Dalziel and Pascoe (1996) s11e02 Episode Script
Fallen Angel
What did you bet, Andy?
50 pence each way?
Yankee bet, Peter. If my next horse
comes in, I'll be up three grand.
So you won't bother putting
a quid in the sweep then, sir?
Yeah, I will.
Tell you what, I'll even go first!
Let's have a look.
Silver Soda! That's my next horse!
It's got to be an omen,
hasn't it, eh?
He's picked the bloody favourite.
You rode a good race, Todd.
Such high praise,
coming from a stable lass.
Not nice coming second,
is it, Sammy-boy?
I let you have that one, Fletcher.
Don't want to be a loser
all your life.
Who's gonna beat the favourite today?
Come on, Drummond,
show me the colour of your money?
I've put down better horses
than you're taking bets on!
You look like shit.
- You're not back on the nose-candy, are you?
- Course not. I'm all right!
They've got me carrying
seven pounds on Silver Soda.
12 winners out of 20.
What do you expect, Goldenballs?
You know what
you've got to do, Sammy.
I told you, I'm finished with that.
- What?!
- He's right, Nat.
Sometimes I think
you're HIS mother, not mine.
Never mind.
A couple more days, it'll all be over.
Like I need reminding!
I can't believe this
is Sammy's last race for us.
After all we've done for him.
Still, loyalty counts for nothing
when someone's
waving a big fat cheque at you.
'And they're racing. Good start '
Come on, Silver Soda, you beauty!
- Come on!
- Go on, Silver Soda!
- What's wrong with Sammy?
- I don't know.
He's all over the place.
Is that blood on his face?
Go on, sunshine!
Oh, YES! Yes! Haha!
Did you see that?!
- You've just won over three grand.
- Yeah. And this. Fair and square.
We could at least
get some drinks in.
Oh, yeah. Baines! Beers.
Try that cheap place
around the corner -
it's still got loads of stuff
from the World Cup left over.
- Andy. - What?
- Don't splash out too soon.
'They've announced
a steward's inquiry.'
Put him down.
You're going to be all right,
You're going to be all right.
Come on, Andy.
You've had three winners.
I know, but that was the big one.
Pity he didn't make it
to the weighing room.
You'd have got your money then.
I'd have carried him there my bloody self.
Three grand he's cost me.
What happened?
Massive internal haemorrhaging.
He's also got several fractured ribs,
amongst other fresh trauma areas.
Occupational hazard,
I'd have thought.
I tested his blood.
He had no clotting factors.
A haemophiliac?
Well, I guessed that initially,
but I've checked with his GP
and he had no medical problems.
Toxicology shows he had a fatally
high level of Warfarin in his system.
- Rat poison?
- Possibly. Or medicinal.
It's an anti-coagulant.
He literally bled to death.
So you're saying he was murdered?
Well, it's an odd way to do it,
but, er, yes.
Bit of a ticking bomb, Warfarin.
What are you getting at?
Well, it's not an immediate killer.
It could have been building up in his system
for several days before he died.
There's no precise way
in gauging when he'd keel over.
Had to happen on my horse,
though, didn't it!
You going, Posh?
Yes, sir, but I don't have to,
if you want me to stay.
No, no, you get off.
- Big day tomorrow.
- Big day?
Well, it's your first case.
- You're a detective now.
- Am I going to be on the Hogarth murder?
Time to put the theory into practice.
Wow! A celebrity on my first case!
Well, in some people's books.
You go home.
Get a good night's sleep.
It'll be your last for a while.
I will, boss. Night.
Oh, and I want you here
at 6.30 sharp. Don't be late!
Unsigned contract.
Looks like he was leaving Swainbank's
to go and ride for another stable.
Wonder if his boss knew.
I've had a chat with the neighbours, sir.
They didn't see Sammy much.
He was always away racing.
There is one thing - he had
a break-in about six weeks ago.
Check that out, then.
Have we got a next of kin yet?
His father.
We're still trying to trace him.
The Unicorn.
That won
The Princess Mary Stakes last year.
Didn't know
you followed the gee-gees.
- I don't.
- In here, Andy!
vitamins and sleeping pills.
Anything containing rat poison
with fingerprints all over it?
These are all slimming pills!
And I thought
I worried about my weight.
OK, gather it all up,
and I want it all tested.
Then I want you to liaise
with the Intelligence Cell
and contact everyone listed on
Sammy's mobile and address book.
Yes, boss.
- What?
- Hmm, telephone analysis.
That should really get
her detective juices pumping!
We've all got to start somewhere!
No problems, I hope?
No, no. I just wanted to check his hooves
because the going was so hard yesterday.
- All' s well?
- Fine.
The Warfarin's keeping
the Navicular syndrome in check.
Good. We don't want you
going lame on us, do we, my lovely?
Sorry. I was just going to muck him out.
You're all right, Ben. We're finished here.
How are you doing? You all right?
Thanks for your help.
Yeah, I'll be in touch.
- There you go.
- Cheers, sir.
What's up, Posh?
You've got a face
like a smacked arse.
I'm not being funny, sir,
but I'm just doing the same
boring stuff I was doing before.
Phone this, file that.
I wouldn't mind, but this is something
I actually know about.
- I could help.
- What d'you mean?
Let's just say,
as a kid, I spent more time
in the bookies than I did in school.
I never had you down as a gambler.
Not me. My mum.
You don't want to know.
Someone's getting a bollocking.
Would you mind telling us about
Sammy's last moments, Mrs Swainbank?
What is there to say? Ken and I
were with him when it happened.
It was the most awful thing
I've ever witnessed.
- Is Ken your husband?
- No. My son-in-law.
He's your assistant trainer?
- Did Sammy say anything to you?
- Nothing.
He looked like he was trying to say
something to our vet, Drummond Sachs,
but he was in a terrible state.
Excuse me. Viktor,
when you've finished,
take Ribbon City
into the hydrotherapy pool.
- He looks a bit stiff today.
- Yes, Mrs Swainbank.
There was something special
about Sammy this season.
He looked like he was
going on to great things.
Do you know any reason why someone
would have wanted Sammy dead?
You think he was murdered?
Hello, is that lan?
This is Detective Constable Spicer
from Wetherton CID.
Oh! What are you doing here?
I was bored to tears,
stuck at the house.
This is my daughter, Natalie.
Pleased to meet you.
- When are you due?
- Two o'clock on the 28th.
- The luxury of a caesarean.
- Natalie.
These gentlemen are police officers,
they've come to talk about Sammy.
They think he was murdered.
We understand that he'd been
banned from racing for taking cocaine.
We nearly let him go, but he was
so shaken up by his suspension
that he went on to win the
Princess Mary Stakes on The Unicorn.
He was made number one after that.
He was leaving you though,
wasn't he?
That's not public knowledge yet.
How did you know?
We found a contract in his flat.
He was here since his school days.
But he was being offered
silly money to work elsewhere.
We couldn't afford to keep him.
His body was covered with bruises.
Any idea why?
He hadn't fallen off in months.
He was the top of his game.
Do you know if he was
getting grief from anyone?
Not to my knowledge.
Hey, you vodka-swilling dickhead!
Get out of flaming first gear!
Go on!
Eddie, these detectives
have come to talk about Sammy.
Will you look after them?
You know me, Mrs S.
Always happy to help our boys in blue.
For God's sake, Ben.
Can't you control that bloody thing?
- Sorry, Natalie.
- Telepenko!
Give that tosser a hand.
He's injured.
- You have to be gentle with them.
- I'm sorry, Vik.
Let me.
So, where do you want to begin?
With you.
- You're top dog here?
- Yeah.
Like that power, don't you?
I like everyone doing what they're told,
if that's what you mean.
You need order in a place like this.
I've only been here 30 minutes,
and I've already seen you kicking
seven bags out of two people.
- I was just having a bit of a laugh.
- Didn't look very funny to me.
How did you get on with Sammy?
Ever have any trouble with him?
No. We were mates.
We were good mates.
Julie-Ann? Is that you?
Erm no. Isn't this
Julie-Ann's phone that I'm calling?
Yes. This is her mother. Who are you?
Detective Constable Spicer,
Wetherton CID.
Oh, my God.
Don't tell me you've found her?
I hardly even knew Sammy Hogarth -
I've only been here three months.
What about you, Kirsty?
He was all right.
I was just another
one of the lasses to him.
That's funny. I could have sworn
I saw you in photos at his flat.
We spent time with each other -
you have to, working together.
And most of us live here,
so there's no escape.
I understand
the rewards for the jockeys,
but what's in it for you?
It's a great life. Beautiful animals.
You're always outdoors.
You get to travel
all over the country, meeting people.
And there's always the thrill
if one of your horses wins a race.
I love horses. Simple as that.
Our Julie-Ann went missing
last September.
The 26th.
I've told the police that
I don't know how many times.
I'm sorry, Mrs Henshaw.
I promise I'll definitely check into it.
Like the others did.
If you don't mind, I'm trying to find out
about her relationship to Sammy Hogarth.
The jockey.
Yeah, I know who he is.
It was nothing serious.
They went out, you mean?
I don't even know
if I'd call it that.
Do you know how they met?
Well, they worked together,
didn't they?
At Swainbank's.
Why don't you read your bloody files?
12 months my daughter's been missing,
and you lot have done nothing!
Oh, God!
What is it with you lot?!
You're like spooks,
always creeping about!
Probably because you spend
so much time with the dead.
I was at the lab for a case conference
and they asked me to pass
this on to you. To save on postage.
Didn't realise times were that hard.
What is it, then?
Forensic reports on tablets
found in a container marked
"sleeping tablets", from Hogarth's bathroom.
Only they weren't.
They were actually high-dosage Warfarin,
affirming my opinion
that Hogarth was poisoned.
Does that say "Ashurst" on there?
I didn't think you'd mind.
It's illegal, you know,
to open someone else's mail.
So arrest me.
Don't tempt me.
So now we know how Sammy Hogarth's
killer administered the poison.
Sir, I've found a couple
of articles on the net.
It seems that stable life isn't
the idyllic existence we all imagine.
Reports of bullying, assaults,
even rape and suicide.
Posh, I want background checks done
on everyone at Swainbank's Stables.
I'm not sure if this is connected,
but a girl on Sammy's mobile list,
Julie-Ann Henshaw, was working there
when she went missing just over a year ago.
- You got hold of her? - Well,
I rang her phone and her mum answered.
- Her mum's got her phone?
- She didn't take it with her.
Mrs Henshaw kept the account alive
in the hopes that Julie-Ann or someone
who knew her would contact her.
Is there a point to this?
Well, Mrs Henshaw reckons that
her daughter was sleeping with Sammy.
So she might give us some background
information as to why Hogarth's dead.
All right. Um
dig out Julie-Ann's missing-from-home file
and let's see if we can find her.
All right, everyone? Get on with it.
Says he wants to speak to you.
He's Sammy Hogarth's dad.
Hey! I want justice! Are you him?
Eh? Are you the man?
Come on, talk to me!
There's no point talking to him
in that state.
- I'll see him in the morning.
- Yes, sir.
So the McNallys were your next-door
neighbours when they won the Lottery?
My Mary couldn't believe what
that bitch Sandra McNally did to her.
She was never the same.
Stress of it all killed her in the end.
I'm sorry, you've lost me.
They were bingo mates.
Sandra McNally and my wife, Mary.
They shared every win, for 15 years.
Mary won 5,000 one Christmas.
She split it right down the middle,
no questions asked.
But when it came to the big one
But I remember seeing it in the paper.
- It was the son, Jake, who won the money.
- But Sandra bought the ticket!
7.5 million quid, they won!
20 poxy grand they offered us.
We told them to stick it!
And they bought our Sammy off!
What's this got to do with
your son's death, Mr Hogarth?
He rode the Bismarck
for the McNallys, didn't he?
I've never heard of that horse.
It's not a horse.
That's what they call it.
"Going down on the Bismarck."
It's holding back a short-odds
favourite so the long-shot will win.
He used to tell me when the fix was on,
and I'd put money on it.
But recently, Sammy
had a string of winners, didn't he?
McNally's horses included.
That's why
they've done away with him.
Sammy packed it all in,
he saw sense.
He wanted to win fair and square,
and the McNallys didn't like that.
I've seen better paint jobs.
"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"
You lot again, is it?
Better come in.
Can I get you anything?
A sandwich or a cup of tea?
Mum! How many times?
Tell Linda to do it.
- That's why we pay her.
- I don't mind.
- I've nothing else to do.
- You're all right.
It's a bit of a change
from the Pitt Lane estate, this.
It's smart, isn't it?
I still can't get over
what's happened to poor Sammy.
Him and Jake were
like brothers at one time.
We were still mates,
even though he was working for us.
And that didn't cause friction between you?
Why should it?
- His dad reckons otherwise.
- Kevin Hogarth?
That stupid drunken old bastard?!
I wondered what you were doing here.
He claims you were
forcing Sammy to fix races.
Does he now?
And did he tell you that half our
Lottery winnings are his as well?
He's addled! Barmy!
Any chance we could
do this down the pub?
Take the edge off.
Mr Hogarth, you've made
some serious allegations.
I really need to know which races were fixed -
dates, meets, horses.
All right, all right, I'm thinking.
There was one around my Mary's birthday.
August the fifth.
What was that horse called?
We'll be in touch.
Oh, er,
mind me asking
what happened to your car?
People get jealous.
I've told Mum not to bother
but she likes to see
her old mates on the estate.
Thinking of going back, are you?
You joking?
We could never go back.
Everyone there hates us now.
- Even my own sisters won't speak to me.
- Why's that?
Because no matter how much
we gave them, it were never enough.
- Have you reported it?
- Nah.
It's not the first time,
and it won't be the last.
I'll just get her another one.
This is from the tapes
we found at Sammy's flat.
That's Julie-Ann Henshaw
in the green top.
Any luck finding her yet?
Nothing. Her missing-from-home file says
she bought a ferry ticket to France,
three days after she went missing.
Any withdrawals from her bank account
since she disappeared?
She's dead then.
Or she could just be lying low.
Get Baines on to Interpol or NCIS.
See if they've got anything on her.
