Dalziel and Pascoe (1996) s12e03 Episode Script

Under Dark Stars

The jury at the murder trial
of Wetherton teenagers Kit Danso
and Jamie Croft
is expected to return its verdict
later on today.
Michael Wheeler stands accused
of the murder of both boys.
So how did he know your lad?
Truancy officer.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
Same thing with all of them, right?
Even that one that got away?
What were his name?
Couldn't believe they made them
face him again in court.
It's on the house.
I hope they do right in there.
Hangin' would be too good for 'im.
All rise!
Members of the jury, upon count one
do you find the defendant,
Michael Wheeler,
guilty or not guilty
of the murder of Kit Danso?
Not guilty.
Order in court.
Upon count two,
do you find the defendant
guilty or not guilty
of the murder of Jamie Croft?
Not guilty.
Order in court!
And this is the verdict of you all?
It is.
Thank you.
Would you sit down, please.
- Tossers!
- Dean!
Are you stupid? Didn't you listen to me?
He told me what he done to Jamie.
Leave it!
I'd be dead if I hadn't
got away from that psycho!
Stupid bastards!
Just leave us alone!
Why didn't they believe Dean?
Wheeler kidnapped him.
Told him he killed our son!
We only ever had
Dean's word for that.
There were no witnesses.
No evidence to support his claim at all.
- But you believe him, don't you?
- You know I do.
It was that smarmy lawyer
of Wheeler's.
Pushing Dean in the witness box
so he lost it.
Making him out to be
a druggie and a liar!
I'm afraid that may have given
the jury cause for reasonable doubt.
What if it were one of their kids -
think it would have been
reasonable doubt then?
You must've known!
Why'd you put us all this?
There were fibres from your son's
jacket in Wheeler's car.
Destroyed by an unfortunate fire
in the forensics lab. Aye.
I do know that. I've had to
sit through five weeks of it.
- With that evidence
- Don't finish that sentence.
Don't say we could have got Wheeler.
Because YOU didn't.
Now, he's free.
And he's laughing at us.
Thanks, Pascoe.
Thanks for everything!
- What happened?
- They let him go.
They wouldn't listen to me.
It's not your fault It's over.
Over? It's only just starting.
What have you done?
Just a little community service.
Done him some DIY.
You've been to his house?
you've got to stay away from him.
- I'm gonna make his life a bloody misery.
- No. You can't win this way.
You've got to hide.
Pick your moment.
- No.
- Yes.
Stay with me.
What, with you?
With me.
Merlin! Leave it!
Oh, my God!
Thank Christ.
See? Teddy bears
do picnic in the woods.
What in flaming O'Flaherty's name
are you doing back, Mason?
I've got no time
for small-talk, doughboy.
Now, he's been dead
approximately five hours.
Probable cause of death -
massive blunt force trauma to the skull.
Left frontal, resulting in
a fatal cerebral haemorrhage.
What's your hurry?
Clamorous legions of dead
eternally protest.
Pitiless, reproachful,
they spare me no rest.
Hope you haven't
helped yourself to a bit
his wife could have identified him by!
What've we got, Posh?
Kevin Noel Jennings, aged 25.
Wallet. Driving licence -
the photo matches.
Two credit cards.
And 52.25 GBP in cash.
Not a pear-shaped mugging then.
Next of kin?
Baines is working on it.
What's wrong with this picture?
Other than Mason didn't
tell us he'd been in a scrap?
Weather's been perishing all week.
No coat. No bodywarmer.
Just a shirt.
So he was done somewhere warm,
or the killer nicked his jacket.
Look at the wrist.
The shirt cuff has been torn off.
The dog that found him did that.
Frisky Fido.
Well, I don't see it lying around.
Maybe he ate it.
'Appen we should get his owner
to tell us what comes to pass?
they've found the victim's car.
Looks like he was about to
change the wheel.
Then someone stopped to help?
And the Good Samaritan
turned out to be the Grim Reaper.
Shame he didn't stop
near a traffic camera.
Mobile on the passenger seat.
When it's been dusted,
we'll see if he phoned a friend.
Anyone home?
Mrs Jennings?
Bruce Willis, I presume.
Looks like Dutch skunk.
The stoner's brand of choice.
Must be a couple of grand's worth there.
Hey! Watch my lips.
We're looking for Sandra Jennings.
Is she here?
I am arresting you on suspicion
of possession of cannabis
with intent to supply.
We could go to London.
Wheeler couldn't find us there.
Leave a wicked doss like this?
You're mental.
We could get a fresh start -
find work, maybe.
Nobody gets a fresh start.
They do. Sometimes.
What? You mean you?
You never talk about your past,
do you?
Nothing to say.
'Course there is.
Come on, tell us.
Where did you grow up?
