Darby and Joan (2022) s02e04 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 4
A lot of things you don't know
about me.
Listen, when you find Sophie,
call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
Sophie's death certificate
checks out.
Sorry, Dad.
Whatever you needed to know,
Jack, it died with her.
Hey, I've got a day off
coming up.
I thought we could do
some wineries or
Are you asking me on a date?
So you think you have proof
there was another shooter?
Well, from where
the casings landed, had to be.
- And you think it's Bill?
- Well, he's a prime suspect.
Take it from an old mate, Jack.
Go home
before someone gets hurt.
Any witnesses?
Out here, no,
but we might get lucky
with a front-gate camera
down this way.
I really shouldn't be
doing this.
But you're going to, anyway.
Would it help
if I did the honors?
See, there's Bill.
He steps onto the road
in front of the car.
The car hits him, keeps going.
Doesn't even slow down.
Another angle?
What? We're lucky to have that.
It's not the busiest
stretch of road.
I'm guessing there's no way of
enhancing the license plate?
No. Tried everything.
Well, if it's deliberate,
looks like someone's
cleaning up.
And that means
we might be next.
You know,
I'm I'm so sorry.
Whatever for?
Pulling your file.
That's what started all this.
Nah, nah.
It was me asking questions.
I was stirring things up.
This is my doing alone.
Excusez-moi. I don't think
that's exactly true.
Whatever Bill knew,
someone wanted it
to stay hidden.
I'll take a look at the footage
again. See if anything pops up.
Um, you know, it might not be
a bad idea for you two
to keep your heads down
for a while.
We're fine.
Uh No!
A cop has been killed.
You two could easily be next.
Is this you or Miranda speaking?
Mum and I are
in agreement for once.
Mum? Hang on.
Thanks, Lizzie.
Inspector Miranda McNeil
Keep me posted.
Is she another one
of your ex-wives?
Oh, no!
We're discussing this.
Joan, open the door.
So, when exactly were you
planning on mentioning it?
I didn't think it was relevant.
Honestly, sometimes I think
I don't know
the first thing about you.
I'm an open book.
I mean it.
Come on, ask me anything.
When was it that you
and Miranda first met?
She was a constable.
I was a senior sergeant.
So it was love at
first sight, then?
Well, something like that.
On her part, anyway.
All right.
First lust, then love.
Then resentment and blame.
And now we're acquaintances
with a daughter in common.
How's that?
What about Bill?
Was he around back then?
We came up together.
And was he corrupt
from the start?
There were two kinds of cops
in those days.
The kind that took the envelope
with the cash in it
and the kind who didn't.
Bill was the first kind.
Are you sure
you want to stay in this area?
Gosh, it's so beautiful
around here.
Strange place to put
a caravan park.
Oh, look! An alpaca.
How do you know
it's not a llama?
Because they're
completely different.
It shouldn't be kept
on its own like that.
Didn't know you were such
a font of alpaca knowledge.
Well, I am.
They had them in the field
next door to where I grew up.
They're very smart animals.
Smarter than dogs.
You tell her to take that back.
Go on.
Yeah, you tell her.
Yeah, the vines
might look a bit bare,
but it's, uh,
it's the off-season.
But there's plenty of wine.
In fact, uh, we've got
a wine tasting on later
if you, uh, care to join.
- Oh!
- Oh, no.
Look, I'm a bit
of a beer man, really.
- So, can we park there?
- Uh, yeah.
Uh, you are our only guests
this evening.
So it will be, uh,
very romantique.
No, we're not, um, French.
It's absolutely stunning.
I'm surprised you don't have
a queue a mile long.
Yeah, well,
advertising costs money
and, well, the caravan parking
wasn't my idea, to be honest.
I don't know much about
anything other than wine.
But we had, you know,
a couple of bad seasons
Posh is sick!
Uh, sorry. Uh, excuse me.
Uh uh, this is
this is my ex, Ryan.
Uh, not quite ex yet, but, you
know, can't wait till it comes.
- She's off her food.
- Oh, dear.
Yeah, okay.
That's not my problem.
Good one!
So she wants her to die.
Who are we talking about?
Uh Posh, his alpaca.
No, no. No, no.
It's ouralpaca.
You know, she's one of a pair.
Becks is
doing just fine.
You're such a liar.
Well, alpacas are actually
herd animals.
Maybe Posh shouldn't have
taken Becks for granted.
Oh, good one. That's your
answer for everything, isn't it?
Walk away, split up, and who
cares what anyone else wants?
Yeah, all right,
because everything's always
someone else's fault,
never yours.
You're never to blame
for anything.
Oh, you know what?
Sorry about that.
Yvette was right.
It is really romantic here.
Hope you're good
with tinned beans for dinner.
They're obviously both in love.
Was it the name calling or the
fighting that tipped you off?
Ah, they're both still here.
I mean, it'd be easy enough
to go their separate ways
if they really wanted to.
Oh, this must be
the wine-tasting crowd.
Shall we go?
What? And listen to people
banging on about wine
and sloshing around in their mouth
and spitting it out? No, thanks.
There might be nibbles.
You know, cheese and biscuits.
What about the beans?
Okay, this is
the last of it.
This is your
last glass, okay?
- There you go. Enjoy.
- Thank you.
I just heard someone saying,
"Tasting the wine's mortality."
Look, just another five minutes.
You've got to try
the fig with the manchego.
It's really delicious.
Ooh, that looks good! Here.
My advice - don't fill up
on the mini quiche.
We've got tempura prawns
coming up next.
Ah! That's good advice.
Thank you.
Damien, please.
D-Damien, plea please.
I've got guests.
Who's the big bloke?
Oh. Uh I don't know.
Is he local?
Lacey, uh, I think, uh, Damien's
glass needs, uh, topping up.
So, uh, how are you
enjoying your stay?
It's perfect.
- Never want to leave.
- Oh, good.
How am I supposed to win the bet
if you don't tell me?
Everything all right here?
I've got $50 riding
on Lacey's star sign.
You can get in on the action
if you like.
No, thanks.
I don't make a bet
unless I'm sure I'm gonna win.
You are a Gemini, aren't you?
This lady's got
a job to do, mate.
I wouldn't if I were you.
The vines are on fire!
- What? You're joking?!
- What?
- Where's the water tank?
- It's around the back.
I'll call the fire brigade.
