Dinosaucers (1987) s01e01 Episode Script
Dinosaur Valley
PAUL: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
We can build a base here
that will hold enough ships
to conquer the whole planet.
And deal with those wretched
Dinosaucers once and for all.
The mother ship's
engines are failing.
What's doing it?
It's coming from the
ore in those mountains.
GENGHIS: There seems to be some
powerful force emanating from them.
Maybe it's something that we could use
for a new weapon against the Dinosaucers.
Inform our Earth base at Tar Pits 2
that we are landing here to investigate.
PAUL: What have we here?
Looks like old Genghis Rex is
busy somewhere doing his thing.
Which means being bad.
Let's see if we can get
a fix on where he's at.
Trackers on it. Now
to call the Dinosaucers.
Come in, Lava
Dome. Anybody home?
Come in, Allo. It's Paul.
Allo here, Paul.
What's going on?
We got Tyranno trouble.
Rex and his boys are down in
South America and up to no good.
Keep an eye on him.
And call any of the other
Secret Scouts who are available.
- We'll meet you at your headquarters.
- You got it.
Dimetro, Bronto Thunder.
Prepare the dinocraft for launch.
[QUACKS] I don't like to walk.
Why can't we fly?
Because that strange ore is
stopping the engines in our small craft
from working, Duckface.
Ah, that's duckbill.
I have a duckbill.
Whatever, Duckface.
Quiet, you idiotops.
Now, once we get into the
mountain and find some of that ore,
we'll have a new weapon
against the Dinosaucers.
And here is the way into
the heart of the mountain.
This place gives me the creeps.
Oh, quit whining,
you whimposaur.
[WHIMPERS] What should I do?
You think it's real
funny? Huh, Quackpot?
It's nice to see
you both so eager.
We're almost through.
And look. Look!
I don't believe it.
Look at that.
Dinosaurs. The old kind.
STYRACO: Dinosaurs? On Earth?
Huh? But all the dinosaurs
on this planet died.
Obviously not all
of them, eggbrain.
This valley must have
protected them somehow.
This is perfect.
These creatures
will be our slaves.
We'll make them help us gather
ore and build our new base here.
And after that,
they'll be the front line
in our war against the
humans and the Dinosaucers.
This guy is a nut.
What was that?
Huh? Oh, nothing,
oh, great bossasaurus.
Styraco, go back to the mother
ship and get the equipment we'll need.
Right away, Genghis Rex.
Nothing will be able to
stand against me now.
Not even you, Allo.
PAUL: So there
you have it, guys.
I've got the Tyrannos in
the hidden valley pinpointed.
I just can't believe
it. Real dinosaurs.
And what are we
then? Cheap imitations?
We can't allow the Tyrannos
to enslave those poor creatures.
Then let's get down there
and do something to stop it.
Right you are, Sara.
Let's fly.
GENGHIS: Make sure
these things work, Styraco,
I have no time
for failures today.
Oh, it'll certainly work
on these dumb beasts
since it would work on you,
or me, or even a Dinosaucer.
SARA: Paul says the Tyrannos
engines quit working near the mountains,
so we're not going to be able to
fly over that hidden valley either.
Oh? We'll have to do
what the Tyrannos did.
Walk in.
PAUL: And from further away.
We don't want their ship to see ours.
DIMETRO: Well, there's a
likely looking spot to land.
BRONTO: This rain
forest looks impossible.
Don't sweat it, Bronto Thunder,
we'll show you the ropes.
Like the lady said,
my man, nothing to it.
Just make like Tarzan.
These humans have a
strange way of doing things.
Is this going to hurt?
[LAUGHS] I don't
think so. Let's go, then.
Well, if Allo says
do it, I'll do it.
Oh, no!
Bronto Thunder,
quit hanging around.
BRONTO: Very funny.
I think I'll stick to walking.
Hey, look at that.
It's tar.
Mmm. That's probably one of the
things that attracted the Tyrannos here.
Yeah, it fits their lifestyle.
What I worry about is what their
lifestyle's gonna do to this nice jungle.
They'll probably
want to turn it
Hey, wait for me, guys!
We're over here, Bronto
Thunder. Come on.
Where? Where did you all go?
Oh, brother.
If the Earth dinosaurs
had friends like mine,
no wonder they're
almost extinct.
PAUL: It's all brush
and tangles ahead.
No way to swing through it.
That's the first thing for not.
Mmm, but it does
look terribly thick.
How are we going to
get to the valley in time
to save those dinosaurs
from Genghis Rex?
It'll take forever to bash
our way through this stuff.
We may not have to.
It doesn't have roots,
can you believe this?
It's all air plants.
Let's go everybody.
PAUL: Hey, neat.
SARA: Wow, this is neat.
ALLO: Hey, I can't see.
BRONTO: That was
my foot. ALLO: Ouch!
All right, be careful.
There still might be a
Tyranno in here somewhere.
My dinosensor says
they're much further in.
In any case, they're
up to no good.
What was that?
Sounded like Bronto
Thunder snoring.
I don't snore.
Never mind that. Come on.
Oh, no. This doesn't look good.
Look at that.
It's a Seismosaurus.
It's the biggest
dinosaur that ever lived.
And it looks like the maddest
dinosaur that ever lived.
What do we do now?
Well, I'm open to
any suggestions.
But friendship
usually works best.
Hi there, big guy.
Don't be afraid. We're friends.