Here and there.
Mostly there.
- What about your parents?
- What about them?
It's mental, innit? Being a parent.
My mum was my age when she had me.
Can you imagine having a kid
at this age?
Can't imagine anything worse.
You make me laugh.
Here you are,
smoke some more of this.
I know it's only
been a few weeks, but
Since I met you I don't wanna
be on my own again with no-one.
No-one at all.
You don't know what that's like.
Nothing is gonna happen to me.
I'm the Mean Dean Machine!
- Well hard, aren't I?
- You don't even know what hard is.
Oh, what? And you do?
Please, come home.
- Hello?
- Bridget?
- Who is this?
- Jamie loved you.
That big bad boy.
At the end, when he broke.
All he did was cry for you.
Who was that?
Do you know why your son died?
Who the hell are you?
Don't you know?
Jamie died because you failed him.
You are a sick bastard.
The blow to the head caused
a complex depressed fracture
which resulted
in cerebral haemorrhage.
If the assailant wanted to
knock him out, the blow was too hard.
If he wanted to kill him immediately,
it wasn't hard enough.
- He didn't die right away?
- No.
From the nature of the bleed
and bruising to the scalp tissue
I'd say he lived for about an hour
after he was struck.
And the blunt instrument
in question was, er?
Beats me.
But you can see the bruise.
Something like
the end of a poker maybe
or a length of rod with a ball
on the end of it.
Inch and a half in diameter.
Could have been a priest.
Clonked him with a loaded rosary?
Three Hail Marys
and one "How do St Peter"?
- A keeper's priest.
- Yeah, could be.
It's a club,
for finishing off wounded game.
About so long.
I suspect the assailant
was going for the sweet spot here.
Now, the bone is very thick.
A solid blow here
could jar the brain hard enough
to result in unconsciousness.
What about this?
Oh, that's just damage
from canine canines.
Internal organs are normal.
No sign of sexual interference
or recent sexual activity.
Pending toxicology,
it's "Farewell cruel world"
from a nasty bump on the head.
- Where's my kids?
- Your mother's looking after them.
Can't Kevin have them?
I'd rather that he
Your husband is dead.
An accident? Driving.
He was attacked.
Yesterday around 10am.
Where were you at that time?
At home, with the kids.
By home, you mean
Gareth Bass's place?
Was Bass there?
Where was Bass?
Out. I don't know where.
You'll have to ask him.
When did you last see Kevin?
About about a week ago.
He came round.
Wanted us to come back
Was Bass there?
Kev went for him -
came off worst.
Yes, so the neighbours told us.
They also heard Kevin
threaten to shop Bass for dealing.
Is that why Bass killed him?
Killed? No, he wouldn't have done.
Does Bass own a transit van?
No. Just the truck.
Maybe one of his friends does.
Gareth doesn't have any friends.
Just customers and suppliers.
And you - you moved in with him.
I moved in with what he sells.
Seen Kevin Jennings recently?
Oh, every day.
Can't get enough of 'im.
Like brothers we are!
That why you beat the crap
out of each other?
Us fight? Never.
Where were you between
nine and twelve yesterday morning?
At home.
Ask the neighbours.
They'll have seen my truck outside.
A flock of little birds tell us
that Kevin was going to
shop you for dealing drugs.
I don't deal.
Anything that you found at my place
were for personal use only.
Anyway, what's this
fascination with Kevin?
He was murdered.
Yesterday morning
between nine and twelve.
So second chance.
Where were you?
Of course it's him.
Who else could it be?
There are a lot of
weird people out there
It's Wheeler.
Mr and Mrs Croft.
- What?
- Wheeler's been ringing us.
Talking about Jamie.
- How he tortured him.
- You're sure it's Wheeler?
Aye. I mean, he's using a voice changer,
but it's him, all right.
Free as a bird.
Free to torture us, thanks to you.
He'd have to be pretty stupid
to be doing this.
Sick. He just has to be sick.
When did the calls start?
Last night.
It's Wheeler.
I know it is.
We'll have recording gear
installed in your house by tonight.
Whoever it is,
we'll nail the bastard.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
You're an educated swine.
What do they call those nasty little
urges that start out as one thing,
but end up as something else?
Paraphilias. So what are you saying?
That he tortures boys
rather than admit to other urges?
And gets his rocks off that way.
That wouldn't account for phone calls
to the victim's parents.
Please, try to calm down,
I can't under
How long has he been missing?
After he ran out of court,
he never came home.
Have you tried his mobile?
He's not answering.
I've left messages.
He always answers my messages.
Did you see the way
Wheeler looked at him in court?
Like some kind of animal.
And that wasn't just hate
in his eyes.
There was something else
not a threat.
A promise.
We won't let anything
happen to Dean.
He's already tried to get him once.
