Dalziel and Pascoe (1996) s12e02 Episode Script
Project Aphrodite
Light it. Light it! Go!
Hello. Eternus.
How may I help you?
Yeah. One moment,
I'll just put you through.
I'm afraid
his line's busy at the moment.
Would you like to go through
to his voicemail?
OK. Yeah, I'll just connect you now.
Good evening, Mr Furst.
Fran Cunningham.
I'm call screening.
Leave a message.
You evil bastards.
You people make me sick. You
"Step On" by Happy Mondays
Doctors have been transplanting
livers, kidneys and hearts
for over 40 years. But faces
have always been different.
Should they be successful,
doctors plan to remove the nose,
lips and chin from the donor face.
I didn't know the system crashed,
so you're lucky I'm still here.
Just once, could you try saying,
"Thank you, Adam"?
I'm missing CSI for this.
Can't anyone turn
the bloody lights off in this place?
Oh, my God.
- So, tell me.
- You're chirpy, sir, considering.
Grumpiness isn't a requisite part
of being in charge, Posh.
- What time did they find the body?
- A few minutes past nine.
Victim's name's Declan Roach.
25 years old and a student
in the biosciences department.
Not exactly Brave New World,
this place.
The problem with this country is,
it's been suffocated by red tape.
There's your sodding form.
Now, when do I get me case back?
- You'll hear from us when we've located it.
- How long will that take?
We open again at 6am. Hopefully,
we'll have some news for you then.
My car and house keys are in that case!
So, how did he die?
- Asphyxiation.
- There's no sign of a ligature.
And there's the puzzle.
I can't be sure,
but I think that's our culprit.
Liquid nitrogen?
This is a sealed clean room.
If that tank did leak, it would have
sucked all the oxygen out of the air.
May as well be on Mars, because you
wouldn't be able to breathe in here.
- Well, why didn't he walk out again?
- I just look at the bodies.
You wouldn't know an alpha carbon
molecule if it actually said to you,
"I'm an alpha carbon molecule.
"Watch me deprotonise"!
The state of you, Matt.
Haven't you got a supervision in the morning?
I'm sick of having to help
the lazy little shits.
Someone probably said
the same thing about you once.
Yeah, well, they couldn't
say it about me now.
- Having a PhD had better be worth all this.
- Two more months and we'll know.
Come on. Get up!
We've got to drag
superswot away from the lab.
He's determined
to make us all look bad.
Right now, Declan's not
the one making you look bad.
What's going on?
Here, hold that.
- So where did you say you'd been?
- I didn't.
- Now then, let me have a guess.
- Australia!
- Yeah, that'll be why, then.
- Why what?
You've fried your face.
They've got a hole in their ozone layer.
Just get on with it,
or I'll be giving you a hole in yours.
You were here very late.
We had problems
with our GK9000 support server.
Which took you into
the clean room where Declan died?
The lights were on.
Then I saw the body.
And no-one else was around?
Did Declan normally work this late?
Don't know. Ask Security.
Did you know him, personally?
Not really.
He'd bellyache if he had computer
problems, like the rest of them.
I'd see him around the labs
and on campus,
but he wasn't someone I'd be mates with.
- What do you mean?
- He was a tub-thumping little prick.
Always banging on about something.
So are we done?
- Sir?
- Thank you.
It's in here.
There was no sign of forced entry.
A warning?
To who?
Dead? Declan?
My worst nightmare.
You had nothing to do with it.
Obviously I had
nothing to do with it, Aimee!
All I meant was
it must have been an accident.
It wasn't.
They released the rats, as well.
We know what this was all about.
Science Saves.
So what are you going to do?
Go to the police?
No. Not yet.
Why not?
I never lied.
Not to you, to her, or anyone else.
It doesn't matter.
What the hell's going on?
- What do you mean, Andy?
- With the station?
- Asbestos.
- Oh, I might have guessed.
More bloody health and safety.
This whole place
is going to the knackers'.
Where are we meant to work?
We're in temporary offices
up the road.
Well, come on.
Get a move on, the day's half over.
- What time is it?
- About seven.
Get a shirt and a shift on.
- Who is it?
- No-one!
Oh! So now I'm no-one, am I?
- I'll be out in ten minutes.
- I could come in and wait.
Memo to self.
Check with Dan Gaston about
DNA repair enzyme RAD-54.
Why didn't you use sun screen?
Do I strike you as a man
who worries about his skin?
So, are you going
to tell me what I've missed?
Well, nothing much has happened.
Nothing much?
I've been gone five weeks.
I've never known
bugger all happen in that time.
We wrapped up the Turner case,
Michael Wheeler's
been scheduled for the trial,
er, there was a hit and run
on the Yallaton Road
and we've had
an asbestos scare at the station.
The paperwork's
sitting on your desk.
Yeah, wherever that may be.
You look tired. Late night?
We had a suspicious death
at the uni.
A student in the science department.
Declan Roach.
We've set up an incident room down there.
I knew there was something.
We'll need a list of his fellow
students, all his professors.
And, er, have you talked
to friends and family?
No. I've been sitting on my arse.
I've got Spicer
interviewing his friends
and I'm meeting his
head of department this morning.
Fair dinkums.
You can tell me the rest in the car.
Someone tampered with the
nitrogen tank and the lock on the door.
- Prints, DNA?
- Clean.
No accident, then?
It'd be a random way
to murder someone.
So this Declan might not
have been the intended victim.
What about the syringe
that was found?
The blood in the syringe
was HIV positive.
- Was it Declan's?
- No.
Have you confirmed
the cause of death yet?
- As suspected, nitrogen poisoning.
- Nothing else suspicious?
Toxicology found traces
of methamphetamine in his blood.
Oh, crystal meth.
Dealing with a bit of a party boy,
are we?
Loads of students
use crystal meth as a study aid.
Speaking from experience, are you?
- Don't be daft.
- You know something, Peter?
I'm getting the distinct impression
my return might not be a welcome one.
So what is it?
Nothing. I've just got used
to working on me own, that's all.
- And now I'm back to piss on your chips?
- I didn't say that.
Not in so many words.
Did it ever occur to you I might not be overjoyed
to be back in bleeding Blighty meself?
- Aren't you?
- You're not the only one suffering
a mid-life crisis round here.
Get back to the university
and chew over the friends and colleagues.
I'm going to see what mess
I can find in the family's dirty laundry.
- Morning.
- What's going on, Matt?
- What happened to Declan?
- No-one knows yet.
You wouldn't tell
us the truth even if you did know.
You're only looking for gossip.
But Declan was
a friend of mine, Aimee,
so I'd be careful what I say,
if I were you.
Now, continue with your practicals.
Shout if you need my help.
'Please look into the mirror.
Please open your eyes wider.
'Please move a little closer.
'Please move a little closer.'
Is that it?
This allows you to access
everywhere you'll need to go.
Please keep it with you at all times.
No need to look so worried, love.
- Never been a guinea pig before?
- No.
Oh, well, best free holiday
you'll get this year, I'm telling you.
Not that I'm doing it
for a holiday, like. I wish!
No, our Jack's eighteen next month.
Only wants a car!
Well, of course, his lazy
sod of a father won't cough up,
so it's down to muggins here, as usual.
- Sorry, what's your name, love?
- Liz. Liz Reid.
Oh, right. Grace.
I did this one drug trial
for diet pills about two years ago now.
I put on half a stone!
The bastards gave me the placebo.
- Well, I hope you sued them.
- Well, you can't, though, can you?
- They've got themselves covered all ways.
- Ladies, welcome.
I'm Joe Furst, MD here at Eternus.
Thank you for taking part
in our phase one clinical trial.
Now, there's a lot riding
on the next few days. So no pressure!
- Any questions?
- (Yeah. When do we get paid?)
OK, so if you've all signed your
consent forms, we'll go through.
And if I fill the form in online,
how long will it take to process?
That's what I like about you Aussies.
You just get on with it.
Yeah. Thanks.
Are you from the council?
About the car?
He's police, love.
About the car?
Just a couple of questions,
Mr Roach.
What happened here?
Er, animal rights.
Because of Declan's research.
He said,
"lgnore them, Mam, they're all talk."
How long has it been going on?
About a month.
We've had dog shit
smeared on the front door,
a firework through the letterbox.
And then, last night
And they thought
our Declan was cruel.
What was he doing at university
to make these people target you?
Well, he never told us,
and we wouldn't have understood
if he had.
Don't know where
he got his brains from.
Not us.
He was just born clever.
Tell him about the car.
He knows about the car, love.
Here you are, love.
- You smoke, then?
- Recently gave up.
He's never liked it
when I smoked inside, you know.
Is he all right?
He can't be more than 50.
About a year ago, he put the key
in the ignition of his truck
and couldn't remember what to do next.
Doctors said he's just unlucky.
Getting unluckier by the minute, eh?
I've been told
by some of the other students
that the two of you
were having a relationship.
Damn it!
People like to gossip.
- So?
- We had sex a few times.
Not even very good sex.
- It wasn't a relationship.
- But you were close?
- As close as you could get to Declan.
- Meaning?
Meaning he was totally committed
to his research, hugely ambitious,
and never tried to hide the fact.
He also worked ridiculous hours
and could be majorly antisocial.
- Teacher's pet, was he?
- No way.
He and Cunningham
couldn't stand each other.
Why not? Clash of egos?
Declan said she wasn't doing
pure scientific research any more,
that she'd sold herself
to the highest bidder.
- Sounds nasty.
- Actually
the word he used in his
formal complaint was "prostituted".
She's not here.
They were working together?
Declan was researching under her
supervision for the last 18 months.
Prior to that, he was
one of the best undergrads
Well, THE best, actually.
What was he doing, exactly?
- Anything to do with HIV research?
- Oh, no. No.
Nanofabricated structures
is all I can say for sure.
If you need specific details,
you'd better speak with
Professor Cunningham.
- Glyceraldehyde 3
- Not a scientist yourself, then?
No. I run the department.
So you could get me a copy
of Declan's personal files?
Well, I'm sure I could find someone
to do that, yes Where's Fran?
At a symposium in Harrogate.
The keynote speaker dropped out.
I do wish people
would tell me these things.
I did.
Has she been informed of Declan's death?
I've left messages,
but she hasn't called back.
So, what are you looking for?
I'll know when I find it, love.
He was always a messy little bugger.
Don't know how he'd have coped
if he lived on his own.
His being a student for so long must
have put a strain on your finances.
Oh, well, it was Declan
I felt sorry for. I mean,
we used to try and help him out,
but then, with Kieran
having to give up work, it
Declan had debts?
I don't know how
I'm going to pay them off,
and keep our heads above water.
His debts aren't your problem.
It hasn't really sunk in.
You know, that he's gone.
I keep expecting
Whoever's been doing this to us
they killed him, didn't they?
It's hard to say, love.
You sent it all to the labs?
Seemed our best bet.
Might be nothing.
Might be the answer to
life, love and the universe.
Man is not born to solve
the problem of the universe,
but to find out what he has to do.
You've got to stop reading
those ice-lolly sticks, Peter.
The beneficial societal
and ethical implications
of nanoscale science
and technology are huge.
But with a tabloid culture that can
barely spell "genetically modified",
but wants it banned, how do you
begin to spread that message?
Nature is full of design flaws
that we'd like to fix.
And in molecular nanoscience,
we're doing just that -
fighting mankind's oldest enemy -
disease. Our weapons?
Biochemical compounds a million times
smaller than a grain of sand.
- Fran, hi.
- Hi.
I still haven't had
a chance to read your paper.
- Marcus, thank you for coming.
- Pleasure. Great presentation.
I know your face from somewhere.
June Gray.
We met last year in Seoul.
You gave a presentation on
- Molecular switches.
- That's right.
June Gray.
Molecular switches.
June Gray?
And you are?
My God! Peter.
Peter Pascoe.
I haven't seen you since
we graduated, so, '88.
God, is it really that long?
You look well on it, though.
You're not in biochemistry, are you?
- The police.
- Oh.
I suppose you're Chief Constable,
or something, are you?
We always thought you'd
float to the top of the pile.
- Well, not quite there yet.
- Love a reunion, but come on. Excuse me.
Professor Cunningham, a word.
- You didn't pick up your messages?
- I've been having phone trouble.
Why are you here?
You were the last person
to see Declan alive.
Apart from Sam Wiseman, of course.
- Sam Wiseman?
- A student.
We know who he is.
I saw them rowing in the corridor
as I was leaving.
What about?
I've never lied.
Not to you, to her, or anyone else.
I was in a hurry.
I was just aware of their raised voices.
Why had you gone into the lab?
Just routine.
I was going away
and wanted to check
everything was OK with Declan.
You didn't discuss
his formal complaint?
What formal complaint?
The one Declan made against you.
I'm sorry, you've lost me.
Are you sure your source is correct,
Mr Dalziel?
Why would animal-rights campaigners
target Declan?
His work didn't involve animals,
so they wouldn't.
