Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e10 Episode Script


- Where's it gonna be?
- I really don't know.
We still haven't decided.
Can my friends come
if it's not in Chicago?
- Well, where would it be?
- Belize.
You want us to get married in Belize?
Where did you get Belize from?
- It was on TikTok.
- Wait, what? TikTok?
Yeah, you can have a destination wedding
and all my friends can come.
Well, your ma and I were
thinking a little less
whatever that is.
It's as much as a ticket to Miami.
- There's no way that's true.
You got everything, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Oh, see? Don't forget your Chromebook.
Your mom's picking you up today.
You're gonna get me in trouble again.
We should really think about Belize.
For real.
OK, for real, we'll think
about it, all right?
I love you, kid. Good luck in English.
- Love you, Dad.
- Bye, Bumblebee.
Apparently, she saw it
on TikTok or something,
which we have to talk
to her about, by the way.
Anyways, she's got it
priced out and everything.
Kid's gonna be pretty disappointed
if we end up having it in the backyard.
Have we got anyone available?
- Third time calling out.
- We have well-being check
- Yeah, I guess she will.
Hey, you want a coffee?
I'm gonna swing by.
No, I'm good. I'm good. You know what?
- Hold one sec, OK?
- Yeah.
Priority calls.
You're gonna have
to hold on to that ticket.
Sarge, we've been holding it
for over an hour.
If one of your guys
comes up clear,
can you please send them?
Hey, how close are you to 21?
I'd be there in, like, ten-ish.
You know what?
It sounds like patrol's
a little short-staffed.
I'm gonna help out on this
well-being check, all right?
- Yeah, I'll tell Sarge.
- All right.
5021 Ida, you can hold me down
responding on that 134th
well-being check.
Copy that, Ida.
Cops driving Jeeps now?
Yeah, some of us.
I'm Officer Ruzek. You called 911?
Yeah, hours ago.
The house is around back here.
You requested a well-being check, yeah?
I don't know what that is.
I told the 911 lady that
I haven't seen anybody
come in and out of there
since they fought.
- Who fought?
- The couple that lives there.
I went up and knocked on
the door to shut them up.
The guy that lives there
opened it and bit my head off.
OK. When was the fight?
Night before yesterday, I think.
I went up this morning,
tried to knock on the door.
And that's when I seen
all the broken stuff inside.
This one right here?
- Yeah.
- Who lives here?
Uh, guy's name is Peter.
I don't know the rest of them.
Uh, he's got a girlfriend and two girls.
OK. Thank you very much, sir.
I'll take it from here.
CPD. Well-being check.
I need you to open the door.
Chicago Police. Anyone home?
Chicago Police. Well-being check.



I'm Officer Ruzek, a policeman.
Are you the butterfly police?
No, no, I'm Chicago Police.
Here, check this out.
My badge right here.
See that?
That's kind of cool, right?
Your neighbor wanted me to check on you
and make sure you're OK.
You OK?

Can I sit with you?

I love those things.

Don't really know why,
but they're fun to watch, aren't they?
You've been playing in here for a while?
I'm waiting.
What are you waiting for?
My dad.
He tell you to wait?
No. But he'd want me to.
OK, I get that.

I'm Adam.
What's your name?
- Zoe.
- That's a nice name.
It's nice to meet you.

Zoe, what if we waited together?
You know, it's a real nice day outside.
I thought we could wait out there,
and I can make sure you're OK,
make sure you're safe.
I'd really like to make sure you're OK.
That be all right with you?

What do you think, kiddo?

All right All right.

How's the girl?
I don't know. It was bad.
Got her into an ambo.
She's on her way to Med
to get checked out.
But she was she was out of it.
Eight years old.
It looked like she'd been
inside alone for a while.
She witness the murders?
I'm not sure.
I couldn't get much out of her.
I tried to ask more questions.
She'd shut down,
said her dad would be mad.
The bedroom doors were shut
so at the very least,
I'm hoping she didn't see the bodies.
Yeah. Now, who are they?
Place belongs to a Peter Cassidy.
Lived here eight months,
pays rent in cash.
Park owner said he never ran
a full background check.
He's looking for Peter's paperwork now.
He also said Peter
has a girlfriend, Judith,
and two children, Sarah, Zoe.
No photos.
No, hardly any personal effects.
There's a knife right here that
matches the set in the kitchen.
Estimated time of death?
Preliminary, I'd say at least 36 hours.
That tracks with the fight
the neighbor heard.
What? So what, then,
domestic gone wrong?
Couple fought, child got in the way?
Mother's wounds are
consistent with an attack.
The child's appear to be deliberate.
We got a lead on this Peter?
Not yet. There's a lot
of Peter Cassidys.
We need a firmed-up ID.
[SIGHS] Neighbor said
he drives a Black F-150.
I got BOLOs out.
Homicide is standing by.
We're not passing this off, right?

