Death and Other Details (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Chapter Three: Troublesome

IMOGENE: Previously on
Death and Other Details
As you all know a man has
been murdered on this ship.
- Killer is among us.
I've been studying each of you,
and have learned devastating facts.
There are billions on the line
in the deal between the
Colliers and the Chuns.
The man across the hall, he
was not what he appeared to be.
Wait, hold on there.
IMOGENE: Keith Trubitsky
was your assistant?
That's why you were on the Varuna?
You know as well as anyone
how desperate the Colliers are.
They'd do anything to keep the
truth about their company a secret.
Expose their corporate secrets.
And their connection to Viktor Sams.
The man who killed my mom.
I need you to get your hands
on the Collier Mills books.
'Cause whatever they're hiding
might explain not just one murder,
- but two.
- Now someone's dead.
My grandmother's spooked.
The deal's off.
I've just heard from Interpol.
Their best man is en route.
Agent Hilde Eriksen.
Sunil Bhandari, welcome to the Varuna.
we've been here before.
Two days before the murder,
the day the Varuna set sail.
Can't believe we're gonna be
trapped on this thing for 10 days.
I'm so sorry I dragged you into this.
RUFUS: I'm going to tell you
the same story a third time now.
Can you figure out what's different?
The trick is to look
again, but through new eyes,
the eyes of a stranger,
an amateur.
The eyes of a fool, if you like.
LLEWELLYN: Let's just dump all
this stuff straight into the ocean.

Got somethin' important in those?
Keith Trubitsky Tripp's friend.
Oh, right.
- Toilets.
- Well, technically, we manufacture
- the flush levers on the toilets.
- I see. Okay.
So, I hear you're closin'
on some Chinese money.
Tripp's fun, huh?
Never shuts up, does he?
- What's in there? Due diligence?
- Mm.
You know digital files are
better for the environment.
I'll plant a tree.
Bring those to the fourth
deck preferably dry.
RUFUS: People mistook Danny for a fool.
It was his quiet power.
Get 'em to underestimate him.
Spill their secrets.
Didn't cost him much
until, in the end,
cost him his life.
- This is Agent Hilde Eriksen,
Interpol badge number 7160 signing
in at 9 AM, Thursday, the 24th.
Preliminary examination of
the body of Mr. Danny Turner,
alias Keith Trubitsky.
I am assisted by Rufus
Cotesworth, civilian investigator.
He will be consulting on the case.
Should I introduce myself?
I think that will suffice.
You loved this man, didn't you?
- How long did he work for you?
- Long enough.
So, the killer entered
the suite without a weapon.
They did not intend to off your friend.
Something escalated. An altercation.
- No defensive wounds.
- The fight wasn't physical.
- Did your friend like to drink?
- [CHUCKLES] Not to excess.
Just you, then?
I enjoy a tipple.
You have gone without for about a day
since you learned of the murder.
Your hand is unsteady.
You should drink more water. It
does wonders for the complexion.
- Careful
- I'd like to see the crime scene.

Llewellyn? Celia's trying
to pull the ripcord.
I need you to call me back.
Sorry. Hi. Crazy day.
I keep saying that, but
it keeps on being true.
I'm going to go to the pool.
I'd love to come, but the, uh
LEILA: I understand.
I'll, I'll try to meet you there later.
LEILA: Mm-hmm.
How is she holding up?
Leila? She's fine.
Everything's fine
Did her usual sweep
for listening devices.
How many pillows did you lose this time?

Where are the knives?
I need a goddamn knife!
I have been trying to close
this financing for eight months
and now, all of a
sudden, it's up in flames,
and I can't even get
Llewellyn on the phone.
What are you gonna do about it?
Please come back to the table.
We were so close.
No one in my family had
anything to do with the murder.
We are all devastated that
a man has lost his life.
Everything we know we've already
shared with the investigators.
Mrs. Chun you don't want to
walk away from this opportunity.
This is how you gain
a foothold in the U.S.,
and exposure to a heritage name.
I represent my family's interests.
You have 24 hours.