Yeah, they did.
And no-one has been able to tell us
exactly what he was working on.
Why the big secret?
Found a way to turn
crap into gold, have you?
Not far wrong. We're designing
tiny particles that will deliver drugs
through the skin without
migrating to the blood or brain.
So they can attack
mutating or aging cells.
If only my students
were as attentive as you.
We're hoping
to slow the aging process.
- The secret of eternal youth?
- If you like.
Be worth a few bob, that.
Worth killing someone for.
Since I'm the only person
who fully understands the science,
that would make me
more of a natural target.
Maybe you should be worried, then.
I thought you said Spicer had
confirmed that formal complaint.
I said she was trying to confirm it.
I doubt she'll have much luck.
Cunningham would be a fool
to deny it, if it was on record.
She strikes me as nobody's fool.
I just want to say goodbye to June.
I'll be out in a minute.
June, sorry to interrupt you
Mission accomplished?
We need someone to analyse
the formula you found in Declan's room.
- I thought June might be able to help.
- She's got your number.
You're turning into quite
the young Lothario, aren't you, Peter?
Well, young-ish.
Why the digs about me age
all of a sudden, Andy?
All I'm saying is,
we're none of us as young as we were.
It's time to think about the future.
Think about your own bloody future,
and lay off, will you?
I am.
I will.
Bloody hell.
It's not even midday.
I thought it was more like five.
- Jet lag's kicking in.
- Pig's arse!
- Pig's what?
- Arse.
They say it all the time in Oz.
It's a bit like saying "bollocks".
- Fancy a pint and a pie?
- We should get back.
What do we want? An honest debate.
'Science students
at West Yorkshire University today
called for the right to use animals
'in what they say are
potentially life-saving experiments.
I'm here with spokesperson Declan Roach.
Declan, what's going on here?
Medical research on animals
has given us blood transfusions,
organ transplants, new drugs.
It saves billions of lives.
If you ban experiments on animals,
you're sentencing
human beings to death.
'But events turned sour
as counter-demonstrators
made their voices heard.'
So Declan and Wiseman
were involved in this together?
Looks that way.
And this group's
in favour of animal testing?
The day after that was on the news,
Declan's family received
the first threatening phone call.
- Excuse me, I need the loo.
- Third door on the left.
- Can I go, too?
- Yeah.
I'm half-tempted
to wash this muck off my face.
Toilet's this way, love.
I'm just having a look.
- So many doors in this place.
- Yeah.
What do you think
they're trying to hide?
I've no idea, but we should go.
- Are you looking for something, ladies?
- Just the loo.
Then I'm afraid you're a little lost.
If you'd like to come this way
How did you know
I was linked to Science Saves?
The website was registered
using your credit card.
I thought I'd been smarter than that.
You're in charge of it?
It's just me, my laptop
and the mailing list.
So how did Declan fit in?
It was his idea.
He was my lab supervisor and we
started talking about it in the lab.
He said he was too busy
so I thought I'd have a go.
Trying to score yourself
some brownie points?
Well, yes, but
It's a good cause. It really is.
You were seen arguing with Declan
just before he died.
- Who said that?
- Doesn't matter. Is it true?
It was nothing.
He owed me money
and I needed it back because
I was broke. That's all.
Aren't you frightened that whoever
killed Declan might come after you?
You think he was killed for being
the public face of Science Saves?
- Well, they haven't found me so far.
- Yes. Well, we found you.
Declan's bank statements.
Anything on them?
20,000 GBP went into his account a month ago.
The same day as the demo.
His mum said he had student loans,
a huge overdraft.
Sam Wiseman told us
that Declan owed him money.
According to these,
his account's 300 GBP in credit.
Where did it come from?
The company funding
Fran Cunningham's research.
Eternus Biotech.
I wonder what you get
for 20,000 GBP these days?
- I should get back.
- Stay another half-hour.
You need the break.
Just 15 minutes.
Whatever you think's best.
Joe said to go straight through.
He's expecting you.
It's going well.
Let's just say
we're getting our money's worth.
And no problems?
One minor security issue,
but I'm dealing with that.
I don't know what you put in this
but it smells good enough to eat.
I really wouldn't.
How's this one looking?
No visible improvement
of skin-surface clarity.
But that's not to be expected
in 24 hours.
Her face looks a little red.
- Do you feel any tingling?
- No.
- Any burning?
- No.
It looks like they're all ready
for their second application.
Sets me in mind of me in my youth.
You should put
some of this on your face.
I'd rather rub bleach in my eyes.
Gentlemen. Welcome to Eternus.
How can I help you?
A month ago, your company
paid over 20,000 GBP
into Declan Roach's bank account.
I wasn't aware
of that being illegal.
Do you know about a group
called Science Saves?
No. Should I?
It's a pro-animal testing group
Declan was involved with.
Well, I've never heard of it.
So, you weren't funding it?
No, but good for him if that's
what he spent our money on.
I'm all for it.
Was he selling you
details of his research then?
Industrial espionage? That would
cost millions, not thousands.
I don't think our budget
could stretch to that.
So you were helping a poor student
out of the goodness of your heart?
Shall we
He was coming to work for you?
Once he'd finished his PhD
and assuming he got a distinction, yes.
Do you hand out 20,000 GBP
to all your graduate trainees?
Good researchers are hard to find.
Declan was going to be great.
He was born thinking like a scientist.
A brilliant nanoscientist working
on a way to stop the ageing process.
If he'd come up with the goods,
20,000 GBP would be cheap.
A gamble. Still, there was always
a high chance that he wouldn't.
- And he'd signed a contract?
- No. We had a verbal agreement.
One he could easily decide to break.
And that would be 20,000 GBP
down the drain. Annoying that.
Small beer, Mr Dalziel.
What we're doing here is worth billions.
What are you doing here exactly?
Cosmetics used
to be about selling a dream.
About making the customer believe
you had a magic potion,
one that would keep her looking young.
- And now?
- Technology is finally catching up.
Human skin at 16 years of age.
No fine lines,
no sagging no crows' feet.
Fast forward 20 years.
Life and gravity haven't been kind.
You smoked, you drank,
you maybe caught a little too much sun.
Or maybe you were just plain
unlucky with your gene pool.
Some would call that character.
Well, the result is the same
you're looking older
than you want to look.
But what are you doing exactly?
We're trialling a nanoparticle
that can regenerate human skin cells.
And kill off ageing and mutating cells.
Professor Cunningham's work.
Exactly. We're going to give
these women in their 40s back
the skin they had when they were 17.
- Aren't we, ladies?
- Spot on there!
I like a woman with
the sense to grow old gracefully.
With skin like yours,
I'm not surprised, love.
You want to try slapping
some of this stuff on your face.
Come on!
We've got to stop this, now.
Declan's dead. The police
are sniffing around. It's too dangerous.
We promised people
people you don't mess around with.
I mean it, Matt. This isn't worth it.
We finish this batch,
then get this place cleared up tonight.
But we have to deliver on this.
What can I do?
Get the filters ready.
This stuff is almost cooked.
All that talk of curing cancer
and you're just coming up with
more crap to sell to people
with more money than sense.
Big research needs big funding.
I don't make the rules
but that is how it works.
- So you came to Eternus?
- They came to me.
But you're not saving lives.
You're just making skin cream.
Eternus needs a miracle product.
I need a backer with very deep pockets.
There will be huge benefits
for my department and the university.
Everyone wins.
Everyone except Declan.
When Furst gave him
a job at Eternus,
was he hired to work with you
or to replace you?
You gave Declan a job behind my back?
We're growing fast
and need more staff.
But one of my researchers?
Without telling me?
He had a lot of sensitive data
locked up in that head of his.
I had to stop him
going somewhere else.
I own the intellectual rights to all of this.
If he had tried to take it elsewhere,
we could've sued.
Listen, Fran. You and I both
know the way this world works.
I got out of research because
I was sick of working for peanuts.
- I couldn't risk Declan doing the same.
- So you bought him off.
The same way I bought you.
Maybe she was right.
Perhaps if I slap
that stuff on my face,
people'll stop treating me
like a horse
that's ready for the knacker's yard.
No-one treats you like that.
Somehow, I've got out
of sync with everything, Peter.
I feel like a stranger
in my own land.
You're just out of sync
with yourself, Andy.
I wonder if June could tell us
if they're on to something
or if it is all cobblers,
as you so eloquently put it.
June, June, June.
Already looking for your
next reunion are you?
Do you want to talk to her or not?
Both Cunningham and her student
were on the payroll
of a biotech firm called Eternus.
Joe Furst.
You know him?
He's your typical shark.
A failed academic
who circles our scientific shores,
trying to sink his teeth
into juicy money-spinners.
He strikes me as the type
who'd sell his
grandmother's skin for a shilling.
How good is Fran Cunningham?
She's well regarded.
She did some interesting work
on melanomas a few years ago.
And more recently?
Hard to say. She's been tantalising
us all with hints of a grande projet,
but her research is still a mystery.
That's the downside
of investment from the private sector.
Commercial sensitivity.
So, she doesn't have
to tell anyone anything?
More to the point,
she can't tell anyone anything.
And neither could anyone
who worked with her.
Like Declan Roach.
- Andy!
- Ah!
The lady on number four is showing
a sustained temperature increase
of one point two degrees.
- Do you think we should?
- Let's take a look.
Her temperature's climbing.
It could be her time of the month.
This could be
an adverse reaction, Joe.
Come on, you ran test
after test on the ingredients
so we know that can't happen.
The experimental data proves it.
It's statistically unlikely.
But that's what trials are for.
To pick up glitches.
We're picking one up.
Now we have to put the trial on hold.
Have you any idea what that would cost?
We're a month behind schedule
and haemorrhaging cash.
- A few weeks delay, that's all I'm asking.
- No.
The trial goes on.
End of conversation.
Layla, it's Fran. Are you in the lab?
Well, I need you back there now.
I know the time.
I don't want to argue. Come now.
And make sure Matt's there too.
All right,
we're on our way.
Another student's been attacked.
Maybe you'd better drive.
I was walking across campus when
somebody came at me from behind.
You were on your own?
- And there was only one of them?
- Yep.
Before I knew what was happening,
he'd punched me to the ground.
- Did he say anything?
- Nothing.
I was terrified.
I thought that he was going to
Nothing. Em
He jabbed a syringe into my arm.
And then he ran off.
- Are you gay, Sam?
- Yes. Why do you ask?
Do you think the attack
could have been homophobic?
This is about Science Saves.
You speak out
and they come after you.
But I won't be intimidated.
I'm sure that will make
a great speech at your funeral.
He won't know if he's infected
for at least three weeks.
Assuming the blood was HIV positive.
If it isn't, it's a very sick joke.
She has some nerve, treating us like this.
We are not her slaves.
Layla, Matt.
Glad you finally made it.
We were in the middle of dinner,
if that's OK with you?
- I need you to re-run a lab test for me.
- No problem.
Check what happens when
200 nanometre particles of titanium dioxide
enter the dermal layer alongside AP414?
- We looked at that six months ago.
- And you're going to look at it again.
- I could always do it myself?
- No, you're grand. We'll do it.
Thank you, Matthew.
I'll be in my office if you need me.
Is that virus off my computer yet?
- Stayed late and zapped it last night.
- Good.
Oh, you're welcome, your highness!
What are you doing here so late?
For God's sake.
You scared the living shit
out of me.
I could ask you the same question.
I needed to check
an experiment I left running.
So what's this all about?
Declan mentioned something to me
something called Project Aphrodite?
Well, he shouldn't have.
- He knew he could trust me.
- You think?
Trust wasn't part
of Declan's equation.
What's that supposed to mean?
Listen, Sam
I feel horrible saying this,
especially now,
but Declan didn't care about you.
Not the way you wanted him to.
- He told you that, did he?
- He didn't need to.
I saw the two of you,
the way he was with you.
The same way he'd been with me.
All this
won every time.
- You're wrong.
- I'm just trying to be honest.
Correct. What T is the name
of a small handheld electric lamp
powered by batteries?
- Torch.
- Correct.
Kieran! It's gonna explode!
Come in, Layla.
You can't have the
results for me already?
I'm afraid I haven't.
What was Declan
going to tell everyone?
That he didn't like
the cut of my jib, who knows?
- Now is hardly the time to be facetious.
- Then I'm sorry
I really don't know.
Declan was becoming a rival.
He was younger than you,
possibly more talented, certainly cheaper.
Before Declan met me,
he was coasting.
I pushed him, I made him
work his bony little arse off.
He was great because I made him great.
The Pharma companies
were queuing up to recruit him.
I'll ask you again.
What was he threatening you about?
I really don't know.
OK. Play it your way.
Do they know how it started?
Not yet, Boss.
She got out, but he didn't?
He was alone
when it started apparently.
It's clear what killed her.
I suppose you want to know,
did she fall or was she pushed?
The question is, by who?
You two were together?
She'd come to my place.
Leaving your husband alone?
He was asleep.
