Darby and Joan (2022) s02e02 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 2
Something happened that made you
leave the force, didn't it?
You killed my son!
That's what they
wanted you to think!
If I'm mixed up in this,
which I am now,
don't you think I deserve
the whole story?
Sophie arranged the meeting
between Richie and me
that night.
They fitted you up.
You never told me.
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready to clear
our name, you let me know.
Listen, when you
find Sophie, call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
Hey, Max, call me back,
would you?
It's been so long.
- Did I interrupt something?
- No, not at all.
What's he doing?
- Did you get the registration?
- Didn't need to.
Senior Sergeant
Bill Carlton.
White hair,
Cheshire cat smile.
- Sophie had a daughter.
- Kayla.
She sent me that photo on her
phone, and that's what he took.
That break I think it's
It is. It's Rocky Point.
We need to get to Sophie
and Kayla before Bill Carlton.
I had no idea the Australian
coastline was so long!
World's largest island.
22,000 miles
around the mainland.
Nearly 40 if you count
all the bays and inlets.
Sounds about right.
Why the geography lesson?
Well, I was just wondering,
with all those thousands
of miles of beach,
how you managed
to recognize Rocky Point?
Like I said,
legendary surf spot.
So how do you propose
we go about finding Sophie
when she so clearly
doesn't want to be found?
What's she doing?
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Can you hear me?
Oh, dear. Oh, no, she's out.
Can you hear me?
Can you tell me your name?
She's barely got a pulse.
- Come on. Come on!
- Lift up your head.
Can't get a signal.
Get me the first-aid kit.
Quick! Quick!
We're gonna have to take her
to the hospital ourselves. Yes.
Here. You okay?
Hey, hey. Hello?
They ran me
off the road.
They what?
They ran you?
What did she say?
She didn't just crash, Jack.
Someone ran her off the road.
Oh. Hello? Hello?
Anyone here?
I've got an MVA.
It's a nurse.
Oh, my God! That's Gillian.
What happened to her?
Trauma to the head.
GCS 9, currently
with sinus tachycardia.
It's all right.
We'll take her from here.
Gillian, can you hear me?
Has she been involved
in a collision?
Rolled her car.
Lucky we came along.
Joan probably saved her life.
I think there's a risk
of internal hemorrhaging.
She needs a CT scan right away,
and probably a unit
or two of blood.
- Are you a nurse?
- Yeah, was.
In the U.K.
Well, we'll take her
from here, thanks.
Well, I think I'll stay here
for a while,
just see how she's doing.
Right, yeah.
I'll go and check the car.
I'll leave you
with Dr. Personality.
You're quick
off the mark.
Yeah, local coppers came by
and gave me the all-clear.
Do you know the driver, Gillian?
I'm the only mechanic and towie
for 50 klicks.
I know everyone, mate.
Everyone except you.
Jack Darby.
I found her.
Drove her to hospital.
Is she all right?
Yeah, she's pretty badly
dinged up, but
looks like she'll live.
Said she got
ran off the road.
Well, plenty of drivers
fall asleep at the wheel
on country roads.
You might be able to help me.
Looking for a couple of friends?
Not ringing any bells.
Hey, uh, if you need
fuel, ice or bait,
I've, uh, got a servo in town.
You can't miss it.
It's the only one.
- Good.
- Yeah.
Hello again.
Oh. Oh, I was just
checking the dose.
We've sedated her to
bring down the swelling.
With your approval, of course.
Old habits die hard.
I was a nurse for 30 years.
Then you would know
that only Gillian's family
should really be in here.
Do you know if someone
was threatening her?
Gillian said someone tried
to run her off the road.
This is a small
community hospital.
Gillian is very well respected.
Oh, I'm sure she is, Doctor
Chris. Call me Chris.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll just finish off my rounds.
Gillian did have a run-in
with Dr. Warwick Mercer,
the head of the hospital.
What what sort of a run-in?
Gillian reported him to the
medical board over something.
And then suddenly,
Gillian's being investigated
by the state health department.
What for?
It's just local rumors.
But they say people die
on Gillian's shift.
More than should.
That's how she got the nickname.
What nickname?
'Angel of Death'.
People don't call you that
for no reason.
In ICU, you try to
keep people alive.
however hard you try
To be fair, we don't
really know Gillian.
That's true.
But I've known hundreds
of Gillians in my time.
Well, playing
the devil's advocate,
maybe she was trying
to help people
go out with a little dignity.
Are you talking about
assisted dying?
With compassion, yeah.
But that could be
a motive for someone
who doesn't see it that way.
You don't think
the ice bucket's a bit much?
Just because
we're having fish and chips
doesn't mean
we have to be heathens.
We need to find out why Gillian
called the medical board.
Really gotten to you, hasn't it?
It's my nursing family.
What affects one
affects all of us.
Maybe you should ask
the good doctor what he knows.
Oh, Chris wasn't
very forthcoming.
Chris, is it?
You think he could be involved?
I'm gonna try talking
to him again tomorrow.
If at first you don't succeed
Badger them into submission.
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Alive, alive
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Alive, alive
Good old long board.
Yeah, it's my
grandfather's favorite.
Hey, I forgot to give you
your, um, pensioner's discount.
Ah, you can keep that.
I'm looking for a friend
of mine, Sophie Bairnsdale.
She's got a daughter
about your age, Kayla.
Kayla? Yeah.
Yeah, I know her.
Can you tell me
where I can find them?
How about you tell me
where they can find you?
No offense, mister,
but I don't know you.
Good answer.
I remember this beach.
Famous long break.
What are you doing here?
- Same as you, Jack.
- Doubt it.
But you still don't get it,
do you, Jack?
You're the one putting
Sophie and Kayla in danger.
How else do you think
I got here?
I followed you, drongo.
Take it from an old mate, Jack.
Go home
before someone gets hurt.
Long time since we were mates.
You don't like him
either, do you?
Dad, where are you?
Rocky Point, near Castle Creek.
Which bit of "leave this to me"
did you not hear?
What's that? No, I can't
hear you. Must be a bad line.
Do us a favor, will you?
I need the tracking data
on Bill Carlton's car.
Uh, why?
Oh, just in case.
I'm close to finding Sophie
and I don't want any surprises.
