then you ask me for an alibi,
and now Cara and the girls.
I know this is a lot,
but we need your help.
Your brother called you this morning.
What? Yes. How do you know that?
We got a warrant.
Oh, God.
Wait, is this why he needed money,
because Cara and the girls were taken?
- He called you asking for cash?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- You didn't ask why?
- No.
I didn't let it get that far.
- Greg's always asking for cash.
- Why?
He's broke.
He kept it real quiet.
He didn't even tell Cara.
He doesn't have any money.
What do you mean? How?
Bad investments, and he gambles.
OK, does Gregory owe
anyone money currently?
You mean anyone who would do this?
I don't know.
All right, what else did he
say to you on the phone?
Did he mention how much cash
he needed, by what time?
- No.
- Did he say who he owed?
No, I didn't let him talk,
and I'm sorry.
What are they asking for?
What are they asking for?

So there was animosity between you two
because Gregory owed you money.
No, he didn't owe me.
That ain't even true.
Then why would I have brought you here?
I don't know. Why don't you tell me that
instead of berating me?
- Gregory placed bets with you?
- And he paid them off.
The guy was dumb,
but he wasn't an idiot.
All right? He paid me.
How? His brother said he was broke.
The dude sold anything
and everything he ever bought.
Just last week, he said he got
another loan on his penthouse,
he paid up.
He said he was never gonna bet again,
but the guy says that every week.
So who else did he place bets with?
- I don't know.
- Think.
I am thinking. I don't know.
Why? What happened to him?
He's dead.
So who else would want to hurt Gregory?
Who would want to hurt
his wife, his kids?
No one.
I mean, Greg's harmless.
He is.
He's a normal dude from Canaryville.
He just happened to make a lot of money,
and it ate him up.
Look, I don't know what to tell you.
He wanted to keep up appearances.
The truth is, none of that was ever him.
It was all fake.
Gregory's brother Travis doesn't know
the drop location or any details.
He only knows that Gregory needed money,
money he definitely didn't have.
I mean, his financials are rough.
The past couple months,
Gregory's been pulling out cash
from the accounts,
not paying credit card bills,
which are big.
Yeah, he was gambling,
hiding it from Cara.
He hid it from everyone.
None of their known
associates mentioned it.
They seem well-liked, respected.
And what about bookies?
No, the one Cook talked to
was the only one we could ID.
He says Gregory paid him in full.
All right, what else,
threats, custody issues?
- None that we found yet.
- Whoa, wait.
A text just came in on Gregory's phone.
It's it's from the
pay-as-you-go burner.
- Ping it right now.
- I got it.
You didn't show up.
I told you there would be consequences.
Now, the price is $300K.
Get the cash and be
at the Breezewood Park
in five hours ready to exchange.
We'll call you again then.
If you're not there this time,
your kids are next.

It's not residential.
We got a ping.
About 5 miles out.
Let's go.
Phone just went dark. It's off.

The last tower
the phone hit is in Austin.
Well, narrow it down.
What's in the area?
It's mainly old homes.
There's one foreclosed warehouse
off Austin and Dickens.
It's the only abandoned.
All right, 5021
roll an ambo to the corner
of Austin and Dickens.
Female victim, GSW to the stomach.
Tell them to hold one block out
until we clear the location.
Offenders may still be on scene.

We got the back.


She alive?
No, she's gone.
I made him a promise.
I told him I'd find his family.
All right, she's DOA.

All right, good. UCs will hold it down.
Now let's get two forensics inside.
They know to go dark,
keep our presence minimal.
OK, good.
- OK, tell me we got cameras.
- No, sir. None inside.
No security cameras outside
or nothing on PODS.
Nearest traffic camera
is six blocks out.
- And service calls?
- No, no.
But the message did say "we,"
meaning we're looking
for multiple offenders.
I could run a cell tower dump.
Do it.
All right, what about the pay-as-you-go?
It's off again. CP got the IMEI.
The phone was purchased
from a electronics vendor
at the Randolph Street Fair.
It'll be impossible
to trace who bought it.
OK, Cara's SUV was just found abandoned
a couple miles from their house.
I'm having patrol canvas
the area for witnesses,
and techs are going over the vehicle,
but it's been bleached.
All right, this place,
what do we know about it?
It was abandoned for 20 years.
Before that, it had 500 employees.
It's gonna take us some time
to comb through it.
Well, we only have three hours.
All right, they gave us
the details of the ransom drop.
That is our only option.
So we get the money, we exchange it,
and we bring these girls home safe.
Let's move.

