Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e11 Episode Script
In the Trenches: Part III
Whoever torched that server room
is responsible for this whole disaster.
As far as I know, those servers are
for administering
the city's pension plans.
How much money are we talking about?
$250 million.
The whole tunnel collapsed on top of us.
You guys got a plan
to get us out of here?
We're working on it.
I'm assuming the guy
that you chased in here
is armed and dangerous?
I believe he shot Platt.
I'm right here, baby.
You just hang in there.
The offenders were ID'd
wearing Chicago City Transit jumpsuits.
I think I may have found
one of the bad guys.
Your mom is Margaret Simshaw,
is that right?
Do you happen to remember
your new address?
I won't give you a thing
until you let me see her.
Come on, Hank.
You know I'm going to do
everything I can to help you, right?
- But it's a kid.
- I need that address.
A kid who's already in the middle
of the worst day of her life, right?
It's about to get a whole lot worse.
If that's her mom in there,
it should be her choice.
Seems like she can take care of herself.
Look, what if it's not her mother?
What if we never find her mother?
What if that charred body
is the last thing
she remembers today, becomes
her memory of her mother?
I'm just saying there's
a right way to do this.
There are over 30 people
trapped underground right now!
These offenders, her being one of them,
they're the key to getting them out.
There's got to be a better way.
Not this quick.
Look, I'm not asking for approval.
I'm asking for help.
We're talking to her first.
Everybody, stay calm!
- Whoa.
Listen, it's probably just
the ground settling again.
It's all right.
You all right?
We're all right.
- We're good.
- Relax.
Hey, there's someone out there.
- I saw something.
- What?
- I swear, I
- Where?
Think there's someone out there.
- I saw something.
- Out here?
Yeah, in the rubble. I I saw it.
You sure?
Yeah, yeah, I I did.
All right.
Uh, we shouldn't both go.
I got it.
- Hey, it's Duffy, right?
- Yeah.
Give us help with this rock here.
- OK.
- All right. On three.
One, two, three.
- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh, I can help.
I can.
OK. Watch your step.
Hey, man, I can't see a damn thing.
Here. There you go.
Easy does it.
Whoa, whoa, wait! Be careful.
[WEAKLY] Help.
Please. Please.
- Get this off of me.
- Hey, man.
We got you.
- We're coming for you.
- Get this off of me.
I can't move it.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stop moving.
Stop moving for me, all right?
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm OK.
OK. We're gonna just step light.
Coming right now.
We got you.
All right. Let's all work together.
Try not to disturb
the other ones, all right?
On my count. One, two, three.
- That ain't gonna work.
All right, let's try something else.
All right, hey, you just
keep talking to me, man.
How'd you end up down here?
I was trapped in a pocket.
I was working my way through,
and I shifted this rock,
and it fell down on me.
[GROANS] And then it came down.
All right, let's try this.
- Let's try this.
- All right.
- Uh-huh.
All right, on my count. One, two, three.
You all right? You feel your arm?
Don't move too fast, OK?
Anything else hurt?
No. I think I'm OK.
Watch right there. Watch it. OK.
- Come on.
Let me have a look at you, man.
All right, pretty bad.
We gotta have that looked at.
You keep your hands right there.
What? What?
Keep your hands where I can see them.
- Why?
- Don't you move.
- Hey, what the hell are you doing?
- What are you doing?
Why are you pointing a gun at me? What?
You the man who ran from me?
- Did you shoot my sergeant?
- No, no. I
Did you shoot my sergeant?
I've been down here the whole time!
Walk in front of me. Step. Walk.
It's OK, Ellie. It's all right.
It's gonna be OK.
Mommy. Mommy.
Mommy, I'm so sorry.
- What the hell are you doing?
- What's your name?
- What's your name?
- Stop. Don't touch me.
- Don't.
- What's your name?
Stop. Stop.
Adam, Adam,
can we just slow down a second?
All right, Ray.
You work for the L?
I don't know who you think I am
or what the hell is happening right now.
- How'd you end up down here?
- What?
Answer my question.
How'd you get down here?
- I was working down here!
- All right.
Just let me let me look. Thank you.
Where'd you get these burns
on your sleeve, hmm?
I was working down here. I'm a welder.
I'm gonna run his name up top.
I wouldn't waste
medical supplies on him.
- Where are you going?
- Adam.
- Hey, listen.
- Uncuff me right now.
That is not how this works.
If somebody is injured,
I'm gonna treat them.
You see his jumpsuit?
He matches every stat of the offender
I followed down here,
the man who shot Platt.
You do what you need to do,
but I wouldn't waste anything on him.
- Hey, Duffy.
- Yeah, boss.
I gotta send a message up top.
- I didn't do it!
- All right, you got it.
All right, name and address.
Gorman, Raymond. Yeah, yeah.
Got it, got it.
What? Margaret? Margaret Simshaw?
No, I can't believe that.
I didn't know her well,
but no, there's no way.
Her daughter confirmed it.
She was involved in the theft.
She did work in the IT department
when we first invested in Bitcoin.
We know that Margaret was suing the city
over her cancer diagnosis. Why?
She claims she developed cancer
while working in the building
we recently vacated.
The place was old, full of asbestos.
Yet, you fought the lawsuit.
[LAUGHS] How is that relevant to this?
- It's motive.
- Yes, I fought the lawsuit.
- I had to.
- No, you didn't have to.
There were other cases.
It wasn't a money grab.
I'm not saying it was.
Look, we settled a dozen cases
before lawsuits were filed,
but word got out.
Others stepped forward.
It became a financial burden.
So our attorneys were
obligated to fight them,
like you're obligated to actually
get the Bitcoin hard drive back.
That's your concern right now?
It's a large portion
of the city retirement fund.
Listen to me.
I need the names of every person
that you settled with.
The other offenders could be among them.
- No, they aren't.
- I am not asking you.
They're not your offenders
'cause they're already dead.
That's what he means to say.
Where are you taking her?
We're going to start to rewarm now.
She'll be downstairs with us.
It's a long process, but
I'll find you as soon as I can.
- Is it gonna work?
- It's our best option.
Well, that's that's not an answer.
It is.
We're taking the best option we have.
Tell me you have something.
No. Margaret's place is clean.
How is that possible?
Not an ounce of evidence,
nothing that points to co-conspirators,
no diagrams of the tunnel they dug.
They must have planned it
somewhere else.
All right. What about the boyfriend?
There's nothing tangible
to ID the boyfriend.
Forensics is sweeping
the electronics as we speak.
I might have something
in Margaret's financials
that sticks out.
There's a credit card charge
at a liquor store in North Lawndale.
Category code is electronics,
and the amount matches
the cost of three burner phones.