Don't move.
I'm coming to Rocky Point.
Is that Jack?
- Who's that?
- Who do you reckon?
The integrity unit's
all over this one.
Stay put. I gotta go.
Uh, nothing to worry about
here, all right?
Did you hang 10?
Hey, I got you a coffee.
Thank you. Ahh.
Got a lead on Kayla.
Won't know till tomorrow.
Bill Carlton's looking too.
How did he get to know
about Rocky Point?
He said he followed us.
Oh, slimy so-and-so.
Yep, that's one way
of putting it.
Well, um, I'm gonna head off
now to, uh to see Chris.
Dr. Chris.
Oh, yeah, Dr. Chris. Yep.
Well, I guess I'll just go
and, uh, fill the tank
while you're chatting
to Dr. Chris.
Oh. Not now, Max.
Oh, Chris.
You don't have to camp
out here, you know.
We can call you
when Gillian wakes up.
I wanted to apologize
for being so pushy yesterday.
I was just really worried
about her.
Oh, look, I might have
been a bit abrupt.
Well, it can't be easy
being one nurse down.
No, it was no excuse.
Your husband was right.
You probably saved
Gillian's life.
Oh, he's not my husband.
He's just Jack.
Well, you and "just
Jack" deserve our gratitude.
And if you're ever
looking for a job
I think
I'm beyond that now.
Oh, not on the evidence.
Well, there is something
you could do for me,
if if you've got a moment.
You could help me find out
who did this to Gillian.
Make sure
it doesn't happen again.
I don't know how I could.
You could tell me about
Gillian's feud with Dr. Mercer.
It wasn't a feud, for starters.
Dr. Mercer had developed
an opioid addiction.
He was stealing hospital stock
and fudging the paperwork.
And Gillian blew the whistle?
And the medical board
suspended him.
Oh, no.
Oh, well, that's reason enough
to run someone off the road,
I suppose.
Well, I guarantee you
it wasn't him.
How can you be so sure?
Dr. Mercer passed away
several months ago.
In the end, I think the shame
was too much for him.
I didn't mention it
out of respect for his legacy.
He was a fine doctor
before all this.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Gillian's awake.
We'll call you, Joan.
- G'day.
- Hey.
- For the fuel.
- Thank you, sir.
So, you figured out what
happened to Gillian yet?
Still working on it.
There's a rumor.
Some of the locals call her,
uh, Angel of Death.
Ohh. People love to
gossip, don't they?
Yeah, well, obviously
someone believes it.
No one I can name,
but it's a bit rich, isn't it?
I bet she's patched up half
the people who call her that
at one time or another.
I'll bet she has.
Good, thanks.
Sorry, I didn't
Nice touch, the roses.
Man's got to have
a hobby, right?
Are you trying to sabotage
Liz's entire career?
I told her to stay out of it.
And yet you keep asking her
to do things for you.
Look, Liz is an adult.
She can make her own decisions.
Not when it comes to you.
She adores you, you know that.
She'd do anything for you.
Anyway, what's so special
about Rocky Point?
Apart from that
famous break you used to surf.
Ooh, you remember, do you?
How could I forget?
The old blue Kombi
full of sand and cigarette butts
when we both smoked.
Come on.
You want to protect Liz?
Tell me what you know.
Why is Bill Carlton so
interested in finding Sophie?
Bill Carlton?
I've no idea.
But I'll find out.
I can set you up with a
private office if you need it.
Well, that'd be great, thanks.
Any updates?
Where's Liz?
Oh, she's not here.
Is there a reason
Bill Carlton's asking questions?
I'll call him off.
Knock, knock.
You must be the Pom
who saved my life.
I'm so glad we came along
when we did.
Someone up there's
looking out for me.
That was quite
an accident you had.
It wasn't an accident.
I was deliberately
ran off the road.
You remember.
It's not something
you easily forget.
I'm not well liked in town
at the moment.
Someone started
a hurtful rumor about me.
Yeah. It must be very upsetting.
I don't know if I can stay on
after this.
Or even if I should.
I'm going to find out
who did this to you.
I already know
who did it, though.
It was Angie Zorko,
the real estate agent.
I know her car anywhere.
Why would she do
something like that?
'Cause I killed
her brother, Mateus.
At least, that's what
she's telling everyone.
I've been talking
to Laurie, the mechanic.
He confirmed
the Angel of Death rumors.
Couldn't give me
any names, though.
Lucky I've got one, then,
from Gillian.
Just need their hospital file.
Their hospital file?
Work with me.
Uh, you wouldn't have
an ice pack
that I could borrow, would you?
I think I did me knee
from surfing this morning.
- Let me have a look for you.
- I don't know if I need that.
Don't be such a caveman.
You might have
really hurt yourself.
Come on, I don't bite.
- All right.
- Argh!
Strides off.
Pants down.
- That one?
- Yeah.
On a scale of one to 10,
how bad is that?
Well, about halfway
between a sprained ankle
and having my leg
ripped off by a shark.
Okay, so about a six?
Well, the good news is
you'll live.
It's not a meniscus or an ACL.
More likely a bad case
of you trying to relive
your glory days.
You can put your strides
back on now.
I, uh
I was just holding the fort.
Oh. Well, I'm not sure
we can pay you.
Maybe you could buy me dinner.
Oh, um, yeah.
Sure. That sounds fair.
- Tomorrow night?
- Yeah.
Uh, I can't promise
anything too flash,
but there'll be a tablecloth
and some cutlery.
Till tomorrow, then.
Thanks, Doc.
Oh, thanks, Fiona. A lot better.
Cheers, mate.
I think that Dr. Chris
has got a thing for you.
Well, he's only human.
You should go for it.
Are you giving me permission?
Hey, you're a long time dead.
Jack Darby,
the surfing philosopher.
Jeez, if you're gonna settle
down, this is it, right?
Who said anything
about settling down?
Oh, I thought
your mate Dr. Whatsit
might have mentioned something.
Oh, God!
Good afternoon.
I can see you're a couple
with good taste.
This home is divine!
No, we're not house hunting.
- Angie Zorko?
- Yes.
We're, um, looking
into an incident
that occurred
a couple of mornings ago
with, um, Gillian Novak.
