Dee & Friends in Oz (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Dee and the Crown of Oz

[ethereal, magical jingles playing]
[Dee narrating]
"And that's how a girl named Dee became
the hero of a magical place called Oz."
"And she met five amazing friends."
"Tin, Scarecrow, Lion,
Eastyn, and Westyn."
"Together, they built a Gemstone Loop
to connect different lands."
"Together, they saved all of Oz. The end."
That was incredible.
Now that Dee and her friends
can go anywhere with the loop,
what happens next?
-You gotta tell us.
I can't. I haven't written that part yet.
[magical twinkling]
[gasps] But I think I might soon.
I gotta go. See you later.
-Dee and her friends
-And you ♪
-Unlocked somewhere new
-Come through ♪
-Take a leap, Oz is waiting for you
-Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
[soft music playing]
[Stuffley panting]
Everyone, everyone,
stop what you're doing.
It's an Oz-mergency.
-Huh? What's wrong?
I lost my crystal ducky.
She's the beautifulest, shiniest ducky
in the whole wide world.
We were playing hide-and-seek
and then she [whimpers] hid too good.
Stuffley, I can find your crystal ducky.
Really? You can?
Uh-huh. I was a hide-and-seek champ
back home in New Jersey.
-[Dee chuckles] Aah.
-[Scarecrow] Hmm.
First rule of hide-and-seek.
Always look behind you.
Crystal. Thanks for helping me,
Dee. [moans]
Whether it's my problem or not,
helping is the right thing to do.
-[Dee] Aah!
-Welcome back.
Now that we've found all the gems
and built the Gemstone Loop,
Oz is more connected than ever.
[magical whooshing]
And with the Gemstone Loop,
you can go anywhere.
-Hit it.
-[Ozlings] Aw! Yeah.
-Hold on tight, get ready for the ride
-Hold ♪
-Hold on tight, get ready for the ride
-Hold ♪
Hold on tight, get ready for the ride
Buckle up, y'all, it's Gem Loop time ♪
Excitement in my toes
Hold on tight, we're 'bout to go ♪
Buckle up, we're going low
Going fast and going slow ♪
Where they stop, nobody knows
Gemstone Loop, we're on the go ♪
Go anywhere, see anything
Hold on tight, follow me ♪
Up, down, swivel
Loopy in the middle ♪
Twisty just a little
Big loop in the middle ♪
Hold on tight, get ready for the ride
Buckle up, y'all, it's time ♪
-Riding the Gemstone Loop
-Ride the loop, ride the loop ♪
-Riding the Gemstone Loop
-Fantastic ♪
Ride the loop
Ride the loop ♪
See the mountains, see the trees
From the forest, oh, the leaves ♪
Look at that Gemstone Beach
From up here, see everything ♪
Loopy in the middle
Swoopy like a squiggle ♪
Pour fast like a fizzle
Big loop in the middle ♪
Hold on tight, get ready for the ride
Buckle up, y'all, it's time ♪
Come on. I can't wait to show you Tinland.
-[Lion] Yeah!
Woo-hoo! This is gonna be awesome.
-[magical alarm screaming]
-[Scarecrow] What's that?
It looks like
there's a problem in Ozling City.
We better go there
to see if we can help the Ozlings.
[Scarecrow] Uh, Stuffley?
[laughs loudly] Oh, you meant me too.
I would go help the Ozlings,
but me and Crystal Ducky
think it'll be way more fun
to play hide-and-seek in Tinland.
What? [sighs]
But I guess
we can go to Ozling City instead.
-[magical twinkling]
Look out, world, we're on our way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in our way ♪
On a mission, got a vision
We'll seize the day ♪
Got our friends on the journey
We know the way ♪
With my shiny crystal ducky ♪
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
And my crystal ducky's here too ♪
I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
No matter what this day brings
I know I'm on my way ♪
[magical whooshing]
[exciting music playing]
[magical whizzing]
Hmm. We have to figure out
where the problem is.
[Stuffley shouting] Help! Help!
It's an Oz-mergency!
Stuffley, did you lose
Crystal Ducky again?
Ha! Found ya. Here you go, Stuffley.
Ooh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
-It's an Oz-mergency.
Don't worry, Ozzie.
The crystal ducky has been found.
Stuffley. Remember, we came
to help the Ozlings with their problem.
-What's wrong, Ozzie?
-Follow me.
[sighs] Someone or something
came through and made a mess here,
and it left a giant thingy.
[suspenseful music playing]
Huh. It kinda looks like
a big baby bottle.