I'll get the blankets!
Get the taps!
Get get someone No! No!
The fireys
are on their way.
Ryan! No!
What can I do?
I'll turn on
the sprinklers!
- Get the hessian sacks!
- Oi!
This area's off-limits.
The vines are on fire, mate!
Mate, no guests allowed.
Look, all I want's the water
in that tank, all right?!
It's not
It's not working!
I'll go and get Posh
out of harm's way.
Yes, please. Thanks!
- Thank you!
- Come on.
Come on!
Walk. Come on.
That's it.
Good boy. It's all right.
It's all right.
Did you see what I just saw?
Weird. Come on. Walk.
Walk. That's it.
Do you want
to grab that ax?
Yep, will do.
Thanks, mate.
All right, let's pack up.
You happy now?
Is that what you wanted?
This is my family's vineyard,
It's all I had left.
Yvette, I swear, it wasn't me.
My dad built this
with his bare hands!
Yeah, and I'm the one
that's been keeping it going
for the past 10 years.
It's as much mine
as it is yours.
Okay, you want it that much,
you can have it.
I didn't do this, Yvette.
We connect, finally!
You'll never believe
what's happened here.
Thanks for your help today.
A bit more
than you bargained for.
I'm glad we got it under control
before it did
any further damage.
Sorry about all the confusion.
I hope it hasn't ruined
your holiday.
Know anyone that drives a 1971
Ford Falcon in very good nick?
Uh, I don't know much
about cars.
It's bright red.
Couldn't miss it.
Um no. Don't think so.
Any other guests staying here?
Uh no. Just us. Excuse me.
Oh, and, uh, Lacey.
She's, uh, camping round
the back for the season,
but that's it.
It's nice of Yvette.
I think she was worried
she was gonna get a bad review.
"Glorious views, great wine,
"but the marital discord
was a little too heated.
"Three stars."
Or something more simple.
"Riverview is on fire."
You're on a roll.
Perhaps that's what was
missing in my marriage.
We were smooth and steady,
solid as a rock.
Sounds good to me.
No, it turns out
it wasn't, was it?
All the fire and passion
in the world
didn't stop me
from getting divorced.
Who won the fights?
You or Miranda?
Usually a draw.
You walked away?
I walked away.
I wonder if Ryan
started the fire.
He had as much invested
in the winery as Yvette.
Can't see how destroying it
would help.
More likely to be
that Damien bloke.
Yeah, but he was
at the wine tasting
the whole time, wasn't he?
He and that tough friend of his.
I saw a car driving away pretty
fast as the fire started.
Did you get the license plate?
Too far away.
But it's not the kind
of car you drive
if you want to stay hidden.
That's correct, sir.
You'll be set a date
Darby, walk with me?
I've just had a call from
the deputy commissioner.
You can guess what about.
We're trying to track
the car, sir,
but we don't have much to go on.
But it does look like
an accident?
I'm waiting
for the crime scene report.
What was bloody Carlton
doing out there, anyway?
Chasing around
after your father?
I don't know.
Bet you can hazard a guess.
Jack thinks
there was another shooter
the night of the ambush
18 years ago.
I see.
And he thinks that was Bill?
Well, that's some motivation.
You've just made your father
a prime suspect.
I don't see a red car
What makes you think
this is the place?
Well, there was a vintage
car rally up this way
and a red Falcon
won Best of Show.
And the prize money was
collected by a Noel Slater
who lives right here.
Hang on.
You can't just knock
on someone's door and ask,
"Are you the person who set fire
to a vineyard yesterday?"
Why not?
Well I suppose
no one's as nosy
as a house-hunting couple.
Let's go.
Can I help you?
- Oh! Hello.
- Oh, hi.
Sorry to bother you.
We were just driving by
and, uh, we saw the 'for sale'
sign and just couldn't resist.
The viewing's this afternoon.
I'm Joan and this
is my husband, Jack.
Well, um, as we're already here,
could we get a sneak peek?
Is your husband here
by any chance?
What is it you want with him?
Well, perhaps he could
show Jack the garage
while you show me the kitchen.
My husband's a bit of a car nut.
Well, vintage cars. I like to
Cars were my husband's hobby,
but he's dead now.
If you would like
to see the house,
you can come back later
with the real estate agent.
Well, that could
have gone better.
Well, if he's dead,
he died recently
'cause there's a photo of him
alive and well
at the car show a month ago.
Maybe she's a husband killer
as well as an arsonist.
Or she sold the car
and someone else was driving.
We should ask Yvette
if she has CCTV.
Or maybe one of those fancy cars
at the wine tasting
had a dashcam.
I'll bet nobody
checks for a dashcam.
CCTV was recording
everything that went past
before and after.
Now, so long as Liz has left me
with enough of the footage
But you've watched this
a dozen times already.
See that sign?
Well, a lot of trucks
use this road, presumably.
Yep, and if we're in any luck
at all
and play the footage
before he was hit
And now, rewinding.
Commercial vehicle.
Might have a dashcam.
More likely than not.
So it could have caught
the lead-up to the hit-and-run.
Now all we've got to do
is find Paterson's.
I found it!
Paterson's Seafood.
- It's only about an hour away.
- Ahh. Good.
You can be more casual
than that.
Oh, no. This is this just,
um, for my lunch with Chris.
What do you think?
Yeah, no, no. It's nice.
He'll like it. Um, trust me.
Look, he's already on his way,
but I could postpone it
if you want
No, no, no.
Probably just
a wild-goose chase, anyway.
No, you go. Have fun.
- You sure?
- I'm positive.
All right.
Much damage?
I'm just checking
for a smoke taint.
Oh, what's that?
Well, if there's smoke phenols
in the vine,
it can ruin the whole harvest.
And why would anyone do this?
Do you know a woman
called Shelley?
Her husband was Noel Slater.
Uh Oh, yeah.
He was a regular.
Oh! So he was a big drinker.
That might have something to do
with how he died.
Oh, I don't think so.
Maybe Shelley's grief
turned to anger
towards the vineyard.
He only ever got
a couple of bottles
on special occasions, you know?
I I never saw him drunk.
What about, um, a woman
in a long red gown?
Have you seen her about?
- Joan!
- Yeah. Nah.
Sorry. See you. Chris!
Cops' pay must be
pretty good these days.
Who showed you the CCTV?