She's done it again, has she?
The Angel of Death?
No, no.
That's that's just a rumor.
Oh, she killed my brother
when he was in hospital
with silicosis
from cutting those
awful fake stone benches.
That's fatal, isn't it?
Mateus wasn't near death's door,
if that's what you mean.
He went into hospital
after an episode.
Next day, he was dead.
Lungs gave in, they said.
Well, I'm very sorry
to hear that.
who's she killed now?
No, no, no. We think
someone's tried to kill her.
She was run off the road. Then they
stopped to have a good look too.
Oh! And now you think
I had something to do with it?
Clearly you have an issue
with her.
But murder's a bit much,
even for a real estate agent.
We have a witness
that saw your car at the scene.
That's impossible,
unless it grew legs.
It's been at Laurie's garage
all week,
waiting for a new starter motor.
You can tell your witness
they need their eyes checked.
Gillian was certain
that it was Angie's car.
She also had a head injury
and was heavily sedated.
Now, I have to check in
at the beach for Kayla.
So, I get the local mechanic?
If you insist.
Rocky Point's best mechanic?
Rocky Point's only mechanic.
Details, details.
Uh, I'm looking into
Gillian's accident.
Okay, along with
your boyfriend, Jack?
Oh, no, he's not my boyfriend.
He's, um
Well, he's
Anyway, never mind.
Um, someone told me
that Angie Zorko's car
was at the scene.
Well, that'd make me
the world's best mechanic.
There it is there.
Hasn't been roadworthy
since about 2005.
And hasn't been going
for at least a week, so
Oh, right.
I see.
- Well, thanks.
- No worries.
Hello, Kayla.
How did you go
with Kayla and Sophie?
I don't know about Sophie,
but Kayla will be here tomorrow.
No, no, no! No, you don't.
- I'm almost dry.
- It's very quaint,
this surfing lark
reconnecting you
with your misspent youth,
but that doesn't mean you can put
your wet bum on my upholstery.
Did you just call
surfing 'quaint'?
Did you want to have a go?
No, I can't.
I don't know how to surf.
- Come on. You'll love it.
- No.
Let's go.
I'll get you a wet suit.
- No, I can't.
- Come on!
Come on, you're gonna love it.
Come on! Let's go! Now!
Turn around. Turn around.
Now, go!
Come out here.
We'll get a big one.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
And let's go!
Turn around. Turn around.
- Watch out! Watch out!
- That's what you've gotta be on.
Go! Go! Go!
Is that good?
- Let's do some more!
- Hey?
- More! More!
- Well, then, come on.
Come on!
Put your hands up here
a bit further.
Get ready.
That's it. Here we go.
Sometimes I feel
like a hermit crab,
traveling around
with my house on my back.
Well, it's a very
impressive-looking house.
It's a bit like being
a locum doctor, isn't it?
I mean, you're nomadic too.
Yeah, except it's, uh, twice the
pay and half the responsibility.
Which is great until you
want to put down some roots.
Sorry, Max. Joan's
already got a date tonight.
So, it's a date, is it?
Actually, I wanted to extract
some information from you.
An interrogation date.
The downside of traveling
with a cop
is that everywhere you go
is a crime scene
and everyone you meet
is a suspect.
Oh! So I'm a suspect now.
What do you want to know?
Why is Gillian called
the Angel of Death?
Oh, right.
Well, somebody reported her
and she was investigated
by the health department.
Because of the death
of Mateus Zorko?
And another patient, a woman
by the name of Belle Parker.
But nothing came of it.
Well, Gillian works in ICU.
I mean, if you work in ICU,
you're gonna be there
when people are having
the worst day of their lives.
And not everybody makes it.
We know that.
So, she wasn't playing God?
I don't believe she'd do that.
I treated Mateus Zorko
and Belle Parker
and they were both terminal.
And before you break out
the handcuffs,
I wasn't on duty
when either of them died.
God, that got dark quickly.
Good, so at least
I'm not having a date
with a serial killer.
Well, now we've got
the, uh, lie detector out
what is Jack to you?
Jack is Jack.
Um, he's a special friend.
And, uh, not with benefits.
You sure?
I don't think he knows that.
Oh, no, he definitely does.
He does!
Well, now we've established
that I'm not a serial killer
and Jack's not
some secret lover,
maybe we can begin our date.
You promised me a tablecloth.
Well, there is cutlery
and there is wine.
It's rather good wine too.
Hello, beautiful.
Hello, beautiful!
Hello, beauty.
So, what's he like,
your, uh, Dr. Chris?
Oh, he's lovely!
He was great fun.
And he's a perfect gentleman.
We're gonna keep in touch.
Did he say any more about
Gillian and the Angel of Death?
Only what I told you
about Belle Parker.
Oh, and the hospital did
a thorough investigation
and found no wrongdoing.
I wonder what Belle's husband
thinks about that.
You must
hate roses, mate.
Only these ones.
Jack, Joan. I rang earlier.
The roses are
my wife Belle's thing.
She used to travel
to all the flower shows
and collect the exotics.
It's too painful when they
bloom, so I put natives in.
You mentioned
on the phone that
Belle was friends
with Gillian.
Yeah, they were close friends.
That didn't give her the right
to take her away from me like that.
Oh, I understood
that Belle had breast cancer?
Yeah, they caught it late,
so she was gone
within five months.
She was in a lot of pain
towards the end
and it was heartbreaking
to see her fade away like that.
I'm so sorry.
But Gillian robbed me
of precious time with her.
It's always hard
to lose a loved one.
My husband passed away
not that long ago.
Then you know
what it feels like,
what you wouldn't do
for one more day?
Ah yes.
But what makes you so sure
that it was Gillian?
The medical board
I don't care what
the medical board said.
She did it.
Why else would
someone report her?
Now, hold on a sec.
We thought you reported
Gillian to them.
Well, obviously I spoke to them
when they did their review.
But I guess someone on staff
at the hospital pipped me to it.
Look, do you mind
if I take some?
Help yourself.
Thanks, mate.
Sorry for your loss.
Hiya, Gillian.
Oh, how beautiful!
Thank you.
They're from Belle's garden.
Oh. She loved her English roses.
It was like an obsession.