I just popped out for a few minutes.
Any idea how the fire started?
You leave the oven on,
or a cigarette burning?
I never smoked in that house, ever.
Her husband's dead.
Can't you just leave her be?
I'm afraid I can't.
While you two were busy fiddling,
her home was burning.
You have no idea
what it's been like, have you?
Eh? Watching your husband
turn into a stranger,
and he's the only person
I can talk to.
He's the only one who cares.
So he's offered more than just
a friendly shoulder to cry on?
Yeah, he has. And I've needed that.
I've spent the last month
living in fear.
I've lost my son and my husband,
and you've got the gall
to stand there and judge me!
What's the matter with you?
Are you made of stone?
I'm a copper, not a priest.
You were the last person
to see Cunningham alive?
The gaggle of close enemies
penned in upstairs I can understand,
but what the hell were you doing here?
She was going to make
a fortune from Eternus.
Declan was threatening
to jeopardise all that.
She had good motive.
I thought it was worth pursuing.
- When did we stop working as a team, Peter?
- You went home, Andy.
You didn't manage
to get a signed confession
before she kicked her chemical bucket?
- She played dumb.
- Course she did. And the Greek chorus?
We've taken statements. Joe Furst
is demanding that we let him leave.
Furst was here?
The mountain's coming to Mohammed.
Something must have been up.
Just a routine chat,
according to him.
One of those buggers in there
is responsible for that mess.
Sir, you should see this.
Fran Cunningham's computer.
The hard drive's gone.
She was working on this
when I spoke to her.
Which would leave a two-minute
window for her to have removed it.
- And it's definitely not here?
- I searched the whole office
and her bags. No sign.
Assuming this was done
once she was dead
then the information on that disk
could be what her killer wanted.
Or didn't want anyone else to have?
What were you doing back here?
We only dropped you off
two hours ago.
Aimee wasn't in and I didn't want
to run the risk of going to my place,
so I came here.
And you came here to find him?
Did you see anyone when you arrived?
- No.
- What about you two?
Fran called at 7. 15
and asked us to re-run an experiment.
Linked to Project Aphrodite?
- It was just a routine thing.
- Ah.
That word again.
You were here for a "routine" chat
weren't you, Mr Furst?
- Yeah.
- Linked to this urgent request?
I really couldn't say.
There was no reason for her
to panic that I'm aware of.
- Funny, I didn't see you on my way out?
- I received a phone call.
I stepped into
one of the labs to take it.
Which is where you were
when Cunningham fell?
How did you get past
the security system?
Someone let me in as they left.
- And who was that?
- I've no idea.
A student, I'd imagine.
I gave a description to your
to your colleague.
Any idea why Cunningham
would remove her hard drive?
She wouldn't have.
She wasn't the sort
to get her hands dirty.
Besides, if Fran worked from home,
she'd use a laptop.
- And she'd back her work up here on our VLE.
- VLE?
Sorry, Virtual Learning Environment.
It's our faculty's intranet.
- Could anyone access her files that way?
- No.
They're password protected.
So, am I to gather that
no-one here saw or heard
anything suspicious in the run-up
to Fran Cunningham's death?
In which case, you can go, for now.
Just make sure you're all available
for our enquiries in the morning.
Oh, one last thing.
Spicer here will need to check
your bags and pockets before you go.
Whoever did it had plenty of time
to dispose of the disk somewhere
around this building
before back-up arrived.
Well, we haven't got the manpower
to launch that kind of search now.
I wasn't suggesting we do.
It's only a matter of time
before the whole thing comes out.
So what?
We had nothing to do with it.
Yes, we did.
We stood back and said nothing.
It's not our place to say anything.
We keep our heads down
and do what we're told.
Haven't you worked that out yet?
You never used to be so hard.
I'm just being pragmatic.
I want to finish my PhD
and get out of here.
If we rock the boat now
do I have to remind you
how we've kept our heads above water
for the last two years?
I'll shut up.
Morning, Peter.
June's cracked the formula
you found in Declan's room.
Keen, isn't she, your lady friend?
Are we working as a team or not?
- What was it then?
- It's a recipe for crystal meth.
Oh, makes sense.
The lab's confirmed the powder
I found it with was the very same.
Pure, high-grade.
Better than you'd get
from your average dealer.
Declan had high levels of it
in his system when he died.
Maybe he was producing it
for personal use, or selling it.
He wouldn't be
the first student to do it.
There was no sign
of a home lab at his parents' place,
and he was deep in debt
until Eternus slung 20 grand at him.
So why the formula?
And how does it connect
with Cunningham's death?
- Anyone seen Grace?
- Oh, I'll fetch her.
Thank you. Right ladies,
onto your beds please, quick sticks.
Are you in there?
They're waiting for you.
What is it?
I don't know.
Feels like I'm getting a migraine.
You should say something.
My bath was probably
a bit too hot, anyway, that's all.
Besides, if I don't do the eight days
I don't get paid, simple as.
I'll be fine.
Let me look at you a second.
It takes 24 hours to go live.
Nothing I can do about it.
You'll have to wait.
Something I can help you with?
We need all Fran Cunningham's
files from the system.
What now?
If that's not too much trouble.
And nobody saw where she went?
What do I pay you people for?
Posh! Haven't had a chance for
a chat since I've been back, have we?
- Er, no, sir.
- So, er, enjoying work?
I've learnt a lot from Mr Pascoe.
Oh, he's a good'un, is Peter.
- And you enjoyed Australia?
- Oh, wonderful.
Put me in mind of Yorkshire
30-odd years back.
- Hotter though, I imagine?
- Oh!
Erm, I checked
Fran Cunningham's phone records.
In the last 48 hours
she received over 6,000 calls
to her mobile and landline.
She'd started putting cards up
in phone boxes, had she?
"Call this number for a good time"?
The phone company let me listen
to her voicemail messages.
Anything useful?
They relate to the collapse
of the Starbury Christmas Club.
The one that went under
about five months ago?
You're losing me there.
What's this got to do with Cunningham?
Well, someone had posted her numbers
on websites and in spam e-mails
saying she was
Managing Director of Starbury.
- I take it she wasn't?
- No, sir.
Some kind of malicious hoax.
We're trying to trace the source now.
You took your time.
Fran Cunningham's Project Aphrodite files.
They had to be unscrambled.
This is bugger-all use to us.
I don't think her research
was all it was cracked up to be.
You may have gone to university
but you don't know
the first thing about this.
I know about stats.
Cunningham was getting
perfect results every time.
that's almost impossible.
Might be what Declan
was blackmailing her about.
The university authorities
feel it's best if we continue
with business as usual.
It's what Fran would have wanted.
Of course, if you would
rather not be here
No, I should be.
If it's business as usual.
Well, you and Matt can cover
Fran's classes today,
I'll work out a rota before a
decision is made about replacing her.
And what happens
to our doctorate programme?
As soon as I know, you'll know.
So I should continue with the work
that Fran requested yesterday?
If that's the best use of your time, yes.
That's all I can say, Layla.
You think Cunningham
could have been faking it?
Well, there's pressure to get results
and not enough time to get them right.
Especially with Eternus baying
for you to say what they want to hear.
So this kind of thing is common
in the biomed world?
Well, she wouldn't be the first.
Fran Cunningham's famous research.
I have to say
this is like finding the Holy Grail.
How long do you think you'll need
to make sense of it?
To give a reasonable analysis,
hours rather than days.
Anything you need, just ask.
- Thanks, Peter.
- Don't thank me.
You're doing me a huge favour.
Although it's obvious you're dying
to see what Cunningham was up to.
Am I that transparent?
There's something's wrong at Eternus.
Come on!
When did you notice
this woman had gone missing?
About 30 minutes ago.
She cleared out her locker and her car's gone.
You said her name was Liz Reid?
Yeah, she passed all our checks
but then I found her
snooping round here yesterday.
- And you didn't say anything?
- Well, I got our security people
to check her out again,
but they didn't get back to me.
I put it down to natural curiosity.
Yeah, we all know what killed the cat.
My staff found traces of contaminant
in the cream we're testing.
It looks like our trial was sabotaged.
And you think the woman
who's gone AWOL is responsible?
Of course.
- Joe, there you are.
- Can it wait?
- I'm in the middle of something.
- No, it can't.
Her condition rapidly deteriorated.
Core temperature's dangerously high.
She's tachycardic.
Blood pressure dropping.
- What's causing the blistering?
- Some kind of toxic reaction.
- She's the only one reacting?
- Yeah. We need to get her out.
No. We've got
all the medical support we need.
We don't have the facilities.
We have to get her to a hospital now!
I'm still in charge
and this matter can be
Call a bloody ambulance. Now!
Her immune system
has completely collapsed.
We've given her huge doses
of steroids but she's not responding.
This happened because
the trial was sabotaged?
It's impossible to say.
If she'd been brought in earlier
There was no reason
to bring her in earlier.
So she went from being healthy
to this in a matter of minutes?
She'd mentioned a headache
yesterday afternoon.
Which might explain
Cunningham's panic.
And you let the trial go on?
It wasn't my decision.
I gave a full report to Mr Furst
but he insisted she was fine to continue.
Can she survive this?
We'll do what we can
but this is unprecedented,
we don't know what's going to happen.
The missing Reid woman, she'd had
the same cream applied, hadn't she?
You must find her.
She could be in real danger.
When will these fools learn?
There's no such thing
as the secret of eternal youth.
We should all grow old
gracefully like you?
We're born, and if we're lucky
we grow old, and then we die.
- You can't fight it.
- A cheering philosophy on life.
That woman in there
would have lived a hell of a lot longer
if she'd accepted it.
I doubt that poor woman in there
was in it for her looks.
- She's just human grist to the mill.
- Aren't we all, Peter? Aren't we all?
Oh, God, you're depressing me, Andy.
Because I'm too close to the bone.
You're getting old.
And the worst thing is
you're turning into me.
- Bollocks!
- I rest my case.
Shot of me soon enough though.
Oh, spare me another oblique
reference to your leaving.
As if you'd ever actually go.
I'm going all right,
and about as far away as I can get.
Australia? For good?
You're dyed in the wool Yorkshire.
This place runs in your veins.
You're going nowhere.
Can you hear me?
You're breaking up.
You were right.
I don't know what that stuff was
but one of the people in the trial
is really ill.
I can't hear you!
Oh, shit!
She's driving a blue Renault Clio,
2001 reg, traced
to a rental firm in Salterton.
- Hired in her name?
- No. By a man who paid cash.
Turns out the driving licence
he used as ID was stolen.
Let me guess.
Liz Reid isn't her name, either?
Liz Reid is a teaching assistant
living in Doncaster.
Her husband swears blind
she was at home all last night.
Her references
and a forged medical report.
It's spot on. It gives her
the ideal profile for the clinical trial.
A non-smoker,
the right age, right body mass.
Sir, we've got
a positive match on the prints
found on the locker at Eternus.
So who is she?
Helen Hobbs.
Minor driving offence in '91.
Based in Wetherton. Single,
with two children, Aimee and Thomas.
Aimee Hobbs.
Isn't she the friend
of that Science Saves idiot?
She got a call that woke us both up.
But it was early
so I went back to sleep.
- You just woke me.
- You and Aimee
you seem very close.
We never used to be.
She's not someone
I thought I'd be friends with,
but somehow
we've ended up being
yeah, I guess close.
Did she have anything to do
with Science Saves?
She helped me out now and then.
Did some photocopying.
Put some posters up.
So she knew exactly
what was going on?
But we could trust her.
She's a bit of an idiot
but harmless.
She knew how involved
you and Declan were?
She knew about our relationship,
if that's what you mean.
I meant involved with Science Saves.
So, you and Declan were lovers?
Why didn't you tell us this before?
No-one knew.
I thought I should stay quiet.
He's been murdered.
Your silence
what did you really row about
the night he died?
I never lied.
Not to you, to her, or anyone else.
He was having an affair with Layla.
I got a bit jealous, I suppose.
And it got heated?
A bit. He walked away.
That was the last time I saw him.
She doesn't have a computer here?
She said she couldn't afford one.
She always uses the computer labs.
Aimee Hobbs. Here we are.
A model student.
Excellent attendance record.
She always gets
her projects in on time.
Her grades aren't outstanding but
Well, what does that matter
if she hands her work in on time.
Yes, well, we, er
We cater to all levels of ability here.
Not everyone can be a
Fran Cunningham or a Declan Roach.
She had security access
to the lab where Declan died?
As a member of the department,
she has full access at all times, yes.
She was also in the building
when Cunningham fell to her death.
I know, but
if you knew her
I can't believe that
she'd be responsible for
It's possible her mother
sabotaged the trial at Eternus.
We're trying to establish a link
with animal rights groups.
Fran Cunningham was also
the victim of an internet hate campaign
and we have reason to believe
that Aimee might have launched it
from a computer in this building.
- Ben!
- What?
These officers need to speak to you
about spam e-mails concerning Fran.
Oh, that.
