Dalziel and Pascoe (1996) s12e01 Episode Script
Demons on Our Shoulders
Bugger off!
Oi! I've got humbugs
and sweeties and fruit juices.
"Happy Birthday"
No reply.
Sod you, I'm off duty.
Congratulations. Cheers.
Happy Birthday. Ooh!
The victim is a Mrs Jean Hamilton.
- Is there a Mr Hamilton?
- There is.
- But he's not here.
- Doors and windows?
No sign of forced entry.
- Do-it-yourself divorce?
- Nine times out of ten.
Who's this then?
Friends of the victim.
They found the body.
Happy Hallowe'en.
Where's the mess?
- Time of death?
- Two, maybe two-and-a-half hours.
Some time around 8pm then?
Between seven and eight.
It's not your average
Burglar Bill shootin' iron.
We should get onto the Firearms Registry,
see if it's licensed to the husband.
It might've been hers.
That's a 20-bore Purdey. Sidelock.
Probably a self-opening selective ejector.
25-inch barrels. Shortish stock.
Beautiful engraving, looked like
Diana, the huntress, to me.
A lady's gun.
But that's just
my uneducated opinion.
Jean called me this afternoon.
Said how much she was
looking forward to this evening.
Something special on the menu?
- It wasn't just a dinner party
- It was a committee meeting.
We're all members
of a charitable organisation -
the West Riding Dragons.
We're planning a big fundraiser.
Guy is our chairman.
He couldn't have done this.
- Where is he then?
- I have no idea.
Mrs Johnson?
Are you aware of any problems
between Jean and her husband?
I mean, yes, the usual,
but nothing really serious.
Nothing that would
- How long have you known them?
- About 20 years.
You'll be able to tell us
where to find the kids then?
Thank you so much.
Tonight was really special.
It wouldn't have worked without you.
- Well done.
- I've still got a lot to learn.
But you have a real gift.
I'll beat you. I'll beat you all!
Anyone would think we were expected.
When was the last time
you saw your parents, Mrs Taylor?
It was yesterday.
We run the farm, but they own it.
Jean likes liked the stock
and Guy likes to crack the whip
Shut up!
I'm sorry.
We can't be sure that
your father is responsible,
but we have to find him.
Do you have any idea
where he might be?
He did it.
- I'm sorry, I didn't, er
- He did it.
My dad.
- What makes you think?
- He's done it before.
Killed her.
Look at me Look at me!
You'll remember what happened,
but know that it was just
part of the experiment.
The gun was loaded with blanks.
You will feel calm and relaxed.
None of us
is who we think we are.
Hypnotic suggestion can crash
through the firewalls of the ego,
and unleash the darkness within.
When the demons on our shoulders
have us in their power,
any one of us can kill
the thing we love
"Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
by each let this be heard."
Oscar Wilde,
the Ballad Of Reading Gaol.
- When was the programme made?
- Last year.
In the summer.
- It was broadcast last Hallowe'en.
- And exactly 12 months later
I want that bastard arrested!
They were happy.
They loved each other.
Then they volunteered
to be part of his experiment.
He screwed them up.
They weren't the same, not after he twisted
- Katy
- Get off!
What the hell's going on? What is it?
What's happened?
Firearms have confirmed the shotgun
was licensed to Jean Hamilton.
- Any other cannons on the certificate?
- No, sir.
So he's probably not armed.
But he's definitely bloody dangerous.
Why haven't we found him yet?
Any hits on his plastic?
Not yet, sir.
Get the names of the Johnsons'
do-goody dinner guests,
interview them and check out
the Johnsons' statements.
Get a full club membership list
while you're at it.
What are they called?
Uh Missed that bit, didn't we?
The West Riding Dragons.
And since they were
all bosom buddies,
ask 'em if Guy Hamilton's
got any favourite beauty spots
or secluded glory holes.
Any place he might go to ground,
you know.
- Sir.
- Um?
I'm sorry, sir,
but you know that since Monday,
you're not allowed to smoke in this building?
If we assume Guy Hamilton's
elastic hasn't snapped, what's his motive?
Marital breakdown?
He wanted her out of the way
or she threatened to leave and he
didn't fancy losing half his assets?
So, he does a year
and gets a lot of NHS headshrinking,
but he keeps the cash.
If that's his angle
he makes himself easy to catch.
Comes in with his hands up.
Have you done the background
check on son James?
Model citizen. He's an inspector
with the Meat Hygiene Service.
Home address And that's
where he's working this week.
Oh, we are very pleased
with ourselves, aren't we?
Right, it's time to worry the black sheep.
What makes you think
James is a black sheep?
The big family portrait
stuck behind the sideboard.
Maybe they got fed up with it?
Why hide the best one
and keep out loads of others?
You saw them - it was Guy and Jean
and Katherine, and Katherine,
and Katherine again
and even Katherine
and her dopey husband.
But the only photo
that James was in was
Behind the sideboard.
James Hamilton?
We notified your sister last night.
She hasn't called you?
No, we No.
When did you last see your parents?
A month, not for a month at least.
Where were you between
8 and 10pm last night?
You don't think I?
I was at home.
- Alone.
- How did you come by that shiner?
- What?
- Has your father come to you for help?
But you have been in a fight.
Meat Inspectors, we're not popular.
I've had worse.
So he shot her,
just like he did in the programme?
I'm afraid so.
Was there anything else that might have
put your father under unusual stress?
Can I talk to you about this later?
Tell us about the family feud.
What did Katherine tell you?
I had to do it.
Dad was selling bad meat
in all three of his shops.
Not just uninspected,
but some of it unfit for consumption.
I warned them, but
- I had to report it.
- You're telling us you shopped your own father?
I was prosecutor.
There were heavy fines.
He had to sell the shops.
So then he was ruined?
I'd say that counts as unusual stress,
wouldn 't you?
Not ruined, no.
He's still got the farm.
Organic beef. Wild boar.
I think it's doing all right.
Think, or hope?
This isn't your kind of place.
Too bloody true,
but it's your kind of place, isn't it?
Spicer's on her way.
I thought we could have
your birthday do here. On me.
So how old are you?
- Ancient.
- Bloody hell.
I told you.
James, how are you?
- I'm so sorry to hear about
- Yeah, yeah. Look, erm
What can you tell me about the will?
Funny you should mention that.
What about Katherine or James.
One of them might have
arranged an early inheritance?
Massacre Mum, then what?
Dad too?
Hide the corpse and let
a dead man take the blame.
Check out the places where
James Hamilton's been working.
Verify that he did get
clobbered in the line of duty
and not in the process
of scragging his dear old dad.
You not eating that?
Have we, er
found any wills at the house?
Not yet,
they're cracking the safe now.
I've got the name of the family solicitor.
He should have a copy.
David Sargent.
- What is this?
- Correspondence about a law suit.
Sargent's acting on their behalf
to recover a twenty-grand debt.
- Who from?
- Steven Burlow -
he's on your list and one
of the Dragon committee members.
He wasn't at the Johnsons' party though.
Mr Pascoe,
how nice to see you again.
You left in such a hurry last night
you forgot your birthday cake.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Hope to see you all again soon.
- Burlow.
- I know!
Have the bill, please.
Look, all this fuss
for a TV magic show.
You make him sound like Paul Daniels.
Hello. Who are you
and what are you doing on set?
Interfering with a policeman might
be one of your favourite fantasies,
but you really
won't like what I do to YOU.
Detective Inspector Pascoe.
Superintendent Dalziel.
We have reason to believe Mr Knight
can assist us with our inquiries.
Lee can't see anyone now.
He's making preparations
for an extremely dangerous experiment.
- If he makes a mistake he could die
- Oh, dear. How sad. Never mind!
- Lee
- How can I be of assistance?
We're investigating
the murder of Jean Hamilton.
- Murder?
- Murder. No tricks this time.
Last night Guy Hamilton
cut his wife in half with a shotgun.
We can't be held responsible.
They signed
Shall we go somewhere else?
Lee, I've got this
new waterproof make-up.
I need to do a spot test
in case you're allergic.
- Later. - This is important.
- Later! OK.
I spent weeks working with Guy,
neutralising the suggestions I'd implanted.
It was all recorded
and monitored by a psychiatrist.
What about Jean?
She must've needed some help -
- after being shot at?
- And she got it.
The last time I saw them
together they were fine,
looking forward
to seeing the show on air.
And Guy enjoyed it so much
he decided to arrange a private repeat.
Why did you choose them?
The ideal subjects had to be
receptive to subliminal suggestion
and they had to have
a lot of latent aggression.
- And of the hundreds
- Thousands.
of couples who applied,
the Hamiltons were the only ones
who fulfilled those requirements?
- Mm-hm.
- But it can't be done.
Murder's the one thing
you can't MAKE someone do,
not even in a hypnotic trance.
- You can if they want to do it.
- So you made him want to kill his wife?
- Yes.
- Bollocks.
We think we make decisions,
but images, random events,
suggestions planted in advertising
and on TV, they make up our minds for us.
Powerless. You. Open. It's so easy.
The constant barrage.
So easy to forget
what we've seen, or heard.
It's gone. A face. A name. Gone.
Hours, minutes, seconds later.
It works. And even if we knew
what it was, we couldn't name it.
We forget.
Sometimes I spend hours
trying to remember something.
So easy to lose the words,
not able to remember.
You just can't remember.
I'm sorry.
I forget. What's your name?
- What?
- I can't remember your name.
Peter, I think
it's time we were going.
No, please. Prove me wrong.
Prove that it's all bollocks.
What's your name?
Dall Zeal.
Superintendent Dallzeal.
It's OK.
You can remember now.
In principle,
I did the same thing to Guy.
I caused an effect.
Then made it go away.
If Guy killed his wife,
then he staged it
to set up a diminished
responsibility defence
i.e., "Lee Knight made me do it."
You'd better watch it, sunshine.
If you've shorted his synapses
- I told you
- Or even if he's just angling
for a short stretch of anger management
and bingo at Broadmoor,
happen the next thing
he'll do is YOU.
Meet you outside.
Something you wanted to tell me?
How in the hell
do you stand working for him?
It's worse than that.
- I live with him.
- Then I'm sorry. For you.
Yeah, it's tough having
a handsome, charismatic boyfriend.
- You OK?
- Yeah. Why?
You have the "look".
What look?
The "Lee Knight made
me eat my hamster" look.
How could you tell?
Was it the fur between me teeth?
- Pick a card.
- Any card, right?
- Now what?
- Give it to me.
King of Swords.
- So, what's the trick?
- No trick.
It's an answer.
- I didn't ask a question.
- I did.
- Tamzin, everything all right?
- Fine.
I'm sorry.
Let go! Let go of me!
Please, do as she asks. It's OK.
You killed my mother.
I'm gonna see you suffer for it.
One way or another
I'll see you broken.
It looks like King Tut's tomb.
Bet this is what
it smelled like an' all.
We're closed.
Can't you read?
- Mr Steven Burlow?
- Who are you?