You knew her quite well.
Not enough to
euthanize her, though.
It's what you want
to know, right?
Gosh, you don't beat about
the bush, do you?
Oh, come on, Joan.
You're a nurse.
We don't pussyfoot around.
We hesitate and people die.
There is often gray
in what we do.
Not with Belle.
She really suffered.
She begged me to end it.
Just wish I had had the courage.
The review found that she had
died of an overdose of fentanyl.
We administered the opioid
through the IV pump.
I never showed her how.
But I know she watched me
like a hawk
any time I adjusted the dose.
Oh, so you think she dialed up
her own dose?
She may have.
I don't know.
It was tragic timing,
either way.
I mean, she finally decided
to leave her husband.
I thought Dennis
seemed devoted to her.
She said she connected
with her soulmate.
Someone to share her passions.
Lucky her.
She never told me who it was.
It seemed serious. They rented
a house out of town for them.
And do you think Dennis
never knew about this?
Oh, come on, Joan.
Spouses are the last
to know anything.
You could take the roses.
They remind me
too much of Belle.
Take care.
Belle had a secret lover.
Good for her. Come on, mate.
Someone with a shared passion.
Well, if this someone blamed
Gillian for Belle's death,
then this could be
about revenge.
Who do we know
who loves English roses?
I'll call the cops.
Meet you there.
There you go.
Bag of ice.
Might I be right in thinking
you're a bit of a rose expert?
A rosarian.
Secretary of the Australian
Rose Society for 10 years.
Then we have the right man.
We have.
We know about the house
that Belle rented
for the two of you to meet up.
Of course,
you had to be discreet.
It wasn't just some fling.
We'd been in love for years,
ever since high school,
but we couldn't do
anything about it.
We used to hang out
before I went away
to do my apprenticeship and
when I came back,
she was married to Dennis.
Later she told me
she thought I'd gone for good,
so I spent the next 30 years
waiting for
waiting for I don't know what.
And then last year,
I got brave and declared myself.
She felt the same all that time.
So we promised not to
waste any more time.
About a week later,
she was diagnosed.
She went so suddenly.
Like punishment, I guess,
for trying to be happy.
That's why you ran Gillian off
the road in Angie's car?
Someone had to stop her
from trying to play God.
No, she wasn't playing God.
I know it's hard to face,
but your Belle
had a terminal illness.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
We waited so long,
wasted so many years.
Don't wait.
Hey, Gillian.
Good to see you up and about.
Yeah, it's a modern miracle.
These were in reception for you.
Aww. From my patients!
Seems like they're missing me.
Of course they are.
Even calling me
their guardian angel.
The police told me about Laurie.
Well, he was so angry
about Belle's death,
he needed to blame it
on someone.
When my husband, Ian, died,
I came halfway around the world
looking for someone to blame.
Well, lucky for me you did.
My guardian angel.
That's it.
All right, now you just
want to get on the board.
- That's it.
- Whoo!
You're a pro, girl.
Yeah. All right.
That's it. You've got it.
Paddle, paddle.
Looks like
you've started something.
Well, I wish I could be
out there with them.
Told you
it was addictive.
Hey, there's Kayla.
Hey, Kayla! Jack Darby.
Get that out of here!
Kayla! Hang on!
Wait up!
Hey, wait, wait!
I just wanna talk to you!
Wait. I just wanna talk!
Get off of me, you maggot!
Get off!
Oh, great work, Jack!
And you too, Liz.
Flushing your career down
the dunny like your old man.
Why do you always have to
play the Boy Scout, Jack?
All you had to do
was take the envelope
and Richie would still be alive
and Sophie would
have had a life!
You were there!
You were the shooter.
And now what are you doing?
Tying up loose ends?
You have no idea.
What's that about?
He's full of it.
I told you not to come.
Like I take orders from you!
I'm trying to protect you.
You have no badge, no gun,
and not a skerrick
of common sense.
Who's protecting you?
Yeah, well,
she does have a point there.
Look, I, uh
I'll be right back.
Angie Zorko, Rocky Point's
number one realtor.
Oh, hello. It's Joan here.
We met the other day.
I wanted to ask you something.
Oh, you're too late
on the house. It just sold.
Oh, no, it's not that.
Um, did you ever rent a place
to Sophie Bairnsdale
and her daughter Kayla?
We real estate agents
get a bad rap,
but some of us do have ethics.
Oh, yes, I understand.
And I wouldn't be asking
if it wasn't an emergency.
Please, Angie.
We're trying to help them.
I'm in Rocky Point.
We just had a run-in
with Bill Carlton.
A run-in? What?
Are you okay? Liz?
Mick was supposed
to call him off.
Well, he clearly
didn't get the message.
Dad tracked down
Sophie and Kayla.
Oh, he found her.
Course he did.
He had a few faults,
your father,
but he was always more
than a half-decent cop.
Come on, Liz! Quick!
We've got an address!
We'll go around this way.
What? Are you sure you don't want
to just ring the doorbell?
That's how
we do things nowadays.
No. I don't want them doing
a runner again, all right?
Okay, I'll go around the front,
just in case you guys
spook them, okay?
Who are you?
- I'm sorry.
- Get out of my house.
- Sorry. Thought you were
- Get out of my house!
- Thought you were somebody else.
- Get out!
- Yeah, I'm going! All right?
- Get out!
We're not here
to hurt you.
I'm a friend of
your grandma Anna.
She gave me this photo.
I'm Jack Darby,
and this is Joan.
That address was bogus!
Mum knew you'd find us one day.
Not the kind of guy
who gives up.
There's an understatement.
You're okay.
It's the guy who comes after you
that's scary.
Are you going somewhere?
Your bags are packed.
Whoever's been after Mum
all this time has found
where we've been hiding.
We can protect you.
She tried that before.
This time, Mum and I
decided I should go.
Go where?
Anywhere. Just disappear.
Whatever she saw,
she's never told me,
but, I mean,
who's gonna believe that?
Where is your mum?
She's still in danger.
They can't touch her now.
You do know?
Know what?
She died from cancer.
Sophie's dead?
Oh, you poor girl.
We had no idea.
I'm sorry.
I thought you knew.
Whatever you needed
to know, Jack
it died with her.