What do you know about it?
It was just a joke, wasn't it?
I didn't mean any harm.
My timing was just a bit off.
You did it? Why?
I was sick of the smug cow
always talking to me like I was dirt.
Everyone here.
They all treat me like I'm invisible.
- You thought you'd bring her down?
- I wanted her to be unpopular.
- And you know nothing about her hard drive?
- Nothing. Look, I swear.
I admit to the spam, I was stupid.
But I have nothing
to do with anything else.
Is there someone else
who can help with Aimee's files?
Ben will need to go
with my colleague.
Ben. What's this?
Declan just logged on
at workstation 12 in computer lab three.
You just logged in
using Declan Roach's user ID.
His files were password-protected
and I needed to check something.
We use each other's logins
all the time.
I'm sorry. I didn't realise
this would be such a big deal.
His files are part of a police enquiry.
What were you thinking?
I'm carrying on with Fran's research,
like you asked me to.
I needed to check
some of his results against mine.
Who else knows Declan's password?
- Matt does, I think
- Where is he now?
I've scheduled him to cover
Fran's second year lab practicals.
Where's Matt?
He was here a second ago.
Matt! Stop there.
Yes, it's it's reference code
Juliet Uniform
eight nine
two three
Kilo Delta.
Yes, well, I was just wondering
if there's any news
on my application yet?
(A working visa.)
(A working visa!)
Oh, tomorrow then.
Er yeah.
Thank you.
You're not planning on
leaving us again, are you?
Back to Australia?
Have you ever been?
Oh, you should go.
Yeah, I spent, er day after day
at the cricket, eating pies,
sinking pints in the sunshine.
Oh, the atmosphere!
Do you know, I haven't had
that much fun since well
I don't know how long.
Mind you, the cricket was crap.
Do you know, the first match
Sorry, sir,
I've got to get back to my desk.
The Roach flat fire report.
You said it was urgent.
I'll miss you, sir.
You make me laugh.
The daft
He lit it himself?
I'm sorry, love.
That's the official conclusion.
But those bastards set fire to our car.
They threatened our home.
The fire started in the kitchen.
The windows were still locked,
as was the front door.
There was no-one else involved.
I should never have
When he was first diagnosed,
I thought
at least it can't get any worse.
But that's life for you, isn't it,
full of big surprises.
I shouldn't have left him.
You were his wife,
not his guardian angel.
Changed your tune, haven't you?
You blamed me.
Everyone else will.
They'll say I should have been there.
That I was off with my fancy man,
that I left my own husband to die.
So let them say it.
You know that's not true.
Where is she? Where's my mum?
Look, I don't know who you are
but tell me or I'll go to the police right now.
I mean it. Tell me
or I'll tell them everything I know!
An e-mail from Declan Roach's
account sent three days ago.
I've already told you,
I've never seen this before.
I think you logged onto the
West Yorks University intranet
as Declan Roach
and sent it to Cunningham.
Your silence could be viewed
as obstructing a murder enquiry, Layla.
Yes, I sent it.
- Why?
- It was supposed to be a joke.
I knew she and Declan
weren't getting on well.
I thought it would be funny
to watch the sparks fly.
A joke?
I don't believe you.
You should. It's the truth.
But it would only work if Cunningham
really was covering something up.
What did you want her to think?
That Declan was questioning
the validity of her research?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
You wanted to spark off
World War Three in your department
and let Declan take the blame.
And now he and Cunningham are dead.
I told Declan about the e-mail.
He liked a joke as much as anyone.
And he saw the funny side?
He said he didn't care.
Fran couldn't do a thing to him.
Because Eternus
had already employed him?
I guess.
Or because he knew something.
About Project Aphrodite.
What was it?
I don't know.
And I don't suppose you know
why Matt's done a runner either?
I'll take upstairs.
- What is it?
- Found this.
Sudafed tablets,
lithium batteries and iodised salt,
which are all used
to make crystal meth.
Well, I'd say
you'd found our source.
Well done, Posh.
Any luck tracing Helen Hobbs,
Aimee Hobbs, their associates?
- Anything?
- Er no, sir.
Well, put a fire under it, you lot!
I'm only asking you to find
a couple of two-bit local activists
on the run in Wetherton,
not Osama Bin Laden!
I don't suppose you've located
the Bin Laden sisters, have you?
Could you get forensics to take
a look at whatever's on these?
Make clear it's urgent.
- Coffee filters?
- I think we've found
the remnants of a crystalmeth factory
at Matt and Layla's place.
That could be something to do
with the formula in Declan's room.
Either he was involved,
or he found out.
Either way it's unlikely
to be a coincidence.
And once again, the two amigos
are involved. Maybe you were right.
Sorry. I'm not interrupting, am I?
Of course not.
No, of course not!
What did you want to tell us, love?
Surprise, surprise,
so Fran Cunningham wasn't
the nanotech messiah after all.
She might have been, if she'd taken
the time to work things out properly.
Instead of rushing for
a big public eureka moment.
This was her big discovery.
The AP414 molecule was the active
ingredient in Project Aphrodite.
Small enough to pass through
the skin's dermal layer
and cross the blood barrier,
this was supposed to revive the skin cells.
Only her research shows that,
in reality, it was inert.
She expected it to do nothing?
It would have no effect on cells
Hardly the secret to eternal youth
she was marketing, then.
So who else knew about it
besides Fran?
Matt? Layla?
What about Joe Furst?
He wouldn't want
his shareholders finding out
he'd been investing in snake oil.
Cunningham was killed when she
threatened to derail Project Aphrodite.
Perhaps he thought Declan
was going to do the same?
Oh, my God!
Now. It's Mum. It's my mum
she's dying!
The crystal meth we found at Layla
and Matt's has exactly the same
chemical composition as the
stuff you found in Declan's room.
So they were cooking it up
for their friends?
Thousands of friends, judging by
the quantity of ingredients we found.
Time for another word
with Madame Meth in there.
Can we be honest with each other
for a moment, Layla?
We know that Cunningham
was a big fake.
- What?
- Are you trying to tell me you didn't know?
Know what?
I'm getting really bored
with the ignorant act, love.
It's not an act.
I've just spent two and a half years
researching this for my PhD.
If it was fake, all that hard work
would be completely worthless.
- Are you sure?
- 100%.
That must be why she was
asking us to re-run the experiment.
So you're saying that
wasn't a routine request?
It was strange.
She wanted to know
what happened if AP414
was combined with titanium dioxide.
And why do you say it's strange?
Because it shouldn't bind with other particles.
That's the point.
Sounds like
you're a good chemist, Layla?
I'd like to think I was.
What would you say I could make
with this little lot?
Titanium dioxide?!
- Of course!
- What?
It's, er It's a white pigment
used in sunscreen.
There's a debate raging about
whether it toxically builds up in cells.
What's that got to do with this?
Cunningham's useless molecule
was so small
it wouldn't be detected
by the immune system,
but if it combined with titanium dioxide
inside cells, it might.
And then the immune system
would attack the cells,
like it has with Grace Beck?
Sir, we've located
Aimee and Helen Hobbs.
Grace Beck's
showing signs of stabilising
but this one's in a much worse state.
She's got the same symptoms?
More or less.
Fever. Low blood pressure.
Her internal organs have collapsed
to a much greater degree,
due to the extended length of exposure.
What would you say
her chances of survival are?
As low as they can get.
She's going to need a miracle now.
You've been bailed
to appear in court in three weeks
but we may need to speak to you
about the murders
of Declan Roach and Fran Cunningham.
You're lucky to get bail, Layla.
They're sending dealers
to jail for life.
Hello, Aimee.
I'm really sorry,
but we're going to need
to ask you a few questions.
Have you seen my mum?
We have.
How is she?
Not looking good.
But they'll do everything
they can for her.
Do you know what your mum
was doing out at that cottage, Aimee?
It was the rendezvous point
if anything went wrong.
Went wrong with what?
Come on, Aimee.
Your mum's
in a terrible state in there.
Don't hold back. Whatever you can
tell us might help keep her alive.
If anything went wrong at Eternus.
What was your mum doing at Eternus?
They told us it would be easy.
We were only trying to help.
Help who?
The animals.
They told us it was harmless.
Just something to mess
the trials up and set them back.
We never wanted to hurt anyone.
Who's they?
The people in this group
Mum was a member of
War On Testing.
You weren't a member?
I never spoke to them before today.
Mum gave me this number
and said I was only to ring it
if things went wrong.
But you knew these people
were targeting your friends.
- Sam and Declan.
- They weren't friends.
Declan taught me now and then.
Sam just wanted my lecture notes.
But that's why you hung around them.
So you could report back
on Science Saves.
You left a needle containing
HIV-infected blood in that lab.
Your friend was attacked
with a similar needle.
How can you put another human being
through that torment?
I'm sorry. It was stupid.
I swear, Mum and I
I'll admit to everything we've done.
We told them when and where
Science Saves was meeting.
We let the rats out in the lab.
But I mean it
we had nothing to do with Declan
or Professor Cunningham' s deaths.
'Please look into the mirror.'
I wasn't expecting you.
We need to talk.
Well, I can't imagine what about.
I assume you've heard the news?
I know all about it.
Trial's collapsed
what more is there to say?
I want my money.
That's a joke.
What money?
Speak to my creditors.
Because as of today,
Eternus is closed for business.
We had a deal.
Well, the deal is off, Matthew!
All you had to do was get me
Fran Cunningham's hard drive
and stop this getting out.
But you failed to deliver
so I don't think I owe you anything!
What the hell are you doing?!
What are you doing? Jesus Christ
For Christ's sake
What are you what are you doing?
- Pay me.
- No, no!
You've gone mad! No, please, no!
I have gone mad.
So pay me or I'll kill you.
I haven't got anything left!
Don't you understand that? Argh!
Hoisting him by his own petard,
I see.
There's a police car outside
with your name on it, Mr Hurley.
My colleague here will escort you.
You've got to get me to a hospital.
You saw what he did to me!
Have you used sunblock
in the last three months?
- What?
- Then relax.
Come here.
I don't believe it.
I saw all of Fran's research.
Course you did, you funded it.
Co-funded. Project Aphrodite
was a joint venture with West Yorks.
They'll have Grace Beck
and Helen Hobbs' deaths on their conscience.
They'll survive this.
I'll go under.
Is that all you're still bothered about?
The money?
You never gave a damn
about the lives of those volunteers.
I didn't think we were
putting them at any kind of risk.
I still don't understand
how this could go so wrong.
Grace Beck and Helen Hobbs
were both outdoorsy types, that's how.
- What do you mean?
- They both used high-tech sunblock.
And they both suffered
an adverse reaction
when the sunblock's titanium
dioxide combined with AP414.
Well, how were we meant to know
that could happen?
Wasn't it your job to know?
We've had to bail Hurley.
- You're joking?
- I wish I was.
But the little bugger had
a particularly slippery lawyer.
Anything to report?
The results on the blood in the syringe
that Sam was attacked with.
- It was negative.
- We'd better let him know.
I already have.
Let's say he took it well.
Techies have managed to put
Fran Cunningham's phone together.
- Anything? - Just messages about
the collapse of the Christmas Club.
- What about that tape recorder thingy?
- What?
You know, she did that thing
Earth to Doctor Spock.
I don't think that's been checked.
Let me see.
'Memo to self. Check with Dan Gaston
about DNA repair enzyme RAD 54.
'June Gray. Molecular switches.
'Shanghai Seminar March 23rd.
'I don't want to have this
conversation again, Layla.
'I'm going public.
You'll hear from my lawyers.
You can't steal my work!
'Too late.'
What are you doing back here?
Salvaging Project Aphrodite.
Two women
are almost dead in hospital.
No-one's interested
in Project Aphrodite any more, Layla.
But I know the formula works.
It doesn't.
- Give it up.
- It does.
I just let her think it didn't.
What are you on about?
I worked it out
but Cunningham wanted all the glory.
So I played with the formula
so it didn't do what it said.
Declan worked that out.
He still took the money though.
You killed our friend.
And Fran!
You're responsible for
What did he have to say?
She effectively confessed to the
murders of Declan and Cunningham.
Did she give her reasons?
Professional jealousy.
Cunningham got all the glory,
Declan got all the cash.
And she felt entitled to both.
Terrible thing to lose face.
What a shambles.
And all because of this
incessant obsession
with youth and money and power.
It's all part of the same thing.
Power brings money
and money can buy you anything.
Not everything.
Oh, eh
the price of bloody drinks in here
is ridiculous.
Come on, Andy. Why are we here?
- I need to get home.
- I've got some news that should, er
might put a smile on your face.
- What is it?
- The thing is,
I've decided to move
Oh, speak of the devil.
Hang on.
Dalziel speaking.
G'day, mate.
No, no. I really appreciate
you calling me back so late
That's all right, mate, yeah.
Too old?
You weren't seriously
thinking of emigrating, were you?
Don't be daft.
Why would I want to leave this place?
You never would.
