Darby and Joan (2022) s02e01 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 1
Hey! Watch out!
No, it wasn't an act of God. It was
the act of a mad English woman.
Now just tow the bloody truck.
- Jack Darby.
- Joan Kirkhope.
Clinical nurse manager, retired.
Detective sergeant, retired.
Will you please come home, Mum?
Whatever you're looking for out
there, it's not gonna bring Dad back.
I need to find out
what he was hiding from me.
- Think you can run a name for me?
- I see.
Not a father-daughter call.
- Come on, Lizzie.
- Detective Inspector.
- Joan, hello.
- Lovely to meet you.
This is the place
his body was found.
I'll walk down with you.
No, I'll
say goodbye to him on my own.
Officer down! Officer down!
Something happened that made you
leave the force, didn't it?
They fitted you up?
You never told me.
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready
to clear our name,
you let me know.
What are you doing here?
You should be more careful
in the future.
And you will be, won't ya?
There's some business from my
past that I need to look into.
- Okay.
- By myself. Could be dangerous.
In that case, you're definitely
not doing it alone.
- Joan!
- That's not how we do things.
We're a good team, remember?
We are indeed.
One way or another
I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya,
get ya, get ya ♪
- You are.
- Am not.
It's written
all over your face.
My face isn't saying anything.
Is it because you and this Anna
have some messy
romantic history?
She's not another one
of your ex-wives, is she?
Anna Bairnsdale is Sophie's mum.
She might help us find Sophie,
end of it.
Sophie, who could clear
your name.
Still doesn't explain
the expression.
Well, I'm not sure how warm
Anna's welcome's gonna be.
How 'not warm' are we thinking?
How dare you show your face
here, Jack Darby!
Okay, very not warm.
That was a deliberate miss!
Next time,
you won't be so lucky!
I know what you think, Anna,
but there's more to it.
Like what?
You killed my son Richie!
That's what they wanted you
to think!
Only Sophie knows
who killed Richie.
- Not another step.
- That's what made her a target.
Why she disappeared
after it happened.
Well, even if that's true,
why now, after all this time?
I may have provoked someone,
an old enemy.
So you think
that's who killed Richie?
And they need to be exposed,
held responsible!
Why should I believe
anything you say?
They're dangerous people, Anna.
I hope you get
everything coming to you.
So who exactly
is this old enemy?
Senior Sergeant Bill Carlton.
Found out
I was working with Liz,
digging into the past.
Paid me a visit at the hospital
after my accident.
White hair, Cheshire-cat smile?
How do you know that?
Oh, he bumped into me
at the hospital.
Not by chance, I now realize.
And that's exactly why I didn't want
you to have anything to do with this.
because I might get shot at?
if I'm mixed up in this,
which I am now,
don't you think I deserve
the whole story?
Why did Sophie run away
all those years ago?
Sophie arranged the meeting
between Richie and me
that night.
In her statement, she denied it.
The night Richie died.
Is that when you retired?
No, that was years later.
They did want to get rid of me, but I
wasn't gonna give them that satisfaction.
We still have to find
Sophie Bairnsdale.
Her mother lives here,
so she must visit sometimes.
Some somebody must know
something about her.
- Whoa! Whoa, horsey.
- What on earth?
Whoa. Ohhh.
Are you all right?
Classy dismount.
Any damage?
Only to my dignity.
Come on, then. Upsy-daisy.
Come on.
- Hey! Whoa!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You live nearby, mate?
Yeah, up Ridge Road.
Oh, near the Bairnsdale place,
where Anna lives.
- Yeah, we're neighbors.
- Good-o.
Well, why don't we, uh
give you a lift back home?
Yeah, why not?
- Come on.
- My name is Lachlan.
- I'm Joan.
- Lovely to meet you, Joan.
Oop! Careful, now.
What are we gonna do
with you, eh?
Come on.
Come on.
Home sweet home!
Come on.
Palm Valley!
This bloke belong to you?
Yeah, he does.
Where you been, son?
Propping up the bar again
by the looks.
Uncle Dougie! Come here.
Give us a hug, huh?
- Give us a kiss! Oi!
- Lach Lach
- Oi!
- Lachie!
Head down to the house, son.
Drink some water.
Thanks for bringing him home.
Don't suppose you saw
where his ride ended up?
Yeah, I tied him to a post
in town.
- I'll hook up the float.
- Thank you.
Leave it with me, boss.
You're too easy on him.
That's my brother, Doug.
Ever the people person.
- Ellory Malcolm.
- Jack Darby.
- This is Joan.
- Hi.
We're trying to locate
a neighbor of yours.
Sophie Bairnsdale?
Anna's daughter.
Might you know her?
Some sort of detectives,
are you?
Well, in a way.
Jack's a policeman.
Well, retired.
I know Anna from the sale yards,
as much as that's knowing her.
She's not really
one for small talk.
No, we got that impression.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Listen, um
maybe we could
book a site here,
if that's no problem?
That's not a problem at all.
In fact, for rescuing Lachie,
it's on the house.
I'll even throw in a trail ride
at sunset.
No need no need for that.
Well, you get a great view
of the district.
Oh, well, we'd love to.
Eek! I haven't been on
a horse in years.
Ah! You'll be right.
Just follow my lead.
Bit hard to do
when you're in my dust!
Ha! We'll see.
It's true what they say.
You never forget how to ride.
- Pony club, was it?
- Oh, stop it!
- Speak for yourself.
- I grew up in the bush.
Learnt to ride
before I could walk.
I grew up
in the New Forest.
My sister and I would race
each other any chance we could.
Not too shabby.
Absolutely stunning.
And if I'm not mistaken,
that's Anna's property
over there.
Where'd you get those?
I told you I was all-in on this.
I think Ellory
knows more about Anna
than he's saying.
You've got until
the end of the week.
I need this job!
We can't afford you,
it's simple as that.
You can't do this. I've put my all
into getting this stud up and running.
That's it.
We'll talk about it
later, Gemma.
Definitely something's going on
between him and Doug.
I think you're right.
We may not be fit
for public consumption today.
Doug just doesn't listen
to anyone.
He's had a stroke recently,
hasn't he?
I'm a nurse.
I noticed that he's weaker
on his right side.
Lachie and I came up to help.
