Darby and Joan (2022) s02e03 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 3
You killed my son!
That's what they
wanted you to think!
They fitted you up.
You never told me.
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready to clear
our name, you let me know.
I heard you had a lead
on Sophie Bairnsdale.
It's not
an official investigation.
It wasn't until
you brought Liz into it.
It's always difficult
between siblings.
Voice of experience?
Oh, to be an only child.
Hey, Max, call me back,
would you?
It's been so long.
I think that Dr. Chris
has got a thing for you.
Well, he's only human.
Sorry, Max.
Joan's already
got a date tonight.
So who exactly
is this old enemy?
Senior Sergeant
Bill Carlton.
Go home before
someone gets hurt.
We need to get to Sophie
and Kayla before Bill Carlton.
Where is your mum?
She's still in danger.
Mum's dead.
Whatever you needed
to know, Jack
it died with her.
Why all the secrecy?
where Max is concerned,
you never know what to expect.
So, you haven't seen your sister
since before
Ian went missing, right?
It's good she's come out now,
isn't it?
I guess.
Come on.
Let's go and meet this Maxine.
See what's so scary.
Come on.
The water taxi
to Amaroona Island
will be leaving in five minutes.
Enjoy your ride.
The tide is high
but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be ♪
- Yoo-hoo! Joanie! Yoo-hoo!
- Your number one
I'm not the kinda girl ♪
- Max!
- Joanie, Joanie!
Ohh! Nice work. Is he a keeper?
Oh, no.
It's not like that.
Oh! Hence the two rooms.
Boo! Hiss!
Now, I've checked you in
so there's plenty of time
for you to go for a swim.
Have you seen the beaches yet?
- Isn't it amazing?
- Yes. I think
And you're going to love
Gabriella and Pietro.
- Who?
- Gabbi and Pete.
Who are they?
Well, when I told Gabriella
you were coming,
she insisted you join.
It's their anniversary.
And how do you know
these people?
Oh, Gabbi and I
virtual TrackLife together
all over the world.
- What?
- And her entire family is here.
This is their
favorite holiday spot.
Oh, I see.
So that's why you came
all the way out to Australia,
is it?
Oh, no!
Two birds and all that.
Isn't it perfect?
Now, come long
Don't worry, I've got the bags.
And Diesel.
by the man-made lagoon
which will blow your mind!
Thank you. Thank you so much.
There was me thinking
Max wanted to apologize
for being such
a terrible sister.
Why did I ever think it was
gonna be any different?
It's a high-tech exercise bike.
- What is?
- TrackLife.
You can use it anywhere.
Pretty snazzy.
- Oh, you've changed.
- Yeah.
- You look smart.
- Thank you.
I really don't want to
have to go out to this thing.
Tell me I don't have to.
Come on, Joanie.
We're going to enjoy a cocktail
and a nice sunset.
- You look great.
- Oh. It's not too much?
I don't want to look
like I'm trying too hard.
No. Fabulous. Cheers.
Thank you.
Oh! Here they are.
Gabriella and Pietro,
this is my sister Joan
and her non-romantic
traveling companion, Jack.
Nice to meet you. G'day, mate.
- Piacere. Joan.
- Piacere.
Piacere. Joan.
Gabriella e Pietro.
Lovely pronunciation.
Thank you.
But Gabbi and Pete will do.
Oh, do you speak Italian?
I'm obsessed with everything
Italian. I love it.
Especially Sicily.
Oh, both our parents
came from Palermo,
uh, from way back.
I trekked all the way around
that coastline in my 20s.
Oh! Max did say
you had amazing taste.
- Did she?
- And what about you?
traveling companion."
Well, I've never been to Italy.
But I know Townsville very well.
traveling companion."
That's some job description.
Ah, it'll do.
Well, I hope you're
being paid overtime.
Well, thank you so much
for hosting us.
I I trust
we're not an imposition?
No, no. Not at all.
Look, we are the full cliché.
We love to feed people.
Suits me.
I'll take you out on the boat.
I hope you're early risers.
- Ooh! Wonderful.
- Be good.
I can try out my new rod.
- Salute, mate.
- Ah. Bravo.
That's it.
Buon appetito.
Here's Silvia clawing your way
to the manager's position.
Oh, my God! It was not
like that at all.
It was a total
'Hunger Games' situation.
My sister loves to exaggerate,
and someone had to step up,
didn't they?
Thank you.
The Sydney restaurant scene
is highly competitive, so
So, Silvia, do you still
run the restaurant?
Well I will if Dad will let me.
She's the one with
the fancy commerce degree.
Well, no one forced you
to drop out of uni, did they?
- I prefer to learn on the job.
- Girls, please.
- Girls, listen! Listen!
- Right. Okay.
Excuse my daughters.
They're always bickering
about something.
We were as bad,
weren't we, Joanie?
- Were we?
- Yeah.
We were so competitive,
you'd get the latest
ABBA single and I'd have
to have the album.
ABBA. I like them.
They're good, aren't they?
I don't remember that.
I do remember that
I had a big crush
on Rod Stewart in the mid '70s.
Yes, and and Mum refused
to let us go to his concert.
Even though we'd queued for
four hours in Leicester Square
to get the tickets.
And we went anyway,
and met up with those boys.
Those boys from Luton!
And you were desperately
trying not to look underage.
You were a bad influence on me.
You were!
And you're both, uh, single,
I hear.
Oh, no!
- Vince!
- What? What?
Let me apologize for my cousin.
He is a terrible flirt.
All right, all right.
- Shush! Shush-shush! Shush.
- No!
Everybody, shush.
Now, Greg, Zoe, come on.
You're family too. Come in.
I was going to wait
until tomorrow,
but now seems like
the perfect moment.
Amore mio,
you are the love of my life,
and it's been
an absolute privilege
to have spent
the past four decades
- I mean, can you believe
- No.
- 40 years
- No.
with this
beautiful family?
A ruby for a ruby anniversary.
Oh, Dad!
Oh, Pete, it's stunning.
Come here. Come here.
- Amore mio!
- I love you.
Thank you. Thank you.
'Take it Easy'.
It's good advice.
Would have been your 40th
wedding anniversary this spring.
You remembered.
The fuss I made about having to
put my hair up at the wedding.
And hitching up that dreadful
peach bridesmaid's dress.
It just rears up when you
least expect it.
It's hard
letting go of the past.
Pete's invited us on his boat
tomorrow morning.
Might do a spot of fishing.
Whoa! My sister? Fishing?
Oh, it's surprisingly relaxing.
You should try. Come with us.
It'll give us a chance
to catch up properly.
Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry.
Miles away. Gabbi
Gabbi has set up
a Pyrenees ride.
Oh! She's not even joking.
God, after all that food.
Thanks for looking
into this, Lizzie.
Definitely natural causes, then.
Sophie's death certificate
checks out.