It's something. We can trace it.
- Get the crash cart!
- She isn't bleeding, is she?
The drains are unchanged.
- Charge to 200.
- Clear.
- Clear.
Sent Ray's name up an hour ago.
The hell is taking so long?
Well, let's hope it's 'cause
they're trying to find us.
Hey, Adam. Take a breath.
This space is too small
to have you frustrated.
I'm aware of how small
the space is, thank you.
Well, you'll want to take a seat then.
You're sweating. You're out of breath.
- You need to take a break
- No, I'm fine.
How are you doing, Cy? You all right?
Uh-huh. Yeah, I'm fine.
You know, I think
it's getting hotter down here.
- I must have
- Hey, what's going on?
- What are you looking for?
- I must have put it
Hey, what's going on?
Stella, can you talk to me? I can help.
What's going on? Is there a gas leak?
No, we're running out of air.
So what do we do?
What do what do we do?
We we get more air.
I can't treat oxygen depletion.
And and at the rate
that we're losing it,
- we don't have
- OK, all right.
- So we got to get out soon.
Ceiling's not gonna hold
much longer anyway.
But they're coming for us, right?
We believe that, right?
Got to preserve the oxygen we have.
- So, uh
- Stop.
What symptoms are we looking for?
It it presents itself
in a lot of different ways.
It's irritability, shortness of breath,
headache, fatigue, cyanosis.
People are gonna get
confused and anxious.
We are gonna get confused and anxious.
All right, but but the less
energy that we expel,
- the less oxygen we use.
- We can do that.
Yep, I got my tank.
So it's not it's not a lot,
but it's something.
And Cy has got his tank.
So worse comes to worst
All right, we can ration it. Yeah.
I'll get a message up top,
telling them that they
- they have to move faster.
- OK, yeah.
We should tell everyone.
They're gonna hear you anyway.
- Duffy.
- Yeah, boss?
All right, everybody listen up.
What's going on?
The team up top, they are coming for us.
But right now,
we're running low on oxygen.
- What?
- What?
It's OK, it's OK.
It just means we got to be careful.
- What is that?
What is that?
Oh, that's the that's the batteries.
They're running out.
We got to be careful
how much we're using.
So the less we move, the better.
So find a spot, hunker down,
focus on calming your breath.
It's gonna get a little
more uncomfortable in here,
but we're we're still OK.
How long?
How long are we gonna be OK?
Four to five hours?
Yeah, that's Chief Pascal's estimate
based on the level of oxygen
they have left in the car.
Sarge, if we don't find
a way to get them
- out of there
- Kim.
We are going to.
We just need to find a tunnel schematic.
Right now, you just keep working.
That's what you do.
You keep working.
No, that that's insane.
Margaret would never do something
Ellie said that Margaret
has a new boyfriend.
- Is that true?
- What?
Uh, yes, she mentioned seeing somebody,
but we agreed
she would keep it separate.
- OK, who's the boyfriend?
- I don't know.
She never mentioned a name?
No, we were getting a divorce.
I don't want to know who she's dating
no, I'm sorry.
None of this is making any sense.
Can I see my daughter now?
OK, can you think of anybody
new in Margaret's life?
I don't
I don't
I don't know.
What was that?
Justin, you look like you might
have remembered something.
OK, she was depressed,
OK, after the lawsuit got dismissed.
I mean, you would be, too,
but then, all of a sudden,
she lightened up.
I thought it was
because of the boyfriend.
But then she started saying
how things were gonna be OK
for Ellie, too, that someone she needed
on the inside finally stepped up.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Who on the inside?
I don't I really don't know.
I really I thought
it was the chemo talking.
Ellie! Ellie!
- Baby, baby, baby.
- Daddy.
Hi. Hi.
- I'm so sorry.
- Excuse me.
I'm so sorry. Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Margaret told her ex-husband
she had help from the inside.
- Who?
- We don't know yet.
Look, we've run every employee.
Nobody's popped.
It's possible that
it's Milken or somebody
Are you kidding me?
You think Milken put
the Bitcoin hard drive
down there on purpose?
So they could steal it?
I don't know, Severide.
[SIGHS] It's possible.
Kim, I don't think Adam
has the right guy.
- What?
- What the hell do you mean?
The name that he sent,
Ray Gorman, I ran him.
He's a legitimate CCT employee.
His supervisor just told me that
he's been with Ray all day.
They got separated
when they were checking
for structural damages.
Supervisor seems legitimate?
Yes, the phone was tracking
his movements.
They were both in the tunnel.
I don't think it's him.
Sarge, Kim.
Contact Adam.
Tell him that the shooter isn't Ray,
and the offender is still on that train.
Yes, Kev, I'm here.
What do you have for me?
Yo, we got confirmation
that Margaret bought
three burner phones at North Lawndale.
We got exigent pings on all three.
Two of them ain't transmitting,
but the third one is.
It must be the offender
that ran from Bates.
I'm on my way.
Where's that phone pinging?
Over on the West Side
on Harrington Street
- by the bus station.
- How far out are you?
- Ten minutes.
- I'll meet you there.
Hey, they're sending us a message.
What's it say?
What's it say?
Just checking to see how Jacob's doing
after the procedure.
All right.
Tell him he's OK.
For now.
Burner's pinged three consecutive times
within 90 meters,
low threshold of error.
Offender's close, real close.
All right, Kim, hold anchor.
Dante, cover south.
Kev, you got the north end with me.
All right, Dante,
go ahead and make the call.
Attention, passengers.
The next line National bus
to Lamington Street
will depart in ten minutes
from gate five.
Again, National bus to Lamington Street
will depart in ten minutes
from gate five.
I got a male, white,
black jacket, black cap,
near the center bus entrance.
Move in.
All right, he dumped the phone.
We're burned.
He's running! He's running south!
In foot pursuit of
an offender, male, white,
black jacket, black cap.
5021 David, shots fired
at the police in the tunnel
of the Harrison bus station!
Sarge, the offender just
went through a west side door
- of the tunnel.
- Copy. Stay with him.
You ready?
Stop! Police!
No, no, no, no!
I got you! I got you.
You talk, I'll pull you up.
How do I access the CCT line
from the tunnel you dug?
Pull me up, please!
How do I access the CCT line
from the tunnel you dug?
I'll tell you how.
I'll tell you how!
Come on, use your feet.
Come on. Come on.
- Ah!
All right, his wallet
ID'd him as David Mossberg.
He's, uh, got a couple priors
for petty theft.
Worked at Fairview
Cancer Center as a tech.
- Let me guess.
- Yeah.
Margaret got treatment there,
and I'm guessing he was the boyfriend,
but I also ran his financials,
and some royalty payments popped.