We're trying to
future-proof the place,
but, you know, Doug,
he likes to run his own race.
It's always difficult
between siblings.
- Voice of experience?
- Oh, to be an only child.
Come on, I'll race you
to the next ridge.
Loser pays for a lobster dinner.
I think oysters to start.
I won by half a length.
Uh, I'm pretty sure
my horse was ahead
by a nose.
- And then lobster
- More than half.
all washed down
with some Australian bubbles,
Tasmanian, preferably.
Yeah, what, you're a local now,
are ya?
Too right, mate.
The weary travelers return.
Hi. I'm Penny, Doug's wife.
- Oh, hello, Penny.
- Hi.
Please, help yourselves
to refreshments.
Oh, Anzac biscuits.
Your favorite!
I thought you decided
lamingtons were my favorite.
Ah, well, you changed your mind.
Oh, flirting!
Tell me, how do you keep
your marriage so spicy?
Oh, Joan and I aren't married.
She's my chauffeur.
Just can't get her into
one of those little hats.
I hear you're staying over.
Lucky you. Doug's doing
his lamb cutlets tonight.
Oh, yum, lamb.
Yeah, yeah, well,
Joan's shouting crayfish.
No. Uh, we'd love to.
Love to stay, thank you.
Luxury accommodation,
trail riding,
and gourmet home cooking.
Well, the plan is to provide
a unique experience, you know?
That's what the tourists
want these days.
Very fancy.
We're cattle farmers.
Always were, always will be.
Probably noticed,
it's Uncle Dougie's way or
Actually, that is the only way.
Nobody asked either of you
to slink back here,
tails between your legs.
Came back to help you.
We don't need your help, mate.
Appreciate the lift.
You're a good horseman.
That was, uh quite a stunt.
Ah, what, when I'm not
sliding off?
I'm meant to step aside
to let him run things, am I?
Mm, Penny, this aubergine
is wonderful!
Oh, it's the harissa.
My niece sends it up
from Brisbane.
You need to show
more respect, son.
I'm looking out for you.
After everything
that's happened
- Here we go.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, here we go.
Here we go.
Waste of bloody space.
You need to ease up, Doug.
Maybe it's true
what they say, eh?
About getting the kid
you deserve.
He's a beauty.
Nero, Doug's stock horse.
He's temperamental.
Needs his own space,
bit like his owner.
Can't be easy
if he doesn't want your help.
Doug the only reason
you came back?
You work hard
and make sacrifices
to build something.
One lapse of judgment
And it's all on the line.
So what happened?
I'm an ex-cop.
I was a horse trainer.
A damn good one.
I loved it.
There's nothing like it.
So was it doping or race-fixing?
There were fixing allega
There are fixing allegations.
There's a court date pending.
As I said
the only reason I'm here
is to find Sophie Bairnsdale.
I wish I could help.
They're trying to
push me out, love.
No, they're not.
Ellory's just trying to take
the pressure off you, off us!
There's no shame
in retiring.
I mean, we could be off
having fabulous adventures
like Jack and Joan.
What, and let the place
turn to rack and ruin?
No fear.
No, no, this horse-tourism thing
is a mistake.
It's not gonna happen.
- I'm sorry, Joan.
- Oh, no, no need to apologize.
If only you'd met him
before the stroke.
He was never like this.
Big life changes
are hard to navigate.
You sound like you've had
your fair share.
Nobody gets to our stage of life
without some battle scars.
Officer down!
I need an ambulance.
I need an ambulance!
Jack. Jack?
What is it?
I wasn't dirty.
I never doubted that.
But I was so close
to finding out who was.
And what about Richie
Bairnsdale, how did he fit in?
Richie was a small-time crook.
Got in over his head,
wanted out.
He was willing to talk to me
in exchange for a deal.
And Sophie?
Like I said,
Sophie set up the meeting.
But no one no one else
was supposed to know about it.
What's that?
Some of your native animals?
Well, whatever it was,
it's quietened down now.
We will find Sophie.
We will.
Maybe we should stake out
Anna's place,
see what she does,
where she goes.
Stakeout person now, are you?
Yeah, I could be.
- Settle!
- What?
Nero, settle down!
Whoa, whoa! Whoa, hey. Hey.
Easy, easy!
What the hell?
Calm. Stay calm.
Stay there. Just stay there.
- That's a boy.
- Careful, Jack.
We're all right.
We're good.
We're good. We're good.
We're good. We're good.
Yes, we are.
We're good. We're good. Come on.
We're good. We're good.
We're good. We're good.
We're good. Come on.
We're good. We're good. Come on.
Come on.
That's a boy.
Doug, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
He's unconscious.
Doug. Doug!
What happened?
Nero threw him.
Threw him?
Sure he didn't just fall?
He needs an ambulance.
Ambulance, please.
Get Penny.
This is Gemma, the
stud manager from Palm Valley.
We need an ambulance urgently
to this location.
You'll be okay, honey.
You'll see.
Right as rain, I promise.
Is he gonna be okay?
He came to. It's a good sign.
He's just so stubborn.
He won't admit he can't do
what he used to be able to.
Maybe now he'll listen.
Wouldn't count on it.
We should get to the hospital.
Gemma, are you okay
to run things here?
So long as
I've still got a job.
- Of course you do.
- Yeah, but Doug said
Forget what Doug said.
You think there's more to it?
Hey, careful, Jack.
Hello, me old mate.
We good? Are we good?
What went on there, eh?
What went on?
What did we do to spook you?
Let's see what happened here,
What's a jigger?
A jockey holds it in their hand,
and mid race,
they prod the horse.
Oh, you mean,
effectively a taser.
Concealed under the saddle,
the weight of the rider -
Doug in this case -
would set it off.
You mean someone
was deliberately trying
to hurt him?
Question is who?
Well, everyone had access
to the saddle.
Plenty of motives.
Gemma getting the flick
from the job.
Lachie might be wanting
to take over the business.
Or Ellory, a trainer
with a shady track record.
Doug made an enemy
we don't know about.
Where shall we start?
Oh, stop your fussing.
I'm not dying.
It's always a good sign
when the patient complains.
Still waiting for scan results,
but nothing broken, luckily.
You gave me such a scare!
It takes more than a fall
from a horse to do me in.
Thanks, Joan.
I appreciate what you and Jack
did for me.