Why didn't those people
believe Dean?
Superintendent, Inspector.
What an unexpected pleasure.
Had a few visitors already
by the look of it.
Who do you reckon did this?
Who do you think would
spell that word with an E?
Dean Bennett's gone missing.
Why doesn't that surprise me?
- Mind if we take a look inside?
- Do you have a warrant?
I can get one.
Oh, don't trouble yourself.
Be my guest.
It's not as if you don't know
your way around the place.
Have you seen Dean?
No, not since yesterday.
In court. When I was found innocent.
I doubt I'll see Dean again.
He'll wait until I'm out
to re-vandalise the place.
Did any of the neighbours
see him do this?
I don't know.
We're not on speaking terms
at the moment.
I'm something of a social leper.
I have you to thank for that.
It's my pleasure.
As a result of your malicious
and totally unsubstantiated charges
I've lost my livelihood
and my reputation.
I will be seeking compensation.
See you in court.
One way or another.
If you've hurt Dean Bennett,
I'll bloody well swing for you.
No, you won't.
No-one swings these days.
No matter how many times
they've killed.
We should get surveillance on him.
Oh, my God!
I'm so sorry.
Thanks for that.
Please, let me buy you another one.
- It's fine.
- No, really. I insist.
All right. Never been one to turn
down a drink from a pretty girl.
What was it? Coffee?
Where's that accent from then?
You German?
- Johannesburg. South African.
- Long way from home, aren't you?
I'm on my way up
to visit relatives in Scotland.
Lucky them.
- What's your drink?
- Don't worry about it.
- You're sure?
- Yeah. Save your pennies.
You'll need them for your travels.
Thanks. And I'm so sorry again.
Excuse me, sir, I don't suppose
you're passing through York tonight?
Not today.
Excuse me, sir, I don't suppose
you're passing through York tonight?
Thank you so much!
Bridget. How nice to hear your voice.
Please leave me alone.
Oh, you sound just like Jamie.
Why are you so upset
that he's dead?
After all, you tried
to kill him once, didn't you?
He was three months old.
One not-so-happy bath time.
The water was just deep enough.
You shit!
Mark told Jamie.
When you were in hospital.
Having your nervous breakdown.
Do you think that's why
he became so unstable?
Resentful? Rebellious?
Because he sensed, deep down,
that you never loved him?
He knew I loved him.
I didn't want a baby,
I was so young.
I could hardly even look after myself.
But I learned
He knew I loved him.
Oh, did he?
That's not what he told me.
How he cried.
You vicious, twisted bastard!
'I'm not the one who betrayed her.
Oh, and tell Pascoe
that his trace is a waste of time.
Things were so bad.
You were in hospital and I didn't
know if you were ever comin' back.
Jamie just kept going
on and on and on
He missed you so much.
I just
I shouldn't have told him. Christ.
I just lost the plot. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Maybe Wheeler is right, yeah?
Maybe I couldn't love Jamie
That bastard doesn't know you.
Doesn't know us.
It's just a sick, evil game.
We can't let him win it.
We can't.
Tell Pascoe
that his trace is a waste of time.
Ignoring the radiophonic
workshop stuff
it could be Wheeler.
The phrasing's right.
Well, whoever it is,
it sounds like they're the killer.
Because of the baby's
bath time stuff?
Jamie could've told that
to one of his mates.
Or maybe his dad shot his mouth off
to someone in the family.
Well, the distortion's pretty impressive.
It's better than your average
plug-in voice changer.
You got that bloody phone trace yet?
The calls were traced to
a pay-as-you-go mobile.
No way to identify the owner.
What about transmitter locations?
The service provider gave us
a different relay location for each night.
Both on the outskirts of the town.
"Tell Pascoe his trace
is a waste of time."
Oh, Jamie
Hello again, Dean.
The girl is dead.
Would you like to see
what's left of her?
She was nothing.
A menace to herself and to society.
Like you.
But you can live.
I'm giving you another chance.
It's your choice.
I admire your courage.
In a way, that's why you're still living.
Escaping from me last time.
Confronting me in the court
Impudent, of course,
but what spirit.
You could have an extraordinary life.
With my help.
But you have many lessons to learn.
Hard lessons.
Jamie, Kit, Graham, David,
and the others. They wouldn't learn.
Everything I do
is for the best - for you.
I want you to be very still.
Do you understand?
Still! Still!
Still! Still.
Still. Still. Ssh!
Struggle and you'll lose a lip.
Ah, you don't trust me.
Quite insulting.
But we'll let it pass.
Just this once.
I haven't tampered with this.
There. You see?
Good behaviour is rewarded.
Bad behaviour is punished.
A lesson your mother should
have taught you long ago.
No-one saw her jump, but there
were several people outside
when she hit the ground.