What does that mean?
Well, apparently, he wrote
a book about Capone tunnels.
Techs are digging into the book now,
but no locations are listed.
You got to be kidding.
So he actually used Capone tunnels?
- Yeah.
- All right, you got an LKA?
- Des Moines.
- Des Moines?
All right, get local PD
to search his house.
All right.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
But if these two were dating,
Margaret wouldn't be
commuting to Des Moines.
They would have planned this here,
and they wouldn't have
planned it in front of her daughter,
so we're looking at an Airbnb, a hotel.
- What about his phone?
The phone's locked.
Techs are cracking it now.
Hey, now.
- They said they stabilized her.
- Yes.
But she coded.
I haven't had any other updates,
and nurses said the doctors
will be out soon,
but nobody's saying anything else.
Why aren't they saying anything else?
Let's not read into it.
They said she died, Hank.
Multiple times.
What is it?
The procedure worked. It was a success.
We got off to a rough start
with the code,
but we were able to rewarm her
and remove her lines.
She's stable, and her vitals are strong.
Really? She's OK?
- Yes, I can take you to her.
- I can see her?
- Yes.
- Oh! Oh.
Sweetheart, hi.
Can you hear me?
You're here.
Oh, thank God you're actually here.
Hi. Hi.
I'm so happy you're here.
Oh, it's OK. It's OK.
You're out of surgery.
You did really good, so good.
And they got you all fixed.
You're gonna be OK.
- Voi
- It's OK.
You don't have to talk.
Voi Voight [GASPS]
Two two off offenders.
- OK.
OK. OK. He's here.
He's here. OK, you hold on.
I'll get him, OK? You're OK.
You look good.
She said two offenders.
When you were shot?
Ma mask.
- OK.
I searched him.
No no weapon.
A ho hotel key.
- Yeah, OK.
You weren't shot by the offender
you were detaining?
Did you see the shooter?
OK. Hey, this helps.
This is good.
Trudy, the hotel key,
did it have a name?
It's a m maroon
and a crescent thing.
- OK.
Thank you.
Is everyone else OK?
Uh, not quite yet,
but we're all out there.
We're all doing our jobs.
Mossberg was staying in room 211.
He was paying cash.
- Solo?
- Yeah.
Margaret came over often,
and so did other people.
Manager didn't have descriptions,
but said they were moving heavy tools
- in and out of the place.
- Security cameras?
The place is dark.
Justin mentioned someone on the inside?
This is security details.
"Discuss COC on the day."
Chain of Command military.
Or police.
Hey, I got the schematics.
That's the tunnel.
This is it.
Looks like they only dug
6 feet of tunnel from the L
to get to the Capone tunnels.
Can this get us to the train?
All right, take photos.
Get it over to command right now.
They can compare.
This is good.
The mile markers line up.
I think this runs adjacent to the area.
Yeah, but both sides
of the tunnel collapsed.
How do we access it?
How do we access it?
Well, we don't.
The offenders accessed the Capone tunnel
through the CCT sewers, but not 'cause
that's the easiest ingress.
The other way to enter is from
the building next to this one.
So we can get to it from there?
Exactly. The offenders didn't use it.
Must have been too many
people coming and going.
Probably didn't want
to risk it, but we can.
All right, I'm coming with you.
Search and rescue is our job.
You need to stay up here to triage.
Look, you got severely
injured people down there,
and now every single person
on the train could be hypoxic.
You need a doctor with you.
I'm volunteering.
You ever worn an SCBA?
No, but I've gone scuba diving.
I can pick it up.
Capone tunnels were built 100 years ago.
No reinforcement, which means
there's a good chance
if the earth shifts,
it could all come collapsing down on us.
So we got to keep it tight, lean
me, you, Archer, and two others.
Need two volunteers.
Before you raise your hand, know this
the ground down there is still unstable.
Best scenario,
that tunnel is still intact,
and we can breach it.
If that's the case, we'll radio up.
You guys should be ready to respond.
All right.
Now, I never tell my guys to
do something that I wouldn't.
I'm in.
I'm back, Chief. I'm going too.
- Let's move out.
- Hey.
She's good. She's OK.
Stay calm. Stay calm.
The ground's been shifting
beneath us the whole time.
We're OK. Stay calm.
Remember, guys, slow breaths in
- You all right?
- Slower breaths out.
We don't want to use up oxygen.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
Are you OK? You all right?
All right, we gotta go.
We gotta move to the next train.
Everybody out.
Everybody, move! Everybody, move!
We're running out of time. Let's go.
Keep moving. Keep moving. Come on.
- I got you, Cy.
- Ma'am.
Hey, you got to get off the train.
We got to go to the next car.
Listen to me.
I need you to stand up for me, OK?
- Stand. Come on.
- Come on, go, go, go.
- Come on, let's go.
Come on, come on, come on.
- My bag!
- Go, go, go.
Come on, go. Come on.
All right, we gotta go.
Guys, we gotta move. We gotta move.
- No, no, don't.
- Hey.
Listen. Stop moving.
I'm gonna unlock you.
Come on. Come on.
Let's go. We gotta go.
What was that?
Hey. You all right?
I'm OK.
Just keep moving. We're almost there.
25 to main.
Tunnel's secure first 50 feet.
I want personnel deployed 20 feet in.
Stoke baskets and backboards
at the ready
and extra ambos standing by right now.
25, copy that.
Mouch, oxygen level.
Oxygen saturation levels are down to 19.
Fire up the smoke detectors,
and start pumping air
down here right now!
Equipment and personnel
are being deployed.
[GRUNTS] OK, this is it.
Start digging here!
- Call out if you're injured!
- Everyone all right?
Is anybody hurt?
- Are you OK?
Stay as low as you can to the ground!
All right, hey, left.
Watch out. Watch out. Watch out.
Hey. Come here, kid.
I still want to talk to you.
I can't breathe!
- You can't breathe?
- No!
It's OK. You can breathe.
- Officer.
Take it. She needs it. Take it.
Thank you, Cy. Thank you.
All right.
Hey, listen to me now.
You can breathe, OK?
We still have oxygen.
We still have oxygen.
That's going to help.
You just got to slow
your heart rate down, OK?
All right, look at me. Look at me.
Try to slow your heart.
- In for four, then out for six.
- You all right? You get hit?
Just continue that.
In for four, then out for six.
- All right, there you go.
There you go. Good, good.
- You just keep doing that, OK?
- OK.
- You better?
- In through your nose.
Out through your mouth.
- That guy, Duffy.
- Yeah, what about him?
- He's a liar.
- He's a liar?
What do you mean?
What did Duffy lie about?
That last message
they taught us Morse code back at Scout.