Oh, it's nothing.
- How about a cup of tea?
- Lovely.
- And a piece of cake?
- Now you're talking.
Coming right up.
Good boy.
could I ask you something?
Is it possible someone might
have wanted to hurt Doug?
No, why why would they?
Jack and I believe it wasn't
a straightforward accident.
The horse was primed
to throw Doug.
I mean, Ellory and Doug fight,
and Lachlan, but
we're still a family.
Someone from town, a rival?
Someone with a grudge?
Doug's a world-class
grump, but no!
No, it was an accident.
Has to be.
You think I put it there?
Well, it got pretty heated
between you two last night.
I imagine you might want to,
you know,
bring him down a peg.
- Not like that.
- Dad.
What's going on? Jack.
Hey, mate.
Just give us a moment,
Lachlan, please.
Is this about Dougie?
Son, please.
Righto. Keep me in the dark.
I don't want him
to know what I did.
It's bad enough what he thinks
about me with this court case.
So you did plant the jigger?
I snapped.
It was stupid and impulsive,
but there it is. I
I'm not proud of myself.
So a deliberate act.
Doug's endless griping -
I'd just had enough!
I thought you were an ex-copper.
I think he deserves
to know the truth.
Wait, let me
tell Doug myself
and I'll tell you what I know
about Anna.
She used to go to
Mount Isa a lot,
I assume to see her daughter.
So why all the secrecy?
Well, I figured
if she wanted you to know
she would have told you.
Ellory's not lying.
I found an address for Sophie
in Mount Isa.
I'll forward it to you,
but it was 10 years ago.
Since then, nothing.
No forwarding address,
no car rego, no fines.
She can't have just disappeared.
We need everything you can get
on Anna's movements, Lizzie.
Traffic cams, uh,
toll points.
Anything that might record
when she's visiting Sophie.
Okay, leave it to me now, yes?
Cheers, Lizzie. See ya.
This time I'm really
not kidding, Dad.
- Bye, Lizzie.
- Bye!
Before you go off
I'm not going off.
It's not me
you have to worry about.
I just don't think
you've got any idea
what you're getting yourself
into, that's all.
It's nothing.
He has a lead on
another cold case.
One that puts a target
on your back.
A big one.
You know about that?
Why do you think I'm here?
Exactly why I can't let it go.
Darby. A moment?
Did you tell him?
- Is that why you're here?
- He called me.
Yes, I accessed his file.
Without authorization.
And you gave it to him.
Which is why I've asked
Police Integrity to be here.
It's not right,
what happened to him.
- You think he's innocent?
- I know he is.
I understand.
I do.
He's your dad.
But things were different
in Jack's day.
The cops got close to crims
for intel.
And some just got too close.
That's not what happened.
Stalling investigations,
dropping charges,
most likely shooting Richie
Bairnsdale to keep him quiet.
Jack Darby's a lot of things,
but he is not a killer.
On that, I agree.
Based on what evidence?
Jack arranges to meet a known
criminal without any backup.
No one knows
exactly what happened
except a young policewoman ends
up dead along with Bairnsdale.
Jack was shot too.
Which might be the only reason
he's not in prison
and you're not fired.
You can go.
But, Darby
you hear anything,
anything, you report
back to me personally.
I know you asked for me, Mick.
I appreciate that. I do.
You don't think the personal
relationships might interfere?
There's one thing I know
about you, Miranda.
You can be trusted
to do your job.
Wherever it leads you.
Don't miss out
on the raffle.
First prize is feed supplies
from Saunders and Price.
Second prize is a weekend
holiday at Palm Valley Stud.
How can we be sure she
won't point a gun at us again?
Way too public here.
I admire your confidence.
She's listed as a seller,
so she's here.
We should split up to look for
her. Which way you wanna go?
I'll go this way.
Don't get lost.
Nice horse.
Buyers will need
to register at Registration.
No Yeah. OK.
Yes, all right.
Yeah, I can do that.
I'm selling the two yearlings.
Yeah, if you're interested,
the auction's at 11:00.
No, it's up to you.
Completely up to you.
- Just tell me the truth, son.
- I already have, Dad!
Look, if you did it
You're never gonna let me
live this down, are you?
You are always gonna
think the worst of me.
Hey, Lachie. You all right?
Guess I'm just a waste of space.
Yep. Mm-hm.
What time?
Yes, all right.
Coming up, we have
two beautiful yearlings
from the Collins stables.
You won't find better!
Bloody hell, Anna.
I asked you to leave us
out of this.
You don't need the gun.
You know what? I do.
And you do too, because there's
some dangerous people around.
Sophie trusted me.
We were working together.
Soph loved Richie.
She would never inform on him.
All right.
I'll prove it to you.
I'm gonna put my hand
in my pocket
and I'm gonna bring out
my phone.
All right?
We spoke
the day before Richie died.
It's okay.
I know you're worried.
Richie's in
over his head.
I'm scared for him, you know?
And that's why I need you
to set up the meeting.
Keep playing.
I'll release Richie's name.
You can rely on me.
You know that, don't you?
I know. I trust you,
Jack. But I'm scared.
What happened?
My partner and I went
to meet Richie that night.
He was gonna tell us
who he was paying off
in exchange for a deal.
G'day, Richie.
Hi, Jack.
Let's make this quick.
Glad you could make it, mate.
So what have you got?
There was someone else
there, Anna.
Richie panicked
and started shooting.
And when I came to,
my partner was dead.
And so was Richie.
And the shooter, whoever he was,
was long gone.
Richie was my son!
I'm sorry.
if Sophie can help
identify the shooter,
then this is all over.
Sophie can come home.
Will making contact
put her in more danger?
Will it?!
Might do.
Then I can't help you.
I heard you had a lead
on Sophie Bairnsdale.
Bit late to the party,
aren't ya?
Better late than not invited.
It's not an official
Well, it wasn't
until you brought Liz into it.
No, I'm coming at it
from another angle.
Which is?
Not to be shared.
Same old Miranda.
Looking good, by the way.
Thanks! You too.
Grey nomad lifestyle suits you.
Listen, when you find Sophie,
call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
Horse floats need to be kept
to the lower parking lot.
Please follow the signs
Anna's worried
she's gonna lose Sophie too.