Sorry, Dad.
You know, if I can get
hold of Richie's file
Yeah, you've done enough.
I got this.
But if you think
Bill Carlton was involved,
maybe there's something in it
that could shed some light.
Yeah, but if Bill
gets wind of this
I'm sorry you two
crossed paths at all.
Yeah. Never thought we'd be
working in the same office.
I can't find her! It's no good
accusing me, mate!
Gotta go.
Enjoy the downtime.
I'm going to talk to Riley.
Lizzie, just leave it.
Love to Joan.
You have to be more careful
when you're leaving digital
fingerprints all over this case.
And so Professional Standards
thinks it's a case now?
Not just
the Integrity Commission.
People notice when you
drop everything else
to help your father.
Did Riley say something?
He doesn't have to.
And Bill Carlton. Pfft!
Not someone
you want to antagonize.
This better be important, Darby.
I've got
my son's clarinet recital
and my wife will murder me
if I'm not there.
Thank you.
Um, I'd like
permission to access
the Richie Bairnsdale file.
For what purpose? Sophie
Bairnsdale is dead, is she not?
Unfortunately, yes.
her corroboration,
your father's version of events
remains just that.
Well, that's why
I'd like access to the file.
- This case
- There is no case.
Don't you have
enough work to do?
Of course, but
But you want to go
on a fishing expedition
in case your father's
been stitched up?
What do you expect to find?
Well, I'm not sure exactly,
Okay. Check with Miranda.
She already has access to her.
After you.
- Oh, my God!
- Hang on!
Gabbi, I've had
too many champagnes.
Think of that
bikini body.
You're not joining in?
It's a lot of fun
once you get going.
Maybe tomorrow. I'm bushed.
Mmm. Yeah, well, there's
an expectation, isn't there?
That just 'cause you're
sisters you'll get along.
Oh, Gabbi! Gabbi, I can't!
Hey, Diesel.
See this?
Doesn't match.
I thought
Aunty Max was in India.
Yeah, that would have been
a safe buffer distance.
Oh, Mum, you and Max need to
sort out your differences.
It's all so silly.
It's easy for you to say,
growing up
as a spoilt only child.
Well, I'm not anymore.
- Yes?
- Joan, you got a minute?
I'm on the phone to Rebecca!
Sorry. Can it wait?
Uh, yeah. Just don't
talk about me, right?
As if!
So, how are things with Jack?
Oh, we're very good friends.
Still? Only?
Oh! Why is everyone
so keen to get us together?
Maybe because they see what
I see. You'd make a great pair.
I'm not ready for that yet.
There's still so many
unanswered questions.
Anyway, how are the kids?
Athletics carnival.
I thought you were retired.
No such thing when you're a cop.
You just don't get paid.
My sister not with you?
Talking to her daughter.
Probably bitching about me.
She'd like to spend
some time with you.
And me her. I invited her here.
It's just we're much better
when we're around other people.
Here you are, Ms. Nelson.
- Dirty martini.
- Maxine, please.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Uh, no.
No need.
I love cashless resorts.
Don't you?
Now, you and Joanie.
You're an odd couple,
but right somehow.
You know, there's
this old Tibetan saying.
You don't always get
what you want,
but something, something
get what you need.
I think you'll find
that's the Stones.
Oh, is it?
God! Good for them.
So, what happened
between you and Joan?
She ruined my happiness.
Maybe a spot of fishing
can clear the air.
- Why is it so early?
- Come on.
Does it have to be this early?
- Buongiorno!
- Hey!
- Oh, hello, Pete!
- We're coming.
There you go.
What are you doing?
- Pete!
- Get off!
- Let him go!
- Help!
What on earth?
- Pete! Pete!
- Help!
Wait! Stop! Help!
I can't believe it.
Who would take Pete?
Better call the cops.
Wouldn't they just
aggravate the kidnappers?
Let's just find out
what they want.
Oh, God. What do we do now?
We just do whatever they want
to get Dad back.
Why Dad? It's just so
It's crazy.
It's an unknown number.
Could be a ransom call.
Okay. Stay calm, all right?
String 'em along.
Get whatever detail you can.
We're here for you.
Go, go.
- Gab.
- Pete!
- Oh, okay.
- What do they want?
$3 million.
Delivered by 4pm in cash.
I don't think we can get that
much to the island by then.
Well, just the bank opens
on the mainland soon.
Just please try.
- Speak English!
- All right. Okay.
Gab, they want you
to speak English.
Do you have
Do you have something to drink?
Do you have something to eat?
They'll call later
with a drop-off point.
- A lot of money.
- No!
Oh, no, no, no!
Whoever did this
knew your father would be
on the jetty this morning.
What are you saying?
That it's one of us?
Most kidnap victims are taken
by someone
with inside knowledge.
But there's no way one of
the family would do this.
It's just not possible.
If you know anything,
every minute counts.
I mean, I know he's had
money issues since the divorce,
but it can't be him.
He wasn't happy about
the sale either.
But he wouldn't.
- Who?
- Vince, Mum's cousin.
I worked my guts out, all right,
building up the retail side
of the business.
Seven figures they got
when they sold it.
I didn't see a cent.
I mean, was I pissed off? Sure.
Not enough to do this.
Well, just so we can
eliminate you as a suspect,
would you mind telling me
where you were
first thing this morning?
Not kidnapping my cousin's
husband, that's for sure.
Look, it's not
what you think, okay?
He was with me.
I do in-room massages for cash.
Sports, Reiki, deep tissue.
But please don't say anything.
And you keep it under wraps
I could get fired.
We're a no-paper-money resort.
Everything has to be booked
via reception.
It is curious,
the seven-figure number
for the sale of the business
lining up with
the ransom figure.
As if the kidnapper
knew what to ask for.
- I'm trying.
- What do you mean you're trying?
- That doesn't make any sense.
- But
- What's up with them?
- I can't keep this secret
Anyway. Oh, it's all good.
Um, we'll talk
we'll talk later.
Something they don't want us
to know about.
I'll take Vince.
You quiz Gabbi. Hmm?
You're on.
- G'day.
- Heading to the bar.
- Oh, yeah?
- Gabbi!
What you saw,
it's not what you think.
Gabriella, anything
you can tell us
might help find Pete.
We sold the retail arm
of the business last year.
And so we, uh, invested
in the launch of an IPO.
You and Gabbi?
Oh, Pete was never
into the stock market.
Everything's about
the restaurant to him.
Vince was sure
it would go through the roof.
We both were.
I thought it would set
the girls up for life.
The restaurant
business can be so fickle.
I had a messy divorce
to pay for.
- Yeah, I know about them.
- Oh, yeah?
My own fault.
Can't resist a beautiful woman.
if it's not your wife.
Yeah, she caught me cheating.
Took me to the cleaners.
So, you put in all the funds?
We didn't think
it would be so risky.