All international enquiries have
to go through SOCA now, boss.
I don't care if it's SAGA,
MFI or the man from bleeding UNCLE,
just get her to do it.
You're coming out with us today.
Sammy Hogarth was supposed
to ride The Unicorn today.
It's another one of McNally's horses.
If Hogarth's death
was to do with race fixing,
why didn't they nobble the horse
instead of the jockey?
If you own a successful horse
like The Unicorn,
they could earn
a few million in stud fees.
Loads more than any jockey.
I've spoken to Course Security.
They've got the CCTV tapes
from the day Sammy died.
I'll go through that while
you speak to the course manager.
Why's she got the hump?
Her mum had a gambling problem.
Particularly where
horses are concerned.
- Why didn't she tell me?
- Did you ask her?
- There's 5,000 GBP each there.
- Right.
no bets are placed
until I give you the order.
And this new jockey
knows what he has to do, yeah?
Sorted. Speak to you later.
I know you fancied yourself
to ride The Unicorn today.
Don't worry about it.
It's down to Jake, isn't it?
Just go easy on Brummie 's Boy.
It's his first race back this year.
Today's just a run out.
Go nice and gentle, till we see
how his leg's holding up. OK?
He's been fine.
He loves this ground.
We've got a chance to win today.
I don't want your pride coming into this.
Just keep him reined in.
You're the boss.
Kenny lad,
I'm spitting feathers over here.
More champagne, Jake?
Wouldn't swill
my horses' arses with this stuff.
Oh, Jake! Don't be so rude.
The money they're earning off me,
they can afford something decent.
Two more bottles
of Bollinger, please.
Yeah, and salt and vinegar crisps,
if you've got them.
Ah, Jean. There you are.
Everything all right?
I don't think you've met
my assistant, Ken Lawson.
Oh, yes. The son-in-law.
Detective Superintendent Dalziel.
This is Inspector Pascoe.
Pleased to meet you.
Still can't believe Sammy's dead.
It's really knocked us back.
Yeah, looks like it!
They also want to talk about
Julie-Ann Henshaw.
Julie-Ann? Why?
We're looking into her disappearance
as part of our general enquiry.
She was a bit of an airhead
who went walkabout.
You don't think the two are related?
Well, we can't discount
anything at this stage.
Did you know that she was having
a relationship with Sammy Hogarth?
I told you everything I know
about Sammy Hogarth yesterday.
Yeah, I'm sure you did.
We were wondering if you'd got
any idea where Julie-Ann Henshaw is.
She left a long time ago.
No-one heard from her again.
But you'd been living with her?
Yes, we lived together
for a short while.
But by the time she went missing,
she was sharing a room with Kirsty.
So you were living together as partners?
You must have been gutted
when you found out
she was having an affair with Sammy.
Maybe she slept with him,
but it was not affair.
You were the last person
to speak to Sammy
before he rode
in the Wetherton Gold Cup.
15 minutes later he was dead.
I have nothing to do with his death.
Good afternoon.
Sorry, am I interrupting?
It's good to have him back.
- How's he shaping up?
- Yes.
Short of race fitness,
but otherwise fine.
Gentlemen, we must
get him ready for The Stakes.
You're more than welcome
to watch it with us.
The police are asking
about Julie-Ann.
You worry too much, mister.
All bets are on.
Brummie's Boy. Five grand to win.
12-1 to win, at the Wetherton Stakes.
Thanks, mate.
These stupid shoes.
My feet are killing me.
How long did you say you had to go?
Just two days.
Well, you're looking well on it.
You and Ken must be so excited.
But I don't know how
you wear anything with a heel.
I've been sitting down
most of the day.
Mine blew up like two pig's trotters
when I was having our Jake.
Here, give us a rub of your belly
for good luck.
- Get your hands off me!
- Sorry. I was only
It's all right, Jake.
She's just tired, aren't you, love?
It's all the excitement.
I over-reacted. It's just nerves.
I know. But you've
just got to keep a cool head.
We're nearly at the finishing post.
Come on, let's have you!
- Not into all this then?
- Not really.
Take it you are?
Can't get enough of it.
Come on!
Tell me this isn't dead exciting!
Well, I guess it isn't if you don't
know anything about the horses.
Actually, I do know a little bit.
Yeah? Who would you say
was going to win this race then?
Any idiot knows The Unicorn's
going to storm it. He's odds-on favourite.
A thousand quid says he doesn't.
- I haven't got a thousand quid.
- I have.
Go on, son!
Go on, son! Go on, son. Yes!
- How is she?
- Oh, she's fine.
- I put her in a taxi.
- Look at this.
What the hell is Fletcher doing?!
Thought you weren't
going to let me catch you.
Good show for the punters, though.
You owe me 1,000 GBP.
Just shows, you can't follow form.
I wouldn't mind following YOUR form.
I've got to go.
Let me buy you some champagne.
No, thanks. I don't drink.
Dinner then. Anywhere you like.
You can't tell me
you don't eat either.
Look, it's really nice of you but no.
Well, if you change your mind.
- How is he, Ben?
- Looking good, Mrs S.
Get a blanket over him.
He's not right. He's bleeding.
Get him into the stable, Kirsty.
- I'll go and fetch Drummond.
- Yeah, OK, tell him it's urgent.
- Exercise Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhaging.
I've seen it before but never this bad.
- What causes it?
- Over-exertion.
- Is he all right?
- No, he's not!
You rode him too hard.
I told you to take it easy.
I'm sorry, Jean.
There was nothing I could do for him.
We have to conduct post-mortems
on any horses that die at the course.
Just to check there's no foul play.
And was there any in this case?
I hate to disappoint you,
Mr Dalziel, but this wasn't murder.
Do I look disappointed?
There was blood coming out
of the animal's nostrils.
Similar to what happened
to Sammy Hogarth.
Oh, no, very different.
Brummie's Boy was in the last
throes when I had to put him down.
We call it Sudden Death Syndrome.
Could it have been drug-induced?
I mean, The Unicorn was expected
to win that race hands-down.
We really don't know what brings it on.
Heart defect, EIPH.
The animal's metabolism
just goes haywire.
The heart doesn't know
when to stop pumping.
If I'd have left him, it would
have been an agonising death.
That doesn't answer
my question, Mr Sachs.
We routinely test for banned substances.
The animal was clean.
You were the official racecourse
vet on the day of Hogarth's murder.
And you were there
when he actually died.
- He tried to speak to you, didn't he?
- Hard to say.
Any idea who'd want him dead?
Of course not!
Wasn't Sammy meant
to be riding The Unicorn today?
So, is it possible that
someone was trying to fix the race
or maybe split up a winning partnership?
Race fixing is a thing of the past.
There are strict security measures
for jockeys and horses now.
If you are searching for
a reason for Sammy's murder,
I suggest you look elsewhere.
What do you think?
He's guilty as sin.
- What makes you so sure?
- My golden rule.
Never trust anyone
who tries to make light of murder.
Since when has that
been your golden rule?
Since I met that shifty bugger.
Come on.
I just can't believe it.
That bastard, Todd. He's evil.
I know.
I know.
According to a barman
at the stables' local,
there was a massive fight
between Sammy Hogarth
and Ben Culton a few weeks back.
Sounds like Sammy
took a bit of a pasting.
Might explain the broken ribs then.
I wonder if he had anything to do
with the break-in at Hogarth's flat.
Can I show you something, sir?
So you reckon Jake and Sammy
had words immediately before the race?
Looks that way to me, boss.
They were mates.
They could have been talking about anything.
Yeah, but I've checked the betting
pattern for the Wetherton Gold Cup
and at the last minute, loads of money
was placed on Maltese Charlie to win,
but Silver Soda still won.
Well, perhaps Sammy refused
to throw the race, like his dad said.
- Maybe.
- I've also looked at The Wetherton Stakes
and the odds on Brummie's Boy
crashed down just before starter's orders.
Meaning a lot of money
was put on Brummie's Boy to win.
Yeah, but nobody expected
anything to beat The Unicorn.
Yeah, well somebody obviously did.
I got talking to Jake McNally at the races.
He owns both horses, and virtually
told me that Brummie's Boy would win.
So maybe Kevin Hogarth was right -
this is all about race fixing.
What if he's not? It could just
be about the Swainbank's Stables.
McNally invited me out for dinner.
You what?
Maybe I should go out with him.
See if I can find out anything useful.
- No way.
- He was a flash git.
- Liked to show off, he might talk.
- I said "no".
She's still got a lot to learn, that one.
Seeing McNally might
have been worth a try.
Sorry, is there a delay in the satellite link-up?
I said "no", Peter.
- I want to see that girl.
- Sorry, which girl?
The one who's meant
to be looking for my daughter.
I'm sorry, Mrs?
Henshaw. Moira Henshaw.
- Have you found her yet?
- I'm doing the best I can, Mrs Henshaw.
- What are you doing, exactly?
- Well it's difficult.
We're dealing with a murder inquiry,
and Julie-Ann's still only missing.
I don't give a screw about that jockey
or who killed him.
I just want to know where my daughter is,
and you said you'd help.
I guess you're just like all the others.
I am trying to help.
Have you talked to her friends?
What about the people at the stables?
- What about that lottery man?
- No, not yet. But I will.
Spicer gone, has she?
Yes, sir. About an hour ago.
- Anything I can help with?
- Nah.
Just wanted a little chat.
Nothing important.
You finished for the day then, sir?
I have got a private life, you know, Baines.
Quite a sad one as a matter of fact.
Features a lot of lying
on the couch pondering my lost youth.
But nonetheless
at least I've kept me looks, eh?
- It's a joke, Baines.
- Oh, right.
- Night then, sir.
- Night-night.
What's so funny?
I can't believe that you're a lottery winner,
and that you still live with your mum!
- Yeah. But she's got her own wing.
- Oh, now you're just showing off!
Enough about me.
I still don't know what you do for a living.
- Supermodel? Trolley dolly?
- As if!
I'm an Events Coordinator.
I organised a corporate do
at the races today.
Funny, I've never seen you there before.
I go to all the meets.
I'm working while you're playing.
So is that how you fill your days,
- At the races?
- Nah.
Got a few horses,
but it's just a hobby.
- So, do you look after them yourself?
- No. Have to keep them stabled.
Costs me a fortune.
I love horses.
You should come down
and see mine some time.
- Are the stables nearby then?
- Not far. Swainbank's. In Salterdale.
No way.
I've got a friend
who used to work there.
Julie-Ann Henshaw. Did you know her?
Name doesn't really ring a bell.
But I got bored with cars
so I thought, what next?
- It had to be a plane, didn't it?
- You've got your own plane?
Still having lessons,
but it pays for itself.
My mum's managed to make
a little business out of it,
hiring it out to all the jockeys.
Surely lottery winners don't have to worry
about things paying for themselves?!
No, but my mum does.
She still acts like
we're on income support.
To be honest, I don't think either
of us will ever get used to it.
Having sweet FA, and then
Sorry. It's been a long day.
I'm shattered.
I better be making tracks.
I thought maybe we could
maybe go for a drink somewhere.
I need to go to bed.
Is that an invitation?
I need to go to my own bed.
To sleep. Alone.
Got the bill, please?
It's been nice.
Listen, um, do you ride?
Yeah. A bit.
I thought maybe you could, um,
come to the stables
with me tomorrow and
see the horses, have a little trot about.
All right. You're on.
Mrs Henshaw?
Have you been here all night?
And I'll be here again tonight.
And the night after that.
I'm not going anywhere until you do
something about finding my Julie-Ann.
I'm doing my best.
And I'm staying right here
until you do find her.
Do anything interesting last night, Posh?
Not really.
- Stayed in and watched the footie.
- Really?
Because about ten o'clock last night,
I drove past that swanky
French restaurant in Vaunton Street,
and I could swear I saw you
in there with Jake McNally.
- I can explain, sir.
- No you bloody can't!
I specifically told you not
to go out with him, and you still did.
And now you've lied to me
to cover your back.
Well, I don't want
a loose cannon on my team. Get out!
- Don't you think you're over-reacting a bit?
- No, but you obviously do.
It's her first case.
She's keen.
She wants to make an impression.
- You said yourself, she's good.
- She disobeyed a direct order.
Just give her a chance.
Is that what you'd do?
Well, you're not in charge. I am.
There's a repetition
of the same scam.
Always a favourite pipped
at the post by an outsider
performing beyond wildest expectations.
Someone staged a break-in
at Sammy Hogarth's flat
and swapped
his sleeping tablets with Warfarin.
Now we know that Sammy wanted out.
We know there was big money at stake.
Did the race fixing syndicate
just get rid of a fly in the ointment?
- Any more leads on the break-in?
- Not as yet.
So what we've got to work out now
is who's in the syndicate.
And it sounds like
we should start with Jake McNally.
Yeah, maybe.
But Posh tried to cross-match
the people at the courses,
and the only person who was
at every one of the fixed races
was Drummond Sachs.
And as Course Vet, it would
be his job to monitor the dope testing.
Plus he'd have easy access
to the horses themselves.
As a medic, he'd have no problems
getting hold of the Warfarin.
I thought he was a bit quick
to snuff out that horse yesterday.
Get someone to contact
the racing authorities.
I want Brummie's Boy re-tested
for drugs by an independent vet.
Did you know that Brummie's Boy had
been doped for the Wetherton Stakes?
- What? No, I did not. Ken?
- No.
No way. I've overseen every aspect
of that horse's return to fitness.
He was clean as a whistle.
Not according to the re-testing
of his blood samples.
They've found traces
of Sildenafil Citrate in his system.
Viagra to you and me.
I can assure you,
that had nothing to do with us.
Any number of people have access
to the horses in the run-up to the race.
But there's only one person
who had access to him,
and tried to fix the post-mortem results.
Any idea where
we can find our Mr Sachs?
He's at a one-day meet,
down in Newton Abbot.
When's he back?
Where to?
Thanks, love.
Mickerton Airfield.
- Drummond?
- Yeah.
You could go home, Mrs Henshaw.
We'll contact you if we hear anything.
Sorry, love, I'm not going anywhere.
How long are you
going to keep this up, Andy?
Keep what up?