Well, you can't blame a parent
for wanting to
protect their child.
Protect their child?
You took the blame for Lachlan.
He's not a bad kid. He's not.
He just gets so wound up.
Why does Doug have it in
for Lachie?
Lachie worked with me
as a trainer.
I got caught up in
running the business and
I just didn't see how much
he needed his own success.
Or what he'd do to get it.
The race fixing - was that him?
I just felt so responsible.
His mum died when
he was little and
I don't know
He's my boy.
I might have overcompensated.
A fella's gotta own
his mistakes.
So Doug knows that you took
the blame for the fixing and
that's why he's
so judgmental of Lachlan.
With the trial coming up
Lachie's so ashamed.
He's not coping very well.
And so you confronted him about
the accident at the sale yards.
I should have let it go.
Where is he now?
Well, he's not at the pub.
He's not here either.
Any idea where he'd go?
This is my fault.
If he's done something stupid
Are you that worried?
He never goes anywhere
without this.
- Lachie!
- Lachie!
Were you with Lachlan
all morning?
Well, until they took
the feed out.
Oh, so you weren't together
all the time.
I had to prep for a tour group.
At the stables? By yourself?
What, before Doug came
to collect his saddle?
Hang on!
You can't think that
I planted the jigger.
We heard you and Doug
arguing yesterday.
He tried to fire you.
That's nothing compared to the
barneys Doug gets himself into.
What do you mean?
who else is Doug
fighting with?
G'day, mate. How you going?
How about just movin'
away from there a bit?
You think I did it, don't ya?
You know what I think?
I think you and I oughta go
and have a beer. What do you reckon?
The jigger wasn't mine.
After the feed, I went back up
to the house to make breakfast.
It wasn't me.
Sounds like an alibi.
- Do you believe me?
- I do.
You know I was the one
that fixed the race?
Your dad told me.
Like it matters.
Uncle Dougie's right.
I'm a waste of space.
Who lets their dad
cop the blame for 'em?
Hey, it's never too late
to turn things round.
I wouldn't call that bloke
a waste of space.
You reckon?
Yeah, we all make mistakes.
I've made a truckload.
I got ya.
- I got ya.
- Ah! I'm slipping!
- Argh!
- Try and find a footing!
- I can't get a foot!
- Get a foot. Get it!
- I got ya.
- I got it, I got it!
- We're gonna do this on three.
- Okay.
One, two, three. Now.
I got it!
Anchor yourself!
Oh, I thought I was gone!
I had ya.
Thank you.
There you go.
Come here. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, son.
- Joan?
- Jack, where are you?
Any sign?
We found Lachie. He's okay.
I don't think
Lachlan did it.
Neither do I.
That's great!
Yes, I will.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
How's the old man?
That was the hospital.
Apart from a sprained wrist,
Doug's bruised a few ribs,
but that's it!
Lucky fella.
And ready to retire.
He's agreed. It's straight
to Mission Beach for us.
- Oh, how exciting!
- I know, right?
I can barely believe it.
Especially after
everything you've been through.
Oh I'm I'm all right.
Looking after Doug
after his stroke.
Being the perfect hostess.
Refereeing Doug and Ellory.
Oh, well, it has been a lot,
but that's behind us now.
Yeah. And nobody
really got hurt.
That was lucky!
I love my husband.
We know you do.
But you felt
you had to do something.
You've been around horses
all your life.
Bit risky, though.
You knew Nero was temperamental.
Doug was so angry all the time.
With Ellory, Lachlan
with everyone!
There was no room
for anything else.
Sometimes it's easier for
blokes to be angry than
deal with what's
going on around them.
I wanted him to stop
holding onto the past.
To think of the future,
our future.
To live our lives
while we still had them.
I almost killed him!
What if I had? What if he died?
What if he never forgives me?
You might be surprised.
Oh, Doug!
I'm so sorry.
No, love. I am.
I'm just a stubborn bastard who
couldn't see what mattered most.
You've always been there
for me.
Now it's my turn
to be there for you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Hey, Max.
Call me back, would you?
It's been so long.
We must speak.
- Ready to roll?
- Yeah, sure.
- Did I interrupt something?
- No, not at all.
- Jack.
- Hey, mate.
I just wanted to say thank you
before you headed off.
Ah! Thought you'd be happy
to see the back of us.
Safe travels.
Take care.
- Anna.
- Better answer.
What do you want?
Get out! I'll shoot!
I will! I'll shoot!
Stay. Good boy.
What's he doing?
Did you get the registration?
Didn't need to.
That's him.
Any idea what he wanted?
He took their photo.
Whose photo?
Sophie and Kayla.
My granddaughter.
Sophie had a daughter?
She's 18.
That would mean Sophie was
pregnant when she disappeared.
Jeez, I found out about, oh,
10 years ago.
I visited them, but Sophie was
very nervous about
people finding her.
So she left Mount Isa.
That was the last time
I saw them.
Until until Kayla's
last birthday.
She wanted to see me.
And she didn't tell Sophie
she'd remade contact.
Such a clever girl. She's so
full of life, just like Sophie.
You know
where they live now?
Kayla was so guarded.
It was It was heartbreaking.
She sent me that photo
on her phone.
And I framed it
and that's what he took.
So the photo would have had
location data.
No, she had it turned off.
Making the photo untraceable.
Well, what about the phone
she sent it from?
It was prepaid.
It's no use either.
Sophie taught her well.
Can you send me that photo?
Yeah, of course.
I don't have
the choice now, do I?
I have to trust you.
Poor Anna,
missing out on so much of
her daughter's life.
Kayla's whole childhood!
Just I can't imagine it.
Can you enlarge that?
What, that?
Yeah. I think that is
Yes, it is. That's Rocky Point.
Oh, please!
How can you recognize a place
from a wave?
It's famous as
a great surf spot.
You never told me you were
a surfer, Jack Darby!
Lot of things you don't know
about me.
Come on, we gotta get to Kayla
and Sophie before Bill Carlton.
Any other hidden talents
you'd like to share?
Make a mean home brew.
So do I!
Apple cider.
That's not a home brew!
Sure it is! Packs a punch.
30% proof.
Yeah, all right, then.
I made it
for Christmas one year.
Everyone was on their ear
before the turkey
even came out of the oven.
