Darby and Joan (2022) s02e06 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 6
[Relaxed music]
Something happened that made you
leave the force, didn't it?
You killed my son!
That's what they
wanted you to think!
If I'm mixed up in this,
which I am now,
don't you think
I deserve the whole story?
Sophie arranged a meeting
between Richie and me
that night.
They fitted you up?
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready
to clear our name,
you let me know.
Listen, when you find Sophie,
call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
So you think you have proof
there was another shooter?
Well, from where the casings
landed, had to be.
And you think it's Bill?
Or else whoever
he's in bed with.
[Miranda speaks indistinctly]
What is Jack to you?
He's a special friend.
[Laughs] You sure?
I don't think he knows that.
So what's he like,
your, uh, Dr. Chris?
[Joan] Oh, he's lovely.
And he's a perfect gentleman.
Sorry to bother you, but there's
no one on the front desk.
Do you see two men in the pool?
If anyone's gonna jump
in the sack, it's me.
I think we should let
the lady decide, don't you?
I heard you talking
to Jack and Chris at the pool.
Work out what you're doing,
won't you?
Yeah, I will.
Looks like
someone's cleaning up.
And that means we might be next.
Anna, if Sophie can help
identify the shooter,
then this is all over.
Sophie can come home.
And why exactly
should I trust you?
[Gentle music]
- [Gunshot]
- [Birds shriek]
[Birds shriek]
- [Gunshot]
- [Joan shouts and pants]
[Joan whimpers]
No! [Gasps]
[Gunshots in the distance]
[Pants and gasps]
- [Screams] Whoa!
- Joan!
[Theme music]
[Woman sings operatically]
[Woman vocalizes]
[Birds honk and squawk]
[Easygoing music]
[Car horn honks]
[Diesel barks]
[Jack] How you going?
What do you think?
[Water sloshes]
[Liz] Ah, well done, Dad.
- So how'd you find her?
- [Jack] She found me.
I wasn't fighting with Bill
in the video.
He wanted Kayla and me
to go away with him.
He said he could protect us,
but I was scared.
[Sophie] I thought
if I went with him,
I'd make myself a target
and put Kayla at risk.
- [Bill] Kayla!
- [Car engine revs]
- [Car tires screech]
- [Bill] Ow!
It was awful.
I didn't want Bill dead.
We were close
Did you see who hit him?
Got a partial number plate.
[Liz] So why was Bill Carlton
suddenly trying to help you?
[Joan] You said you and Bill
were once close.
Was Bill Kayla's father?
[Intriguing music]
You said Bill convinced you
you could be safe.
He said he had insurance.
[Suspenseful music]
What kind of insurance?
[Bill] I've got
the one piece of evidence
that will keep us safe.
[Jack] So where's the gun now?
I don't know.
Bill gave me this.
[Jack] "Rainbow Tango Pisces
- [Vehicle approaches]
- [Joan] What would that be?
[Car horn honks]
[Joan] Hmm. Interesting.
Who's that?
That's Miranda McNeil.
She'll arrange for your safety
once she gets your statement.
No one said anything about
giving a formal statement.
It's okay.
I'll talk to her.
[Joan] Rainbow Tango Pisces.
What on earth could it mean?
[Sophie] Do you have anything
to drink? I'm parched.
Yeah, of course. Just help
yourself. It's in the fridge.
[Oil sizzles]
A word before
you talk to Sophie?
[Miranda] Uh-huh.
Go softly.
She's got a healthy
mistrust of cops.
Yeah, well, it's kept her alive
till now.
Good. Thanks for the tip.
I think I know
how to treat a suspect.
- Witness.
- Obstructive witness.
Look, you go in boots and all,
she'll be spooked.
The last time I checked,
you were retired, weren't you?
So, relax.
Oh, and by the way,
why is it that you knew
how to contact Sophie,
but you never told me
anything about it?
- Played a hunch.
- [Scoffs]
[clears throat and sniffles]
Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I just skipped breakfast.
Must be hard always being
piggy in the middle.
- You don't know the half of it.
- [Chuckles]
Okay, so where is she?
Oh. Sophie?
Oh, she's gone!
You've got to be kidding me.
- Oh! Oh, sh
- [Liz] Sophie!
- I'm issuing an arrest warrant.
- [Liz] Sophie!
[Jack] Miranda,
don't be ridiculous.
She hasn't killed anyone.
She's a material witness
to a murder
and she's being
more than uncooperative.
No, no, no. No more hunches.
You find out a way
to contact Sophie
or she gets in touch
with you, you call me.
- All right?
- [Liz] Sophie!
[Liz and Joan] Sophie!
Did you tell Mum about
the number plate?
She's only gonna be more
pissed off when she finds out.
Well, at least
we know it's a cop car.
First three letters
tell us that.
- [Liz] Yes.
- So Bill was run over by a cop?
Looks like that.
Um, I'm going to go and run
the rego back at Regional.
- You don't wanna eat first?
- No.
Well, you ought
to eat something.
- I'm not hungry.
- [Jack] Be careful.
Yeah, I know.
[Jack] No, I'm serious.
And don't tell anyone
about the gun.
Oh, well, I won't be
advertising it.
[Joan chuckles]
Likely whoever knows about it
is our killer.
[Birds squawk]
Did you notice anything
different about Liz?
Like what?
Well, she seemed
a bit under the weather.
Is everything all right
on the home front?
What do you mean?
Is she in a relationship?
Yeah, with the accountant.
[Joan] The accountant?
Angel Peak is a town
just north of here.
[Diesel whines]
[Uneasy music]
[Joan] Is that where
you think Sophie's headed?
[Diesel barks and whines]
[Camera clicks]
[Joan] That's all the fish,
Diesel. Hmm.
Good boy. Good boy.
Yeah. Come on.
[Intriguing music]
[Joan] Does the accountant
have a name?
Uh, Leon or Erik.
Not good at remembering names
until it gets serious.
How long has Liz been
going out with him?
Five years.
Five years?
- Oh!
- [Car horn beeps]
Gordon Bennett!
Get a move on!
You drive like my nan!
- [Engine revs]
- [Diesel barks]
- Bloody idiots.
- Oh!
[Diesel barks]
Who are you expecting?
Well, it's about
the umpteenth time
that you've checked behind us.
Oh, no!
[Indicator ticks]
Poor thing.
Still warm.
Been hit recently.
Not much we can do for it now.
Yeah, but you've
always got to check
for a little fella.
[Joan] Oh, no.
Oh! Look at that little face.
- I'll get a blanket.
- We can't take it in the van.
Well, what are you suggesting?
I'll be right back.
[Motor home door opens]
Come on. Come on.
That's it, boy. That's it, boy.
That's it, boy.
Good fella. Come on.
- There's a fella.
- Ohh.
He's adorable!
I've never seen one
this close before.
Does it bite?
Well, the best you'll get
is a little kick.
[Joan] I think he likes you.
What now?
Well, it's Thursday today.
I've got an idea.
And I'll be driving!
Come on.
[Motor home door shuts]
- Joan! What a surprise.
- [Joan laughs]
- G'day, Jack.
- [Jack] Doc.
I remembered that you were
working up this way,
and we've got
a little emergency.
Well, you do know
I treat humans?