- No-one else seen on the balcony?
- No, sir.
- Is Mr Croft inside?
- Yes, sir.
- How did he find out?
- A neighbour called him at work.
Right. Thanks.
I'm so terribly sorry.
If there's anything I can do
Just go away!
Dead girl. No ID.
- How's Croft taking it?
- How do you think?
Stop off for a quick one, did we?
Drop it, Andy.
She's been dead about 18 hours.
She's lost a lot of blood.
Probably before
she went into the water.
And I know who killed her -
the priest.
Left frontal. The same bruise
we found on your man Jennings.
As you can see, the blow
was nowhere near as savage.
Lucky really, since her skull
is abnormally thin.
- Lucky for who?
- The killer.
He needed her alive
as long as possible.
- Why?
- Look at her ankles
Ligature marks.
Her legs were tied and elevated.
She may even have been suspended.
And this wound here,
that's a large-bore needle
inserted in the carotid artery.
- She was bled.
- Correct.
That's what killed her.
Now, the average adult female body
contains about seven pints of blood.
The killer took five of hers
with a little help from her heart.
She was killed for her blood?
Christ! I hate the weird ones.
But how does that fit with Jennings?
Yeah, well I owe you an apology.
Only the one?
Look here.
- Can you see it?
- No.
I took some photographs.
I compressed the wound
with a sheet of glass.
Now, when the damaged tissue's
flattened out a little,
you can see here
part of a clean incision
along the vein.
That's why his shirt cuff
was torn off, then,
to get at his wrist.
And here
there's a circular bruise,
faint, but almost perfectly circular.
From a suction cup.
If the killer needs blood
for whatever warped reason,
he killed the girl so soon after Jennings
because he botched the first job.
So Gareth Bass
is out of the picture.
He was enjoying our hospitality
when the girl was killed.
Unless he knows the killer
and suggested Jennings
might make a suitable donor?
Possible, but unlikely.
We can't hang about with this.
Get Spicer on the blower.
- What about?
- The power of television.
Crimezone Northeast.
You do know who I am, don't you?
Graham Kit
Jamie and my wife!
You've got some suffering to do.
- Sir?
- Yeah?
You wanted me to
look into voice changers?
Most of the stuff available
is pretty basic - apart from this.
It's a software
you can load onto a laptop.
Then if you connect to a headset
and your mobile phone
- Sorry. Could you?
- Oh, yeah.
Tell me where you are.
OK, everyone,
that's a 15-minute break.
- Happy?
- Fine.
I'll see you live in 45.
Superintendent, I'm afraid
they need you in make-up.
This isn't toilet paper.
I didn't slip
and stick me head down a bog.
- I've had make-up.
- I'm afraid you need more.
- Where is he?
- He's in here.
No, not yet.
Tell him!
Tell him!
I killed them.
Jamie, Kit And?!
and Graham.
Enough! Get him down!
You bastard.
Confession's worth nothing.
Kidnapping. Torture.
I'll see you suffer.
Like your bitch of a wife
and your cretin son
Dean Bennett.
Give me the knife.
Were you seen?
When you took him, were you seen?
- No.
- You're sure?
No-one saw me go in. I
I waited, there's a
a door from inside
through to the garage.
I took him through that way.
Put him in the boot.
Drove his car out. No-one saw.
You wore those gloves?
- Yes.
- Take them off.
The gloves. Now!
Right, take my car.
Park it in the car park at my place.
The address is on the insurance
documents in the glove compartment.
The remote's
on the driver's sunshield.
Don't speed!
Try not to be seen.
When you get home,
change your clothes.
Then wait till morning
and dump everything you're wearing,
including the shoes.
Far away. Everything.
- Got it?
- Yes.
You were never at Wheeler's place.
You were never here.
Right, Go. Go!
Hello, and welcome to Crimezone Northeast,
live, as always.
Tonight we begin with an
urgent appeal from Wetherton CID.
They need your help to stop a murderer
who has killed twice in the last 48 hours.
We have with us tonight,
Detective Superintendent Dalziel
from Wetherton CID.
So if you saw this van
in the vicinity of Neroche Woods,
or saw it parked in a lay-by
one mile west of Stonegarth
on the A8747, on Monday morning,
please call us.
It was a busy time of day.
Hundreds of people must have seen it.
And if they saw the van
there's a good chance
they would've seen the killer.
And this van was used
to transport both victims?
That's correct.
We've got matching
forensic evidence from their clothing.
The second victim was found
in Trewbridge dock this morning.
She was dumped in the water
and stripped of any identification.
She's medium build,
5 feet 3 inches tall.
She has light blue eyes
and natural blonde hair.
Now, we think the victim
may have been a backpacker.
The condition of her feet tells us
that she'd been doing
a lot of walking recently.