This is bullshit.
The first people they look
at will always be the staff.
Which is why I need to
know anything curious
any of you might have
done, however small.
We have nothing to hide.
Tell me the truth so
that I can lie for you.
Your favorite activity,
playing the martyr.
I'm trying to keep this family safe.
And if one of the
crew had been murdered?
You told me, last year, Vicky
in the kitchen slit her wrists.
They didn't even do an inquest.
They just chucked her overboard.
TEDDY: Enough.
There will be eyes on all
of us until this is solved.
Watch your step.
JULES: This is reckless.
We need to dock the ship.
It doesn't benefit any of
us for the truth to come out.
The truth is a man died on my watch,
and you're trying to cover it
all up to save your business.
I am following all
the official protocols!
I have the world's greatest
fucking detective on board.
- What more could I do?
- Just dock the ship.
Let them question everyone on land.
Should I find it curious that you
wish to disembark so desperately?
AGENT HILDE ERIKSEN: I read your report.
Oh, I'm flattered.
Uh, please ignore my
typographical errors.
What I find interesting are
the notes you chose not to play.
- Ah.
- You posit no theory of the case?
'Tis early for a theory.
And yet, you have one.
I'm quite confident you won't like it.
What makes you so sure?
You're reading Veblen in
its condensed publishing.
Says to me you prefer cutting
to the heart of the matter.
Ears are pierced, but
you do not wear earrings.
You no longer believe in embellishment.
Perhaps you once did, but
now, grand theories bore you.
They are frivolity.
You're a bureaucrat. You've
been given an assignment.
- Carry it out efficiently.
Inspector Friedrich says hello.
- Ah.
- He enjoyed reminiscing,
and, I assume, briefing you
as to how I like to work.
What a head of hair on
Friedrich. [CHUCKLES]
So, no, keep your theories.
Oh, and for your next book,
I find with a crime like this,
nine times out of 10, the
solution is straightforward.
Meat and potatoes.
And the 10th?
Just potatoes. Eh.
To the crime scene.

- No fingerprints.
- Wiped clean.
Anything missing from the scene?
A journal, brown, orange strap.
Danny never went anywhere without it.
Perhaps a motive lies within it.

The murder was done ad hoc
with whatever weapon
the killer could find.
But this? This feels intentional.
- Like someone with an agenda.
- Hm.
- Or perhaps Danny dropped it?
- That's a sapphire crystal.
It would not have scratched
with just a mere drop.
No this was done with force.
A hammer,
or a boot heel.

AGENT ERIKSEN: 2:16, inside the
window of our missing security footage.
Ah. The killer broke in
and smashed the watch.
They likely planned to leave it at that.
But for our victim waking in the night.
That's when the argument ensued,
and the deadly harpoon was fired.
Then the killer deleted video
evidence tying them to the scene.
Pure potatoes.
How does that jive with
your theory, Mr. Cotesworth?
Does it matter? [CHUCKLES]
One of us will be right in the end.

- So, what's her angle?
- Another Cutty Sark, sir.
- We are schooled to anticipate our guests.
- I'll take a water.
It is as we expected.
She is focused on the
missing security footage.
She believes the killer entered
during those seven
minutes and 23 seconds.
So, it's a race.
We have to figure out who killed Danny
before she places me at the crime scene.
- It's not a race.
- Sounds like a race.
[SOFTLY] It's a race.
- I'm on it.
- Let's go.

Llewellyn, where are you?
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
- He's still missing?
I'm gonna put an ankle bracelet on him.
But then you'd have to touch his ankle.
Hi, Teddy. It's Anna Collier.
Of course, you know that.
I need security to bring
our files to our suite.
TEDDY: I'll deliver the files myself.
Let me guess. You hate it.
It's looking a bit depressing.
I can put some color back in,
- but I think that
- Mm-hmm. About earlier.
I'd strongly prefer it if you didn't
question my authority
in front of the staff.
The staff?
You mean, our family?
[SCOFFS] I knew you'd understand.
Perhaps something a bit brighter.


What do you mean it's on the ceiling?
How's that even possible?
I'll be right there.
Do not let anyone else in.