Yeah, well, it was supposed
to be a sure thing.
Well, that stock tanked.
We tried to fix it
before anyone else found out.
You know, with time
and judicious investing.
But it got worse.
It was like trying to
plug a sinking boat.
And now?
The money's all gone.
All of it.
I don't know what we're
going to do now.
Who else knows?
No one.
Now it's too late to fix.
We'll never raise
the money in time
to save Pete.
Thank you.
You don't ransom someone
if you know they don't have
the money, do you?
Which leaves Silvia and Arianna.
But why would either of them
do such a thing?
Any updates? What did I miss?
You know the family well.
Arianna thought she should
have got the top job, right?
Well, she'd been working
the restaurant floor for years.
Thought it was unfair
when Pete appointed Silvia.
Yeah, but you heard
Sylvia last night.
If she's being micromanaged by
Pete, maybe she just wanted out.
Hardly a reason to kidnap
and ransom your own father.
Is this what it's like
hanging out with a policeman?
Asking questions, probing
into people's private lives?
Oh, Max, we're trying
to help people.
you'll think I'm involved.
Hey, joking, not confessing.
You still got the map
of the island?
If you're gonna ditch a boat,
there's only a couple
of places to do it.
Both are on the windward side
of the island.
I might take Diesel and
have a little walk around here.
I got your message.
So do you think you have proof
there was another shooter?
Well, from where the casings
landed, it had to be.
Which the investigating
officer's covered up?
Yeah, or chose
not to investigate.
And you think it's Bill?
Well, he's a prime suspect.
Has to be.
Or else, whoever
he's in bed with.
- I'm all ears.
- Yep? Oh, yeah. Okay.
So, if there's any chance of
Oh, yeah
Liz? You there?
Um, you know what? I'll get
back to you, Dad. See ya.
Here, Diesel.
Okay. Ha!
Here, Diesel.
what have you found?
Good boy, Diesel.
Do you think
the kidnappers
could be guests at the hotel?
But these Amaroona bottles
are freely available,
so, yeah, could be a guest.
Or a delivery person?
Oh! Maybe wearing a disguise.
Stop it, Max. This isn't a game.
Look, whoever it is,
they'll want to do
a quick exchange
as soon as the money turns up.
I just want to
check something out.
See how the cops are going.
I'll leave you to it.
Well, Vince being with Zoe
definitely rules him out.
Hang on. Vince with Zoe?
Yeah. They were
each other's alibis.
Yeah, but they weren't together
when Pete was taken.
They couldn't have been.
How'd you know?
In five, four, three, two, one!
- Okay.
- Here we go. You got this.
What am I looking at?
Well, Zoe does double duties -
waiting tables
and taking gym classes.
And giving
off-the-book massages.
But I noticed this
in my workout this morning.
I see.
The app time and date
matches Vince's alibi.
So Zoe couldn't have been
giving him a two-hour massage.
Somebody's lying.
I'm sorry, but I asked Zoe
to lie for me.
Uh, please.
Don't get her into trouble, hmm?
So where were you this morning?
Well, I didn't want
anyone to know,
but I was dialed in
to a job interview
with a rival restaurant crew.
And the family would see that
as a betrayal.
That's why I couldn't tell them.
Uh, here.
I mean, check my browser history
if you like.
Hello? Hello, Chris?
- Chris, are you there?
- Joan?
Can you hear me?
Yeah, it's me.
Oh, I'm I'm on this island
and there was a party
and someone was kidnapped.
Did you just say
you've been kidnapped
to a party on an island?
Something like that.
Okay. Lucky you.
Hey, I've got a day off
coming up.
I thought we could do
some wineries
or go for a trail ride.
I remember you said
you liked horses.
Are you asking me on a date?
Well, I thought
I'd return the favor.
That would be lovely.
Uh, look, just, um,
text me where and when
and I'll be there.
All right. I'm I'm so sorry.
- I've got to dash now.
- Yeah, okay. Me too.
Well, I'll see you then.
Bye. Bye.
Oh, my God!
- Tell me everything.
- What?
Is he wildly handsome?
Stop it!
Oh, it's good to be happy.
- Come on. Give.
- He's a doctor.
And so he's very busy
and, anyway, I can't imagine
being with someone else.
Oh, I get it. You and Ian
had the perfect marriage.
Well, we all wanted
what you had.
Oh, come on, Max. You were
never gonna settle down.
I never had the opportunity.
I mean, I came close, of course.
Don't start
with the Shaun thing.
Joan. There's been
another ransom call.
I recorded it.
I need you to do what they say,
but if you miss the deadline
Just get the money, please.
I don't know what to do.
If they hurt him
Gabbi, does Pete have
a medical condition?
From his breathing,
his flushed face
Is he diabetic?
He was diagnosed at Easter.
It's type 1.
But he's gonna be okay,
though, isn't he?
Why are we only hearing
about this now?
I've been trying to get him to
talk about it, but he wouldn't.
He thinks he's still 28
and nothing can touch him.
Is that why he retired?
Yes, but, you know, he's been
getting so much better
since he's been
on the insulin treatment.
But what happens if he
doesn't get his medication?
We must find him.
So we give them the money.
Anything they want. Now!
Yeah, I'll just call the bank
and see where they are
with the cash.
There is no money to give them,
I'm s
- What?
- But the sale!
That should be more than enough.
It's gone.
We made a bad investment.
It was meant to
set you up for life.
We never intended
for this to happen.
By 'we', do you mean Vince?
Why would you trust him
and not us?
Because you're always arguing
and you never listen to me.
So there's no more liquid cash
in the business
or in any of
the family accounts?
I've been I've been looking
into a loan, but it takes time.
While, Dad, what,
dies out there?!
Take this.
It's worth $100,000.
How do you know that, Mum?
Pete tried to keep it a secret.
But he's so sweet.
But I found the receipt
in his jacket.
Gabbi, when did Pete
last have insulin?
I I don't know.
I suppose it was
early this morning,
but, look, he never
carries it with him.
So you have a supply?
Yes, in our bungalow.
Don't you think Gabbi could do
with a friend right now?
I'm just no good
with emotion, Joanie.
Seriously, I thought
it would be a lot more relaxing
than it's turning out to be.
So this is why you didn't
show up when I needed you.
Because you don't do emotion.
You were fine.
You're Joan Kirkhope.
You're always fine.
I was utterly devastated
when Ian died.
With how he died.
Of course I needed my sister.
Oh, yeah.
The one you couldn't
or wouldn't lower yourself
to protect
when she needed you.
You told my fiancé
that I had an affair
with his best man.
Shaun rang me. He already knew.
Of course, when he asked,
I I couldn't lie.
Not even for your sister?
Your sister!
Look, it's not my fault
he broke off the engagement.
You should have told him what
happened before he found out
- Yeah, yeah.
- from a friend.