[Joan laughs]
Can you call Didi Johnston?
She's the local wildlife expert.
- [Joan] Perfect.
- [Chris] Yeah, come through.
I won't be long.
[Phone dials]
[Man] Yes, this is
Regional Command.
- [Phone rings]
- What's your emergency?
Have you heard from Jack?
I've been trying to contact him.
[Liz] Um, I left
not long after you.
He sent me a photo.
[Liz] Yeah, I got it too.
BJ Quinn.
I knew him when he was a cop.
- And now?
- I thought he was dead.
Could he be
He didn't leave
the police force voluntarily.
I know how protective you are
of Jack.
- Dad?
- Yes, Dad.
But I can't help him
if you keep me in the dark.
So leave this with me,
and let me know
when you hear from him.
- [Breathes deeply]
- [Phone chimes]
[Jack] "BJ Quinn. Ex-cop.
Watch out."
[Joan] You saved the day again.
What do I owe you?
- [Chris] Ah, dinner?
- Ohh!
But you don't have to do
a thing. I'll cook.
There's the cute little guy.
[Chris] Thanks for coming, Didi.
Because you guys rescued him,
you get to name him.
- Oh!
- What about Joey the joey?
[Joan] Oh, no, we can do
better than that.
Kevin or Sonny!
Eduardo. Eddy.
I just remembered
the accountant's name.
- Oh! Little Eddy.
- [Chuckles]
- Eduardo it is.
- [Jack] Hm!
[Jack] All right.
See you later, Doc.
- Okay. See you.
- Thank you, Didi. Let's go.
- Bye, little Eddy. [Laughs]
- [Chris chuckles]
Oh, Chris.
Do these three words
mean anything to you?
"Rainbow Tango Pisces."
- Sorry.
- Oh.
You should try the app.
[Both] What app?
[Didi] I'll send it to you.
Every location in the world
can be figured out
with just three words.
- [Chris] Don't forget dinner.
- Okay. Bye.
It's Barton Lookout.
Just past Angel Peak.
[Easygoing vocal music]
[Joan] So now that you've
remembered his name,
can you tell me more
about Eduardo?
[Jack] He's a good-looking joey.
- [Jack laughs]
- [Laughs] Oh!
[Joan] You are silly.
Look! That's them. There. Stop,
stop, stop. You have to stop!
[Diesel whines]
Wait up. What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go and speak to them.
They need to know what they did.
If they hit a roo,
I reckon they got a fair idea.
Well, they can't just
get away with it.
Hold up.
I'll go and talk to them.
[Diesel whines]
[Man] Oi, what did I tell you
about kicking the ball front-on?
You're gonna stub your toe,
you maniac!
- Yeah!
- [Man laughs]
- Kick it over here! Oi!
- Yeah, yeah!
- [Man 2] Hey, who's that guy?
- [Man] Oi! Hey! You right?
You hit a kangaroo
back there, mate.
So what if I did?
Hey, I don't wanna fight.
Like, it happens sometimes.
A roo pops up in the middle
of the road, you know.
But you need to stop and just
check it doesn't have a joey
like the one you hit did.
My advice?
Just slow down
and avoid it happening again.
[High-pitched voice] Me-me-me!
"My advice." [Chortles]
[Men laugh]
Thanks for the tip, old man.
[Uneasy music]
[Man laughs]
- [Man] Go for it!
- [Ball thuds]
[Man] Yes! Ha ha!
We've still got those mullet
heads from this morning?
Yeah, they're in the freezer
thing at the top of the fridge.
[Jack] Beauty.
But Jack,
we can't go fishing now.
I'll be right back.
- What are you doing?
- [Door shuts]
[Man] Oi, oi!
Yeah, give it over here, hey?
[Men laugh]
[Man] Oh, my God!
[Men continue talking
and laughing]
Drive careful.
Unbelievable, man.
- Let's get out of here.
- What's with him?
- [Door closes]
- What did you do?
Stuffed the fish heads
down by the radiator.
When they melt, the stink will
go right through their car.
[Joan chuckles]
- Well done.
- [Engine starts]
[Intriguing music]
[Joan] The lookout's
another 15k north.
I suggest we divide and conquer.
I've got to nip in and get
some stuff from the store.
I'll check in with a ranger
in case we need access
to the lookout.
- [Diesel whines]
- You beauty.
Meet you back here.
Okay. Come on, Diesel.
That's it.
[Joan] Be back in a minute.
[Uneasy music]
- [Heavy breathing]
- [Diesel whines]
[Man] That's correct, sir.
You'll be set a date
[Man continues indistinctly]
[Constable] Here you go, boss.
[Constables chatter
[Liz] Sir.
I have credible information
that Jack didn't shoot Richie,
that Bill Carlton was involved.
And the witness,
Sophie Bairnsdale?
We're still locating her.
[Muffled voice] What I'm about
to say remains in this office.
Now, I'm aware that Bill Carlton
was less than above board
and I've been conducting
an internal investigation
into his activities
before uh, the accident.
I don't think
it was an accident, sir.
I have dashcam video
that clearly shows
he was deliberately mowed over.
Any idea who else is involved?
[Liz] Some.
I just need to check on
a couple of things first.
Well, let's keep it tight.
Just between you and me.
No need to alert anyone.
And Mum? Oh, Detective McNeil?
The fewer people who know,
the better.
[Mysterious music]
Diesel? Diesel?
Oh, where are you?
[Alarm beeps twice]
- [Diesel barks]
- Looking for someone?
Oh, Diesel!
Oh, you gave me
such a fright. Yeah.
Oh, thank thank you so much.
Where did you find him?
[Groans] Okay, Joan.
- What?
- Let's go.
Go? Go where?
You're taking me to see Sophie.
Oh, I don't
I don't know where Sophie is.
Sure you do.
[Tense music]
Don't be silly, Joan.
We're all friends here.
Aren't we, boy, eh? Eh?
- You like me, don't you, hey?
- [Diesel growls]
- Come on, Joan.
- [Diesel growls and barks]
You don't know
who you're messing with.
[Diesel pants]
- [Diesel whines]
- [Engine starts]
[Pensive music]
- [Phones ring in distance]
- [Constables chatter]
[Liz] TGS8.
[Phone rings and buzzes]
Um, Dad?
Where are you?
Just outside Angel Peak.
I need you to check
the old evidence boxes.
What for?
The gun that killed my partner.
[Dramatic music]
You think
that's Bill's insurance?
Makes sense.
But if he thought
that protected him,
then that means
Someone else was
definitely there
with Bill that night.
Did you get my message
about Quinn?
The ex-cop? Yeah.
Okay, well,
you need to be careful
because Mum said he's bad news.
You too.
[Ends call]
[Computer bleeps]
[Dramatic music builds]
Oh, shit.
[Mick] Any idea who else
is involved?
[Groans softly]
- [Phones ring]
- [Staff chatter]
[Tense music]
[Birds call in distance]
[Line rings]
Come on, Joan. Answer.
[Joan on voicemail] This is
Joan. Please leave a message.
- Miranda?
- [Miranda] Where are you?
I'm at Angel Peak.
How soon can you get here?
I think I know where Sophie is.
I'm on my way.
Excuse me.
Hi. I need to see the access
logs on this case file.
Do you have authority?
