Darby and Joan (2022) s02e05 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 5
So what's he like,
your, uh, Dr. Chris?
Oh, he's lovely!
And he's a perfect gentleman.
What is Jack to you?
He's a special friend.
You sure?
I don't think he knows that.
So what happened
between you and Joan?
She ruined my happiness.
I was devastated when Ian died.
I needed my sister.
Yes. You seem devastated.
Flirting with your hot doctor
and gallivanting about
the country
with that outback silver fox!
I gotta find Max.
I need to talk to her.
Oh, Max left.
On to new adventures.
Anna, if Sophie can help
identify the shooter
and this is all over,
Sophie can come home.
I heard you had a lead
on Sophie Bairnsdale.
It's not
an official investigation.
It wasn't until
you brought Liz into it.
What was Bill Carlton
doing out here?
There's no evidence
the car used its brakes at all.
So you mean
he was run down deliberately?
And just when you wanted
to talk to him.
Hard to see that
as a coincidence.
What's that supposed to mean?
Somebody wanted him dead.
What can you tell us
about that, Jack?
Pause it there.
Sophie's alive.
And she was there
the night Bill got hit.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
If you hear from them,
please let me know.
So, how is Anna?
In shock.
And says she hadn't heard
from Kayla or Sophie.
And you believe her?
Well, given what
they've witnessed,
I'm not surprised
they're laying low.
It's Max.
Hello, Max.
Oh, Joanie. I need you.
- What is it?
- Well
Well, what's the matter?
Well, it's better
if I explain in person.
Where are you?
Um, I'm in a town
called Maryville.
How quickly can you get here?
Where's Maryville?
Oh, I need to go.
I'll ping you my location.
No, no, Max! Ohh!
Max is in trouble.
Maryville is at least
a four-hour drive from here.
I should go.
What, to help the sister
that ran out on you?
she's still my sister.
Yeah, but what if
it's a lot of hot air?
And what if it isn't?
All right.
Let's saddle up.
Are we almost there?
About half an hour.
Let me see now Uh-huh!
"Maryville - population 780.
"Famous for its mineral springs
and historic cinema."
What would bring her
to Maryville?
Haven't the foggiest.
Hi. You're reached Max.
Leave a message, darling.
She's still not
answering her phone.
There she is!
Oh, you came!
Well, of course I did.
What's the matter?
Nearly finished.
I want to take magic mushrooms
and I want you to spot me.
That's it?
That that's the emergency?
Yes, well, I didn't
want to text you
and I wasn't going to say
anything on the phone
because you never know
who's listening
in the cloud or whatever.
The last time we saw each other,
you called me the 'good girl'.
Oh! Hypocritical good girl.
I didn't want you to supervise.
I don't want you to partake.
Oh, you're not still angry,
are you?
You sounded so distressed.
Well, my phone was running low.
So what was so important
about getting us here?
I mean, what are you
even doing in this town?
I live here now
and mushrooms are part
of my own personal proaulia.
Your your personal what?
It's an ancient Greek thing
where a a woman spends
her final single days
with female relatives
preparing for her wedding.
You're getting married?
Oh! Did I not mention that bit?
Who's the lucky bloke?
Delighted to meet you at last.
I'm Dermot.
I hear you have a daughter,
Rebecca, and two grandchildren.
Yes. Um, do you have children?
Uh, well, no. That's why I'm
so community-minded, I guess.
And you must be Jack,
father of Liz.
Good with names, mate.
Oh, yeah, it's it's
an old salesman trick.
Oh, Tiffany, Clyde!
Oh, hey, here we are.
- Tiff, that's for you.
- Oh, thank you.
Go right on through.
Clyde, good to see you, mate.
Looking good.
So what brought you
to Maryville?
Oh, Joanie, you've got
the rest of our lives
to learn more about Dermot.
Well, how did you meet,
at least?
Well, friends recommended me
to the mineral spa
and I met Dermot
and he invited me to
one of his sundowner drinks.
You're just in time for one now.
The whole town gathers around.
It's quite magical.
It's like the forest in
'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
Ooh! Come inside the cinema.
There's plenty
of food and karaoke.
Mushrooms on the menu?
This is Shane, cinema manager
and resident film snob.
- Hi.
- And his projectionist, Keegan.
So this joint just shows
old movies, right?
Oh, no, classic films, you know.
And they're they're films.
They're not digital.
And you own this place?
- Oh, well
- It's owned by the town.
It's in trust.
I'm just on the refurbishment
Max, so you did persuade
your sister and her friend
to come play with us.
Trudy's on the committee too.
It's an Art Deco gem.
Why change it?
Well, we want to
unleash its potential.
Add a bar, a restaurant.
Really put Maryville on the map.
It's on the map.
Yes, I just want to put it
in larger font.
Excuse me.
Testing. Testing.
One, two. Two. Two.
Check one, two. Check, check.
Isn't he just the mostest?
I wouldn't know.
I've only just met him.
So's your sister, apparently.
Okay, it's karaoke time.
Hey, how's it going?
- Falling off
- Cheers, mate.
Like clothing
You look like
more of a beer man.
Ta. This seems like
a very friendly town.
Do you know what
we're famous for?
I've done my research.
And what do you think?
I'm happy to give
anything a go once.
So, you and Joan are open?
I guess so.
Glad to hear it.
I'll be back.
Not hidden hard
Don't look now,
but that couple came in together
holding hands,
then they swap par
Joan! And then they swap
partners and left holding hands.
Now they're back together again
holding hands.
And so?
What's it mean when someone
says, "Are you open?"
Such an old-fashioned term.
All right,
then ethical non-monogamous.
Oh, yes.
I suppose it's common.
It's got something to do
with the springs.
The springs you came here
to explore?
Well, each to their own,
but I'm not into polyamory.
I've become a penguin.
From now on, I mate for life.
And what sort of animal
is Dermot?
Ohh, whatever he was
before I came along,
he's a penguin now too.
Or I'll feed him
to the killer whales.
Eagle Rock.
My brother, my brother,
my brother. So good! So good!
Everybody loves Dermot.
I'm sure they do.
Seriously, Max,
what do you know about him?
Or about this town?
Or about how you're going
to react to mushrooms?
Well, I know
they're all fun things.
Maybe you should try some.
Oh! All right, so who's
our next chanteur ce soir?
Come on. Don't all rush at once.
Oh, no, no. No. Joanie
doesn't sing in public.
Not since she murdered 'Silent
Night' in the school carols!
Did you hear that?
Shane, I'll do it.
Oh! Big hand for Joanie!
Joanie! Here we go.
Now, what would
you like to sing?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Something classic.
- You think of it.
- Oh, classic. Yes.
- Here we go.
- Thank you.
Thank you, Joanie!
Big hand!