That's my point.
So stop talking bollocks.
Single malt?
Hello. Eternus.
How may I help you?
Yeah. One moment,
I'll just put you through.
I'm afraid
his line's busy at the moment.
Would you like to go through
to his voicemail?
OK. Yeah, I'll just connect you now.
Good evening, Mr Furst.
Fran Cunningham.
I'm call screening.
Leave a message.
You evil bastards.
You people make me sick. You
"Step On" by Happy Mondays
Doctors have been transplanting
livers, kidneys and hearts
for over 40 years. But faces
have always been different.
Should they be successful,
doctors plan to remove the nose,
lips and chin from the donor face.
I didn't know the system crashed,
so you're lucky I'm still here.
Just once, could you try saying,
"Thank you, Adam"?
I'm missing CSI for this.
Can't anyone turn
the bloody lights off in this place?
Oh, my God.
- So, tell me.
- You're chirpy, sir, considering.
Grumpiness isn't a requisite part
of being in charge, Posh.
- What time did they find the body?
- A few minutes past nine.
Victim's name's Declan Roach.
25 years old and a student
in the biosciences department.
Not exactly Brave New World,
this place.
The problem with this country is,
it's been suffocated by red tape.
There's your sodding form.
Now, when do I get me case back?
- You'll hear from us when we've located it.
- How long will that take?
We open again at 6am. Hopefully,
we'll have some news for you then.
My car and house keys are in that case!
So, how did he die?
- Asphyxiation.
- There's no sign of a ligature.
And there's the puzzle.
I can't be sure,
but I think that's our culprit.
Liquid nitrogen?
This is a sealed clean room.
If that tank did leak, it would have
sucked all the oxygen out of the air.
May as well be on Mars, because you
wouldn't be able to breathe in here.
- Well, why didn't he walk out again?
- I just look at the bodies.
You wouldn't know an alpha carbon
molecule if it actually said to you,
"I'm an alpha carbon molecule.
"Watch me deprotonise"!
The state of you, Matt.
Haven't you got a supervision in the morning?
I'm sick of having to help
the lazy little shits.
Someone probably said
the same thing about you once.
Yeah, well, they couldn't
say it about me now.
- Having a PhD had better be worth all this.
- Two more months and we'll know.
Come on. Get up!
We've got to drag
superswot away from the lab.
He's determined
to make us all look bad.
Right now, Declan's not
the one making you look bad.
What's going on?
Here, hold that.
- So where did you say you'd been?
- I didn't.
- Now then, let me have a guess.
- Australia!
- Yeah, that'll be why, then.
- Why what?
You've fried your face.
They've got a hole in their ozone layer.
Just get on with it,
or I'll be giving you a hole in yours.
You were here very late.
We had problems
with our GK9000 support server.
Which took you into
the clean room where Declan died?
The lights were on.
Then I saw the body.
And no-one else was around?
Did Declan normally work this late?
Don't know. Ask Security.
Did you know him, personally?
Not really.
He'd bellyache if he had computer
problems, like the rest of them.
I'd see him around the labs
and on campus,
but he wasn't someone I'd be mates with.
- What do you mean?
- He was a tub-thumping little prick.
Always banging on about something.
So are we done?
- Sir?
- Thank you.
It's in here.
There was no sign of forced entry.
A warning?
To who?
Dead? Declan?
My worst nightmare.
You had nothing to do with it.
Obviously I had
nothing to do with it, Aimee!
All I meant was
it must have been an accident.
It wasn't.
They released the rats, as well.
We know what this was all about.
Science Saves.
So what are you going to do?
Go to the police?
No. Not yet.
Why not?
I never lied.
Not to you, to her, or anyone else.
It doesn't matter.
What the hell's going on?
- What do you mean, Andy?
- With the station?
- Asbestos.
- Oh, I might have guessed.
More bloody health and safety.
This whole place
is going to the knackers'.
Where are we meant to work?
We're in temporary offices
up the road.
Well, come on.
Get a move on, the day's half over.
- What time is it?
- About seven.
Get a shirt and a shift on.
- Who is it?
- No-one!
Oh! So now I'm no-one, am I?
- I'll be out in ten minutes.
- I could come in and wait.
Memo to self.
Check with Dan Gaston about
DNA repair enzyme RAD-54.
Why didn't you use sun screen?
Do I strike you as a man
who worries about his skin?
So, are you going
to tell me what I've missed?
Well, nothing much has happened.
Nothing much?
I've been gone five weeks.
I've never known
bugger all happen in that time.
We wrapped up the Turner case,
Michael Wheeler's
been scheduled for the trial,
er, there was a hit and run
on the Yallaton Road
and we've had
an asbestos scare at the station.
The paperwork's
sitting on your desk.
Yeah, wherever that may be.
You look tired. Late night?
We had a suspicious death
at the uni.
A student in the science department.
Declan Roach.
We've set up an incident room down there.
I knew there was something.
We'll need a list of his fellow
students, all his professors.
And, er, have you talked
to friends and family?
No. I've been sitting on my arse.
I've got Spicer
interviewing his friends
and I'm meeting his
head of department this morning.
Fair dinkums.
You can tell me the rest in the car.
Someone tampered with the
nitrogen tank and the lock on the door.
- Prints, DNA?
- Clean.
No accident, then?
It'd be a random way
to murder someone.
So this Declan might not
have been the intended victim.
What about the syringe
that was found?
The blood in the syringe
was HIV positive.
- Was it Declan's?
- No.
Have you confirmed
the cause of death yet?
- As suspected, nitrogen poisoning.
- Nothing else suspicious?
Toxicology found traces
of methamphetamine in his blood.
Oh, crystal meth.
Dealing with a bit of a party boy,
are we?
Loads of students
use crystal meth as a study aid.
Speaking from experience, are you?
- Don't be daft.
- You know something, Peter?
I'm getting the distinct impression
my return might not be a welcome one.
So what is it?
Nothing. I've just got used
to working on me own, that's all.
- And now I'm back to piss on your chips?
- I didn't say that.
Not in so many words.
Did it ever occur to you I might not be overjoyed
to be back in bleeding Blighty meself?
- Aren't you?
- You're not the only one suffering
a mid-life crisis round here.
Get back to the university
and chew over the friends and colleagues.
I'm going to see what mess
I can find in the family's dirty laundry.
- Morning.
- What's going on, Matt?
- What happened to Declan?
- No-one knows yet.
You wouldn't tell
us the truth even if you did know.
You're only looking for gossip.
But Declan was
a friend of mine, Aimee,
so I'd be careful what I say,
if I were you.
Now, continue with your practicals.
Shout if you need my help.
'Please look into the mirror.
Please open your eyes wider.
'Please move a little closer.
'Please move a little closer.'
Is that it?
This allows you to access
everywhere you'll need to go.
Please keep it with you at all times.
No need to look so worried, love.
- Never been a guinea pig before?
- No.
Oh, well, best free holiday
you'll get this year, I'm telling you.
Not that I'm doing it
for a holiday, like. I wish!
No, our Jack's eighteen next month.
Only wants a car!
Well, of course, his lazy
sod of a father won't cough up,
so it's down to muggins here, as usual.
- Sorry, what's your name, love?
- Liz. Liz Reid.
Oh, right. Grace.
I did this one drug trial
for diet pills about two years ago now.
I put on half a stone!
The bastards gave me the placebo.
- Well, I hope you sued them.
- Well, you can't, though, can you?
- They've got themselves covered all ways.
- Ladies, welcome.
I'm Joe Furst, MD here at Eternus.
Thank you for taking part
in our phase one clinical trial.
Now, there's a lot riding
on the next few days. So no pressure!
- Any questions?
- (Yeah. When do we get paid?)
OK, so if you've all signed your
consent forms, we'll go through.
And if I fill the form in online,
how long will it take to process?
That's what I like about you Aussies.
You just get on with it.
Yeah. Thanks.
Are you from the council?
About the car?
He's police, love.
About the car?
Just a couple of questions,
Mr Roach.
What happened here?
Er, animal rights.
Because of Declan's research.
He said,
"lgnore them, Mam, they're all talk."
How long has it been going on?
About a month.
We've had dog shit
smeared on the front door,
a firework through the letterbox.
And then, last night
And they thought
our Declan was cruel.
What was he doing at university
to make these people target you?
Well, he never told us,
and we wouldn't have understood
if he had.
Don't know where
he got his brains from.
Not us.
He was just born clever.
Tell him about the car.
He knows about the car, love.
Here you are, love.
- You smoke, then?
- Recently gave up.
He's never liked it
when I smoked inside, you know.
Is he all right?
He can't be more than 50.
About a year ago, he put the key
in the ignition of his truck
and couldn't remember what to do next.
Doctors said he's just unlucky.
Getting unluckier by the minute, eh?
I've been told
by some of the other students
that the two of you
were having a relationship.
Damn it!
People like to gossip.
- So?
- We had sex a few times.
Not even very good sex.
- It wasn't a relationship.
- But you were close?
- As close as you could get to Declan.
- Meaning?
Meaning he was totally committed
to his research, hugely ambitious,
and never tried to hide the fact.
He also worked ridiculous hours
and could be majorly antisocial.
- Teacher's pet, was he?
- No way.
He and Cunningham
couldn't stand each other.
Why not? Clash of egos?
Declan said she wasn't doing
pure scientific research any more,
that she'd sold herself
to the highest bidder.
- Sounds nasty.
- Actually
the word he used in his
formal complaint was "prostituted".
She's not here.
They were working together?
Declan was researching under her
supervision for the last 18 months.
Prior to that, he was
one of the best undergrads
Well, THE best, actually.
What was he doing, exactly?
- Anything to do with HIV research?
- Oh, no. No.
Nanofabricated structures
is all I can say for sure.
If you need specific details,
you'd better speak with
Professor Cunningham.
- Glyceraldehyde 3
- Not a scientist yourself, then?
No. I run the department.
So you could get me a copy
of Declan's personal files?
Well, I'm sure I could find someone
to do that, yes Where's Fran?
At a symposium in Harrogate.
The keynote speaker dropped out.
I do wish people
would tell me these things.
I did.
Has she been informed of Declan's death?
I've left messages,
but she hasn't called back.
So, what are you looking for?
I'll know when I find it, love.
He was always a messy little bugger.
Don't know how he'd have coped
if he lived on his own.
His being a student for so long must
have put a strain on your finances.
Oh, well, it was Declan
I felt sorry for. I mean,
we used to try and help him out,
but then, with Kieran
having to give up work, it
Declan had debts?
I don't know how
I'm going to pay them off,
and keep our heads above water.
His debts aren't your problem.
It hasn't really sunk in.
You know, that he's gone.
I keep expecting
Whoever's been doing this to us
they killed him, didn't they?
It's hard to say, love.
You sent it all to the labs?
Seemed our best bet.
Might be nothing.
Might be the answer to
life, love and the universe.
Man is not born to solve
the problem of the universe,
but to find out what he has to do.
You've got to stop reading
those ice-lolly sticks, Peter.
The beneficial societal
and ethical implications
of nanoscale science
and technology are huge.
But with a tabloid culture that can
barely spell "genetically modified",
but wants it banned, how do you
begin to spread that message?
Nature is full of design flaws
that we'd like to fix.
And in molecular nanoscience,
we're doing just that -
fighting mankind's oldest enemy -
disease. Our weapons?
Biochemical compounds a million times
smaller than a grain of sand.
- Fran, hi.
- Hi.
I still haven't had
a chance to read your paper.
- Marcus, thank you for coming.
- Pleasure. Great presentation.
I know your face from somewhere.
June Gray.
We met last year in Seoul.
You gave a presentation on
- Molecular switches.
- That's right.
June Gray.
Molecular switches.
June Gray?
And you are?
My God! Peter.
Peter Pascoe.
I haven't seen you since
we graduated, so, '88.
God, is it really that long?
You look well on it, though.
You're not in biochemistry, are you?
- The police.
- Oh.
I suppose you're Chief Constable,
or something, are you?
We always thought you'd
float to the top of the pile.
- Well, not quite there yet.
- Love a reunion, but come on. Excuse me.
Professor Cunningham, a word.
- You didn't pick up your messages?
- I've been having phone trouble.
Why are you here?
You were the last person
to see Declan alive.
Apart from Sam Wiseman, of course.
- Sam Wiseman?
- A student.
We know who he is.
I saw them rowing in the corridor
as I was leaving.
What about?
I've never lied.
Not to you, to her, or anyone else.
I was in a hurry.
I was just aware of their raised voices.
Why had you gone into the lab?
Just routine.
I was going away
and wanted to check
everything was OK with Declan.
You didn't discuss
his formal complaint?
What formal complaint?
The one Declan made against you.
I'm sorry, you've lost me.
Are you sure your source is correct,
Mr Dalziel?
Why would animal-rights campaigners
target Declan?
His work didn't involve animals,
so they wouldn't.
Yeah, they did.
And no-one has been able to tell us
exactly what he was working on.