No, it's ours.
- Hey. We got a problem.
- What's that?
Park owner found Peter's paperwork
and that's the ID and social he gave.
Problem is that social
belongs to a Peter Cassidy
who died in Wyoming
at six years old 20 years ago.
It's a fake ID. It's all fake.
OK, what about utilities?
It's all under that same name.
I have no idea who he really is.
All right, get a rush on all the DNA
- and prints in this place.
- Copy that.
All right, we need to talk to Zoe.
All right.
OK. And Zoe's clear?
All right, good, good.
I just got to 21. Do me a favor.
Bring her straight up
when you get here, OK?
Yeah, thanks.
- Hey.
- Adam.
What the hell are you doing here?
- You all right? What's going on?
- Yeah, yeah, of course.
Yeah. [GRUNTS]
I wanted it to be a surprise.
- You flew in from Florida?
- Yeah, yeah.
Just wanted to see you. That OK?
Well, of course, yeah.
It's just the surprise worked,
that's all.
Is this you?
- Yeah, yeah.
- All right.
- Yeah.
- Let's go upstairs.
All right.
- You got me, Pops.
- Yeah, I got you good.
Surprise visit.
Yeah, I figure it's been a while.
- Disco Bob.
- Hey.
How's retired life treating you?
Oh, good. Good.
I miss all this, though. I miss the job.
- Yeah?
- Hey.
I'm Bob Ruzek. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, I'm Kiana.
- I'm this guy's old man.
You didn't know he was coming?
I had no idea. I would have told you.
Knowing him,
it might not be a good thing.
Patrol just arrived with Zoe.
I was her first point of contact.
Well, you should take it.
Um, he can hang with me,
and I'll take him to pick up Mack.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
If you were her first contact,
it's better for her.
Hey, Pops, you caught us on a rough one.
I got to go do an interview.
You cool to hang with
Mack and Kim for a minute?
- Yeah, sure. I'd love that.
- Great.
Nice to meet you.
- Good to meet you.
- Let's get you unpacked, Bob.
I know, it's kind of weird
being here, isn't it?
My dad would have wanted me to wait.
You know
sometimes things happen that
even parents don't expect.
Your dad, he'd want you to be safe.
He'd want you to be with him, right?
So I'm just trying to find him.
So anything you tell me,
it's not gonna get you in trouble.
Is this your dad?
You know where he is?
That's OK.
How did you end up alone in the house?
I went out to play.
I came home.
No one was there.
So you waited.
- How long did you wait?
- A long time.
Night came.
Night came?
That is a long time.
Man, oh, man.
Did you see your parents
fighting at all before that?
When you were waiting, did you
did you go into your
parents' bedroom at all?
No. Why would I do that?
Oh, I don't know.
Look for your dad or your mom.
No, but that's not Mom.
It's Mommy. She's new.
OK, and what do you mean she's new?
Mommy's new. Mom was old.
Then there was Ma and Mama.
You mean those are different people?
You've had lots of moms?
And siblings, but only one dad.

What's your dad's name?
Peter. Peter Cassidy.
Has he ever had any other names?
Joseph when he was an astronaut.
Gerald when he dug for gold.
And Peter, Peter Cassidy.

where are your other moms
and siblings now?

They ate butterfly clouds.
They're all dead now.