Oh, yes!
I'm crazy for feeling so
Dermot, come here.
Dermot, you can't keep avoiding
me. I have left messages.
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling
Now, hey.
So blue
For thinking that my love
Could hold you
And I'm crazy for trying
And crazy for crying
Trudy, you've got nothing
- And I'm crazy
- Dermot!
For loving
[Record scratches
Are you having pain
in your chest?
Oh, it's not too bad.
Max, make sure everyone's
having a good time.
I'm not
gonna leave you!
What about
your shoulder?
That seems fine. My vision's
a little blurry, though.
Do you see any colors?
Green and blue, maybe.
- What's that?
- It's a defibrillator.
I keep one in the first aid kit.
No, no, no.
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
You may have had a heart attack.
You shouldn't move
until I'm sure you're all right.
- Okay.
- Listen to Joanie.
- Okay.
- Please listen to her.
Blurred vision,
light sensitivity,
difficulty telling colors apart.
definitely could be bad Viagra.
I know it could be,
but I thought I'd ask
a proper doctor's opinion.
It's rare unless he's taken
a lot or it's a dodgy knockoff.
Hmm. That's interesting.
Mum, I can't believe Auntie Max
is getting married.
I mean, how long has she known
this Dermot? A week?
Oh, no.
That would be rushing things.
At least two.
What's he like?
I don't know.
I mean, I suppose not bad
if you like handsome
and schmarmy.
And now she's settling
down in a town full of swingers.
But all I'll say is
be careful of any houses
with a flamingo on the lawn.
Why? Do flamingos mean?
Yes! Swingers.
You're kidding.
You know, unless you and Jack
are feeling adventurous,
of course.
Rebecca! I'm not that bonkers.
One visit to a vineyard
and all of a sudden
you're a sommelier.
I did read that drinking
bad wine can make you crook.
Yes. Spoilage can
cause nasty microbes.
But I have another theory.
Perhaps my future brother-in-law
was poisoned by this.
How did you know?
Makes you hard of hearing.
You might be right.
Poison? Are you sure?
No. Which is why
we've come to you.
it would be best if we
talked in private?
Whatever you need to ask Dermot,
you can do so in front of me.
All right, then.
Do you take Viagra?
We have no secrets.
Uh I take one occasionally.
- And where do you get it from?
- The pharmacy. Why?
We found this on the floor
of the cinema.
Someone must have dropped it.
Real Viagra
is smooth at the edges
and consistent in color.
This one's flecked
and diamond-shaped.
That's not mine.
Might have been slipped
into your drink.
But why?
To induce a heart attack.
Well, Viagra can't kill, can it?
It's rare if it's been medically
prescribed, but this isn't.
Well, then you need to
find out who did it.
Have you had
a business dispute recently?
Uh, no.
Maybe an ex?
Well, Trudy and I saw
each other occasionally,
but we don't do jealousy
here in Maryville.
And when did that
relationship end?
Well, when I met Max.
You seriously think
I tried to drug Dermot
with the Pfizer riser?
- Somebody did.
- Not me.
Didn't Dermot break up with you
when he met Max?
Well, there was
nothing to break.
Things evolved.
Some people might find
that, uh, frustrating.
It could have been
handled better,
but my dance card's full.
Young, enthusiastic,
and no pills required.
Sorry I couldn't be
of more help.
Doesn't that Keegan work
for Shane at the cinema?
- The film fella?
- Yeah.
Do you remember how he reacted
when Dermot was saying he wanted
to put Maryville on the map?
Oh, everybody loves Dermot.
He does host the best parties.
What about his plans for
the refurbishment of the cinema?
He wants to put more screens in.
Oh, what a shame.
- That's a good thing, isn't it?
- Nah.
He won't even be using
the original projector.
Oh, no. Digital.
Must be so hard for you,
watching this place
get ripped apart
to basically show DVDs
on smaller screens.
I'm glad that you agree with me.
- It's just ridiculous.
- It's ridiculous.
I would be livid.
Hey, just hang on a minute.
I mean, Dermot might be
a philistine,
but I did not poison him.
I've seen so many movies.
I know what the end is.
Who might have done it?
Um, well, could be Lorene.
The mineral spa owner?
Yeah, uh
Yeah, well, she was in
a business relationship
with Dermot until he left her.
Might visit
Dermot in the morning.
See what he's got
to say about it.
Sorry I stuffed up
your delivery.
Oh. No, nonsense, Keegan.
There's no such thing
as mistakes,
only learning opportunities.
All good.
- All right. See ya.
- See ya.
- Hey, up and about.
- Yeah, a bit shaky.
But who wants to be inside
in a day like today?
You're at a loose end
with the ladies at the spa.
I am.
I got something I wanna show
you. It's only a short drive.
Come on. We can take my car.
Ooh! '70s?
'67 Merc.
There's only about a hundred
of them left on the roads.
They're rarer than pandas.
Very nice.
You, uh
want to take it for a spin?
You're very generous
with your stuff.
Well, life should be a party.
And parties need hosts.
I'm a host to life!
Why don't you give it
a bit more throttle?
- You sure?
- Yeah. You only live once.
Ohh, I do like that sound.
Oh! Diesel!
Ha ha! Oh, you grew up.
Ah, I've known that dog
since he was a pup.
Ohh. Okay, here. Good boy.
Ah. Sorry.
Jack's not here at the moment.
Oh, that's okay.
I can talk to you.
- What about?
- Well
I just need to lock down
Jack's whereabouts
over the past couple of weeks.
You can't be thinking
Jack was responsible
for what happened to Bill.
I have to rule him out
Jack and Bill were colleagues.
They didn't get on.
Jack was in the area.
Well, we were at a winery and
Oh, before that, we were
at this resort on an island.
- Mm-hm.
- And Oh, hang on.
Before that, we were horse
riding. That's when we met Anna.
- Oh, excuse me.
- Ha!
Well, you two packed in
more in the last few months
than we did in
our entire marriage.
Oh. Well, he's retired now.
And what about you?
Me? Oh.
It takes a lot of guts
to come across
to the other side of the world
on your own
under the circumstances.
Well, I could say it takes
a lot of guts to do what you do.
You know
I think Jack's alibi
is pretty solid.
Uh, got to join up
with my sister.
Of course. There's just one
more thing I do need to say.
If Jack keeps looking
for Sophie,
you could be in danger from
whoever did kill Bill Carlton.
Both of you.
Oh, they could be
in danger from us.
I'm going to let him know
I'm in town.
Okay. See ya!
Ahh. This is it, Jack.
Liquid gold.
The mineral springs
of Maryville.
Fancy some?
I'm gonna launch it this summer.
Is it safe to drink?
Yeah, yeah.
It's full of magnesium.