I'm not very good,
but I know enough to know
that they didn't ask about Jacob.
Hold on. You're positive?
Yes. Yes, I think so.
What did they say?
I don't know, but he lied.
Ruzek, it's time.
- Strike!
Strike! Strike!
We got to start rationing oxygen.
Hey, I got it wrong about Ray.
- Wait, what?
- I was wrong.
I got it wrong.
No, no, no.
- Stop!
- Stop moving!
Let's clear it out a little!
- Easy, easy, easy.
- Wait!
No, wait! Wait! That's them!
That's them trying to break through!
Hold on! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Slow down, slow down. Hey.
- Hey, hey, hey!
Slow down.
All right, everybody, stay calm.
They're breaking through.
They're breaking through.
We gotta move slow. I got the door.
All right.
- Everybody, stop!
You take that as long as you need,
and then you go help
other people with it, OK?
Give them the oxygen
when they need it, OK?
- OK.
- I need your help.
I'm gonna make sure it's safe,
and then we'll all go out.
- Help!
- You all right?
Hey, you all right?
Get this thing off me.
- Hey, Duffy!
Hey, why don't you come back here
and help me get everyone off the train?
Oh, my God.
He's got a gun!
- What
- Shut up.
Drop it.
Duffy, what the hell are you doing?
Back off.
Back the hell off!
Get everyone on the train.
All right, everyone back here.
- All right, get back!
- Drop the gun!
- Drop the gun!
- I'm getting out of here.
You will.
You're gonna let me get to that tunnel,
or I shoot her.
- That good?
- Yes!
All right, Herrmann, knock it!
I'm not asking twice.
Put your gun down!
Good. Now kick it over to me.
Now get back on the damn train.
Chicago Fire Department! Call out!
Anybody says a word,
and you all die.
I'm getting out of here first, OK?
You will, Duffy.
You'll get out of here first.
Just let her go.
Fire Department, can you hear us?
I will shoot her.
- Fire Department, call out!
- Call out!
- Get back on the train.
- All right.
All right. All right.
- Is anyone hit?
- Hey!
- You're good?
- Kelly!
Anyone hurt on the train?
Adam, we gotta go.
Let's go. Let's move! Let's move!
All right, let's go! This way!
All right, guys.
Let's go, nice and easy. I got you.
You go, one at a time.
- You all right?
- Let's go!
All right.
Here we go.
All right, hey, go, slow. Easy. Easy!
Hold on, hold on.
- Easy, come on.
- Hold on.
Bring 'em down. Let's go!
Watch the fan.
- Slow down!
- Here, give me your hand.
Here we go. Take my hand.
Let's go! It's gonna come down.
- Let's move!
- There you go.
We're running out of time! Easy!
- Keep moving.
- Help her out.
- Watch your head!
- Keep moving. Keep moving.
- Let's go!
- All right.
Come on, guys.
Hey, Ray.
Hey, man, it's nothing personal.
I just you know, I thought
Adam! Adam.
- Hey.
- Adam, we gotta go.
- Ah!
- Whoa!
- Hey!
- Son of a bitch.
- Hey, hey, hey.
We got you. We got you.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
- Bates.
- Hey.
You hear they're coming up?
Listen, I need to talk to you.
It won't take long. Come on.
Why? Why what?
Why did you do it?
The fourth offender,
the insider Margaret mentioned
the one who actually shot Trudy.
Wait, you think that
You and Trudy, I mean,
you came up together.
You worked the same watch.
- Have you lost your mind?
- Bates.
You think I was involved?
I found your notes.
I got your prints all over
Mossberg's motel room.
- It's over.
- No, that can't be right.
No, look, I don't know what's going on,
but we got to clear this
And me and Trudy,
we all made a vow to this city
as police.
And you shot her in the back.
Yeah, I made a vow to this city.
And this city screwed people
like Margaret and me.
Margaret's not the only one that
came down with mesothelioma.
I was diagnosed a month ago.
And you think I didn't see
how those lawyers treated her?
This city?
You think that
I didn't already know how
How they would treat me?
They owed me that money.
They owed all of us.
We deserved it.
You give me a minute alone with my gun.
Hank, Hank.
- I'm dying anyway.
- No.
Doesn't work like that.
And we don't deserve anything.
That's never been
what this job is about.
We made a vow to protect this city.
I mean, look what you did
today the exact opposite.
You broke that vow.
There's no way I protect you now.
Let's go.
- Adam!
- Kim!
- Ow, ow, ow.
- Wait, what's wrong?
No, I just it's not bad.
No, no, no. It's a clean laceration.
We got to roll him to Med
in case of nerve damage.
- It's fine.
- You a doctor?
- Are you?
- You heard the man! Go!
Go. I'll see you over at Med.
- Yeah.
- Take it easy.
All right.
All right.
Make sure you keep an eye on
his vitals, and check my work.
Copy that.
Let's get the hell out of here tonight.
Our long weekend?
Yeah, head up to the Dells or Cancun.
Your call.
Does it hurt?
It's all right.
I think this is what it was all about.
This damn hard drive, right?
- Yeah.
- Uh, I
- I need that back.
- It's evidence.
It's $250 million.
You can't just hold on to it.
- Yeah, we can, and we will.
- That's not fair.
You know, everything that happened here
will be made public in our report,
so all the cancer patients
that your lawyers blocked
from treatment, all the retirement funds
that you almost just lost, all of it,
how fair do you think the city
is gonna find that?
So when can I get out of here?
Is there something you could
give her for the attitude?
- Shh!
- Uh, no.
And I feel like there's
plenty more of it coming.
You will be here a week, at least.
And then there's months of PT.
Oh, no, don't don't say months.
She's gonna want second opinions.
That's her right.
Hey, thank you both.
Thank you so much.
Rest up.
Come here.
Let's find our T1s and get them help.
You can take her to trauma 2.
And get this young man to 3.
The doctors, they seem busy.
Get them to trauma 4.
All the people
who were trapped underground
were rescued, and now
they're all coming here.
That's why the cops wanted
to talk about my mom,
'Cause she was involved
in what happened.
Yes, take them. Trauma 5.
And let's take some of these
That's why, Ellie.
OK, but I do believe that your mom did
everything with the best intention.
- Are we gonna be OK?
- Yes.
Yes, of course you are.
Ellie, hey, look at me.
My job is to work with children,
and I've treated a lot
of them, all right?
Many of them in really
messed up situations.
So that's how I've learned to spot it.
You know, some people, they have to work
really hard to find that.
They're just they're born with it.
All right, and you were.
That's why I know you'll be OK.
It's finally quiet.
Won't last long.
But, damn, it sure is nice.
Nice work, Sarge.