And you couldn't wait
to punish me.
Oh, I see.
So deserting me when my husband
died is payback, is it?
What goes around comes around.
You can be
so awfully juvenile.
I was hurting.
You seem devastated.
Talking or flirting
with your hot doctor
and gallivanting about
the country
with that outback silver fox.
- It's not like that.
- Of course it is.
It's just that you're
too uptight to admit it.
Joan the good girl.
Joan the hypocrite!
I don't know why you bothered
inviting me
if I'm such an awful person.
I don't either!
Maybe a moment of weakness.
Well, it will
never happen again.
What, you think the
kidnapper will come for the insulin?
Once they realize he's diabetic,
they'll have no choice.
So, Max, uh, she, uh
she called me a silver fox.
Yeah? Silver fox?
I think you're rather
missing the point.
Look, you can't make someone
into something they're not.
Here they come.
Looking for this?
Pete's insulin.
Uh Sorry, I've got to go.
We were waiting for you
to come and get it.
Your lucky day when Vince
asked you to be his alibi.
It gave you yours.
No, it wasn't me.
I was holding a TrackLife class, remember?
For 45 minutes.
Which gave you a whole hour
to kidnap Pete.
With your accomplice.
Greg, right?
Saw him talking to Arianna
at the bar last night.
Uh, um
Zoe, you have to tell us
where to find him.
He could die.
Greg said no one would get hurt.
You need to tell us
where Pete is.
I'll go
and alert the police.
Looks like
they just left.
Okay, I spotted some tire tracks
but no sign of Dad or Greg.
Zoe told us that they planned
to stay here till the drop.
Well, maybe she tipped Greg off.
I can't believe
he used me like that.
Well, I can't believe you told
him so much about our business.
I trusted him.
Greg and I have known each other
since we first started
holidaying here.
You must have been teenagers.
He was my first kiss.
We realized we were
better off as friends,
but we've stayed close
over the years.
I feel so stupid!
No, you weren't to know.
What I don't understand is
I've seen Greg working at
the resort since Dad was taken.
So how could he be
in two places at once?
He and Zoe must have been
taking it in shifts
so that they could both be seen.
I know.
Jack got this from Zoe.
Why don't you try
calling the number on it?
It's me, Ari. Where are you?
Where's my Dad?
Why are you calling me
on this phone?
Dad's unwell, Greg.
He needs medication.
I know. It's a good reason
not to mess around.
I want the 3 million now.
We need more time.
Doesn't sound like your dad
can afford that. You've got an hour.
I did this for us.
So that we could set up
our own restaurant.
That's what you wanted.
Wasn't it?
But not like this!
Never like this!
I thought we were just
shooting the breeze.
"What if we had our own place?"
Oh, God.
So you told him about the sale?
What are we
gonna do now?
The two of you have spent a lot
of time on the waters here.
Where do you think Greg
might have taken your Dad?
I don't know.
How about you try
calling him again?
He's not gonna tell me.
I've got an idea.
You're playing me.
We won't hand over
the money without it.
I need to make sure Dad's okay,
then the cash is yours.
Dad? Dad?
Are you okay?
What are you saying?
Stai tranquillo. Calmati.
Dad, I don't understand.
Calmati. Calmati.
He's saying
What is he saying?!
- That means
- Calm down.
Why would he tell us
to calm down?
Yes. He used singular
'calm down'.
Dad also said,
"Stai tranquillo."
Yeah, calm down.
Like he's trying to say,
you know, like, "Take it easy."
Take it easy.
'Take it Easy'!
That's the name of the boat
on the jetty.
But why would he want
to hide Dad there?
Because no one
would think to look.
Hide in plain sight.
Stay back!
Please, Greg, we have
to give Dad his insulin.
- I said stay back.
- He'll die without it.
Please, Greg.
Just you, then.
Do you have the money?
There isn't any!
Vince and Mum lost it all.
But here, take this.
It's worth 100K.
It's all there is.
- Argh!
- My drink!
Where are you going?
Here's to Joan.
Now the holiday
can begin.
Thanks, Joan.
Oh, I think we'll be finding
a new place to celebrate
our anniversary next year.
Maybe everyone can join us
in Palermo.
Hmm, you might have to find
something a little closer to home, Dad.
I'm sorry, girls.
I wanted it for you.
It's okay.
We'll just have to build
the business back up again.
Yeah, joint managers.
You on the floor,
me in the office.
It can't be a family business
if it's not a family.
And $100,000 should
get you started.
Join us for champagne.
You helped, didn't you, Diesel?
Good boy.
And thank you too, Jack.
The kidnap was a surprise,
eh, Vince?
Well, it wasn't part
of the plan,
but it did provide
a distraction.
You had to think
on your feet
when you asked Zoe
to be your alibi.
And when that blew up,
you had to find another.
I checked your alibi.
It wasn't a job interview.
You needed time to transfer
the remaining million
into your account.
But but there
isn't any money left.
That's what Vince
wanted you to believe.
When the stock started tanking,
you had to act quick,
didn't you?
Don't listen to him.
We're cousins. I'm family.
And that's what made you
so angry
that you didn't get a share
of the profit of the sale.
Vince, how could you do that
when you knew
Pete's life was at stake?
Well, I should have
got something.
I think the fraud squad
are keen to chat.
How could you, Vince?
It's my own cousin.
I don't believe it.
Wait, there's still
a million dollars?
Guess you don't need me
after all.
No, no. That that money's
for Mum and Dad to enjoy.
We can make it on our own.
We're sisters.
We can do anything.
I gotta find Max.
I need to talk to her.
Gonna apologize?
What does Jack Darby know
about apologizing?
I'm apologizing now.
What for?
Credit. Future wrongdoings.
To err is human.
Oh, Max left.
But she said to say goodbye.
Did she say where she was going?
Yeah. "On to new adventures,"
I think, were her words.
Sisters, eh?
Oh, I just shouldn't have
waited so long to apologize.
Well, you were busy
taking down a kidnapper.
Molto bene.
Will do.
Jack, what is it?
We gotta get going.
Cordon off
that whole section.
Any witnesses?
Well, out here, no,
but we might get lucky
with the front-gate camera
down this way.
What do Forensics say?
No tire marks,
no evidence the car
used its brakes at all.
So you mean
he was run down deliberately?
Joan, I'm Miranda McNeil.
Well, I'd like to say
I was pleased to meet you.
- But in the circumstances
- Of course.
I want to see him.
Look, I'm not sure that you
can be making demands, Jack.
You shouldn't even be here.
They're here now.
You sure you want
to see this, Joan?
Of course I do.
We suspect he was hit
sometime after 1am.
What was Bill Carlton
doing out here?
Hmm. Just when you wanted
to talk to him.
Hard to see that
as a coincidence.
What's that supposed to mean?
Somebody wanted him dead.