Why the big secret?
Found a way to turn
crap into gold, have you?
Not far wrong. We're designing
tiny particles that will deliver drugs
through the skin without
migrating to the blood or brain.
So they can attack
mutating or aging cells.
If only my students
were as attentive as you.
We're hoping
to slow the aging process.
- The secret of eternal youth?
- If you like.
Be worth a few bob, that.
Worth killing someone for.
Since I'm the only person
who fully understands the science,
that would make me
more of a natural target.
Maybe you should be worried, then.
I thought you said Spicer had
confirmed that formal complaint.
I said she was trying to confirm it.
I doubt she'll have much luck.
Cunningham would be a fool
to deny it, if it was on record.
She strikes me as nobody's fool.
I just want to say goodbye to June.
I'll be out in a minute.
June, sorry to interrupt you
Mission accomplished?
We need someone to analyse
the formula you found in Declan's room.
- I thought June might be able to help.
- She's got your number.
You're turning into quite
the young Lothario, aren't you, Peter?
Well, young-ish.
Why the digs about me age
all of a sudden, Andy?
All I'm saying is,
we're none of us as young as we were.
It's time to think about the future.
Think about your own bloody future,
and lay off, will you?
I am.
I will.
Bloody hell.
It's not even midday.
I thought it was more like five.
- Jet lag's kicking in.
- Pig's arse!
- Pig's what?
- Arse.
They say it all the time in Oz.
It's a bit like saying "bollocks".
- Fancy a pint and a pie?
- We should get back.
What do we want? An honest debate.
'Science students
at West Yorkshire University today
called for the right to use animals
'in what they say are
potentially life-saving experiments.
I'm here with spokesperson Declan Roach.
Declan, what's going on here?
Medical research on animals
has given us blood transfusions,
organ transplants, new drugs.
It saves billions of lives.
If you ban experiments on animals,
you're sentencing
human beings to death.
'But events turned sour
as counter-demonstrators
made their voices heard.'
So Declan and Wiseman
were involved in this together?
Looks that way.
And this group's
in favour of animal testing?
The day after that was on the news,
Declan's family received
the first threatening phone call.
- Excuse me, I need the loo.
- Third door on the left.
- Can I go, too?
- Yeah.
I'm half-tempted
to wash this muck off my face.
Toilet's this way, love.
I'm just having a look.
- So many doors in this place.
- Yeah.
What do you think
they're trying to hide?
I've no idea, but we should go.
- Are you looking for something, ladies?
- Just the loo.
Then I'm afraid you're a little lost.
If you'd like to come this way
How did you know
I was linked to Science Saves?
The website was registered
using your credit card.
I thought I'd been smarter than that.
You're in charge of it?
It's just me, my laptop
and the mailing list.
So how did Declan fit in?
It was his idea.
He was my lab supervisor and we
started talking about it in the lab.
He said he was too busy
so I thought I'd have a go.
Trying to score yourself
some brownie points?
Well, yes, but
It's a good cause. It really is.
You were seen arguing with Declan
just before he died.
- Who said that?
- Doesn't matter. Is it true?
It was nothing.
He owed me money
and I needed it back because
I was broke. That's all.
Aren't you frightened that whoever
killed Declan might come after you?
You think he was killed for being
the public face of Science Saves?
- Well, they haven't found me so far.
- Yes. Well, we found you.
Declan's bank statements.
Anything on them?
20,000 GBP went into his account a month ago.
The same day as the demo.
His mum said he had student loans,
a huge overdraft.
Sam Wiseman told us
that Declan owed him money.
According to these,
his account's 300 GBP in credit.
Where did it come from?
The company funding
Fran Cunningham's research.
Eternus Biotech.
I wonder what you get
for 20,000 GBP these days?
- I should get back.
- Stay another half-hour.
You need the break.
Just 15 minutes.
Whatever you think's best.
Joe said to go straight through.
He's expecting you.
It's going well.
Let's just say
we're getting our money's worth.
And no problems?
One minor security issue,
but I'm dealing with that.
I don't know what you put in this
but it smells good enough to eat.
I really wouldn't.
How's this one looking?
No visible improvement
of skin-surface clarity.
But that's not to be expected
in 24 hours.
Her face looks a little red.
- Do you feel any tingling?
- No.
- Any burning?
- No.
It looks like they're all ready
for their second application.
Sets me in mind of me in my youth.
You should put
some of this on your face.
I'd rather rub bleach in my eyes.
Gentlemen. Welcome to Eternus.
How can I help you?
A month ago, your company
paid over 20,000 GBP
into Declan Roach's bank account.
I wasn't aware
of that being illegal.
Do you know about a group
called Science Saves?
No. Should I?
It's a pro-animal testing group
Declan was involved with.
Well, I've never heard of it.
So, you weren't funding it?
No, but good for him if that's
what he spent our money on.
I'm all for it.
Was he selling you
details of his research then?
Industrial espionage? That would
cost millions, not thousands.
I don't think our budget
could stretch to that.
So you were helping a poor student
out of the goodness of your heart?
Shall we
He was coming to work for you?
Once he'd finished his PhD
and assuming he got a distinction, yes.
Do you hand out 20,000 GBP
to all your graduate trainees?
Good researchers are hard to find.
Declan was going to be great.
He was born thinking like a scientist.
A brilliant nanoscientist working
on a way to stop the ageing process.
If he'd come up with the goods,
20,000 GBP would be cheap.
A gamble. Still, there was always
a high chance that he wouldn't.
- And he'd signed a contract?
- No. We had a verbal agreement.
One he could easily decide to break.
And that would be 20,000 GBP
down the drain. Annoying that.
Small beer, Mr Dalziel.
What we're doing here is worth billions.
What are you doing here exactly?
Cosmetics used
to be about selling a dream.
About making the customer believe
you had a magic potion,
one that would keep her looking young.
- And now?
- Technology is finally catching up.
Human skin at 16 years of age.
No fine lines,
no sagging no crows' feet.
Fast forward 20 years.
Life and gravity haven't been kind.
You smoked, you drank,
you maybe caught a little too much sun.
Or maybe you were just plain
unlucky with your gene pool.
Some would call that character.
Well, the result is the same
you're looking older
than you want to look.
But what are you doing exactly?
We're trialling a nanoparticle
that can regenerate human skin cells.
And kill off ageing and mutating cells.
Professor Cunningham's work.
Exactly. We're going to give
these women in their 40s back
the skin they had when they were 17.
- Aren't we, ladies?
- Spot on there!
I like a woman with
the sense to grow old gracefully.
With skin like yours,
I'm not surprised, love.
You want to try slapping
some of this stuff on your face.
Come on!
We've got to stop this, now.
Declan's dead. The police
are sniffing around. It's too dangerous.
We promised people
people you don't mess around with.
I mean it, Matt. This isn't worth it.
We finish this batch,
then get this place cleared up tonight.
But we have to deliver on this.
What can I do?
Get the filters ready.
This stuff is almost cooked.
All that talk of curing cancer
and you're just coming up with
more crap to sell to people
with more money than sense.
Big research needs big funding.
I don't make the rules
but that is how it works.
- So you came to Eternus?
- They came to me.
But you're not saving lives.
You're just making skin cream.
Eternus needs a miracle product.
I need a backer with very deep pockets.
There will be huge benefits
for my department and the university.
Everyone wins.
Everyone except Declan.
When Furst gave him
a job at Eternus,
was he hired to work with you
or to replace you?
You gave Declan a job behind my back?
We're growing fast
and need more staff.
But one of my researchers?
Without telling me?
He had a lot of sensitive data
locked up in that head of his.
I had to stop him
going somewhere else.
I own the intellectual rights to all of this.
If he had tried to take it elsewhere,
we could've sued.
Listen, Fran. You and I both
know the way this world works.
I got out of research because
I was sick of working for peanuts.
- I couldn't risk Declan doing the same.
- So you bought him off.
The same way I bought you.
Maybe she was right.
Perhaps if I slap
that stuff on my face,
people'll stop treating me
like a horse
that's ready for the knacker's yard.
No-one treats you like that.
Somehow, I've got out
of sync with everything, Peter.
I feel like a stranger
in my own land.
You're just out of sync
with yourself, Andy.
I wonder if June could tell us
if they're on to something
or if it is all cobblers,
as you so eloquently put it.
June, June, June.
Already looking for your
next reunion are you?
Do you want to talk to her or not?
Both Cunningham and her student
were on the payroll
of a biotech firm called Eternus.
Joe Furst.
You know him?
He's your typical shark.
A failed academic
who circles our scientific shores,
trying to sink his teeth
into juicy money-spinners.
He strikes me as the type
who'd sell his
grandmother's skin for a shilling.
How good is Fran Cunningham?
She's well regarded.
She did some interesting work
on melanomas a few years ago.
And more recently?
Hard to say. She's been tantalising
us all with hints of a grande projet,
but her research is still a mystery.
That's the downside
of investment from the private sector.
Commercial sensitivity.
So, she doesn't have
to tell anyone anything?
More to the point,
she can't tell anyone anything.
And neither could anyone
who worked with her.
Like Declan Roach.
- Andy!
- Ah!
The lady on number four is showing
a sustained temperature increase
of one point two degrees.
- Do you think we should?
- Let's take a look.
Her temperature's climbing.
It could be her time of the month.
This could be
an adverse reaction, Joe.
Come on, you ran test
after test on the ingredients
so we know that can't happen.
The experimental data proves it.
It's statistically unlikely.
But that's what trials are for.
To pick up glitches.
We're picking one up.
Now we have to put the trial on hold.
Have you any idea what that would cost?
We're a month behind schedule
and haemorrhaging cash.
- A few weeks delay, that's all I'm asking.
- No.
The trial goes on.
End of conversation.
Layla, it's Fran. Are you in the lab?
Well, I need you back there now.
I know the time.
I don't want to argue. Come now.
And make sure Matt's there too.
All right,
we're on our way.
Another student's been attacked.
Maybe you'd better drive.
I was walking across campus when
somebody came at me from behind.
You were on your own?
- And there was only one of them?
- Yep.
Before I knew what was happening,
he'd punched me to the ground.
- Did he say anything?
- Nothing.
I was terrified.
I thought that he was going to
Nothing. Em
He jabbed a syringe into my arm.
And then he ran off.
- Are you gay, Sam?
- Yes. Why do you ask?
Do you think the attack
could have been homophobic?
This is about Science Saves.
You speak out
and they come after you.
But I won't be intimidated.
I'm sure that will make
a great speech at your funeral.
He won't know if he's infected
for at least three weeks.
Assuming the blood was HIV positive.
If it isn't, it's a very sick joke.
She has some nerve, treating us like this.
We are not her slaves.
Layla, Matt.
Glad you finally made it.
We were in the middle of dinner,
if that's OK with you?
- I need you to re-run a lab test for me.
- No problem.
Check what happens when
200 nanometre particles of titanium dioxide
enter the dermal layer alongside AP414?
- We looked at that six months ago.
- And you're going to look at it again.
- I could always do it myself?
- No, you're grand. We'll do it.
Thank you, Matthew.
I'll be in my office if you need me.
Is that virus off my computer yet?
- Stayed late and zapped it last night.
- Good.
Oh, you're welcome, your highness!
What are you doing here so late?
For God's sake.
You scared the living shit
out of me.
I could ask you the same question.
I needed to check
an experiment I left running.
So what's this all about?
Declan mentioned something to me
something called Project Aphrodite?
Well, he shouldn't have.
- He knew he could trust me.
- You think?
Trust wasn't part
of Declan's equation.
What's that supposed to mean?
Listen, Sam
I feel horrible saying this,
especially now,
but Declan didn't care about you.
Not the way you wanted him to.
- He told you that, did he?
- He didn't need to.
I saw the two of you,
the way he was with you.
The same way he'd been with me.
All this
won every time.
- You're wrong.
- I'm just trying to be honest.
Correct. What T is the name
of a small handheld electric lamp
powered by batteries?
- Torch.
- Correct.
Kieran! It's gonna explode!
Come in, Layla.
You can't have the
results for me already?
I'm afraid I haven't.
What was Declan
going to tell everyone?
That he didn't like
the cut of my jib, who knows?
- Now is hardly the time to be facetious.
- Then I'm sorry
I really don't know.
Declan was becoming a rival.
He was younger than you,
possibly more talented, certainly cheaper.
Before Declan met me,
he was coasting.
I pushed him, I made him
work his bony little arse off.
He was great because I made him great.
The Pharma companies
were queuing up to recruit him.
I'll ask you again.
What was he threatening you about?
I really don't know.
OK. Play it your way.
Do they know how it started?
Not yet, Boss.
She got out, but he didn't?
He was alone
when it started apparently.
It's clear what killed her.
I suppose you want to know,
did she fall or was she pushed?
The question is, by who?
You two were together?
She'd come to my place.
Leaving your husband alone?
He was asleep.
I just popped out for a few minutes.
Any idea how the fire started?