The bruising on her shoulders
is consistent with the position
of the pack straps,
and there had been
localised wear to her clothing
that tends to reinforce this theory.
Now her clothing
was quite distinctive, wasn't it?
Very. And we've got some shots
of similar clothing
being modelled by a policewoman.
How much is this?
3.95, please.
It's right at the bottom.
I've got some money in my bag.
Oh, baie dankie.
We've had a few calls so far.
Nothing particularly helpful though.
You all watch it, then?
Me and a couple of others did.
What did Peter think?
Um he didn't see it.
He had to rush off somewhere.
Anything yet?
- What's up?
- Nothing.
Spit it out.
Just feeling a bit weird.
Dressed like a dead person.
We're all wearing
dead people's clothes, love.
It's just a matter of time.
Crimezone Northeast.
My name is Claire Baines.
Which case are you calling about?
You were seen, Peter.
Spicer saw you bugger off
before the programme started.
You jealous of my celebrity status?
Yeah, stunned. Not by you.
That crack on the head was playing up,
so I came home to rest.
Don't worry about it.
Experience has proved
your skull's thick enough
to demolish a bomb-proof shithouse.
I'm coming to get you.
To interview someone
who saw our girl.
Unless you'd rather stop 'ome
with the vapours.
I'll be waiting outside.
Did she sit with anyone?
No, not that I saw, but I was busy.
Can you remember
anything else about her?
How d'you mean?
Was she relaxed or anxious?
Did she look ill?
No. She was fine.
She didn't seem
She had an accent.
Not from round these parts, then?
No. It was sort of Australian.
But it wasn't Australian?
She said something to the lady
as she took her stuff away
Bee something.
Bee hanky?
Baie dankie?
Could have been.
It's Afrikaans.
She was South African.
Who is she?
We don't know her right name.
But, er,
she calls herself Perdy.
What's she got to do with Dean?
Well, girlfriend.
According to his mates.
He never talked about her?
Dean hooked up with the lads
after he ran out of court.
They paid a visit
to Wheeler's place, trashed it.
This girl met them afterwards.
Dean went off with her
and that's the last time
anyone saw either of them.
He never told me.
Been going on for a couple of months.
She was living rough somewhere,
but kept it to herself,
probably to avoid
midnight visits from randy teenagers.
So, you're looking for her too?
Uniforms and detectives.
Look, could be they're
shacked up together,
keeping a low profile.
Or Wheeler's got both of 'em.
Sod it.
I can't read the number. Can you?
Maybe we could get it enhanced?
Here, Sir.
Gotcha, y'bugger.
Sod it. There's no scratch.
Probably been repaired.
I can't see any sign of a bang,
fill an' blow job.
Maybe it's a good one.
We'll be able to check the maintenance log.
How hard would it be
to mock up one of these?
Not too difficult.
Anyone handy with a stencil
and a spray could do it.
Plus some basic mechanical knowledge
to fit the extra lights and so forth.
Driver's details?
Adam Norton.
That's his home address
and a list of the shifts
he's worked in the last seven days.
How long's he been workin' here?
Two years. Never been any trouble.
No complaints, anything like that.
He's even taken less
sick time than average.
Too good to be true.
When's he due in?
In about half an hour.
You think I had something
to do with the murder?
Did you?
No. I swear it.
What were you doing between
10am and 3pm on Monday?
Monday was busy. There were at least
three breakdowns in the morning.
Check the job sheets.
Talk to the members.
They'll back me up.
My fingerprints'll be
all over their cars.
What about Tuesday evening
between seven and midnight?
Last job finished around six.
But you didn't get back
to the depot until nine?
I was parked in Godolphin Services.
Catching up on paperwork.
Had a coffee. Tidied up the van.
- Then
- Then?
We're not supposed
I called in at the supermarket.
Got some food and stuff.
We're not supposed to
do it on company time.
How did you pay?
- Credit card.
- Got the receipt?
No. I expect I binned it.
If this bloke was killed
on Monday, what's this got?
Doesn't do her justice.
- Do you know her?
- No.
I tripped over her pack when I went
in the restaurant at Godolphin Services.
Did she say anything to you?
Offered to buy me coffee
to make up for the one
I spilled all over my u niform.
You'll find it in my locker,
stains and all.
Did you let her buy you a coffee?
What else did she say?
She was from Jo'burg.
On her way to Scotland
to see relatives.
Where in Scotland?
She didn't say.
When did she leave the restaurant?
Right then.
Picked up her pack and left.
- Did you see her again?
- No. I didn't kill her!
I spoke to her. That's all.
I. Did. Not. Kill. Her.
Wotcha, Wheeler.
Serves you right,
you vicious bastard.
Who called it in?
A homeless person,
from a public phone.