Something happened that made you
leave the force, didn't it?
You killed my son!
That's what they
wanted you to think!
If I'm mixed up in this,
which I am now,
don't you think I deserve
the whole story?
Sophie arranged the meeting
between Richie and me
that night.
They fitted you up.
You never told me.
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready to clear
our name, you let me know.
Listen, when you
find Sophie, call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
Hey, Max, call me back,
would you?
It's been so long.
- Did I interrupt something?
- No, not at all.
What's he doing?
- Did you get the registration?
- Didn't need to.
Senior Sergeant
Bill Carlton.
White hair,
Cheshire cat smile.
- Sophie had a daughter.
- Kayla.
She sent me that photo on her
phone, and that's what he took.
That break I think it's
It is. It's Rocky Point.
We need to get to Sophie
and Kayla before Bill Carlton.
I had no idea the Australian
coastline was so long!
World's largest island.
22,000 miles
around the mainland.
Nearly 40 if you count
all the bays and inlets.
Sounds about right.
Why the geography lesson?
Well, I was just wondering,
with all those thousands
of miles of beach,
how you managed
to recognize Rocky Point?
Like I said,
legendary surf spot.
So how do you propose
we go about finding Sophie
when she so clearly
doesn't want to be found?
What's she doing?
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Can you hear me?
Oh, dear. Oh, no, she's out.
Can you hear me?
Can you tell me your name?
She's barely got a pulse.
- Come on. Come on!
- Lift up your head.
Can't get a signal.
Get me the first-aid kit.
Quick! Quick!
We're gonna have to take her
to the hospital ourselves. Yes.
Here. You okay?
Hey, hey. Hello?
They ran me
off the road.
They what?
They ran you?
What did she say?
She didn't just crash, Jack.
Someone ran her off the road.
Oh. Hello? Hello?
Anyone here?
I've got an MVA.
It's a nurse.
Oh, my God! That's Gillian.
What happened to her?
Trauma to the head.
GCS 9, currently
with sinus tachycardia.
It's all right.
We'll take her from here.
Gillian, can you hear me?
Has she been involved
in a collision?
Rolled her car.
Lucky we came along.
Joan probably saved her life.
I think there's a risk
of internal hemorrhaging.
She needs a CT scan right away,
and probably a unit
or two of blood.
- Are you a nurse?
- Yeah, was.
In the U.K.
Well, we'll take her
from here, thanks.
Well, I think I'll stay here
for a while,
just see how she's doing.
Right, yeah.
I'll go and check the car.
I'll leave you
with Dr. Personality.
You're quick
off the mark.
Yeah, local coppers came by
and gave me the all-clear.
Do you know the driver, Gillian?
I'm the only mechanic and towie
for 50 klicks.
I know everyone, mate.
Everyone except you.
Jack Darby.
I found her.
Drove her to hospital.
Is she all right?
Yeah, she's pretty badly
dinged up, but
looks like she'll live.
Said she got
ran off the road.
Well, plenty of drivers
fall asleep at the wheel
on country roads.
You might be able to help me.
Looking for a couple of friends?
Not ringing any bells.
Hey, uh, if you need
fuel, ice or bait,
I've, uh, got a servo in town.
You can't miss it.
It's the only one.
- Good.
- Yeah.
Hello again.
Oh. Oh, I was just
checking the dose.
We've sedated her to
bring down the swelling.
With your approval, of course.
Old habits die hard.
I was a nurse for 30 years.
Then you would know
that only Gillian's family
should really be in here.
Do you know if someone
was threatening her?
Gillian said someone tried
to run her off the road.
This is a small
community hospital.
Gillian is very well respected.
Oh, I'm sure she is, Doctor
Chris. Call me Chris.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll just finish off my rounds.
Gillian did have a run-in
with Dr. Warwick Mercer,
the head of the hospital.
What what sort of a run-in?
Gillian reported him to the
medical board over something.
And then suddenly,
Gillian's being investigated
by the state health department.
What for?
It's just local rumors.
But they say people die
on Gillian's shift.
More than should.
That's how she got the nickname.
What nickname?
'Angel of Death'.
People don't call you that
for no reason.
In ICU, you try to
keep people alive.
however hard you try
To be fair, we don't
really know Gillian.
That's true.
But I've known hundreds
of Gillians in my time.
Well, playing
the devil's advocate,
maybe she was trying
to help people
go out with a little dignity.
Are you talking about
assisted dying?
With compassion, yeah.
But that could be
a motive for someone
who doesn't see it that way.
You don't think
the ice bucket's a bit much?
Just because
we're having fish and chips
doesn't mean
we have to be heathens.
We need to find out why Gillian
called the medical board.
Really gotten to you, hasn't it?
It's my nursing family.
What affects one
affects all of us.
Maybe you should ask
the good doctor what he knows.
Oh, Chris wasn't
very forthcoming.
Chris, is it?
You think he could be involved?
I'm gonna try talking
to him again tomorrow.
If at first you don't succeed
Badger them into submission.
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Alive, alive
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Loving every minute
'cause you make me feel so alive
Alive, alive
Good old long board.
Yeah, it's my
grandfather's favorite.
Hey, I forgot to give you
your, um, pensioner's discount.
Ah, you can keep that.
I'm looking for a friend
of mine, Sophie Bairnsdale.
She's got a daughter
about your age, Kayla.
Kayla? Yeah.
Yeah, I know her.
Can you tell me
where I can find them?
How about you tell me
where they can find you?
No offense, mister,
but I don't know you.
Good answer.
I remember this beach.
Famous long break.
What are you doing here?
- Same as you, Jack.
- Doubt it.
But you still don't get it,
do you, Jack?
You're the one putting
Sophie and Kayla in danger.
How else do you think
I got here?
I followed you, drongo.
Take it from an old mate, Jack.
Go home
before someone gets hurt.
Long time since we were mates.
You don't like him
either, do you?
Dad, where are you?
Rocky Point, near Castle Creek.
Which bit of "leave this to me"
did you not hear?
What's that? No, I can't
hear you. Must be a bad line.
Do us a favor, will you?
I need the tracking data
on Bill Carlton's car.
Uh, why?
Oh, just in case.
I'm close to finding Sophie
and I don't want any surprises.