It's really great
for your skin, your heart,
your kidneys, sex drive.
No shame in, uh, accepting
that you might need
a little help.
I'll take fun over dignity
any day of the week.
Tastes like water.
Yeah, try it
every day and see.
You're pretty chipper
for a bloke
who, um, might have
been poisoned.
Well, in life, I suppose,
I'm a little closer to the
finish line than I am the start.
That makes some men angry,
but I don't want to do that.
I want to live every day
like it's my last.
Where does Max fit
into all this?
Well, life's a lot
more entertaining
when you've got someone
driving alongside you.
As you know, the women in that
family are excellent co-pilots.
My ex-wife's just arrived
in town to investigate me.
Well, we'd best
not keep her waiting.
Oh, crikey almighty.
Oh, I've forgotten to ask.
How is the good doctor?
Oh, we haven't spoken
for a while.
Why not? No desire?
Low estrogen?
Jack Darby?
No, it's just I don't know.
Ever since Ian, I haven't
felt very sure of myself.
Oh, don't say that.
You're gorgeous. Use it.
That's exactly
what Rebecca keeps telling me.
Smart girl.
In my experience,
sex gets better as you get old
because you've learned
a few things.
Oh, let the proauliabegin!
It's a gorgeous spa.
Thank you.
The water comes straight
from our springs.
The ecosystem is fragile,
and it can't be tampered with.
You will need to shower
before entering.
Oh! Bags first.
Now, Joanie,
you can share my wine,
- but do not touch the chocolate.
- Ooh! Chocolate!
I remember Brighton Beach, 1979,
- my Curly Wurly bar.
- Oh, come on!
I'd been looking forward
to eating it all week,
and you gobbled it up
in one gob.
No touchy!
Hmm. I hear that you started
this place with Dermot.
Yes. Then he moved on.
Hmm. My sister hasn't known him
for very long.
Is there anything
we should be worried about?
Um make sure
she protects her money.
Go on.
Look, this place
was Dermot's idea.
He saw the potential.
But I put in all the cash,
and I've done all the work,
and eventually
I had to buy him out
by giving him the front paddock.
He's done nothing with it since.
I think he's been
trying to sell it.
Is that what the two of you
were discussing
that night at the cinema?
Until Trudy accused me
of hassling him
into having a heart attack,
I've left him alone since.
Have you got any idea
what caused him to collapse?
Probably Trudy giving him grief.
About what?
She's in love with him.
I thought she was supposed to be
ethically non-monogamous.
Until Dermot came along
and then Trudy got
stars in her eyes.
He told her
he didn't want to commit,
but when he met Max,
he proposed.
I'm sure he'll make Max happy.
Just make sure
she gets a good prenup.
Uh no, thanks.
Suit yourself.
Joan's really got you out of
your comfort zone, hasn't she?
Are you really just friends?
I thought you came here
to interrogate me
about Bill Carlton.
I did. Okay.
Well, you know the drill.
I need to hear about all your
dealings with Bill and Sophie,
including the night
that Richie was shot.
- Yep, it's all in the report.
- I know it's in the report.
I need to hear it again
in light of what's happened.
Look, we know
Bill was a prick, okay?
I have to find out
how Bill became a dead prick.
It might help.
Pia was next to me
when Richie arrived.
And that's when
the shooting started?
And you didn't see anyone else?
I felt someone's presence.
But later on,
I assumed I'd imagined it.
But now I'm not so sure.
I thought it might
have been Bill.
And he didn't deny that?
No, but the way he reacted
got me thinking,
if he's guilty, why did he leave
me alive and risk a witness?
He didn't see anything.
No, but he didn't know that.
Why didn't he just
finish me off?
That's what the Bill Carton
I knew would have done.
Do you think there really might
have been someone else there?
Someone less ruthless than Bill?
Yeah, but still ruthless enough
to run him down 18 years later.
So Trudy did it?
- Well, not necessarily.
- No.
You must interrogate her again
and really turn the screws
this time.
Why do you think Dermot
didn't tell you about Trudy?
- I don't feel well.
- What is it?
Max, wait!
- What's wrong?
- Oh, my God.
I feel like
I'm going to be sick.
- Where's the loo?
- Max, wait!
Careful. Careful. It's slippery.
You all right?
- Was it something you ate?
- No.
It's not food poisoning.
The chocolate had
the mushroom stuff in it.
What, psilocybin?
But I had a whole chunk of it.
After I told you not to?
Well, you'd been
so patronizing to me.
Oh, God!
You're meant
to be supervising me!
Is this what you did to Dermot?
Did you slip him something
just because he was having
a chat with Trudy?
How can you say that?
Well, you said you'd feed him
to the killer whales
if he was a naughty penguin.
I would never do that.
Well, what's going
to happen to me now?
Oh, strap in.
You're going on a trip.
Thanks for being
so honest.
You know, we've never
actually had a conversation
like that before.
You've never investigated me
for corruption before.
You know what I mean.
Then that was before Joan,
wasn't it?
How's the search
for Sophie going?
Oh, well,
we found her daughter,
but she's not talking,
so we're back looking
for needles in haystacks.
Kayla, Jack Darby.
I know Sophie's alive.
Please do not hang up on me.
Hey, it's Kayla.
You know what to do.
I'm not with the police.
All I'm trying to do
is help your mum
not be on the run forever.
Tell her she can trust me.
I'll text you my location.
Oh, hi, Joan.
What are you doing
in the pool?
Why haven't you called me?
I'm not sure.
Why, Joan?
What's your emotional
stumbling block?
Is it Jack?
I represent the road
less traveled, don't I, Joan?
Yeah, but if it's dinner
by candlelight you're after,
I'm your man.
She'll get bored with that
pretty quick.
I doubt it. I'm a doctor.
I have an excellent
bedside manner.
Who said anything about
going to bed?
If anyone's gonna jump
in the sack, it's me.
I think we should let the lady
decide, don't you?
You tell him, Joan.
You tell him that you're not
gonna hook up with him.
I think you know
who's best, Joan.
Sorry to bother you, but there's
no one on the front desk.
Do you see two men in the pool?
I, uh, might come back
a bit later.
I can't wait forever,
You don't want to
jump ship mid-course.
I get you, Joan.
Which one of us will you choose?
- Joan.
- Joan.
don't have to say you love me
Just be close at hand
You don't have to stay
I'm just checking on you.
Had to come get you
from the spa.
What are you doing
in the water, Jack?
It's a mystery.
Is Chris still here?
A memory
What's that lovely music?
- I love that song!
- Yep.
That's why I put it on.
- Did you?
- Yep.
Oh, Jack.
- You really get me, don't you?
- Yeah, yeah.
I get you. I get you.
Now, you go to sleep.
I'm here, right?
- Yeah.