What you don't need, two safes.
- Alexandra.
- Toby.
Your son is on TikTok playing
himself in shuffleboard.
[SLIGHT CHUCKLE] Children are resilient.
They are.
But they're takin' it in
even if no one's talkin' it out.
I remember summer before sixth grade,
one day, it was so hot and
we were all out on the street.
Someone came up in the alley,
and shot Marcus Wilson
three times in the back.
Cops came around and, well,
that was the kinda block
where you didn't talk
to cops, so nobody did.
They never caught the shooter.
Marcus had a baby,
maybe a one-year-old.
that was the day I decided I would
find the bad guys and put 'em away.
- You didn't even do it for the likes.
Somethin' weird is goin' on.
Hopefully, just bad,
dumb luck coincidence,
but we need to be prepared to
answer more questions with Interpol.
What happened?
My staff got a call from our SuperPAC,
asked me to make nice
with Keith Trubitsky.
Even suggested the champagne vintage.
They couldn't tell me who the
donor was who made the request,
and I didn't think
anything of it at the time.
There's nothing unusual about that.
I sent the bar cart the goddamn
killer was hiding in, Toby.
I need names.
I need you to find out
who made that request.
You put together the SuperPAC. You
know who calls in all my favors.
And you know there's a wall
between you and them for a reason.
Was it Lawrence Collier?
- Alexandra.
- He's the only donor on this boat.
Why the fuck would he
set me up like that?
I supported five of his
10 opportunity zones.
Halfway is not good enough.
- So, it is him?
- I did not say that.
Take a breath.
If you even fix your face
to tell me to calm down.
I think sometimes he forgets
that I'm the Governor.
Sometimes you forget
who put you there.
TEDDY: It's a four-digit combination.
Right, left, right, right.
I can explain.
You were trying to break into my safe.
Oh so can you.
Does your friend know you're here?
Perhaps I should inform her.
And then, of course, Interpol.
[GASPS] There is a thief
in our midst. A bad one.
I believe you both know that I'm
here on Rufus Cotesworth's behalf.
Then it should be no problem
at all to read Interpol in.
Please, don't do that.
Teddy, leave us.
The Colliers are
expecting these documents.
SUNIL: I'll handle it.
There are easier ways to meet women.
Check her pockets on the way out.
So Cotesworth sent you to burgle me?
Look, we think our murder victim
got his hands on those documents.
We think it's what got him killed.
Have Interpol issue a subpoena,
and then the authorities
can open my safe.
- Or
- Hm?
Or we could look at them together?
Why would I do that?
You want this whole
murder wrapped up, quickly.
Interpol gets involved, all the red
tape. It could take weeks, months.
Why do you wanna see them so badly?
[SIGHS] What am I missing here?
We get our hands on those books,
we get that little girl the
truth she's been waitin' for.
The truth you promised her.
Rufus thinks that the
Colliers were paying blackmail
to the man that killed my mom.
Viktor Sams.
[SCOFFS] And if he's wrong?
Well, you wasted a hour
of your life with me.

How much can we afford to
give up is what I need to know.
- Tripp, open up!
- TRIPP [MUFFLED]: Ow! Fuck!
- Steve, everything's fine.
Just give me those numbers.
- Yes.
- Have you left this room today?
Good morning to you, too.
- Clean yourself up. Family meeting.
- Okay. Wait, why? Is everything okay?
- Everything's fine.
- Okay.
You were making so much progress.
There are peaks and valleys
in the journey to self-control.
I'll handle it it's cool.
It is not cool. They're
looking for a murderer.
Yeah, well, I didn't kill anyone, so
- I didn't kill anyone, Anna!
- Tripp,
Trubitsky pulled out of your deal.
What if he told someone?
That makes you a suspect.
Yeah. You did court-ordered
anger management.
It was one fucking golf cart. Can
[GROANS] What time's
this family meeting?
Keep your phone on. I'll call you.
- Love ya.
- Yeah, you too.
Yep. Please leave a message.
[SIGHS] Llewellyn, wake your
raggedy ass up right now. Thank you.
Steve, stop. I know 12 and
a half is a big ask, but
Are you Are you at
a Little League game?
Go sit in your stupid hybrid SUV
and finish running the numbers I
asked for, right now. Thank you!
I'm going to need a list of
everyone who has that code.
Of course. This one
and the previous one.
You can go.
Your men are loyal.
Some of them are women.
What a world!
How did you come to work on
the Varuna, Mr. Toussaint?
It's a funny story, actually.
Mr. Bhandari encountered him
in London a few months ago.
You approved the appointment, Miss Goh?
[CHUCKLES] I serve at the pleasure.
And a guest was murdered on his watch.
- Surely you have an opinion now?
- Ah, you want gossip.
But if we must stick to facts,
Mr. Toussaint was supposed
to be on duty that night,
but never clocked in.
- I fell ill.
- Did you check in at the medical bay?
He did not.
I took a pill and, uh, went to bed.
Hm How reliably French of you.
No one to corroborate your
whereabouts that evening?