- Butterfly clouds?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, I don't know.
She shut down after that,
so I can't tell if
it's all in her imagination,
but she made him sound like a con man.
According to her, he's got at
least four names, plenty of partners.
I don't know if he had kids with them
or they had kids before he met them.
And she has no idea where he is now?
- No.
- Hmm.
DNA and prints came back.
Peter Cassidy's prints
aren't in the system.
This guy's never been arrested.
Judith matches a Judith Hill from Ohio.
The other victim is her daughter, Sarah.
But Zoe's DNA,
she doesn't match any of 'em.
What do you mean?
That she isn't a familial match.
She's not their kid.
This is Judith Hill.
She and her daughter, Sarah,
were reported missing
11 months ago in Canton, Ohio.
- Who reported it?
- Judith's parents.
They said that she met
a new boyfriend named Peter.
She ran away with him.
They thought he seemed off.
They didn't trust him.
Parents only had this photo.
Peter told them Zoe was his daughter?
All right, pull up
missing children reports,
see if Zoe matches any.
I mean, she's our only lead
till we get something solid
on Peter's whereabouts.
All right, talk to her again
in the morning.
Yes, sir.
Hey, guys, uh
my dad just got here.
Kim's been with him all day.
I feel like I should
- Go.
- Yeah?
Yeah. We'll take the late shift.
- Go for it.
- Thanks, guys.
He taught me blackjack
and he said he's gonna teach me
how you snuck out of your room.
- No, no, he will not.
- Pajamas, Mack, now.
- There he is.
- Get ready for bed.
- How are we doing?
- Real good.
- Done with this?
- Yeah.
How's the case?
it just gets weirder and weirder.
Zoe's not his real kid.
Yeah. DNA didn't match.
I don't think Zoe's even her real name.
She's like a walking Jane Doe.
So what are we thinking? Kidnapping?
We're thinking everything.
I'm talking to her again in the morning.
She keeps saying he's her dad.
I mean, I think
that's what she believes.
I worked a case like that.
- Yeah?
- Uh-huh, years ago.
I, uh, recovered this
young girl on the street,
maybe six years old.
She had blood on her shoes.
Turns out her whole family
had been murdered.
She was there. She ran.
Ended up being a kidnap attempt
by the girl's father
and the new girlfriend.
They wanted, you know, a happy family,
so they thought they would just take it.
You worked a case exactly like that?
Yeah, why? What what's the look?
Sounds a hell of a lot
like Mack's case, Dad.
That's how we met her, remember?
Same thing.
Grandpa, you want to read?
We can do a chapter.
Yes. Yes, I do want to read.
Let's read the book.
Which chapter do you want?
She did good last night, slept well.
Got all the other kids at school today
so you won't be disturbed.
I'll float around in case she needs me.
OK, thank you.
You know, my kid doesn't think
I'm a very good drawer.
Thinks my trees look like carrots.
You know, I met my daughter
when she was six.
People always seem to forget that.
You don't have to be with
someone when they're born
for them to be your family.
You and your dad like that?
When did you meet your dad?
I don't know.
You don't remember meeting him?
- No.
- Mm.
How about, um
where you lived?
Did you always live with him
in that mobile home?
Zoe, did you live by that? In St. Louis?
Who did you live with in St. Louis?
Sherry, OK, Sherry. That's good.
- Just Sherry?
- And Meg.

Zoe, what what about Mama?
You said you also had a Mama.
Where was that?

Angie and the twins
didn't like the cornfields

But they ate butterfly clouds and died.

We had to leave.
Angie and the twins died?

Who else did you live with, Zoe?
Blair and Grant.
- They ate butterfly clouds too.
- Hm.

What does it mean
to eat butterfly clouds?
That's how you die.
OK, I just
I don't totally understand.
What are butterfly clouds?
It's OK. It doesn't hurt.
You just eat it, it fills you up,
you float right up to heaven.