- Now, off to sleep.
You'll be right. Okay.
You don't have to stay forever
I will understand
Believe me
Believe me
You don't have to
Hello, stranger.
Immigration said
Bill obtained
passports for Sophie and Kayla
shortly before he died.
- Does any of that ring a bell?
- No.
Well, let me know
if it triggers anything.
Your mother tells me
that I'm a suspect.
Well, it's not a green light
for you to go
and solve things yourself.
Who, me? No, I'm just a gray
nomad enjoying his retirement.
You also have Joan,
and that makes you vulnerable.
No. Makes me tougher.
Did I say anything
to you last night?
Only that I'm a great bloke
who really understands you.
Max just texted.
Dermot wants to see us.
All right.
Joanie, go on.
Have one.
It's not laced
with anything, is it?
Max told me about Trudy.
Uh, thank you for all that
you've done, all your hard work,
but I'd like you to forget it.
I don't want you to continue.
But what if she poisoned you?
That's what
I've been telling him.
Well, if I broke her heart,
then I deserved it.
Uh, if it was Shane,
I treated him badly too.
And I'm ashamed
of what I did to Lorene.
None of it justifies
attempted murder.
Look, I'm having another
sundowner drinks this afternoon.
I would just like to focus
on that and move on.
I reckon
he's protecting someone.
But who?
We've run out of suspects.
Well, maybe we've been going
about this the wrong way,
following the suspects instead
of following the evidence.
Yeah. We need to trace
the Viagra.
So who's the supplier?
Do you fancy a bit of role-play?
What if they,
uh, you know,
want me to undress or something?
Rather you than me.
Hello. I'm Joan, and this is
my special friend, Jack.
We were just passing
and I couldn't help
but admire your, um, flamingos.
Oh. Welcome.
I'm Daphne.
Good timing. Come in.
Roger's in the spa.
- Roger.
- Holy Toledo.
New friends.
Mi casa es su casa!
Oh! Hello!
Come on in. The water's fine.
Uh look, I've just
got to, uh, tie up the dog
and I'll be right back.
Don't take too long.
- Help yourself.
- Thanks.
Ready when you are, Jack.
I'll, um
I'll just freshen up.
Uh, where's the loo?
Oh. First door on the right.
Jack, anything
you need a hand with in there?
No, no, no. I'm all right. I'll
be back in a second. Thanks.
Hey, Keegan.
Can I get you a drink, Jack?
Mate, you know,
we were wondering
if you might get me
some of those little blue pills.
What do you mean?
How much do you need?
However much you put in Dermot's
wine the night he collapsed.
- Hey?
- Look, I get it.
You saw how upset Shane was
with Dermot's plans
to change the cinema
and how Dermot hurt Trudy.
Dermot suspects
you did it.
I didn't spike any drinks.
What is it you aren't
telling us, Keegan?
- Is this the right place?
- Well, I'm sure it is.
It's it's the paddock
in front of the spa.
What is that?
It's surveyor tape.
Oh, dear.
I have to tell Max.
- Hey, you good?
- Yeah.
They're all right to use.
Oh, hello!
Oh, you're all a bit early.
Yes, we wanted to have a little
chat before the drinks started.
Oh, what about?
Who poisoned Dermot.
Oh, look, I told you, I
We spoke to Keegan,
your local Viagra dealer.
He said all three of you
were customers.
So? It never hurts
to be prepared.
A lot of customers hire the
pool. I like to help them out.
Swinger's insurance.
Yeah, I'm over 70, you know.
There's a big shortage of GPs
in the rural area.
Yeah, well, you all had motives.
You hated Dermot
because of the renovations
of the cinema
he wanted to do and
Lorene for business
and Trudy for love.
But only one of you knew
how badly Dermot reacted
to that Viagra.
You told Keegan that Dermot had
had an attack a few months ago,
didn't you?
that's no secret.
We were having fun one night
and D took too many
and had a turn and collapsed.
Why didn't you mention this
to me before, Dermot?
I just You know, I was
just trying to protect Trudy.
Yeah, I-I didn't poison you, D.
You must believe me.
Oh, he believes you
because he poisoned himself.
Excuse me?
Keegan saw you spike your drink.
He stayed silent because
he didn't want to go to prison
for dealing illegally
with Viagra.
Why would Dermot give himself
a heart attack?
We asked ourselves
the very same question.
After all, what could
there possibly be to gain?
Clearly, Dermot wanted to avoid
questions from you, Lorene.
Dermot, you can't do this.
Questions about the paddock?
Buy him out by giving him
the front paddock.
Why would that matter?
We wondered about that too
and so we went
to take a look at it.
And we discovered that
Dermot has hired a company
to dig it up
to access the mineral water.
Your new bottled water business.
Fancy some?
I'm gonna launch it this summer.
Not only ruining my business,
but destroying the springs
for the entire town.
Well, that would
not be approved.
There'd be too many objections.
Well, whenever there was
community consultations,
Dermot would throw
a big sundowner party.
Great distraction.
But Lorene
was already on to him.
This is ridiculous!
Why would Dermot go
to such efforts?
Because he was broke.
I didn't want to
believe any of it,
but everything you have
is either borrowed
or rented or on loan.
That that's how
wealthy people live.
Oh! Tell them
it's all lies, Dermot!
Hey, where do you think
you're going, mate?
Quick, after him!
- Dermot!
- Oooh! Ohh!
That man is a terrible actor.
He may not be faking.
No. I don't think
he is faking. Ohh!
get the defibrillator.
You are not going to
get out of this by dying!
Do something, Joanie!
Do something!
Stop it. Now stay back.
I think Dermot won't be
needing this where he's going.
How is he?
Well, recovering,
by all accounts.
Has the nurses
eating out of his hands.
I'm sorry, Max.
No, don't be sorry.
You saved me
from a marital disaster.
And I'm off to Fiji tonight.
A friend of mine is going
to put me up in a resort.
Well, I figure the most effective way
to get over a broken heart
is to put an ocean between you.
That and mai tais.
For what it's worth,
I think Dermot really liked you.
In his way.
Oh, it's for the best.
And my friend's
just become single too.
Thank you, Max.
What for?
Just for being you.
I heard you talking
to Jack and Chris at the pool.
Work out what you're doing,
won't you?
Yeah, I will.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, Darby.
My sister.
Z, Y, X and W, V.
Z, Y, X, N? No.
- W, V.
- No, Z, Y, X.
- U, T, S
- W. [Laughs]
- And R, Q, P.
- V.
- Diesel can do it.
- There's no N
- Diesel can do it.
- between the R and the S.
Go on. Woof, woof, woof,
woof, woof, woof, woof.
And Z Oh!
Wait. Wait, Jack.
- Careful.
- Quiet.