You haven't even given her
a chance to explain herself.
- Spicer needs your encouragement.
- She'll get it when she deserves it.
- This is all about Lateef, isn't it?
- Just drop it, Peter.
She's a detective, Andy.
You can't wrap her up in cotton wool.
I said drop it!
Bloody hell!
Urgent request for ambulance
and fire-crew backup.
There's been a light-aircraft crash.
It's Drummond!
Other side!
Can you get him out?
- Is there anyone else in there?
- No.
No, I think he's had it.
There IS someone else in there!
No, Andy!
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm OK.
- A baby?
- Yeah.
What was she doing
on a plane with Sachs?
I heard her crying.
Well, she's bloody lucky you did.
Good night.
Mrs Henshaw
You can't sleep sitting there.
You're gonna make yourself ill.
I've barely slept since our
Julie-Ann's been gone, anyway.
I'm too scared I'll miss
the phone ringing or a knock at the door.
Another night's not going to matter.
Why don't you go home?
I promise I'll call you.
I've told you.
Not until you find her.
Hold on, then.
There you go.
You're a good girl.
I thought you'd gone.
I'm just trawling through
the International Missing Persons register.
- Julie-Ann Henshaw?
- Yep.
Her mum still here, then?
You mustn't let it get personal.
People go missing all the time.
I know.
It's just that sometimes you forget
it's someone's dad
or someone's daughter.
If we didn't, we'd go mad.
She's not on here, anyway.
So where next?
I don't know.
She was heading for France,
so maybe I'll try
and track her down that way.
I'll leave you to it.
Is she gonna be all right?
Some smoke inhalation,
but otherwise, she's fine.
D'you think this has got anything
to do with Sammy Hogarth's death?
He did try to say something
to Drummond just before he died.
We also know that Drummond
was doping the horses Sammy was riding.
So he would've wanted
both of them dead?
There's too many people
to think about now.
For a second there
I thought I was
going to get a promotion.
I'm not that easy to kill.
- You all right?
- Nothing a large whisky won't cure.
Thought you'd never ask.
"The Fall of an Angel"?
- Can I help you?
- Oh, sorry.
Superintendent Dalziel.
Ah, the hero of the hour.
Did you hear
they've named her after you?
- Andrew?
- Andrea.
I thought she was OK.
- Why all the tubes?
- She'll be fine.
We've just got to be careful,
because she's so young.
- How old is she?
- No more than a week.
There was nothing
to identify her, was there?
Not really.
Although her umbilical cord was tied.
What do you mean?
In this country, we clamp them.
Have done for years.
Someone was expecting her.
They might still come looking for her.
So if you see anything suspicious,
can you give me a call?
- Of course.
- Thanks.
Drummond's plane's crashed.
He's dead!
I know. Bummer.
First Sammy, then Drummond!
Something's going on here.
- What are you talking about?
- The syndicate!
You've been told, Todd.
If anyone asks, there is no syndicate.
Do you understand?!
There you go.
To our own little family.
- I'm sorry it's taken so long, Ken.
- No
We've been through this.
None of it's your fault.
I should have been more careful.
It doesn't matter.
Let's put it all behind us, move forward.
No. She said noon.
We don't need room service, thanks.
Ken! It's me!
There's been a terrible accident.
I'm so sorry.
# For they are jolly good fellows
# For they are jolly good fellows #
Get off! Shut up.
# And so say all of us! #
- Shut up! Shut it!
Very nice!
Now get back to work, all of you!
Can I have a word with you, sir?
I know what I did with Jake McNally
the other night was really stupid,
and I'd like to apologise.
The thing is
I really wanted to prove
that I could do it.
I feel like everyone round here
still thinks of me as the kid
who knows her way round the internet
or she can make a nice cup of tea.
I'm really sorry that I lied to you.
Please don't send me back to uniform.
I really want this.
All right, Spicer.
You want to be a detective.
But in order for you
to be part of this team
you've got to use the brains
you were born with.
There are no short cuts.
I mean, for instance
you didn't even know I was following
you the other night, did you?
For all we know,
Jake McNally is our murderer.
So what you did
put yourself
and our whole investigation in danger.
Do you understand that?
There's something else, sir.
I think I've found Julie-Ann Henshaw.
She was always
such a lovely looking girl.
Could've done anything.
I never understood why
she wanted to work at those stables.
It was a crappy job.
She would have been set for life
if she'd stayed with that lottery bloke.
Jake McNally?
She said he were too thick for her.
What does thick matter
when you've got that much money?
You know what?
I've been expecting something like this.
With our Jamie being in the Army,
you just dread the phone ringing or
a knock at the door.
I always thought it'd be him
I'd be burying.
Would you like me to contact your son?
No, you can't. He's in Iraq.
It's no problem for me
to call the MoD.
They'll give him compassionate
leave for something like this.
No. Best he hears it from me.
Him and our Julie-Ann,
they were so close.
Who let you out of the crypt?
Thought you might like to see these.
Julie-Ann Henshaw's post-mortem results
from the French authorities.
- What do they say, then?
- "Elle etait morte avant qu'elle"
My sides are splitting!
She was dead
before she hit the water. Look at this.
There were traces of iron oxide
around the wound.
She'd been walloped with a metal object.
There was also
highly chlorinated water in her gullet,
but not her lungs.
So she'd been in the water,
but wasn't drowned.
We know that.
She was dropped in a lake.
But this was chlorinated.
More like a swimming pool.
And nothing else to identify her?
One small stud earring. Left ear.
She was also ten weeks pregnant.
Have you read this about Drummond?
I haven't yet, no.
- Baby?
- Says he had one on board.
- Really?!
- Rescued by the police.
Do you think the crash
were an accident?
Why do you ask that?
I just thought maybe, because
of Sammy's death, and now this
Of course it was an accident, Kirsty.
This has got nothing to do
with all the other stuff.
You and Sammy had a fight?
We'd just had a few too many.
You know what it's like.
Things blow up out of nothing.
What was it about?
It sounds stupid now, but I didn't
like the way he was talking to Kirsty.
So you stuck up for her?
I made my feelings clear.
Can't say I've noticed much
respect for women around here.
It's because there is none.
Sammy certainly didn't like hearing that.
So you took a pop at him?
He threw the first punch,
the weedy little prick.
Sorry. That's out of order.
He was covered in bruises.
Well, it weren't me.
I hardly touched him.
Wouldn't have been a fair fight.
Oi, Culton!
Don't you ever do any work?
I needed to talk to him.
that's not going
to get this horse groomed, is it?
Sort it out, Culton.
Big problem with bullying
round here, is there?
They're all bullies.
Eddie, Todd, even Sammy.
But like all bullies, they only pick
on people that are weaker than them.
So I never see too much of it.
Come on, you.
The plane Drummond was flying
is owned by SM Air,
which is registered in your name, Sandra.
We hire it out to try
and make it pay for itself.
No law against that, is there?
Why did he have a baby on board?
I know nothing about a baby.
I thought he used it to fly jockeys
up and down the country, like a taxi.
Funny, though, a plane just
falling from the sky like that.
Maintain it properly, do you?
Don't say any more, Mum.
If you want to speak to her,
you hold on while I call our solicitor.
What about Julie-Ann Henshaw, Jake?
What's she got to do with anything?
She's dead.
Dropped from a plane, coincidentally.
You were having
a relationship with her, weren't you?
He wasn't! Not with that trollop!
- It was nothing serious.
- Oh, Jake!
Oh, you're an idiot. What have
I told you about those gold-diggers?
Julie-Ann was pregnant.
Did she want money from you?
That would be just like her.
So, what?
You thought you'd silence her, eh, Sandra?
End up dead in your pool, did she?
Then you dumped her from your plane?
Neither of us can fly it.
And Julie-Ann never went near our pool.
She couldn't swim.
I think I'll get Forensics over here
to take a few samples anyway.
Julie-Ann had chlorine
in her system, so we'll just have
to do some tests on your pool,
to help with our inquiries.
Well, it doesn't have chlorine.
It uses ionisation to filter the water.
It always has done.
I've got the guarantee still,
to prove it.
What's up?
Julie-Ann visited an ante-natal clinic
the week before she disappeared.
She knew she was pregnant.
What of it?
Ken Lawson signed in with her.
Mrs Swainbank?
We need to talk to Ken.
- Now's not a good time, I'm afraid.
- It's important.
My daughter's Caesarean was today.
- Surely it can wait?
- Well, this won't take more than a minute.
If I recall correctly,
her operation was this afternoon.
There's been a complication.
Oh, nothing serious, I hope?
The child was stillborn.
Please offer them our condolences.
Feels weird being back.
this isn't how it was meant to be.
Don't answer it.
It's your mum.
Did you manage to contact
your son, Mrs Henshaw?
I spoke to Jamie.
He knows now.
I know this is a really bad time for you,
and he'll want to be with you
as much as possible,
but we'd really like to speak
to him once he gets back.
I don't know when he's back.
It takes them
a few days to sort things out.
Oh. I didn't realise.
Something like this happens
and it takes them days to come home.
Quick enough to take them out there,
though, aren't they?
What was so important
that it couldn't wait?
We were sorry to hear
your sad news, Mr Lawson.
Yeah. Thank you.
They know you visited
the clinic with Julie-Ann, Ken.
I was seeing her for a while.
It was nothing.
Just a stupid fling.
He told Nat and I all about it.
She's completely forgiven him.
- Very understanding of her.
- Look
I love Nat to death.
She knows that.
I gave up everything for her.
I wouldn't want to hurt her.
And yet you had an affair?
Why did you say
you gave up everything?
Well, I
My dad, he owns a stable.
- Bignall House?
- Mm-hm.
And Sammy
was going to ride for them?
Yes. They're our biggest competitor.
But now you work for the other team?
Well, he told me I had to choose between
Natalie and the family business. I chose Nat.
I haven't spoken to him ever since.
That's a huge sacrifice.
Worth killing Julie-Ann to protect?
She was carrying my child!
What kind of animal
would that make me?!
Why did you think you were
the father of Julie-Ann's child?
Well, that's what she told me!
- And you believed her?
- Why wouldn't I?
Because you weren't
the only one she was sleeping with
at the time she went missing.
As she was pregnant,
we'd like all you men
who were working here during
the time of Julie-Ann's disappearance
to take a voluntary DNA test.
What the hell for?
To eliminate you from our inquiries.
You'll have to test half of Yorkshire.
Have some respect!
What's your problem?
You didn't even know her.
- You shut your mouth!
- Stop it, you two, right now!
You and Julie-Ann
were good friends, weren't you?
- Like sisters.
- Shared a room for a while, didn't you?
But she didn't tell you
who the father of her baby was?
I didn't know she were pregnant
until you just said.
She was popular with the blokes?
She liked a good laugh.
Have any problems with any of them,
that you know of?
You can tell us, you know, love.
It'll be treated confidentially.
I'm sorry, I've got to get back to work.
You were the first one who noticed
Julie-Ann was missing, weren't you?
Only because Kirsty was away
and she didn't turn up for work that day.
Mrs Swainbank
sent me to look for her.
Most of her stuff had gone,
so I guessed she'd moved back home.
So you thought
she was in some kind of trouble?
Why else would you think she'd done
a runner in the middle of the night?
I just meant that people
come and go here all the time, that's all.
What is it about you, Eddie?
- What do you mean?
- Why are people so scared of you?
Especially girls.
I just must have one of them faces.
- Nice car.
- Aye.
Bought with the profits of sin, no doubt.
If Drummond was flying
to and from Mickerton airfield,
how come his car's still parked here?
What was he up to?
Let's take a look inside.
"To Viktor.
"It's only been a year,
but I hope it'll be a lifetime.
"Love always. Drummond."
So he was gay.
I'd say so,
judging by some of the clothes in there.
And they say romance is dead!
What did you say to them?
Nothing. Nothing!
Hey! McNally! Hey, you're not
so big and clever now, are you?!
You're worth that!
- Just calm down!
- You're worth that!
Help her, please! She's dying!
Oh, my God, Mum! Mum! Oh, my God!
The crash investigators can't say
if the loss of control was due
to mechanical failure or pilot error.
There's no sign of sabotage.
So Drummond Sachs was just unfortunate.
- What happened, Jake?
- That madman Hogarth.
Showed up, ranting and raving.
Mum told me to stay inside.
I wanted to say sorry about Sammy.
- He pulled a knife.
- And he attacked your mum?
No, he came after me.
Said that I killed his son.
Mum stepped in to stop him and he
he just stabbed her!
OK, Jake, thanks.
It was definitely Kevin Hogarth?
Yeah. Out of his head, apparently.
He's been sent to a secure
psychiatric unit for evaluation.
- Did they find the weapon?
- Yep.
He can't be our killer, can he?
Why would he want his own son dead?
Based on the evidence, I wouldn't
say he's the most rational person.
I'll see you back at the car in five minutes.
- Where are you going?
- Toilet, if that's OK with you.
Got a little star there.
Whole hospital
has been in to see her.
I'm not surprised.
They must have heard
how gorgeous she is.
Has no-one claimed her yet?
We've put out a description, but no.
You might be right. She could
have been brought in from abroad.
It never ceases to amaze me
what people are capable of.
And yet look at her.
Oblivious to it all.
What are we going to do?
I don't know.
I need to see her.
We can't just walk in there.
What if someone sees us?
I don't care.
We can't let go now.
We've come too far.
Well, OK.
If that's what you want.
DNA test results
for the men at the stables are in.
Ken Lawson is the father.
So I checked Julie-Ann's bank statements
and found that 10,000 GBP cash
was paid in to her account
on the day she visited the clinic.
The Lawsons were paying her.
Which is why Ken
was so sure he was the father.
Anyway, we know
Julie-Ann Henshaw fell from a plane
in the early hours of Sunday the 28th.
I've been going through
Drummond's logged flight plans
for the last 18 months.
That same day,
Sammy Hogarth rode The Unicorn
in the Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
SOCO found warfarin
at Drummond Sachs' practice,
matching those pills we found
at Sammy Hogarth's flat.
Drummond's veterinary notes show
that he'd been treating The Unicorn with it.
So Drummond killed Sammy?