You leave the oven on,
or a cigarette burning?
I never smoked in that house, ever.
Her husband's dead.
Can't you just leave her be?
I'm afraid I can't.
While you two were busy fiddling,
her home was burning.
You have no idea
what it's been like, have you?
Eh? Watching your husband
turn into a stranger,
and he's the only person
I can talk to.
He's the only one who cares.
So he's offered more than just
a friendly shoulder to cry on?
Yeah, he has. And I've needed that.
I've spent the last month
living in fear.
I've lost my son and my husband,
and you've got the gall
to stand there and judge me!
What's the matter with you?
Are you made of stone?
I'm a copper, not a priest.
You were the last person
to see Cunningham alive?
The gaggle of close enemies
penned in upstairs I can understand,
but what the hell were you doing here?
She was going to make
a fortune from Eternus.
Declan was threatening
to jeopardise all that.
She had good motive.
I thought it was worth pursuing.
- When did we stop working as a team, Peter?
- You went home, Andy.
You didn't manage
to get a signed confession
before she kicked her chemical bucket?
- She played dumb.
- Course she did. And the Greek chorus?
We've taken statements. Joe Furst
is demanding that we let him leave.
Furst was here?
The mountain's coming to Mohammed.
Something must have been up.
Just a routine chat,
according to him.
One of those buggers in there
is responsible for that mess.
Sir, you should see this.
Fran Cunningham's computer.
The hard drive's gone.
She was working on this
when I spoke to her.
Which would leave a two-minute
window for her to have removed it.
- And it's definitely not here?
- I searched the whole office
and her bags. No sign.
Assuming this was done
once she was dead
then the information on that disk
could be what her killer wanted.
Or didn't want anyone else to have?
What were you doing back here?
We only dropped you off
two hours ago.
Aimee wasn't in and I didn't want
to run the risk of going to my place,
so I came here.
And you came here to find him?
Did you see anyone when you arrived?
- No.
- What about you two?
Fran called at 7. 15
and asked us to re-run an experiment.
Linked to Project Aphrodite?
- It was just a routine thing.
- Ah.
That word again.
You were here for a "routine" chat
weren't you, Mr Furst?
- Yeah.
- Linked to this urgent request?
I really couldn't say.
There was no reason for her
to panic that I'm aware of.
- Funny, I didn't see you on my way out?
- I received a phone call.
I stepped into
one of the labs to take it.
Which is where you were
when Cunningham fell?
How did you get past
the security system?
Someone let me in as they left.
- And who was that?
- I've no idea.
A student, I'd imagine.
I gave a description to your
to your colleague.
Any idea why Cunningham
would remove her hard drive?
She wouldn't have.
She wasn't the sort
to get her hands dirty.
Besides, if Fran worked from home,
she'd use a laptop.
- And she'd back her work up here on our VLE.
- VLE?
Sorry, Virtual Learning Environment.
It's our faculty's intranet.
- Could anyone access her files that way?
- No.
They're password protected.
So, am I to gather that
no-one here saw or heard
anything suspicious in the run-up
to Fran Cunningham's death?
In which case, you can go, for now.
Just make sure you're all available
for our enquiries in the morning.
Oh, one last thing.
Spicer here will need to check
your bags and pockets before you go.
Whoever did it had plenty of time
to dispose of the disk somewhere
around this building
before back-up arrived.
Well, we haven't got the manpower
to launch that kind of search now.
I wasn't suggesting we do.
It's only a matter of time
before the whole thing comes out.
So what?
We had nothing to do with it.
Yes, we did.
We stood back and said nothing.
It's not our place to say anything.
We keep our heads down
and do what we're told.
Haven't you worked that out yet?
You never used to be so hard.
I'm just being pragmatic.
I want to finish my PhD
and get out of here.
If we rock the boat now
do I have to remind you
how we've kept our heads above water
for the last two years?
I'll shut up.
Morning, Peter.
June's cracked the formula
you found in Declan's room.
Keen, isn't she, your lady friend?
Are we working as a team or not?
- What was it then?
- It's a recipe for crystal meth.
Oh, makes sense.
The lab's confirmed the powder
I found it with was the very same.
Pure, high-grade.
Better than you'd get
from your average dealer.
Declan had high levels of it
in his system when he died.
Maybe he was producing it
for personal use, or selling it.
He wouldn't be
the first student to do it.
There was no sign
of a home lab at his parents' place,
and he was deep in debt
until Eternus slung 20 grand at him.
So why the formula?
And how does it connect
with Cunningham's death?
- Anyone seen Grace?
- Oh, I'll fetch her.
Thank you. Right ladies,
onto your beds please, quick sticks.
Are you in there?
They're waiting for you.
What is it?
I don't know.
Feels like I'm getting a migraine.
You should say something.
My bath was probably
a bit too hot, anyway, that's all.
Besides, if I don't do the eight days
I don't get paid, simple as.
I'll be fine.
Let me look at you a second.
It takes 24 hours to go live.
Nothing I can do about it.
You'll have to wait.
Something I can help you with?
We need all Fran Cunningham's
files from the system.
What now?
If that's not too much trouble.
And nobody saw where she went?
What do I pay you people for?
Posh! Haven't had a chance for
a chat since I've been back, have we?
- Er, no, sir.
- So, er, enjoying work?
I've learnt a lot from Mr Pascoe.
Oh, he's a good'un, is Peter.
- And you enjoyed Australia?
- Oh, wonderful.
Put me in mind of Yorkshire
30-odd years back.
- Hotter though, I imagine?
- Oh!
Erm, I checked
Fran Cunningham's phone records.
In the last 48 hours
she received over 6,000 calls
to her mobile and landline.
She'd started putting cards up
in phone boxes, had she?
"Call this number for a good time"?
The phone company let me listen
to her voicemail messages.
Anything useful?
They relate to the collapse
of the Starbury Christmas Club.
The one that went under
about five months ago?
You're losing me there.
What's this got to do with Cunningham?
Well, someone had posted her numbers
on websites and in spam e-mails
saying she was
Managing Director of Starbury.
- I take it she wasn't?
- No, sir.
Some kind of malicious hoax.
We're trying to trace the source now.
You took your time.
Fran Cunningham's Project Aphrodite files.
They had to be unscrambled.
This is bugger-all use to us.
I don't think her research
was all it was cracked up to be.
You may have gone to university
but you don't know
the first thing about this.
I know about stats.
Cunningham was getting
perfect results every time.
that's almost impossible.
Might be what Declan
was blackmailing her about.
The university authorities
feel it's best if we continue
with business as usual.
It's what Fran would have wanted.
Of course, if you would
rather not be here
No, I should be.
If it's business as usual.
Well, you and Matt can cover
Fran's classes today,
I'll work out a rota before a
decision is made about replacing her.
And what happens
to our doctorate programme?
As soon as I know, you'll know.
So I should continue with the work
that Fran requested yesterday?
If that's the best use of your time, yes.
That's all I can say, Layla.
You think Cunningham
could have been faking it?
Well, there's pressure to get results
and not enough time to get them right.
Especially with Eternus baying
for you to say what they want to hear.
So this kind of thing is common
in the biomed world?
Well, she wouldn't be the first.
Fran Cunningham's famous research.
I have to say
this is like finding the Holy Grail.
How long do you think you'll need
to make sense of it?
To give a reasonable analysis,
hours rather than days.
Anything you need, just ask.
- Thanks, Peter.
- Don't thank me.
You're doing me a huge favour.
Although it's obvious you're dying
to see what Cunningham was up to.
Am I that transparent?
There's something's wrong at Eternus.
Come on!
When did you notice
this woman had gone missing?
About 30 minutes ago.
She cleared out her locker and her car's gone.
You said her name was Liz Reid?
Yeah, she passed all our checks
but then I found her
snooping round here yesterday.
- And you didn't say anything?
- Well, I got our security people
to check her out again,
but they didn't get back to me.
I put it down to natural curiosity.
Yeah, we all know what killed the cat.
My staff found traces of contaminant
in the cream we're testing.
It looks like our trial was sabotaged.
And you think the woman
who's gone AWOL is responsible?
Of course.
- Joe, there you are.
- Can it wait?
- I'm in the middle of something.
- No, it can't.
Her condition rapidly deteriorated.
Core temperature's dangerously high.
She's tachycardic.
Blood pressure dropping.
- What's causing the blistering?
- Some kind of toxic reaction.
- She's the only one reacting?
- Yeah. We need to get her out.
No. We've got
all the medical support we need.
We don't have the facilities.
We have to get her to a hospital now!
I'm still in charge
and this matter can be
Call a bloody ambulance. Now!
Her immune system
has completely collapsed.
We've given her huge doses
of steroids but she's not responding.
This happened because
the trial was sabotaged?
It's impossible to say.
If she'd been brought in earlier
There was no reason
to bring her in earlier.
So she went from being healthy
to this in a matter of minutes?
She'd mentioned a headache
yesterday afternoon.
Which might explain
Cunningham's panic.
And you let the trial go on?
It wasn't my decision.
I gave a full report to Mr Furst
but he insisted she was fine to continue.
Can she survive this?
We'll do what we can
but this is unprecedented,
we don't know what's going to happen.
The missing Reid woman, she'd had
the same cream applied, hadn't she?
You must find her.
She could be in real danger.
When will these fools learn?
There's no such thing
as the secret of eternal youth.
We should all grow old
gracefully like you?
We're born, and if we're lucky
we grow old, and then we die.
- You can't fight it.
- A cheering philosophy on life.
That woman in there
would have lived a hell of a lot longer
if she'd accepted it.
I doubt that poor woman in there
was in it for her looks.
- She's just human grist to the mill.
- Aren't we all, Peter? Aren't we all?
Oh, God, you're depressing me, Andy.
Because I'm too close to the bone.
You're getting old.
And the worst thing is
you're turning into me.
- Bollocks!
- I rest my case.
Shot of me soon enough though.
Oh, spare me another oblique
reference to your leaving.
As if you'd ever actually go.
I'm going all right,
and about as far away as I can get.
Australia? For good?
You're dyed in the wool Yorkshire.
This place runs in your veins.
You're going nowhere.
Can you hear me?
You're breaking up.
You were right.
I don't know what that stuff was
but one of the people in the trial
is really ill.
I can't hear you!
Oh, shit!
She's driving a blue Renault Clio,
2001 reg, traced
to a rental firm in Salterton.
- Hired in her name?
- No. By a man who paid cash.
Turns out the driving licence
he used as ID was stolen.
Let me guess.
Liz Reid isn't her name, either?
Liz Reid is a teaching assistant
living in Doncaster.
Her husband swears blind
she was at home all last night.
Her references
and a forged medical report.
It's spot on. It gives her
the ideal profile for the clinical trial.
A non-smoker,
the right age, right body mass.
Sir, we've got
a positive match on the prints
found on the locker at Eternus.
So who is she?
Helen Hobbs.
Minor driving offence in '91.
Based in Wetherton. Single,
with two children, Aimee and Thomas.
Aimee Hobbs.
Isn't she the friend
of that Science Saves idiot?
She got a call that woke us both up.
But it was early
so I went back to sleep.
- You just woke me.
- You and Aimee
you seem very close.
We never used to be.
She's not someone
I thought I'd be friends with,
but somehow
we've ended up being
yeah, I guess close.
Did she have anything to do
with Science Saves?
She helped me out now and then.
Did some photocopying.
Put some posters up.
So she knew exactly
what was going on?
But we could trust her.
She's a bit of an idiot
but harmless.
She knew how involved
you and Declan were?
She knew about our relationship,
if that's what you mean.
I meant involved with Science Saves.
So, you and Declan were lovers?
Why didn't you tell us this before?
No-one knew.
I thought I should stay quiet.
He's been murdered.
Your silence
what did you really row about
the night he died?
I never lied.
Not to you, to her, or anyone else.
He was having an affair with Layla.
I got a bit jealous, I suppose.
And it got heated?
A bit. He walked away.
That was the last time I saw him.
She doesn't have a computer here?
She said she couldn't afford one.
She always uses the computer labs.
Aimee Hobbs. Here we are.
A model student.
Excellent attendance record.
She always gets
her projects in on time.
Her grades aren't outstanding but
Well, what does that matter
if she hands her work in on time.
Yes, well, we, er
We cater to all levels of ability here.
Not everyone can be a
Fran Cunningham or a Declan Roach.
She had security access
to the lab where Declan died?
As a member of the department,
she has full access at all times, yes.
She was also in the building
when Cunningham fell to her death.
I know, but
if you knew her
I can't believe that
she'd be responsible for
It's possible her mother
sabotaged the trial at Eternus.
We're trying to establish a link
with animal rights groups.
Fran Cunningham was also
the victim of an internet hate campaign
and we have reason to believe
that Aimee might have launched it
from a computer in this building.
- Ben!
- What?
These officers need to speak to you
about spam e-mails concerning Fran.
Oh, that.
What do you know about it?
It was just a joke, wasn't it?