No. No one to confirm your story.
I guess you'll have
to take me at my word.
This is challenging
because later that same night,
someone stole seven minutes
and 23 seconds of footage.
Could not have been
someone from my team.
Are you in the practice
of sharing the code?
Perhaps even a guest gained entry?
And why do you not have
cameras anywhere below decks?
- We trust our crew.
- Ha!
I am sorry. Apologies.
No worries.
- Someone entered this room.
Someone deleted footage.
I intend to find out who.
I will run a background check
on every member of the crew,
starting with your loyal security staff.
I can't stop you.
- Oh.
Look at that. I'm on lunch.
Mr. Cotesworth, care to join me?
Barely slept last night.
But these things are proper magic.
Have you seen Leila?
Not today, but I've
just been at the pool.
- Something wrong?
- Everything's fine.
You look exhausted. I'm gonna
order you a B12 injection.
I've got plenty of vitamins, thank you.
- Can you get Mrs. Collier one of your
- I said no fucking vitamins,
but thank you.
ELEANOR: You're wound tight.
[SIGHS] If I didn't know any
better, I'd say your grandmother
is using this murder
to sweeten the terms.
But you do know better.
Leila will turn up.
You never liked her.
I just don't like her for you.
You were supposed to wait.
I did wait. I
You had me wrapped around your finger.
I would've moved to Shanghai for you.
I would've done anything. You left.
I sat around and cried for six months.
You can cry?
Not sober.
How was I supposed to
know what you wanted?
You disappeared.
I'm here now.
Eleanor, I mean this,
your timing is for shit.
We're looking for blackmail,
but I don't know.
These are these are
all just tax returns.
No. These aren't tax returns.
This is an audit into the company's
financials goin' back 50 years.
And by the way their good
times are well in the past.
So, the Chuns were right. They're broke?
They're illiquid. Highly levered.
- They're broke.
- Hm.
It gets real ugly two years ago.
This massive capital expenditure.
You hated being a banker?
Mind you, no one suspected
the Crown Prince was capable
of stealing 500 million
kronor from his own mum
until I discovered the
Queen of Sweden's plot
- to have him committed.
- Pardon me?
- Cutty Sark, neat. On the house.
- Oh, uh Ah.
Hm, lovely.
- What I did not know
- Hm.
is the prince
could overhear my revelation
from the palace privy.
Damn 18th-century plumbing.
Royal Guard was nowhere to be found.
I had to chase the bloke myself.
He left his trousers behind.
So, you've seen the crown jewels, too.
Well, you'd need a
magnifying glass for that.
We're relics.
Now it's down to data trackers,
cameras, facial recognition.
Some cop at a computer
- Hm.
- would've caught the prince
long before his fateful bowel movement.
- Miss the old days?
- I miss nothing.
And expect less.
Somethin' tells me
people have a bad habit
of underestimating you.
An overlooked detective is on
the fast track to the truth.
You read my book.
I watched a lot of Columbo.
- Oh, back on the clock.
- RUFUS: Ah.
I'll find you later. I have
a few things to attend to.
A lead toward your grand theory?
[CHUCKLES] If anything
of substance arises,
you will be the first to know.
It is amazing the time a man is
willing to waste proving himself right.

You got my message.
[LAUGHS] We need to
work on your tradecraft.
I found the files.
- What have we learned?
- Oh, nothing. It's a disaster.
Llewellyn, pick up! Pick up!
ANNA: Honey?

SUNIL: If they paid blackmail
to anyone, they've hid it well.
Nothin' dodgy in here.
Just a classic three-generation
family business.
Very few survive past that.
If the Chun family are keen
on plunking cash down on this,
- I certainly can't see why.
- Mm.
IMOGENE: Hold on.
It's a bill of lading.

But this has nothing to
do with profits and losses.
I don't think the Colliers
know that this is in here.
Two tons of Captionem
Blue? What the fuck is that?
I, I failed science.
- B minus. Still stings.
Captionem Blue.
A banned ultra-bright pigment,
invented so you could see
highway signs at night.
Clothing manufacturers liked it
because it was cheap, didn't bleed.
Except it causes cancer, dementia,
and all manner of knock-on ailments.
It says it was banned in
1989. When's this receipt from?
- I, I can't make out the date.
- IMOGENE: Here, let me.
- ANNA [ON PHONE]: Hey, you with Leila?
- No. Didn't make it to the pool.
- Got swept up in something.
ANNA: Hot French
security guard something?
- I'm with Rufus.
- ANNA: Oh I'm sorry.
Any progress on the case?
How's it going with the Chuns?
ANNA: My entire side
of the table is MIA.
No one's answering their phones.
Leila never turns hers on. [SCOFFS]
It's fine. Everything's fine.
Why didn't you want me
to ask her about this?
'Cause without a date on that
document, it is meaningless.
You wanted a smoking gun. Collier
Mills was using banned chemicals.
RUFUS: When?
They were banned in 1989.
Paper in your hand
could be 40 years old.
There's no telling if it is related
to the fresh body downstairs.
- It has to be related.
- Perhaps, perhaps.
But wanting a connection and
proving it are different things.
I can't prove that Danny saw this.
I can't prove that it got him killed.
I warned you not to enter
the case with preconceptions.
You want it all to be connected.
You want it all to go
back to your mother's case.
- Of course, I do.
- How many clues have passed you by
because you've been focused on that?
Anyone on this ship
could've killed Danny.
You've stopped paying attention.