Don't move.
I'm coming to Rocky Point.
Is that Jack?
- Who's that?
- Who do you reckon?
The integrity unit's
all over this one.
Stay put. I gotta go.
Uh, nothing to worry about
here, all right?
Did you hang 10?
Hey, I got you a coffee.
Thank you. Ahh.
Got a lead on Kayla.
Won't know till tomorrow.
Bill Carlton's looking too.
How did he get to know
about Rocky Point?
He said he followed us.
Oh, slimy so-and-so.
Yep, that's one way
of putting it.
Well, um, I'm gonna head off
now to, uh to see Chris.
Dr. Chris.
Oh, yeah, Dr. Chris. Yep.
Well, I guess I'll just go
and, uh, fill the tank
while you're chatting
to Dr. Chris.
Oh. Not now, Max.
Oh, Chris.
You don't have to camp
out here, you know.
We can call you
when Gillian wakes up.
I wanted to apologize
for being so pushy yesterday.
I was just really worried
about her.
Oh, look, I might have
been a bit abrupt.
Well, it can't be easy
being one nurse down.
No, it was no excuse.
Your husband was right.
You probably saved
Gillian's life.
Oh, he's not my husband.
He's just Jack.
Well, you and "just
Jack" deserve our gratitude.
And if you're ever
looking for a job
I think
I'm beyond that now.
Oh, not on the evidence.
Well, there is something
you could do for me,
if if you've got a moment.
You could help me find out
who did this to Gillian.
Make sure
it doesn't happen again.
I don't know how I could.
You could tell me about
Gillian's feud with Dr. Mercer.
It wasn't a feud, for starters.
Dr. Mercer had developed
an opioid addiction.
He was stealing hospital stock
and fudging the paperwork.
And Gillian blew the whistle?
And the medical board
suspended him.
Oh, no.
Oh, well, that's reason enough
to run someone off the road,
I suppose.
Well, I guarantee you
it wasn't him.
How can you be so sure?
Dr. Mercer passed away
several months ago.
In the end, I think the shame
was too much for him.
I didn't mention it
out of respect for his legacy.
He was a fine doctor
before all this.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Gillian's awake.
We'll call you, Joan.
- G'day.
- Hey.
- For the fuel.
- Thank you, sir.
So, you figured out what
happened to Gillian yet?
Still working on it.
There's a rumor.
Some of the locals call her,
uh, Angel of Death.
Ohh. People love to
gossip, don't they?
Yeah, well, obviously
someone believes it.
No one I can name,
but it's a bit rich, isn't it?
I bet she's patched up half
the people who call her that
at one time or another.
I'll bet she has.
Good, thanks.
Sorry, I didn't
Nice touch, the roses.
Man's got to have
a hobby, right?
Are you trying to sabotage
Liz's entire career?
I told her to stay out of it.
And yet you keep asking her
to do things for you.
Look, Liz is an adult.
She can make her own decisions.
Not when it comes to you.
She adores you, you know that.
She'd do anything for you.
Anyway, what's so special
about Rocky Point?
Apart from that
famous break you used to surf.
Ooh, you remember, do you?
How could I forget?
The old blue Kombi
full of sand and cigarette butts
when we both smoked.
Come on.
You want to protect Liz?
Tell me what you know.
Why is Bill Carlton so
interested in finding Sophie?
Bill Carlton?
I've no idea.
But I'll find out.
I can set you up with a
private office if you need it.
Well, that'd be great, thanks.
Any updates?
Where's Liz?
Oh, she's not here.
Is there a reason
Bill Carlton's asking questions?
I'll call him off.
Knock, knock.
You must be the Pom
who saved my life.
I'm so glad we came along
when we did.
Someone up there's
looking out for me.
That was quite
an accident you had.
It wasn't an accident.
I was deliberately
ran off the road.
You remember.
It's not something
you easily forget.
I'm not well liked in town
at the moment.
Someone started
a hurtful rumor about me.
Yeah. It must be very upsetting.
I don't know if I can stay on
after this.
Or even if I should.
I'm going to find out
who did this to you.
I already know
who did it, though.
It was Angie Zorko,
the real estate agent.
I know her car anywhere.
Why would she do
something like that?
'Cause I killed
her brother, Mateus.
At least, that's what
she's telling everyone.
I've been talking
to Laurie, the mechanic.
He confirmed
the Angel of Death rumors.
Couldn't give me
any names, though.
Lucky I've got one, then,
from Gillian.
Just need their hospital file.
Their hospital file?
Work with me.
Uh, you wouldn't have
an ice pack
that I could borrow, would you?
I think I did me knee
from surfing this morning.
- Let me have a look for you.
- I don't know if I need that.
Don't be such a caveman.
You might have
really hurt yourself.
Come on, I don't bite.
- All right.
- Argh!
Strides off.
Pants down.
- That one?
- Yeah.
On a scale of one to 10,
how bad is that?
Well, about halfway
between a sprained ankle
and having my leg
ripped off by a shark.
Okay, so about a six?
Well, the good news is
you'll live.
It's not a meniscus or an ACL.
More likely a bad case
of you trying to relive
your glory days.
You can put your strides
back on now.
I, uh
I was just holding the fort.
Oh. Well, I'm not sure
we can pay you.
Maybe you could buy me dinner.
Oh, um, yeah.
Sure. That sounds fair.
- Tomorrow night?
- Yeah.
Uh, I can't promise
anything too flash,
but there'll be a tablecloth
and some cutlery.
Till tomorrow, then.
Thanks, Doc.
Oh, thanks, Fiona. A lot better.
Cheers, mate.
I think that Dr. Chris
has got a thing for you.
Well, he's only human.
You should go for it.
Are you giving me permission?
Hey, you're a long time dead.
Jack Darby,
the surfing philosopher.
Jeez, if you're gonna settle
down, this is it, right?
Who said anything
about settling down?
Oh, I thought
your mate Dr. Whatsit
might have mentioned something.
Oh, God!
Good afternoon.
I can see you're a couple
with good taste.
This home is divine!
No, we're not house hunting.
- Angie Zorko?
- Yes.
We're, um, looking
into an incident
that occurred
a couple of mornings ago
with, um, Gillian Novak.