Superintendent Dalziel
and this is Inspector Pascoe.
I had nothing to do
with Jean Hamilton's murder.
Who said you did?
That's why you're here, isn't it?
I'm a man with a motive.
We know you're being sued.
Guy would never have done it.
It was Jean, that
De mortuis nil nisi bonum be buggered,
she was a five-star copper-bottomed bitch.
Huh! Not the received opinion.
Not mine either,
until they were pressed for cash -
all because of their
pestilential sneak of a son.
Then gentle Jean
forced Guy to sue me.
He'd said I could take
as long as I wanted to pay it back.
- It was a gentleman's agreement.
- For 20,000 GBP?
We've been friends
for over 40 years.
But it doesn't matter
how long you've known someone
and how much you trust them.
Not Guy It was Jean.
And she'll still get her way -
the estate or Katherine or James,
will get their pound of flesh.
And I shall be bankrupt.
You're assuming Guy's dead, then?
Guy's a man with a conscience
harsher than the judgment of Jehovah.
He'll have killed himself by now.
What were you doing
between eight and ten last night?
I was here.
Drunk as a skunk.
Charles Johnson told us you were
expected at the committee meeting?
The Samhain,
sorry, the Hallowe'en bunfight?
Charles is an optimist.
And good man,
and good friend that he is,
he hoped the oil of social intercourse
would calm the troubled waters. But
If you'd been in the same room
with Jean Hamilton
Rem acu tetigisti -
you have touched the point with a
Needle. You were alone last night?
There was no-one else here?
Only Margaret.
My wife.
Can we speak to her?
Follow me.
Ah, here she is.
She passed over in '96.
So very lovely.
It's perfectly legal.
'Inspector Pascoe for you,
Mr Johnson.'
Poor Steven
a bit of a lost soul.
The decay set in
after his wife died.
She was a very attractive woman.
You've seen her then?
Yes. We all miss her very much.
- What happened to her?
- Sudden death.
Passed over in her sleep.
- What was it? Heart attack, or
- No-one knows.
The post-mortem failed
to determine the cause of death.
The coroner found no reason
to suspect foul play.
Steven was
Is very devoted to her.
Steven told us you were trying
to reconcile him and the Hamiltons?
That's right. Yes.
I understood his point of view,
but Jean and Guy
were terribly hard-pressed.
I met them all at school, you know.
When you've known people that long,
you think you can negotiate a cease fire,
but you just end up dodging
bullets from both directions.
Do you think Steven
could have hurt them?
We started the Dragons together
Jean and Guy
Steven and Margaret Burlow,
Charles and I.
Good days.
Well, they couldn't last.
We've talked to Katherine and James.
Both of them said
Guy and Jean were affected
by taking part in the programme.
As her closest friend,
she would have confided in you
if something was wrong?
Of course.
But they didn't
like to worry people.
They kept their problems
to themselves.
Even when the Charity Commission
Was there some trouble
with the Commission?
Not real trouble.
Petty bureaucracy.
A tempest in a teacup.
Get on to the Commission and find out
everything they've got on the Dragons
Right, especially if they've
ever been under investigation
So how much good
do the do-goody Dragons do?
Well, in the last ten years they've
donated almost 80,000 to worthy causes.
Have they, by Jimmy Christmas?
Remind me to start looking worthy.
Oh, Stick with needy.
You've had the practice.
And you're right.
They are being investigated.
The Commission got a tip off that
money was being misappropriated.
- Who from?
- Anonymous.
The Hamiltons and,
wait for it Steven Burlow,
are both under suspicion.
Well, the Hamiltons were desperate.
Maybe they helped themselves out
with a few thousand from the kitty?
Same goes for Steven Burlow.
Right, Posh, financial checks
on the Hamiltons and Burlow.
Well, I've already made
a start on Jean Hamilton -
bank and credit card statements
Nothing unusual so far, but there
are regular payments to one man.
Now he's in her diary
on a twice weekly basis
and a lot of her
mobile calls are to his number.
All right,
- you've got my full attention.
- Edward Nash.
A hypnotherapist and relationship counsellor.
And guess what
He's a Dragon.
A committee member.
Right, let's go and see him.
Oh, sorry, he's away tonight,
but should be back in his office
tomorrow morning.
You know, every day in every way
you get more bloody useless.
Thank you, sir.
So come, Eros, we invoke thee.
Come and create us anew.
And kill us again!
So come, Thanatos, we invoke thee.
Come kill us again.
And create us anew.
- Come! Come.
- So come, Thanatos.
Last will and testament
of Guy and Jean Hamilton.
In the event of Guy's death,
Jean got everything.
If Jean predeceased Guy,
then the estate is to be split equally
between Katherine and James.
Or if one of them dies
the surviving sibling gets it all.
You're getting grease all over it.
In the event that
the children can't inherit,
the estate passes
to the West Riding Dragons,
to be utilised
at the members' discretion.
How much do you reckon? All told?
With the house and the farm,
it's got to be well over a million.
And maybe a chance for someone
to put the charity books straight?
Someone, meaning Steven Burlow?
A double murder?
And there'd be Kate and James
to knock off as well.
Yeah, point taken.
Right. It's time for us to go rooting
through Jean's Hamilton's
mucky mental laundry.
I saw Jean professionally
for six months.
Frankly I was relieved
when she approached me,
she was obviously in need of help.
- Never off duty, eh?
- Just like a policeman.
Guy was experiencing mood swings
and behaving irrationally.
- Was there any violence?
- Jean was afraid it might come to that.
Did you talk to Guy?
He would never let me help.
Resented what he saw as outside
interference in his private life.
He certainly wasn't
the man I met five years ago.
Is that your way of saying
that Lee Knight screwed him up?
Let me put it this way.
If Knight deprogrammed Guy,
I'd say he botched it.
Please, don't light that,
I share this building with therapists
who have clients
trying to kick the habit.
You finish up here, Peter.
I'll see you outside.
Samantha Mantell.
I can help you with that.
New friend, eh?
Frankly, I'm tempted.
Who wouldn't be?
This your girl?
I don't know.
This one's a nightmare.
What's that carved on her chest?
Like I said, I don't know.
All I can say is this
is the worst I've ever seen.
As you can see, the work
has been performed precisely,
and with a detailed knowledge
of human anatomy.
The killer took their time with this
and it wasn't done here.
So maybe the killer just needed
this much of her for the ritual?
Or the parts that they kept.
I removed some liquid
from her remaining lung.
More on that when it's analysed -
but I'd say it was introduced post-mortem.
I don't think she drowned.
And one other thing
Don't quote me on this,
but it looks like mercury.
When did you last see her?
Last night. We fought. She left
What time?
Late. I don't know 11.
- She pack any bags?
- No.
Do you know where she went?
I don't suppose you've got an alibi?
I can't believe that Guy would
He's a bastard, but not Kate.
She was everything to him.
You think she was with her father?
I don't know.
Who else could have killed her?
Someone who might
profit from her death.
- James?
- You.
I couldn't.
I wouldn't have the guts.
Does this mean anything to you?
So where's the other copy?
In a safe place.
You can destroy it when
I receive my commission.
Self-interest triumphant over grief.
Will you ever mourn your parents?
For as long as
you'll mourn my sister.
How long's he been under?
What's the point?
He's staying under for an hour.
It's mind over matter.
Well, if the bugger drowns,
I won't mind and it won't matter.
Do you want to tell me
what happened last night?
Lee was in his study
until about midnight.
There was a power cut,
and I made sure he was OK.
And then we went to bed.
We were both pretty restless.
I didn't really sleep.
If he'd got out of bed
or left the house I'd have known.
So you were together all night?
That's what I remember.
- But
- But?
He's Lee Knight, isn't he?
Can I be sure that what I remember
is really what happened?
Can I be sure of anything?
Well, no,
there's one thing I am certain of,
if I thought Lee was
capable of killing someone,
I wouldn't still be with him.
- How did you meet?
- I worked on his first series.
Did his slap,
touched up his bald spot. Then
- That old black magic had you in his spell.
- Yeah.
- Should have consulted the Tarot.
- I think Lee stacked the deck.
I keep asking the cards about us,
but I get confusing answers.
Maybe it's not the cards
that are confused?
I've tried to leave him a couple of times.
But he talks to me I stay.
Then don't give him the chance.
Grab your gear and go.
I'd have to leave a lot behind.
Isn't that always the way of it?
Dump the baggage
and it's easier to move on.
There's some baggage
that can't be dumped.
Your face tells me that.
The woman punched me.
That's no reason to kill her.
She was going to sue.
Ruin your career.
You could've lost
everything you've worked for.
Millions maybe.
I didn't harm Katherine.
Apart from mangling her dad's mind.
Have you found him yet?
No. Of course you haven't.
Do you think
he could have killed her?
- It's possible.
- I thought you said you'd fixed him?
In your case, Mr Dalziel,
I think hypnotherapy
represents the best chance of success.
We'll need to use
a saturation technique.
I'd like to see you every day.
Can you make the time?
- Oh, well, I
- It's important.
Make the time and the effort
and you'll succeed.
If the nicotine monkey's still
riding your back next week,
you won't owe me a penny.
- Sounds good to me.
- Good. Now
just close your eyes and relax.
Make yourself
more comfortable if you like.
You're feeling calmer,
more relaxed.
feeling at ease
Safe and supported.
Be aware of the sounds around you.
The sounds are unimportant.
Let them drift away.
Drift away.
Only my voice matters.
Just let go.
Where have you been?
- Right, I give it two days.
- Sod you.
Guy Hamilton didn't do this.
- No?
- He's dead.
If he was alive we would
have found him by now.
He hasn't got any cash or a vehicle.
- That we know of.
- Nah.
It's some bugger else.
- Sir?
- Alibi check on brother James?
He had one. Spent that night
with his girlfriend. And she confirmed.
OK, thanks.
You know,
what we need is a specialist.
A profiler with experience
of occult Jack the Ripper stuff.
I'll get a recommendation from
the National Crime Faculty.
Dr Peta Sinclair.
How in hell did you know that?
I'm a mine of rainy day
pearls of wisdom, me.
Peter Sinclair?
No, Peta
All right. I'll sort it.
Forensics confirmed that
the substance in her eyes is mercury,
it also contains traces
of sulphur and gold
and it has been injected
into the base of her brain.
- Could that have killed her?
- Well, it could, but I can't say that it did.
The fluid in her lung was mostly water,
but there was a significant concentration
of perfluorooctyl bromide -
trade name, Liquadox.
So what's that, some kind
of floor polish or bog cleaner?
No, it's a liquid that's enriched with oxygen,
and used in total liquid ventilation therapy.
It's new and hard to get,
but patients with burned lungs
or premature babies can breathe it
while their lungs heal or develop.
It's a liquid you can
breathe instead of air?
- Yes. I did use Liquadox, but how?
- Where did you get it?
I imported it from the States
under special licence.
I'm impressed.
The tank was filled with water,
then two feet of chilled Liquadox
was introduced at the base.