Truck driver arrived yet?
Oh, never mind. Had to be Liz.
Can neither confirm nor deny.
She really is a chip
off the old block.
Whose block? Yours or mine?
Truck driver will be here
any minute.
I'll be conducting
a formal interview.
Well, I'm not going anywhere.
Remember a time we didn't argue?
We used to like arguing.
At the start.
Well, we did always end up
in bed together afterwards.
Things have changed, though.
Gotten older.
Wiser, I'd say.
Maybe we wouldn't fight
so much anymore.
You know
How is everything so far?
It's lovely. Thank you.
I'll leave you to it, then.
What was I saying?
Uh, you were telling me
about your ex-wife.
Oh, God.
I wasn't banging on
about my divorce, was I?
You might as well get
your dirty laundry
out on the table now.
Well, there's not much of it,
I'm afraid.
Truth is that we get along
much better apart
than we ever did
when we were together.
And now that the kids are older,
it's really just me
to worry about, so
Well, that sounded a lot more
pathetic than I meant it to be.
Oh, no, it didn't sound
pathetic at all.
Meanwhile, I am alone
for the first time
since I was at nursing college.
Even before that, I was
You were one of those girls
that always had a boyfriend,
I'll bet.
I can tell.
Well, I'm now footloose
and fancy-free.
If I say it's corked,
it's corked.
Your job's to bring me
another one.
Make it on the house.
It's not that hard.
I am sorry. I
I can't do that.
You what?
What did you just say to me?
Uh I'll I'll
sort it out, Lacey.
It's okay.
I thought
for a second there
I was gonna have to go over
and defend
that waitress's honor.
I would have beaten you to it.
I have to say,
if you'd told me 20 years ago
you'd be driving
around Queensland
with a nice British lady
She's hardly nice.
Well, not 'nice'
in the way you mean it.
How do I mean it?
Well, boring, conventional,
a little dumb.
You're right.
That's how I mean it.
Joan's none of those things.
So what is she, then?
That our guy?
Brendan Sprigg?
Was I speeding or something?
Mr. Sprigg,
I'm Inspector McNeil.
I need to access your dashcam
footage from two days ago.
What for?
A police investigation is all
I'm able to say at the moment.
It's broken.
Well, I can take a look
at it, anyway.
Do you have a warrant?
All right.
I'll be back with a warrant.
And if I happen to find
any old parking tickets,
anything at all
with your name on it,
I will be sure to give
that my full attention.
Brendan, is it?
Must do a lot of hours
on the road.
What's it to you?
Trying to make ends meet,
I imagine.
Wife, couple of kids?
You just met mine.
My sympathies.
You know, that dashcam footage
might find a killer.
Plus, if you give it to me,
it'd really piss off
Inspector McNeil.
Dashcam's not really broken.
Ta, mate.
You got it.
You get it?
Bad cop, good cop. Never fails.
Hand it over, then.
- Why would I do that?
- Jack!
You're not
the investigating officer.
That'd be Liz.
Must you always do things
the hard way?
You know me too well.
Liz, can you get
me an SD memory card reader?
What? Now?
Yeah, it's from a dashcam.
Might give us a different angle
on Bill's hit-and-run.
Ooh. Why didn't you
just give it to Mum?
'Cause then
I'd never get a look-in.
I really don't want to be
the meat in this sandwich.
There is no sandwich, Lizzie.
It's been a while
since I've used a card reader,
so let me give you a call back
when I track one down.
I'll be at the vineyard
with Joan.
Hmm. You're at
a winery now, hey?
Still pretending
like nothing's going on?
Nothing. Not a thing.
Well, this is much nicer
than a hospital, isn't it?
So beautiful.
You know, I used to think
there was nothing I could find
more meaningful than nursing,
but these last few months
it's been an eye-opener.
And what do you see?
A new adventure.
- Lacey! Lacey! She's in there!
- You can't go in there!
Wait! Wait! Stay back!
You can't go in there!
We gotta to get her
out of there.
Wait! Stand back.
It might go off again!
Now, stay there.
Don't let anyone in, all right?
What have we done?
What have we done?
What have we done?
Jack, be careful!
Oh, God!
Lacey, it's Jack!
What's this?
Over here.
I'm coming.
- I'm over here.
- Where are you?
- Over here.
- You all right? Here.
Grab my hand, okay?
You're gonna get out of here.
I was getting a couple
of bottles for Yvette.
Everything went black.
You're good.
- You're gonna follow me, right?
- Okay.
We'll get out.
It'll be all right.
Don't worry.
I'm okay to go back to work.
There's no sign
of concussion.
I'd still like to take her
back to the hospital.
- Have her checked out properly.
- Really, I'm fine.
You should call the police.
Yeah, uh,
I think this is my fault.
Uh, I knew
the fermentation tank was old,
and I should have replaced it
before now, so
Yeah, it's, uh,
been an issue for ages.
Joan, uh, are you sure
it's safe to stay on here?
I mean, first the fire,
now this.
It's very sweet of you
to worry about me,
but I'll be okay.
Jack's here.
Anyway, what better place to be
if I'm gonna find out what's
at the bottom of all this?
Well, I'm really sorry,
but I'm gonna have to
go back to the hospital.
you can't say that our date
wasn't memorable.
Maybe next time
a little bit more sedate.
Like skydiving.
Oh, yes, I've done that.
- What?!
- Yeah!
- I'd love to do it again.
- Okay. You're on.
No casinos around here
for miles.
And Ryan and Yvette were pretty
keen not to call the police.
And you would have expected them
to be blaming each other.
Instead, they both thought
it was the fermentation tank.
First thing they've agreed on
in all this time.
Which makes it seem
very sus to me.
Very sus.
This is where Ryan
was coming from
when the shed exploded.
And the woman
in the long red dress
was walking
in this direction too.
And during the fire,
Damien's heavy tried to stop me
from going this way.
So there's something down there
we're not supposed to see.
I forgot to ask,
how was lunch with Dr. Chris?
Oh, it was very nice.
He's such a good listener.
Most people can manage that.
What is this place?
You'd have thought this was
a bit of a remote place
for another wine tasting.
What do we know?
We're just tourists.
Oh, g'day.
Are we too early
for the champagne tasting?
We can just wait inside.
It's invitation only, mate.
Where do we get
an invita?