Each time, Peter used a different name.
He always paid cash for a residence,
always dated a single mom
for a year to three years,
always cut their family
out of their lives,
then they disappear.
We have no trace of them.
According to Zoe, they're all dead now.
He killed them.
So you're saying
we uncovered a serial killer?
That's exactly what I'm saying.
You know, all these women,
these children, they fit a mold.
You know, difficult relationships
with their families,
no money, lots of stress.
Peter waltzes in,
becomes whatever they need.
But one by one, these women,
these children,
they disappear and he starts anew.
Uh, your dad's downstairs.
Oh, OK. I'll be down in a sec.
Um, you should come now.
He's in the motor pool.
Something you should just come now.
Sir, I need you to get out!
I cannot keep asking you this!
This car is assigned to me!
I need you to step out!
Hey. Fos, what's going on?
He won't get out of my car.
- Move away!
- Dad.
- Hey!
- He's my dad, all right?
Just let me talk to him.
I apologize. Give us a second, yeah?
Thanks, man.
What the hell are you doing?
What are you doing?
- Taking my squad car.
- What?
What the hell is wrong with people?
What the
hey, look at me for a second.
Are you drunk?
Am I what? No! No, I'm not.
No, I'm just I'm trying to
I'm taking my

You're freaking me out, man.
What's going on? What's wrong?
Oh, kid.

Oh, damn, I'm sorry.
I didn't want to tell you like this.
Tell me what?
I had a whole plan.
I had a I had a plan.
I had a whole speech.
I wanted to
you know, have the weekend,
make some good memories.
Dad, Dad, Dad. Tell me what?
What do you want to tell me?

I got Alzheimer's.

No, it's just early stage.
I mean, you know,
I forget things from time to time,
but show me a guy my age who
doesn't misplace his glasses.
When were you diagnosed?
It was, uh
- it was about
- Pops, it's not a big deal.
I can call the doctor.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I I remember.
Just give me a chance to remember.
It was about three months ago.
OK, three months.
So is three months a long time?
I mean, I don't know anything
about this.
How's it progressing?
It's OK. I'm I get around just fine.
I got my cheat sheets,
I got my little routines.
You know, I'm [CHUCKLES]
I'm handling this pretty damn well.
I mean, I'm happy to hear that.
It's just, what about
Well, there's a facility
in Florida and I've chosen it,
and, uh, I'll go there when it's time.
But Adam, you know,
that's a long way off, Adam.
It's a long way off.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Everything OK?
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we're just chewing the fat.
Uh, we got a lead.
- Go.
You could stay.
I could just let you know
I'm heading out.
No, go.
Adam, it's a young girl's case.
You got to you got to do it.
I'll be fine. I'll hang here.
Yeah. Adam, go.
I want to hear about Florida anyway,
but just the horrible stuff.
Randall wants to get a timeshare there.
I so do not.
Go. Go ahead.
What's going on?
Uh, could you tell me
about the lead, please?
Yeah, OK.
We ID'ed a contact of Peter Cassidy's
named Jack Weiland
Weiland's picture popped
on two of the missing women's
social media accounts.
So we believe he knew Peter
across multiple identities?
Yeah, and Weiland's got a healthy sheet.
Check forgery, assault.
And more importantly, he got
caught selling fake licenses
and Social Security numbers.
So he's providing Peter new papers?
Yeah, that's the guess.
Hopefully, he knows Peter's real name.
And he's got an open warrant
for forgery in Chicago.
We get Weiland's LKA?
Almost. We got a hit on traffic cams.
A car registered to Weiland
got popped at a known chop shop
in Gage Park four times this week.
Property detectives have
the place indexed for
selling forged license plates
and registrations.
- There's Weiland's Challenger.
- Yeah, plates match.
All right, I'm gonna
sit on Weiland's car.
Ocean, take the back.
Y'all want the front?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Hey, man. Officer Ruzek, CPD.
We're looking for an employee,
Jack Weiland?
Never heard of him.
Yeah? His car's right outside.
It's an auto shop, hon.
There's lots of cars out there.
Whoa, hey, hey. You can't go back there.
Yeah, well, we tried nice, hon.
Yo, Chicago PD.
We're just looking
for one person, Jack Weiland.
- You seen Jack Weiland?
- No.
Hey, blue suit, get out of the car.
Let me see your face.
All right, everybody, do us
a favor, pull down your masks.
Can you pull that bandanna down?
Could you pull your mask down for me?
You guys see Weiland? Jack Weiland?
- Buddy.
- Ah!
We got Weiland. He's running,
coming out the front.

Move, move, move, move, move! Move!

- Police!
Jack Weiland, turn off the
vehicle and step out right now.
CPD! Get out of the vehicle!
- Turn off the car!
Step out right now! Stop the vehicle!
- Show me your hands!
- Hands!
- Hands!
- Hands!
Let me see them hands!