You want $278,000
in 1505 funds on a Saturday?
Yes, I do. In two and a half hours.
No, you're gonna have to use a burn bag.
No, no.
I can't use fake cash.
Two little girls' lives at stake.
Look, these offenders already
executed their mother.
I understand that, but
You want to be my friend?
Show me what that means.
There's over four acres,
three separate parking areas.
We've got three football games
today, a tennis club.
There's no way to discreetly
clear the entire park
in an hour and a half.
- We'd need eyes everywhere.
- You want a loop in Tact?
There's too many bodies,
too many chances
for things to go wrong.
All right, let's us split tactically,
half undercover, half bedded down.
And if they've got eyes,
how do we hide that we're not Gregory?
Adam, you're our best shot.
I mean, these offenders are smart.
They're gonna keep their distance,
do a quick hands-off drop and recovery.
All right.
When they call you,
just use as few words as possible.
Just bluff the hell out of them.
Copy you.
All right, we're gonna
also need the same make
and model car that Gregory was driving.
Sir, I got you $60K.
The rest is dummy cash.
Excuse me?
Saturday afternoon,
the banks are closed.
CPD doesn't have $200K sitting around.
The best I could do is $60K,
and I had to fight
tooth and nail for that.
This is what I have to offer.
What about cash seizures?
That's it. That's what we have.
Sir, if the offenders check the cash,
which they will, you understand
these children are dead?
Then we're gonna have
to recover the children
before they check the money.
And how exactly do we guarantee that?
- I can get the money.
- What?
I can get it,
but it'll be personal cash.
The Department won't allow us
to utilize personal cash.
Do it.
I'll crack off the ops plan myself.
I'll make the paperwork.
Kiana, how the hell can you
get your hands on $200K
in less than two hours?
Hold on. Is this where we're going?
- Mm-hmm.
- Really?
Well, friends in high places,
I guess, huh?
Didn't you grow up in Garfield Park?
I did.
This is where my mother lives.
I feel underdressed.
Come on.
I'm not an ATM.
Oh, like I said, it's a short-term loan.
It isn't for me.
It's for the Chicago Police Department.
It's for an emergency drop, but
we can't get into details now,
but this money will help save the lives
of two small children.
And this is official police procedure?
Ms. Dixon,
this unit, we've been together
for over ten years.
We're very good at what we do.
We're gonna recover your money.
We're gonna get it back to you in full.
Well, this is a step up from patrol.
I thought you'd have
the means to help us.
We need an answer.
You're wearing your hair different.
I guess it has been three years.
Is it a yes or no?
There's a fundraiser here
for MOCA on Wednesday night.
I'm co-chairing.
Your whole family will be there.
You're using the family resources,
be a member of the family.
You want me to attend a party?
I will come to your party.
Is it a yes?

All right, boss. We secured the money.
Kiana, I'll have a dress
sent over Wednesday,
and my hair and makeup girls
can come that day.
I can do my own hair.
They'll be happy for the paycheck.
Also, I'm sure
it doesn't need to be said,
but let's keep the talk of your
job to a minimum at the event.
And we don't need
to mention your father.
Is your father scripting
your words for you now?
Excuse me?
That's quite rich after you parrot
a script of white law enforcement
while begging for money
in my sitting room.
Kiana, we better get going.
I'll see you Wednesday.
Let's go.
We're like 20 minutes out.
- Anything?
- No, not yet.
Gregory's phone is silent.
Offender's phone isn't on yet.
- That it?
- Yeah, we got it all.
- Any word?
- No.
Torres and Atwater are in position.
They don't have eyes yet.
Here, transfer the cash.
Tracker's in the lining.
You getting a signal?
Pinging loud and clear.
No one's getting your mom's money today.
As long as we can get those kids safe,
they can burn it for all I care.
All right, here we go.
- pay-as-you-go just turned on.
It's them. It's the offenders.
Do you have the money?
You will drop it in the red
spray-painted garbage barrel
off the east access road.
I need to know they're alive.
Any sign of cops, your kids are dead.
When we get the money,
we'll give you their location.
Drop the money now.
Damn it.
Phone went dark before I could locate.
All right, let's move. Stay steady.

Go, Adam.
Bag's been dropped.
- You good?
- I'm anxious.
The thing about this job,
there's no time to process ever.
That's one of the things
I like about it.
All right, phones back on.
Pinging it now.

OK, I got one ping a mile away.
- It's not consecutive though.
- They're moving.
Probably coming this way.
Just look alive.

Yeah, I got eyes on
a van coming this way.
Anybody get the plates?
Tom Henry 12 David 82.
Plates came back hot.
It's got to be them.
Everybody hold.
Offenders have the bag.
They tossed our bag.
We just lost our tracker.
They dropped the bag.
All right, Burgess,
you and Cook take point.
Do not lose sight of that van.

All right, everyone, stay off the radio.
I got a call coming in.
355 48th Street.
Got an address, 355 48th Street.
I got it. I'm en route.
Adam, you back up Burgess and Cook.