I don't know what it is.
I just know it must belong to a big
and awful [whispers] monster.
-[both gasp]
-A monster?
Mm-hmm, and if we don't stop it,
it'll get closer
and closer to Ozling City.
And it'll destroy our home.
We need to help, and fast. Who's with me?
I'm with you, Dee.
What? Why should I help?
I don't live in Ozling City.
I wanna play with my crystal ducky.
Yeah. We wanna play.
I mean, this isn't our problem.
But, Stuffley, we have to help each other.
Even if it's not our problem,
helping is the right thing to do.
[exhales] Fine.
Ozzie, we're gonna help you stop
that monster and save Ozling City.
[excitedly] Oh, thank you, thank you.
[sinister music playing]
-[Miss Ruby] Come on, you.
If you would just [grunting]
[yells] There. Greetings, my new sidekick.
[distorted bleeping]
Hello. My name is Whoop-Dee-Don't.
Yes. Everything's going according to plan.
Now, all I need is [shouts] the crown.
[distorted bleeping] Um, Miss Ruby?
You already have a crown.
It's on your head.
Not this crown, silly.
I need the magical Crown of Oz.
Whoever wears this crown
will have the magical power
to rule over all of Oz.
Huh. Well, then, let's go get the crown.
[sighs deeply]
Sadly, it won't be that easy.
The crown was broken into four pieces
that were hidden across all of Oz.
I need to find all four pieces.
And if I put them together, I'll become
Let me guess. The Wizard of Oz?
The Wizard ♪
Hey. That's my line.
Cue the music.
I want to be the Wizard of Oz ♪
She's the wizard
She's the Wizard of Oz ♪
I want to be the Wizard of Oz ♪
She's the wizard
She, she's the wizard ♪
I want to be the Wizard of Oz ♪
She's the wizard,
She, she's the wizard ♪
I want to be the Wizard of Oz ♪
She's the wizard,
She, she's the wizard ♪
To become Wizard of Oz
You must wear a magical crown ♪
I know I'll look divine
Once the crown isn't broken down ♪
-Why is it broken?
-Oz was petrified.
The crown was too powerful.
They had to break it down.
Four little pieces scattered over Oz ♪
And when I find the pieces
I'll rule over Oz ♪
-I want to be the Wizard of Oz
-Wizard ♪
-I want to be the Wizard of Oz
-She's the wizard, wizard ♪
I want to be the Wizard of Oz ♪
I just need to find
those four crownpieces,
and then I'll be the wizard.
And when I am,
I'll close my sister's
Wonderful School of Oz,
just like I always planned.
Then I can rule over everyone
and everything in Oz.
The first piece is hidden
somewhere in Ozling City.
We gotta get there fast and find it.
Emerald and those pesky kids
won't beat me this time.
Oh! You mean these kids?
[distorted bleeping]
They're in Ozling City too.
[yells] What? No, no, no!
Yes, yes, yes.
[grudgingly] Ugh!
I have to find that crown before they do.
[Ozling] What a mess.
Oh no. The monster was just here,
and it made an even bigger mess.
[Ozling] Everything's a mess.
[gasps loudly] Another monster thingy.
Um, I think that's a pacifier?
[yells frightenedly] A pacifier?
Isn't that something a baby would have?
Hmm. Something weird is going on here.
-What're we gonna do?
-Oh no. My roof.
Don't worry, Ozlings.
We'll help you fix your homes.
Aw, you will?
Oh, thanks.
-Of course.
-We all will.
Crystal, Crystal Ducky
She's so shiny ♪
Well, me and Scarecrow will help.
Because whether it's our problem
or not, helping is the right thing to do.
-I wanna help
-Whether it's my problem or not ♪
-I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna help
-Helping is the right thing to do ♪
Better, I like to help ♪
-Whether it's my problem or not
-I Iike to, I like to, I like to help ♪
Helping is the right thing to do ♪
Oz is our community
Our friends, our neighbors, the Ozlings ♪
We help each other, and we save the day
We make Oz better in a special way ♪
Fixing problems together
Helping out whenever ♪
I see a problem that I didn't cause
I try to help because it's in my heart ♪
Whether it's our problem or not
Helping is the right thing to do ♪
Though, I didn't cause the problem
I care enough to see what I can do ♪
When you're feeling low on yourself
I find that helping helps ♪
-I wanna help
-Whether it's my problem or not ♪
-I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna help
-Helping is the right thing to do ♪
Whether ♪
-I like to help
-Whether it's my problem or not ♪
-I like to, I like to, I like to help
-Helping is the right thing to do ♪
I like to help ♪
-[all cheering, laughing]
-[thudding, tremor]
-What's happening?