You can give Detective
Inspector Riley a call.
Bill Carlton.
[Mouse clicks]
[Liz] Mum!
[Dramatic music]
Um, thanks.
I could just keep driving,
but I've already told you
I don't know where Sophie is.
She took off and didn't say
where she was going.
Heads-up, Joan.
You're not a good liar.
[Phone clicks]
[Jack on recording] Angel Peak
is a town just north of here.
[Joan on recording] Is that
where you think Sophie is headed?
People don't realize
how easy it is
to press record on a phone.
And when did you record that?
Back at the campsite.
You didn't notice me, did you?
That's what happens.
People don't see you
when you blend in.
Well, that doesn't explain
your bad fashion sense.
No one wears white shoes
unless they're on a tennis court
or in a hospital ward.
Thanks for the tip.
I'll remember that
for next time.
[Diesel pants and whines]
[Tense music]
[Jack on voicemail] This is Jack.
You know what to do.
- [Beep!]
- Dad.
Call me back
as soon as you get this.
I have information on the gun.
You were right,
but you're not gonna like it.
[Suspenseful music]
[Diesel whines]
[Tires screech]
Huh, hey. Where where are
you going? What are we doing?
Oh, I thought
this was the turn-off.
[Joan sighs]
What are you playing at?
I'm not playing at anything,
honestly. I
I'll just turn around here
at the bottom.
Well, come on.
What are you waiting for?
Oh, there's just
not enough room.
- Oh!
- Stop playing cute.
I'm not!
All right. Uh
[Gears crunch]
I know. I'll just try this out.
[Engine revs]
- [Tires screech]
- BJ: Whoa!
- Oh, sorry. Oops. Oops.
- [Crunch!]
- Whoa!
- I am pissed.
I just find it really hard
to do these
these three-point turns.
- I just Oh!
- [Tires screech]
Right, let's swap. Get out.
I'm driving.
[Joan] Are you sure?
Surely I
Oh. Sorry!
[Joan] All right! [Grunts]
- [BJ] What are you doing?! Joan!
- [Tires screech]
[BJ pants]
- Come back!
- [Diesel barks]
[BJ grunts]
- Joan!
- [Diesel barks]
[Tires screech]
[Diesel barks]
- [Diesel barks]
- Don't be stupid!
- Sorry.
- Unlock it! Unlock it!
- Joan! Um Joan!
- [Tires screech]
- [BJ] Come back!
- Ohh!
[Joan] Whoo-hoo!
[Laughs gleefully]
[Diesel barks]
[Sighs] That showed him,
didn't it?
What a team!
[Engine roars]
[Engine stops]
Okay, where's Sophie?
She'll be safe. I guarantee it.
You'll have to do better
than that.
I've personally organized
for witness protection.
- And where's Joan?
- Not here.
But Quinn's been tracking us.
Well, then we have
to get going. Get in.
I drive.
My car.
My witness.
See, this is why I divorced you.
- So bloody stubborn.
- [Keys clink]
[Phone rings]
[Jack] Liz, what have you got?
[Liz's voice crackles]
Mum logged out the car.
I can't hear you.
Mum logged out the car.
Say that again?
The gun in evidence is missing.
Miranda checked out the gun
that killed Bill.
[Static crackles]
Did you run Bill down?
What?! Don't be ridiculous.
Did Liz tell you that?
You logged out the car
that hit him.
Well, okay.
I had to make it look that way.
Can we please get going?
I'll explain on the way.
- [Miranda rattles door handle]
- [Engine starts]
- [Engine roars]
- Oh! Pfft!
[Tense music]
[Line rings]
[Jack on voicemail] This is Jack.
You know what to do.
[Joan] Jack, I'm here
at Rainbow Tango Pisces.
[Diesel pants]
[Joan sighs]
[Joan] Stay.
[Diesel pants]
[Diesel whines]
[Joan] Hello?
Anybody here?
[Uneasy music]
Sophie? Are you here?
It's Joan.
[Joan] Oh.
- Is it just you?
- Just me.
So why did you run off
like that?
Bill warned me against Miranda.
Said she wanted him gone.
Miranda McNeil?
Well, are you sure?
When Bill first found me,
he showed me a photo of her,
said she was bad news.
If I saw her,
I should contact him.
[Joan sighs]
[Sophie] Before Kayla was born,
this was our romantic getaway.
Thought it might be
where he stashed the gun.
Have you found it?
I only just got here
ahead of you.
Well, where shall we look first?
[Joan sighs]
[Joan] My late husband used to
keep his valuables in a safe,
hidden behind a picture.
- [Joan grunts]
- [Sophie rummages nearby]
[Objects clatter]
His was of her framed original
album cover of the Beatles.
And I always used to say to him,
"Oh, if I was a burglar, that
would be the first thing I'd"
[Safe cover thuds]
Now all we need is the number.
I didn't even know
there was a safe.
[Clicks fingers] The number's
on that postcard you gave me.
The date my brother was killed.
- 24
- 24
- 03
- [Keypad beeps]
Here goes nothing.
[Lock clunks and bleeps]
[Sophie exhales]
[Intriguing music]
[Joan sighs]
[Dramatic music]
[Vehicle approaches]
Quick. Someone's coming.
Hide in the laundry.
- [Car door shuts]
- [Sophie] What about you?
[Joan] No one's looking for me.
[Chair scrapes floor]
[Footsteps approach]
[Joan on voicemail] This is Joan.
Please leave a message.
[Jack] Joan, where are you?
Call me as soon as you can.
Hang in there, Joan.
[Suspenseful music]
[Knock at door]
You must be Joan?
[Sighs] You put me
at a disadvantage.
Detective Inspector Mick Riley.
Can I come in?
I understand
why you're suspicious.
But Liz will confirm
you can trust me.
Come in.
Thank you.
Well, we have some good news.
We've arranged for Sophie
to go into witness protection.
She's not here.
Where is she?
Uh, safe.
And Jack?
He's on his way.
This gives me
no pleasure to say.
There has been a a bad element
in my command.
And Liz has been very brave
in bringing it to my attention.
Especially as it
involves her mother.
So then it's true about Miranda.
[Mick] I'm afraid so.
Did you find the gun?
Yes, we did.
It's right here,
Detective Inspector.
Oh, I'd feel more comfortable
handing it to Jack.
Well, he's not here and it has
been stolen from evidence.
And unless you have
a firearm license, Joan,
you're technically
in breach of the law.
[Rapid footsteps approach]
[Joan] Oh, Jack!
Uh you know Detective
Inspector Riley, don't you?
- Darby.
- [Jack] G'day, Mick.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
[Kettle whistles]
[Mick] I've been conducting
an internal investigation
into your shooting.
And, yes, uh, Bill Carlton
was very much part of it.
Thanks for keeping me
in the dark.
Oh, I'm telling you now,
aren't I?
He wasn't operating alone.
Uh, must be hard to swallow -
your, uh, ex-wife
setting you up.
- She denies it.
- Naturally.
But now we have the gun
and we'll clear your name.
But the bad guys away.
Who told you about the gun?
Liz told me.
No, she didn't.
She did.
[Joan gasps]
It was you, wasn't it?
[Claps slowly and chuckles] Hmm.
[Dramatic music]
[Gun cocks]
Well done, Jack.