All right, I'm on scene.
The kids are not here.
This is not where the video was taken.
It's a trap.
They know they have a police follow.
Take that van. Take that van right now!
Adam, where are you? We have eyes.
They're on Lake, half a mile
from the 94 entrance.
Yeah, I'm on Madison, running parallel
coming to you right now.

The girls could be inside.
I'll create a diversion,
box them in from the front.
- You good?
- Go.
The hell was that? You just hit me!
You're not looking ahead of you?
You don't have eyes? What's going on!
- Move your car!
- No, no.
She had a signal.
Why don't you get out the car?
You're not listening to me?
You just hit me!
- No!
- Move your car!
Why don't you get out the car then?
Police, drop the gun!
Get your ass out the car.

- It's empty.
- Kim!
- They're not here.
- Tell me where they are!
Where are the kids? Where?
Hey, talk to me.
No leads on the girls yet.
Cook's in the interview room now.
Who are these offenders?
One of them knew the family,
John Knight.
Multiple priors, mostly petty
robbery, possession.
John Knight was Cara Miller's
personal trainer
for two months last fall.
Social media and phone records indicate
they were sleeping together.
She was cheating on her husband?
- How did we not know that?
- She was smart.
She had a second phone
nobody even knew about.
She was never even a full-time
member of the gym he worked at.
- It was buried.
- And it went bad.
He thought she was going to
leave her husband for him
to go get spousal alimony,
live a great life.
- And instead, what?
- She stayed with her husband.
His accomplice is Ed Lucas.
Their text makes it pretty clear
that Ed helped plan
the kidnapping and ransom.
He has a real long sheet
assault, battery, domestic violence.
Ed Lucas was John Knight's roommate.
Got in his head, gassed him up,
made him feel like
Cara owed him something.
OK, good. Keep digging.
Yes, sir.
That's how we found her.
Go ahead, look at her.
I said, "Please take that away."
You wanted her life.
- No.
- Yes, you did.
The luxury apartment, the fancy cars,
the designer clothes,
you wanted the easy life.
I don't want to talk to you.
And you're not gonna get it.
You're not getting
any of that gilded trash.
All you're gonna get is a life in a box.
Four walls and a toilet in the corner
for the rest of your life.
And the only question is,
are you gonna be safe
in solitary or in gen pop
with child murderer on your sheet?
I'll happily give that to you.
I'll make sure that your life is hell.
You believe me?
Try me.
- I didn't kill Cara.
- Where are the kids?
This was all Ed's idea.
He cut off her finger.
He killed her.
I didn't know any of that
was gonna happen.
I do not care what you knew.
I don't care what you thought
was gonna happen.
All I want to know is,
where are the children?
It was Ed. It was all Ed.
I am gonna tell every convict
on your block what you did.
You know the cliché about convicts,
how they hate men who screw over kids?
Ed was the one calling the shots.
It's a cliché because it's true.
- I didn't plan anything.
- No. I don't care what you planned.
I don't care who was calling the shots.
You're gonna tell me right now,
where are those children?
Where is that five-year-old,
that seven-year-old?
Where are those children that you stole
just so you can see what
it feels like to have money?
Nothing was supposed to happen.
That's not gonna help you.
He wanted insurance.
That's not going to help you.
It was all him.
- It was all him.
- Where are they?
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
- Where are they?
- His cousin's house.
They're at cousin's house, OK?
Hey, I just I'm giving you
what you want.
Hello? I just helped you, OK?
I just helped! Hello?

Chicago PD!
Chicago PD! Courtney, Maya?

Courtney, Maya?
Call out! CPD!
I got 'em! I got 'em.
Hi, I'm Kiana.
I'm a police officer.
I'm here to help you.
I've been looking for you.
Are you OK?
Can you talk to me?
No, it's OK. It's OK.
You don't have to talk to me yet.
Yeah, I'm here.
We got you. You're safe now.
I promise.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Any word on the girls?
Yeah, they got cleared in med.
They're gonna be OK.
Travis, Gregory's brother is
gonna take custody of them.
I'm happy to hear that.
Get your mom her money back?
She was, um, interesting?
Is that the word for it?
I'm not gonna lie to you,
and you don't got to tell me
a thing, but I got, like,
a million questions for you.
I bet you do.
My mom and dad had a one night stand.
I'm the result.
My mom's family disapproves.
My daddy raised me on his own.
- Mom approve now?
- No.
My mom doesn't approve of me at all.
But my grandfather wants to be alderman,
and now he disapproves
of a broken family, so
You did good today.
You know that, right?
I know it doesn't always feel that way,
but that's not a great indicator.
You know?
You did really good.
Just stating the facts.
- Night, Kiana.
- Night.



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