The monster's getting closer
to the center of Ozling City.
-[Ozling] My home.
-What're we gonna do?
We're gonna find that monster.
It's no match for Dee.
No matter what it takes,
we're gonna stop
that monster and save Ozling City.
-[all Ozlings cheering]
-Come on. Thanks, Dee.
[lyrically] Oh, Crownpiece? Crownpiece?
Where are you?
Ugh. You're not a crownpiece,
and you're not a crownpiece.
[angrily] Hey.
[Whoop-Dee-Don't sniffing]
Aah! The crownpiece. Is that it?
-Er, I dunno.
-I need that beautiful, shiny crown.
[squeakily] Shiny?
Ugh. Yes, Whoop-Dee-Don't.
Of course it's shiny. It's a crown.
Uh, that wasn't me.
-[Miss Ruby gasps]
A monster?
Not a monster. It appears to be a baby.
A big, gigantic baby Ozling.
Well, he's not a crownpiece.
So he's not what I'm looking for.
Oh, shiny.
No. This shine is all mine.
Stop it! Stop it! No.
Whoa! Whoa! [thudding]
[Miss Ruby grunting] Ptui!
-The baby likes you, Miss Ruby.
-[baby squealing]
Um, yeah. I got that.
But we don't have time for big babies.
We need to find that crownpiece
before those kids get to it.
Come on.
[gasps] Another big thingy.
This has gotta be some sort of clue.
What kind of monster
leaves behind a baby rattle?
-[Stuffley grunting] Hm!
[gasps] Huh. A gem?
And it's right where
the monster trampled this bush.
Ah! That must mean
the monster loves gemstones.
-[tremor, thudding]
-[all yelling] Whoa!
[Ozling] The monster.
Ooh! The monster's getting closer
to the city.
-We've gotta find that monster fast.
Come on. Let's do this.
Crownpiece? Crownpiece? Where are you?
-I have to find that crown before they do.
-Oh no.
Everybody, run.
I need that shiny crown.
-[gasps loudly]
[squeals] That big baby is back.
Shiny, shiny!
-Stay away. I don't babysit.
Nuh-uh. No, you
Give me back my bracelet.
-[Whoop-Dee-don't] Ahh! Oops!
He seems to like shiny things,
Miss Ruby, like your gems.
Ugh! You don't say.
-[moaning tenderly]
-Am I ever gonna be Wizard of Oz?
Wizard of Oz. [babbling]
[ethereal, magical twinkling]
Ooh! Shiny.
[shouts] Shiny!
That's the monster.
We must be getting closer.
-And look. It left another scary thingy.
-[magical twinkling]
Another gem? Wonder what that means.
-[thudding, tremor]
-[Ozlings yelling] It's the monster.
If we can't stop that monster now,
it's gonna get to Ozling City
and ruin our home.
We have to find it fast.
-Scarecrow, Stuffley, come on.
-Right behind you, Dee.
Eh, no, thanks.
I wanna stay here and play with Crystal.
Like I said, why should I help?
It's not my problem.
Stuffley, even if it's not your problem,
you should help.
It's the right thing to do.
Why? No one ever helps me.
Oh, really? What do you call
me helping you back in that swamp?
Or when we helped you with your dance?
Or what about all the times
we found Crystal Ducky for you?
We help, even when it's not our problem,
because it's the right thing to do.
But you've been too busy
playing with Crystal Ducky
to help the Ozlings when they needed it.
Yeah, but that's 'cause
Crystal Ducky is the best.
I don't wanna help. I wanna keep playing.
I love you, Crystal Ducky.
And I love you too,
Stuffley, and you're always right.
Fine, Stuffley. Do what you wanna do.
But we'll still help.
-[monster, baby Ozling] Shiny.
-Oh no. It's so close.
If the monster gets to Ozling City,
our home will be ruined.
There's gotta be a way
to find that monster.
[Scarecrow] Let me think. Aah!
Maybe, instead of us finding the monster,
we've gotta get the monster to find us.
Aah! That's it, Scarecrow. If we can find
something the monster wants,
it'll come out of
its hiding spot to get it.
And then we can catch it
and stop it for good.
-But what'll make the monster come out?
-I think the monster loves shiny things.
So maybe we can get it to come out
with the shiniest things in Ozling City?