And why exactly
should I trust you?
So what's he like,
your, uh, Dr. Chris?
Oh, he's lovely!
And he's a perfect gentleman.
What is Jack to you?
He's a special friend.
You sure?
I don't think he knows that.
So what happened
between you and Joan?
She ruined my happiness.
I was devastated when Ian died.
I needed my sister.
Yes. You seem devastated.
Flirting with your hot doctor
and gallivanting about
the country
with that outback silver fox!
I gotta find Max.
I need to talk to her.
Oh, Max left.
On to new adventures.
Anna, if Sophie can help
identify the shooter
and this is all over,
Sophie can come home.
I heard you had a lead
on Sophie Bairnsdale.
It's not
an official investigation.
It wasn't until
you brought Liz into it.
What was Bill Carlton
doing out here?
There's no evidence
the car used its brakes at all.
So you mean
he was run down deliberately?
And just when you wanted
to talk to him.
Hard to see that
as a coincidence.
What's that supposed to mean?
Somebody wanted him dead.
What can you tell us
about that, Jack?
Pause it there.
Sophie's alive.
And she was there
the night Bill got hit.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
If you hear from them,
please let me know.
So, how is Anna?
In shock.
And says she hadn't heard
from Kayla or Sophie.
And you believe her?
Well, given what
they've witnessed,
I'm not surprised
they're laying low.
It's Max.
Hello, Max.
Oh, Joanie. I need you.
- What is it?
- Well
Well, what's the matter?
Well, it's better
if I explain in person.
Where are you?
Um, I'm in a town
called Maryville.
How quickly can you get here?
Where's Maryville?
Oh, I need to go.
I'll ping you my location.
No, no, Max! Ohh!
Max is in trouble.
Maryville is at least
a four-hour drive from here.
I should go.
What, to help the sister
that ran out on you?
she's still my sister.
Yeah, but what if
it's a lot of hot air?
And what if it isn't?
All right.
Let's saddle up.
Are we almost there?
About half an hour.
Let me see now Uh-huh!
"Maryville - population 780.
"Famous for its mineral springs
and historic cinema."
What would bring her
to Maryville?
Haven't the foggiest.
Hi. You're reached Max.
Leave a message, darling.
She's still not
answering her phone.
There she is!
Oh, you came!
Well, of course I did.
What's the matter?
Nearly finished.
I want to take magic mushrooms
and I want you to spot me.
That's it?
That that's the emergency?
Yes, well, I didn't
want to text you
and I wasn't going to say
anything on the phone
because you never know
who's listening
in the cloud or whatever.
The last time we saw each other,
you called me the 'good girl'.
Oh! Hypocritical good girl.
I didn't want you to supervise.
I don't want you to partake.
Oh, you're not still angry,
are you?
You sounded so distressed.
Well, my phone was running low.
So what was so important
about getting us here?
I mean, what are you
even doing in this town?
I live here now
and mushrooms are part
of my own personal proaulia.
Your your personal what?
It's an ancient Greek thing
where a a woman spends
her final single days
with female relatives
preparing for her wedding.
You're getting married?
Oh! Did I not mention that bit?
Who's the lucky bloke?
Delighted to meet you at last.
I'm Dermot.
I hear you have a daughter,
Rebecca, and two grandchildren.
Yes. Um, do you have children?
Uh, well, no. That's why I'm
so community-minded, I guess.
And you must be Jack,
father of Liz.
Good with names, mate.
Oh, yeah, it's it's
an old salesman trick.
Oh, Tiffany, Clyde!
Oh, hey, here we are.
- Tiff, that's for you.
- Oh, thank you.
Go right on through.
Clyde, good to see you, mate.
Looking good.
So what brought you
to Maryville?
Oh, Joanie, you've got
the rest of our lives
to learn more about Dermot.
Well, how did you meet,
at least?
Well, friends recommended me
to the mineral spa
and I met Dermot
and he invited me to
one of his sundowner drinks.
You're just in time for one now.
The whole town gathers around.
It's quite magical.
It's like the forest in
'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
Ooh! Come inside the cinema.
There's plenty
of food and karaoke.
Mushrooms on the menu?
This is Shane, cinema manager
and resident film snob.
- Hi.
- And his projectionist, Keegan.
So this joint just shows
old movies, right?
Oh, no, classic films, you know.
And they're they're films.
They're not digital.
And you own this place?
- Oh, well
- It's owned by the town.
It's in trust.
I'm just on the refurbishment
Max, so you did persuade
your sister and her friend
to come play with us.
Trudy's on the committee too.
It's an Art Deco gem.
Why change it?
Well, we want to
unleash its potential.
Add a bar, a restaurant.
Really put Maryville on the map.
It's on the map.
Yes, I just want to put it
in larger font.
Excuse me.
Testing. Testing.
One, two. Two. Two.
Check one, two. Check, check.
Isn't he just the mostest?
I wouldn't know.
I've only just met him.
So's your sister, apparently.
Okay, it's karaoke time.
Hey, how's it going?
- Falling off
- Cheers, mate.
Like clothing
You look like
more of a beer man.
Ta. This seems like
a very friendly town.
Do you know what
we're famous for?
I've done my research.
And what do you think?
I'm happy to give
anything a go once.
So, you and Joan are open?
I guess so.
Glad to hear it.
I'll be back.
Not hidden hard
Don't look now,
but that couple came in together
holding hands,
then they swap par
Joan! And then they swap
partners and left holding hands.
Now they're back together again
holding hands.
And so?
What's it mean when someone
says, "Are you open?"
Such an old-fashioned term.
All right,
then ethical non-monogamous.
Oh, yes.
I suppose it's common.
It's got something to do
with the springs.
The springs you came here
to explore?
Well, each to their own,
but I'm not into polyamory.
I've become a penguin.
From now on, I mate for life.
And what sort of animal
is Dermot?
Ohh, whatever he was
before I came along,
he's a penguin now too.
Or I'll feed him
to the killer whales.
Eagle Rock.
My brother, my brother,
my brother. So good! So good!
Everybody loves Dermot.
I'm sure they do.
Seriously, Max,
what do you know about him?
Or about this town?
Or about how you're going
to react to mushrooms?
Well, I know
they're all fun things.
Maybe you should try some.
Oh! All right, so who's
our next chanteur ce soir?
Come on. Don't all rush at once.
Oh, no, no. No. Joanie
doesn't sing in public.
Not since she murdered 'Silent
Night' in the school carols!
Did you hear that?
Shane, I'll do it.
Oh! Big hand for Joanie!
Joanie! Here we go.
Now, what would
you like to sing?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Something classic.
- You think of it.
- Oh, classic. Yes.
- Here we go.
- Thank you.
Thank you, Joanie!
Big hand!
Oh, yes!