I was then lowered into that layer.
When you saw me jerking about
that was a reaction to inhaling the liquid.
I nearly had to cancel
the whole stunt
because of the damage to my nose.
Look, I'm curious,
how did you figure it out?
Why is it important?
The pathologist found Liquadox
in Katherine Taylor's lung.
Look, I don't know how
that liquid got into her lungs,
but I had nothing to do
with that woman's death.
Someone must have
taken some from the canisters.
Or got some from the tank.
Try harder.
Surely it's obvious that
someone's trying to frame me.
Satisfy their own agenda,
ruin me as a bonus.
There are hundreds of sad sods out there
who think that I'm the devil incarnate.
I've got the hate mail to prove it.
And you already know
that I was here all night. Tamzin
Would remember
anything you wanted her to.
I wouldn't do that.
Not to Tamzin.
I've never hypnotised her.
Now I know you're lying.
- Here you go.
- Ta.
- Fancy a fag to go with that?
- No
No, I don't.
At least our profiler's
coming in tomorrow.
- Maybe she can make something of that.
- Aye.
I've seen it before
or something bloody close.
Come on, Peter, it's time to knock up
the Corpse Bridegroom.
Doesn't this bugger ever lock up?
- It's not the same, but
- But it's bloody close.
By fire, by tooth, by claw,
blessed be, blessed be.
By fire, by tooth, by claw,
blessed be, blessed be
Come, Thanatos, we invoke thee.
Come, kill us again
and create us anew.
Come Thanatos! We invoke thee!
Kill us again. Come, Thanatos!
Come, Thanatos, kill us again
and create us anew.
Well, he can't see,
he can't move his arms or legs,
but we've scanned, poked,
prodded and pricked him,
and there is no physical damage.
He's not blind or paralysed.
- What is he, then?
- Hysterical.
Well, I'm not laughing.
What about his eyes?
When we found him, they looked like
they belonged to a boiled haddock.
Spasm of the superior rectus muscles,
resulting in the abnormal
elevation of the pupils
and exposure of the sclerotic tunic -
hence the ecstatic zombie look.
Diazepam took care of that.
I killed her.
- Sorry?
- I made the murder happen.
But I didn't think
Guy would be the one who
I didn't think.
Didn't work the conjuration properly.
I evoked a demon.
Sent it to do harm.
I wanted the lawsuit over with.
Jean was responsible.
She HAD to die.
The demon did what I asked.
But, in a way,
that would cause me most pain.
It used Guy.
My oldest friend.
So, you're telling us
you killed Jean Hamilton with magic?
Listen to me. Magic is real.
It works.
Look at me.
I'm proof of the law.
Steven, what did the coven
do to you last night?
The consequences of my actions
caught up with me.
The three-fold return.
Action and reaction,
in physics and metaphysics.
What goes around comes around
but three times worse.
But Jean Hamilton's dead.
You're just
And paralysed.
And when Death comes
and he's coming directly
I'm booked into hell.
Our parents
introduced us to witchcraft.
It was no more sinister
than Christians
teaching their beliefs and values
to their children.
Did Guy and Jean
grow up the same way?
They came to the craft through me.
As did Steven Burlow.
I'll bet he thanks you for that!
- What kind of witches are you?
- Wiccans.
It's a form of spirituality
that celebrates nature
and tries to harmonise with her.
So, basically,
it's an excuse to get your kit off
and frolic in field and stream?
A bit of harmless New Age nudism?
You may recall that we were
fully clothed when you interrupted us.
Right. And Steven Burlow
was terrified, blind and paralysed.
We didn't hurt Steven.
He did that to himself.
The three-fold return?
We were actually working a spell
designed to help Guy
find his way home to the light.
And give back the money
he lifted from your kitty?
We know you're being investigated.
No irregularities
will be discovered.
None of us would
do such a despicable thing.
This is a sigil
a symbol representing a demon.
Which demon?
I don't know. We're not Satanists.
What is this?
Sadistic body art.
The murderer carved it
in Katherine's chest.
Was Katherine into black magic?
Take care.
Well, if I was getting
this kind of hate mail,
I'd be seriously considering
changing me name
and getting plastic surgery.
Change the name,
but never go under the knife.
You think I should
preserve this mug for posterity?
I think it's a face your character
has spent a lifetime building.
Well, I'm no connoisseur, but I'd say
this was a pretty good portrait.
Why didn't he bring
in this stuff himself?
he's hiding from the media.
He's seen the way you react to me.
He wants to convince me
he's being set up,
and he's hoping you'll slip
through the chinks in my armour?
He underestimates you.
Lee doesn't make many mistakes,
but when he does
Ah, here we are.
Andy, the techies have
cracked Guy Hamilton's PC.
We've found drafts of letters
to his solicitor about a new will.
Guy wanted to cut off
son James without a penny.
Everything was going to Katherine.
Soon as I get back,
the solicitor, then James Hamilton.
- Well, how long are you going to be?
- Er about an hour.
We ought to get cracking on this.
Yeah, I know, but, um
OK, right, we'll, er
Look. I'll be back in an hour.
So how's it been?
Not a single fag has touched my lips.
No lapses or cravings?
If a suspect does this when he's
answering you, you know he's lying.
All right.
I did root around
in the kitchen bin for a fag, but
- It was just the once.
- What happened?
I was strung out.
A bad dream.
- Tell me about it.
- I can't.
It's about a case I'm investigating.
That I should be investigating now.
Does that happen often?
Having bad dreams about your cases?
No. Look, can we
Dreams can be a way the unconscious
mind uses to get your attention,
remind you about something
that you've seen or thought,
but not attached
sufficient importance to.
That kind of unconscious message
can even break through when you're awake.
You would call it a hunch.
So don't get anxious.
Pay attention.
OK. Can we
Get on with it? Of course. Now
just relax and close your eyes.
How did you know?
Call it a hunch.
A hunch?
It was a dream, all right?
Last night.
Signs and wonders.
You, acting on a dream.
The end of the world must be nigh.
Is this your father?
It's caught up with them at last,
hasn't it?
I always tried to tell them
there's no such thing
as happy-clappy witch craft.
Did you know your parents
were cutting you out of their will?
Makes sense, though.
After that business
with the prosecution.
Well, as it stands,
you were going to do very nicely.
There's Oliver. I mean,
he'll get Katherine's share, won't he?
No. Because she died within three months
of your parents, you get everything.
No, I couldn't.
You're a master butcher.
Handy with a cleaver.
Do you have any real evidence
that links me to the murders?
Course you don't.
We'll be in touch, James.
So don't you and your alibi go taking
any extended dirty weekends in Rio.
Movie's about to start.
What's that?
Your favourite.
Spanish drinking chocolate
with chilli pepper.
Semolina and
Blackberry jelly.
I'm feeding my inner child.
Your inner child only surfaces when
your inner demons are chasing him.
I feel quite alarmingly
relaxed and jolly, thank you.
Drink your filthy
Spanish drinking chocolate.
Tamzin? Tamzin!
I've examined the will
that DC Spicer brought in,
and it corresponds exactly
with the copy I have on file.
So it's the latest will?
We printed these
from files on Guy Hamilton's PC.
Letters addressed to you
regarding a new will,
that disinherited James Hamilton.
And here it is.
It's not signed.
They made an appointment
to come in and review it
on the 2nd of November.
But, by then, they'd gone wherever
good Wiccans go when they die.
So the old will stands,
and James is the sole beneficiary
now Katherine's dead?
Correct. Unless
He snuffs it within
the next couple of months,
- then the Dragons get everything?
- Correct again.
Not a Dragon yourself, are you?
No. Why?
When I mentioned Wiccans just now,
you didn't bat an eyelid.
Doctors and solicitors,
Superintendent, keepers of secrets.
I've seen you before.
Hallowe'en, leaving the farm.
You almost clobbered my car.
Ah. Then I'm sorry.
Good party?
Katherine was a generous hostess.
How long had you
been sleeping with her?
Oliver told you?
Call it a hunch.
A year, give or take.
Why didn't you
tell us about the affair?
I'm in the legal profession.
I know what harm
too much information can do.
Did you see her the night she died?
Briefly. At the farm.
He could have made
an arrangement with James.
Suppressed the new will
for a share of the estate.
Yeah, but did he kill her for it?
Or just took the opportunity?
Ah, no. Cos if he loved her
Any road,
women come and go.
A percentage is forever.
As you can see, damage to the father
is the mirror image of the daughter.
The entire right half of the torso,
including spine and genitals - gone.
It's the same - I mean identical -
compound of mercury, gold
and sulphur in his eyes and brain.
- Toxicology?
- Negative.
No fluid in the lungs this time.
But it's the same symbol in the chest.
Made with the same kind of blade?
And talking of blades,
the striations left by the saw
are a match.
Can you say what killed him?
He was electrocuted.
Time of death?
He died before she did.
Probably not more than 12 hours
after his wife was killed.
Both sets of prints, from the baths
and from Arkeham,
have the same gouge
in the left sole.
They're size 91/1
Schnelfuss Olympiads.
Pretty rare in the UK,
and very expensive.
Contact all the importers.
They shouldn't be too hard to track down.
Well, I got this from
Lee Knight's official website.
It was a charity event
in London last July.
Yes, I've got a pair of these.
Did you wear them at Arkeham House
when you did the immersion stunt?
No. Why?
Can we see them, please?
Sure. Come this way.
I don't understand it.
I wore them a couple of weeks ago.
- Maybe Tamzin could help us find them?
- She's not here.
- So I've noticed. Try her mobile.
- She's not answering.
Do you know where she is?
Someone is trying to set me up.
Jean Hamilton and her daughter.
The Liquadox in her lungs.
Now you're asking about trainers
I might've worn at Arkeham.
And I can't find them.
What have you found there?
At Arkeham?
Guy Hamilton. Or what's left of him.
We have to find Tamzin.
She's in danger.
When Tamzin brought in the hate mail,
she told me she'd been
trying to shake Knight for yonks.
What did you say?
Told her how, I suppose.
Maybe helped her make up her mind.
Well, Peter. Whatever some bastard
might, or more likely might not,
be trying to do to Mr Mephistopheles,
Tamzin leaving the bugger
is just a coincidence.
I'm not worried.
We should get a warrant,
search this place properly.
By all means.
Organise a trainer hunt. Me?
I'm going back to see young Oliver.
I want to know why he didn't tell us
Sargent was at the farm
the night Katherine was killed.
So now you think he might
have got violent afterwards?
And maybe we should have questioned
him yesterday, when I suggested it.
What was it?
A spell that went wrong?
It was going right,
until you saved me.
That's the thanks you get
for French kissing him
back to the land of the living.
It looked like a pathetic
fantasy suicide to me.
A curse feeds off the energy
that you give it.
You feed a curse with a life force,
it can do anything.
The Japanese say that a suicide
is meant to kill two people.
Mine would have.
Why didn't you tell us about
Katherine and the slimy solicitor?
You're scared of him.