I guess it's Christmas
at your place, then, eh?
Hey! Watch out!
No, it wasn't an act of God. It was
the act of a mad English woman.
Now just tow the bloody truck.
- Jack Darby.
- Joan Kirkhope.
Clinical nurse manager, retired.
Detective sergeant, retired.
Will you please come home, Mum?
Whatever you're looking for out
there, it's not gonna bring Dad back.
I need to find out
what he was hiding from me.
- Think you can run a name for me?
- I see.
Not a father-daughter call.
- Come on, Lizzie.
- Detective Inspector.
- Joan, hello.
- Lovely to meet you.
This is the place
his body was found.
I'll walk down with you.
No, I'll
say goodbye to him on my own.
Officer down! Officer down!
Something happened that made you
leave the force, didn't it?
They fitted you up?
You never told me.
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready
to clear our name,
you let me know.
What are you doing here?
You should be more careful
in the future.
And you will be, won't ya?
There's some business from my
past that I need to look into.
- Okay.
- By myself. Could be dangerous.
In that case, you're definitely
not doing it alone.
- Joan!
- That's not how we do things.
We're a good team, remember?
We are indeed.
One way or another
I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya,
get ya, get ya ♪
- You are.
- Am not.
It's written
all over your face.
My face isn't saying anything.
Is it because you and this Anna
have some messy
romantic history?
She's not another one
of your ex-wives, is she?
Anna Bairnsdale is Sophie's mum.
She might help us find Sophie,
end of it.
Sophie, who could clear
your name.
Still doesn't explain
the expression.
Well, I'm not sure how warm
Anna's welcome's gonna be.
How 'not warm' are we thinking?
How dare you show your face
here, Jack Darby!
Okay, very not warm.
That was a deliberate miss!
Next time,
you won't be so lucky!
I know what you think, Anna,
but there's more to it.
Like what?
You killed my son Richie!
That's what they wanted you
to think!
Only Sophie knows
who killed Richie.
- Not another step.
- That's what made her a target.
Why she disappeared
after it happened.
Well, even if that's true,
why now, after all this time?
I may have provoked someone,
an old enemy.
So you think
that's who killed Richie?
And they need to be exposed,
held responsible!
Why should I believe
anything you say?
They're dangerous people, Anna.
I hope you get
everything coming to you.
So who exactly
is this old enemy?
Senior Sergeant Bill Carlton.
Found out
I was working with Liz,
digging into the past.
Paid me a visit at the hospital
after my accident.
White hair, Cheshire-cat smile?
How do you know that?
Oh, he bumped into me
at the hospital.
Not by chance, I now realize.
And that's exactly why I didn't want
you to have anything to do with this.
because I might get shot at?
if I'm mixed up in this,
which I am now,
don't you think I deserve
the whole story?
Why did Sophie run away
all those years ago?
Sophie arranged the meeting
between Richie and me
that night.
In her statement, she denied it.
The night Richie died.
Is that when you retired?
No, that was years later.
They did want to get rid of me, but I
wasn't gonna give them that satisfaction.
We still have to find
Sophie Bairnsdale.
Her mother lives here,
so she must visit sometimes.
Some somebody must know
something about her.
- Whoa! Whoa, horsey.
- What on earth?
Whoa. Ohhh.
Are you all right?
Classy dismount.
Any damage?
Only to my dignity.
Come on, then. Upsy-daisy.
Come on.
- Hey! Whoa!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You live nearby, mate?
Yeah, up Ridge Road.
Oh, near the Bairnsdale place,
where Anna lives.
- Yeah, we're neighbors.
- Good-o.
Well, why don't we, uh
give you a lift back home?
Yeah, why not?
- Come on.
- My name is Lachlan.
- I'm Joan.
- Lovely to meet you, Joan.
Oop! Careful, now.
What are we gonna do
with you, eh?
Come on.
Come on.
Home sweet home!
Come on.
Palm Valley!
This bloke belong to you?
Yeah, he does.
Where you been, son?
Propping up the bar again
by the looks.
Uncle Dougie! Come here.
Give us a hug, huh?
- Give us a kiss! Oi!
- Lach Lach
- Oi!
- Lachie!
Head down to the house, son.
Drink some water.
Thanks for bringing him home.
Don't suppose you saw
where his ride ended up?
Yeah, I tied him to a post
in town.
- I'll hook up the float.
- Thank you.
Leave it with me, boss.
You're too easy on him.
That's my brother, Doug.
Ever the people person.
- Ellory Malcolm.
- Jack Darby.
- This is Joan.
- Hi.
We're trying to locate
a neighbor of yours.
Sophie Bairnsdale?
Anna's daughter.
Might you know her?
Some sort of detectives,
are you?
Well, in a way.
Jack's a policeman.
Well, retired.
I know Anna from the sale yards,
as much as that's knowing her.
She's not really
one for small talk.
No, we got that impression.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Listen, um
maybe we could
book a site here,
if that's no problem?
That's not a problem at all.
In fact, for rescuing Lachie,
it's on the house.
I'll even throw in a trail ride
at sunset.
No need no need for that.
Well, you get a great view
of the district.
Oh, well, we'd love to.
Eek! I haven't been on
a horse in years.
Ah! You'll be right.
Just follow my lead.
Bit hard to do
when you're in my dust!
Ha! We'll see.
It's true what they say.
You never forget how to ride.
- Pony club, was it?
- Oh, stop it!
- Speak for yourself.
- I grew up in the bush.
Learnt to ride
before I could walk.
I grew up
in the New Forest.
My sister and I would race
each other any chance we could.
Not too shabby.
Absolutely stunning.
And if I'm not mistaken,
that's Anna's property
over there.
Where'd you get those?
I told you I was all-in on this.
I think Ellory
knows more about Anna
than he's saying.
You've got until
the end of the week.
I need this job!
We can't afford you,
it's simple as that.
You can't do this. I've put my all
into getting this stud up and running.
That's it.
We'll talk about it
later, Gemma.
Definitely something's going on
between him and Doug.
I think you're right.
We may not be fit
for public consumption today.
Doug just doesn't listen
to anyone.
He's had a stroke recently,
hasn't he?
I'm a nurse.
I noticed that he's weaker
on his right side.
Lachie and I came up to help.
We're trying to
future-proof the place,
but, you know, Doug,
he likes to run his own race.