-I like the way you think.
Come on, everybody. Let's look for
the shiniest stuff you've got.
-[Scarecrow] Yeah.
-[all chuckling]
[sadly] Oh!
Helping is the right thing to do
You're there for me, I'm there for you ♪
When you have a problem
I'll help you see it through ♪
Just because
We don't live in Ozling City too ♪
Doesn't mean it's not important ♪
To help the Ozlings get through ♪
Crystal Ducky, you're pretty shiny.
Uh-huh. The shiniest.
You'd probably be shiny enough
to help catch that monster.
But then, I I'd have to help.
And I guess
I haven't been very helpful, huh?
You can say that again.
Hey. I should've helped
the Ozlings from the start.
They needed us.
And I was just thinking about me.
But even when it's not my problem,
helping is the right thing to do.
Dee, I'm sorry, I was wrong
Ozlings, I'm sorry too ♪
Even if it's not my problem
Helping is the right thing to do ♪
Here, Dee.
Use Crystal Ducky to catch that monster.
She's the shiniest.
Aah! Really?
Really. It's the only way to help,
and this is my problem too.
-[thudding, tremor]
-[monster, baby Ozling] Shiny.
Let's get outta here.
-Run for the hills.
-The monster is coming. Hide.
[all grunting, panting]
[thudding, tremor]
[suspenseful music playing]
-Oh! It didn't work.
Guess Crystal Ducky
wasn't shiny enough after all.
First rule of hide-and-seek.
Always look behind you.
-[thudding, tremor]
-[all gasp]
-[all] Whoa!
Shiny! Shiny!
Aah! That's not a monster.
That's a baby?
Hi, baby Ozling.
You're not a monster, are you?
You're the biggest baby Ozling
I've ever seen.
You potty-trained, right?
-Our baby.
-There you are.
Thank you for finding him.
He ran off, and we were so worried.
Where is that crown?
-[Dee gasps] Miss Ruby.
-Miss Ruby.
-[Miss Ruby yells]
-[rustling, crackling]
-[Miss Ruby thuds, grunts]
-[Ozling gasps]
-[Miss Ruby inhales]
Could this day get any worse?
-Don't worry, Miss Ruby.
I'm sure a big baby hug
will make things better.
-Don't think so. Well, maybe a little.
I should've known you had
something to do with this, Miss Ruby.
You may have won this time, Dee, but
[grunting] Hello? A little help, please.
As I was saying,
you may have won this time, Dee,
but I'll be back,
because I'm going to get the Crown of Oz
if it's the last thing I do.
[Miss Ruby squeals]
-Crown of Oz? What is she talking about?
-[Stuffley] I dunno.
Whee! Crown.
[magical twinkling]
-[Ozling] Wow.
-Dee, look.
-It's gorgeous.
-How beautiful.
-Thank you.
It looks like a piece of
a really special crown.
-Better show it to Miss Emerald.
-Yeah. Come on, Crystal.
-Shiny, shiny!
Oh, uh, that's actually
my crystal ducky, and, um
[sighs sadly]
Now, it's your crystal ducky.
You should keep her.
Yay! Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you!
[both chuckling]
[grudgingly] You're welcome.
That was really nice, Stuffley.
It's like you said.
Helping's the right thing to do.
Now, let's get this crown
back to the Wonderful School of Oz.
-Let's go.
-[Ozling] Thanks, Dee.
[all cheering] Woo-hoo!
Congratulations, you three.
You saved Ozling City.
We also found this.
[gasps] A piece of the Oz Crown.
Where did you find this?
It was in Ozling City.
Miss Ruby was trying to get it.
Well, I'm glad you got it first.
The Oz Crown was broken
into four pieces to protect Oz.
If anyone ever finds them all
and puts the crown back together,
they become The Wizard of Oz.
And if Ruby is wizard,
she'll close our school.
-Oh no.
-She'll ruin Oz forever.
We're not gonna let that happen.
We just gotta find
all four pieces of that crown
before Miss Ruby,
so she'll never be wizard.
If we work hard, work together,
and help each other, we can save Oz.
-[Miss Emerald] Oz-tastic.
-[Stuffley] Yeah!
[ethereal, magical jingles playing]
Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and her friends
Unlocked somewhere new ♪
Take a leap
Oz is waiting for you ♪
You're wonderful and you glow
Dee's got the key and we're heroes ♪
Oz is full of friends
Hold on, here we go ♪
I know you know the song
Everybody sing along ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Yeah, yeah
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
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