He's a powerful magus.
It was his fault
that Katherine died.
- Eh?
- That last evening,
we worked a ritual.
They evoked a spirit,
sent it to do Knight harm.
Knight must be protected, or it was
worked wrong, and Katherine
The three-fold return?
Three-fold again?
One of you lot should try a hospital
corners curse, might be safer.
Mr and Mrs Johnson!
Fancy meeting you here.
Brought Oliver some Lucozade
and Maltesers, have you?
We're on our way to see Steven.
Visiting hours are over, you know.
We felt we had to come.
That Steven needed us.
He complained of agonising chest
pains and then went into arrest.
We brought him round twice,
but the third time
Goodnight, goodbye and good luck.
He died three times?
Yeah, you could say that.
The three-fold return.
Hello. May I speak to Mr Dalziel
or Mr Pascoe, please?
- I'm afraid they're not here, Mr Knight.
- Lee.
Well, could you
try the incident room for me?
Incident room?
Sorry, there doesn't
seem to be anybody up there.
Never mind.
Can you give them
a message for me?
Of course.
What the hell are you doing in here?
Trying to help.
I could arrest you for this!
Do you realise that in three minutes
you could be at your desk, reading a file,
but not remembering
how you got there?
- You couldn't do that.
- Did the desk clerk tell you I was here?
- Where's the Fat Controller?
- Well, he's
That nickname.
My wife came up with it.
Your ex-wife.
You still love her.
It's in your voice.
- But the nickname? I
- Think of a name. Any name you like.
Look at me and see it.
See the letters.
W it starts with.
Wieldy. Right?
I don't believe. It must be a trick.
Course it's a trick.
Pluck out the heart of my mystery,
would you?
It's a question of seeing things
others don't know how to see.
Concentrated observation.
I've made a fortune from it.
I'm an asset. Use me.
No, I
No matter what the Fat Controller
thinks, I love Tamzin.
She's in trouble. I know it.
I can show you
what that sigil means.
And tell you why it's there.
You're looking cheerful.
I am.
Thanks for the advice.
So what happens next?
I use it to condition volunteers.
I'm a connoisseur of stimuli.
The right ones
awaken powerful resonances.
The demons on our shoulders
whistle in our ears
and we dance to their tune.
Did you use this on Guy Hamilton?
What is this book?
The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
A "who's who" and "how to"
of demons,
and the methods of forcing them
to follow your bidding.
This one's about 500 years old
and worth more than this house.
A genuine grimoire?
I didn't think these things
really existed.
The demon Andraseth?
"Visitur forma angelica."
Andraseth has an angel's body
and a raven's head.
"His sharp sword
can kill the magician."
So you'd better think twice
before you disturb him.
But someone did.
Probably using one of the more
dangerous editions of this grimoire.
And so your killer, who believes
in this stuff, got possessed.
What's the point of marking
the corpses with the symbol?
As a seal of ownership.
And the mercury, gold and sulphur?
Spiritual superglue.
Your killer intends to
trade for his freedom.
The demon inside him gets to take
possession of a composite body
and all the souls within it.
So he's totally insane?
Or right.
It's a matter of faith.
Not yours?
A circle of art?
If your enemy believes in guns,
you'd better
believe in bullet-proof vests.
Magicians believe
it can't be penetrated
so, inside it, I'm safe.
Better safe than sorry.
now you realise the kind of utterly
lost soul you're looking for?
Which is why you're
so worried about Tamzin.
Good morning, Doctor Sinclair.
Can I ask for a professional opinion?
You can ask, but I can't guarantee
I'll be able to answer.
Supposing somebody
believed they were cursed.
And that the curse would kill them.
Could they actually die
because of it?
Because of the belief?
Is this hypothetical,
or part of an investigation?
The power of auto-suggestion
can be fatal.
Happens all the time.
Specially with voodoo.
That's a prime example of
Excuse me.
It's my fault.
If I hadn't called her in.
It's the same killer.
The symbol's been
carved on her chest.
This time he's taken just the arms.
Have you seen the footprints?
We've got trainer prints,
from the mess on the floor.
- A match for the other scenes.
- Lee Knight?
No. He wouldn't be stupid enough
to wear them again.
It tends to prove his point.
Someone IS trying to set him up.
They wouldn't know
you'd spoken to him about them.
Or he could be three jumps ahead of us,
playing some kind of weird double bluff.
Time of death?
Reasonably educated guess -
between four and five this morning.
The computer had hibernated
and when SOCO were dusting for prints,
- it woke up.
- And?
This was the last thing
she was working on.
It's her analysis of the case files.
Print it.
Invocation is an invitation
to a demon
to take temporary possession of the
magician's body.
For someone suffering
from dissociative disorder,
this is potentially catastrophic.
She means they might
take up squatters rights?
So the person thinks
they're possessed, yes?
Blah, blah, blah.
"Symbol and the mercury are part of a ritual
"designed to free the killer
from the perceived possession.
"Unable, at this time,
to identify the symbol."
I have.
Lee Knight told me.
He was waiting for me, here,
when you dropped me off.
- I went back to his place.
- You what?
He showed me the symbol
in some old book.
And he explained
what the killer's doing.
It's just like it says here,
but the point
of taking the parts of the bodies
is to make a new one
as a sort of sacrifice
to the possessing spirit.
The killer's trying to get
the monkey off his back.
And Knight knows this. How?
He's an expert.
He'd know it if he was the killer,
wouldn't he?
Can I get him to call you back?
No, wait a minute,
he's just walked in. Sir?
What? Anonymous caller.
She'll only speak to you.
Hello, love.
I'm glad to hear your voice. We
I need to meet you.
It's Lee.
He killed them. I've got evidence.
What kind of evidence?
I need to see you.
I can meet you anywhere, but
Do you know Wolden's Hill?
Of course I know it.
But can't you
just come into the station?
No, no, I can't.
All right. What time?
At 11.
Tamzin where are you?
I've had heart attacks, you know!
I can see how you managed
to slip away from Knight.
Lee did it.
He killed them.
I saw the photos, Peter.
The search team can't find
anything at Wolden's Hill.
Or at Knight's house.
He's burned 'em by now, hasn't he?
And Christ knows
what he's done with Tamzin.
Did you see him on the hill?
No. I told you, I turned
You should get that neck looked at.
- No.
- Let me see.
It looks like
a couple of insect bites, or burns.
A taser.
You got zapped by a taser.
Scarman thought that
Guy Hamilton had been electrocuted.
That's how the victims
are being immobilised.
- I wonder where he's hidden it.
- We can't hold him, Andy.
- You should've seen those bloody photographs.
- I wish I had.
But charge him,
on the strength of missing trainers
and photographs that we don't have?
The president of the Lee Knight
Fan Club has spoken. Well, guess what?
- I'm not bloody listening!
- It's not him. I know it.
You spent hours with the bugger.
Let him fiddle with your frontal lobes
while me back was turned.
It only took him a minute
to make me forget my name!
It's not him.
Call it a hunch.
Shut up.
Oh, no.
What is it?
When I said we needed a profiler
and I told you about Sinclair
I asked how you knew about her.
I didn't know how I knew about her.
I went to Arkeham House
because of a dream.
I dreamed Guy Hamilton was there.
When Tamzin called
and asked to meet on Wolden's Hill
I'd already dreamed
I'd met her there.
I don't understand.
Have you seen me smoking?
Your hypnotherapist?
Samantha Mantell.
How could I have been
so bloody stupid?
Samantha Mantell!
Open up! Police!
Does the name Samantha Mantell
mean anything to you?
One of these is from the DVLA,
the other is her passport photo.
It's Hannah.
Hannah Cross. She was a student.
One of my students at Oxford.
- What's she done?
- Looks like you knew her pretty well.
- Intimately. What's she got to do with this?
- Who dumped who?
- I walked away.
- Why?
Hannah got hooked on Hermetic magic.
It got uncomfortable to be around her.
- Who hooked her?
- I introduced her to all kinds of magic, but
Was the break up acrimonious?
She sort of stalked me
for a few months,
then she dropped out of college.
I don't know why.
Has she hurt Tamzin? Is that it?
Do you have any idea
where she might go to ground
- if she was being hunted?
- No.
No, I haven't.
What's happened to Tamzin?
Like you care!
I've seen the way you treat her.
No, you haven't.
You have no idea of
Of what?
We've got no right to hold him.
He's one cannon
I can stop from getting loose.
So he stays here for as long
as I can wangle it. For his own safety.
Yeah, right!
A magical alias.
Many of us use them.
- Who brought her into the group?
- Katherine.
In the days before she left us
and took the left-hand path.
When, exactly?
Before or after Guy and Jean had been
in Lee Knight's experimental murder?
Not long after.
Why didn't you include her
in your list of members?
She's one of 50 or 60 visiting witches
about whom we know very little,
or nothing.
Some even wear masks
to hide their faces.
Thank you very much, good evening.
No, please, please.
Oh, please! No! No!
Hannah Cross dropped out of college
because she was hospitalised.
Dissociative identity disorder?
Yeah. And her doctor was
Peta Sinclair.
The treatment was pretty brutal.
Electroconvulsive therapy
and some experimental drugs.
Hannah changed her name
by deed poll to Samantha Mantell
a year after her discharge from hospital.
The Fingerprint Bureau
have matched fingerprints
found in Mantell's house
to prints lifted from Tamzin's
things at Knight's house,
and her prints
were on the tarot cards.
Lee Knight's on the phone.
It can't be.
He's banged up downstairs.
Where the bloody hell are you?
Hannah broke into my house.
She left a
call it a challenge.
She's got Tamzin here
at Dallowgill Woods.
At the standing stones on the hill.
The Grey Friars.
Knight, stay away from her.
You know what she wants.
She's gonna kill you.
Let her try.
Let us sort out this bloody mess.
Yeah, right?!
You've done such a great job so far!
Look, I've got to do this.
Hold on.
A fool for love.
Still crazy after all these years.
My name is legion. For we are many.
But not after tonight.
I'd ask you to give me a hand,
but what I need is your head! Your head!
- Tamzin?
- Your head!
Lord of three score legions,
forgive me.
Accept this gift of angelic form.
Take these souls from me.
Accept this sacrifice.
I beg that you hear me!
I beg that you hear me!
I beg that you spare me.
Pardon one who has been your servant.
I beg that you hear me!
I beg that you hear me!
No. No. No.
Get out!
Get out! Get
I'm here!
Oh, my God!
Are you OK?
Where is she?
What was left of her mind broke
when the ritual didn't work.
- Didn't it?
- It couldn't have.
you don't have to worry about her.
Ironic, isn't it?
She hypnotised me,
made me do it.
I was beginning to think Lee
was so guilty of all kinds of things.
He was my guardian angel.
I thought you might like these back.
King of Swords. Remember?
What does it mean?
Someone fair,
perceptive and kind.
A soldier or a law-maker.
Someone who would
free me from the past.
And from danger.
You did all you could.