What a pity you just
didn't stay in retirement.
What are you gonna do now?
Can't kill the pair of us.
Never get away with that.
I was thinking murder-suicide.
"Jack Darby goes nuts.
"Shoots his current squeeze."
Sorry, Joan.
Shag? Is that better?
"And then shoots the witness."
Get out of here!
[Tense music]
- [Jack grunts]
- Argh!
- [Joan] Watch out, Jack!
- [Mick groans]
- Quick! Run! Find Sophie!
- Yeah!
[Joan] Ahh!
Hi, Joan.
- [Joan grunts]
- [BJ groans]
- [BJ grunts]
- [Joan screams]
- [BJ] Get back here!
- [Joan] Sophie!
[BJ groans in pain]
[Sighs and grunts]
[Mick] You!
You cut them off at the road.
- You find them, shoot!
- [BJ] Yeah.
[Joan pants]
[Joan whimpers]
- [Gunshot]
- [Birds screech]
[Joan] Oh! Ohh!
- [Pants and gasps]
- [Gunshots]
[Joan] Ah!
- Joan!
- Ahh!
- Are you ready?
- Mmm!
- Let's go. Come on.
- [Joan whimpers]
[Jack and Joan pant]
[Sophie] Help! Stop! Stop!
[BJ] Stop where you are!
- Stop! Stop!
- [Tires screech]
[BJ] Stop or I'll shoot! [Pants]
Sophie! Duck!
It's over, Quinn.
We know who you are.
Drop it!
- [Gunshot]
- Ooh!
Drop your weapon!
Put it on the ground!
Back up.
[Jack and Joan pant]
[Joan pants]
[Jack pants]
- [Jack] Keep going, Joan.
- [Joan pants]
[Jack] Don't stop.
[Joan] It's a dead-end.
We have to go back.
[Jack] Bloody hell.
[Joan] Ohhh.
[Rapid footsteps approach]
[Tense music]
[Joan breathes heavily]
[Mick chuckles]
How are you gonna call this
a murder-suicide?
Sophie's still out there.
You didn't hear that shot?
Just taking care of loose ends.
I should have made certain
the first time.
[Taut music]
It was you that night, not Bill.
- [Jack groans]
- [Pia] Jack!
[Mick] Bill took out Richie.
- And my partner?
- Collateral damage.
[Jack] She was 30.
She had the rest of her life
in front of her.
[Mick] It was your fault, Jack.
You should never have
brought her with you.
How are you gonna shoot me
face-to-face, hey?
Hey? It's a lot harder than
when you're hiding in the dark.
- [Mick] That's close enough.
- [Joan] Wait!
[Phone clicks]
Listen to this.
[Jack] What are you
gonna do now?
You can't kill the pair of us.
You'll never get away with that.
[Mick] I was thinking
"Jack Darby goes nuts,
shoots his current squeeze."
It's amazing
what people will say
when they don't know
they're being recorded.
It's over, Riley.
[Breathes heavily]
I'll take my chances.
- [Gun cocks]
- Wait! Take this!
[Jack] And I'll take that!
What are you gonna do now?
Shoot me?
- You don't have it in you.
- Go on.
Try me.
[Tense music]
[Sirens wail in distance]
[Joan breathes heavily]
You're not worth a bullet.
[Sirens wail]
[Easygoing rock music]
[Police radio chatter]
[Easygoing rock music continues]
[Jack] Here's the gun.
Well done.
[Jack] Thanks, mate.
[Sophie] I'm gonna stay
with Mum for a while.
Oh, Anna will be so happy.
Well, I have both of you
to thank for that.
Oh. [Chuckles]
You won't need anymore to be
looking over your shoulder.
Hmm. It's gonna take some
getting used to. [Chuckles]
- Thanks, Jack. I trust you.
- Take care.
Sophie, come this way.
I'll get you a ride.
[Phone rings]
[Miranda on phone] How
could you think for one second
I was responsible
for setting you up?
[Jack] You shouldn't have been
so damn convincing, then.
- Where are you?
- Back at Command.
Cleaning up Riley's mess.
Well done, by the way.
- That's not praise, is it?
- Annoyingly, yes.
[Jack laughs]
[Miranda] But that doesn't mean
you're off the hook.
[Liz] You okay, Joan?
Yes, I'm okay.
I bet you didn't expect
to sign up for this
when you offered to help Dad.
Well, he's helped me a lot too.
- Look, uh, have one of these.
- Hmm.
They're the only thing
that would settle my stomach
when I was pregnant.
Oh, God. How did you know?
It's not hard to see the signs
when you're looking.
Oh, it's like having
a superpower, isn't it,
being a nurse?
[Joan chuckles]
When are you gonna tell them?
[Liz sighs]
Oh, I've been trying to find
the right time, but with them
Now could be a good time.
Thanks, Joan.
[Liz groans]
[Diesel yawns]
Trust works both ways, Miranda.
Dad, I just I need to
tell Mum and you something.
Oh, Liz wants you.
[Phone clicks]
Um, Mum, Dad,
there's something
that I need to tell you,
and I don't need you
to freak out.
[Miranda] You're not joining
the Feds, are you?
What? No.
Um look.
Okay, I'm just gonna say it.
I'm pregnant.
Oh, darling.
- I'm gonna be a grandfather?
- Yeah.
[Miranda laughs]
This is wonderful!
- That's great.
- [Diesel barks]
Hey, Grandma,
what do you think of that?
- [Miranda laughs]
- Talk to your, Mum.
[Jack laughs]
[Gentle music]
That was some day. [Sighs]
Jack Darby finally vindicated.
Might take a while to sink in.
You made my day.
Couldn't have done it
without you.
Oh, I think you could have.
Just wouldn't have been
as much fun.
[Joan sighs]
[Diesel barks]
[Joan] No regrets, then?
[Jack] None that I can think of.
[Joan] So, what now?
[Uplifting music]
[Chris] Oh! Smell that.
[Joan] I wish I'd met you
when I was a trainee nurse.
Imagine, a young doctor that can
cook and speaks five languages.
- Mmm!
- Three, actually.
Hmm. That would have been
very good husband material.
[Chris chuckles]
[Horn honks]
[Diesel pants]
Sorry. Gotta go.
- Till next time.
- Yeah. Sure.
What's another favorite dish?
Risotto ai funghi.
- Okay.
- [Horn honks]
You have to give me some time
to learn how to make it.
- Better be good!
- It will be.
- [Horn honks]
- [Joan chuckles]
- [Sighs]
- What?
It was a bit obvious, wasn't it?
A bloke could die
waiting on you two.
What's the big hurry?
Liz has asked me
to help her on a cold case.
Ah, that's great.
Really good.
Wanna partner?
Are you asking me
to be your partner?
You betcha!
[Jack laughs]
Let's go, then.
[Joan] Rightio, then.
Fill me in.
About 15 years ago,
a light plane went missing.
Suspected of crashing in
a remote Queensland rainforest.
Pilot and wife presumed dead.
Their bodies were never found?
After a few months,
the search was called off.
But Liz thinks
there's more to it.
Right before the final flight,
the parents sent a message
to their son.
"Don't believe it."
Okay. So, where to first?
[Uplifting vocal music]
[Relaxed music]
Something happened that made you
leave the force, didn't it?