You too, sir.
Whoever torched that server room
is responsible for this whole disaster.
As far as I know, those servers are
for administering
the city's pension plans.
How much money are we talking about?
$250 million.
The whole tunnel collapsed on top of us.
You guys got a plan
to get us out of here?
We're working on it.
I'm assuming the guy
that you chased in here
is armed and dangerous?
I believe he shot Platt.
I'm right here, baby.
You just hang in there.
The offenders were ID'd
wearing Chicago City Transit jumpsuits.
I think I may have found
one of the bad guys.
Your mom is Margaret Simshaw,
is that right?
Do you happen to remember
your new address?
I won't give you a thing
until you let me see her.
Come on, Hank.
You know I'm going to do
everything I can to help you, right?
- But it's a kid.
- I need that address.
A kid who's already in the middle
of the worst day of her life, right?
It's about to get a whole lot worse.
If that's her mom in there,
it should be her choice.
Seems like she can take care of herself.
Look, what if it's not her mother?
What if we never find her mother?
What if that charred body
is the last thing
she remembers today, becomes
her memory of her mother?
I'm just saying there's
a right way to do this.
There are over 30 people
trapped underground right now!
These offenders, her being one of them,
they're the key to getting them out.
There's got to be a better way.
Not this quick.
Look, I'm not asking for approval.
I'm asking for help.
We're talking to her first.
Everybody, stay calm!
- Whoa.
Listen, it's probably just
the ground settling again.
It's all right.
You all right?
We're all right.
- We're good.
- Relax.
Hey, there's someone out there.
- I saw something.
- What?
- I swear, I
- Where?
Think there's someone out there.
- I saw something.
- Out here?
Yeah, in the rubble. I I saw it.
You sure?
Yeah, yeah, I I did.
All right.
Uh, we shouldn't both go.
I got it.
- Hey, it's Duffy, right?
- Yeah.
Give us help with this rock here.
- OK.
- All right. On three.
One, two, three.
- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh, I can help.
I can.
OK. Watch your step.
Hey, man, I can't see a damn thing.
Here. There you go.
Easy does it.
Whoa, whoa, wait! Be careful.
[WEAKLY] Help.
Please. Please.
- Get this off of me.
- Hey, man.
We got you.
- We're coming for you.
- Get this off of me.
I can't move it.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stop moving.
Stop moving for me, all right?
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm OK.
OK. We're gonna just step light.
Coming right now.
We got you.
All right. Let's all work together.
Try not to disturb
the other ones, all right?
On my count. One, two, three.
- That ain't gonna work.
All right, let's try something else.
All right, hey, you just
keep talking to me, man.
How'd you end up down here?
I was trapped in a pocket.
I was working my way through,
and I shifted this rock,
and it fell down on me.
[GROANS] And then it came down.
All right, let's try this.
- Let's try this.
- All right.
- Uh-huh.
All right, on my count. One, two, three.
You all right? You feel your arm?
Don't move too fast, OK?
Anything else hurt?
No. I think I'm OK.
Watch right there. Watch it. OK.
- Come on.
Let me have a look at you, man.
All right, pretty bad.
We gotta have that looked at.
You keep your hands right there.
What? What?
Keep your hands where I can see them.
- Why?
- Don't you move.
- Hey, what the hell are you doing?
- What are you doing?
Why are you pointing a gun at me? What?
You the man who ran from me?
- Did you shoot my sergeant?
- No, no. I
Did you shoot my sergeant?
I've been down here the whole time!
Walk in front of me. Step. Walk.
It's OK, Ellie. It's all right.
It's gonna be OK.
Mommy. Mommy.
Mommy, I'm so sorry.
- What the hell are you doing?
- What's your name?
- What's your name?
- Stop. Don't touch me.
- Don't.
- What's your name?
Stop. Stop.
Adam, Adam,
can we just slow down a second?
All right, Ray.
You work for the L?
I don't know who you think I am
or what the hell is happening right now.
- How'd you end up down here?
- What?
Answer my question.
How'd you get down here?
- I was working down here!
- All right.
Just let me let me look. Thank you.
Where'd you get these burns
on your sleeve, hmm?
I was working down here. I'm a welder.
I'm gonna run his name up top.
I wouldn't waste
medical supplies on him.
- Where are you going?
- Adam.
- Hey, listen.
- Uncuff me right now.
That is not how this works.
If somebody is injured,
I'm gonna treat them.
You see his jumpsuit?
He matches every stat of the offender
I followed down here,
the man who shot Platt.
You do what you need to do,
but I wouldn't waste anything on him.
- Hey, Duffy.
- Yeah, boss.
I gotta send a message up top.
- I didn't do it!
- All right, you got it.
All right, name and address.
Gorman, Raymond. Yeah, yeah.
Got it, got it.
What? Margaret? Margaret Simshaw?
No, I can't believe that.
I didn't know her well,
but no, there's no way.
Her daughter confirmed it.
She was involved in the theft.
She did work in the IT department
when we first invested in Bitcoin.
We know that Margaret was suing the city
over her cancer diagnosis. Why?
She claims she developed cancer
while working in the building
we recently vacated.
The place was old, full of asbestos.
Yet, you fought the lawsuit.
[LAUGHS] How is that relevant to this?
- It's motive.
- Yes, I fought the lawsuit.
- I had to.
- No, you didn't have to.
There were other cases.
It wasn't a money grab.
I'm not saying it was.
Look, we settled a dozen cases
before lawsuits were filed,
but word got out.
Others stepped forward.
It became a financial burden.
So our attorneys were
obligated to fight them,
like you're obligated to actually
get the Bitcoin hard drive back.
That's your concern right now?
It's a large portion
of the city retirement fund.
Listen to me.
I need the names of every person
that you settled with.
The other offenders could be among them.
- No, they aren't.
- I am not asking you.
They're not your offenders
'cause they're already dead.
That's what he means to say.
Where are you taking her?
We're going to start to rewarm now.
She'll be downstairs with us.
It's a long process, but
I'll find you as soon as I can.
- Is it gonna work?
- It's our best option.
Well, that's that's not an answer.
It is.
We're taking the best option we have.
Tell me you have something.
No. Margaret's place is clean.
How is that possible?
Not an ounce of evidence,
nothing that points to co-conspirators,
no diagrams of the tunnel they dug.
They must have planned it
somewhere else.
All right. What about the boyfriend?
There's nothing tangible
to ID the boyfriend.
Forensics is sweeping
the electronics as we speak.
I might have something
in Margaret's financials
that sticks out.
There's a credit card charge
at a liquor store in North Lawndale.
Category code is electronics,
and the amount matches
the cost of three burner phones.
It's something. We can trace it.