He's camping over there.
Wait here.
Do you mind if I sit down?
By heck.
I love the smell of wood smoke.
My name's Andy.
How long you been living here?
Since the summer.
I found it last summer.
I didn't build it.
Worse places to live.
Not many people come up here.
And no kids.
Kids won't leave you alone.
You have to move on.
Thanks for helping us.
You have to, don't you?
It's not right to leave it.
You found him this morning?
Did you see anything last night?
I was walking by the river.
Under the motorway.
I saw lights.
Any idea what time it was?
When I got back, the fire was out.
So, late.
You sure you didn't see anything?
I keep myself to myself.
Don't bother anybody.
I don't want any trouble.
Looks like you've had your share.
Don't you want us
to get a statement, sir?
From Shed Fred?
No. Leave the poor bugger be.
Even if he did see anything,
it would never stand up in court.
Er You go on. I, erm
I'll catch up.
No, you're all right.
I thought you might like these.
Thanks, chap.
You take care, all right?
- Well?
- What?
Did he say anything more?
Shed Fred?
- Who else?
- I didn't see him.
It was a call of nature.
Well, actually it were more
like a yodel of nature.
We should check further up the river.
See if we can find out
where the body went in.
It's stone and gravel all the way
to the slip road.
Frank, tell me it was suicide,
restore my faith
in divine intervention.
It was suicide if he stabbed himself
in the stomach three times.
The bugger's house
is like a Jap curiosity shop.
Swords and daggers on the sideboard.
And suicide if he hit himself
with a priest.
Looks like the man with the van
has turned vigilante.
Well, if you're going to
murder for blood,
why not take out
someone who deserves it?
Or it could be a copycat.
But you didn't make the
TV broadcast until last night.
That's pretty short notice.
Until then, no-one knew about the priest.
Just the blood drinker.
And us.
- Neighbours see anything?
- Nothing, sir.
So, no-one phoned to say he'd left
the garage doors open all night?
Apparently not.
- Any sign of Wheeler's car?
- Not yet, sir.
But it looks like the killer
was waiting in there
and there was a struggle.
So, the killer wins the fight
and shoves the body
in the boot of his own car.
The doors are automatic.
He gets in the car, opens the door
and drives off without being seen.
Where did the killer get in?
Over there, sir.
He broke the window.
Any footprints outside?
Crafty bugger was on tip-toe.
There used to be a dagger here.
We'll have photos on file.
Could turn out to be
the murder weapon.
Van man's got a sense of irony.
Maybe Wheeler picked it up
when he heard the intruder.
Got it taken away from him.
Even better.
Takes years, doesn't it?
Years of torturing a growing tree
just to turn it into
something stunted and weird.
Except, in his eyes,
it was beautiful.
Find anything else?
Right. Where to next?
Mark Croft?
We have to talk to him, Peter.
He thinks Wheeler killed his kid
and drove his wife to a 10-storey
swan dive onto concrete.
But the bruise,
the priest's bruise.
For our benefit.
A leak or a tip-off.
Maybe Mark's got friends
I don't know about.
Er, I won't be a minute.
Just need a quiet word with Posh.
What do you want?
We'd like to know where you were
between 5pm and midnight yesterday.
I didn't kill him.
- Who?
- Wheeler.
It was on the news just now.
They found his body.
You don't look very happy about it.
Bastard got what he deserved, but
- But?
- But I should have done it.
Now I won't get the chance
to make it up to them.
Where were you when someone else
buggered up your chance
of balancing the scales of justice?
- All night?
- Aye, all night.
I just went out this morning
to dump some rubbish.
Spring cleaning? I'd hate to have
seen the place before you started.
- You were alone?
- Uh-huh.
No alibi, then.
There's a surprise!
Remember me?
Who is it?
How does it feel
to have murdered the wrong man?
No, I didn't murder
Don't lie to me!
You're going to suffer for it, Mark.
You're going to burn.
It wasn't Wheeler.
This is Inspector Pascoe.
Hello, Pascoe.
You'll never find him.
- Who?
- Who?
Have you harmed him?
Little Deany's
being taught a lesson.
So, he's still alive?
For now.
I can't believe
Wheeler was innocent.
No. He can't be.
Maybe there was two of them
and we've just heard from
what's left of the partnership.
Could be.
Spicer, I want good news
and I want it now.
We've got the forensic report
on Adam Norton's Transit.
Nothing to indicate Kevin Jennings
or the female victim had been in it.
What about his clothes?
No trace evidence
from either of the victims.
Thanks very much.
What about his alibis?
They check out.
- We'll have to let him go.
- Not for 24 hours we don't.
- Or longer.
- Eh?
That's a list of all the vehicles that
Adam Norton worked on over the past year.