What can you tell us
about that, Jack?
You killed my son!
That's what they
wanted you to think!
They fitted you up.
You never told me.
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready to clear
our name, you let me know.
I heard you had a lead
on Sophie Bairnsdale.
It's not
an official investigation.
It wasn't until
you brought Liz into it.
It's always difficult
between siblings.
Voice of experience?
Oh, to be an only child.
Hey, Max, call me back,
would you?
It's been so long.
I think that Dr. Chris
has got a thing for you.
Well, he's only human.
Sorry, Max.
Joan's already
got a date tonight.
So who exactly
is this old enemy?
Senior Sergeant
Bill Carlton.
Go home before
someone gets hurt.
We need to get to Sophie
and Kayla before Bill Carlton.
Where is your mum?
She's still in danger.
Mum's dead.
Whatever you needed
to know, Jack
it died with her.
Why all the secrecy?
where Max is concerned,
you never know what to expect.
So, you haven't seen your sister
since before
Ian went missing, right?
It's good she's come out now,
isn't it?
I guess.
Come on.
Let's go and meet this Maxine.
See what's so scary.
Come on.
The water taxi
to Amaroona Island
will be leaving in five minutes.
Enjoy your ride.
The tide is high
but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be ♪
- Yoo-hoo! Joanie! Yoo-hoo!
- Your number one
I'm not the kinda girl ♪
- Max!
- Joanie, Joanie!
Ohh! Nice work. Is he a keeper?
Oh, no.
It's not like that.
Oh! Hence the two rooms.
Boo! Hiss!
Now, I've checked you in
so there's plenty of time
for you to go for a swim.
Have you seen the beaches yet?
- Isn't it amazing?
- Yes. I think
And you're going to love
Gabriella and Pietro.
- Who?
- Gabbi and Pete.
Who are they?
Well, when I told Gabriella
you were coming,
she insisted you join.
It's their anniversary.
And how do you know
these people?
Oh, Gabbi and I
virtual TrackLife together
all over the world.
- What?
- And her entire family is here.
This is their
favorite holiday spot.
Oh, I see.
So that's why you came
all the way out to Australia,
is it?
Oh, no!
Two birds and all that.
Isn't it perfect?
Now, come long
Don't worry, I've got the bags.
And Diesel.
by the man-made lagoon
which will blow your mind!
Thank you. Thank you so much.
There was me thinking
Max wanted to apologize
for being such
a terrible sister.
Why did I ever think it was
gonna be any different?
It's a high-tech exercise bike.
- What is?
- TrackLife.
You can use it anywhere.
Pretty snazzy.
- Oh, you've changed.
- Yeah.
- You look smart.
- Thank you.
I really don't want to
have to go out to this thing.
Tell me I don't have to.
Come on, Joanie.
We're going to enjoy a cocktail
and a nice sunset.
- You look great.
- Oh. It's not too much?
I don't want to look
like I'm trying too hard.
No. Fabulous. Cheers.
Thank you.
Oh! Here they are.
Gabriella and Pietro,
this is my sister Joan
and her non-romantic
traveling companion, Jack.
Nice to meet you. G'day, mate.
- Piacere. Joan.
- Piacere.
Piacere. Joan.
Gabriella e Pietro.
Lovely pronunciation.
Thank you.
But Gabbi and Pete will do.
Oh, do you speak Italian?
I'm obsessed with everything
Italian. I love it.
Especially Sicily.
Oh, both our parents
came from Palermo,
uh, from way back.
I trekked all the way around
that coastline in my 20s.
Oh! Max did say
you had amazing taste.
- Did she?
- And what about you?
traveling companion."
Well, I've never been to Italy.
But I know Townsville very well.
traveling companion."
That's some job description.
Ah, it'll do.
Well, I hope you're
being paid overtime.
Well, thank you so much
for hosting us.
I I trust
we're not an imposition?
No, no. Not at all.
Look, we are the full cliché.
We love to feed people.
Suits me.
I'll take you out on the boat.
I hope you're early risers.
- Ooh! Wonderful.
- Be good.
I can try out my new rod.
- Salute, mate.
- Ah. Bravo.
That's it.
Buon appetito.
Here's Silvia clawing your way
to the manager's position.
Oh, my God! It was not
like that at all.
It was a total
'Hunger Games' situation.
My sister loves to exaggerate,
and someone had to step up,
didn't they?
Thank you.
The Sydney restaurant scene
is highly competitive, so
So, Silvia, do you still
run the restaurant?
Well I will if Dad will let me.
She's the one with
the fancy commerce degree.
Well, no one forced you
to drop out of uni, did they?
- I prefer to learn on the job.
- Girls, please.
- Girls, listen! Listen!
- Right. Okay.
Excuse my daughters.
They're always bickering
about something.
We were as bad,
weren't we, Joanie?
- Were we?
- Yeah.
We were so competitive,
you'd get the latest
ABBA single and I'd have
to have the album.
ABBA. I like them.
They're good, aren't they?
I don't remember that.
I do remember that
I had a big crush
on Rod Stewart in the mid '70s.
Yes, and and Mum refused
to let us go to his concert.
Even though we'd queued for
four hours in Leicester Square
to get the tickets.
And we went anyway,
and met up with those boys.
Those boys from Luton!
And you were desperately
trying not to look underage.
You were a bad influence on me.
You were!
And you're both, uh, single,
I hear.
Oh, no!
- Vince!
- What? What?
Let me apologize for my cousin.
He is a terrible flirt.
All right, all right.
- Shush! Shush-shush! Shush.
- No!
Everybody, shush.
Now, Greg, Zoe, come on.
You're family too. Come in.
I was going to wait
until tomorrow,
but now seems like
the perfect moment.
Amore mio,
you are the love of my life,
and it's been
an absolute privilege
to have spent
the past four decades
- I mean, can you believe
- No.
- 40 years
- No.
with this
beautiful family?
A ruby for a ruby anniversary.
Oh, Dad!
Oh, Pete, it's stunning.
Come here. Come here.
- Amore mio!
- I love you.
Thank you. Thank you.
'Take it Easy'.
It's good advice.
Would have been your 40th
wedding anniversary this spring.
You remembered.
The fuss I made about having to
put my hair up at the wedding.
And hitching up that dreadful
peach bridesmaid's dress.
It just rears up when you
least expect it.
It's hard
letting go of the past.
Pete's invited us on his boat
tomorrow morning.
Might do a spot of fishing.
Whoa! My sister? Fishing?
Oh, it's surprisingly relaxing.
You should try. Come with us.
It'll give us a chance
to catch up properly.
Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry.
Miles away. Gabbi
Gabbi has set up
a Pyrenees ride.
Oh! She's not even joking.
God, after all that food.
Thanks for looking
into this, Lizzie.
Definitely natural causes, then.
Sophie's death certificate
checks out.
Sorry, Dad.