- Get the crash cart!
- She isn't bleeding, is she?
The drains are unchanged.
- Charge to 200.
- Clear.
- Clear.
Sent Ray's name up an hour ago.
The hell is taking so long?
Well, let's hope it's 'cause
they're trying to find us.
Hey, Adam. Take a breath.
This space is too small
to have you frustrated.
I'm aware of how small
the space is, thank you.
Well, you'll want to take a seat then.
You're sweating. You're out of breath.
- You need to take a break
- No, I'm fine.
How are you doing, Cy? You all right?
Uh-huh. Yeah, I'm fine.
You know, I think
it's getting hotter down here.
- I must have
- Hey, what's going on?
- What are you looking for?
- I must have put it
Hey, what's going on?
Stella, can you talk to me? I can help.
What's going on? Is there a gas leak?
No, we're running out of air.
So what do we do?
What do what do we do?
We we get more air.
I can't treat oxygen depletion.
And and at the rate
that we're losing it,
- we don't have
- OK, all right.
- So we got to get out soon.
Ceiling's not gonna hold
much longer anyway.
But they're coming for us, right?
We believe that, right?
Got to preserve the oxygen we have.
- So, uh
- Stop.
What symptoms are we looking for?
It it presents itself
in a lot of different ways.
It's irritability, shortness of breath,
headache, fatigue, cyanosis.
People are gonna get
confused and anxious.
We are gonna get confused and anxious.
All right, but but the less
energy that we expel,
- the less oxygen we use.
- We can do that.
Yep, I got my tank.
So it's not it's not a lot,
but it's something.
And Cy has got his tank.
So worse comes to worst
All right, we can ration it. Yeah.
I'll get a message up top,
telling them that they
- they have to move faster.
- OK, yeah.
We should tell everyone.
They're gonna hear you anyway.
- Duffy.
- Yeah, boss?
All right, everybody listen up.
What's going on?
The team up top, they are coming for us.
But right now,
we're running low on oxygen.
- What?
- What?
It's OK, it's OK.
It just means we got to be careful.
- What is that?
What is that?
Oh, that's the that's the batteries.
They're running out.
We got to be careful
how much we're using.
So the less we move, the better.
So find a spot, hunker down,
focus on calming your breath.
It's gonna get a little
more uncomfortable in here,
but we're we're still OK.
How long?
How long are we gonna be OK?
Four to five hours?
Yeah, that's Chief Pascal's estimate
based on the level of oxygen
they have left in the car.
Sarge, if we don't find
a way to get them
- out of there
- Kim.
We are going to.
We just need to find a tunnel schematic.
Right now, you just keep working.
That's what you do.
You keep working.
No, that that's insane.
Margaret would never do something
Ellie said that Margaret
has a new boyfriend.
- Is that true?
- What?
Uh, yes, she mentioned seeing somebody,
but we agreed
she would keep it separate.
- OK, who's the boyfriend?
- I don't know.
She never mentioned a name?
No, we were getting a divorce.
I don't want to know who she's dating
no, I'm sorry.
None of this is making any sense.
Can I see my daughter now?
OK, can you think of anybody
new in Margaret's life?
I don't
I don't
I don't know.
What was that?
Justin, you look like you might
have remembered something.
OK, she was depressed,
OK, after the lawsuit got dismissed.
I mean, you would be, too,
but then, all of a sudden,
she lightened up.
I thought it was
because of the boyfriend.
But then she started saying
how things were gonna be OK
for Ellie, too, that someone she needed
on the inside finally stepped up.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Who on the inside?
I don't I really don't know.
I really I thought
it was the chemo talking.
Ellie! Ellie!
- Baby, baby, baby.
- Daddy.
Hi. Hi.
- I'm so sorry.
- Excuse me.
I'm so sorry. Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Margaret told her ex-husband
she had help from the inside.
- Who?
- We don't know yet.
Look, we've run every employee.
Nobody's popped.
It's possible that
it's Milken or somebody
Are you kidding me?
You think Milken put
the Bitcoin hard drive
down there on purpose?
So they could steal it?
I don't know, Severide.
[SIGHS] It's possible.
Kim, I don't think Adam
has the right guy.
- What?
- What the hell do you mean?
The name that he sent,
Ray Gorman, I ran him.
He's a legitimate CCT employee.
His supervisor just told me that
he's been with Ray all day.
They got separated
when they were checking
for structural damages.
Supervisor seems legitimate?
Yes, the phone was tracking
his movements.
They were both in the tunnel.
I don't think it's him.
Sarge, Kim.
Contact Adam.
Tell him that the shooter isn't Ray,
and the offender is still on that train.
Yes, Kev, I'm here.
What do you have for me?
Yo, we got confirmation
that Margaret bought
three burner phones at North Lawndale.
We got exigent pings on all three.
Two of them ain't transmitting,
but the third one is.
It must be the offender
that ran from Bates.
I'm on my way.
Where's that phone pinging?
Over on the West Side
on Harrington Street
- by the bus station.
- How far out are you?
- Ten minutes.
- I'll meet you there.
Hey, they're sending us a message.
What's it say?
What's it say?
Just checking to see how Jacob's doing
after the procedure.
All right.
Tell him he's OK.
For now.
Burner's pinged three consecutive times
within 90 meters,
low threshold of error.
Offender's close, real close.
All right, Kim, hold anchor.
Dante, cover south.
Kev, you got the north end with me.
All right, Dante,
go ahead and make the call.
Attention, passengers.
The next line National bus
to Lamington Street
will depart in ten minutes
from gate five.
Again, National bus to Lamington Street
will depart in ten minutes
from gate five.
I got a male, white,
black jacket, black cap,
near the center bus entrance.
Move in.
All right, he dumped the phone.
We're burned.
He's running! He's running south!
In foot pursuit of
an offender, male, white,
black jacket, black cap.
5021 David, shots fired
at the police in the tunnel
of the Harrison bus station!
Sarge, the offender just
went through a west side door
- of the tunnel.
- Copy. Stay with him.
You ready?
Stop! Police!
No, no, no, no!
I got you! I got you.
You talk, I'll pull you up.
How do I access the CCT line
from the tunnel you dug?
Pull me up, please!
How do I access the CCT line
from the tunnel you dug?
I'll tell you how.
I'll tell you how!
Come on, use your feet.
Come on. Come on.
- Ah!
All right, his wallet
ID'd him as David Mossberg.
He's, uh, got a couple priors
for petty theft.
Worked at Fairview
Cancer Center as a tech.
- Let me guess.
- Yeah.
Margaret got treatment there,
and I'm guessing he was the boyfriend,
but I also ran his financials,
and some royalty payments popped.