You killed my son!
That's what they
wanted you to think!
If I'm mixed up in this,
which I am now,
don't you think
I deserve the whole story?
Sophie arranged a meeting
between Richie and me
that night.
They fitted you up?
You don't need to know
about that crap, Lizzie.
Well, when you're ready
to clear our name,
you let me know.
Listen, when you find Sophie,
call me.
Why would I do that?
To protect our daughter.
So you think you have proof
there was another shooter?
Well, from where the casings
landed, had to be.
And you think it's Bill?
Or else whoever
he's in bed with.
[Miranda speaks indistinctly]
What is Jack to you?
He's a special friend.
[Laughs] You sure?
I don't think he knows that.
So what's he like,
your, uh, Dr. Chris?
[Joan] Oh, he's lovely.
And he's a perfect gentleman.
Sorry to bother you, but there's
no one on the front desk.
Do you see two men in the pool?
If anyone's gonna jump
in the sack, it's me.
I think we should let
the lady decide, don't you?
I heard you talking
to Jack and Chris at the pool.
Work out what you're doing,
won't you?
Yeah, I will.
Looks like
someone's cleaning up.
And that means we might be next.
Anna, if Sophie can help
identify the shooter,
then this is all over.
Sophie can come home.
And why exactly
should I trust you?
[Gentle music]
- [Gunshot]
- [Birds shriek]
[Birds shriek]
- [Gunshot]
- [Joan shouts and pants]
[Joan whimpers]
No! [Gasps]
[Gunshots in the distance]
[Pants and gasps]
- [Screams] Whoa!
- Joan!
[Theme music]
[Woman sings operatically]
[Woman vocalizes]
[Birds honk and squawk]
[Easygoing music]
[Car horn honks]
[Diesel barks]
[Jack] How you going?
What do you think?
[Water sloshes]
[Liz] Ah, well done, Dad.
- So how'd you find her?
- [Jack] She found me.
I wasn't fighting with Bill
in the video.
He wanted Kayla and me
to go away with him.
He said he could protect us,
but I was scared.
[Sophie] I thought
if I went with him,
I'd make myself a target
and put Kayla at risk.
- [Bill] Kayla!
- [Car engine revs]
- [Car tires screech]
- [Bill] Ow!
It was awful.
I didn't want Bill dead.
We were close
Did you see who hit him?
Got a partial number plate.
[Liz] So why was Bill Carlton
suddenly trying to help you?
[Joan] You said you and Bill
were once close.
Was Bill Kayla's father?
[Intriguing music]
You said Bill convinced you
you could be safe.
He said he had insurance.
[Suspenseful music]
What kind of insurance?
[Bill] I've got
the one piece of evidence
that will keep us safe.
[Jack] So where's the gun now?
I don't know.
Bill gave me this.
[Jack] "Rainbow Tango Pisces
- [Vehicle approaches]
- [Joan] What would that be?
[Car horn honks]
[Joan] Hmm. Interesting.
Who's that?
That's Miranda McNeil.
She'll arrange for your safety
once she gets your statement.
No one said anything about
giving a formal statement.
It's okay.
I'll talk to her.
[Joan] Rainbow Tango Pisces.
What on earth could it mean?
[Sophie] Do you have anything
to drink? I'm parched.
Yeah, of course. Just help
yourself. It's in the fridge.
[Oil sizzles]
A word before
you talk to Sophie?
[Miranda] Uh-huh.
Go softly.
She's got a healthy
mistrust of cops.
Yeah, well, it's kept her alive
till now.
Good. Thanks for the tip.
I think I know
how to treat a suspect.
- Witness.
- Obstructive witness.
Look, you go in boots and all,
she'll be spooked.
The last time I checked,
you were retired, weren't you?
So, relax.
Oh, and by the way,
why is it that you knew
how to contact Sophie,
but you never told me
anything about it?
- Played a hunch.
- [Scoffs]
[clears throat and sniffles]
Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I just skipped breakfast.
Must be hard always being
piggy in the middle.
- You don't know the half of it.
- [Chuckles]
Okay, so where is she?
Oh. Sophie?
Oh, she's gone!
You've got to be kidding me.
- Oh! Oh, sh
- [Liz] Sophie!
- I'm issuing an arrest warrant.
- [Liz] Sophie!
[Jack] Miranda,
don't be ridiculous.
She hasn't killed anyone.
She's a material witness
to a murder
and she's being
more than uncooperative.
No, no, no. No more hunches.
You find out a way
to contact Sophie
or she gets in touch
with you, you call me.
- All right?
- [Liz] Sophie!
[Liz and Joan] Sophie!
Did you tell Mum about
the number plate?
She's only gonna be more
pissed off when she finds out.
Well, at least
we know it's a cop car.
First three letters
tell us that.
- [Liz] Yes.
- So Bill was run over by a cop?
Looks like that.
Um, I'm going to go and run
the rego back at Regional.
- You don't wanna eat first?
- No.
Well, you ought
to eat something.
- I'm not hungry.
- [Jack] Be careful.
Yeah, I know.
[Jack] No, I'm serious.
And don't tell anyone
about the gun.
Oh, well, I won't be
advertising it.
[Joan chuckles]
Likely whoever knows about it
is our killer.
[Birds squawk]
Did you notice anything
different about Liz?
Like what?
Well, she seemed
a bit under the weather.
Is everything all right
on the home front?
What do you mean?
Is she in a relationship?
Yeah, with the accountant.
[Joan] The accountant?
Angel Peak is a town
just north of here.
[Diesel whines]
[Uneasy music]
[Joan] Is that where
you think Sophie's headed?
[Diesel barks and whines]
[Camera clicks]
[Joan] That's all the fish,
Diesel. Hmm.
Good boy. Good boy.
Yeah. Come on.
[Intriguing music]
[Joan] Does the accountant
have a name?
Uh, Leon or Erik.
Not good at remembering names
until it gets serious.
How long has Liz been
going out with him?
Five years.
Five years?
- Oh!
- [Car horn beeps]
Gordon Bennett!
Get a move on!
You drive like my nan!
- [Engine revs]
- [Diesel barks]
- Bloody idiots.
- Oh!
[Diesel barks]
Who are you expecting?
Well, it's about
the umpteenth time
that you've checked behind us.
Oh, no!
[Indicator ticks]
Poor thing.
Still warm.
Been hit recently.
Not much we can do for it now.
Yeah, but you've
always got to check
for a little fella.
[Joan] Oh, no.
Oh! Look at that little face.
- I'll get a blanket.
- We can't take it in the van.
Well, what are you suggesting?
I'll be right back.
[Motor home door opens]
Come on. Come on.
That's it, boy. That's it, boy.
That's it, boy.
Good fella. Come on.
- There's a fella.
- Ohh.
He's adorable!
I've never seen one
this close before.
Does it bite?
Well, the best you'll get
is a little kick.
[Joan] I think he likes you.
What now?
Well, it's Thursday today.
I've got an idea.
And I'll be driving!
Come on.
[Motor home door shuts]
- Joan! What a surprise.
- [Joan laughs]
- G'day, Jack.
- [Jack] Doc.
I remembered that you were
working up this way,
and we've got
a little emergency.
Well, you do know
I treat humans?