She's done it again, has she?
The Angel of Death?
No, no.
That's that's just a rumor.
Oh, she killed my brother
when he was in hospital
with silicosis
from cutting those
awful fake stone benches.
That's fatal, isn't it?
Mateus wasn't near death's door,
if that's what you mean.
He went into hospital
after an episode.
Next day, he was dead.
Lungs gave in, they said.
Well, I'm very sorry
to hear that.
who's she killed now?
No, no, no. We think
someone's tried to kill her.
She was run off the road. Then they
stopped to have a good look too.
Oh! And now you think
I had something to do with it?
Clearly you have an issue
with her.
But murder's a bit much,
even for a real estate agent.
We have a witness
that saw your car at the scene.
That's impossible,
unless it grew legs.
It's been at Laurie's garage
all week,
waiting for a new starter motor.
You can tell your witness
they need their eyes checked.
Gillian was certain
that it was Angie's car.
She also had a head injury
and was heavily sedated.
Now, I have to check in
at the beach for Kayla.
So, I get the local mechanic?
If you insist.
Rocky Point's best mechanic?
Rocky Point's only mechanic.
Details, details.
Uh, I'm looking into
Gillian's accident.
Okay, along with
your boyfriend, Jack?
Oh, no, he's not my boyfriend.
He's, um
Well, he's
Anyway, never mind.
Um, someone told me
that Angie Zorko's car
was at the scene.
Well, that'd make me
the world's best mechanic.
There it is there.
Hasn't been roadworthy
since about 2005.
And hasn't been going
for at least a week, so
Oh, right.
I see.
- Well, thanks.
- No worries.
Hello, Kayla.
How did you go
with Kayla and Sophie?
I don't know about Sophie,
but Kayla will be here tomorrow.
No, no, no! No, you don't.
- I'm almost dry.
- It's very quaint,
this surfing lark
reconnecting you
with your misspent youth,
but that doesn't mean you can put
your wet bum on my upholstery.
Did you just call
surfing 'quaint'?
Did you want to have a go?
No, I can't.
I don't know how to surf.
- Come on. You'll love it.
- No.
Let's go.
I'll get you a wet suit.
- No, I can't.
- Come on!
Come on, you're gonna love it.
Come on! Let's go! Now!
Turn around. Turn around.
Now, go!
Come out here.
We'll get a big one.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
And let's go!
Turn around. Turn around.
- Watch out! Watch out!
- That's what you've gotta be on.
Go! Go! Go!
Is that good?
- Let's do some more!
- Hey?
- More! More!
- Well, then, come on.
Come on!
Put your hands up here
a bit further.
Get ready.
That's it. Here we go.
Sometimes I feel
like a hermit crab,
traveling around
with my house on my back.
Well, it's a very
impressive-looking house.
It's a bit like being
a locum doctor, isn't it?
I mean, you're nomadic too.
Yeah, except it's, uh, twice the
pay and half the responsibility.
Which is great until you
want to put down some roots.
Sorry, Max. Joan's
already got a date tonight.
So, it's a date, is it?
Actually, I wanted to extract
some information from you.
An interrogation date.
The downside of traveling
with a cop
is that everywhere you go
is a crime scene
and everyone you meet
is a suspect.
Oh! So I'm a suspect now.
What do you want to know?
Why is Gillian called
the Angel of Death?
Oh, right.
Well, somebody reported her
and she was investigated
by the health department.
Because of the death
of Mateus Zorko?
And another patient, a woman
by the name of Belle Parker.
But nothing came of it.
Well, Gillian works in ICU.
I mean, if you work in ICU,
you're gonna be there
when people are having
the worst day of their lives.
And not everybody makes it.
We know that.
So, she wasn't playing God?
I don't believe she'd do that.
I treated Mateus Zorko
and Belle Parker
and they were both terminal.
And before you break out
the handcuffs,
I wasn't on duty
when either of them died.
God, that got dark quickly.
Good, so at least
I'm not having a date
with a serial killer.
Well, now we've got
the, uh, lie detector out
what is Jack to you?
Jack is Jack.
Um, he's a special friend.
And, uh, not with benefits.
You sure?
I don't think he knows that.
Oh, no, he definitely does.
He does!
Well, now we've established
that I'm not a serial killer
and Jack's not
some secret lover,
maybe we can begin our date.
You promised me a tablecloth.
Well, there is cutlery
and there is wine.
It's rather good wine too.
Hello, beautiful.
Hello, beautiful!
Hello, beauty.
So, what's he like,
your, uh, Dr. Chris?
Oh, he's lovely!
He was great fun.
And he's a perfect gentleman.
We're gonna keep in touch.
Did he say any more about
Gillian and the Angel of Death?
Only what I told you
about Belle Parker.
Oh, and the hospital did
a thorough investigation
and found no wrongdoing.
I wonder what Belle's husband
thinks about that.
You must
hate roses, mate.
Only these ones.
Jack, Joan. I rang earlier.
The roses are
my wife Belle's thing.
She used to travel
to all the flower shows
and collect the exotics.
It's too painful when they
bloom, so I put natives in.
You mentioned
on the phone that
Belle was friends
with Gillian.
Yeah, they were close friends.
That didn't give her the right
to take her away from me like that.
Oh, I understood
that Belle had breast cancer?
Yeah, they caught it late,
so she was gone
within five months.
She was in a lot of pain
towards the end
and it was heartbreaking
to see her fade away like that.
I'm so sorry.
But Gillian robbed me
of precious time with her.
It's always hard
to lose a loved one.
My husband passed away
not that long ago.
Then you know
what it feels like,
what you wouldn't do
for one more day?
Ah yes.
But what makes you so sure
that it was Gillian?
The medical board
I don't care what
the medical board said.
She did it.
Why else would
someone report her?
Now, hold on a sec.
We thought you reported
Gillian to them.
Well, obviously I spoke to them
when they did their review.
But I guess someone on staff
at the hospital pipped me to it.
Look, do you mind
if I take some?
Help yourself.
Thanks, mate.
Sorry for your loss.
Hiya, Gillian.
Oh, how beautiful!
Thank you.
They're from Belle's garden.
Oh. She loved her English roses.
It was like an obsession.