What does that mean?
Well, apparently, he wrote
a book about Capone tunnels.
Techs are digging into the book now,
but no locations are listed.
You got to be kidding.
So he actually used Capone tunnels?
- Yeah.
- All right, you got an LKA?
- Des Moines.
- Des Moines?
All right, get local PD
to search his house.
All right.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
But if these two were dating,
Margaret wouldn't be
commuting to Des Moines.
They would have planned this here,
and they wouldn't have
planned it in front of her daughter,
so we're looking at an Airbnb, a hotel.
- What about his phone?
The phone's locked.
Techs are cracking it now.
Hey, now.
- They said they stabilized her.
- Yes.
But she coded.
I haven't had any other updates,
and nurses said the doctors
will be out soon,
but nobody's saying anything else.
Why aren't they saying anything else?
Let's not read into it.
They said she died, Hank.
Multiple times.
What is it?
The procedure worked. It was a success.
We got off to a rough start
with the code,
but we were able to rewarm her
and remove her lines.
She's stable, and her vitals are strong.
Really? She's OK?
- Yes, I can take you to her.
- I can see her?
- Yes.
- Oh! Oh.
Sweetheart, hi.
Can you hear me?
You're here.
Oh, thank God you're actually here.
Hi. Hi.
I'm so happy you're here.
Oh, it's OK. It's OK.
You're out of surgery.
You did really good, so good.
And they got you all fixed.
You're gonna be OK.
- Voi
- It's OK.
You don't have to talk.
Voi Voight [GASPS]
Two two off offenders.
- OK.
OK. OK. He's here.
He's here. OK, you hold on.
I'll get him, OK? You're OK.
You look good.
She said two offenders.
When you were shot?
Ma mask.
- OK.
I searched him.
No no weapon.
A ho hotel key.
- Yeah, OK.
You weren't shot by the offender
you were detaining?
Did you see the shooter?
OK. Hey, this helps.
This is good.
Trudy, the hotel key,
did it have a name?
It's a m maroon
and a crescent thing.
- OK.
Thank you.
Is everyone else OK?
Uh, not quite yet,
but we're all out there.
We're all doing our jobs.
Mossberg was staying in room 211.
He was paying cash.
- Solo?
- Yeah.
Margaret came over often,
and so did other people.
Manager didn't have descriptions,
but said they were moving heavy tools
- in and out of the place.
- Security cameras?
The place is dark.
Justin mentioned someone on the inside?
This is security details.
"Discuss COC on the day."
Chain of Command military.
Or police.
Hey, I got the schematics.
That's the tunnel.
This is it.
Looks like they only dug
6 feet of tunnel from the L
to get to the Capone tunnels.
Can this get us to the train?
All right, take photos.
Get it over to command right now.
They can compare.
This is good.
The mile markers line up.
I think this runs adjacent to the area.
Yeah, but both sides
of the tunnel collapsed.
How do we access it?
How do we access it?
Well, we don't.
The offenders accessed the Capone tunnel
through the CCT sewers, but not 'cause
that's the easiest ingress.
The other way to enter is from
the building next to this one.
So we can get to it from there?
Exactly. The offenders didn't use it.
Must have been too many
people coming and going.
Probably didn't want
to risk it, but we can.
All right, I'm coming with you.
Search and rescue is our job.
You need to stay up here to triage.
Look, you got severely
injured people down there,
and now every single person
on the train could be hypoxic.
You need a doctor with you.
I'm volunteering.
You ever worn an SCBA?
No, but I've gone scuba diving.
I can pick it up.
Capone tunnels were built 100 years ago.
No reinforcement, which means
there's a good chance
if the earth shifts,
it could all come collapsing down on us.
So we got to keep it tight, lean
me, you, Archer, and two others.
Need two volunteers.
Before you raise your hand, know this
the ground down there is still unstable.
Best scenario,
that tunnel is still intact,
and we can breach it.
If that's the case, we'll radio up.
You guys should be ready to respond.
All right.
Now, I never tell my guys to
do something that I wouldn't.
I'm in.
I'm back, Chief. I'm going too.
- Let's move out.
- Hey.
She's good. She's OK.
Stay calm. Stay calm.
The ground's been shifting
beneath us the whole time.
We're OK. Stay calm.
Remember, guys, slow breaths in
- You all right?
- Slower breaths out.
We don't want to use up oxygen.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
Are you OK? You all right?
All right, we gotta go.
We gotta move to the next train.
Everybody out.
Everybody, move! Everybody, move!
We're running out of time. Let's go.
Keep moving. Keep moving. Come on.
- I got you, Cy.
- Ma'am.
Hey, you got to get off the train.
We got to go to the next car.
Listen to me.
I need you to stand up for me, OK?
- Stand. Come on.
- Come on, go, go, go.
- Come on, let's go.
Come on, come on, come on.
- My bag!
- Go, go, go.
Come on, go. Come on.
All right, we gotta go.
Guys, we gotta move. We gotta move.
- No, no, don't.
- Hey.
Listen. Stop moving.
I'm gonna unlock you.
Come on. Come on.
Let's go. We gotta go.
What was that?
Hey. You all right?
I'm OK.
Just keep moving. We're almost there.
25 to main.
Tunnel's secure first 50 feet.
I want personnel deployed 20 feet in.
Stoke baskets and backboards
at the ready
and extra ambos standing by right now.
25, copy that.
Mouch, oxygen level.
Oxygen saturation levels are down to 19.
Fire up the smoke detectors,
and start pumping air
down here right now!
Equipment and personnel
are being deployed.
[GRUNTS] OK, this is it.
Start digging here!
- Call out if you're injured!
- Everyone all right?
Is anybody hurt?
- Are you OK?
Stay as low as you can to the ground!
All right, hey, left.
Watch out. Watch out. Watch out.
Hey. Come here, kid.
I still want to talk to you.
I can't breathe!
- You can't breathe?
- No!
It's OK. You can breathe.
- Officer.
Take it. She needs it. Take it.
Thank you, Cy. Thank you.
All right.
Hey, listen to me now.
You can breathe, OK?
We still have oxygen.
We still have oxygen.
That's going to help.
You just got to slow
your heart rate down, OK?
All right, look at me. Look at me.
Try to slow your heart.
- In for four, then out for six.
- You all right? You get hit?
Just continue that.
In for four, then out for six.
- All right, there you go.
There you go. Good, good.
- You just keep doing that, OK?
- OK.
- You better?
- In through your nose.
Out through your mouth.
- That guy, Duffy.
- Yeah, what about him?
- He's a liar.
- He's a liar?
What do you mean?
What did Duffy lie about?
That last message
they taught us Morse code back at Scout.