I didn't mean any harm.
My timing was just a bit off.
You did it? Why?
I was sick of the smug cow
always talking to me like I was dirt.
Everyone here.
They all treat me like I'm invisible.
- You thought you'd bring her down?
- I wanted her to be unpopular.
- And you know nothing about her hard drive?
- Nothing. Look, I swear.
I admit to the spam, I was stupid.
But I have nothing
to do with anything else.
Is there someone else
who can help with Aimee's files?
Ben will need to go
with my colleague.
Ben. What's this?
Declan just logged on
at workstation 12 in computer lab three.
You just logged in
using Declan Roach's user ID.
His files were password-protected
and I needed to check something.
We use each other's logins
all the time.
I'm sorry. I didn't realise
this would be such a big deal.
His files are part of a police enquiry.
What were you thinking?
I'm carrying on with Fran's research,
like you asked me to.
I needed to check
some of his results against mine.
Who else knows Declan's password?
- Matt does, I think
- Where is he now?
I've scheduled him to cover
Fran's second year lab practicals.
Where's Matt?
He was here a second ago.
Matt! Stop there.
Yes, it's it's reference code
Juliet Uniform
eight nine
two three
Kilo Delta.
Yes, well, I was just wondering
if there's any news
on my application yet?
(A working visa.)
(A working visa!)
Oh, tomorrow then.
Er yeah.
Thank you.
You're not planning on
leaving us again, are you?
Back to Australia?
Have you ever been?
Oh, you should go.
Yeah, I spent, er day after day
at the cricket, eating pies,
sinking pints in the sunshine.
Oh, the atmosphere!
Do you know, I haven't had
that much fun since well
I don't know how long.
Mind you, the cricket was crap.
Do you know, the first match
Sorry, sir,
I've got to get back to my desk.
The Roach flat fire report.
You said it was urgent.
I'll miss you, sir.
You make me laugh.
The daft
He lit it himself?
I'm sorry, love.
That's the official conclusion.
But those bastards set fire to our car.
They threatened our home.
The fire started in the kitchen.
The windows were still locked,
as was the front door.
There was no-one else involved.
I should never have
When he was first diagnosed,
I thought
at least it can't get any worse.
But that's life for you, isn't it,
full of big surprises.
I shouldn't have left him.
You were his wife,
not his guardian angel.
Changed your tune, haven't you?
You blamed me.
Everyone else will.
They'll say I should have been there.
That I was off with my fancy man,
that I left my own husband to die.
So let them say it.
You know that's not true.
Where is she? Where's my mum?
Look, I don't know who you are
but tell me or I'll go to the police right now.
I mean it. Tell me
or I'll tell them everything I know!
An e-mail from Declan Roach's
account sent three days ago.
I've already told you,
I've never seen this before.
I think you logged onto the
West Yorks University intranet
as Declan Roach
and sent it to Cunningham.
Your silence could be viewed
as obstructing a murder enquiry, Layla.
Yes, I sent it.
- Why?
- It was supposed to be a joke.
I knew she and Declan
weren't getting on well.
I thought it would be funny
to watch the sparks fly.
A joke?
I don't believe you.
You should. It's the truth.
But it would only work if Cunningham
really was covering something up.
What did you want her to think?
That Declan was questioning
the validity of her research?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
You wanted to spark off
World War Three in your department
and let Declan take the blame.
And now he and Cunningham are dead.
I told Declan about the e-mail.
He liked a joke as much as anyone.
And he saw the funny side?
He said he didn't care.
Fran couldn't do a thing to him.
Because Eternus
had already employed him?
I guess.
Or because he knew something.
About Project Aphrodite.
What was it?
I don't know.
And I don't suppose you know
why Matt's done a runner either?
I'll take upstairs.
- What is it?
- Found this.
Sudafed tablets,
lithium batteries and iodised salt,
which are all used
to make crystal meth.
Well, I'd say
you'd found our source.
Well done, Posh.
Any luck tracing Helen Hobbs,
Aimee Hobbs, their associates?
- Anything?
- Er no, sir.
Well, put a fire under it, you lot!
I'm only asking you to find
a couple of two-bit local activists
on the run in Wetherton,
not Osama Bin Laden!
I don't suppose you've located
the Bin Laden sisters, have you?
Could you get forensics to take
a look at whatever's on these?
Make clear it's urgent.
- Coffee filters?
- I think we've found
the remnants of a crystalmeth factory
at Matt and Layla's place.
That could be something to do
with the formula in Declan's room.
Either he was involved,
or he found out.
Either way it's unlikely
to be a coincidence.
And once again, the two amigos
are involved. Maybe you were right.
Sorry. I'm not interrupting, am I?
Of course not.
No, of course not!
What did you want to tell us, love?
Surprise, surprise,
so Fran Cunningham wasn't
the nanotech messiah after all.
She might have been, if she'd taken
the time to work things out properly.
Instead of rushing for
a big public eureka moment.
This was her big discovery.
The AP414 molecule was the active
ingredient in Project Aphrodite.
Small enough to pass through
the skin's dermal layer
and cross the blood barrier,
this was supposed to revive the skin cells.
Only her research shows that,
in reality, it was inert.
She expected it to do nothing?
It would have no effect on cells
Hardly the secret to eternal youth
she was marketing, then.
So who else knew about it
besides Fran?
Matt? Layla?
What about Joe Furst?
He wouldn't want
his shareholders finding out
he'd been investing in snake oil.
Cunningham was killed when she
threatened to derail Project Aphrodite.
Perhaps he thought Declan
was going to do the same?
Oh, my God!
Now. It's Mum. It's my mum
she's dying!
The crystal meth we found at Layla
and Matt's has exactly the same
chemical composition as the
stuff you found in Declan's room.
So they were cooking it up
for their friends?
Thousands of friends, judging by
the quantity of ingredients we found.
Time for another word
with Madame Meth in there.
Can we be honest with each other
for a moment, Layla?
We know that Cunningham
was a big fake.
- What?
- Are you trying to tell me you didn't know?
Know what?
I'm getting really bored
with the ignorant act, love.
It's not an act.
I've just spent two and a half years
researching this for my PhD.
If it was fake, all that hard work
would be completely worthless.
- Are you sure?
- 100%.
That must be why she was
asking us to re-run the experiment.
So you're saying that
wasn't a routine request?
It was strange.
She wanted to know
what happened if AP414
was combined with titanium dioxide.
And why do you say it's strange?
Because it shouldn't bind with other particles.
That's the point.
Sounds like
you're a good chemist, Layla?
I'd like to think I was.
What would you say I could make
with this little lot?
Titanium dioxide?!
- Of course!
- What?
It's, er It's a white pigment
used in sunscreen.
There's a debate raging about
whether it toxically builds up in cells.
What's that got to do with this?
Cunningham's useless molecule
was so small
it wouldn't be detected
by the immune system,
but if it combined with titanium dioxide
inside cells, it might.
And then the immune system
would attack the cells,
like it has with Grace Beck?
Sir, we've located
Aimee and Helen Hobbs.
Grace Beck's
showing signs of stabilising
but this one's in a much worse state.
She's got the same symptoms?
More or less.
Fever. Low blood pressure.
Her internal organs have collapsed
to a much greater degree,
due to the extended length of exposure.
What would you say
her chances of survival are?
As low as they can get.
She's going to need a miracle now.
You've been bailed
to appear in court in three weeks
but we may need to speak to you
about the murders
of Declan Roach and Fran Cunningham.
You're lucky to get bail, Layla.
They're sending dealers
to jail for life.
Hello, Aimee.
I'm really sorry,
but we're going to need
to ask you a few questions.
Have you seen my mum?
We have.
How is she?
Not looking good.
But they'll do everything
they can for her.
Do you know what your mum
was doing out at that cottage, Aimee?
It was the rendezvous point
if anything went wrong.
Went wrong with what?
Come on, Aimee.
Your mum's
in a terrible state in there.
Don't hold back. Whatever you can
tell us might help keep her alive.
If anything went wrong at Eternus.
What was your mum doing at Eternus?
They told us it would be easy.
We were only trying to help.
Help who?
The animals.
They told us it was harmless.
Just something to mess
the trials up and set them back.
We never wanted to hurt anyone.
Who's they?
The people in this group
Mum was a member of
War On Testing.
You weren't a member?
I never spoke to them before today.
Mum gave me this number
and said I was only to ring it
if things went wrong.
But you knew these people
were targeting your friends.
- Sam and Declan.
- They weren't friends.
Declan taught me now and then.
Sam just wanted my lecture notes.
But that's why you hung around them.
So you could report back
on Science Saves.
You left a needle containing
HIV-infected blood in that lab.
Your friend was attacked
with a similar needle.
How can you put another human being
through that torment?
I'm sorry. It was stupid.
I swear, Mum and I
I'll admit to everything we've done.
We told them when and where
Science Saves was meeting.
We let the rats out in the lab.
But I mean it
we had nothing to do with Declan
or Professor Cunningham' s deaths.
'Please look into the mirror.'
I wasn't expecting you.
We need to talk.
Well, I can't imagine what about.
I assume you've heard the news?
I know all about it.
Trial's collapsed
what more is there to say?
I want my money.
That's a joke.
What money?
Speak to my creditors.
Because as of today,
Eternus is closed for business.
We had a deal.
Well, the deal is off, Matthew!
All you had to do was get me
Fran Cunningham's hard drive
and stop this getting out.
But you failed to deliver
so I don't think I owe you anything!
What the hell are you doing?!
What are you doing? Jesus Christ
For Christ's sake
What are you what are you doing?
- Pay me.
- No, no!
You've gone mad! No, please, no!
I have gone mad.
So pay me or I'll kill you.
I haven't got anything left!
Don't you understand that? Argh!
Hoisting him by his own petard,
I see.
There's a police car outside
with your name on it, Mr Hurley.
My colleague here will escort you.
You've got to get me to a hospital.
You saw what he did to me!
Have you used sunblock
in the last three months?
- What?
- Then relax.
Come here.
I don't believe it.
I saw all of Fran's research.
Course you did, you funded it.
Co-funded. Project Aphrodite
was a joint venture with West Yorks.
They'll have Grace Beck
and Helen Hobbs' deaths on their conscience.
They'll survive this.
I'll go under.
Is that all you're still bothered about?
The money?
You never gave a damn
about the lives of those volunteers.
I didn't think we were
putting them at any kind of risk.
I still don't understand
how this could go so wrong.
Grace Beck and Helen Hobbs
were both outdoorsy types, that's how.
- What do you mean?
- They both used high-tech sunblock.
And they both suffered
an adverse reaction
when the sunblock's titanium
dioxide combined with AP414.
Well, how were we meant to know
that could happen?
Wasn't it your job to know?
We've had to bail Hurley.
- You're joking?
- I wish I was.
But the little bugger had
a particularly slippery lawyer.
Anything to report?
The results on the blood in the syringe
that Sam was attacked with.
- It was negative.
- We'd better let him know.
I already have.
Let's say he took it well.
Techies have managed to put
Fran Cunningham's phone together.
- Anything? - Just messages about
the collapse of the Christmas Club.
- What about that tape recorder thingy?
- What?
You know, she did that thing
Earth to Doctor Spock.
I don't think that's been checked.
Let me see.
'Memo to self. Check with Dan Gaston
about DNA repair enzyme RAD 54.
'June Gray. Molecular switches.
'Shanghai Seminar March 23rd.
'I don't want to have this
conversation again, Layla.
'I'm going public.
You'll hear from my lawyers.
You can't steal my work!
'Too late.'
What are you doing back here?
Salvaging Project Aphrodite.
Two women
are almost dead in hospital.
No-one's interested
in Project Aphrodite any more, Layla.
But I know the formula works.
It doesn't.
- Give it up.
- It does.
I just let her think it didn't.
What are you on about?
I worked it out
but Cunningham wanted all the glory.
So I played with the formula
so it didn't do what it said.
Declan worked that out.
He still took the money though.
You killed our friend.
And Fran!
You're responsible for
What did he have to say?
She effectively confessed to the
murders of Declan and Cunningham.
Did she give her reasons?
Professional jealousy.
Cunningham got all the glory,
Declan got all the cash.
And she felt entitled to both.
Terrible thing to lose face.
What a shambles.
And all because of this
incessant obsession
with youth and money and power.
It's all part of the same thing.
Power brings money
and money can buy you anything.
Not everything.
Oh, eh
the price of bloody drinks in here
is ridiculous.
Come on, Andy. Why are we here?
- I need to get home.
- I've got some news that should, er
might put a smile on your face.
- What is it?
- The thing is,
I've decided to move
Oh, speak of the devil.
Hang on.
Dalziel speaking.
G'day, mate.
No, no. I really appreciate
you calling me back so late
That's all right, mate, yeah.
Too old?
You weren't seriously
thinking of emigrating, were you?
Don't be daft.
Why would I want to leave this place?
You never would.
That's my point.
So stop talking bollocks.
Single malt?