I'm sorry about Lee. I
Keep it.
For luck.
Look after yourself.
Oi! I've got humbugs
and sweeties and fruit juices.
"Happy Birthday"
No reply.
Sod you, I'm off duty.
Congratulations. Cheers.
Happy Birthday. Ooh!
The victim is a Mrs Jean Hamilton.
- Is there a Mr Hamilton?
- There is.
- But he's not here.
- Doors and windows?
No sign of forced entry.
- Do-it-yourself divorce?
- Nine times out of ten.
Who's this then?
Friends of the victim.
They found the body.
Happy Hallowe'en.
Where's the mess?
- Time of death?
- Two, maybe two-and-a-half hours.
Some time around 8pm then?
Between seven and eight.
It's not your average
Burglar Bill shootin' iron.
We should get onto the Firearms Registry,
see if it's licensed to the husband.
It might've been hers.
That's a 20-bore Purdey. Sidelock.
Probably a self-opening selective ejector.
25-inch barrels. Shortish stock.
Beautiful engraving, looked like
Diana, the huntress, to me.
A lady's gun.
But that's just
my uneducated opinion.
Jean called me this afternoon.
Said how much she was
looking forward to this evening.
Something special on the menu?
- It wasn't just a dinner party
- It was a committee meeting.
We're all members
of a charitable organisation -
the West Riding Dragons.
We're planning a big fundraiser.
Guy is our chairman.
He couldn't have done this.
- Where is he then?
- I have no idea.
Mrs Johnson?
Are you aware of any problems
between Jean and her husband?
I mean, yes, the usual,
but nothing really serious.
Nothing that would
- How long have you known them?
- About 20 years.
You'll be able to tell us
where to find the kids then?
Thank you so much.
Tonight was really special.
It wouldn't have worked without you.
- Well done.
- I've still got a lot to learn.
But you have a real gift.
I'll beat you. I'll beat you all!
Anyone would think we were expected.
When was the last time
you saw your parents, Mrs Taylor?
It was yesterday.
We run the farm, but they own it.
Jean likes liked the stock
and Guy likes to crack the whip
Shut up!
I'm sorry.
We can't be sure that
your father is responsible,
but we have to find him.
Do you have any idea
where he might be?
He did it.
- I'm sorry, I didn't, er
- He did it.
My dad.
- What makes you think?
- He's done it before.
Killed her.
Look at me Look at me!
You'll remember what happened,
but know that it was just
part of the experiment.
The gun was loaded with blanks.
You will feel calm and relaxed.
None of us
is who we think we are.
Hypnotic suggestion can crash
through the firewalls of the ego,
and unleash the darkness within.
When the demons on our shoulders
have us in their power,
any one of us can kill
the thing we love
"Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
by each let this be heard."
Oscar Wilde,
the Ballad Of Reading Gaol.
- When was the programme made?
- Last year.
In the summer.
- It was broadcast last Hallowe'en.
- And exactly 12 months later
I want that bastard arrested!
They were happy.
They loved each other.
Then they volunteered
to be part of his experiment.
He screwed them up.
They weren't the same, not after he twisted
- Katy
- Get off!
What the hell's going on? What is it?
What's happened?
Firearms have confirmed the shotgun
was licensed to Jean Hamilton.
- Any other cannons on the certificate?
- No, sir.
So he's probably not armed.
But he's definitely bloody dangerous.
Why haven't we found him yet?
Any hits on his plastic?
Not yet, sir.
Get the names of the Johnsons'
do-goody dinner guests,
interview them and check out
the Johnsons' statements.
Get a full club membership list
while you're at it.
What are they called?
Uh Missed that bit, didn't we?
The West Riding Dragons.
And since they were
all bosom buddies,
ask 'em if Guy Hamilton's
got any favourite beauty spots
or secluded glory holes.
Any place he might go to ground,
you know.
- Sir.
- Um?
I'm sorry, sir,
but you know that since Monday,
you're not allowed to smoke in this building?
If we assume Guy Hamilton's
elastic hasn't snapped, what's his motive?
Marital breakdown?
He wanted her out of the way
or she threatened to leave and he
didn't fancy losing half his assets?
So, he does a year
and gets a lot of NHS headshrinking,
but he keeps the cash.
If that's his angle
he makes himself easy to catch.
Comes in with his hands up.
Have you done the background
check on son James?
Model citizen. He's an inspector
with the Meat Hygiene Service.
Home address And that's
where he's working this week.
Oh, we are very pleased
with ourselves, aren't we?
Right, it's time to worry the black sheep.
What makes you think
James is a black sheep?
The big family portrait
stuck behind the sideboard.
Maybe they got fed up with it?
Why hide the best one
and keep out loads of others?
You saw them - it was Guy and Jean
and Katherine, and Katherine,
and Katherine again
and even Katherine
and her dopey husband.
But the only photo
that James was in was
Behind the sideboard.
James Hamilton?
We notified your sister last night.
She hasn't called you?
No, we No.
When did you last see your parents?
A month, not for a month at least.
Where were you between
8 and 10pm last night?
You don't think I?
I was at home.
- Alone.
- How did you come by that shiner?
- What?
- Has your father come to you for help?
But you have been in a fight.
Meat Inspectors, we're not popular.
I've had worse.
So he shot her,
just like he did in the programme?
I'm afraid so.
Was there anything else that might have
put your father under unusual stress?
Can I talk to you about this later?
Tell us about the family feud.
What did Katherine tell you?
I had to do it.
Dad was selling bad meat
in all three of his shops.
Not just uninspected,
but some of it unfit for consumption.
I warned them, but
- I had to report it.
- You're telling us you shopped your own father?
I was prosecutor.
There were heavy fines.
He had to sell the shops.
So then he was ruined?
I'd say that counts as unusual stress,
wouldn 't you?
Not ruined, no.
He's still got the farm.
Organic beef. Wild boar.
I think it's doing all right.
Think, or hope?
This isn't your kind of place.
Too bloody true,
but it's your kind of place, isn't it?
Spicer's on her way.
I thought we could have
your birthday do here. On me.
So how old are you?
- Ancient.
- Bloody hell.
I told you.
James, how are you?
- I'm so sorry to hear about
- Yeah, yeah. Look, erm
What can you tell me about the will?
Funny you should mention that.
What about Katherine or James.
One of them might have
arranged an early inheritance?
Massacre Mum, then what?
Dad too?
Hide the corpse and let
a dead man take the blame.
Check out the places where
James Hamilton's been working.
Verify that he did get
clobbered in the line of duty
and not in the process
of scragging his dear old dad.
You not eating that?
Have we, er
found any wills at the house?
Not yet,
they're cracking the safe now.
I've got the name of the family solicitor.
He should have a copy.
David Sargent.
- What is this?
- Correspondence about a law suit.
Sargent's acting on their behalf
to recover a twenty-grand debt.
- Who from?
- Steven Burlow -
he's on your list and one
of the Dragon committee members.
He wasn't at the Johnsons' party though.
Mr Pascoe,
how nice to see you again.
You left in such a hurry last night
you forgot your birthday cake.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Hope to see you all again soon.
- Burlow.
- I know!
Have the bill, please.
Look, all this fuss
for a TV magic show.
You make him sound like Paul Daniels.
Hello. Who are you
and what are you doing on set?
Interfering with a policeman might
be one of your favourite fantasies,
but you really
won't like what I do to YOU.
Detective Inspector Pascoe.
Superintendent Dalziel.
We have reason to believe Mr Knight
can assist us with our inquiries.
Lee can't see anyone now.
He's making preparations
for an extremely dangerous experiment.
- If he makes a mistake he could die
- Oh, dear. How sad. Never mind!
- Lee
- How can I be of assistance?
We're investigating
the murder of Jean Hamilton.
- Murder?
- Murder. No tricks this time.
Last night Guy Hamilton
cut his wife in half with a shotgun.
We can't be held responsible.
They signed
Shall we go somewhere else?
Lee, I've got this
new waterproof make-up.
I need to do a spot test
in case you're allergic.
- Later. - This is important.
- Later! OK.
I spent weeks working with Guy,
neutralising the suggestions I'd implanted.
It was all recorded
and monitored by a psychiatrist.
What about Jean?
She must've needed some help -
- after being shot at?
- And she got it.
The last time I saw them
together they were fine,
looking forward
to seeing the show on air.
And Guy enjoyed it so much
he decided to arrange a private repeat.
Why did you choose them?
The ideal subjects had to be
receptive to subliminal suggestion
and they had to have
a lot of latent aggression.
- And of the hundreds
- Thousands.
of couples who applied,
the Hamiltons were the only ones
who fulfilled those requirements?
- Mm-hm.
- But it can't be done.
Murder's the one thing
you can't MAKE someone do,
not even in a hypnotic trance.
- You can if they want to do it.
- So you made him want to kill his wife?
- Yes.
- Bollocks.
We think we make decisions,
but images, random events,
suggestions planted in advertising
and on TV, they make up our minds for us.
Powerless. You. Open. It's so easy.
The constant barrage.
So easy to forget
what we've seen, or heard.
It's gone. A face. A name. Gone.
Hours, minutes, seconds later.
It works. And even if we knew
what it was, we couldn't name it.
We forget.
Sometimes I spend hours
trying to remember something.
So easy to lose the words,
not able to remember.
You just can't remember.
I'm sorry.
I forget. What's your name?
- What?
- I can't remember your name.
Peter, I think
it's time we were going.
No, please. Prove me wrong.
Prove that it's all bollocks.
What's your name?
Dall Zeal.
Superintendent Dallzeal.
It's OK.
You can remember now.
In principle,
I did the same thing to Guy.
I caused an effect.
Then made it go away.
If Guy killed his wife,
then he staged it
to set up a diminished
responsibility defence
i.e., "Lee Knight made me do it."
You'd better watch it, sunshine.
If you've shorted his synapses
- I told you
- Or even if he's just angling
for a short stretch of anger management
and bingo at Broadmoor,
happen the next thing
he'll do is YOU.
Meet you outside.
Something you wanted to tell me?
How in the hell
do you stand working for him?
It's worse than that.
- I live with him.
- Then I'm sorry. For you.
Yeah, it's tough having
a handsome, charismatic boyfriend.
- You OK?
- Yeah. Why?
You have the "look".
What look?
The "Lee Knight made
me eat my hamster" look.
How could you tell?
Was it the fur between me teeth?
- Pick a card.
- Any card, right?
- Now what?
- Give it to me.
King of Swords.
- So, what's the trick?
- No trick.
It's an answer.
- I didn't ask a question.
- I did.
- Tamzin, everything all right?
- Fine.
I'm sorry.
Let go! Let go of me!
Please, do as she asks. It's OK.
You killed my mother.
I'm gonna see you suffer for it.
One way or another
I'll see you broken.
It looks like King Tut's tomb.
Bet this is what
it smelled like an' all.
We're closed.
Can't you read?
- Mr Steven Burlow?
- Who are you?
Superintendent Dalziel
and this is Inspector Pascoe.