I'm crazy for feeling so
Dermot, come here.
Dermot, you can't keep avoiding
me. I have left messages.
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling
Now, hey.
So blue
For thinking that my love
Could hold you
And I'm crazy for trying
And crazy for crying
Trudy, you've got nothing
- And I'm crazy
- Dermot!
For loving
[Record scratches
Are you having pain
in your chest?
Oh, it's not too bad.
Max, make sure everyone's
having a good time.
I'm not
gonna leave you!
What about
your shoulder?
That seems fine. My vision's
a little blurry, though.
Do you see any colors?
Green and blue, maybe.
- What's that?
- It's a defibrillator.
I keep one in the first aid kit.
No, no, no.
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
You may have had a heart attack.
You shouldn't move
until I'm sure you're all right.
- Okay.
- Listen to Joanie.
- Okay.
- Please listen to her.
Blurred vision,
light sensitivity,
difficulty telling colors apart.
definitely could be bad Viagra.
I know it could be,
but I thought I'd ask
a proper doctor's opinion.
It's rare unless he's taken
a lot or it's a dodgy knockoff.
Hmm. That's interesting.
Mum, I can't believe Auntie Max
is getting married.
I mean, how long has she known
this Dermot? A week?
Oh, no.
That would be rushing things.
At least two.
What's he like?
I don't know.
I mean, I suppose not bad
if you like handsome
and schmarmy.
And now she's settling
down in a town full of swingers.
But all I'll say is
be careful of any houses
with a flamingo on the lawn.
Why? Do flamingos mean?
Yes! Swingers.
You're kidding.
You know, unless you and Jack
are feeling adventurous,
of course.
Rebecca! I'm not that bonkers.
One visit to a vineyard
and all of a sudden
you're a sommelier.
I did read that drinking
bad wine can make you crook.
Yes. Spoilage can
cause nasty microbes.
But I have another theory.
Perhaps my future brother-in-law
was poisoned by this.
How did you know?
Makes you hard of hearing.
You might be right.
Poison? Are you sure?
No. Which is why
we've come to you.
it would be best if we
talked in private?
Whatever you need to ask Dermot,
you can do so in front of me.
All right, then.
Do you take Viagra?
We have no secrets.
Uh I take one occasionally.
- And where do you get it from?
- The pharmacy. Why?
We found this on the floor
of the cinema.
Someone must have dropped it.
Real Viagra
is smooth at the edges
and consistent in color.
This one's flecked
and diamond-shaped.
That's not mine.
Might have been slipped
into your drink.
But why?
To induce a heart attack.
Well, Viagra can't kill, can it?
It's rare if it's been medically
prescribed, but this isn't.
Well, then you need to
find out who did it.
Have you had
a business dispute recently?
Uh, no.
Maybe an ex?
Well, Trudy and I saw
each other occasionally,
but we don't do jealousy
here in Maryville.
And when did that
relationship end?
Well, when I met Max.
You seriously think
I tried to drug Dermot
with the Pfizer riser?
- Somebody did.
- Not me.
Didn't Dermot break up with you
when he met Max?
Well, there was
nothing to break.
Things evolved.
Some people might find
that, uh, frustrating.
It could have been
handled better,
but my dance card's full.
Young, enthusiastic,
and no pills required.
Sorry I couldn't be
of more help.
Doesn't that Keegan work
for Shane at the cinema?
- The film fella?
- Yeah.
Do you remember how he reacted
when Dermot was saying he wanted
to put Maryville on the map?
Oh, everybody loves Dermot.
He does host the best parties.
What about his plans for
the refurbishment of the cinema?
He wants to put more screens in.
Oh, what a shame.
- That's a good thing, isn't it?
- Nah.
He won't even be using
the original projector.
Oh, no. Digital.
Must be so hard for you,
watching this place
get ripped apart
to basically show DVDs
on smaller screens.
I'm glad that you agree with me.
- It's just ridiculous.
- It's ridiculous.
I would be livid.
Hey, just hang on a minute.
I mean, Dermot might be
a philistine,
but I did not poison him.
I've seen so many movies.
I know what the end is.
Who might have done it?
Um, well, could be Lorene.
The mineral spa owner?
Yeah, uh
Yeah, well, she was in
a business relationship
with Dermot until he left her.
Might visit
Dermot in the morning.
See what he's got
to say about it.
Sorry I stuffed up
your delivery.
Oh. No, nonsense, Keegan.
There's no such thing
as mistakes,
only learning opportunities.
All good.
- All right. See ya.
- See ya.
- Hey, up and about.
- Yeah, a bit shaky.
But who wants to be inside
in a day like today?
You're at a loose end
with the ladies at the spa.
I am.
I got something I wanna show
you. It's only a short drive.
Come on. We can take my car.
Ooh! '70s?
'67 Merc.
There's only about a hundred
of them left on the roads.
They're rarer than pandas.
Very nice.
You, uh
want to take it for a spin?
You're very generous
with your stuff.
Well, life should be a party.
And parties need hosts.
I'm a host to life!
Why don't you give it
a bit more throttle?
- You sure?
- Yeah. You only live once.
Ohh, I do like that sound.
Oh! Diesel!
Ha ha! Oh, you grew up.
Ah, I've known that dog
since he was a pup.
Ohh. Okay, here. Good boy.
Ah. Sorry.
Jack's not here at the moment.
Oh, that's okay.
I can talk to you.
- What about?
- Well
I just need to lock down
Jack's whereabouts
over the past couple of weeks.
You can't be thinking
Jack was responsible
for what happened to Bill.
I have to rule him out
Jack and Bill were colleagues.
They didn't get on.
Jack was in the area.
Well, we were at a winery and
Oh, before that, we were
at this resort on an island.
- Mm-hm.
- And Oh, hang on.
Before that, we were horse
riding. That's when we met Anna.
- Oh, excuse me.
- Ha!
Well, you two packed in
more in the last few months
than we did in
our entire marriage.
Oh. Well, he's retired now.
And what about you?
Me? Oh.
It takes a lot of guts
to come across
to the other side of the world
on your own
under the circumstances.
Well, I could say it takes
a lot of guts to do what you do.
You know
I think Jack's alibi
is pretty solid.
Uh, got to join up
with my sister.
Of course. There's just one
more thing I do need to say.
If Jack keeps looking
for Sophie,
you could be in danger from
whoever did kill Bill Carlton.
Both of you.
Oh, they could be
in danger from us.
I'm going to let him know
I'm in town.
Okay. See ya!
Ahh. This is it, Jack.
Liquid gold.
The mineral springs
of Maryville.
Fancy some?
I'm gonna launch it this summer.
Is it safe to drink?
Yeah, yeah.
It's full of magnesium.
It's really great
for your skin, your heart,
your kidneys, sex drive.