Get out of the car.
Hands behind you back.
Hands behind your back.
There you go.

I just work at that shop.
I don't want ask any questions.
I don't know where
the cars are coming from
or where they're going.
You think we care about stolen cars?
Then what are we doing here?
We're talking about Peter Cassidy.
Who's that?
Don't do that.
I don't remember this.
I'm sorry you don't remember.
I don't know who those people are.
You don't know
or you don't want to know?
This is from Judith Hill's
Facebook page.
I used to drink a lot, OK?
My memory is shot to hell.
OK, so Judith is dead now.
So is her two-year-old daughter, Sarah.
I don't know anything about that.
OK, let's talk about what you do now.
Ethan Spivey.
That's what Peter called himself
when he killed these two.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Just take a look at this picture.
Look in the background.
You see this man right there?
Do you recognize him?
'Cause that's you.
- If you say so.
- I do say so.
So does our facial recognition software.
I'm sorry. I don't remember any of this.
That's the excuse you're gonna go with?
You don't remember.
We got two pictures, two separate times.
You want me to believe you don't
remember any of these people?
All right,
you don't remember the women.
You remember their kids?
How about the little girl
that Peter called
his daughter, Zoe?
You remember her? Hmm?
We have you in pictures.
We know you gave them fake IDs.
You're sorry ass gonna
sit there and claim
that you just don't remember any of it?
- Adam.
- Is that your play?
That's what you're
gonna come at me with,
that you don't remember
when there are dead children involved?
- Adam.
- That's the idea?
Adam, hey.

- Cool it.
- I'm fine.
Just misread him.
- I'm fine.
- Are you?
This is the only person that
can ID that son of a bitch
and he's in there being a coward.
He's afraid of Peter.
So we need to give him a reason
to be more afraid of us.
- We need leverage.
Go get some.
Yes, sir.

- I can keep this?
- Yeah, of course.
Yeah, got it for you.
My daughter helped me pick it out.
She's got a similar one.
She loves sleeping with her stuffed dog,
says they're, uh,
really good protectors.
You mind if I ask you
some more questions?
Are you sad?
Yeah. You look sad.
I guess I'm a little sad.
I'm a little worried too.
My dad, he's he's getting sick.
I'm sorry. He'll get better, right?
Oh, I'm sure he will. Yeah.
Thanks for asking.
Can I ask you something now?
Take a look at this for me, would you?
That guy right there, you recognize him?
Was he friends with your dad?
That's Captain Jack.
He was an astronaut, too.
Cool. So he and your dad
worked together?
Did you did you ever hear them
talking about work?
They never talked in front
of me and Jack's girlfriend
because their work was top secret.
Mm, fair enough.
So Jack had a girlfriend?
This is Jack's girlfriend?
Yes, Rita.
Was Rita an astronaut, too?
Rita's a rich and famous dancer.
- OK, so she was paid to dance?
- Mm-hmm.
- Huh.
- Men paid her.
She got to have sleepovers with them
in their mansions and castles.
How old's Rita?
She was old. 23.
Mm, 23.
Or 40.
You remember anything else?
She complained a lot.
She really hates going to high school.

All right.
She was clearly underage,
so anything that shows her real ID
could be good leverage
to get Weiland talking.


- Adam.
- Uh-huh?
Give me your knife.


Analysts at OCD Crime Lab
copied your hard drive.
These are your templates
for fake driver's license,
birth certificates, fake IDs,
mostly of underage girls.
So I sold some fake IDs.
Farm girls that want to buy beer.
You recognize her?
That's Rita Cortese.
Cops in Ohio say she was 16
when they found her held
alongside 30 other
underage girls in a strip club
where she was coerced to strip,
engage in sex acts.
Now, I want you to guess
what ID she had on her,
what ID was used to cross state lines.
The fake ID that you provided.
That's considered
sexual trafficking of a minor
across state lines,
which is a federal crime.
So, Rita, she's out of the game now.
Real happy to talk to us.
The feds are on their way as we
speak to take you into custody.
What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I might have made a fake ID,
but I have no idea what
the hell she's doing with it.
You're lying.
Right here, right now
is the time for you
to remember your friend, Peter Cassidy.
And do it quick, because
if you do not, I swear to God,
I will personally ensure
that you are force-fed
a full sexual trafficking charge
for every underage girl
that you gave an ID to.