But there was one other passenger
flying with him and Sammy.
Julie-Ann's body fell into
a lake in La Garde St Pierre,
25 miles north of Paris.
You were on a plane with
Drummond and Sammy Hogarth
on the same day, in that area.
You think we did that to Julie-Ann?
I swear, no!
Buddy Holly didn't fly with
as many dead men as you did, Viktor.
I wasn't on that flight!
Ask Mrs Swainbank.
I was travelling overland to France
with her and the horses.
Drummond also supplied
the poison that killed Sammy.
Why do you think he did that?
Drummond wasn't capable
of anything like that.
- He didn't kill Sammy!
- How can you be so sure?
He was smuggling babies into the country.
He was capable of anything.
He was helping that child.
The mother is 15 years old.
My cousin's friend.
She wanted her baby to have
a better life than she could give her.
So you admit you were involved.
Will you tell us her name?
I won't let her go back there.
Nobody cares.
Babies die every day.
You know I've done nothing wrong.
I know no such thing.
You and Drummond were making
a tidy little profit baby-smuggling.
And two people you were
close to are now dead.
Did Sammy and Julie-Ann get wind of it?
Is that why they had to go?
No. You understand nothing.
I was not on that flight. Check!
We were told we could find
Mrs Swainbank in here.
She's up on the gallops.
Should be back in a minute, though.
Like a warm bath, that is.
It has to be.
It's to relax their muscles.
Empty it often, do you?
Nah. I've been here three months,
and it's never been done.
Any of you ever tempted
to take a swim in it yourselves?
Um, no. I don't think
Mrs S would appreciate that.
I don't suppose she would.
That pool's chlorinated.
I want it sampled and checked
against the forensic report
on Julie-Ann's body.
It would really help
with our inquiries.
You're a policewoman?
And I thought I'd actually
met someone who liked me for once!
I'm sorry, Jake.
Bigger things to worry about now.
How is she?
She'll be back in her wing
of the house in a couple of weeks.
One of the stable-lads
made that for Natalie
when she won her first gymkhana.
I didn't think your daughter
shared your passion for horses.
What makes you say that?
Just something I've noticed.
That's very perceptive of you,
Mr Dalziel.
She's not mad about them, no.
That's unfortunate,
given what you and her husband do.
It's just one of those things.
How is she now? Better, I hope.
She's getting there. Thank you.
Let me see.
Yes, there was a last-minute switch.
Eddie was supposed to travel
in the lorry with The Unicorn,
but Sammy specifically requested
that Telepenko took his place.
He'd been with the horse
when he won his last race.
Jockeys get very superstitious, you know.
So Eddie wasn't required
to travel to France?
Yes, yes, he was.
We had a couple of other horses going.
He was in the plane with the others.
They managed to sneak in earlier,
but were asked to leave.
When I saw they were here again,
I thought I should let you know.
I've had security watching as well,
so she was never in any real danger.
You've done the right thing.
We could just walk
in there and take her.
- We can't!
- We can.
It's what we both want.
Rightfully, she's ours.
I think we need to talk.
- I should never have got on that horse.
- Hey
She was two months pregnant
at the time.
We'd only just found out.
It was going to be her last event.
What happened?
It bolted. I was thrown.
I woke up in hospital four days later.
They'd given me a hysterectomy.
So you haven't really
been pregnant at all?
There was never an affair
with Julie-Ann, was there?
You paid her ten grand to be your surrogate.
Looking back,
I can't believe we were so naive.
She showed us the pregnancy test.
I even went for the scan with her.
So what did you think
had happened to her?
We assumed
she'd taken the money and run.
We got on with our lives.
Except you didn't.
You paid Drummond Sachs to smuggle
a baby into the country for you.
Where did the baby come from?
- We don't know.
- You mean you didn't care.
No! It wasn't like that!
She was an unwanted baby.
We wanted to give her everything.
What's wrong with that?
What's going to happen to them?
They'll be interviewed under caution,
then released on police bail
pending further inquiries.
- So they won't go to prison?
- It's unlikely.
Thank goodness.
You knew about this, didn't you?
- And yet you stood by and let it happen.
- They were desperate!
You think that's
a legitimate reason
to kidnap a child
from its own mother?
You don't know
that it was kidnapped.
Drummond said it had no hope
of a good life where it came from.
There was no option
after Julie-Ann disappeared.
Not being able to have
a child was tearing them apart.
What about fostering? Adoption?
They were turned down.
All they wanted to be was a proper family.
It seemed so unfair.
Well, now there's
a child in there with nothing.
No family, no identity,
and no idea where it came from.
Does that seem fair to you?
Hey! How are you today, fella?
Eh? Let's see what you're made of.
You were on a plane
carrying Julie-Ann's body.
Her death had nothing to do with me!
We found this in the hydrotherapy
pool at Swainbank's.
It matches one Julie-Ann
was wearing when she was found.
Traces of the active chemical
in the pool were detected in her body.
Everyone else
on that plane with you is dead.
So are you going to tell us
what really happened?
Or I'm going to start looking at charges.
We didn't know what to do with her.
What happened?
Two nights before we were going
to France, we walked into the stable
and she was just lying there,
her body.
There was blood
all over her head. It
It was horrible.
- We tried to wake her, but she was dead.
- We?
Me and Sammy.
We just panicked.
We hid her underneath the island
in the hydrotherapy pool.
So when did you decide
to drop her from the plane?
That was Drummond's idea.
He reckoned that there
was some forest near Paris.
We could just dump her,
someone would find her,
we'd be long gone
and they wouldn't link it back to us.
- But she ended up in the lake.
- Another one of Drummond's cock-ups.
French customs wanted us to land
and were waiting for us at an airfield.
What else could we do?
We just dumped her there and then.
So if you didn't kill her,
how d'you think she died?
Surely it's not for my client
to speculate?
Your client has admitted
finding and disposing of a body,
but claims not
to be implicated in the murder!
Ever heard of 999, Eddie?
You know who killed her, don't you?
I just want you to know
that I really liked Julie-Ann.
She was a good girl.
Just tell us what you know.
There was too much money riding on it.
The fix was in.
Sammy knew what he had to do.
There was no way we could risk
him being pulled from that race.
I don't understand.
Who are you saying killed Julie-Ann?
Well, it was him, wasn't it?
The Unicorn.
Do you think there's any chance of prints?
Apparently not. Clean as a whistle.
How does this tie in with
everything else that's happened?
Well, Fletcher was riding The Unicorn.
What are you suggesting?
We take a horse in for questioning?
I'm just saying
maybe we've been
barking up the wrong tree.
Perhaps this has got
something to do with the horse.
- All right?
- Oh, God!
Hey! Why so jumpy?
Has Eddie been bothering you again?
No. Haven't you heard?
- Todd's had an accident.
- When?
Just now.
He's been taken to hospital.
How bad is it?
Well, if he's still breathing,
it ain't bad enough.
That bastard deserves
everything he's got coming to him.
How is he?
No permanent damage. He's been lucky.
Try telling that to Todd Fletcher.
Excuse me.
The, er horseshoes on the wall.
- What are they for?
- Just tradition.
The aluminium ones signify a win.
- Aluminium?
- They're the horses' dancing shoes.
Dancing shoes?
Racing shoes.
To give them a weight advantage.
Aluminium's too soft for them
to wear all the time, though,
so they come on and off for each race.
Do you remember when you
put racing shoes on The Unicorn
before it set off for France last year?
When they go off
to France for a weekend meet,
the horses leave early on Thursday.
I normally fit the shoes
on a Wednesday.
Thank you.
Aluminium doesn't rust.
So it couldn't have been The Unicorn
that kicked Julie-Ann in the head.
So one of these
is potentially our murder weapon?
Let's get SOCO to go through them all.
Even if the shoe is in there,
it's been out in the open for 12 months.
There'll be no DNA.
I'm more interested
in seeing if anyone jumps, Peter.
I can't offer you any protection
if you won't tell me who's doing this.
I haven't asked you for protection.
Someone tried to kill you, Todd.
Maybe next time they'll get lucky.
We know all about
your little racing fiddle.
Riding McNally's horses.
Taking cash to bring
a favourite in second.
Sachs putting rocket fuel
in the long shot.
Who told you about that?
You were riding Brummie's Boy
when it won The Stakes.
We've got CCTV footage of Eddie
putting a lot of money on that race.
We think maybe he was
getting a little bit greedy,
trying to cut the rest of you out.
You think this is about the gambling?
You were all involved in the syndicate,
weren 't you?
I bet it was that stupid bitch!
What bitch?
Fletcher reckons you're the brains
behind the syndicate, Sandra.
What's he on about?
There is no syndicate.
Listen, Jake. We've got a list
of races as long as your arm.
All your horses involved.
Sammy, Todd,
Drummond nobbling the runners.
- Try proving it!
- We have.
And we've passed our evidence
on to the racing authorities.
No doubt you'll be getting a call.
- Who's been talking?
- Oh, that's enough, Jake.
It's because of you
we're in this mess.
We've got to tell them.
They think we're murderers.
Tell them, Jake!
- I'm saying nothing.
- Just bloody tell them!
I'm sick of this lot always hassling us,
thinking we're up to no good.
Sammy had already
got me to buy the horses.
They'd work out what place
they needed to get the best odds.
I didn't understand any of it.
All I had to do
was give them the money.
They gave us back the profits.
And when did it start
to get out of hand?
When I found out
what Jake was up to.
I couldn't believe
he'd been so stupid.
He was still trying to find ways
of getting himself in trouble.
I tried to get them to stop,
I really did.
But Eddie Wilcox just told me
to shut up and enjoy the cash.
And you couldn't say no?
Would you turn down free cash?
Winning that money was the worst
thing that ever happened to us.
So who killed Sammy and why?
I swear to God, I wish I knew.
I've checked, and local police have
been called out to the McNally house
11 times in the past 18 months.
Doesn't surprise me.
What have they been up to?
Well, apart from
Kevin Hogarth's attack on Sandra,
just the usual complaints from neighbours -
wild parties, music on too late -
except for this.
On September 25th last year,
a girl called in an assault.
what service do you require?'
'You've got to help me.'
- 'Can you tell me what's happened?
- Send the police! I've been raped!
Get that stupid bitch off the phone!'
'Caller? Caller? Are you there?'
Eddie could be Eddie Wilcox,
but who's the other voice?
Sammy? Todd?
- Did any officers go round there?
- Yes, sir.
But when they got there,
Julie-Ann gave a statement that she'd
made the call and that it was just a prank.
That didn't sound like
someone joking to me.
Yeah, and 24 hours later
she went missing.
Have we still got those tapes
from Sammy Hogarth's place?
- They're on my desk.
- Right,
I want a voice print analysis
on this recording and on those tapes.
See if we can get any of the voices match.
Come on, Peter.
Hello, Kirsty.
You and Julie-Ann were like sisters.
That was what you said, wasn't it?
You know I did.
We matched your voice to a call
made from the McNallys' house
saying that you'd been raped.
But when the police arrived,
Julie-Ann lied to them.
You must have hated her for that.
I didn't.
I didn't!
We know who did it to you, love.
We've got Sammy Hogarth on tape.
Did Todd attack you, as well?
Is that why you've done all this?
I never touched them! I promise!
We think you did.
Do you mind stepping outside
for a moment?
There's something
I want to show you.
Julie-Ann was hit on the head
with a horseshoe.
- We should find the right one soon.
- What exactly is going on here?
Do you want to tell her or shall I?
We were at Jake's.
One of his stupid parties.
Julie-Ann was always
up there with the lads.
They spiked my drink.
I couldn't remember anything
till I got home, but then,
when I woke up the next day,
I knew exactly what had happened.
What are you talking about?
What lads?
Your staff, Mrs Swainbank.
I came down here to find Julie-Ann,
to tell her what had happened, but
she just laughed it off and told me
I should enjoy the attention.
And so you killed her?
I didn't mean to. I just
I picked up the nearest thing
and hit her with it.
With one of these shoes?
- I tried to bring her back, but
- Why didn't you come to me?
What was the point?
You'd have just slapped their wrists,
like you always do!
No, I wouldn't.
I would have understood.
How could you?!
Because when I was your age
the same thing happened to me.
Move away from her. All of you!
You little bitch!
You killed my sister!
Your sister?! You're Jamie Henshaw?
Come on! This is Dalziel!
Armed response required!
- You killed her!
- I didn't want to hurt her.
- Please believe me, Jamie!
- I killed Sammy for you!
You told me they attacked Julie-Ann!
You were meant to be her friend!
I trusted you!
- Jamie, take it easy.
- Shut it!
Your lot did nothing for my mum
when Julie-Ann went missing.
I'm out in Iraq
and you lot were just sitting on your
arses going through the motions!
So you came back to kill all those
you thought killed your sister.
I understand.
She told me that they raped
and murdered my sister!
Just put down the gun.
She died in here.
It ends here, Kirsty.
Killing Sammy didn't fix anything!
Killing her won't, either!
It's over, Jamie!
It's over!
I'm so sorry, Kirsty.
I had no idea
things were so bad for you.
Do you think
I listen to them, Peter?
- Who?
- The people I'm in charge of.
Is this about Lateef again?
I'm gonna say this one last time, Andy.
His death was not your fault!
He tried to tell me those caves
were dangerous. I should have listened.
- It wouldn't have changed anything!
- That's not true.
Fine. If that's
what you want to believe
Every living thing is born
without reason and dies by chance.
All we can do
is learn from our mistakes.
Been waiting ages for you.
What are you doing here, Jake?
I wanted to make completely sure
You see
I reckon that you really do like me,
but because of your work
It's not because of my work, Jake!
Nothing's ever gonna
happen between us.
Do you fancy me?
- What?
- You heard.
I don't fancy you.
I'm sorry.
What I did, it
it wasn't very nice.
But I had my reasons.
Was anything that you said true?
Some of it.
Like what?
Like the bit about
you being a nice guy.
You gonna visit me in prison, then?
It's been nice meeting you, Jake.
Where is she?
I'm sorry, they took her
a couple of hours ago.
- Who did?
- A foster family, in Leeds.
She deserves a bit of happiness.
I'm sure she'll be well looked after.