No shame in, uh, accepting
that you might need
a little help.
I'll take fun over dignity
any day of the week.
Tastes like water.
Yeah, try it
every day and see.
You're pretty chipper
for a bloke
who, um, might have
been poisoned.
Well, in life, I suppose,
I'm a little closer to the
finish line than I am the start.
That makes some men angry,
but I don't want to do that.
I want to live every day
like it's my last.
Where does Max fit
into all this?
Well, life's a lot
more entertaining
when you've got someone
driving alongside you.
As you know, the women in that
family are excellent co-pilots.
My ex-wife's just arrived
in town to investigate me.
Well, we'd best
not keep her waiting.
Oh, crikey almighty.
Oh, I've forgotten to ask.
How is the good doctor?
Oh, we haven't spoken
for a while.
Why not? No desire?
Low estrogen?
Jack Darby?
No, it's just I don't know.
Ever since Ian, I haven't
felt very sure of myself.
Oh, don't say that.
You're gorgeous. Use it.
That's exactly
what Rebecca keeps telling me.
Smart girl.
In my experience,
sex gets better as you get old
because you've learned
a few things.
Oh, let the proauliabegin!
It's a gorgeous spa.
Thank you.
The water comes straight
from our springs.
The ecosystem is fragile,
and it can't be tampered with.
You will need to shower
before entering.
Oh! Bags first.
Now, Joanie,
you can share my wine,
- but do not touch the chocolate.
- Ooh! Chocolate!
I remember Brighton Beach, 1979,
- my Curly Wurly bar.
- Oh, come on!
I'd been looking forward
to eating it all week,
and you gobbled it up
in one gob.
No touchy!
Hmm. I hear that you started
this place with Dermot.
Yes. Then he moved on.
Hmm. My sister hasn't known him
for very long.
Is there anything
we should be worried about?
Um make sure
she protects her money.
Go on.
Look, this place
was Dermot's idea.
He saw the potential.
But I put in all the cash,
and I've done all the work,
and eventually
I had to buy him out
by giving him the front paddock.
He's done nothing with it since.
I think he's been
trying to sell it.
Is that what the two of you
were discussing
that night at the cinema?
Until Trudy accused me
of hassling him
into having a heart attack,
I've left him alone since.
Have you got any idea
what caused him to collapse?
Probably Trudy giving him grief.
About what?
She's in love with him.
I thought she was supposed to be
ethically non-monogamous.
Until Dermot came along
and then Trudy got
stars in her eyes.
He told her
he didn't want to commit,
but when he met Max,
he proposed.
I'm sure he'll make Max happy.
Just make sure
she gets a good prenup.
Uh no, thanks.
Suit yourself.
Joan's really got you out of
your comfort zone, hasn't she?
Are you really just friends?
I thought you came here
to interrogate me
about Bill Carlton.
I did. Okay.
Well, you know the drill.
I need to hear about all your
dealings with Bill and Sophie,
including the night
that Richie was shot.
- Yep, it's all in the report.
- I know it's in the report.
I need to hear it again
in light of what's happened.
Look, we know
Bill was a prick, okay?
I have to find out
how Bill became a dead prick.
It might help.
Pia was next to me
when Richie arrived.
And that's when
the shooting started?
And you didn't see anyone else?
I felt someone's presence.
But later on,
I assumed I'd imagined it.
But now I'm not so sure.
I thought it might
have been Bill.
And he didn't deny that?
No, but the way he reacted
got me thinking,
if he's guilty, why did he leave
me alive and risk a witness?
He didn't see anything.
No, but he didn't know that.
Why didn't he just
finish me off?
That's what the Bill Carton
I knew would have done.
Do you think there really might
have been someone else there?
Someone less ruthless than Bill?
Yeah, but still ruthless enough
to run him down 18 years later.
So Trudy did it?
- Well, not necessarily.
- No.
You must interrogate her again
and really turn the screws
this time.
Why do you think Dermot
didn't tell you about Trudy?
- I don't feel well.
- What is it?
Max, wait!
- What's wrong?
- Oh, my God.
I feel like
I'm going to be sick.
- Where's the loo?
- Max, wait!
Careful. Careful. It's slippery.
You all right?
- Was it something you ate?
- No.
It's not food poisoning.
The chocolate had
the mushroom stuff in it.
What, psilocybin?
But I had a whole chunk of it.
After I told you not to?
Well, you'd been
so patronizing to me.
Oh, God!
You're meant
to be supervising me!
Is this what you did to Dermot?
Did you slip him something
just because he was having
a chat with Trudy?
How can you say that?
Well, you said you'd feed him
to the killer whales
if he was a naughty penguin.
I would never do that.
Well, what's going
to happen to me now?
Oh, strap in.
You're going on a trip.
Thanks for being
so honest.
You know, we've never
actually had a conversation
like that before.
You've never investigated me
for corruption before.
You know what I mean.
Then that was before Joan,
wasn't it?
How's the search
for Sophie going?
Oh, well,
we found her daughter,
but she's not talking,
so we're back looking
for needles in haystacks.
Kayla, Jack Darby.
I know Sophie's alive.
Please do not hang up on me.
Hey, it's Kayla.
You know what to do.
I'm not with the police.
All I'm trying to do
is help your mum
not be on the run forever.
Tell her she can trust me.
I'll text you my location.
Oh, hi, Joan.
What are you doing
in the pool?
Why haven't you called me?
I'm not sure.
Why, Joan?
What's your emotional
stumbling block?
Is it Jack?
I represent the road
less traveled, don't I, Joan?
Yeah, but if it's dinner
by candlelight you're after,
I'm your man.
She'll get bored with that
pretty quick.
I doubt it. I'm a doctor.
I have an excellent
bedside manner.
Who said anything about
going to bed?
If anyone's gonna jump
in the sack, it's me.
I think we should let the lady
decide, don't you?
You tell him, Joan.
You tell him that you're not
gonna hook up with him.
I think you know
who's best, Joan.
Sorry to bother you, but there's
no one on the front desk.
Do you see two men in the pool?
I, uh, might come back
a bit later.
I can't wait forever,
You don't want to
jump ship mid-course.
I get you, Joan.
Which one of us will you choose?
- Joan.
- Joan.
don't have to say you love me
Just be close at hand
You don't have to stay
I'm just checking on you.
Had to come get you
from the spa.
What are you doing
in the water, Jack?
It's a mystery.
Is Chris still here?
A memory
What's that lovely music?
- I love that song!
- Yep.
That's why I put it on.
- Did you?
- Yep.
Oh, Jack.
- You really get me, don't you?
- Yeah, yeah.
I get you. I get you.
Now, you go to sleep.
I'm here, right?
- Yeah.
- Now, off to sleep.