Thank you. Enjoy that.
The house viewing was yesterday.
Looks like you're getting rid
of everything in it too.
Fresh start
far away from here.
Ever seen one of these before?
Please, Shelley.
We want to know why you did it.
We we know you set
the fire yesterday.
Noel hardly drank.
He was kind to everyone
and he
he loved his family
and vintage cars.
And he only ever had one vice
in his whole life!
He kept it from me
as long as he could.
And last year
he lost everything.
The stress of it
gave him a heart attack.
It's what killed him.
You blame the winery.
The illegal den
that they have there.
They took Noel away from me.
They can't just
get away with it.
Where did you get
the explosives?
Well, you blew up
the wine shed as well.
No. That that wasn't me.
That that wasn't me.
I swear, I was here all day
yesterday with the estate sale.
Plenty of people saw me.
We need to get into that casino.
Any way you can lay your hands
on an invitation?
It's a massive fine.
Probably even jail time if
you get caught, you know that.
It's nothing to do with us.
It's on your property.
Trust me, the cops will put
two and two together.
I think it's time
we told the truth.
Remember I said we had
a bad couple of years?
Well, they were
really, really bad.
Drought two summers in a row,
then floods.
The bank was gonna foreclose.
Our marriage was going
down the drain.
Not even two alpacas for
our anniversary could save it.
How'd the casino start?
It's been an issue
for ages.
I met Damien in town
at the pokies.
I think I was hoping to save us
by winning the jackpot.
Instead, Damien bet
that he could get the vineyard
out of debt
without us lifting a finger.
Just wanted to use the property.
He said the vineyard
was good cover
for people coming and going.
He gave us so much money.
But then he wanted to buy the
rest of Riverview for peanuts.
And you think he's the one
who blew up the shed?
Yeah, 'cause I said no.
Damien's not the kind of guy
who takes no for an answer.
Hey, you look like
a real high roller.
I've dabbled a bit, I admit it.
By the way, I looked up
Damien online
and his business rivals
have a tendency to get involved
in unfortunate accidents.
Well, lucky I'm not
accident prone, eh?
Seriously, Jack.
Do you really think
this is the best way
to help Yvette and Ryan?
Yes, I do.
I know exactly
how the cops will react.
They'll arrest them, they'll
have to sell their winery,
and then Damien will pick up
exactly where he left off.
Come on. Let's go.
You can't
just walk in here.
This is private property.
We got an invitation, mate.
Thank you.
Don't lose that.
- Oh, my giddy aunt!
- It's something, isn't it?
Hey, it's Lacey,
the waitress from the winery.
Two o'clock.
Red 14.
Oh, and there's the thug.
Oh, thank you.
The lady
I saw in the smoke.
Hit me.
Come this way.
Red or black?
Uh, let's go red.
Okay. If you say so.
I wouldn't take my advice.
No more bets.
Red 36 wins.
- Yeah! Pretty good.
- This way, darling.
No, no, no. You can't go now.
You're my lucky charm.
Um, I think I've got
a game on over here.
I've always wanted to
try my hand at poker.
Have you heard
the expression 'poker face'?
Well, of course I have.
I don't think
you've quite got it.
Do you?
Well, I've never met a player
that I couldn't bluff.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you either.
Why don't you sit down
and prove it?
Mate, I wouldn't want
to embarrass you.
This lot,
they're tapped out anyway.
Dealer to change.
Good luck, everyone.
Deal me in. I'm feeling lucky.
Um, look, maybe
you should sit this one out.
You do realize
she's paid to help you lose?
Let's play.
Let's play.
Freya, come on.
You know you can't bluff.
I need a drink.
Good luck.
Two pair. Kings and tens.
Full house.
Let's go again.
No, Jack. We're out of money.
Just quit while you're behind.
He's just getting warmed up,
aren't you, Jack?
I've still got cash
in my wallet.
No, you've already lost that.
I did?
Give the man a chance
to salvage his pride.
We don't have
anything left to bet.
Your motor home.
That's all I have in the world.
Sounds good to me.
Deal the lady in.
- No, no, no.
- Her motor home.
She plays.
Well, I
No, I I couldn't.
Uh I I've only played
a couple of times before.
Well, then I guess
you can, um, cut your losses.
Her motor home
is top of the range.
What do we get if Joan wins?
What do you want?
The vineyard.
I don't own it.
If Joan wins,
you pack up this casino,
you leave Yvette and Ryan alone,
they get the vineyard,
no explosions,
no threats.
All right.
Let's play.
Welcome, strangers,
to the show
I'm the one
who should be lying low
Saw the knives out
Turned my back
Heard the train coming
Stayed right out on that track
In the middle, in the middle
In the middle of a dream
I lost my shirt
I pawned my rings
I've done
all the dumb things ♪
I'm going all in.
Our agreement
on the vineyard too.
You sure?
All in.
Four of a kind.
It's pretty hard to beat,
isn't it?
- Yes, it is.
- Ah! Wait a minute.
you have a straight flush.
- And she's done it!
- Got him!
You won.
Let's get out of here.
I don't think so, mate.
Could you hold these, mate?
It's that guy! That guy there!
What'd you call the cops for?
I was doing fine.
Well, we didn't want you to
take on Damien by yourself.
Looks like
you didn't need any help.
Hey, that was great.
Well done. You did that?
I'm not taking you on.
- Got the vineyard back.
- Thanks, mate.
- Just that was our best chair.
- Oh, my God.
Oh, okay.
- Hey, hey.
- All right.
Well, I was right
about Ryan and Yvette.
Madly in love.
You saw the signs.
Pretty obvious, really.
Bit like Damien
and his poker tells.
You told me
that you'd only ever played
a couple of hands of poker.
Well, I have. Only a couple.
Every night shift
with the other nurses.
Used to make a killing.
Isn't she smart?
Diesel thinks
you're smart.
So you found me
a card reader.
Okay, well, here goes nothing.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
All right.
Fast-forward to just
before Bill's death.
Pause it there. Zoom in.
That's Kayla.
I thought you said
she'd left the country.
She said she was
gonna disappear.
Look. Look, she's not alone.
Who's that?
Looks like Bill's
trying to grab Kayla
and this other person
is trying to stop him.
Go back. Play from there.
It it looks like
It's Sophie.
But how is that possible?
Sophie's alive.