I'm not very good,
but I know enough to know
that they didn't ask about Jacob.
Hold on. You're positive?
Yes. Yes, I think so.
What did they say?
I don't know, but he lied.
Ruzek, it's time.
- Strike!
Strike! Strike!
We got to start rationing oxygen.
Hey, I got it wrong about Ray.
- Wait, what?
- I was wrong.
I got it wrong.
No, no, no.
- Stop!
- Stop moving!
Let's clear it out a little!
- Easy, easy, easy.
- Wait!
No, wait! Wait! That's them!
That's them trying to break through!
Hold on! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Slow down, slow down. Hey.
- Hey, hey, hey!
Slow down.
All right, everybody, stay calm.
They're breaking through.
They're breaking through.
We gotta move slow. I got the door.
All right.
- Everybody, stop!
You take that as long as you need,
and then you go help
other people with it, OK?
Give them the oxygen
when they need it, OK?
- OK.
- I need your help.
I'm gonna make sure it's safe,
and then we'll all go out.
- Help!
- You all right?
Hey, you all right?
Get this thing off me.
- Hey, Duffy!
Hey, why don't you come back here
and help me get everyone off the train?
Oh, my God.
He's got a gun!
- What
- Shut up.
Drop it.
Duffy, what the hell are you doing?
Back off.
Back the hell off!
Get everyone on the train.
All right, everyone back here.
- All right, get back!
- Drop the gun!
- Drop the gun!
- I'm getting out of here.
You will.
You're gonna let me get to that tunnel,
or I shoot her.
- That good?
- Yes!
All right, Herrmann, knock it!
I'm not asking twice.
Put your gun down!
Good. Now kick it over to me.
Now get back on the damn train.
Chicago Fire Department! Call out!
Anybody says a word,
and you all die.
I'm getting out of here first, OK?
You will, Duffy.
You'll get out of here first.
Just let her go.
Fire Department, can you hear us?
I will shoot her.
- Fire Department, call out!
- Call out!
- Get back on the train.
- All right.
All right. All right.
- Is anyone hit?
- Hey!
- You're good?
- Kelly!
Anyone hurt on the train?
Adam, we gotta go.
Let's go. Let's move! Let's move!
All right, let's go! This way!
All right, guys.
Let's go, nice and easy. I got you.
You go, one at a time.
- You all right?
- Let's go!
All right.
Here we go.
All right, hey, go, slow. Easy. Easy!
Hold on, hold on.
- Easy, come on.
- Hold on.
Bring 'em down. Let's go!
Watch the fan.
- Slow down!
- Here, give me your hand.
Here we go. Take my hand.
Let's go! It's gonna come down.
- Let's move!
- There you go.
We're running out of time! Easy!
- Keep moving.
- Help her out.
- Watch your head!
- Keep moving. Keep moving.
- Let's go!
- All right.
Come on, guys.
Hey, Ray.
Hey, man, it's nothing personal.
I just you know, I thought
Adam! Adam.
- Hey.
- Adam, we gotta go.
- Ah!
- Whoa!
- Hey!
- Son of a bitch.
- Hey, hey, hey.
We got you. We got you.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
- Bates.
- Hey.
You hear they're coming up?
Listen, I need to talk to you.
It won't take long. Come on.
Why? Why what?
Why did you do it?
The fourth offender,
the insider Margaret mentioned
the one who actually shot Trudy.
Wait, you think that
You and Trudy, I mean,
you came up together.
You worked the same watch.
- Have you lost your mind?
- Bates.
You think I was involved?
I found your notes.
I got your prints all over
Mossberg's motel room.
- It's over.
- No, that can't be right.
No, look, I don't know what's going on,
but we got to clear this
And me and Trudy,
we all made a vow to this city
as police.
And you shot her in the back.
Yeah, I made a vow to this city.
And this city screwed people
like Margaret and me.
Margaret's not the only one that
came down with mesothelioma.
I was diagnosed a month ago.
And you think I didn't see
how those lawyers treated her?
This city?
You think that
I didn't already know how
How they would treat me?
They owed me that money.
They owed all of us.
We deserved it.
You give me a minute alone with my gun.
Hank, Hank.
- I'm dying anyway.
- No.
Doesn't work like that.
And we don't deserve anything.
That's never been
what this job is about.
We made a vow to protect this city.
I mean, look what you did
today the exact opposite.
You broke that vow.
There's no way I protect you now.
Let's go.
- Adam!
- Kim!
- Ow, ow, ow.
- Wait, what's wrong?
No, I just it's not bad.
No, no, no. It's a clean laceration.
We got to roll him to Med
in case of nerve damage.
- It's fine.
- You a doctor?
- Are you?
- You heard the man! Go!
Go. I'll see you over at Med.
- Yeah.
- Take it easy.
All right.
All right.
Make sure you keep an eye on
his vitals, and check my work.
Copy that.
Let's get the hell out of here tonight.
Our long weekend?
Yeah, head up to the Dells or Cancun.
Your call.
Does it hurt?
It's all right.
I think this is what it was all about.
This damn hard drive, right?
- Yeah.
- Uh, I
- I need that back.
- It's evidence.
It's $250 million.
You can't just hold on to it.
- Yeah, we can, and we will.
- That's not fair.
You know, everything that happened here
will be made public in our report,
so all the cancer patients
that your lawyers blocked
from treatment, all the retirement funds
that you almost just lost, all of it,
how fair do you think the city
is gonna find that?
So when can I get out of here?
Is there something you could
give her for the attitude?
- Shh!
- Uh, no.
And I feel like there's
plenty more of it coming.
You will be here a week, at least.
And then there's months of PT.
Oh, no, don't don't say months.
She's gonna want second opinions.
That's her right.
Hey, thank you both.
Thank you so much.
Rest up.
Come here.
Let's find our T1s and get them help.
You can take her to trauma 2.
And get this young man to 3.
The doctors, they seem busy.
Get them to trauma 4.
All the people
who were trapped underground
were rescued, and now
they're all coming here.
That's why the cops wanted
to talk about my mom,
'Cause she was involved
in what happened.
Yes, take them. Trauma 5.
And let's take some of these
That's why, Ellie.
OK, but I do believe that your mom did
everything with the best intention.
- Are we gonna be OK?
- Yes.
Yes, of course you are.
Ellie, hey, look at me.
My job is to work with children,
and I've treated a lot
of them, all right?
Many of them in really
messed up situations.
So that's how I've learned to spot it.
You know, some people, they have to work
really hard to find that.
They're just they're born with it.
All right, and you were.
That's why I know you'll be OK.
It's finally quiet.
Won't last long.
But, damn, it sure is nice.
Nice work, Sarge.
You too, sir.