But Leeds, for God's sake!
What did you bet, Andy?
50 pence each way?
Yankee bet, Peter. If my next horse
comes in, I'll be up three grand.
So you won't bother putting
a quid in the sweep then, sir?
Yeah, I will.
Tell you what, I'll even go first!
Let's have a look.
Silver Soda! That's my next horse!
It's got to be an omen,
hasn't it, eh?
He's picked the bloody favourite.
You rode a good race, Todd.
Such high praise,
coming from a stable lass.
Not nice coming second,
is it, Sammy-boy?
I let you have that one, Fletcher.
Don't want to be a loser
all your life.
Who's gonna beat the favourite today?
Come on, Drummond,
show me the colour of your money?
I've put down better horses
than you're taking bets on!
You look like shit.
- You're not back on the nose-candy, are you?
- Course not. I'm all right!
They've got me carrying
seven pounds on Silver Soda.
12 winners out of 20.
What do you expect, Goldenballs?
You know what
you've got to do, Sammy.
I told you, I'm finished with that.
- What?!
- He's right, Nat.
Sometimes I think
you're HIS mother, not mine.
Never mind.
A couple more days, it'll all be over.
Like I need reminding!
I can't believe this
is Sammy's last race for us.
After all we've done for him.
Still, loyalty counts for nothing
when someone's
waving a big fat cheque at you.
'And they're racing. Good start '
Come on, Silver Soda, you beauty!
- Come on!
- Go on, Silver Soda!
- What's wrong with Sammy?
- I don't know.
He's all over the place.
Is that blood on his face?
Go on, sunshine!
Oh, YES! Yes! Haha!
Did you see that?!
- You've just won over three grand.
- Yeah. And this. Fair and square.
We could at least
get some drinks in.
Oh, yeah. Baines! Beers.
Try that cheap place
around the corner -
it's still got loads of stuff
from the World Cup left over.
- Andy. - What?
- Don't splash out too soon.
'They've announced
a steward's inquiry.'
Put him down.
You're going to be all right,
You're going to be all right.
Come on, Andy.
You've had three winners.
I know, but that was the big one.
Pity he didn't make it
to the weighing room.
You'd have got your money then.
I'd have carried him there my bloody self.
Three grand he's cost me.
What happened?
Massive internal haemorrhaging.
He's also got several fractured ribs,
amongst other fresh trauma areas.
Occupational hazard,
I'd have thought.
I tested his blood.
He had no clotting factors.
A haemophiliac?
Well, I guessed that initially,
but I've checked with his GP
and he had no medical problems.
Toxicology shows he had a fatally
high level of Warfarin in his system.
- Rat poison?
- Possibly. Or medicinal.
It's an anti-coagulant.
He literally bled to death.
So you're saying he was murdered?
Well, it's an odd way to do it,
but, er, yes.
Bit of a ticking bomb, Warfarin.
What are you getting at?
Well, it's not an immediate killer.
It could have been building up in his system
for several days before he died.
There's no precise way
in gauging when he'd keel over.
Had to happen on my horse,
though, didn't it!
You going, Posh?
Yes, sir, but I don't have to,
if you want me to stay.
No, no, you get off.
- Big day tomorrow.
- Big day?
Well, it's your first case.
- You're a detective now.
- Am I going to be on the Hogarth murder?
Time to put the theory into practice.
Wow! A celebrity on my first case!
Well, in some people's books.
You go home.
Get a good night's sleep.
It'll be your last for a while.
I will, boss. Night.
Oh, and I want you here
at 6.30 sharp. Don't be late!
Unsigned contract.
Looks like he was leaving Swainbank's
to go and ride for another stable.
Wonder if his boss knew.
I've had a chat with the neighbours, sir.
They didn't see Sammy much.
He was always away racing.
There is one thing - he had
a break-in about six weeks ago.
Check that out, then.
Have we got a next of kin yet?
His father.
We're still trying to trace him.
The Unicorn.
That won
The Princess Mary Stakes last year.
Didn't know
you followed the gee-gees.
- I don't.
- In here, Andy!
vitamins and sleeping pills.
Anything containing rat poison
with fingerprints all over it?
These are all slimming pills!
And I thought
I worried about my weight.
OK, gather it all up,
and I want it all tested.
Then I want you to liaise
with the Intelligence Cell
and contact everyone listed on
Sammy's mobile and address book.
Yes, boss.
- What?
- Hmm, telephone analysis.
That should really get
her detective juices pumping!
We've all got to start somewhere!
No problems, I hope?
No, no. I just wanted to check his hooves
because the going was so hard yesterday.
- All' s well?
- Fine.
The Warfarin's keeping
the Navicular syndrome in check.
Good. We don't want you
going lame on us, do we, my lovely?
Sorry. I was just going to muck him out.
You're all right, Ben. We're finished here.
How are you doing? You all right?
Thanks for your help.
Yeah, I'll be in touch.
- There you go.
- Cheers, sir.
What's up, Posh?
You've got a face
like a smacked arse.
I'm not being funny, sir,
but I'm just doing the same
boring stuff I was doing before.
Phone this, file that.
I wouldn't mind, but this is something
I actually know about.
- I could help.
- What d'you mean?
Let's just say,
as a kid, I spent more time
in the bookies than I did in school.
I never had you down as a gambler.
Not me. My mum.
You don't want to know.
Someone's getting a bollocking.
Would you mind telling us about
Sammy's last moments, Mrs Swainbank?
What is there to say? Ken and I
were with him when it happened.
It was the most awful thing
I've ever witnessed.
- Is Ken your husband?
- No. My son-in-law.
He's your assistant trainer?
- Did Sammy say anything to you?
- Nothing.
He looked like he was trying to say
something to our vet, Drummond Sachs,
but he was in a terrible state.
Excuse me. Viktor,
when you've finished,
take Ribbon City
into the hydrotherapy pool.
- He looks a bit stiff today.
- Yes, Mrs Swainbank.
There was something special
about Sammy this season.
He looked like he was
going on to great things.
Do you know any reason why someone
would have wanted Sammy dead?
You think he was murdered?
Hello, is that lan?
This is Detective Constable Spicer
from Wetherton CID.
Oh! What are you doing here?
I was bored to tears,
stuck at the house.
This is my daughter, Natalie.
Pleased to meet you.
- When are you due?
- Two o'clock on the 28th.
- The luxury of a caesarean.
- Natalie.
These gentlemen are police officers,
they've come to talk about Sammy.
They think he was murdered.
We understand that he'd been
banned from racing for taking cocaine.
We nearly let him go, but he was
so shaken up by his suspension
that he went on to win the
Princess Mary Stakes on The Unicorn.
He was made number one after that.
He was leaving you though,
wasn't he?
That's not public knowledge yet.
How did you know?
We found a contract in his flat.
He was here since his school days.
But he was being offered
silly money to work elsewhere.
We couldn't afford to keep him.
His body was covered with bruises.
Any idea why?
He hadn't fallen off in months.
He was the top of his game.
Do you know if he was
getting grief from anyone?
Not to my knowledge.
Hey, you vodka-swilling dickhead!
Get out of flaming first gear!
Go on!
Eddie, these detectives
have come to talk about Sammy.
Will you look after them?
You know me, Mrs S.
Always happy to help our boys in blue.
For God's sake, Ben.
Can't you control that bloody thing?
- Sorry, Natalie.
- Telepenko!
Give that tosser a hand.
He's injured.
- You have to be gentle with them.
- I'm sorry, Vik.
Let me.
So, where do you want to begin?
With you.
- You're top dog here?
- Yeah.
Like that power, don't you?
I like everyone doing what they're told,
if that's what you mean.
You need order in a place like this.
I've only been here 30 minutes,
and I've already seen you kicking
seven bags out of two people.
- I was just having a bit of a laugh.
- Didn't look very funny to me.
How did you get on with Sammy?
Ever have any trouble with him?
No. We were mates.
We were good mates.
Julie-Ann? Is that you?
Erm no. Isn't this
Julie-Ann's phone that I'm calling?
Yes. This is her mother. Who are you?
Detective Constable Spicer,
Wetherton CID.
Oh, my God.
Don't tell me you've found her?
I hardly even knew Sammy Hogarth -
I've only been here three months.
What about you, Kirsty?
He was all right.
I was just another
one of the lasses to him.
That's funny. I could have sworn
I saw you in photos at his flat.
We spent time with each other -
you have to, working together.
And most of us live here,
so there's no escape.
I understand
the rewards for the jockeys,
but what's in it for you?
It's a great life. Beautiful animals.
You're always outdoors.
You get to travel
all over the country, meeting people.
And there's always the thrill
if one of your horses wins a race.
I love horses. Simple as that.
Our Julie-Ann went missing
last September.
The 26th.
I've told the police that
I don't know how many times.
I'm sorry, Mrs Henshaw.
I promise I'll definitely check into it.
Like the others did.
If you don't mind, I'm trying to find out
about her relationship to Sammy Hogarth.
The jockey.
Yeah, I know who he is.
It was nothing serious.
They went out, you mean?
I don't even know
if I'd call it that.
Do you know how they met?
Well, they worked together,
didn't they?
At Swainbank's.
Why don't you read your bloody files?
12 months my daughter's been missing,
and you lot have done nothing!
Oh, God!
What is it with you lot?!
You're like spooks,
always creeping about!
Probably because you spend
so much time with the dead.
I was at the lab for a case conference
and they asked me to pass
this on to you. To save on postage.
Didn't realise times were that hard.
What is it, then?
Forensic reports on tablets
found in a container marked
"sleeping tablets", from Hogarth's bathroom.
Only they weren't.
They were actually high-dosage Warfarin,
affirming my opinion
that Hogarth was poisoned.
Does that say "Ashurst" on there?
I didn't think you'd mind.
It's illegal, you know,
to open someone else's mail.
So arrest me.
Don't tempt me.
So now we know how Sammy Hogarth's
killer administered the poison.
Sir, I've found a couple
of articles on the net.
It seems that stable life isn't
the idyllic existence we all imagine.
Reports of bullying, assaults,
even rape and suicide.
Posh, I want background checks done
on everyone at Swainbank's Stables.
I'm not sure if this is connected,
but a girl on Sammy's mobile list,
Julie-Ann Henshaw, was working there
when she went missing just over a year ago.
- You got hold of her? - Well,
I rang her phone and her mum answered.
- Her mum's got her phone?
- She didn't take it with her.
Mrs Henshaw kept the account alive
in the hopes that Julie-Ann or someone
who knew her would contact her.
Is there a point to this?
Well, Mrs Henshaw reckons that
her daughter was sleeping with Sammy.
So she might give us some background
information as to why Hogarth's dead.
All right. Um
dig out Julie-Ann's missing-from-home file
and let's see if we can find her.
All right, everyone? Get on with it.
Says he wants to speak to you.
He's Sammy Hogarth's dad.
Hey! I want justice! Are you him?
Eh? Are you the man?
Come on, talk to me!
There's no point talking to him
in that state.
- I'll see him in the morning.
- Yes, sir.
So the McNallys were your next-door
neighbours when they won the Lottery?
My Mary couldn't believe what
that bitch Sandra McNally did to her.
She was never the same.
Stress of it all killed her in the end.
I'm sorry, you've lost me.
They were bingo mates.
Sandra McNally and my wife, Mary.
They shared every win, for 15 years.
Mary won 5,000 one Christmas.
She split it right down the middle,
no questions asked.
But when it came to the big one
But I remember seeing it in the paper.
- It was the son, Jake, who won the money.
- But Sandra bought the ticket!
7.5 million quid, they won!
20 poxy grand they offered us.
We told them to stick it!
And they bought our Sammy off!
What's this got to do with
your son's death, Mr Hogarth?
He rode the Bismarck
for the McNallys, didn't he?
I've never heard of that horse.
It's not a horse.
That's what they call it.
"Going down on the Bismarck."
It's holding back a short-odds
favourite so the long-shot will win.
He used to tell me when the fix was on,
and I'd put money on it.
But recently, Sammy
had a string of winners, didn't he?
McNally's horses included.
That's why
they've done away with him.
Sammy packed it all in,
he saw sense.
He wanted to win fair and square,
and the McNallys didn't like that.
I've seen better paint jobs.
"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"
You lot again, is it?
Better come in.
Can I get you anything?
A sandwich or a cup of tea?
Mum! How many times?
Tell Linda to do it.
- That's why we pay her.
- I don't mind.
- I've nothing else to do.
- You're all right.
It's a bit of a change
from the Pitt Lane estate, this.
It's smart, isn't it?
I still can't get over
what's happened to poor Sammy.
Him and Jake were
like brothers at one time.
We were still mates,
even though he was working for us.
And that didn't cause friction between you?
Why should it?
- His dad reckons otherwise.
- Kevin Hogarth?
That stupid drunken old bastard?!
I wondered what you were doing here.
He claims you were
forcing Sammy to fix races.
Does he now?
And did he tell you that half our
Lottery winnings are his as well?
He's addled! Barmy!
Any chance we could
do this down the pub?
Take the edge off.
Mr Hogarth, you've made
some serious allegations.
I really need to know which races were fixed -
dates, meets, horses.
All right, all right, I'm thinking.
There was one around my Mary's birthday.
August the fifth.
What was that horse called?
We'll be in touch.
Oh, er,
mind me asking
what happened to your car?
People get jealous.
I've told Mum not to bother
but she likes to see
her old mates on the estate.
Thinking of going back, are you?
You joking?
We could never go back.
Everyone there hates us now.
- Even my own sisters won't speak to me.
- Why's that?
Because no matter how much
we gave them, it were never enough.
- Have you reported it?
- Nah.
It's not the first time,
and it won't be the last.
I'll just get her another one.
This is from the tapes
we found at Sammy's flat.
That's Julie-Ann Henshaw
in the green top.
Any luck finding her yet?
Nothing. Her missing-from-home file says
she bought a ferry ticket to France,
three days after she went missing.
Any withdrawals from her bank account
since she disappeared?
She's dead then.
Or she could just be lying low.
Get Baines on to Interpol or NCIS.
See if they've got anything on her.
All international enquiries have
to go through SOCA now, boss.