And she was there
the night Bill got hit.
A lot of things you don't know
about me.
Listen, when you find Sophie,
call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
Sophie's death certificate
checks out.
Sorry, Dad.
Whatever you needed to know,
Jack, it died with her.
Hey, I've got a day off
coming up.
I thought we could do
some wineries or
Are you asking me on a date?
So you think you have proof
there was another shooter?
Well, from where
the casings landed, had to be.
- And you think it's Bill?
- Well, he's a prime suspect.
Take it from an old mate, Jack.
Go home
before someone gets hurt.
Any witnesses?
Out here, no,
but we might get lucky
with a front-gate camera
down this way.
I really shouldn't be
doing this.
But you're going to, anyway.
Would it help
if I did the honors?
See, there's Bill.
He steps onto the road
in front of the car.
The car hits him, keeps going.
Doesn't even slow down.
Another angle?
What? We're lucky to have that.
It's not the busiest
stretch of road.
I'm guessing there's no way of
enhancing the license plate?
No. Tried everything.
Well, if it's deliberate,
looks like someone's
cleaning up.
And that means
we might be next.
You know,
I'm I'm so sorry.
Whatever for?
Pulling your file.
That's what started all this.
Nah, nah.
It was me asking questions.
I was stirring things up.
This is my doing alone.
Excusez-moi. I don't think
that's exactly true.
Whatever Bill knew,
someone wanted it
to stay hidden.
I'll take a look at the footage
again. See if anything pops up.
Um, you know, it might not be
a bad idea for you two
to keep your heads down
for a while.
We're fine.
Uh No!
A cop has been killed.
You two could easily be next.
Is this you or Miranda speaking?
Mum and I are
in agreement for once.
Mum? Hang on.
Thanks, Lizzie.
Inspector Miranda McNeil
Keep me posted.
Is she another one
of your ex-wives?
Oh, no!
We're discussing this.
Joan, open the door.
So, when exactly were you
planning on mentioning it?
I didn't think it was relevant.
Honestly, sometimes I think
I don't know
the first thing about you.
I'm an open book.
I mean it.
Come on, ask me anything.
When was it that you
and Miranda first met?
She was a constable.
I was a senior sergeant.
So it was love at
first sight, then?
Well, something like that.
On her part, anyway.
All right.
First lust, then love.
Then resentment and blame.
And now we're acquaintances
with a daughter in common.
How's that?
What about Bill?
Was he around back then?
We came up together.
And was he corrupt
from the start?
There were two kinds of cops
in those days.
The kind that took the envelope
with the cash in it
and the kind who didn't.
Bill was the first kind.
Are you sure
you want to stay in this area?
Gosh, it's so beautiful
around here.
Strange place to put
a caravan park.
Oh, look! An alpaca.
How do you know
it's not a llama?
Because they're
completely different.
It shouldn't be kept
on its own like that.
Didn't know you were such
a font of alpaca knowledge.
Well, I am.
They had them in the field
next door to where I grew up.
They're very smart animals.
Smarter than dogs.
You tell her to take that back.
Go on.
Yeah, you tell her.
Yeah, the vines
might look a bit bare,
but it's, uh,
it's the off-season.
But there's plenty of wine.
In fact, uh, we've got
a wine tasting on later
if you, uh, care to join.
- Oh!
- Oh, no.
Look, I'm a bit
of a beer man, really.
- So, can we park there?
- Uh, yeah.
Uh, you are our only guests
this evening.
So it will be, uh,
very romantique.
No, we're not, um, French.
It's absolutely stunning.
I'm surprised you don't have
a queue a mile long.
Yeah, well,
advertising costs money
and, well, the caravan parking
wasn't my idea, to be honest.
I don't know much about
anything other than wine.
But we had, you know,
a couple of bad seasons
Posh is sick!
Uh, sorry. Uh, excuse me.
Uh uh, this is
this is my ex, Ryan.
Uh, not quite ex yet, but, you
know, can't wait till it comes.
- She's off her food.
- Oh, dear.
Yeah, okay.
That's not my problem.
Good one!
So she wants her to die.
Who are we talking about?
Uh Posh, his alpaca.
No, no. No, no.
It's ouralpaca.
You know, she's one of a pair.
Becks is
doing just fine.
You're such a liar.
Well, alpacas are actually
herd animals.
Maybe Posh shouldn't have
taken Becks for granted.
Oh, good one. That's your
answer for everything, isn't it?
Walk away, split up, and who
cares what anyone else wants?
Yeah, all right,
because everything's always
someone else's fault,
never yours.
You're never to blame
for anything.
Oh, you know what?
Sorry about that.
Yvette was right.
It is really romantic here.
Hope you're good
with tinned beans for dinner.
They're obviously both in love.
Was it the name calling or the
fighting that tipped you off?
Ah, they're both still here.
I mean, it'd be easy enough
to go their separate ways
if they really wanted to.
Oh, this must be
the wine-tasting crowd.
Shall we go?
What? And listen to people
banging on about wine
and sloshing around in their mouth
and spitting it out? No, thanks.
There might be nibbles.
You know, cheese and biscuits.
What about the beans?
Okay, this is
the last of it.
This is your
last glass, okay?
- There you go. Enjoy.
- Thank you.
I just heard someone saying,
"Tasting the wine's mortality."
Look, just another five minutes.
You've got to try
the fig with the manchego.
It's really delicious.
Ooh, that looks good! Here.
My advice - don't fill up
on the mini quiche.
We've got tempura prawns
coming up next.
Ah! That's good advice.
Thank you.
Damien, please.
D-Damien, plea please.
I've got guests.
Who's the big bloke?
Oh. Uh I don't know.
Is he local?
Lacey, uh, I think, uh, Damien's
glass needs, uh, topping up.
So, uh, how are you
enjoying your stay?
It's perfect.
- Never want to leave.
- Oh, good.
How am I supposed to win the bet
if you don't tell me?
Everything all right here?
I've got $50 riding
on Lacey's star sign.
You can get in on the action
if you like.
No, thanks.
I don't make a bet
unless I'm sure I'm gonna win.
You are a Gemini, aren't you?
This lady's got
a job to do, mate.
I wouldn't if I were you.
The vines are on fire!
- What? You're joking?!
- What?
- Where's the water tank?
- It's around the back.
I'll call the fire brigade.