What're all these day-glo
skid marks in aid of?
The highlighted vehicles are ones
that were reported stolen.
And most of them were nicked
just a few days after Norton fixed them.
Jags, Mercs, Range Rovers, Lexus.
Nothing cheap.
Yeah, and nothing
more than three years old.
They're usually so panicked,
stressed and grateful
that they're not paying attention.
It's easy to clone the keys
and codes.
Then you checked their addresses
when you verified membership?
Couple of days later,
you visit and
Two weeks after that,
their Lamborghini's in Latvia.
I'm a car thief, not a murderer.
Who are you selling to in the UK?
No. No way.
I'd rather do time than be job opportunity
for an ex-Spetsnatz sniper.
He died around 9pm last night.
The wounds were inflicted
by a slim, single-edged blade
at least eight inches long.
Sounds like the knife
that's missing from his display.
One wound punctured the stomach,
another the gall bladder.
The one that killed him severed
the abdominal aorta. Died in seconds.
Dean Bennett.
How much blood is left in him?
Usual amount, given the nature
of his wounds and his immersion in water.
- So he wasn't bled like the others?
- I can't find any sign of it.
There must have been
blood from the wounds.
Maybe the killer collected that?
He may have done but it would have
been contaminated by bile
and effusions from
the stomach puncture.
What about the priest bruise?
Similar but not identical.
But that could be due to
the angle and force of the blow.
What are these? Rope burns?
Abrasions and bruising, yeah.
There's similar damage to the
ankles, thighs, backs of the knees.
Never seen anyone
tied like that before.
400 years ago injuries like his
would be pretty common.
He was racked.
You're pulling my leg.
No, but his were.
There's extensive tearing
in all the major muscle groups
from the quadriceps right up
to the deltoids and triceps.
His shoulders are dislocated
and the various tissues that hold
the knees and hips together are
you know, buggered.
Someone really hated him.
OK, Baines, thanks.
Forensics on Wheeler's clothes.
Traces of engine oil,
solvents and concrete dust.
Anything else?
Some fibres.
The kind used in car carpets.
Well, we figured he was thrown
into the boot of his own car.
So, apart from
the dodgy priest bruise,
the Wheeler topping doesn't match
our van man's MO at all.
You're home.
Bugger off and get some kip.
Why didn't you tell me
about your ID bracelet?
I didn't know I'd lost it
till this morning.
I found it at Wheeler's house!
I'm sorry.
Right, look on the sofa.
I left it between the cushions.
- It's not here!
- No, it must be.
No, it's not here!
It doesn't matter.
Forget it.
just let me handle this.
- You didn't go back looking for it?
- No.
Or to the to the other place?
No. I did what you told me to do!
Pascoe, what's happened?
Let me
I'll deal with this.
Don't you know?
Jamie died
because you failed him.
Right, the software we sell
to government agencies,
that's uncrackable.
Lucky for you,
this is a civilian version.
We anticipated it might be used
to commission a crime,
so we built in a pure program,
generated signals
in the 40 kilohertz range.
Human hearing can only detect
frequencies up to 20 kilohertz,
so the user is completely
unaware of its existence.
By analysing the distortion
of the signal, we can see exactly
what algorithms are being
applied by the program at any time,
even with the randomised
user-defined distortion you hear now.
How long will it take
to unscramble?
I don't know exactly.
About five seconds.
Do you know why your son died?
Don't you know?
Jamie died because you failed him.
- Someone you know?
- Yeah.
Shall we do the other tapes?
Because he sensed deep down
that you never loved him.
I'm not the one who betrayed her.
Oh, and tell Pascoe
that his trace is a waste of time.
And now the final call.
Remember me?
How does it feel
to have murdered the wrong man?
Don't lie to me!
You're going to suffer for it, Mark.
You're going to burn.
Hello, Pascoe.
You'll never find him.
Heavy night?
You've no idea.
That vehicle wasn't out last night.
It was in the workshop.
You're sure?
It's still in there.
Go down and check for yourself!
Do you want me to impound every van
in this depot for forensic testing?
- You couldn't.
- I can.
You know he's not using
our bloody vans!
You checked for damage.
He's just using our registration numbers!
Mind your bloody manners,
or I'll have every sodding van
off the road for a week!
- I'm sorry.
- Better.
Now show me the lame duck.
Nasty shunt.
You should have seen the Smart car.
How long's it been in dry dock?
Since last week.
So, you'll need it for testing?
It's not going anywhere, is it?
I've been
a bit concerned about Martin.
Since the depot expanded,
his workload's doubled.
Stress is a killer.
Oh, tell me about it.
Of course, you being a policeman,
you'd understand.
But some people can take it,
others can't.
And he can't?
He's been taking
more and more sick leave.
Well, trouble at home.