You knew her quite well.
Not enough to
euthanize her, though.
It's what you want
to know, right?
Gosh, you don't beat about
the bush, do you?
Oh, come on, Joan.
You're a nurse.
We don't pussyfoot around.
We hesitate and people die.
There is often gray
in what we do.
Not with Belle.
She really suffered.
She begged me to end it.
Just wish I had had the courage.
The review found that she had
died of an overdose of fentanyl.
We administered the opioid
through the IV pump.
I never showed her how.
But I know she watched me
like a hawk
any time I adjusted the dose.
Oh, so you think she dialed up
her own dose?
She may have.
I don't know.
It was tragic timing,
either way.
I mean, she finally decided
to leave her husband.
I thought Dennis
seemed devoted to her.
She said she connected
with her soulmate.
Someone to share her passions.
Lucky her.
She never told me who it was.
It seemed serious. They rented
a house out of town for them.
And do you think Dennis
never knew about this?
Oh, come on, Joan.
Spouses are the last
to know anything.
You could take the roses.
They remind me
too much of Belle.
Take care.
Belle had a secret lover.
Good for her. Come on, mate.
Someone with a shared passion.
Well, if this someone blamed
Gillian for Belle's death,
then this could be
about revenge.
Who do we know
who loves English roses?
I'll call the cops.
Meet you there.
There you go.
Bag of ice.
Might I be right in thinking
you're a bit of a rose expert?
A rosarian.
Secretary of the Australian
Rose Society for 10 years.
Then we have the right man.
We have.
We know about the house
that Belle rented
for the two of you to meet up.
Of course,
you had to be discreet.
It wasn't just some fling.
We'd been in love for years,
ever since high school,
but we couldn't do
anything about it.
We used to hang out
before I went away
to do my apprenticeship and
when I came back,
she was married to Dennis.
Later she told me
she thought I'd gone for good,
so I spent the next 30 years
waiting for
waiting for I don't know what.
And then last year,
I got brave and declared myself.
She felt the same all that time.
So we promised not to
waste any more time.
About a week later,
she was diagnosed.
She went so suddenly.
Like punishment, I guess,
for trying to be happy.
That's why you ran Gillian off
the road in Angie's car?
Someone had to stop her
from trying to play God.
No, she wasn't playing God.
I know it's hard to face,
but your Belle
had a terminal illness.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
We waited so long,
wasted so many years.
Don't wait.
Hey, Gillian.
Good to see you up and about.
Yeah, it's a modern miracle.
These were in reception for you.
Aww. From my patients!
Seems like they're missing me.
Of course they are.
Even calling me
their guardian angel.
The police told me about Laurie.
Well, he was so angry
about Belle's death,
he needed to blame it
on someone.
When my husband, Ian, died,
I came halfway around the world
looking for someone to blame.
Well, lucky for me you did.
My guardian angel.
That's it.
All right, now you just
want to get on the board.
- That's it.
- Whoo!
You're a pro, girl.
Yeah. All right.
That's it. You've got it.
Paddle, paddle.
Looks like
you've started something.
Well, I wish I could be
out there with them.
Told you
it was addictive.
Hey, there's Kayla.
Hey, Kayla! Jack Darby.
Get that out of here!
Kayla! Hang on!
Wait up!
Hey, wait, wait!
I just wanna talk to you!
Wait. I just wanna talk!
Get off of me, you maggot!
Get off!
Oh, great work, Jack!
And you too, Liz.
Flushing your career down
the dunny like your old man.
Why do you always have to
play the Boy Scout, Jack?
All you had to do
was take the envelope
and Richie would still be alive
and Sophie would
have had a life!
You were there!
You were the shooter.
And now what are you doing?
Tying up loose ends?
You have no idea.
What's that about?
He's full of it.
I told you not to come.
Like I take orders from you!
I'm trying to protect you.
You have no badge, no gun,
and not a skerrick
of common sense.
Who's protecting you?
Yeah, well,
she does have a point there.
Look, I, uh
I'll be right back.
Angie Zorko, Rocky Point's
number one realtor.
Oh, hello. It's Joan here.
We met the other day.
I wanted to ask you something.
Oh, you're too late
on the house. It just sold.
Oh, no, it's not that.
Um, did you ever rent a place
to Sophie Bairnsdale
and her daughter Kayla?
We real estate agents
get a bad rap,
but some of us do have ethics.
Oh, yes, I understand.
And I wouldn't be asking
if it wasn't an emergency.
Please, Angie.
We're trying to help them.
I'm in Rocky Point.
We just had a run-in
with Bill Carlton.
A run-in? What?
Are you okay? Liz?
Mick was supposed
to call him off.
Well, he clearly
didn't get the message.
Dad tracked down
Sophie and Kayla.
Oh, he found her.
Course he did.
He had a few faults,
your father,
but he was always more
than a half-decent cop.
Come on, Liz! Quick!
We've got an address!
We'll go around this way.
What? Are you sure you don't want
to just ring the doorbell?
That's how
we do things nowadays.
No. I don't want them doing
a runner again, all right?
Okay, I'll go around the front,
just in case you guys
spook them, okay?
Who are you?
- I'm sorry.
- Get out of my house.
- Sorry. Thought you were
- Get out of my house!
- Thought you were somebody else.
- Get out!
- Yeah, I'm going! All right?
- Get out!
We're not here
to hurt you.
I'm a friend of
your grandma Anna.
She gave me this photo.
I'm Jack Darby,
and this is Joan.
That address was bogus!
Mum knew you'd find us one day.
Not the kind of guy
who gives up.
There's an understatement.
You're okay.
It's the guy who comes after you
that's scary.
Are you going somewhere?
Your bags are packed.
Whoever's been after Mum
all this time has found
where we've been hiding.
We can protect you.
She tried that before.
This time, Mum and I
decided I should go.
Go where?
Anywhere. Just disappear.
Whatever she saw,
she's never told me,
but, I mean,
who's gonna believe that?
Where is your mum?
She's still in danger.
They can't touch her now.
You do know?
Know what?
She died from cancer.
Sophie's dead?
Oh, you poor girl.
We had no idea.
I'm sorry.
I thought you knew.
Whatever you needed
to know, Jack
it died with her.