You know, if I can get
hold of Richie's file
Yeah, you've done enough.
I got this.
But if you think
Bill Carlton was involved,
maybe there's something in it
that could shed some light.
Yeah, but if Bill
gets wind of this
I'm sorry you two
crossed paths at all.
Yeah. Never thought we'd be
working in the same office.
I can't find her! It's no good
accusing me, mate!
Gotta go.
Enjoy the downtime.
I'm going to talk to Riley.
Lizzie, just leave it.
Love to Joan.
You have to be more careful
when you're leaving digital
fingerprints all over this case.
And so Professional Standards
thinks it's a case now?
Not just
the Integrity Commission.
People notice when you
drop everything else
to help your father.
Did Riley say something?
He doesn't have to.
And Bill Carlton. Pfft!
Not someone
you want to antagonize.
This better be important, Darby.
I've got
my son's clarinet recital
and my wife will murder me
if I'm not there.
Thank you.
Um, I'd like
permission to access
the Richie Bairnsdale file.
For what purpose? Sophie
Bairnsdale is dead, is she not?
Unfortunately, yes.
her corroboration,
your father's version of events
remains just that.
Well, that's why
I'd like access to the file.
- This case
- There is no case.
Don't you have
enough work to do?
Of course, but
But you want to go
on a fishing expedition
in case your father's
been stitched up?
What do you expect to find?
Well, I'm not sure exactly,
Okay. Check with Miranda.
She already has access to her.
After you.
- Oh, my God!
- Hang on!
Gabbi, I've had
too many champagnes.
Think of that
bikini body.
You're not joining in?
It's a lot of fun
once you get going.
Maybe tomorrow. I'm bushed.
Mmm. Yeah, well, there's
an expectation, isn't there?
That just 'cause you're
sisters you'll get along.
Oh, Gabbi! Gabbi, I can't!
Hey, Diesel.
See this?
Doesn't match.
I thought
Aunty Max was in India.
Yeah, that would have been
a safe buffer distance.
Oh, Mum, you and Max need to
sort out your differences.
It's all so silly.
It's easy for you to say,
growing up
as a spoilt only child.
Well, I'm not anymore.
- Yes?
- Joan, you got a minute?
I'm on the phone to Rebecca!
Sorry. Can it wait?
Uh, yeah. Just don't
talk about me, right?
As if!
So, how are things with Jack?
Oh, we're very good friends.
Still? Only?
Oh! Why is everyone
so keen to get us together?
Maybe because they see what
I see. You'd make a great pair.
I'm not ready for that yet.
There's still so many
unanswered questions.
Anyway, how are the kids?
Athletics carnival.
I thought you were retired.
No such thing when you're a cop.
You just don't get paid.
My sister not with you?
Talking to her daughter.
Probably bitching about me.
She'd like to spend
some time with you.
And me her. I invited her here.
It's just we're much better
when we're around other people.
Here you are, Ms. Nelson.
- Dirty martini.
- Maxine, please.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Uh, no.
No need.
I love cashless resorts.
Don't you?
Now, you and Joanie.
You're an odd couple,
but right somehow.
You know, there's
this old Tibetan saying.
You don't always get
what you want,
but something, something
get what you need.
I think you'll find
that's the Stones.
Oh, is it?
God! Good for them.
So, what happened
between you and Joan?
She ruined my happiness.
Maybe a spot of fishing
can clear the air.
- Why is it so early?
- Come on.
Does it have to be this early?
- Buongiorno!
- Hey!
- Oh, hello, Pete!
- We're coming.
There you go.
What are you doing?
- Pete!
- Get off!
- Let him go!
- Help!
What on earth?
- Pete! Pete!
- Help!
Wait! Stop! Help!
I can't believe it.
Who would take Pete?
Better call the cops.
Wouldn't they just
aggravate the kidnappers?
Let's just find out
what they want.
Oh, God. What do we do now?
We just do whatever they want
to get Dad back.
Why Dad? It's just so
It's crazy.
It's an unknown number.
Could be a ransom call.
Okay. Stay calm, all right?
String 'em along.
Get whatever detail you can.
We're here for you.
Go, go.
- Gab.
- Pete!
- Oh, okay.
- What do they want?
$3 million.
Delivered by 4pm in cash.
I don't think we can get that
much to the island by then.
Well, just the bank opens
on the mainland soon.
Just please try.
- Speak English!
- All right. Okay.
Gab, they want you
to speak English.
Do you have
Do you have something to drink?
Do you have something to eat?
They'll call later
with a drop-off point.
- A lot of money.
- No!
Oh, no, no, no!
Whoever did this
knew your father would be
on the jetty this morning.
What are you saying?
That it's one of us?
Most kidnap victims are taken
by someone
with inside knowledge.
But there's no way one of
the family would do this.
It's just not possible.
If you know anything,
every minute counts.
I mean, I know he's had
money issues since the divorce,
but it can't be him.
He wasn't happy about
the sale either.
But he wouldn't.
- Who?
- Vince, Mum's cousin.
I worked my guts out, all right,
building up the retail side
of the business.
Seven figures they got
when they sold it.
I didn't see a cent.
I mean, was I pissed off? Sure.
Not enough to do this.
Well, just so we can
eliminate you as a suspect,
would you mind telling me
where you were
first thing this morning?
Not kidnapping my cousin's
husband, that's for sure.
Look, it's not
what you think, okay?
He was with me.
I do in-room massages for cash.
Sports, Reiki, deep tissue.
But please don't say anything.
And you keep it under wraps
I could get fired.
We're a no-paper-money resort.
Everything has to be booked
via reception.
It is curious,
the seven-figure number
for the sale of the business
lining up with
the ransom figure.
As if the kidnapper
knew what to ask for.
- I'm trying.
- What do you mean you're trying?
- That doesn't make any sense.
- But
- What's up with them?
- I can't keep this secret
Anyway. Oh, it's all good.
Um, we'll talk
we'll talk later.
Something they don't want us
to know about.
I'll take Vince.
You quiz Gabbi. Hmm?
You're on.
- G'day.
- Heading to the bar.
- Oh, yeah?
- Gabbi!
What you saw,
it's not what you think.
Gabriella, anything
you can tell us
might help find Pete.
We sold the retail arm
of the business last year.
And so we, uh, invested
in the launch of an IPO.
You and Gabbi?
Oh, Pete was never
into the stock market.
Everything's about
the restaurant to him.
Vince was sure
it would go through the roof.
We both were.
I thought it would set
the girls up for life.
The restaurant
business can be so fickle.
I had a messy divorce
to pay for.
- Yeah, I know about them.
- Oh, yeah?
My own fault.
Can't resist a beautiful woman.
if it's not your wife.
Yeah, she caught me cheating.
Took me to the cleaners.
So, you put in all the funds?
We didn't think
it would be so risky.