That's 30 years.

What do you want to know?
Jack Weiland just gave us
Peter's real name.
Thomas Cronin, C-R-O-N-I-N.
Born and raised in southern Illinois.
Grew up right across the street
from Weiland.
After high school,
they went their separate ways.
A few years later, Cronin
found Weiland down in Indiana,
said he needed help,
wanted to become someone new.
That's when Weiland gave him
a new ID, Ethan Spivey.
Weiland says Cronin believes single moms
are the best to play house
with, lonely and vulnerable.
Sounds like he likes to create a family.
It just doesn't last long.
OK, so what about Zoe?
Weiland said Cronin had her
with him in Indiana,
introduced Zoe as his daughter.
But he doesn't know where she
came from or who she really is.
He said Cronin really
seemed to love her.
Got something.
So Cronin's mom, Peggy, lived
outside of Chicago in Oakmont.
She died ten years ago,
but the house belongs to a
trust in Thomas Cronin's name.
As recently as last week, all
utilities were paid in full.
He could be hiding out right there.
That's more than enough. Let's move.


Light upstairs.

- You ready?
- Yeah.


It's clear.
Top floor is clear.
Barn's clear.
All right, we're all clear.

All right, we'll search
this house top to bottom.
We're looking for anything
that can lead us
to Cronin's location
or current identity.
I mean, bills, receipts,
ticket stubs, anything at all.
If we get nothing, we just
bed down, we hold our cover,
and just hope to hell he returns.
Yeah, let's go.

This is Sergeant Hank Voight,
badge number 32419, Intelligence.
I'm outside city limits,
3489 County Way.
I need cadaver dogs, mobile crime lab,
an excavation team.
We've got burial plots.



Officer Ruzek?

Meg Scanlon, four years old.
Her mother was Sherry Scanlon.

Yeah, thanks, Donny.
Yeah, I appreciate you.
So DNA from the last remains
are a match for Blair Gladsky.
Dental's also a match.
Uh, Forensics found traces of fiber
attached to one of the
victim's thyroid cartilage.
A fiber commonly used in pillows.
Specific make matches
a company called Butterfly.
I think that's what Zoe meant
when she was talking about
butterfly clouds.
He suffocated them.
And I think she saw.
None of the DNA
on the bodies matches Zoe.
Her mother is not there.
So who is this girl?
Why did Cronin keep her alive?
I mean, I'm sure, he didn't mean to
to kill Judith and Sarah that way.
Right? It was a fight gone wrong.
But why leave Zoe?
Who is she to him? Who is she?
Doesn't even know her own name,
not her real one.
Who is this girl?
I don't know.
We'll find out.
It's just not gonna be today.
Look, he's smart.
Probably in another city, new paper.
I'll notify all the agencies.
We'll keep working it.
It's just gonna be long-form.
It's gonna take time.
I'll put out a most wanted notification.
No, no, no. I'll handle it.
Go home.
- I'll
- Go see your old man.
Believe me, this will be here tomorrow.
Damn it.
You good?
Piece of crap.
Pops. Hey.
Hey, yeah, come here.
These stupid cheap razors.
You believe they even sell these things?
Look at this. Look, it doesn't work.
- Dad.
- Doesn't work.
Safety cap's on.
- Here you go.
- All right, no, I got it.
I I got it.
Dad, just let me, you stubborn ass.
Let me.
It's not early stage, is it?
I'm going to the facility next month.
No, you're gonna move in here.
- Nope.
- Yes.
No, no, no.
No, look, I it's very kind.
It really is, but
I'm not gonna do that to you.
It's done.
Adam, it's gonna get bad.
It's gonna get real bad.
I'm not gonna remember how to be.
I'm not I'm not gonna
remember who you are.
- I don't want you to see me like that.
- I don't care.

I won't let you say no.

You're gonna come home,
be with your family.
That's it.

I may never get [CLEARS THROAT]
To say this later,
so just let me say it now, OK?

I love you.
I'm very proud of who you are.

Thanks, Dad.


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