I'll get the blankets!
Get the taps!
Get get someone No! No!
The fireys
are on their way.
Ryan! No!
What can I do?
I'll turn on
the sprinklers!
- Get the hessian sacks!
- Oi!
This area's off-limits.
The vines are on fire, mate!
Mate, no guests allowed.
Look, all I want's the water
in that tank, all right?!
It's not
It's not working!
I'll go and get Posh
out of harm's way.
Yes, please. Thanks!
- Thank you!
- Come on.
Come on!
Walk. Come on.
That's it.
Good boy. It's all right.
It's all right.
Did you see what I just saw?
Weird. Come on. Walk.
Walk. That's it.
Do you want
to grab that ax?
Yep, will do.
Thanks, mate.
All right, let's pack up.
You happy now?
Is that what you wanted?
This is my family's vineyard,
It's all I had left.
Yvette, I swear, it wasn't me.
My dad built this
with his bare hands!
Yeah, and I'm the one
that's been keeping it going
for the past 10 years.
It's as much mine
as it is yours.
Okay, you want it that much,
you can have it.
I didn't do this, Yvette.
We connect, finally!
You'll never believe
what's happened here.
Thanks for your help today.
A bit more
than you bargained for.
I'm glad we got it under control
before it did
any further damage.
Sorry about all the confusion.
I hope it hasn't ruined
your holiday.
Know anyone that drives a 1971
Ford Falcon in very good nick?
Uh, I don't know much
about cars.
It's bright red.
Couldn't miss it.
Um no. Don't think so.
Any other guests staying here?
Uh no. Just us. Excuse me.
Oh, and, uh, Lacey.
She's, uh, camping round
the back for the season,
but that's it.
It's nice of Yvette.
I think she was worried
she was gonna get a bad review.
"Glorious views, great wine,
"but the marital discord
was a little too heated.
"Three stars."
Or something more simple.
"Riverview is on fire."
You're on a roll.
Perhaps that's what was
missing in my marriage.
We were smooth and steady,
solid as a rock.
Sounds good to me.
No, it turns out
it wasn't, was it?
All the fire and passion
in the world
didn't stop me
from getting divorced.
Who won the fights?
You or Miranda?
Usually a draw.
You walked away?
I walked away.
I wonder if Ryan
started the fire.
He had as much invested
in the winery as Yvette.
Can't see how destroying it
would help.
More likely to be
that Damien bloke.
Yeah, but he was
at the wine tasting
the whole time, wasn't he?
He and that tough friend of his.
I saw a car driving away pretty
fast as the fire started.
Did you get the license plate?
Too far away.
But it's not the kind
of car you drive
if you want to stay hidden.
That's correct, sir.
You'll be set a date
Darby, walk with me?
I've just had a call from
the deputy commissioner.
You can guess what about.
We're trying to track
the car, sir,
but we don't have much to go on.
But it does look like
an accident?
I'm waiting
for the crime scene report.
What was bloody Carlton
doing out there, anyway?
Chasing around
after your father?
I don't know.
Bet you can hazard a guess.
Jack thinks
there was another shooter
the night of the ambush
18 years ago.
I see.
And he thinks that was Bill?
Well, that's some motivation.
You've just made your father
a prime suspect.
I don't see a red car
What makes you think
this is the place?
Well, there was a vintage
car rally up this way
and a red Falcon
won Best of Show.
And the prize money was
collected by a Noel Slater
who lives right here.
Hang on.
You can't just knock
on someone's door and ask,
"Are you the person who set fire
to a vineyard yesterday?"
Why not?
Well I suppose
no one's as nosy
as a house-hunting couple.
Let's go.
Can I help you?
- Oh! Hello.
- Oh, hi.
Sorry to bother you.
We were just driving by
and, uh, we saw the 'for sale'
sign and just couldn't resist.
The viewing's this afternoon.
I'm Joan and this
is my husband, Jack.
Well, um, as we're already here,
could we get a sneak peek?
Is your husband here
by any chance?
What is it you want with him?
Well, perhaps he could
show Jack the garage
while you show me the kitchen.
My husband's a bit of a car nut.
Well, vintage cars. I like to
Cars were my husband's hobby,
but he's dead now.
If you would like
to see the house,
you can come back later
with the real estate agent.
Well, that could
have gone better.
Well, if he's dead,
he died recently
'cause there's a photo of him
alive and well
at the car show a month ago.
Maybe she's a husband killer
as well as an arsonist.
Or she sold the car
and someone else was driving.
We should ask Yvette
if she has CCTV.
Or maybe one of those fancy cars
at the wine tasting
had a dashcam.
I'll bet nobody
checks for a dashcam.
CCTV was recording
everything that went past
before and after.
Now, so long as Liz has left me
with enough of the footage
But you've watched this
a dozen times already.
See that sign?
Well, a lot of trucks
use this road, presumably.
Yep, and if we're in any luck
at all
and play the footage
before he was hit
And now, rewinding.
Commercial vehicle.
Might have a dashcam.
More likely than not.
So it could have caught
the lead-up to the hit-and-run.
Now all we've got to do
is find Paterson's.
I found it!
Paterson's Seafood.
- It's only about an hour away.
- Ahh. Good.
You can be more casual
than that.
Oh, no. This is this just,
um, for my lunch with Chris.
What do you think?
Yeah, no, no. It's nice.
He'll like it. Um, trust me.
Look, he's already on his way,
but I could postpone it
if you want
No, no, no.
Probably just
a wild-goose chase, anyway.
No, you go. Have fun.
- You sure?
- I'm positive.
All right.
Much damage?
I'm just checking
for a smoke taint.
Oh, what's that?
Well, if there's smoke phenols
in the vine,
it can ruin the whole harvest.
And why would anyone do this?
Do you know a woman
called Shelley?
Her husband was Noel Slater.
Uh Oh, yeah.
He was a regular.
Oh! So he was a big drinker.
That might have something to do
with how he died.
Oh, I don't think so.
Maybe Shelley's grief
turned to anger
towards the vineyard.
He only ever got
a couple of bottles
on special occasions, you know?
I I never saw him drunk.
What about, um, a woman
in a long red gown?
Have you seen her about?
- Joan!
- Yeah. Nah.
Sorry. See you. Chris!
Cops' pay must be
pretty good these days.
Who showed you the CCTV?