It's always difficult
between siblings.
- Voice of experience?
- Oh, to be an only child.
Come on, I'll race you
to the next ridge.
Loser pays for a lobster dinner.
I think oysters to start.
I won by half a length.
Uh, I'm pretty sure
my horse was ahead
by a nose.
- And then lobster
- More than half.
all washed down
with some Australian bubbles,
Tasmanian, preferably.
Yeah, what, you're a local now,
are ya?
Too right, mate.
The weary travelers return.
Hi. I'm Penny, Doug's wife.
- Oh, hello, Penny.
- Hi.
Please, help yourselves
to refreshments.
Oh, Anzac biscuits.
Your favorite!
I thought you decided
lamingtons were my favorite.
Ah, well, you changed your mind.
Oh, flirting!
Tell me, how do you keep
your marriage so spicy?
Oh, Joan and I aren't married.
She's my chauffeur.
Just can't get her into
one of those little hats.
I hear you're staying over.
Lucky you. Doug's doing
his lamb cutlets tonight.
Oh, yum, lamb.
Yeah, yeah, well,
Joan's shouting crayfish.
No. Uh, we'd love to.
Love to stay, thank you.
Luxury accommodation,
trail riding,
and gourmet home cooking.
Well, the plan is to provide
a unique experience, you know?
That's what the tourists
want these days.
Very fancy.
We're cattle farmers.
Always were, always will be.
Probably noticed,
it's Uncle Dougie's way or
Actually, that is the only way.
Nobody asked either of you
to slink back here,
tails between your legs.
Came back to help you.
We don't need your help, mate.
Appreciate the lift.
You're a good horseman.
That was, uh quite a stunt.
Ah, what, when I'm not
sliding off?
I'm meant to step aside
to let him run things, am I?
Mm, Penny, this aubergine
is wonderful!
Oh, it's the harissa.
My niece sends it up
from Brisbane.
You need to show
more respect, son.
I'm looking out for you.
After everything
that's happened
- Here we go.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, here we go.
Here we go.
Waste of bloody space.
You need to ease up, Doug.
Maybe it's true
what they say, eh?
About getting the kid
you deserve.
He's a beauty.
Nero, Doug's stock horse.
He's temperamental.
Needs his own space,
bit like his owner.
Can't be easy
if he doesn't want your help.
Doug the only reason
you came back?
You work hard
and make sacrifices
to build something.
One lapse of judgment
And it's all on the line.
So what happened?
I'm an ex-cop.
I was a horse trainer.
A damn good one.
I loved it.
There's nothing like it.
So was it doping or race-fixing?
There were fixing allega
There are fixing allegations.
There's a court date pending.
As I said
the only reason I'm here
is to find Sophie Bairnsdale.
I wish I could help.
They're trying to
push me out, love.
No, they're not.
Ellory's just trying to take
the pressure off you, off us!
There's no shame
in retiring.
I mean, we could be off
having fabulous adventures
like Jack and Joan.
What, and let the place
turn to rack and ruin?
No fear.
No, no, this horse-tourism thing
is a mistake.
It's not gonna happen.
- I'm sorry, Joan.
- Oh, no, no need to apologize.
If only you'd met him
before the stroke.
He was never like this.
Big life changes
are hard to navigate.
You sound like you've had
your fair share.
Nobody gets to our stage of life
without some battle scars.
Officer down!
I need an ambulance.
I need an ambulance!
Jack. Jack?
What is it?
I wasn't dirty.
I never doubted that.
But I was so close
to finding out who was.
And what about Richie
Bairnsdale, how did he fit in?
Richie was a small-time crook.
Got in over his head,
wanted out.
He was willing to talk to me
in exchange for a deal.
And Sophie?
Like I said,
Sophie set up the meeting.
But no one no one else
was supposed to know about it.
What's that?
Some of your native animals?
Well, whatever it was,
it's quietened down now.
We will find Sophie.
We will.
Maybe we should stake out
Anna's place,
see what she does,
where she goes.
Stakeout person now, are you?
Yeah, I could be.
- Settle!
- What?
Nero, settle down!
Whoa, whoa! Whoa, hey. Hey.
Easy, easy!
What the hell?
Calm. Stay calm.
Stay there. Just stay there.
- That's a boy.
- Careful, Jack.
We're all right.
We're good.
We're good. We're good.
We're good. We're good.
Yes, we are.
We're good. We're good. Come on.
We're good. We're good.
We're good. We're good.
We're good. Come on.
We're good. We're good. Come on.
Come on.
That's a boy.
Doug, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
He's unconscious.
Doug. Doug!
What happened?
Nero threw him.
Threw him?
Sure he didn't just fall?
He needs an ambulance.
Ambulance, please.
Get Penny.
This is Gemma, the
stud manager from Palm Valley.
We need an ambulance urgently
to this location.
You'll be okay, honey.
You'll see.
Right as rain, I promise.
Is he gonna be okay?
He came to. It's a good sign.
He's just so stubborn.
He won't admit he can't do
what he used to be able to.
Maybe now he'll listen.
Wouldn't count on it.
We should get to the hospital.
Gemma, are you okay
to run things here?
So long as
I've still got a job.
- Of course you do.
- Yeah, but Doug said
Forget what Doug said.
You think there's more to it?
Hey, careful, Jack.
Hello, me old mate.
We good? Are we good?
What went on there, eh?
What went on?
What did we do to spook you?
Let's see what happened here,
What's a jigger?
A jockey holds it in their hand,
and mid race,
they prod the horse.
Oh, you mean,
effectively a taser.
Concealed under the saddle,
the weight of the rider -
Doug in this case -
would set it off.
You mean someone
was deliberately trying
to hurt him?
Question is who?
Well, everyone had access
to the saddle.
Plenty of motives.
Gemma getting the flick
from the job.
Lachie might be wanting
to take over the business.
Or Ellory, a trainer
with a shady track record.
Doug made an enemy
we don't know about.
Where shall we start?
Oh, stop your fussing.
I'm not dying.
It's always a good sign
when the patient complains.
Still waiting for scan results,
but nothing broken, luckily.
You gave me such a scare!
It takes more than a fall
from a horse to do me in.
Thanks, Joan.
I appreciate what you and Jack
did for me.