I had nothing to do
with Jean Hamilton's murder.
Who said you did?
That's why you're here, isn't it?
I'm a man with a motive.
We know you're being sued.
Guy would never have done it.
It was Jean, that
De mortuis nil nisi bonum be buggered,
she was a five-star copper-bottomed bitch.
Huh! Not the received opinion.
Not mine either,
until they were pressed for cash -
all because of their
pestilential sneak of a son.
Then gentle Jean
forced Guy to sue me.
He'd said I could take
as long as I wanted to pay it back.
- It was a gentleman's agreement.
- For 20,000 GBP?
We've been friends
for over 40 years.
But it doesn't matter
how long you've known someone
and how much you trust them.
Not Guy It was Jean.
And she'll still get her way -
the estate or Katherine or James,
will get their pound of flesh.
And I shall be bankrupt.
You're assuming Guy's dead, then?
Guy's a man with a conscience
harsher than the judgment of Jehovah.
He'll have killed himself by now.
What were you doing
between eight and ten last night?
I was here.
Drunk as a skunk.
Charles Johnson told us you were
expected at the committee meeting?
The Samhain,
sorry, the Hallowe'en bunfight?
Charles is an optimist.
And good man,
and good friend that he is,
he hoped the oil of social intercourse
would calm the troubled waters. But
If you'd been in the same room
with Jean Hamilton
Rem acu tetigisti -
you have touched the point with a
Needle. You were alone last night?
There was no-one else here?
Only Margaret.
My wife.
Can we speak to her?
Follow me.
Ah, here she is.
She passed over in '96.
So very lovely.
It's perfectly legal.
'Inspector Pascoe for you,
Mr Johnson.'
Poor Steven
a bit of a lost soul.
The decay set in
after his wife died.
She was a very attractive woman.
You've seen her then?
Yes. We all miss her very much.
- What happened to her?
- Sudden death.
Passed over in her sleep.
- What was it? Heart attack, or
- No-one knows.
The post-mortem failed
to determine the cause of death.
The coroner found no reason
to suspect foul play.
Steven was
Is very devoted to her.
Steven told us you were trying
to reconcile him and the Hamiltons?
That's right. Yes.
I understood his point of view,
but Jean and Guy
were terribly hard-pressed.
I met them all at school, you know.
When you've known people that long,
you think you can negotiate a cease fire,
but you just end up dodging
bullets from both directions.
Do you think Steven
could have hurt them?
We started the Dragons together
Jean and Guy
Steven and Margaret Burlow,
Charles and I.
Good days.
Well, they couldn't last.
We've talked to Katherine and James.
Both of them said
Guy and Jean were affected
by taking part in the programme.
As her closest friend,
she would have confided in you
if something was wrong?
Of course.
But they didn't
like to worry people.
They kept their problems
to themselves.
Even when the Charity Commission
Was there some trouble
with the Commission?
Not real trouble.
Petty bureaucracy.
A tempest in a teacup.
Get on to the Commission and find out
everything they've got on the Dragons
Right, especially if they've
ever been under investigation
So how much good
do the do-goody Dragons do?
Well, in the last ten years they've
donated almost 80,000 to worthy causes.
Have they, by Jimmy Christmas?
Remind me to start looking worthy.
Oh, Stick with needy.
You've had the practice.
And you're right.
They are being investigated.
The Commission got a tip off that
money was being misappropriated.
- Who from?
- Anonymous.
The Hamiltons and,
wait for it Steven Burlow,
are both under suspicion.
Well, the Hamiltons were desperate.
Maybe they helped themselves out
with a few thousand from the kitty?
Same goes for Steven Burlow.
Right, Posh, financial checks
on the Hamiltons and Burlow.
Well, I've already made
a start on Jean Hamilton -
bank and credit card statements
Nothing unusual so far, but there
are regular payments to one man.
Now he's in her diary
on a twice weekly basis
and a lot of her
mobile calls are to his number.
All right,
- you've got my full attention.
- Edward Nash.
A hypnotherapist and relationship counsellor.
And guess what
He's a Dragon.
A committee member.
Right, let's go and see him.
Oh, sorry, he's away tonight,
but should be back in his office
tomorrow morning.
You know, every day in every way
you get more bloody useless.
Thank you, sir.
So come, Eros, we invoke thee.
Come and create us anew.
And kill us again!
So come, Thanatos, we invoke thee.
Come kill us again.
And create us anew.
- Come! Come.
- So come, Thanatos.
Last will and testament
of Guy and Jean Hamilton.
In the event of Guy's death,
Jean got everything.
If Jean predeceased Guy,
then the estate is to be split equally
between Katherine and James.
Or if one of them dies
the surviving sibling gets it all.
You're getting grease all over it.
In the event that
the children can't inherit,
the estate passes
to the West Riding Dragons,
to be utilised
at the members' discretion.
How much do you reckon? All told?
With the house and the farm,
it's got to be well over a million.
And maybe a chance for someone
to put the charity books straight?
Someone, meaning Steven Burlow?
A double murder?
And there'd be Kate and James
to knock off as well.
Yeah, point taken.
Right. It's time for us to go rooting
through Jean's Hamilton's
mucky mental laundry.
I saw Jean professionally
for six months.
Frankly I was relieved
when she approached me,
she was obviously in need of help.
- Never off duty, eh?
- Just like a policeman.
Guy was experiencing mood swings
and behaving irrationally.
- Was there any violence?
- Jean was afraid it might come to that.
Did you talk to Guy?
He would never let me help.
Resented what he saw as outside
interference in his private life.
He certainly wasn't
the man I met five years ago.
Is that your way of saying
that Lee Knight screwed him up?
Let me put it this way.
If Knight deprogrammed Guy,
I'd say he botched it.
Please, don't light that,
I share this building with therapists
who have clients
trying to kick the habit.
You finish up here, Peter.
I'll see you outside.
Samantha Mantell.
I can help you with that.
New friend, eh?
Frankly, I'm tempted.
Who wouldn't be?
This your girl?
I don't know.
This one's a nightmare.
What's that carved on her chest?
Like I said, I don't know.
All I can say is this
is the worst I've ever seen.
As you can see, the work
has been performed precisely,
and with a detailed knowledge
of human anatomy.
The killer took their time with this
and it wasn't done here.
So maybe the killer just needed
this much of her for the ritual?
Or the parts that they kept.
I removed some liquid
from her remaining lung.
More on that when it's analysed -
but I'd say it was introduced post-mortem.
I don't think she drowned.
And one other thing
Don't quote me on this,
but it looks like mercury.
When did you last see her?
Last night. We fought. She left
What time?
Late. I don't know 11.
- She pack any bags?
- No.
Do you know where she went?
I don't suppose you've got an alibi?
I can't believe that Guy would
He's a bastard, but not Kate.
She was everything to him.
You think she was with her father?
I don't know.
Who else could have killed her?
Someone who might
profit from her death.
- James?
- You.
I couldn't.
I wouldn't have the guts.
Does this mean anything to you?
So where's the other copy?
In a safe place.
You can destroy it when
I receive my commission.
Self-interest triumphant over grief.
Will you ever mourn your parents?
For as long as
you'll mourn my sister.
How long's he been under?
What's the point?
He's staying under for an hour.
It's mind over matter.
Well, if the bugger drowns,
I won't mind and it won't matter.
Do you want to tell me
what happened last night?
Lee was in his study
until about midnight.
There was a power cut,
and I made sure he was OK.
And then we went to bed.
We were both pretty restless.
I didn't really sleep.
If he'd got out of bed
or left the house I'd have known.
So you were together all night?
That's what I remember.
- But
- But?
He's Lee Knight, isn't he?
Can I be sure that what I remember
is really what happened?
Can I be sure of anything?
Well, no,
there's one thing I am certain of,
if I thought Lee was
capable of killing someone,
I wouldn't still be with him.
- How did you meet?
- I worked on his first series.
Did his slap,
touched up his bald spot. Then
- That old black magic had you in his spell.
- Yeah.
- Should have consulted the Tarot.
- I think Lee stacked the deck.
I keep asking the cards about us,
but I get confusing answers.
Maybe it's not the cards
that are confused?
I've tried to leave him a couple of times.
But he talks to me I stay.
Then don't give him the chance.
Grab your gear and go.
I'd have to leave a lot behind.
Isn't that always the way of it?
Dump the baggage
and it's easier to move on.
There's some baggage
that can't be dumped.
Your face tells me that.
The woman punched me.
That's no reason to kill her.
She was going to sue.
Ruin your career.
You could've lost
everything you've worked for.
Millions maybe.
I didn't harm Katherine.
Apart from mangling her dad's mind.
Have you found him yet?
No. Of course you haven't.
Do you think
he could have killed her?
- It's possible.
- I thought you said you'd fixed him?
In your case, Mr Dalziel,
I think hypnotherapy
represents the best chance of success.
We'll need to use
a saturation technique.
I'd like to see you every day.
Can you make the time?
- Oh, well, I
- It's important.
Make the time and the effort
and you'll succeed.
If the nicotine monkey's still
riding your back next week,
you won't owe me a penny.
- Sounds good to me.
- Good. Now
just close your eyes and relax.
Make yourself
more comfortable if you like.
You're feeling calmer,
more relaxed.
feeling at ease
Safe and supported.
Be aware of the sounds around you.
The sounds are unimportant.
Let them drift away.
Drift away.
Only my voice matters.
Just let go.
Where have you been?
- Right, I give it two days.
- Sod you.
Guy Hamilton didn't do this.
- No?
- He's dead.
If he was alive we would
have found him by now.
He hasn't got any cash or a vehicle.
- That we know of.
- Nah.
It's some bugger else.
- Sir?
- Alibi check on brother James?
He had one. Spent that night
with his girlfriend. And she confirmed.
OK, thanks.
You know,
what we need is a specialist.
A profiler with experience
of occult Jack the Ripper stuff.
I'll get a recommendation from
the National Crime Faculty.
Dr Peta Sinclair.
How in hell did you know that?
I'm a mine of rainy day
pearls of wisdom, me.
Peter Sinclair?
No, Peta
All right. I'll sort it.
Forensics confirmed that
the substance in her eyes is mercury,
it also contains traces
of sulphur and gold
and it has been injected
into the base of her brain.
- Could that have killed her?
- Well, it could, but I can't say that it did.
The fluid in her lung was mostly water,
but there was a significant concentration
of perfluorooctyl bromide -
trade name, Liquadox.
So what's that, some kind
of floor polish or bog cleaner?
No, it's a liquid that's enriched with oxygen,
and used in total liquid ventilation therapy.
It's new and hard to get,
but patients with burned lungs
or premature babies can breathe it
while their lungs heal or develop.
It's a liquid you can
breathe instead of air?
- Yes. I did use Liquadox, but how?
- Where did you get it?
I imported it from the States
under special licence.
I'm impressed.
The tank was filled with water,
then two feet of chilled Liquadox
was introduced at the base.
I was then lowered into that layer.