Yeah, well, it was supposed
to be a sure thing.
Well, that stock tanked.
We tried to fix it
before anyone else found out.
You know, with time
and judicious investing.
But it got worse.
It was like trying to
plug a sinking boat.
And now?
The money's all gone.
All of it.
I don't know what we're
going to do now.
Who else knows?
No one.
Now it's too late to fix.
We'll never raise
the money in time
to save Pete.
Thank you.
You don't ransom someone
if you know they don't have
the money, do you?
Which leaves Silvia and Arianna.
But why would either of them
do such a thing?
Any updates? What did I miss?
You know the family well.
Arianna thought she should
have got the top job, right?
Well, she'd been working
the restaurant floor for years.
Thought it was unfair
when Pete appointed Silvia.
Yeah, but you heard
Sylvia last night.
If she's being micromanaged by
Pete, maybe she just wanted out.
Hardly a reason to kidnap
and ransom your own father.
Is this what it's like
hanging out with a policeman?
Asking questions, probing
into people's private lives?
Oh, Max, we're trying
to help people.
you'll think I'm involved.
Hey, joking, not confessing.
You still got the map
of the island?
If you're gonna ditch a boat,
there's only a couple
of places to do it.
Both are on the windward side
of the island.
I might take Diesel and
have a little walk around here.
I got your message.
So do you think you have proof
there was another shooter?
Well, from where the casings
landed, it had to be.
Which the investigating
officer's covered up?
Yeah, or chose
not to investigate.
And you think it's Bill?
Well, he's a prime suspect.
Has to be.
Or else, whoever
he's in bed with.
- I'm all ears.
- Yep? Oh, yeah. Okay.
So, if there's any chance of
Oh, yeah
Liz? You there?
Um, you know what? I'll get
back to you, Dad. See ya.
Here, Diesel.
Okay. Ha!
Here, Diesel.
what have you found?
Good boy, Diesel.
Do you think
the kidnappers
could be guests at the hotel?
But these Amaroona bottles
are freely available,
so, yeah, could be a guest.
Or a delivery person?
Oh! Maybe wearing a disguise.
Stop it, Max. This isn't a game.
Look, whoever it is,
they'll want to do
a quick exchange
as soon as the money turns up.
I just want to
check something out.
See how the cops are going.
I'll leave you to it.
Well, Vince being with Zoe
definitely rules him out.
Hang on. Vince with Zoe?
Yeah. They were
each other's alibis.
Yeah, but they weren't together
when Pete was taken.
They couldn't have been.
How'd you know?
In five, four, three, two, one!
- Okay.
- Here we go. You got this.
What am I looking at?
Well, Zoe does double duties -
waiting tables
and taking gym classes.
And giving
off-the-book massages.
But I noticed this
in my workout this morning.
I see.
The app time and date
matches Vince's alibi.
So Zoe couldn't have been
giving him a two-hour massage.
Somebody's lying.
I'm sorry, but I asked Zoe
to lie for me.
Uh, please.
Don't get her into trouble, hmm?
So where were you this morning?
Well, I didn't want
anyone to know,
but I was dialed in
to a job interview
with a rival restaurant crew.
And the family would see that
as a betrayal.
That's why I couldn't tell them.
Uh, here.
I mean, check my browser history
if you like.
Hello? Hello, Chris?
- Chris, are you there?
- Joan?
Can you hear me?
Yeah, it's me.
Oh, I'm I'm on this island
and there was a party
and someone was kidnapped.
Did you just say
you've been kidnapped
to a party on an island?
Something like that.
Okay. Lucky you.
Hey, I've got a day off
coming up.
I thought we could do
some wineries
or go for a trail ride.
I remember you said
you liked horses.
Are you asking me on a date?
Well, I thought
I'd return the favor.
That would be lovely.
Uh, look, just, um,
text me where and when
and I'll be there.
All right. I'm I'm so sorry.
- I've got to dash now.
- Yeah, okay. Me too.
Well, I'll see you then.
Bye. Bye.
Oh, my God!
- Tell me everything.
- What?
Is he wildly handsome?
Stop it!
Oh, it's good to be happy.
- Come on. Give.
- He's a doctor.
And so he's very busy
and, anyway, I can't imagine
being with someone else.
Oh, I get it. You and Ian
had the perfect marriage.
Well, we all wanted
what you had.
Oh, come on, Max. You were
never gonna settle down.
I never had the opportunity.
I mean, I came close, of course.
Don't start
with the Shaun thing.
Joan. There's been
another ransom call.
I recorded it.
I need you to do what they say,
but if you miss the deadline
Just get the money, please.
I don't know what to do.
If they hurt him
Gabbi, does Pete have
a medical condition?
From his breathing,
his flushed face
Is he diabetic?
He was diagnosed at Easter.
It's type 1.
But he's gonna be okay,
though, isn't he?
Why are we only hearing
about this now?
I've been trying to get him to
talk about it, but he wouldn't.
He thinks he's still 28
and nothing can touch him.
Is that why he retired?
Yes, but, you know, he's been
getting so much better
since he's been
on the insulin treatment.
But what happens if he
doesn't get his medication?
We must find him.
So we give them the money.
Anything they want. Now!
Yeah, I'll just call the bank
and see where they are
with the cash.
There is no money to give them,
I'm s
- What?
- But the sale!
That should be more than enough.
It's gone.
We made a bad investment.
It was meant to
set you up for life.
We never intended
for this to happen.
By 'we', do you mean Vince?
Why would you trust him
and not us?
Because you're always arguing
and you never listen to me.
So there's no more liquid cash
in the business
or in any of
the family accounts?
I've been I've been looking
into a loan, but it takes time.
While, Dad, what,
dies out there?!
Take this.
It's worth $100,000.
How do you know that, Mum?
Pete tried to keep it a secret.
But he's so sweet.
But I found the receipt
in his jacket.
Gabbi, when did Pete
last have insulin?
I I don't know.
I suppose it was
early this morning,
but, look, he never
carries it with him.
So you have a supply?
Yes, in our bungalow.
Don't you think Gabbi could do
with a friend right now?
I'm just no good
with emotion, Joanie.
Seriously, I thought
it would be a lot more relaxing
than it's turning out to be.
So this is why you didn't
show up when I needed you.
Because you don't do emotion.
You were fine.
You're Joan Kirkhope.
You're always fine.
I was utterly devastated
when Ian died.
With how he died.
Of course I needed my sister.
Oh, yeah.
The one you couldn't
or wouldn't lower yourself
to protect
when she needed you.
You told my fiancé
that I had an affair
with his best man.
Shaun rang me. He already knew.
Of course, when he asked,
I I couldn't lie.
Not even for your sister?
Your sister!
Look, it's not my fault
he broke off the engagement.
You should have told him what
happened before he found out
- Yeah, yeah.
- from a friend.