Oh, it's nothing.
- How about a cup of tea?
- Lovely.
- And a piece of cake?
- Now you're talking.
Coming right up.
Good boy.
could I ask you something?
Is it possible someone might
have wanted to hurt Doug?
No, why why would they?
Jack and I believe it wasn't
a straightforward accident.
The horse was primed
to throw Doug.
I mean, Ellory and Doug fight,
and Lachlan, but
we're still a family.
Someone from town, a rival?
Someone with a grudge?
Doug's a world-class
grump, but no!
No, it was an accident.
Has to be.
You think I put it there?
Well, it got pretty heated
between you two last night.
I imagine you might want to,
you know,
bring him down a peg.
- Not like that.
- Dad.
What's going on? Jack.
Hey, mate.
Just give us a moment,
Lachlan, please.
Is this about Dougie?
Son, please.
Righto. Keep me in the dark.
I don't want him
to know what I did.
It's bad enough what he thinks
about me with this court case.
So you did plant the jigger?
I snapped.
It was stupid and impulsive,
but there it is. I
I'm not proud of myself.
So a deliberate act.
Doug's endless griping -
I'd just had enough!
I thought you were an ex-copper.
I think he deserves
to know the truth.
Wait, let me
tell Doug myself
and I'll tell you what I know
about Anna.
She used to go to
Mount Isa a lot,
I assume to see her daughter.
So why all the secrecy?
Well, I figured
if she wanted you to know
she would have told you.
Ellory's not lying.
I found an address for Sophie
in Mount Isa.
I'll forward it to you,
but it was 10 years ago.
Since then, nothing.
No forwarding address,
no car rego, no fines.
She can't have just disappeared.
We need everything you can get
on Anna's movements, Lizzie.
Traffic cams, uh,
toll points.
Anything that might record
when she's visiting Sophie.
Okay, leave it to me now, yes?
Cheers, Lizzie. See ya.
This time I'm really
not kidding, Dad.
- Bye, Lizzie.
- Bye!
Before you go off
I'm not going off.
It's not me
you have to worry about.
I just don't think
you've got any idea
what you're getting yourself
into, that's all.
It's nothing.
He has a lead on
another cold case.
One that puts a target
on your back.
A big one.
You know about that?
Why do you think I'm here?
Exactly why I can't let it go.
Darby. A moment?
Did you tell him?
- Is that why you're here?
- He called me.
Yes, I accessed his file.
Without authorization.
And you gave it to him.
Which is why I've asked
Police Integrity to be here.
It's not right,
what happened to him.
- You think he's innocent?
- I know he is.
I understand.
I do.
He's your dad.
But things were different
in Jack's day.
The cops got close to crims
for intel.
And some just got too close.
That's not what happened.
Stalling investigations,
dropping charges,
most likely shooting Richie
Bairnsdale to keep him quiet.
Jack Darby's a lot of things,
but he is not a killer.
On that, I agree.
Based on what evidence?
Jack arranges to meet a known
criminal without any backup.
No one knows
exactly what happened
except a young policewoman ends
up dead along with Bairnsdale.
Jack was shot too.
Which might be the only reason
he's not in prison
and you're not fired.
You can go.
But, Darby
you hear anything,
anything, you report
back to me personally.
I know you asked for me, Mick.
I appreciate that. I do.
You don't think the personal
relationships might interfere?
There's one thing I know
about you, Miranda.
You can be trusted
to do your job.
Wherever it leads you.
Don't miss out
on the raffle.
First prize is feed supplies
from Saunders and Price.
Second prize is a weekend
holiday at Palm Valley Stud.
How can we be sure she
won't point a gun at us again?
Way too public here.
I admire your confidence.
She's listed as a seller,
so she's here.
We should split up to look for
her. Which way you wanna go?
I'll go this way.
Don't get lost.
Nice horse.
Buyers will need
to register at Registration.
No Yeah. OK.
Yes, all right.
Yeah, I can do that.
I'm selling the two yearlings.
Yeah, if you're interested,
the auction's at 11:00.
No, it's up to you.
Completely up to you.
- Just tell me the truth, son.
- I already have, Dad!
Look, if you did it
You're never gonna let me
live this down, are you?
You are always gonna
think the worst of me.
Hey, Lachie. You all right?
Guess I'm just a waste of space.
Yep. Mm-hm.
What time?
Yes, all right.
Coming up, we have
two beautiful yearlings
from the Collins stables.
You won't find better!
Bloody hell, Anna.
I asked you to leave us
out of this.
You don't need the gun.
You know what? I do.
And you do too, because there's
some dangerous people around.
Sophie trusted me.
We were working together.
Soph loved Richie.
She would never inform on him.
All right.
I'll prove it to you.
I'm gonna put my hand
in my pocket
and I'm gonna bring out
my phone.
All right?
We spoke
the day before Richie died.
It's okay.
I know you're worried.
Richie's in
over his head.
I'm scared for him, you know?
And that's why I need you
to set up the meeting.
Keep playing.
I'll release Richie's name.
You can rely on me.
You know that, don't you?
I know. I trust you,
Jack. But I'm scared.
What happened?
My partner and I went
to meet Richie that night.
He was gonna tell us
who he was paying off
in exchange for a deal.
G'day, Richie.
Hi, Jack.
Let's make this quick.
Glad you could make it, mate.
So what have you got?
There was someone else
there, Anna.
Richie panicked
and started shooting.
And when I came to,
my partner was dead.
And so was Richie.
And the shooter, whoever he was,
was long gone.
Richie was my son!
I'm sorry.
if Sophie can help
identify the shooter,
then this is all over.
Sophie can come home.
Will making contact
put her in more danger?
Will it?!
Might do.
Then I can't help you.
I heard you had a lead
on Sophie Bairnsdale.
Bit late to the party,
aren't ya?
Better late than not invited.
It's not an official
Well, it wasn't
until you brought Liz into it.
No, I'm coming at it
from another angle.
Which is?
Not to be shared.
Same old Miranda.
Looking good, by the way.
Thanks! You too.
Grey nomad lifestyle suits you.
Listen, when you find Sophie,
call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
Horse floats need to be kept
to the lower parking lot.
Please follow the signs
Anna's worried
she's gonna lose Sophie too.
Well, you can't blame a parent
for wanting to
protect their child.