I don't care if it's SAGA,
MFI or the man from bleeding UNCLE,
just get her to do it.
You're coming out with us today.
Sammy Hogarth was supposed
to ride The Unicorn today.
It's another one of McNally's horses.
If Hogarth's death
was to do with race fixing,
why didn't they nobble the horse
instead of the jockey?
If you own a successful horse
like The Unicorn,
they could earn
a few million in stud fees.
Loads more than any jockey.
I've spoken to Course Security.
They've got the CCTV tapes
from the day Sammy died.
I'll go through that while
you speak to the course manager.
Why's she got the hump?
Her mum had a gambling problem.
Particularly where
horses are concerned.
- Why didn't she tell me?
- Did you ask her?
- There's 5,000 GBP each there.
- Right.
no bets are placed
until I give you the order.
And this new jockey
knows what he has to do, yeah?
Sorted. Speak to you later.
I know you fancied yourself
to ride The Unicorn today.
Don't worry about it.
It's down to Jake, isn't it?
Just go easy on Brummie 's Boy.
It's his first race back this year.
Today's just a run out.
Go nice and gentle, till we see
how his leg's holding up. OK?
He's been fine.
He loves this ground.
We've got a chance to win today.
I don't want your pride coming into this.
Just keep him reined in.
You're the boss.
Kenny lad,
I'm spitting feathers over here.
More champagne, Jake?
Wouldn't swill
my horses' arses with this stuff.
Oh, Jake! Don't be so rude.
The money they're earning off me,
they can afford something decent.
Two more bottles
of Bollinger, please.
Yeah, and salt and vinegar crisps,
if you've got them.
Ah, Jean. There you are.
Everything all right?
I don't think you've met
my assistant, Ken Lawson.
Oh, yes. The son-in-law.
Detective Superintendent Dalziel.
This is Inspector Pascoe.
Pleased to meet you.
Still can't believe Sammy's dead.
It's really knocked us back.
Yeah, looks like it!
They also want to talk about
Julie-Ann Henshaw.
Julie-Ann? Why?
We're looking into her disappearance
as part of our general enquiry.
She was a bit of an airhead
who went walkabout.
You don't think the two are related?
Well, we can't discount
anything at this stage.
Did you know that she was having
a relationship with Sammy Hogarth?
I told you everything I know
about Sammy Hogarth yesterday.
Yeah, I'm sure you did.
We were wondering if you'd got
any idea where Julie-Ann Henshaw is.
She left a long time ago.
No-one heard from her again.
But you'd been living with her?
Yes, we lived together
for a short while.
But by the time she went missing,
she was sharing a room with Kirsty.
So you were living together as partners?
You must have been gutted
when you found out
she was having an affair with Sammy.
Maybe she slept with him,
but it was not affair.
You were the last person
to speak to Sammy
before he rode
in the Wetherton Gold Cup.
15 minutes later he was dead.
I have nothing to do with his death.
Good afternoon.
Sorry, am I interrupting?
It's good to have him back.
- How's he shaping up?
- Yes.
Short of race fitness,
but otherwise fine.
Gentlemen, we must
get him ready for The Stakes.
You're more than welcome
to watch it with us.
The police are asking
about Julie-Ann.
You worry too much, mister.
All bets are on.
Brummie's Boy. Five grand to win.
12-1 to win, at the Wetherton Stakes.
Thanks, mate.
These stupid shoes.
My feet are killing me.
How long did you say you had to go?
Just two days.
Well, you're looking well on it.
You and Ken must be so excited.
But I don't know how
you wear anything with a heel.
I've been sitting down
most of the day.
Mine blew up like two pig's trotters
when I was having our Jake.
Here, give us a rub of your belly
for good luck.
- Get your hands off me!
- Sorry. I was only
It's all right, Jake.
She's just tired, aren't you, love?
It's all the excitement.
I over-reacted. It's just nerves.
I know. But you've
just got to keep a cool head.
We're nearly at the finishing post.
Come on, let's have you!
- Not into all this then?
- Not really.
Take it you are?
Can't get enough of it.
Come on!
Tell me this isn't dead exciting!
Well, I guess it isn't if you don't
know anything about the horses.
Actually, I do know a little bit.
Yeah? Who would you say
was going to win this race then?
Any idiot knows The Unicorn's
going to storm it. He's odds-on favourite.
A thousand quid says he doesn't.
- I haven't got a thousand quid.
- I have.
Go on, son!
Go on, son! Go on, son. Yes!
- How is she?
- Oh, she's fine.
- I put her in a taxi.
- Look at this.
What the hell is Fletcher doing?!
Thought you weren't
going to let me catch you.
Good show for the punters, though.
You owe me 1,000 GBP.
Just shows, you can't follow form.
I wouldn't mind following YOUR form.
I've got to go.
Let me buy you some champagne.
No, thanks. I don't drink.
Dinner then. Anywhere you like.
You can't tell me
you don't eat either.
Look, it's really nice of you but no.
Well, if you change your mind.
- How is he, Ben?
- Looking good, Mrs S.
Get a blanket over him.
He's not right. He's bleeding.
Get him into the stable, Kirsty.
- I'll go and fetch Drummond.
- Yeah, OK, tell him it's urgent.
- Exercise Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhaging.
I've seen it before but never this bad.
- What causes it?
- Over-exertion.
- Is he all right?
- No, he's not!
You rode him too hard.
I told you to take it easy.
I'm sorry, Jean.
There was nothing I could do for him.
We have to conduct post-mortems
on any horses that die at the course.
Just to check there's no foul play.
And was there any in this case?
I hate to disappoint you,
Mr Dalziel, but this wasn't murder.
Do I look disappointed?
There was blood coming out
of the animal's nostrils.
Similar to what happened
to Sammy Hogarth.
Oh, no, very different.
Brummie's Boy was in the last
throes when I had to put him down.
We call it Sudden Death Syndrome.
Could it have been drug-induced?
I mean, The Unicorn was expected
to win that race hands-down.
We really don't know what brings it on.
Heart defect, EIPH.
The animal's metabolism
just goes haywire.
The heart doesn't know
when to stop pumping.
If I'd have left him, it would
have been an agonising death.
That doesn't answer
my question, Mr Sachs.
We routinely test for banned substances.
The animal was clean.
You were the official racecourse
vet on the day of Hogarth's murder.
And you were there
when he actually died.
- He tried to speak to you, didn't he?
- Hard to say.
Any idea who'd want him dead?
Of course not!
Wasn't Sammy meant
to be riding The Unicorn today?
So, is it possible that
someone was trying to fix the race
or maybe split up a winning partnership?
Race fixing is a thing of the past.
There are strict security measures
for jockeys and horses now.
If you are searching for
a reason for Sammy's murder,
I suggest you look elsewhere.
What do you think?
He's guilty as sin.
- What makes you so sure?
- My golden rule.
Never trust anyone
who tries to make light of murder.
Since when has that
been your golden rule?
Since I met that shifty bugger.
Come on.
I just can't believe it.
That bastard, Todd. He's evil.
I know.
I know.
According to a barman
at the stables' local,
there was a massive fight
between Sammy Hogarth
and Ben Culton a few weeks back.
Sounds like Sammy
took a bit of a pasting.
Might explain the broken ribs then.
I wonder if he had anything to do
with the break-in at Hogarth's flat.
Can I show you something, sir?
So you reckon Jake and Sammy
had words immediately before the race?
Looks that way to me, boss.
They were mates.
They could have been talking about anything.
Yeah, but I've checked the betting
pattern for the Wetherton Gold Cup
and at the last minute, loads of money
was placed on Maltese Charlie to win,
but Silver Soda still won.
Well, perhaps Sammy refused
to throw the race, like his dad said.
- Maybe.
- I've also looked at The Wetherton Stakes
and the odds on Brummie's Boy
crashed down just before starter's orders.
Meaning a lot of money
was put on Brummie's Boy to win.
Yeah, but nobody expected
anything to beat The Unicorn.
Yeah, well somebody obviously did.
I got talking to Jake McNally at the races.
He owns both horses, and virtually
told me that Brummie's Boy would win.
So maybe Kevin Hogarth was right -
this is all about race fixing.
What if he's not? It could just
be about the Swainbank's Stables.
McNally invited me out for dinner.
You what?
Maybe I should go out with him.
See if I can find out anything useful.
- No way.
- He was a flash git.
- Liked to show off, he might talk.
- I said "no".
She's still got a lot to learn, that one.
Seeing McNally might
have been worth a try.
Sorry, is there a delay in the satellite link-up?
I said "no", Peter.
- I want to see that girl.
- Sorry, which girl?
The one who's meant
to be looking for my daughter.
I'm sorry, Mrs?
Henshaw. Moira Henshaw.
- Have you found her yet?
- I'm doing the best I can, Mrs Henshaw.
- What are you doing, exactly?
- Well it's difficult.
We're dealing with a murder inquiry,
and Julie-Ann's still only missing.
I don't give a screw about that jockey
or who killed him.
I just want to know where my daughter is,
and you said you'd help.
I guess you're just like all the others.
I am trying to help.
Have you talked to her friends?
What about the people at the stables?
- What about that lottery man?
- No, not yet. But I will.
Spicer gone, has she?
Yes, sir. About an hour ago.
- Anything I can help with?
- Nah.
Just wanted a little chat.
Nothing important.
You finished for the day then, sir?
I have got a private life, you know, Baines.
Quite a sad one as a matter of fact.
Features a lot of lying
on the couch pondering my lost youth.
But nonetheless
at least I've kept me looks, eh?
- It's a joke, Baines.
- Oh, right.
- Night then, sir.
- Night-night.
What's so funny?
I can't believe that you're a lottery winner,
and that you still live with your mum!
- Yeah. But she's got her own wing.
- Oh, now you're just showing off!
Enough about me.
I still don't know what you do for a living.
- Supermodel? Trolley dolly?
- As if!
I'm an Events Coordinator.
I organised a corporate do
at the races today.
Funny, I've never seen you there before.
I go to all the meets.
I'm working while you're playing.
So is that how you fill your days,
- At the races?
- Nah.
Got a few horses,
but it's just a hobby.
- So, do you look after them yourself?
- No. Have to keep them stabled.
Costs me a fortune.
I love horses.
You should come down
and see mine some time.
- Are the stables nearby then?
- Not far. Swainbank's. In Salterdale.
No way.
I've got a friend
who used to work there.
Julie-Ann Henshaw. Did you know her?
Name doesn't really ring a bell.
But I got bored with cars
so I thought, what next?
- It had to be a plane, didn't it?
- You've got your own plane?
Still having lessons,
but it pays for itself.
My mum's managed to make
a little business out of it,
hiring it out to all the jockeys.
Surely lottery winners don't have to worry
about things paying for themselves?!
No, but my mum does.
She still acts like
we're on income support.
To be honest, I don't think either
of us will ever get used to it.
Having sweet FA, and then
Sorry. It's been a long day.
I'm shattered.
I better be making tracks.
I thought maybe we could
maybe go for a drink somewhere.
I need to go to bed.
Is that an invitation?
I need to go to my own bed.
To sleep. Alone.
Got the bill, please?
It's been nice.
Listen, um, do you ride?
Yeah. A bit.
I thought maybe you could, um,
come to the stables
with me tomorrow and
see the horses, have a little trot about.
All right. You're on.
Mrs Henshaw?
Have you been here all night?
And I'll be here again tonight.
And the night after that.
I'm not going anywhere until you do
something about finding my Julie-Ann.
I'm doing my best.
And I'm staying right here
until you do find her.
Do anything interesting last night, Posh?
Not really.
- Stayed in and watched the footie.
- Really?
Because about ten o'clock last night,
I drove past that swanky
French restaurant in Vaunton Street,
and I could swear I saw you
in there with Jake McNally.
- I can explain, sir.
- No you bloody can't!
I specifically told you not
to go out with him, and you still did.
And now you've lied to me
to cover your back.
Well, I don't want
a loose cannon on my team. Get out!
- Don't you think you're over-reacting a bit?
- No, but you obviously do.
It's her first case.
She's keen.
She wants to make an impression.
- You said yourself, she's good.
- She disobeyed a direct order.
Just give her a chance.
Is that what you'd do?
Well, you're not in charge. I am.
There's a repetition
of the same scam.
Always a favourite pipped
at the post by an outsider
performing beyond wildest expectations.
Someone staged a break-in
at Sammy Hogarth's flat
and swapped
his sleeping tablets with Warfarin.
Now we know that Sammy wanted out.
We know there was big money at stake.
Did the race fixing syndicate
just get rid of a fly in the ointment?
- Any more leads on the break-in?
- Not as yet.
So what we've got to work out now
is who's in the syndicate.
And it sounds like
we should start with Jake McNally.
Yeah, maybe.
But Posh tried to cross-match
the people at the courses,
and the only person who was
at every one of the fixed races
was Drummond Sachs.
And as Course Vet, it would
be his job to monitor the dope testing.
Plus he'd have easy access
to the horses themselves.
As a medic, he'd have no problems
getting hold of the Warfarin.
I thought he was a bit quick
to snuff out that horse yesterday.
Get someone to contact
the racing authorities.
I want Brummie's Boy re-tested
for drugs by an independent vet.
Did you know that Brummie's Boy had
been doped for the Wetherton Stakes?
- What? No, I did not. Ken?
- No.
No way. I've overseen every aspect
of that horse's return to fitness.
He was clean as a whistle.
Not according to the re-testing
of his blood samples.
They've found traces
of Sildenafil Citrate in his system.
Viagra to you and me.
I can assure you,
that had nothing to do with us.
Any number of people have access
to the horses in the run-up to the race.
But there's only one person
who had access to him,
and tried to fix the post-mortem results.
Any idea where
we can find our Mr Sachs?
He's at a one-day meet,
down in Newton Abbot.
When's he back?
Where to?
Thanks, love.
Mickerton Airfield.
- Drummond?
- Yeah.
You could go home, Mrs Henshaw.
We'll contact you if we hear anything.
Sorry, love, I'm not going anywhere.
How long are you
going to keep this up, Andy?
Keep what up?
You haven't even given her
a chance to explain herself.