And you couldn't wait
to punish me.
Oh, I see.
So deserting me when my husband
died is payback, is it?
What goes around comes around.
You can be
so awfully juvenile.
I was hurting.
You seem devastated.
Talking or flirting
with your hot doctor
and gallivanting about
the country
with that outback silver fox.
- It's not like that.
- Of course it is.
It's just that you're
too uptight to admit it.
Joan the good girl.
Joan the hypocrite!
I don't know why you bothered
inviting me
if I'm such an awful person.
I don't either!
Maybe a moment of weakness.
Well, it will
never happen again.
What, you think the
kidnapper will come for the insulin?
Once they realize he's diabetic,
they'll have no choice.
So, Max, uh, she, uh
she called me a silver fox.
Yeah? Silver fox?
I think you're rather
missing the point.
Look, you can't make someone
into something they're not.
Here they come.
Looking for this?
Pete's insulin.
Uh Sorry, I've got to go.
We were waiting for you
to come and get it.
Your lucky day when Vince
asked you to be his alibi.
It gave you yours.
No, it wasn't me.
I was holding a TrackLife class, remember?
For 45 minutes.
Which gave you a whole hour
to kidnap Pete.
With your accomplice.
Greg, right?
Saw him talking to Arianna
at the bar last night.
Uh, um
Zoe, you have to tell us
where to find him.
He could die.
Greg said no one would get hurt.
You need to tell us
where Pete is.
I'll go
and alert the police.
Looks like
they just left.
Okay, I spotted some tire tracks
but no sign of Dad or Greg.
Zoe told us that they planned
to stay here till the drop.
Well, maybe she tipped Greg off.
I can't believe
he used me like that.
Well, I can't believe you told
him so much about our business.
I trusted him.
Greg and I have known each other
since we first started
holidaying here.
You must have been teenagers.
He was my first kiss.
We realized we were
better off as friends,
but we've stayed close
over the years.
I feel so stupid!
No, you weren't to know.
What I don't understand is
I've seen Greg working at
the resort since Dad was taken.
So how could he be
in two places at once?
He and Zoe must have been
taking it in shifts
so that they could both be seen.
I know.
Jack got this from Zoe.
Why don't you try
calling the number on it?
It's me, Ari. Where are you?
Where's my Dad?
Why are you calling me
on this phone?
Dad's unwell, Greg.
He needs medication.
I know. It's a good reason
not to mess around.
I want the 3 million now.
We need more time.
Doesn't sound like your dad
can afford that. You've got an hour.
I did this for us.
So that we could set up
our own restaurant.
That's what you wanted.
Wasn't it?
But not like this!
Never like this!
I thought we were just
shooting the breeze.
"What if we had our own place?"
Oh, God.
So you told him about the sale?
What are we
gonna do now?
The two of you have spent a lot
of time on the waters here.
Where do you think Greg
might have taken your Dad?
I don't know.
How about you try
calling him again?
He's not gonna tell me.
I've got an idea.
You're playing me.
We won't hand over
the money without it.
I need to make sure Dad's okay,
then the cash is yours.
Dad? Dad?
Are you okay?
What are you saying?
Stai tranquillo. Calmati.
Dad, I don't understand.
Calmati. Calmati.
He's saying
What is he saying?!
- That means
- Calm down.
Why would he tell us
to calm down?
Yes. He used singular
'calm down'.
Dad also said,
"Stai tranquillo."
Yeah, calm down.
Like he's trying to say,
you know, like, "Take it easy."
Take it easy.
'Take it Easy'!
That's the name of the boat
on the jetty.
But why would he want
to hide Dad there?
Because no one
would think to look.
Hide in plain sight.
Stay back!
Please, Greg, we have
to give Dad his insulin.
- I said stay back.
- He'll die without it.
Please, Greg.
Just you, then.
Do you have the money?
There isn't any!
Vince and Mum lost it all.
But here, take this.
It's worth 100K.
It's all there is.
- Argh!
- My drink!
Where are you going?
Here's to Joan.
Now the holiday
can begin.
Thanks, Joan.
Oh, I think we'll be finding
a new place to celebrate
our anniversary next year.
Maybe everyone can join us
in Palermo.
Hmm, you might have to find
something a little closer to home, Dad.
I'm sorry, girls.
I wanted it for you.
It's okay.
We'll just have to build
the business back up again.
Yeah, joint managers.
You on the floor,
me in the office.
It can't be a family business
if it's not a family.
And $100,000 should
get you started.
Join us for champagne.
You helped, didn't you, Diesel?
Good boy.
And thank you too, Jack.
The kidnap was a surprise,
eh, Vince?
Well, it wasn't part
of the plan,
but it did provide
a distraction.
You had to think
on your feet
when you asked Zoe
to be your alibi.
And when that blew up,
you had to find another.
I checked your alibi.
It wasn't a job interview.
You needed time to transfer
the remaining million
into your account.
But but there
isn't any money left.
That's what Vince
wanted you to believe.
When the stock started tanking,
you had to act quick,
didn't you?
Don't listen to him.
We're cousins. I'm family.
And that's what made you
so angry
that you didn't get a share
of the profit of the sale.
Vince, how could you do that
when you knew
Pete's life was at stake?
Well, I should have
got something.
I think the fraud squad
are keen to chat.
How could you, Vince?
It's my own cousin.
I don't believe it.
Wait, there's still
a million dollars?
Guess you don't need me
after all.
No, no. That that money's
for Mum and Dad to enjoy.
We can make it on our own.
We're sisters.
We can do anything.
I gotta find Max.
I need to talk to her.
Gonna apologize?
What does Jack Darby know
about apologizing?
I'm apologizing now.
What for?
Credit. Future wrongdoings.
To err is human.
Oh, Max left.
But she said to say goodbye.
Did she say where she was going?
Yeah. "On to new adventures,"
I think, were her words.
Sisters, eh?
Oh, I just shouldn't have
waited so long to apologize.
Well, you were busy
taking down a kidnapper.
Molto bene.
Will do.
Jack, what is it?
We gotta get going.
Cordon off
that whole section.
Any witnesses?
Well, out here, no,
but we might get lucky
with the front-gate camera
down this way.
What do Forensics say?
No tire marks,
no evidence the car
used its brakes at all.
So you mean
he was run down deliberately?
Joan, I'm Miranda McNeil.
Well, I'd like to say
I was pleased to meet you.
- But in the circumstances
- Of course.
I want to see him.
Look, I'm not sure that you
can be making demands, Jack.
You shouldn't even be here.
They're here now.
You sure you want
to see this, Joan?
Of course I do.
We suspect he was hit
sometime after 1am.
What was Bill Carlton
doing out here?
Hmm. Just when you wanted
to talk to him.
Hard to see that
as a coincidence.
What's that supposed to mean?
Somebody wanted him dead.
What can you tell us
about that, Jack?