[Joan laughs]
Can you call Didi Johnston?
She's the local wildlife expert.
- [Joan] Perfect.
- [Chris] Yeah, come through.
I won't be long.
[Phone dials]
[Man] Yes, this is
Regional Command.
- [Phone rings]
- What's your emergency?
Have you heard from Jack?
I've been trying to contact him.
[Liz] Um, I left
not long after you.
He sent me a photo.
[Liz] Yeah, I got it too.
BJ Quinn.
I knew him when he was a cop.
- And now?
- I thought he was dead.
Could he be
He didn't leave
the police force voluntarily.
I know how protective you are
of Jack.
- Dad?
- Yes, Dad.
But I can't help him
if you keep me in the dark.
So leave this with me,
and let me know
when you hear from him.
- [Breathes deeply]
- [Phone chimes]
[Jack] "BJ Quinn. Ex-cop.
Watch out."
[Joan] You saved the day again.
What do I owe you?
- [Chris] Ah, dinner?
- Ohh!
But you don't have to do
a thing. I'll cook.
There's the cute little guy.
[Chris] Thanks for coming, Didi.
Because you guys rescued him,
you get to name him.
- Oh!
- What about Joey the joey?
[Joan] Oh, no, we can do
better than that.
Kevin or Sonny!
Eduardo. Eddy.
I just remembered
the accountant's name.
- Oh! Little Eddy.
- [Chuckles]
- Eduardo it is.
- [Jack] Hm!
[Jack] All right.
See you later, Doc.
- Okay. See you.
- Thank you, Didi. Let's go.
- Bye, little Eddy. [Laughs]
- [Chris chuckles]
Oh, Chris.
Do these three words
mean anything to you?
"Rainbow Tango Pisces."
- Sorry.
- Oh.
You should try the app.
[Both] What app?
[Didi] I'll send it to you.
Every location in the world
can be figured out
with just three words.
- [Chris] Don't forget dinner.
- Okay. Bye.
It's Barton Lookout.
Just past Angel Peak.
[Easygoing vocal music]
[Joan] So now that you've
remembered his name,
can you tell me more
about Eduardo?
[Jack] He's a good-looking joey.
- [Jack laughs]
- [Laughs] Oh!
[Joan] You are silly.
Look! That's them. There. Stop,
stop, stop. You have to stop!
[Diesel whines]
Wait up. What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go and speak to them.
They need to know what they did.
If they hit a roo,
I reckon they got a fair idea.
Well, they can't just
get away with it.
Hold up.
I'll go and talk to them.
[Diesel whines]
[Man] Oi, what did I tell you
about kicking the ball front-on?
You're gonna stub your toe,
you maniac!
- Yeah!
- [Man laughs]
- Kick it over here! Oi!
- Yeah, yeah!
- [Man 2] Hey, who's that guy?
- [Man] Oi! Hey! You right?
You hit a kangaroo
back there, mate.
So what if I did?
Hey, I don't wanna fight.
Like, it happens sometimes.
A roo pops up in the middle
of the road, you know.
But you need to stop and just
check it doesn't have a joey
like the one you hit did.
My advice?
Just slow down
and avoid it happening again.
[High-pitched voice] Me-me-me!
"My advice." [Chortles]
[Men laugh]
Thanks for the tip, old man.
[Uneasy music]
[Man laughs]
- [Man] Go for it!
- [Ball thuds]
[Man] Yes! Ha ha!
We've still got those mullet
heads from this morning?
Yeah, they're in the freezer
thing at the top of the fridge.
[Jack] Beauty.
But Jack,
we can't go fishing now.
I'll be right back.
- What are you doing?
- [Door shuts]
[Man] Oi, oi!
Yeah, give it over here, hey?
[Men laugh]
[Man] Oh, my God!
[Men continue talking
and laughing]
Drive careful.
Unbelievable, man.
- Let's get out of here.
- What's with him?
- [Door closes]
- What did you do?
Stuffed the fish heads
down by the radiator.
When they melt, the stink will
go right through their car.
[Joan chuckles]
- Well done.
- [Engine starts]
[Intriguing music]
[Joan] The lookout's
another 15k north.
I suggest we divide and conquer.
I've got to nip in and get
some stuff from the store.
I'll check in with a ranger
in case we need access
to the lookout.
- [Diesel whines]
- You beauty.
Meet you back here.
Okay. Come on, Diesel.
That's it.
[Joan] Be back in a minute.
[Uneasy music]
- [Heavy breathing]
- [Diesel whines]
[Man] That's correct, sir.
You'll be set a date
[Man continues indistinctly]
[Constable] Here you go, boss.
[Constables chatter
[Liz] Sir.
I have credible information
that Jack didn't shoot Richie,
that Bill Carlton was involved.
And the witness,
Sophie Bairnsdale?
We're still locating her.
[Muffled voice] What I'm about
to say remains in this office.
Now, I'm aware that Bill Carlton
was less than above board
and I've been conducting
an internal investigation
into his activities
before uh, the accident.
I don't think
it was an accident, sir.
I have dashcam video
that clearly shows
he was deliberately mowed over.
Any idea who else is involved?
[Liz] Some.
I just need to check on
a couple of things first.
Well, let's keep it tight.
Just between you and me.
No need to alert anyone.
And Mum? Oh, Detective McNeil?
The fewer people who know,
the better.
[Mysterious music]
Diesel? Diesel?
Oh, where are you?
[Alarm beeps twice]
- [Diesel barks]
- Looking for someone?
Oh, Diesel!
Oh, you gave me
such a fright. Yeah.
Oh, thank thank you so much.
Where did you find him?
[Groans] Okay, Joan.
- What?
- Let's go.
Go? Go where?
You're taking me to see Sophie.
Oh, I don't
I don't know where Sophie is.
Sure you do.
[Tense music]
Don't be silly, Joan.
We're all friends here.
Aren't we, boy, eh? Eh?
- You like me, don't you, hey?
- [Diesel growls]
- Come on, Joan.
- [Diesel growls and barks]
You don't know
who you're messing with.
[Diesel pants]
- [Diesel whines]
- [Engine starts]
[Pensive music]
- [Phones ring in distance]
- [Constables chatter]
[Liz] TGS8.
[Phone rings and buzzes]
Um, Dad?
Where are you?
Just outside Angel Peak.
I need you to check
the old evidence boxes.
What for?
The gun that killed my partner.
[Dramatic music]
You think
that's Bill's insurance?
Makes sense.
But if he thought
that protected him,
then that means
Someone else was
definitely there
with Bill that night.
Did you get my message
about Quinn?
The ex-cop? Yeah.
Okay, well,
you need to be careful
because Mum said he's bad news.
You too.
[Ends call]
[Computer bleeps]
[Dramatic music builds]
Oh, shit.
[Mick] Any idea who else
is involved?
[Groans softly]
- [Phones ring]
- [Staff chatter]
[Tense music]
[Birds call in distance]
[Line rings]
Come on, Joan. Answer.
[Joan on voicemail] This is
Joan. Please leave a message.
- Miranda?
- [Miranda] Where are you?
I'm at Angel Peak.
How soon can you get here?
I think I know where Sophie is.
I'm on my way.
Excuse me.
Hi. I need to see the access
logs on this case file.