When you saw me jerking about
that was a reaction to inhaling the liquid.
I nearly had to cancel
the whole stunt
because of the damage to my nose.
Look, I'm curious,
how did you figure it out?
Why is it important?
The pathologist found Liquadox
in Katherine Taylor's lung.
Look, I don't know how
that liquid got into her lungs,
but I had nothing to do
with that woman's death.
Someone must have
taken some from the canisters.
Or got some from the tank.
Try harder.
Surely it's obvious that
someone's trying to frame me.
Satisfy their own agenda,
ruin me as a bonus.
There are hundreds of sad sods out there
who think that I'm the devil incarnate.
I've got the hate mail to prove it.
And you already know
that I was here all night. Tamzin
Would remember
anything you wanted her to.
I wouldn't do that.
Not to Tamzin.
I've never hypnotised her.
Now I know you're lying.
- Here you go.
- Ta.
- Fancy a fag to go with that?
- No
No, I don't.
At least our profiler's
coming in tomorrow.
- Maybe she can make something of that.
- Aye.
I've seen it before
or something bloody close.
Come on, Peter, it's time to knock up
the Corpse Bridegroom.
Doesn't this bugger ever lock up?
- It's not the same, but
- But it's bloody close.
By fire, by tooth, by claw,
blessed be, blessed be.
By fire, by tooth, by claw,
blessed be, blessed be
Come, Thanatos, we invoke thee.
Come, kill us again
and create us anew.
Come Thanatos! We invoke thee!
Kill us again. Come, Thanatos!
Come, Thanatos, kill us again
and create us anew.
Well, he can't see,
he can't move his arms or legs,
but we've scanned, poked,
prodded and pricked him,
and there is no physical damage.
He's not blind or paralysed.
- What is he, then?
- Hysterical.
Well, I'm not laughing.
What about his eyes?
When we found him, they looked like
they belonged to a boiled haddock.
Spasm of the superior rectus muscles,
resulting in the abnormal
elevation of the pupils
and exposure of the sclerotic tunic -
hence the ecstatic zombie look.
Diazepam took care of that.
I killed her.
- Sorry?
- I made the murder happen.
But I didn't think
Guy would be the one who
I didn't think.
Didn't work the conjuration properly.
I evoked a demon.
Sent it to do harm.
I wanted the lawsuit over with.
Jean was responsible.
She HAD to die.
The demon did what I asked.
But, in a way,
that would cause me most pain.
It used Guy.
My oldest friend.
So, you're telling us
you killed Jean Hamilton with magic?
Listen to me. Magic is real.
It works.
Look at me.
I'm proof of the law.
Steven, what did the coven
do to you last night?
The consequences of my actions
caught up with me.
The three-fold return.
Action and reaction,
in physics and metaphysics.
What goes around comes around
but three times worse.
But Jean Hamilton's dead.
You're just
And paralysed.
And when Death comes
and he's coming directly
I'm booked into hell.
Our parents
introduced us to witchcraft.
It was no more sinister
than Christians
teaching their beliefs and values
to their children.
Did Guy and Jean
grow up the same way?
They came to the craft through me.
As did Steven Burlow.
I'll bet he thanks you for that!
- What kind of witches are you?
- Wiccans.
It's a form of spirituality
that celebrates nature
and tries to harmonise with her.
So, basically,
it's an excuse to get your kit off
and frolic in field and stream?
A bit of harmless New Age nudism?
You may recall that we were
fully clothed when you interrupted us.
Right. And Steven Burlow
was terrified, blind and paralysed.
We didn't hurt Steven.
He did that to himself.
The three-fold return?
We were actually working a spell
designed to help Guy
find his way home to the light.
And give back the money
he lifted from your kitty?
We know you're being investigated.
No irregularities
will be discovered.
None of us would
do such a despicable thing.
This is a sigil
a symbol representing a demon.
Which demon?
I don't know. We're not Satanists.
What is this?
Sadistic body art.
The murderer carved it
in Katherine's chest.
Was Katherine into black magic?
Take care.
Well, if I was getting
this kind of hate mail,
I'd be seriously considering
changing me name
and getting plastic surgery.
Change the name,
but never go under the knife.
You think I should
preserve this mug for posterity?
I think it's a face your character
has spent a lifetime building.
Well, I'm no connoisseur, but I'd say
this was a pretty good portrait.
Why didn't he bring
in this stuff himself?
he's hiding from the media.
He's seen the way you react to me.
He wants to convince me
he's being set up,
and he's hoping you'll slip
through the chinks in my armour?
He underestimates you.
Lee doesn't make many mistakes,
but when he does
Ah, here we are.
Andy, the techies have
cracked Guy Hamilton's PC.
We've found drafts of letters
to his solicitor about a new will.
Guy wanted to cut off
son James without a penny.
Everything was going to Katherine.
Soon as I get back,
the solicitor, then James Hamilton.
- Well, how long are you going to be?
- Er about an hour.
We ought to get cracking on this.
Yeah, I know, but, um
OK, right, we'll, er
Look. I'll be back in an hour.
So how's it been?
Not a single fag has touched my lips.
No lapses or cravings?
If a suspect does this when he's
answering you, you know he's lying.
All right.
I did root around
in the kitchen bin for a fag, but
- It was just the once.
- What happened?
I was strung out.
A bad dream.
- Tell me about it.
- I can't.
It's about a case I'm investigating.
That I should be investigating now.
Does that happen often?
Having bad dreams about your cases?
No. Look, can we
Dreams can be a way the unconscious
mind uses to get your attention,
remind you about something
that you've seen or thought,
but not attached
sufficient importance to.
That kind of unconscious message
can even break through when you're awake.
You would call it a hunch.
So don't get anxious.
Pay attention.
OK. Can we
Get on with it? Of course. Now
just relax and close your eyes.
How did you know?
Call it a hunch.
A hunch?
It was a dream, all right?
Last night.
Signs and wonders.
You, acting on a dream.
The end of the world must be nigh.
Is this your father?
It's caught up with them at last,
hasn't it?
I always tried to tell them
there's no such thing
as happy-clappy witch craft.
Did you know your parents
were cutting you out of their will?
Makes sense, though.
After that business
with the prosecution.
Well, as it stands,
you were going to do very nicely.
There's Oliver. I mean,
he'll get Katherine's share, won't he?
No. Because she died within three months
of your parents, you get everything.
No, I couldn't.
You're a master butcher.
Handy with a cleaver.
Do you have any real evidence
that links me to the murders?
Course you don't.
We'll be in touch, James.
So don't you and your alibi go taking
any extended dirty weekends in Rio.
Movie's about to start.
What's that?
Your favourite.
Spanish drinking chocolate
with chilli pepper.
Semolina and
Blackberry jelly.
I'm feeding my inner child.
Your inner child only surfaces when
your inner demons are chasing him.
I feel quite alarmingly
relaxed and jolly, thank you.
Drink your filthy
Spanish drinking chocolate.
Tamzin? Tamzin!
I've examined the will
that DC Spicer brought in,
and it corresponds exactly
with the copy I have on file.
So it's the latest will?
We printed these
from files on Guy Hamilton's PC.
Letters addressed to you
regarding a new will,
that disinherited James Hamilton.
And here it is.
It's not signed.
They made an appointment
to come in and review it
on the 2nd of November.
But, by then, they'd gone wherever
good Wiccans go when they die.
So the old will stands,
and James is the sole beneficiary
now Katherine's dead?
Correct. Unless
He snuffs it within
the next couple of months,
- then the Dragons get everything?
- Correct again.
Not a Dragon yourself, are you?
No. Why?
When I mentioned Wiccans just now,
you didn't bat an eyelid.
Doctors and solicitors,
Superintendent, keepers of secrets.
I've seen you before.
Hallowe'en, leaving the farm.
You almost clobbered my car.
Ah. Then I'm sorry.
Good party?
Katherine was a generous hostess.
How long had you
been sleeping with her?
Oliver told you?
Call it a hunch.
A year, give or take.
Why didn't you
tell us about the affair?
I'm in the legal profession.
I know what harm
too much information can do.
Did you see her the night she died?
Briefly. At the farm.
He could have made
an arrangement with James.
Suppressed the new will
for a share of the estate.
Yeah, but did he kill her for it?
Or just took the opportunity?
Ah, no. Cos if he loved her
Any road,
women come and go.
A percentage is forever.
As you can see, damage to the father
is the mirror image of the daughter.
The entire right half of the torso,
including spine and genitals - gone.
It's the same - I mean identical -
compound of mercury, gold
and sulphur in his eyes and brain.
- Toxicology?
- Negative.
No fluid in the lungs this time.
But it's the same symbol in the chest.
Made with the same kind of blade?
And talking of blades,
the striations left by the saw
are a match.
Can you say what killed him?
He was electrocuted.
Time of death?
He died before she did.
Probably not more than 12 hours
after his wife was killed.
Both sets of prints, from the baths
and from Arkeham,
have the same gouge
in the left sole.
They're size 91/1
Schnelfuss Olympiads.
Pretty rare in the UK,
and very expensive.
Contact all the importers.
They shouldn't be too hard to track down.
Well, I got this from
Lee Knight's official website.
It was a charity event
in London last July.
Yes, I've got a pair of these.
Did you wear them at Arkeham House
when you did the immersion stunt?
No. Why?
Can we see them, please?
Sure. Come this way.
I don't understand it.
I wore them a couple of weeks ago.
- Maybe Tamzin could help us find them?
- She's not here.
- So I've noticed. Try her mobile.
- She's not answering.
Do you know where she is?
Someone is trying to set me up.
Jean Hamilton and her daughter.
The Liquadox in her lungs.
Now you're asking about trainers
I might've worn at Arkeham.
And I can't find them.
What have you found there?
At Arkeham?
Guy Hamilton. Or what's left of him.
We have to find Tamzin.
She's in danger.
When Tamzin brought in the hate mail,
she told me she'd been
trying to shake Knight for yonks.
What did you say?
Told her how, I suppose.
Maybe helped her make up her mind.
Well, Peter. Whatever some bastard
might, or more likely might not,
be trying to do to Mr Mephistopheles,
Tamzin leaving the bugger
is just a coincidence.
I'm not worried.
We should get a warrant,
search this place properly.
By all means.
Organise a trainer hunt. Me?
I'm going back to see young Oliver.
I want to know why he didn't tell us
Sargent was at the farm
the night Katherine was killed.
So now you think he might
have got violent afterwards?
And maybe we should have questioned
him yesterday, when I suggested it.
What was it?
A spell that went wrong?
It was going right,
until you saved me.
That's the thanks you get
for French kissing him
back to the land of the living.
It looked like a pathetic
fantasy suicide to me.
A curse feeds off the energy
that you give it.
You feed a curse with a life force,
it can do anything.
The Japanese say that a suicide
is meant to kill two people.
Mine would have.
Why didn't you tell us about
Katherine and the slimy solicitor?
You're scared of him.
He's a powerful magus.
It was his fault
that Katherine died.