Mom we need to talk. Like, now.
- Mom?
- ANNA: Celia Chun wants to
ANNA: Jesus fucking Christ!
- Anna! Wait!
- Oh, God!
- ANNA: N No, no!
- KATHERINE: Anna, Anna, please!
How could we have been so careless?
It's all right. Anna will understand.
If this gets out, it
will be the end of me.
My church, my reputation.
If my daughter knows one thing,
it's how to keep a secret.
- Mm.
- Katherine we can't.
- You're still married.
- On paper.
And I was still
married in the shower.
Once it's resolved, we can be together.
I can be patient.
No, you can't.
That's what I love about you.
ANNA: I know the Jiangsu
revamp was expensive,
but it pays for itself in 10 years.
Look, I gotta go.
Alright. I'll talk
to you later, Eleanor.
Hi. Sorry. You're here.
And you're still working with Eleanor?
- It's business.
- Right.
You know, people always say
that, but it's almost never true.
What do you know about business?
I can spell it.
- Wow.
We need an investor.
Her grandmother has more money than God.
What's Jiangsu?
Do you actually care?
I care about you.
- But, no, I'm bored already. I moved on.
How's Leila?
Oh, come see.
Oh, just tell her that you left
your cell phone in your car.
Right, 'cause the 5G
will zap her brain cells.
On second thought, now
you don't get to see her.
Oh, no. Okay. I'm sorry.
Sorry. I'll be nice.
I will be nice.
[CHUCKLES] She hid a
knife under the bed.
are you okay in here?
It's fine.
Just need to remember to wear
shoes in the house, that's all.

ANNA: I hate everyone
everywhere all the time.
LAWRENCE: Of course, you do.
I wish you wouldn't drink so much.
- The doctor said
- I take my vitamins with it.
[SIGHS] We're meeting
with Celia Chun tomorrow.
You don't have to say anything.
I'll do all the talking.
You wanna shut me up?
I want you to sit there and
show them that I'm in charge.
You wanna shut me up.
We have one chance, Dad.
We make this deal or we go Chapter 11.
And whose fault is that?
You wanna play pin the
tail on the asshole?
Fine. I made decisions
and now we're outta cash.
But the mess I cleaned
up was all you, Dad.
I found the Chuns.
I'm running this deal.
I'm the only adult in this family,
and I'll sell my fucking soul
to bring Celia Chun back onside.
There she is.
Not until you announce it.

This is Agent Hilde Eriksen,
Interpol badge number 7160,
signing on at 9 AM, Friday, the 25th.
I am assisted yet again by Rufus
Cotesworth, civilian investigator.
Now I'm in the mood to
go through people's things.
After you.

Where is Mr. Toussaint?
Simon, Dominic.
- Yes, Miss Goh?
- Where's Jules?
We asked everyone to
be here for the search.
I haven't seen him since last night.
He's telling the truth.
- How do you know?
- Practice.
We must search Mr. Toussaint's room.



This book was a gift to you.
My father gives me mystery books.
Jules borrowed it.
- He always gives them back.
- Interesting.
- I don't see how.
- Of course, you don't.
We'd like to see your room.
You've already searched it.

I thought we were meeting
with the whole family.
Nope. Just me.
And our entire corporate
history, as requested.
And required by law.
This is a waste of time.
is not like the others.
Are you a fan?
Um that's not mine.

RUFUS: It turned out Jules
Toussaint was an alias.
Oh, fuck.
RUFUS: The man running
security on the Varuna
had a rap sheet longer than
an overwritten metaphor.

He was just like Danny in that way.
He made sure others underestimated him.
- Shh.
[WHISPERS] You shouldn't have come here.
RUFUS: Our mistake.
She came from Greece, she
had a thirst for knowledge ♪
She studied sculpture
at Saint Martin's College ♪
That's where I caught her eye ♪
I wanna sleep with common people ♪
Like you ♪
Oh what else could I do ♪
And she just smiled and held my hand ♪
Rent a flat above a shop ♪
Cut your hair and get a job ♪
Smoke some fags and play some pool ♪
Pretend you never went to school ♪
But still you'll
never la, la, la, la ♪
Oh, la, la, la, la ♪
Oh you ♪
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