Do you have authority?
You can give Detective
Inspector Riley a call.
Bill Carlton.
[Mouse clicks]
[Liz] Mum!
[Dramatic music]
Um, thanks.
I could just keep driving,
but I've already told you
I don't know where Sophie is.
She took off and didn't say
where she was going.
Heads-up, Joan.
You're not a good liar.
[Phone clicks]
[Jack on recording] Angel Peak
is a town just north of here.
[Joan on recording] Is that
where you think Sophie is headed?
People don't realize
how easy it is
to press record on a phone.
And when did you record that?
Back at the campsite.
You didn't notice me, did you?
That's what happens.
People don't see you
when you blend in.
Well, that doesn't explain
your bad fashion sense.
No one wears white shoes
unless they're on a tennis court
or in a hospital ward.
Thanks for the tip.
I'll remember that
for next time.
[Diesel pants and whines]
[Tense music]
[Jack on voicemail] This is Jack.
You know what to do.
- [Beep!]
- Dad.
Call me back
as soon as you get this.
I have information on the gun.
You were right,
but you're not gonna like it.
[Suspenseful music]
[Diesel whines]
[Tires screech]
Huh, hey. Where where are
you going? What are we doing?
Oh, I thought
this was the turn-off.
[Joan sighs]
What are you playing at?
I'm not playing at anything,
honestly. I
I'll just turn around here
at the bottom.
Well, come on.
What are you waiting for?
Oh, there's just
not enough room.
- Oh!
- Stop playing cute.
I'm not!
All right. Uh
[Gears crunch]
I know. I'll just try this out.
[Engine revs]
- [Tires screech]
- BJ: Whoa!
- Oh, sorry. Oops. Oops.
- [Crunch!]
- Whoa!
- I am pissed.
I just find it really hard
to do these
these three-point turns.
- I just Oh!
- [Tires screech]
Right, let's swap. Get out.
I'm driving.
[Joan] Are you sure?
Surely I
Oh. Sorry!
[Joan] All right! [Grunts]
- [BJ] What are you doing?! Joan!
- [Tires screech]
[BJ pants]
- Come back!
- [Diesel barks]
[BJ grunts]
- Joan!
- [Diesel barks]
[Tires screech]
[Diesel barks]
- [Diesel barks]
- Don't be stupid!
- Sorry.
- Unlock it! Unlock it!
- Joan! Um Joan!
- [Tires screech]
- [BJ] Come back!
- Ohh!
[Joan] Whoo-hoo!
[Laughs gleefully]
[Diesel barks]
[Sighs] That showed him,
didn't it?
What a team!
[Engine roars]
[Engine stops]
Okay, where's Sophie?
She'll be safe. I guarantee it.
You'll have to do better
than that.
I've personally organized
for witness protection.
- And where's Joan?
- Not here.
But Quinn's been tracking us.
Well, then we have
to get going. Get in.
I drive.
My car.
My witness.
See, this is why I divorced you.
- So bloody stubborn.
- [Keys clink]
[Phone rings]
[Jack] Liz, what have you got?
[Liz's voice crackles]
Mum logged out the car.
I can't hear you.
Mum logged out the car.
Say that again?
The gun in evidence is missing.
Miranda checked out the gun
that killed Bill.
[Static crackles]
Did you run Bill down?
What?! Don't be ridiculous.
Did Liz tell you that?
You logged out the car
that hit him.
Well, okay.
I had to make it look that way.
Can we please get going?
I'll explain on the way.
- [Miranda rattles door handle]
- [Engine starts]
- [Engine roars]
- Oh! Pfft!
[Tense music]
[Line rings]
[Jack on voicemail] This is Jack.
You know what to do.
[Joan] Jack, I'm here
at Rainbow Tango Pisces.
[Diesel pants]
[Joan sighs]
[Joan] Stay.
[Diesel pants]
[Diesel whines]
[Joan] Hello?
Anybody here?
[Uneasy music]
Sophie? Are you here?
It's Joan.
[Joan] Oh.
- Is it just you?
- Just me.
So why did you run off
like that?
Bill warned me against Miranda.
Said she wanted him gone.
Miranda McNeil?
Well, are you sure?
When Bill first found me,
he showed me a photo of her,
said she was bad news.
If I saw her,
I should contact him.
[Joan sighs]
[Sophie] Before Kayla was born,
this was our romantic getaway.
Thought it might be
where he stashed the gun.
Have you found it?
I only just got here
ahead of you.
Well, where shall we look first?
[Joan sighs]
[Joan] My late husband used to
keep his valuables in a safe,
hidden behind a picture.
- [Joan grunts]
- [Sophie rummages nearby]
[Objects clatter]
His was of her framed original
album cover of the Beatles.
And I always used to say to him,
"Oh, if I was a burglar, that
would be the first thing I'd"
[Safe cover thuds]
Now all we need is the number.
I didn't even know
there was a safe.
[Clicks fingers] The number's
on that postcard you gave me.
The date my brother was killed.
- 24
- 24
- 03
- [Keypad beeps]
Here goes nothing.
[Lock clunks and bleeps]
[Sophie exhales]
[Intriguing music]
[Joan sighs]
[Dramatic music]
[Vehicle approaches]
Quick. Someone's coming.
Hide in the laundry.
- [Car door shuts]
- [Sophie] What about you?
[Joan] No one's looking for me.
[Chair scrapes floor]
[Footsteps approach]
[Joan on voicemail] This is Joan.
Please leave a message.
[Jack] Joan, where are you?
Call me as soon as you can.
Hang in there, Joan.
[Suspenseful music]
[Knock at door]
You must be Joan?
[Sighs] You put me
at a disadvantage.
Detective Inspector Mick Riley.
Can I come in?
I understand
why you're suspicious.
But Liz will confirm
you can trust me.
Come in.
Thank you.
Well, we have some good news.
We've arranged for Sophie
to go into witness protection.
She's not here.
Where is she?
Uh, safe.
And Jack?
He's on his way.
This gives me
no pleasure to say.
There has been a a bad element
in my command.
And Liz has been very brave
in bringing it to my attention.
Especially as it
involves her mother.
So then it's true about Miranda.
[Mick] I'm afraid so.
Did you find the gun?
Yes, we did.
It's right here,
Detective Inspector.
Oh, I'd feel more comfortable
handing it to Jack.
Well, he's not here and it has
been stolen from evidence.
And unless you have
a firearm license, Joan,
you're technically
in breach of the law.
[Rapid footsteps approach]
[Joan] Oh, Jack!
Uh you know Detective
Inspector Riley, don't you?
- Darby.
- [Jack] G'day, Mick.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
[Kettle whistles]
[Mick] I've been conducting
an internal investigation
into your shooting.
And, yes, uh, Bill Carlton
was very much part of it.
Thanks for keeping me
in the dark.
Oh, I'm telling you now,
aren't I?
He wasn't operating alone.
Uh, must be hard to swallow -
your, uh, ex-wife
setting you up.
- She denies it.
- Naturally.
But now we have the gun
and we'll clear your name.
But the bad guys away.
Who told you about the gun?
Liz told me.
No, she didn't.
She did.
[Joan gasps]
It was you, wasn't it?
[Claps slowly and chuckles] Hmm.