- Eh?
- That last evening,
we worked a ritual.
They evoked a spirit,
sent it to do Knight harm.
Knight must be protected, or it was
worked wrong, and Katherine
The three-fold return?
Three-fold again?
One of you lot should try a hospital
corners curse, might be safer.
Mr and Mrs Johnson!
Fancy meeting you here.
Brought Oliver some Lucozade
and Maltesers, have you?
We're on our way to see Steven.
Visiting hours are over, you know.
We felt we had to come.
That Steven needed us.
He complained of agonising chest
pains and then went into arrest.
We brought him round twice,
but the third time
Goodnight, goodbye and good luck.
He died three times?
Yeah, you could say that.
The three-fold return.
Hello. May I speak to Mr Dalziel
or Mr Pascoe, please?
- I'm afraid they're not here, Mr Knight.
- Lee.
Well, could you
try the incident room for me?
Incident room?
Sorry, there doesn't
seem to be anybody up there.
Never mind.
Can you give them
a message for me?
Of course.
What the hell are you doing in here?
Trying to help.
I could arrest you for this!
Do you realise that in three minutes
you could be at your desk, reading a file,
but not remembering
how you got there?
- You couldn't do that.
- Did the desk clerk tell you I was here?
- Where's the Fat Controller?
- Well, he's
That nickname.
My wife came up with it.
Your ex-wife.
You still love her.
It's in your voice.
- But the nickname? I
- Think of a name. Any name you like.
Look at me and see it.
See the letters.
W it starts with.
Wieldy. Right?
I don't believe. It must be a trick.
Course it's a trick.
Pluck out the heart of my mystery,
would you?
It's a question of seeing things
others don't know how to see.
Concentrated observation.
I've made a fortune from it.
I'm an asset. Use me.
No, I
No matter what the Fat Controller
thinks, I love Tamzin.
She's in trouble. I know it.
I can show you
what that sigil means.
And tell you why it's there.
You're looking cheerful.
I am.
Thanks for the advice.
So what happens next?
I use it to condition volunteers.
I'm a connoisseur of stimuli.
The right ones
awaken powerful resonances.
The demons on our shoulders
whistle in our ears
and we dance to their tune.
Did you use this on Guy Hamilton?
What is this book?
The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
A "who's who" and "how to"
of demons,
and the methods of forcing them
to follow your bidding.
This one's about 500 years old
and worth more than this house.
A genuine grimoire?
I didn't think these things
really existed.
The demon Andraseth?
"Visitur forma angelica."
Andraseth has an angel's body
and a raven's head.
"His sharp sword
can kill the magician."
So you'd better think twice
before you disturb him.
But someone did.
Probably using one of the more
dangerous editions of this grimoire.
And so your killer, who believes
in this stuff, got possessed.
What's the point of marking
the corpses with the symbol?
As a seal of ownership.
And the mercury, gold and sulphur?
Spiritual superglue.
Your killer intends to
trade for his freedom.
The demon inside him gets to take
possession of a composite body
and all the souls within it.
So he's totally insane?
Or right.
It's a matter of faith.
Not yours?
A circle of art?
If your enemy believes in guns,
you'd better
believe in bullet-proof vests.
Magicians believe
it can't be penetrated
so, inside it, I'm safe.
Better safe than sorry.
now you realise the kind of utterly
lost soul you're looking for?
Which is why you're
so worried about Tamzin.
Good morning, Doctor Sinclair.
Can I ask for a professional opinion?
You can ask, but I can't guarantee
I'll be able to answer.
Supposing somebody
believed they were cursed.
And that the curse would kill them.
Could they actually die
because of it?
Because of the belief?
Is this hypothetical,
or part of an investigation?
The power of auto-suggestion
can be fatal.
Happens all the time.
Specially with voodoo.
That's a prime example of
Excuse me.
It's my fault.
If I hadn't called her in.
It's the same killer.
The symbol's been
carved on her chest.
This time he's taken just the arms.
Have you seen the footprints?
We've got trainer prints,
from the mess on the floor.
- A match for the other scenes.
- Lee Knight?
No. He wouldn't be stupid enough
to wear them again.
It tends to prove his point.
Someone IS trying to set him up.
They wouldn't know
you'd spoken to him about them.
Or he could be three jumps ahead of us,
playing some kind of weird double bluff.
Time of death?
Reasonably educated guess -
between four and five this morning.
The computer had hibernated
and when SOCO were dusting for prints,
- it woke up.
- And?
This was the last thing
she was working on.
It's her analysis of the case files.
Print it.
Invocation is an invitation
to a demon
to take temporary possession of the
magician's body.
For someone suffering
from dissociative disorder,
this is potentially catastrophic.
She means they might
take up squatters rights?
So the person thinks
they're possessed, yes?
Blah, blah, blah.
"Symbol and the mercury are part of a ritual
"designed to free the killer
from the perceived possession.
"Unable, at this time,
to identify the symbol."
I have.
Lee Knight told me.
He was waiting for me, here,
when you dropped me off.
- I went back to his place.
- You what?
He showed me the symbol
in some old book.
And he explained
what the killer's doing.
It's just like it says here,
but the point
of taking the parts of the bodies
is to make a new one
as a sort of sacrifice
to the possessing spirit.
The killer's trying to get
the monkey off his back.
And Knight knows this. How?
He's an expert.
He'd know it if he was the killer,
wouldn't he?
Can I get him to call you back?
No, wait a minute,
he's just walked in. Sir?
What? Anonymous caller.
She'll only speak to you.
Hello, love.
I'm glad to hear your voice. We
I need to meet you.
It's Lee.
He killed them. I've got evidence.
What kind of evidence?
I need to see you.
I can meet you anywhere, but
Do you know Wolden's Hill?
Of course I know it.
But can't you
just come into the station?
No, no, I can't.
All right. What time?
At 11.
Tamzin where are you?
I've had heart attacks, you know!
I can see how you managed
to slip away from Knight.
Lee did it.
He killed them.
I saw the photos, Peter.
The search team can't find
anything at Wolden's Hill.
Or at Knight's house.
He's burned 'em by now, hasn't he?
And Christ knows
what he's done with Tamzin.
Did you see him on the hill?
No. I told you, I turned
You should get that neck looked at.
- No.
- Let me see.
It looks like
a couple of insect bites, or burns.
A taser.
You got zapped by a taser.
Scarman thought that
Guy Hamilton had been electrocuted.
That's how the victims
are being immobilised.
- I wonder where he's hidden it.
- We can't hold him, Andy.
- You should've seen those bloody photographs.
- I wish I had.
But charge him,
on the strength of missing trainers
and photographs that we don't have?
The president of the Lee Knight
Fan Club has spoken. Well, guess what?
- I'm not bloody listening!
- It's not him. I know it.
You spent hours with the bugger.
Let him fiddle with your frontal lobes
while me back was turned.
It only took him a minute
to make me forget my name!
It's not him.
Call it a hunch.
Shut up.
Oh, no.
What is it?
When I said we needed a profiler
and I told you about Sinclair
I asked how you knew about her.
I didn't know how I knew about her.
I went to Arkeham House
because of a dream.
I dreamed Guy Hamilton was there.
When Tamzin called
and asked to meet on Wolden's Hill
I'd already dreamed
I'd met her there.
I don't understand.
Have you seen me smoking?
Your hypnotherapist?
Samantha Mantell.
How could I have been
so bloody stupid?
Samantha Mantell!
Open up! Police!
Does the name Samantha Mantell
mean anything to you?
One of these is from the DVLA,
the other is her passport photo.
It's Hannah.
Hannah Cross. She was a student.
One of my students at Oxford.
- What's she done?
- Looks like you knew her pretty well.
- Intimately. What's she got to do with this?
- Who dumped who?
- I walked away.
- Why?
Hannah got hooked on Hermetic magic.
It got uncomfortable to be around her.
- Who hooked her?
- I introduced her to all kinds of magic, but
Was the break up acrimonious?
She sort of stalked me
for a few months,
then she dropped out of college.
I don't know why.
Has she hurt Tamzin? Is that it?
Do you have any idea
where she might go to ground
- if she was being hunted?
- No.
No, I haven't.
What's happened to Tamzin?
Like you care!
I've seen the way you treat her.
No, you haven't.
You have no idea of
Of what?
We've got no right to hold him.
He's one cannon
I can stop from getting loose.
So he stays here for as long
as I can wangle it. For his own safety.
Yeah, right!
A magical alias.
Many of us use them.
- Who brought her into the group?
- Katherine.
In the days before she left us
and took the left-hand path.
When, exactly?
Before or after Guy and Jean had been
in Lee Knight's experimental murder?
Not long after.
Why didn't you include her
in your list of members?
She's one of 50 or 60 visiting witches
about whom we know very little,
or nothing.
Some even wear masks
to hide their faces.
Thank you very much, good evening.
No, please, please.
Oh, please! No! No!
Hannah Cross dropped out of college
because she was hospitalised.
Dissociative identity disorder?
Yeah. And her doctor was
Peta Sinclair.
The treatment was pretty brutal.
Electroconvulsive therapy
and some experimental drugs.
Hannah changed her name
by deed poll to Samantha Mantell
a year after her discharge from hospital.
The Fingerprint Bureau
have matched fingerprints
found in Mantell's house
to prints lifted from Tamzin's
things at Knight's house,
and her prints
were on the tarot cards.
Lee Knight's on the phone.
It can't be.
He's banged up downstairs.
Where the bloody hell are you?
Hannah broke into my house.
She left a
call it a challenge.
She's got Tamzin here
at Dallowgill Woods.
At the standing stones on the hill.
The Grey Friars.
Knight, stay away from her.
You know what she wants.
She's gonna kill you.
Let her try.
Let us sort out this bloody mess.
Yeah, right?!
You've done such a great job so far!
Look, I've got to do this.
Hold on.
A fool for love.
Still crazy after all these years.
My name is legion. For we are many.
But not after tonight.
I'd ask you to give me a hand,
but what I need is your head! Your head!
- Tamzin?
- Your head!
Lord of three score legions,
forgive me.
Accept this gift of angelic form.
Take these souls from me.
Accept this sacrifice.
I beg that you hear me!
I beg that you hear me!
I beg that you spare me.
Pardon one who has been your servant.
I beg that you hear me!
I beg that you hear me!
No. No. No.
Get out!
Get out! Get
I'm here!
Oh, my God!
Are you OK?
Where is she?
What was left of her mind broke
when the ritual didn't work.
- Didn't it?
- It couldn't have.
you don't have to worry about her.
Ironic, isn't it?
She hypnotised me,
made me do it.
I was beginning to think Lee
was so guilty of all kinds of things.
He was my guardian angel.
I thought you might like these back.
King of Swords. Remember?
What does it mean?
Someone fair,
perceptive and kind.
A soldier or a law-maker.
Someone who would
free me from the past.
And from danger.
You did all you could.
I'm sorry about Lee. I
Keep it.
For luck.
Look after yourself.