Truck driver arrived yet?
Oh, never mind. Had to be Liz.
Can neither confirm nor deny.
She really is a chip
off the old block.
Whose block? Yours or mine?
Truck driver will be here
any minute.
I'll be conducting
a formal interview.
Well, I'm not going anywhere.
Remember a time we didn't argue?
We used to like arguing.
At the start.
Well, we did always end up
in bed together afterwards.
Things have changed, though.
Gotten older.
Wiser, I'd say.
Maybe we wouldn't fight
so much anymore.
You know
How is everything so far?
It's lovely. Thank you.
I'll leave you to it, then.
What was I saying?
Uh, you were telling me
about your ex-wife.
Oh, God.
I wasn't banging on
about my divorce, was I?
You might as well get
your dirty laundry
out on the table now.
Well, there's not much of it,
I'm afraid.
Truth is that we get along
much better apart
than we ever did
when we were together.
And now that the kids are older,
it's really just me
to worry about, so
Well, that sounded a lot more
pathetic than I meant it to be.
Oh, no, it didn't sound
pathetic at all.
Meanwhile, I am alone
for the first time
since I was at nursing college.
Even before that, I was
You were one of those girls
that always had a boyfriend,
I'll bet.
I can tell.
Well, I'm now footloose
and fancy-free.
If I say it's corked,
it's corked.
Your job's to bring me
another one.
Make it on the house.
It's not that hard.
I am sorry. I
I can't do that.
You what?
What did you just say to me?
Uh I'll I'll
sort it out, Lacey.
It's okay.
I thought
for a second there
I was gonna have to go over
and defend
that waitress's honor.
I would have beaten you to it.
I have to say,
if you'd told me 20 years ago
you'd be driving
around Queensland
with a nice British lady
She's hardly nice.
Well, not 'nice'
in the way you mean it.
How do I mean it?
Well, boring, conventional,
a little dumb.
You're right.
That's how I mean it.
Joan's none of those things.
So what is she, then?
That our guy?
Brendan Sprigg?
Was I speeding or something?
Mr. Sprigg,
I'm Inspector McNeil.
I need to access your dashcam
footage from two days ago.
What for?
A police investigation is all
I'm able to say at the moment.
It's broken.
Well, I can take a look
at it, anyway.
Do you have a warrant?
All right.
I'll be back with a warrant.
And if I happen to find
any old parking tickets,
anything at all
with your name on it,
I will be sure to give
that my full attention.
Brendan, is it?
Must do a lot of hours
on the road.
What's it to you?
Trying to make ends meet,
I imagine.
Wife, couple of kids?
You just met mine.
My sympathies.
You know, that dashcam footage
might find a killer.
Plus, if you give it to me,
it'd really piss off
Inspector McNeil.
Dashcam's not really broken.
Ta, mate.
You got it.
You get it?
Bad cop, good cop. Never fails.
Hand it over, then.
- Why would I do that?
- Jack!
You're not
the investigating officer.
That'd be Liz.
Must you always do things
the hard way?
You know me too well.
Liz, can you get
me an SD memory card reader?
What? Now?
Yeah, it's from a dashcam.
Might give us a different angle
on Bill's hit-and-run.
Ooh. Why didn't you
just give it to Mum?
'Cause then
I'd never get a look-in.
I really don't want to be
the meat in this sandwich.
There is no sandwich, Lizzie.
It's been a while
since I've used a card reader,
so let me give you a call back
when I track one down.
I'll be at the vineyard
with Joan.
Hmm. You're at
a winery now, hey?
Still pretending
like nothing's going on?
Nothing. Not a thing.
Well, this is much nicer
than a hospital, isn't it?
So beautiful.
You know, I used to think
there was nothing I could find
more meaningful than nursing,
but these last few months
it's been an eye-opener.
And what do you see?
A new adventure.
- Lacey! Lacey! She's in there!
- You can't go in there!
Wait! Wait! Stay back!
You can't go in there!
We gotta to get her
out of there.
Wait! Stand back.
It might go off again!
Now, stay there.
Don't let anyone in, all right?
What have we done?
What have we done?
What have we done?
Jack, be careful!
Oh, God!
Lacey, it's Jack!
What's this?
Over here.
I'm coming.
- I'm over here.
- Where are you?
- Over here.
- You all right? Here.
Grab my hand, okay?
You're gonna get out of here.
I was getting a couple
of bottles for Yvette.
Everything went black.
You're good.
- You're gonna follow me, right?
- Okay.
We'll get out.
It'll be all right.
Don't worry.
I'm okay to go back to work.
There's no sign
of concussion.
I'd still like to take her
back to the hospital.
- Have her checked out properly.
- Really, I'm fine.
You should call the police.
Yeah, uh,
I think this is my fault.
Uh, I knew
the fermentation tank was old,
and I should have replaced it
before now, so
Yeah, it's, uh,
been an issue for ages.
Joan, uh, are you sure
it's safe to stay on here?
I mean, first the fire,
now this.
It's very sweet of you
to worry about me,
but I'll be okay.
Jack's here.
Anyway, what better place to be
if I'm gonna find out what's
at the bottom of all this?
Well, I'm really sorry,
but I'm gonna have to
go back to the hospital.
you can't say that our date
wasn't memorable.
Maybe next time
a little bit more sedate.
Like skydiving.
Oh, yes, I've done that.
- What?!
- Yeah!
- I'd love to do it again.
- Okay. You're on.
No casinos around here
for miles.
And Ryan and Yvette were pretty
keen not to call the police.
And you would have expected them
to be blaming each other.
Instead, they both thought
it was the fermentation tank.
First thing they've agreed on
in all this time.
Which makes it seem
very sus to me.
Very sus.
This is where Ryan
was coming from
when the shed exploded.
And the woman
in the long red dress
was walking
in this direction too.
And during the fire,
Damien's heavy tried to stop me
from going this way.
So there's something down there
we're not supposed to see.
I forgot to ask,
how was lunch with Dr. Chris?
Oh, it was very nice.
He's such a good listener.
Most people can manage that.
What is this place?
You'd have thought this was
a bit of a remote place
for another wine tasting.
What do we know?
We're just tourists.
Oh, g'day.
Are we too early
for the champagne tasting?
We can just wait inside.
It's invitation only, mate.
Where do we get
an invita?
Thank you. Enjoy that.