[Dramatic music]
[Gun cocks]
Well done, Jack.
What a pity you just
didn't stay in retirement.
What are you gonna do now?
Can't kill the pair of us.
Never get away with that.
I was thinking murder-suicide.
"Jack Darby goes nuts.
"Shoots his current squeeze."
Sorry, Joan.
Shag? Is that better?
"And then shoots the witness."
Get out of here!
[Tense music]
- [Jack grunts]
- Argh!
- [Joan] Watch out, Jack!
- [Mick groans]
- Quick! Run! Find Sophie!
- Yeah!
[Joan] Ahh!
Hi, Joan.
- [Joan grunts]
- [BJ groans]
- [BJ grunts]
- [Joan screams]
- [BJ] Get back here!
- [Joan] Sophie!
[BJ groans in pain]
[Sighs and grunts]
[Mick] You!
You cut them off at the road.
- You find them, shoot!
- [BJ] Yeah.
[Joan pants]
[Joan whimpers]
- [Gunshot]
- [Birds screech]
[Joan] Oh! Ohh!
- [Pants and gasps]
- [Gunshots]
[Joan] Ah!
- Joan!
- Ahh!
- Are you ready?
- Mmm!
- Let's go. Come on.
- [Joan whimpers]
[Jack and Joan pant]
[Sophie] Help! Stop! Stop!
[BJ] Stop where you are!
- Stop! Stop!
- [Tires screech]
[BJ] Stop or I'll shoot! [Pants]
Sophie! Duck!
It's over, Quinn.
We know who you are.
Drop it!
- [Gunshot]
- Ooh!
Drop your weapon!
Put it on the ground!
Back up.
[Jack and Joan pant]
[Joan pants]
[Jack pants]
- [Jack] Keep going, Joan.
- [Joan pants]
[Jack] Don't stop.
[Joan] It's a dead-end.
We have to go back.
[Jack] Bloody hell.
[Joan] Ohhh.
[Rapid footsteps approach]
[Tense music]
[Joan breathes heavily]
[Mick chuckles]
How are you gonna call this
a murder-suicide?
Sophie's still out there.
You didn't hear that shot?
Just taking care of loose ends.
I should have made certain
the first time.
[Taut music]
It was you that night, not Bill.
- [Jack groans]
- [Pia] Jack!
[Mick] Bill took out Richie.
- And my partner?
- Collateral damage.
[Jack] She was 30.
She had the rest of her life
in front of her.
[Mick] It was your fault, Jack.
You should never have
brought her with you.
How are you gonna shoot me
face-to-face, hey?
Hey? It's a lot harder than
when you're hiding in the dark.
- [Mick] That's close enough.
- [Joan] Wait!
[Phone clicks]
Listen to this.
[Jack] What are you
gonna do now?
You can't kill the pair of us.
You'll never get away with that.
[Mick] I was thinking
"Jack Darby goes nuts,
shoots his current squeeze."
It's amazing
what people will say
when they don't know
they're being recorded.
It's over, Riley.
[Breathes heavily]
I'll take my chances.
- [Gun cocks]
- Wait! Take this!
[Jack] And I'll take that!
What are you gonna do now?
Shoot me?
- You don't have it in you.
- Go on.
Try me.
[Tense music]
[Sirens wail in distance]
[Joan breathes heavily]
You're not worth a bullet.
[Sirens wail]
[Easygoing rock music]
[Police radio chatter]
[Easygoing rock music continues]
[Jack] Here's the gun.
Well done.
[Jack] Thanks, mate.
[Sophie] I'm gonna stay
with Mum for a while.
Oh, Anna will be so happy.
Well, I have both of you
to thank for that.
Oh. [Chuckles]
You won't need anymore to be
looking over your shoulder.
Hmm. It's gonna take some
getting used to. [Chuckles]
- Thanks, Jack. I trust you.
- Take care.
Sophie, come this way.
I'll get you a ride.
[Phone rings]
[Miranda on phone] How
could you think for one second
I was responsible
for setting you up?
[Jack] You shouldn't have been
so damn convincing, then.
- Where are you?
- Back at Command.
Cleaning up Riley's mess.
Well done, by the way.
- That's not praise, is it?
- Annoyingly, yes.
[Jack laughs]
[Miranda] But that doesn't mean
you're off the hook.
[Liz] You okay, Joan?
Yes, I'm okay.
I bet you didn't expect
to sign up for this
when you offered to help Dad.
Well, he's helped me a lot too.
- Look, uh, have one of these.
- Hmm.
They're the only thing
that would settle my stomach
when I was pregnant.
Oh, God. How did you know?
It's not hard to see the signs
when you're looking.
Oh, it's like having
a superpower, isn't it,
being a nurse?
[Joan chuckles]
When are you gonna tell them?
[Liz sighs]
Oh, I've been trying to find
the right time, but with them
Now could be a good time.
Thanks, Joan.
[Liz groans]
[Diesel yawns]
Trust works both ways, Miranda.
Dad, I just I need to
tell Mum and you something.
Oh, Liz wants you.
[Phone clicks]
Um, Mum, Dad,
there's something
that I need to tell you,
and I don't need you
to freak out.
[Miranda] You're not joining
the Feds, are you?
What? No.
Um look.
Okay, I'm just gonna say it.
I'm pregnant.
Oh, darling.
- I'm gonna be a grandfather?
- Yeah.
[Miranda laughs]
This is wonderful!
- That's great.
- [Diesel barks]
Hey, Grandma,
what do you think of that?
- [Miranda laughs]
- Talk to your, Mum.
[Jack laughs]
[Gentle music]
That was some day. [Sighs]
Jack Darby finally vindicated.
Might take a while to sink in.
You made my day.
Couldn't have done it
without you.
Oh, I think you could have.
Just wouldn't have been
as much fun.
[Joan sighs]
[Diesel barks]
[Joan] No regrets, then?
[Jack] None that I can think of.
[Joan] So, what now?
[Uplifting music]
[Chris] Oh! Smell that.
[Joan] I wish I'd met you
when I was a trainee nurse.
Imagine, a young doctor that can
cook and speaks five languages.
- Mmm!
- Three, actually.
Hmm. That would have been
very good husband material.
[Chris chuckles]
[Horn honks]
[Diesel pants]
Sorry. Gotta go.
- Till next time.
- Yeah. Sure.
What's another favorite dish?
Risotto ai funghi.
- Okay.
- [Horn honks]
You have to give me some time
to learn how to make it.
- Better be good!
- It will be.
- [Horn honks]
- [Joan chuckles]
- [Sighs]
- What?
It was a bit obvious, wasn't it?
A bloke could die
waiting on you two.
What's the big hurry?
Liz has asked me
to help her on a cold case.
Ah, that's great.
Really good.
Wanna partner?
Are you asking me
to be your partner?
You betcha!
[Jack laughs]
Let's go, then.
[Joan] Rightio, then.
Fill me in.
About 15 years ago,
a light plane went missing.
Suspected of crashing in
a remote Queensland rainforest.
Pilot and wife presumed dead.
Their bodies were never found?
After a few months,
the search was called off.
But Liz thinks
there's more to it.
Right before the final flight,
the parents sent a message
to their son.
"Don't believe it."
Okay. So, where to first?
[Uplifting vocal music]