- Spicer needs your encouragement.
- She'll get it when she deserves it.
- This is all about Lateef, isn't it?
- Just drop it, Peter.
She's a detective, Andy.
You can't wrap her up in cotton wool.
I said drop it!
Bloody hell!
Urgent request for ambulance
and fire-crew backup.
There's been a light-aircraft crash.
It's Drummond!
Other side!
Can you get him out?
- Is there anyone else in there?
- No.
No, I think he's had it.
There IS someone else in there!
No, Andy!
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm OK.
- A baby?
- Yeah.
What was she doing
on a plane with Sachs?
I heard her crying.
Well, she's bloody lucky you did.
Good night.
Mrs Henshaw
You can't sleep sitting there.
You're gonna make yourself ill.
I've barely slept since our
Julie-Ann's been gone, anyway.
I'm too scared I'll miss
the phone ringing or a knock at the door.
Another night's not going to matter.
Why don't you go home?
I promise I'll call you.
I've told you.
Not until you find her.
Hold on, then.
There you go.
You're a good girl.
I thought you'd gone.
I'm just trawling through
the International Missing Persons register.
- Julie-Ann Henshaw?
- Yep.
Her mum still here, then?
You mustn't let it get personal.
People go missing all the time.
I know.
It's just that sometimes you forget
it's someone's dad
or someone's daughter.
If we didn't, we'd go mad.
She's not on here, anyway.
So where next?
I don't know.
She was heading for France,
so maybe I'll try
and track her down that way.
I'll leave you to it.
Is she gonna be all right?
Some smoke inhalation,
but otherwise, she's fine.
D'you think this has got anything
to do with Sammy Hogarth's death?
He did try to say something
to Drummond just before he died.
We also know that Drummond
was doping the horses Sammy was riding.
So he would've wanted
both of them dead?
There's too many people
to think about now.
For a second there
I thought I was
going to get a promotion.
I'm not that easy to kill.
- You all right?
- Nothing a large whisky won't cure.
Thought you'd never ask.
"The Fall of an Angel"?
- Can I help you?
- Oh, sorry.
Superintendent Dalziel.
Ah, the hero of the hour.
Did you hear
they've named her after you?
- Andrew?
- Andrea.
I thought she was OK.
- Why all the tubes?
- She'll be fine.
We've just got to be careful,
because she's so young.
- How old is she?
- No more than a week.
There was nothing
to identify her, was there?
Not really.
Although her umbilical cord was tied.
What do you mean?
In this country, we clamp them.
Have done for years.
Someone was expecting her.
They might still come looking for her.
So if you see anything suspicious,
can you give me a call?
- Of course.
- Thanks.
Drummond's plane's crashed.
He's dead!
I know. Bummer.
First Sammy, then Drummond!
Something's going on here.
- What are you talking about?
- The syndicate!
You've been told, Todd.
If anyone asks, there is no syndicate.
Do you understand?!
There you go.
To our own little family.
- I'm sorry it's taken so long, Ken.
- No
We've been through this.
None of it's your fault.
I should have been more careful.
It doesn't matter.
Let's put it all behind us, move forward.
No. She said noon.
We don't need room service, thanks.
Ken! It's me!
There's been a terrible accident.
I'm so sorry.
# For they are jolly good fellows
# For they are jolly good fellows #
Get off! Shut up.
# And so say all of us! #
- Shut up! Shut it!
Very nice!
Now get back to work, all of you!
Can I have a word with you, sir?
I know what I did with Jake McNally
the other night was really stupid,
and I'd like to apologise.
The thing is
I really wanted to prove
that I could do it.
I feel like everyone round here
still thinks of me as the kid
who knows her way round the internet
or she can make a nice cup of tea.
I'm really sorry that I lied to you.
Please don't send me back to uniform.
I really want this.
All right, Spicer.
You want to be a detective.
But in order for you
to be part of this team
you've got to use the brains
you were born with.
There are no short cuts.
I mean, for instance
you didn't even know I was following
you the other night, did you?
For all we know,
Jake McNally is our murderer.
So what you did
put yourself
and our whole investigation in danger.
Do you understand that?
There's something else, sir.
I think I've found Julie-Ann Henshaw.
She was always
such a lovely looking girl.
Could've done anything.
I never understood why
she wanted to work at those stables.
It was a crappy job.
She would have been set for life
if she'd stayed with that lottery bloke.
Jake McNally?
She said he were too thick for her.
What does thick matter
when you've got that much money?
You know what?
I've been expecting something like this.
With our Jamie being in the Army,
you just dread the phone ringing or
a knock at the door.
I always thought it'd be him
I'd be burying.
Would you like me to contact your son?
No, you can't. He's in Iraq.
It's no problem for me
to call the MoD.
They'll give him compassionate
leave for something like this.
No. Best he hears it from me.
Him and our Julie-Ann,
they were so close.
Who let you out of the crypt?
Thought you might like to see these.
Julie-Ann Henshaw's post-mortem results
from the French authorities.
- What do they say, then?
- "Elle etait morte avant qu'elle"
My sides are splitting!
She was dead
before she hit the water. Look at this.
There were traces of iron oxide
around the wound.
She'd been walloped with a metal object.
There was also
highly chlorinated water in her gullet,
but not her lungs.
So she'd been in the water,
but wasn't drowned.
We know that.
She was dropped in a lake.
But this was chlorinated.
More like a swimming pool.
And nothing else to identify her?
One small stud earring. Left ear.
She was also ten weeks pregnant.
Have you read this about Drummond?
I haven't yet, no.
- Baby?
- Says he had one on board.
- Really?!
- Rescued by the police.
Do you think the crash
were an accident?
Why do you ask that?
I just thought maybe, because
of Sammy's death, and now this
Of course it was an accident, Kirsty.
This has got nothing to do
with all the other stuff.
You and Sammy had a fight?
We'd just had a few too many.
You know what it's like.
Things blow up out of nothing.
What was it about?
It sounds stupid now, but I didn't
like the way he was talking to Kirsty.
So you stuck up for her?
I made my feelings clear.
Can't say I've noticed much
respect for women around here.
It's because there is none.
Sammy certainly didn't like hearing that.
So you took a pop at him?
He threw the first punch,
the weedy little prick.
Sorry. That's out of order.
He was covered in bruises.
Well, it weren't me.
I hardly touched him.
Wouldn't have been a fair fight.
Oi, Culton!
Don't you ever do any work?
I needed to talk to him.
that's not going
to get this horse groomed, is it?
Sort it out, Culton.
Big problem with bullying
round here, is there?
They're all bullies.
Eddie, Todd, even Sammy.
But like all bullies, they only pick
on people that are weaker than them.
So I never see too much of it.
Come on, you.
The plane Drummond was flying
is owned by SM Air,
which is registered in your name, Sandra.
We hire it out to try
and make it pay for itself.
No law against that, is there?
Why did he have a baby on board?
I know nothing about a baby.
I thought he used it to fly jockeys
up and down the country, like a taxi.
Funny, though, a plane just
falling from the sky like that.
Maintain it properly, do you?
Don't say any more, Mum.
If you want to speak to her,
you hold on while I call our solicitor.
What about Julie-Ann Henshaw, Jake?
What's she got to do with anything?
She's dead.
Dropped from a plane, coincidentally.
You were having
a relationship with her, weren't you?
He wasn't! Not with that trollop!
- It was nothing serious.
- Oh, Jake!
Oh, you're an idiot. What have
I told you about those gold-diggers?
Julie-Ann was pregnant.
Did she want money from you?
That would be just like her.
So, what?
You thought you'd silence her, eh, Sandra?
End up dead in your pool, did she?
Then you dumped her from your plane?
Neither of us can fly it.
And Julie-Ann never went near our pool.
She couldn't swim.
I think I'll get Forensics over here
to take a few samples anyway.
Julie-Ann had chlorine
in her system, so we'll just have
to do some tests on your pool,
to help with our inquiries.
Well, it doesn't have chlorine.
It uses ionisation to filter the water.
It always has done.
I've got the guarantee still,
to prove it.
What's up?
Julie-Ann visited an ante-natal clinic
the week before she disappeared.
She knew she was pregnant.
What of it?
Ken Lawson signed in with her.
Mrs Swainbank?
We need to talk to Ken.
- Now's not a good time, I'm afraid.
- It's important.
My daughter's Caesarean was today.
- Surely it can wait?
- Well, this won't take more than a minute.
If I recall correctly,
her operation was this afternoon.
There's been a complication.
Oh, nothing serious, I hope?
The child was stillborn.
Please offer them our condolences.
Feels weird being back.
this isn't how it was meant to be.
Don't answer it.
It's your mum.
Did you manage to contact
your son, Mrs Henshaw?
I spoke to Jamie.
He knows now.
I know this is a really bad time for you,
and he'll want to be with you
as much as possible,
but we'd really like to speak
to him once he gets back.
I don't know when he's back.
It takes them
a few days to sort things out.
Oh. I didn't realise.
Something like this happens
and it takes them days to come home.
Quick enough to take them out there,
though, aren't they?
What was so important
that it couldn't wait?
We were sorry to hear
your sad news, Mr Lawson.
Yeah. Thank you.
They know you visited
the clinic with Julie-Ann, Ken.
I was seeing her for a while.
It was nothing.
Just a stupid fling.
He told Nat and I all about it.
She's completely forgiven him.
- Very understanding of her.
- Look
I love Nat to death.
She knows that.
I gave up everything for her.
I wouldn't want to hurt her.
And yet you had an affair?
Why did you say
you gave up everything?
Well, I
My dad, he owns a stable.
- Bignall House?
- Mm-hm.
And Sammy
was going to ride for them?
Yes. They're our biggest competitor.
But now you work for the other team?
Well, he told me I had to choose between
Natalie and the family business. I chose Nat.
I haven't spoken to him ever since.
That's a huge sacrifice.
Worth killing Julie-Ann to protect?
She was carrying my child!
What kind of animal
would that make me?!
Why did you think you were
the father of Julie-Ann's child?
Well, that's what she told me!
- And you believed her?
- Why wouldn't I?
Because you weren't
the only one she was sleeping with
at the time she went missing.
As she was pregnant,
we'd like all you men
who were working here during
the time of Julie-Ann's disappearance
to take a voluntary DNA test.
What the hell for?
To eliminate you from our inquiries.
You'll have to test half of Yorkshire.
Have some respect!
What's your problem?
You didn't even know her.
- You shut your mouth!
- Stop it, you two, right now!
You and Julie-Ann
were good friends, weren't you?
- Like sisters.
- Shared a room for a while, didn't you?
But she didn't tell you
who the father of her baby was?
I didn't know she were pregnant
until you just said.
She was popular with the blokes?
She liked a good laugh.
Have any problems with any of them,
that you know of?
You can tell us, you know, love.
It'll be treated confidentially.
I'm sorry, I've got to get back to work.
You were the first one who noticed
Julie-Ann was missing, weren't you?
Only because Kirsty was away
and she didn't turn up for work that day.
Mrs Swainbank
sent me to look for her.
Most of her stuff had gone,
so I guessed she'd moved back home.
So you thought
she was in some kind of trouble?
Why else would you think she'd done
a runner in the middle of the night?
I just meant that people
come and go here all the time, that's all.
What is it about you, Eddie?
- What do you mean?
- Why are people so scared of you?
Especially girls.
I just must have one of them faces.
- Nice car.
- Aye.
Bought with the profits of sin, no doubt.
If Drummond was flying
to and from Mickerton airfield,
how come his car's still parked here?
What was he up to?
Let's take a look inside.
"To Viktor.
"It's only been a year,
but I hope it'll be a lifetime.
"Love always. Drummond."
So he was gay.
I'd say so,
judging by some of the clothes in there.
And they say romance is dead!
What did you say to them?
Nothing. Nothing!
Hey! McNally! Hey, you're not
so big and clever now, are you?!
You're worth that!
- Just calm down!
- You're worth that!
Help her, please! She's dying!
Oh, my God, Mum! Mum! Oh, my God!
The crash investigators can't say
if the loss of control was due
to mechanical failure or pilot error.
There's no sign of sabotage.
So Drummond Sachs was just unfortunate.
- What happened, Jake?
- That madman Hogarth.
Showed up, ranting and raving.
Mum told me to stay inside.
I wanted to say sorry about Sammy.
- He pulled a knife.
- And he attacked your mum?
No, he came after me.
Said that I killed his son.
Mum stepped in to stop him and he
he just stabbed her!
OK, Jake, thanks.
It was definitely Kevin Hogarth?
Yeah. Out of his head, apparently.
He's been sent to a secure
psychiatric unit for evaluation.
- Did they find the weapon?
- Yep.
He can't be our killer, can he?
Why would he want his own son dead?
Based on the evidence, I wouldn't
say he's the most rational person.
I'll see you back at the car in five minutes.
- Where are you going?
- Toilet, if that's OK with you.
Got a little star there.
Whole hospital
has been in to see her.
I'm not surprised.
They must have heard
how gorgeous she is.
Has no-one claimed her yet?
We've put out a description, but no.
You might be right. She could
have been brought in from abroad.
It never ceases to amaze me
what people are capable of.
And yet look at her.
Oblivious to it all.
What are we going to do?
I don't know.
I need to see her.
We can't just walk in there.
What if someone sees us?
I don't care.
We can't let go now.
We've come too far.
Well, OK.
If that's what you want.
DNA test results
for the men at the stables are in.
Ken Lawson is the father.
So I checked Julie-Ann's bank statements
and found that 10,000 GBP cash
was paid in to her account
on the day she visited the clinic.
The Lawsons were paying her.
Which is why Ken
was so sure he was the father.
Anyway, we know
Julie-Ann Henshaw fell from a plane
in the early hours of Sunday the 28th.
I've been going through
Drummond's logged flight plans
for the last 18 months.
That same day,
Sammy Hogarth rode The Unicorn
in the Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
SOCO found warfarin
at Drummond Sachs' practice,
matching those pills we found
at Sammy Hogarth's flat.
Drummond's veterinary notes show
that he'd been treating The Unicorn with it.
So Drummond killed Sammy?
But there was one other passenger
flying with him and Sammy.