You'll be right. Okay.
You don't have to stay forever
I will understand
Believe me
Believe me
You don't have to
Hello, stranger.
Immigration said
Bill obtained
passports for Sophie and Kayla
shortly before he died.
- Does any of that ring a bell?
- No.
Well, let me know
if it triggers anything.
Your mother tells me
that I'm a suspect.
Well, it's not a green light
for you to go
and solve things yourself.
Who, me? No, I'm just a gray
nomad enjoying his retirement.
You also have Joan,
and that makes you vulnerable.
No. Makes me tougher.
Did I say anything
to you last night?
Only that I'm a great bloke
who really understands you.
Max just texted.
Dermot wants to see us.
All right.
Joanie, go on.
Have one.
It's not laced
with anything, is it?
Max told me about Trudy.
Uh, thank you for all that
you've done, all your hard work,
but I'd like you to forget it.
I don't want you to continue.
But what if she poisoned you?
That's what
I've been telling him.
Well, if I broke her heart,
then I deserved it.
Uh, if it was Shane,
I treated him badly too.
And I'm ashamed
of what I did to Lorene.
None of it justifies
attempted murder.
Look, I'm having another
sundowner drinks this afternoon.
I would just like to focus
on that and move on.
I reckon
he's protecting someone.
But who?
We've run out of suspects.
Well, maybe we've been going
about this the wrong way,
following the suspects instead
of following the evidence.
Yeah. We need to trace
the Viagra.
So who's the supplier?
Do you fancy a bit of role-play?
What if they,
uh, you know,
want me to undress or something?
Rather you than me.
Hello. I'm Joan, and this is
my special friend, Jack.
We were just passing
and I couldn't help
but admire your, um, flamingos.
Oh. Welcome.
I'm Daphne.
Good timing. Come in.
Roger's in the spa.
- Roger.
- Holy Toledo.
New friends.
Mi casa es su casa!
Oh! Hello!
Come on in. The water's fine.
Uh look, I've just
got to, uh, tie up the dog
and I'll be right back.
Don't take too long.
- Help yourself.
- Thanks.
Ready when you are, Jack.
I'll, um
I'll just freshen up.
Uh, where's the loo?
Oh. First door on the right.
Jack, anything
you need a hand with in there?
No, no, no. I'm all right. I'll
be back in a second. Thanks.
Hey, Keegan.
Can I get you a drink, Jack?
Mate, you know,
we were wondering
if you might get me
some of those little blue pills.
What do you mean?
How much do you need?
However much you put in Dermot's
wine the night he collapsed.
- Hey?
- Look, I get it.
You saw how upset Shane was
with Dermot's plans
to change the cinema
and how Dermot hurt Trudy.
Dermot suspects
you did it.
I didn't spike any drinks.
What is it you aren't
telling us, Keegan?
- Is this the right place?
- Well, I'm sure it is.
It's it's the paddock
in front of the spa.
What is that?
It's surveyor tape.
Oh, dear.
I have to tell Max.
- Hey, you good?
- Yeah.
They're all right to use.
Oh, hello!
Oh, you're all a bit early.
Yes, we wanted to have a little
chat before the drinks started.
Oh, what about?
Who poisoned Dermot.
Oh, look, I told you, I
We spoke to Keegan,
your local Viagra dealer.
He said all three of you
were customers.
So? It never hurts
to be prepared.
A lot of customers hire the
pool. I like to help them out.
Swinger's insurance.
Yeah, I'm over 70, you know.
There's a big shortage of GPs
in the rural area.
Yeah, well, you all had motives.
You hated Dermot
because of the renovations
of the cinema
he wanted to do and
Lorene for business
and Trudy for love.
But only one of you knew
how badly Dermot reacted
to that Viagra.
You told Keegan that Dermot had
had an attack a few months ago,
didn't you?
that's no secret.
We were having fun one night
and D took too many
and had a turn and collapsed.
Why didn't you mention this
to me before, Dermot?
I just You know, I was
just trying to protect Trudy.
Yeah, I-I didn't poison you, D.
You must believe me.
Oh, he believes you
because he poisoned himself.
Excuse me?
Keegan saw you spike your drink.
He stayed silent because
he didn't want to go to prison
for dealing illegally
with Viagra.
Why would Dermot give himself
a heart attack?
We asked ourselves
the very same question.
After all, what could
there possibly be to gain?
Clearly, Dermot wanted to avoid
questions from you, Lorene.
Dermot, you can't do this.
Questions about the paddock?
Buy him out by giving him
the front paddock.
Why would that matter?
We wondered about that too
and so we went
to take a look at it.
And we discovered that
Dermot has hired a company
to dig it up
to access the mineral water.
Your new bottled water business.
Fancy some?
I'm gonna launch it this summer.
Not only ruining my business,
but destroying the springs
for the entire town.
Well, that would
not be approved.
There'd be too many objections.
Well, whenever there was
community consultations,
Dermot would throw
a big sundowner party.
Great distraction.
But Lorene
was already on to him.
This is ridiculous!
Why would Dermot go
to such efforts?
Because he was broke.
I didn't want to
believe any of it,
but everything you have
is either borrowed
or rented or on loan.
That that's how
wealthy people live.
Oh! Tell them
it's all lies, Dermot!
Hey, where do you think
you're going, mate?
Quick, after him!
- Dermot!
- Oooh! Ohh!
That man is a terrible actor.
He may not be faking.
No. I don't think
he is faking. Ohh!
get the defibrillator.
You are not going to
get out of this by dying!
Do something, Joanie!
Do something!
Stop it. Now stay back.
I think Dermot won't be
needing this where he's going.
How is he?
Well, recovering,
by all accounts.
Has the nurses
eating out of his hands.
I'm sorry, Max.
No, don't be sorry.
You saved me
from a marital disaster.
And I'm off to Fiji tonight.
A friend of mine is going
to put me up in a resort.
Well, I figure the most effective way
to get over a broken heart
is to put an ocean between you.
That and mai tais.
For what it's worth,
I think Dermot really liked you.
In his way.
Oh, it's for the best.
And my friend's
just become single too.
Thank you, Max.
What for?
Just for being you.
I heard you talking
to Jack and Chris at the pool.
Work out what you're doing,
won't you?
Yeah, I will.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, Darby.
My sister.
Z, Y, X and W, V.
Z, Y, X, N? No.
- W, V.
- No, Z, Y, X.
- U, T, S
- W. [Laughs]
- And R, Q, P.
- V.
- Diesel can do it.
- There's no N
- Diesel can do it.
- between the R and the S.
Go on. Woof, woof, woof,
woof, woof, woof, woof.
And Z Oh!
Wait. Wait, Jack.
- Careful.
- Quiet.
And why exactly
should I trust you?