Protect their child?
You took the blame for Lachlan.
He's not a bad kid. He's not.
He just gets so wound up.
Why does Doug have it in
for Lachie?
Lachie worked with me
as a trainer.
I got caught up in
running the business and
I just didn't see how much
he needed his own success.
Or what he'd do to get it.
The race fixing - was that him?
I just felt so responsible.
His mum died when
he was little and
I don't know
He's my boy.
I might have overcompensated.
A fella's gotta own
his mistakes.
So Doug knows that you took
the blame for the fixing and
that's why he's
so judgmental of Lachlan.
With the trial coming up
Lachie's so ashamed.
He's not coping very well.
And so you confronted him about
the accident at the sale yards.
I should have let it go.
Where is he now?
Well, he's not at the pub.
He's not here either.
Any idea where he'd go?
This is my fault.
If he's done something stupid
Are you that worried?
He never goes anywhere
without this.
- Lachie!
- Lachie!
Were you with Lachlan
all morning?
Well, until they took
the feed out.
Oh, so you weren't together
all the time.
I had to prep for a tour group.
At the stables? By yourself?
What, before Doug came
to collect his saddle?
Hang on!
You can't think that
I planted the jigger.
We heard you and Doug
arguing yesterday.
He tried to fire you.
That's nothing compared to the
barneys Doug gets himself into.
What do you mean?
who else is Doug
fighting with?
G'day, mate. How you going?
How about just movin'
away from there a bit?
You think I did it, don't ya?
You know what I think?
I think you and I oughta go
and have a beer. What do you reckon?
The jigger wasn't mine.
After the feed, I went back up
to the house to make breakfast.
It wasn't me.
Sounds like an alibi.
- Do you believe me?
- I do.
You know I was the one
that fixed the race?
Your dad told me.
Like it matters.
Uncle Dougie's right.
I'm a waste of space.
Who lets their dad
cop the blame for 'em?
Hey, it's never too late
to turn things round.
I wouldn't call that bloke
a waste of space.
You reckon?
Yeah, we all make mistakes.
I've made a truckload.
I got ya.
- I got ya.
- Ah! I'm slipping!
- Argh!
- Try and find a footing!
- I can't get a foot!
- Get a foot. Get it!
- I got ya.
- I got it, I got it!
- We're gonna do this on three.
- Okay.
One, two, three. Now.
I got it!
Anchor yourself!
Oh, I thought I was gone!
I had ya.
Thank you.
There you go.
Come here. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, son.
- Joan?
- Jack, where are you?
Any sign?
We found Lachie. He's okay.
I don't think
Lachlan did it.
Neither do I.
That's great!
Yes, I will.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
How's the old man?
That was the hospital.
Apart from a sprained wrist,
Doug's bruised a few ribs,
but that's it!
Lucky fella.
And ready to retire.
He's agreed. It's straight
to Mission Beach for us.
- Oh, how exciting!
- I know, right?
I can barely believe it.
Especially after
everything you've been through.
Oh I'm I'm all right.
Looking after Doug
after his stroke.
Being the perfect hostess.
Refereeing Doug and Ellory.
Oh, well, it has been a lot,
but that's behind us now.
Yeah. And nobody
really got hurt.
That was lucky!
I love my husband.
We know you do.
But you felt
you had to do something.
You've been around horses
all your life.
Bit risky, though.
You knew Nero was temperamental.
Doug was so angry all the time.
With Ellory, Lachlan
with everyone!
There was no room
for anything else.
Sometimes it's easier for
blokes to be angry than
deal with what's
going on around them.
I wanted him to stop
holding onto the past.
To think of the future,
our future.
To live our lives
while we still had them.
I almost killed him!
What if I had? What if he died?
What if he never forgives me?
You might be surprised.
Oh, Doug!
I'm so sorry.
No, love. I am.
I'm just a stubborn bastard who
couldn't see what mattered most.
You've always been there
for me.
Now it's my turn
to be there for you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Hey, Max.
Call me back, would you?
It's been so long.
We must speak.
- Ready to roll?
- Yeah, sure.
- Did I interrupt something?
- No, not at all.
- Jack.
- Hey, mate.
I just wanted to say thank you
before you headed off.
Ah! Thought you'd be happy
to see the back of us.
Safe travels.
Take care.
- Anna.
- Better answer.
What do you want?
Get out! I'll shoot!
I will! I'll shoot!
Stay. Good boy.
What's he doing?
Did you get the registration?
Didn't need to.
That's him.
Any idea what he wanted?
He took their photo.
Whose photo?
Sophie and Kayla.
My granddaughter.
Sophie had a daughter?
She's 18.
That would mean Sophie was
pregnant when she disappeared.
Jeez, I found out about, oh,
10 years ago.
I visited them, but Sophie was
very nervous about
people finding her.
So she left Mount Isa.
That was the last time
I saw them.
Until until Kayla's
last birthday.
She wanted to see me.
And she didn't tell Sophie
she'd remade contact.
Such a clever girl. She's so
full of life, just like Sophie.
You know
where they live now?
Kayla was so guarded.
It was It was heartbreaking.
She sent me that photo
on her phone.
And I framed it
and that's what he took.
So the photo would have had
location data.
No, she had it turned off.
Making the photo untraceable.
Well, what about the phone
she sent it from?
It was prepaid.
It's no use either.
Sophie taught her well.
Can you send me that photo?
Yeah, of course.
I don't have
the choice now, do I?
I have to trust you.
Poor Anna,
missing out on so much of
her daughter's life.
Kayla's whole childhood!
Just I can't imagine it.
Can you enlarge that?
What, that?
Yeah. I think that is
Yes, it is. That's Rocky Point.
Oh, please!
How can you recognize a place
from a wave?
It's famous as
a great surf spot.
You never told me you were
a surfer, Jack Darby!
Lot of things you don't know
about me.
Come on, we gotta get to Kayla
and Sophie before Bill Carlton.
Any other hidden talents
you'd like to share?
Make a mean home brew.
So do I!
Apple cider.
That's not a home brew!
Sure it is! Packs a punch.
30% proof.
Yeah, all right, then.
I made it
for Christmas one year.
Everyone was on their ear
before the turkey
even came out of the oven.
I guess it's Christmas
at your place, then, eh?