Julie-Ann's body fell into
a lake in La Garde St Pierre,
25 miles north of Paris.
You were on a plane with
Drummond and Sammy Hogarth
on the same day, in that area.
You think we did that to Julie-Ann?
I swear, no!
Buddy Holly didn't fly with
as many dead men as you did, Viktor.
I wasn't on that flight!
Ask Mrs Swainbank.
I was travelling overland to France
with her and the horses.
Drummond also supplied
the poison that killed Sammy.
Why do you think he did that?
Drummond wasn't capable
of anything like that.
- He didn't kill Sammy!
- How can you be so sure?
He was smuggling babies into the country.
He was capable of anything.
He was helping that child.
The mother is 15 years old.
My cousin's friend.
She wanted her baby to have
a better life than she could give her.
So you admit you were involved.
Will you tell us her name?
I won't let her go back there.
Nobody cares.
Babies die every day.
You know I've done nothing wrong.
I know no such thing.
You and Drummond were making
a tidy little profit baby-smuggling.
And two people you were
close to are now dead.
Did Sammy and Julie-Ann get wind of it?
Is that why they had to go?
No. You understand nothing.
I was not on that flight. Check!
We were told we could find
Mrs Swainbank in here.
She's up on the gallops.
Should be back in a minute, though.
Like a warm bath, that is.
It has to be.
It's to relax their muscles.
Empty it often, do you?
Nah. I've been here three months,
and it's never been done.
Any of you ever tempted
to take a swim in it yourselves?
Um, no. I don't think
Mrs S would appreciate that.
I don't suppose she would.
That pool's chlorinated.
I want it sampled and checked
against the forensic report
on Julie-Ann's body.
It would really help
with our inquiries.
You're a policewoman?
And I thought I'd actually
met someone who liked me for once!
I'm sorry, Jake.
Bigger things to worry about now.
How is she?
She'll be back in her wing
of the house in a couple of weeks.
One of the stable-lads
made that for Natalie
when she won her first gymkhana.
I didn't think your daughter
shared your passion for horses.
What makes you say that?
Just something I've noticed.
That's very perceptive of you,
Mr Dalziel.
She's not mad about them, no.
That's unfortunate,
given what you and her husband do.
It's just one of those things.
How is she now? Better, I hope.
She's getting there. Thank you.
Let me see.
Yes, there was a last-minute switch.
Eddie was supposed to travel
in the lorry with The Unicorn,
but Sammy specifically requested
that Telepenko took his place.
He'd been with the horse
when he won his last race.
Jockeys get very superstitious, you know.
So Eddie wasn't required
to travel to France?
Yes, yes, he was.
We had a couple of other horses going.
He was in the plane with the others.
They managed to sneak in earlier,
but were asked to leave.
When I saw they were here again,
I thought I should let you know.
I've had security watching as well,
so she was never in any real danger.
You've done the right thing.
We could just walk
in there and take her.
- We can't!
- We can.
It's what we both want.
Rightfully, she's ours.
I think we need to talk.
- I should never have got on that horse.
- Hey
She was two months pregnant
at the time.
We'd only just found out.
It was going to be her last event.
What happened?
It bolted. I was thrown.
I woke up in hospital four days later.
They'd given me a hysterectomy.
So you haven't really
been pregnant at all?
There was never an affair
with Julie-Ann, was there?
You paid her ten grand to be your surrogate.
Looking back,
I can't believe we were so naive.
She showed us the pregnancy test.
I even went for the scan with her.
So what did you think
had happened to her?
We assumed
she'd taken the money and run.
We got on with our lives.
Except you didn't.
You paid Drummond Sachs to smuggle
a baby into the country for you.
Where did the baby come from?
- We don't know.
- You mean you didn't care.
No! It wasn't like that!
She was an unwanted baby.
We wanted to give her everything.
What's wrong with that?
What's going to happen to them?
They'll be interviewed under caution,
then released on police bail
pending further inquiries.
- So they won't go to prison?
- It's unlikely.
Thank goodness.
You knew about this, didn't you?
- And yet you stood by and let it happen.
- They were desperate!
You think that's
a legitimate reason
to kidnap a child
from its own mother?
You don't know
that it was kidnapped.
Drummond said it had no hope
of a good life where it came from.
There was no option
after Julie-Ann disappeared.
Not being able to have
a child was tearing them apart.
What about fostering? Adoption?
They were turned down.
All they wanted to be was a proper family.
It seemed so unfair.
Well, now there's
a child in there with nothing.
No family, no identity,
and no idea where it came from.
Does that seem fair to you?
Hey! How are you today, fella?
Eh? Let's see what you're made of.
You were on a plane
carrying Julie-Ann's body.
Her death had nothing to do with me!
We found this in the hydrotherapy
pool at Swainbank's.
It matches one Julie-Ann
was wearing when she was found.
Traces of the active chemical
in the pool were detected in her body.
Everyone else
on that plane with you is dead.
So are you going to tell us
what really happened?
Or I'm going to start looking at charges.
We didn't know what to do with her.
What happened?
Two nights before we were going
to France, we walked into the stable
and she was just lying there,
her body.
There was blood
all over her head. It
It was horrible.
- We tried to wake her, but she was dead.
- We?
Me and Sammy.
We just panicked.
We hid her underneath the island
in the hydrotherapy pool.
So when did you decide
to drop her from the plane?
That was Drummond's idea.
He reckoned that there
was some forest near Paris.
We could just dump her,
someone would find her,
we'd be long gone
and they wouldn't link it back to us.
- But she ended up in the lake.
- Another one of Drummond's cock-ups.
French customs wanted us to land
and were waiting for us at an airfield.
What else could we do?
We just dumped her there and then.
So if you didn't kill her,
how d'you think she died?
Surely it's not for my client
to speculate?
Your client has admitted
finding and disposing of a body,
but claims not
to be implicated in the murder!
Ever heard of 999, Eddie?
You know who killed her, don't you?
I just want you to know
that I really liked Julie-Ann.
She was a good girl.
Just tell us what you know.
There was too much money riding on it.
The fix was in.
Sammy knew what he had to do.
There was no way we could risk
him being pulled from that race.
I don't understand.
Who are you saying killed Julie-Ann?
Well, it was him, wasn't it?
The Unicorn.
Do you think there's any chance of prints?
Apparently not. Clean as a whistle.
How does this tie in with
everything else that's happened?
Well, Fletcher was riding The Unicorn.
What are you suggesting?
We take a horse in for questioning?
I'm just saying
maybe we've been
barking up the wrong tree.
Perhaps this has got
something to do with the horse.
- All right?
- Oh, God!
Hey! Why so jumpy?
Has Eddie been bothering you again?
No. Haven't you heard?
- Todd's had an accident.
- When?
Just now.
He's been taken to hospital.
How bad is it?
Well, if he's still breathing,
it ain't bad enough.
That bastard deserves
everything he's got coming to him.
How is he?
No permanent damage. He's been lucky.
Try telling that to Todd Fletcher.
Excuse me.
The, er horseshoes on the wall.
- What are they for?
- Just tradition.
The aluminium ones signify a win.
- Aluminium?
- They're the horses' dancing shoes.
Dancing shoes?
Racing shoes.
To give them a weight advantage.
Aluminium's too soft for them
to wear all the time, though,
so they come on and off for each race.
Do you remember when you
put racing shoes on The Unicorn
before it set off for France last year?
When they go off
to France for a weekend meet,
the horses leave early on Thursday.
I normally fit the shoes
on a Wednesday.
Thank you.
Aluminium doesn't rust.
So it couldn't have been The Unicorn
that kicked Julie-Ann in the head.
So one of these
is potentially our murder weapon?
Let's get SOCO to go through them all.
Even if the shoe is in there,
it's been out in the open for 12 months.
There'll be no DNA.
I'm more interested
in seeing if anyone jumps, Peter.
I can't offer you any protection
if you won't tell me who's doing this.
I haven't asked you for protection.
Someone tried to kill you, Todd.
Maybe next time they'll get lucky.
We know all about
your little racing fiddle.
Riding McNally's horses.
Taking cash to bring
a favourite in second.
Sachs putting rocket fuel
in the long shot.
Who told you about that?
You were riding Brummie's Boy
when it won The Stakes.
We've got CCTV footage of Eddie
putting a lot of money on that race.
We think maybe he was
getting a little bit greedy,
trying to cut the rest of you out.
You think this is about the gambling?
You were all involved in the syndicate,
weren 't you?
I bet it was that stupid bitch!
What bitch?
Fletcher reckons you're the brains
behind the syndicate, Sandra.
What's he on about?
There is no syndicate.
Listen, Jake. We've got a list
of races as long as your arm.
All your horses involved.
Sammy, Todd,
Drummond nobbling the runners.
- Try proving it!
- We have.
And we've passed our evidence
on to the racing authorities.
No doubt you'll be getting a call.
- Who's been talking?
- Oh, that's enough, Jake.
It's because of you
we're in this mess.
We've got to tell them.
They think we're murderers.
Tell them, Jake!
- I'm saying nothing.
- Just bloody tell them!
I'm sick of this lot always hassling us,
thinking we're up to no good.
Sammy had already
got me to buy the horses.
They'd work out what place
they needed to get the best odds.
I didn't understand any of it.
All I had to do
was give them the money.
They gave us back the profits.
And when did it start
to get out of hand?
When I found out
what Jake was up to.
I couldn't believe
he'd been so stupid.
He was still trying to find ways
of getting himself in trouble.
I tried to get them to stop,
I really did.
But Eddie Wilcox just told me
to shut up and enjoy the cash.
And you couldn't say no?
Would you turn down free cash?
Winning that money was the worst
thing that ever happened to us.
So who killed Sammy and why?
I swear to God, I wish I knew.
I've checked, and local police have
been called out to the McNally house
11 times in the past 18 months.
Doesn't surprise me.
What have they been up to?
Well, apart from
Kevin Hogarth's attack on Sandra,
just the usual complaints from neighbours -
wild parties, music on too late -
except for this.
On September 25th last year,
a girl called in an assault.
what service do you require?'
'You've got to help me.'
- 'Can you tell me what's happened?
- Send the police! I've been raped!
Get that stupid bitch off the phone!'
'Caller? Caller? Are you there?'
Eddie could be Eddie Wilcox,
but who's the other voice?
Sammy? Todd?
- Did any officers go round there?
- Yes, sir.
But when they got there,
Julie-Ann gave a statement that she'd
made the call and that it was just a prank.
That didn't sound like
someone joking to me.
Yeah, and 24 hours later
she went missing.
Have we still got those tapes
from Sammy Hogarth's place?
- They're on my desk.
- Right,
I want a voice print analysis
on this recording and on those tapes.
See if we can get any of the voices match.
Come on, Peter.
Hello, Kirsty.
You and Julie-Ann were like sisters.
That was what you said, wasn't it?
You know I did.
We matched your voice to a call
made from the McNallys' house
saying that you'd been raped.
But when the police arrived,
Julie-Ann lied to them.
You must have hated her for that.
I didn't.
I didn't!
We know who did it to you, love.
We've got Sammy Hogarth on tape.
Did Todd attack you, as well?
Is that why you've done all this?
I never touched them! I promise!
We think you did.
Do you mind stepping outside
for a moment?
There's something
I want to show you.
Julie-Ann was hit on the head
with a horseshoe.
- We should find the right one soon.
- What exactly is going on here?
Do you want to tell her or shall I?
We were at Jake's.
One of his stupid parties.
Julie-Ann was always
up there with the lads.
They spiked my drink.
I couldn't remember anything
till I got home, but then,
when I woke up the next day,
I knew exactly what had happened.
What are you talking about?
What lads?
Your staff, Mrs Swainbank.
I came down here to find Julie-Ann,
to tell her what had happened, but
she just laughed it off and told me
I should enjoy the attention.
And so you killed her?
I didn't mean to. I just
I picked up the nearest thing
and hit her with it.
With one of these shoes?
- I tried to bring her back, but
- Why didn't you come to me?
What was the point?
You'd have just slapped their wrists,
like you always do!
No, I wouldn't.
I would have understood.
How could you?!
Because when I was your age
the same thing happened to me.
Move away from her. All of you!
You little bitch!
You killed my sister!
Your sister?! You're Jamie Henshaw?
Come on! This is Dalziel!
Armed response required!
- You killed her!
- I didn't want to hurt her.
- Please believe me, Jamie!
- I killed Sammy for you!
You told me they attacked Julie-Ann!
You were meant to be her friend!
I trusted you!
- Jamie, take it easy.
- Shut it!
Your lot did nothing for my mum
when Julie-Ann went missing.
I'm out in Iraq
and you lot were just sitting on your
arses going through the motions!
So you came back to kill all those
you thought killed your sister.
I understand.
She told me that they raped
and murdered my sister!
Just put down the gun.
She died in here.
It ends here, Kirsty.
Killing Sammy didn't fix anything!
Killing her won't, either!
It's over, Jamie!
It's over!
I'm so sorry, Kirsty.
I had no idea
things were so bad for you.
Do you think
I listen to them, Peter?
- Who?
- The people I'm in charge of.
Is this about Lateef again?
I'm gonna say this one last time, Andy.
His death was not your fault!
He tried to tell me those caves
were dangerous. I should have listened.
- It wouldn't have changed anything!
- That's not true.
Fine. If that's
what you want to believe
Every living thing is born
without reason and dies by chance.
All we can do
is learn from our mistakes.
Been waiting ages for you.
What are you doing here, Jake?
I wanted to make completely sure
You see
I reckon that you really do like me,
but because of your work
It's not because of my work, Jake!
Nothing's ever gonna
happen between us.
Do you fancy me?
- What?
- You heard.
I don't fancy you.
I'm sorry.
What I did, it
it wasn't very nice.
But I had my reasons.
Was anything that you said true?
Some of it.
Like what?
Like the bit about
you being a nice guy.
You gonna visit me in prison, then?
It's been nice meeting you, Jake.
Where is she?
I'm sorry, they took her
a couple of hours ago.
- Who did?
- A foster family, in Leeds.
She deserves a bit of happiness.
I'm sure she'll be well looked after.
But Leeds, for God's sake!