I don't know the details but
Did Pearce call in sick last Monday?
Well, did he?
Help me, please!
Andy, it was Wheeler
who made the first two calls.
And the last one?
Sounds like a young woman.
Wheeler's little helper?
Yeah, something like that.
It must be.
You on your way back?
Martin Pearce has just
pulled a sickie to avoid me.
- Meet me at his place.
- You think he's hiding something?
Isn't everyone?
We've given him
morphine for the pain
and phenothiazine
to control the vomiting.
When can we talk to him?
The treatment should
relieve his confusion,
but it could be a while before
he's stable enough to interview.
So, is he schizo or what?
No. His mental condition -
the depression,
paranoia and occasional hallucinations -
are a symptom of his disease.
Which is?
If I said to you his urine was violet,
would that ring any bells?
The Madness Of King George?
- Porphyria?
- Acute hepatic porphyria.
But we'll need spectroscopic analysis
to confirm the diagnosis.
You say he's been drinking blood?
He's murdered at least
two people to get it.
It's not uncommon.
In America,
sufferers buy it from blood banks.
It does relieve the symptoms.
And make no mistake,
the symptoms are agonising.
I'm surprised at
his level of organisation.
He must have been
going through hell.
Little Deany's being taught a lesson
For now.
But Wheeler was the original,
genuine, guaranteed loner.
We spent bloody weeks working on it.
No nearest. No dearest. No friends.
There were those cash withdrawals
we never accounted for.
600 quid a month.
He might have been
giving the money to her.
Paying rent? A kept woman?
A kept accomplice.
Someone to watch his victims
and keep up the good work
while he was seen
busy leading his blameless life.
The clock's ticking on Dean Bennett.
We have to find a way
to draw this girl out.
Remember me?
How does it feel to have
murdered the wrong man?
Don't lie to me!
You're going to suffer for it, Mark.
You're going to burn.
We've got one thing working for us.
She thinks Mark Croft killed Wheeler.
Hates him for it.
What if we got Mark
to ring the mobile she's using
and offer a trade for Dean Bennett?
What kind of trade?
You want me to what?
Confess to killing Wheeler.
Bait her with it.
Offer yourself in exchange
for Dean's life.
We'll be watching your back.
She'll know it's a trap.
It's worth a try.
Yeah, all right.
Let Dean go.
Why would I do that?
You want me, don't you?
Dean for you? Is that it?
You don't want to kill Dean.
Wheeler told me.
He killed the others. Not you.
When did he tell you that?
He told me everything when
I damn near ripped him in half.
He screamed like a wee girl,
then I knifed him in the guts.
Shut up.
He cried then,
choking on his own blood.
Shut up!
I'll kill you. You know that?
I know.
But you took Jamie.
And Bridget.
What have I got to live for now?
Are the police listening, Mark?
Would I be confessing to murder
if they were?
Call me again.
Not from home. In an hour.
Dean? Dean!
He's here.
I've found him, he's alive.
He's in a bad way. Quick!
It's all right, son.
She's not here.
She's not bloody well here.
It's all right, Dean.
It's over, son.
We'll soon have you out of here.
Just lie still. It's over.
- Mum?
- I'm here, love.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry? What are you sorry for?
- Everything.
- Ssh.
It's all over now. It's all over.
I'm so proud of you.
I'm so proud.
No! No!
They needn't have died -
Jamie and the others.
Michael was just trying to teach them,
like he taught me.
But they were stubborn.
So, Wheeler killed them?
They were scum.
The world's a better place
without them.
Wheeler was scum,
and the world's
a better place without him.
He was the first person
who ever gave a shit about me.
What about your parents?
Father unknown.
Mother rented by the half hour.
And I was an extra 50.
Haven't seen her since I was 13.
When did you meet Wheeler?
Four years ago.
He never laid a finger on me.
except for discipline
in the beginning.
He would've killed Dean.
- Yeah.
- So, why did you let him go?
Why do you think?
Do you love him?
Then why didn't you let him go
as soon as Wheeler was killed?
I tried to get him to go away with
me before Wheeler took him again.
But he wouldn't listen.
He should have, shouldn't he?
If he felt
I'd have let him go anyway.
After he'd been taught a lesson.
How long have we known each other?
11 years.
11 years.
Long time.
I saw you find it at Wheeler's.
I checked your mobile records.
Croft phoned you at ten past eight
on the night of the murder.
Spicer saw you leave the station.
Was Wheeler still alive
when you found them?
He confessed to it all but then
then it was too late.
I'm sorry, Andy.
Why risk everything?
Look at him.
Look at those graves.
I owed it to him.
The system failed him, not you.
And now
What a mess.
What am I supposed to do now, eh?
So, are you my judge
or are you my friend?
I don't know any more.
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