The house viewing was yesterday.
Looks like you're getting rid
of everything in it too.
Fresh start
far away from here.
Ever seen one of these before?
Please, Shelley.
We want to know why you did it.
We we know you set
the fire yesterday.
Noel hardly drank.
He was kind to everyone
and he
he loved his family
and vintage cars.
And he only ever had one vice
in his whole life!
He kept it from me
as long as he could.
And last year
he lost everything.
The stress of it
gave him a heart attack.
It's what killed him.
You blame the winery.
The illegal den
that they have there.
They took Noel away from me.
They can't just
get away with it.
Where did you get
the explosives?
Well, you blew up
the wine shed as well.
No. That that wasn't me.
That that wasn't me.
I swear, I was here all day
yesterday with the estate sale.
Plenty of people saw me.
We need to get into that casino.
Any way you can lay your hands
on an invitation?
It's a massive fine.
Probably even jail time if
you get caught, you know that.
It's nothing to do with us.
It's on your property.
Trust me, the cops will put
two and two together.
I think it's time
we told the truth.
Remember I said we had
a bad couple of years?
Well, they were
really, really bad.
Drought two summers in a row,
then floods.
The bank was gonna foreclose.
Our marriage was going
down the drain.
Not even two alpacas for
our anniversary could save it.
How'd the casino start?
It's been an issue
for ages.
I met Damien in town
at the pokies.
I think I was hoping to save us
by winning the jackpot.
Instead, Damien bet
that he could get the vineyard
out of debt
without us lifting a finger.
Just wanted to use the property.
He said the vineyard
was good cover
for people coming and going.
He gave us so much money.
But then he wanted to buy the
rest of Riverview for peanuts.
And you think he's the one
who blew up the shed?
Yeah, 'cause I said no.
Damien's not the kind of guy
who takes no for an answer.
Hey, you look like
a real high roller.
I've dabbled a bit, I admit it.
By the way, I looked up
Damien online
and his business rivals
have a tendency to get involved
in unfortunate accidents.
Well, lucky I'm not
accident prone, eh?
Seriously, Jack.
Do you really think
this is the best way
to help Yvette and Ryan?
Yes, I do.
I know exactly
how the cops will react.
They'll arrest them, they'll
have to sell their winery,
and then Damien will pick up
exactly where he left off.
Come on. Let's go.
You can't
just walk in here.
This is private property.
We got an invitation, mate.
Thank you.
Don't lose that.
- Oh, my giddy aunt!
- It's something, isn't it?
Hey, it's Lacey,
the waitress from the winery.
Two o'clock.
Red 14.
Oh, and there's the thug.
Oh, thank you.
The lady
I saw in the smoke.
Hit me.
Come this way.
Red or black?
Uh, let's go red.
Okay. If you say so.
I wouldn't take my advice.
No more bets.
Red 36 wins.
- Yeah! Pretty good.
- This way, darling.
No, no, no. You can't go now.
You're my lucky charm.
Um, I think I've got
a game on over here.
I've always wanted to
try my hand at poker.
Have you heard
the expression 'poker face'?
Well, of course I have.
I don't think
you've quite got it.
Do you?
Well, I've never met a player
that I couldn't bluff.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you either.
Why don't you sit down
and prove it?
Mate, I wouldn't want
to embarrass you.
This lot,
they're tapped out anyway.
Dealer to change.
Good luck, everyone.
Deal me in. I'm feeling lucky.
Um, look, maybe
you should sit this one out.
You do realize
she's paid to help you lose?
Let's play.
Let's play.
Freya, come on.
You know you can't bluff.
I need a drink.
Good luck.
Two pair. Kings and tens.
Full house.
Let's go again.
No, Jack. We're out of money.
Just quit while you're behind.
He's just getting warmed up,
aren't you, Jack?
I've still got cash
in my wallet.
No, you've already lost that.
I did?
Give the man a chance
to salvage his pride.
We don't have
anything left to bet.
Your motor home.
That's all I have in the world.
Sounds good to me.
Deal the lady in.
- No, no, no.
- Her motor home.
She plays.
Well, I
No, I I couldn't.
Uh I I've only played
a couple of times before.
Well, then I guess
you can, um, cut your losses.
Her motor home
is top of the range.
What do we get if Joan wins?
What do you want?
The vineyard.
I don't own it.
If Joan wins,
you pack up this casino,
you leave Yvette and Ryan alone,
they get the vineyard,
no explosions,
no threats.
All right.
Let's play.
Welcome, strangers,
to the show
I'm the one
who should be lying low
Saw the knives out
Turned my back
Heard the train coming
Stayed right out on that track
In the middle, in the middle
In the middle of a dream
I lost my shirt
I pawned my rings
I've done
all the dumb things ♪
I'm going all in.
Our agreement
on the vineyard too.
You sure?
All in.
Four of a kind.
It's pretty hard to beat,
isn't it?
- Yes, it is.
- Ah! Wait a minute.
you have a straight flush.
- And she's done it!
- Got him!
You won.
Let's get out of here.
I don't think so, mate.
Could you hold these, mate?
It's that guy! That guy there!
What'd you call the cops for?
I was doing fine.
Well, we didn't want you to
take on Damien by yourself.
Looks like
you didn't need any help.
Hey, that was great.
Well done. You did that?
I'm not taking you on.
- Got the vineyard back.
- Thanks, mate.
- Just that was our best chair.
- Oh, my God.
Oh, okay.
- Hey, hey.
- All right.
Well, I was right
about Ryan and Yvette.
Madly in love.
You saw the signs.
Pretty obvious, really.
Bit like Damien
and his poker tells.
You told me
that you'd only ever played
a couple of hands of poker.
Well, I have. Only a couple.
Every night shift
with the other nurses.
Used to make a killing.
Isn't she smart?
Diesel thinks
you're smart.
So you found me
a card reader.
Okay, well, here goes nothing.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
All right.
Fast-forward to just
before Bill's death.
Pause it there. Zoom in.
That's Kayla.
I thought you said
she'd left the country.
She said she was
gonna disappear.
Look. Look, she's not alone.
Who's that?
Looks like Bill's
trying to grab Kayla
and this other person
is trying to stop him.
Go back. Play from there.
It it looks like
It's Sophie.
But how is that possible?
Sophie's alive.
And she was there
the night Bill got hit.