But you're not smart enough to
know what I'm saying, are you?
Or the danger you could be in.
Now, Brachio, collar it.
All right, get all the
rest of them collared.
Then take them through the cave
and start them working
on the tar pit site.
They're all just doing
what Rex makes them.
ALLO: They can't help it.
The Tyrannos have put
collars of control on them.
What are those?
An old invention
of the Tyrannos.
They use them to control
saurians back on Reptilon
who don't agree with them.
The collar makes whatever
wears it a mindless slave.
ALLO: We've got to
stop this and quickly.
- But how?
- Those collars have to be disabled.
To do that we need
the control box.
Rex is hardly going to just let
you walk up and take it, though.
Oh, but that's just
what he's going to do.
I'm going to dinovolve myself back
to my ancestral Allosaurus shape.
And mix in with
the earth dinosaurs?
You can't.
He'll put one of
those collars on you.
You might not be able
to fight off its effects.
Let's find out.
I'm gonna try to
get that control box.
DIMETRO: Allo, be careful.
Now, to dinovolve myself.
Stay close all.
Don't worry, Allo, we'll
keep an eye on you.
No, not on me.
Get those poor dinosaurs free.
Come on. Get moving.
Collar the biggest ones first.
That one.
- Oh, no. Allo.
- They've got him.
Not for long.
What does that mean?
The dinovolve effect
only lasts a few minutes.
Then he'll turn back into Allo.
If he doesn't get to
Rex's control box in time,
then he'll change back to
himself right in front of Rex.
And Rex will have his
worst enemy as his slave.
Styraco, get some ropes so that
we can get this big one to work.
SARA: Come on, we have to get that
collar off Allo before he changes back.
Oh, no. More trouble.
Looks like a water hazard.
We can't go around it.
We're gonna have
to go across it.
There aren't even any vines.
That's a relief.
And I can't swim.
I'd say we have a problem.
Not as big a one as you think.
Bronto Thunder, I know
you've been having a hard day
No more tar.
Of course not.
I wouldn't ask you to
sit in any nasty old tar.
Oh, well, in that case.
Now, here's what
I want you to do.
I don't think this
is going to work.
Oh, come on, big
fella. It's for Allo.
We'll never sneak up on the Tyrannos
from behind if you don't come through.
Oh, all right.
But hurry up.
This water is cold.
Here goes.
Ooh. Ouch! Careful!
PAUL: Hang on, BT.
Here I go.
[LAUGHS] Cut it out.
We can't stop to eat right now.
It's not fair.
The only good thing that happens
to me all day and I can't enjoy it.
SARA: You can do that later.
We have to get that
collar of control off Allo.
To the vines.
This time I'm
gonna get it right.
I did it. I did it.
You sure did.
But what do I do
What? No! Stop!
The things I go through.
Brachio, Styraco, stop them!
Get collars on these wild ones.
They'll ruin everything.
Get to work.
You wouldn't think it was so funny
if you had to put the collars on them.
Ah, you're no fun.
But I see someone who will be.
Come on, we have to help Allo.
They went that way. Come on.
I don't think I'm going
to get the hang of this.
But if you hang around
with me, you will.
Rex! Rex! It's the Dinosaucers!
Where? Get them! Get them!
Uh-oh. The jig's up.
And we have other problems.
Allo should have
changed back by now.
- Uh-oh.
- I think it's the collar.
We've got to get it off him.
Okay, Quackpot.
You like the way I crash?
Let's see how you fly.
Nice place you've got here.
I just flew in from
the coast and,
boy, are my arms tired.
And no, no, no.
Seriously, seriously, folks.
Secret Scouts ring, power up.
You can't escape me.
I'm gonna get you pesky
mammals out of the way for good.
Out of the way, huh? No problem.
I think he wants
us out of here, Paul.
That's funny.
He keeps trying to catch me.
He's not trying
very hard, though.
Oh, well.
Come back here.
Dimetro and Bronto Thunder would not
have come with only those human hatchlings.
There's one missing.
One who'll be bigger and smarter
looking than the Earth dinosaurs.
One who can fight the
control collar and win.
Nothing can resist the collar.
A Dinosaucer can fight it.
You think so, do you, Allo?
Then try your luck
against my cousin here.
It's more than
twice your strength.
But at the same time I've got
something this poor creature doesn't.
I've got twice the brains.
Give up the control box, Rex.
Hey, Genghis Rex.
Ah! Whoa!
It's all over for you, Rex.
I'm getting out of here!
Yay! I did it.
These creatures are smart enough
to know who made them into slaves.
If I were you I'd leave before this big
one here decides to step on your ship.
There'll be another time, Allo!
But not right now.
Mammals. Disgusting.
Ah, that's better.
Now, we've got to
seal up this place,
so that no one will bother
these dinosaurs again.
Maybe they'll give us a hand.
Or a claw.
This last one
should do it, Allo.
One good push from the other
side will bring all the rocks down.
No one will ever be able
to use this entrance again.
Then let's get moving.
Hey, do you think I could
keep this baby Apatosaurus
if I told my mom he
followed me home?
Sure. You shouldn't have
any trouble housebreaking it.
Uh, on second
thought, maybe I'll pass.
PAUL: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
We can build a base here
that will hold enough ships
to conquer the whole planet.
And deal with those wretched
Dinosaucers once and for all.
The mother ship's
engines are failing.
What's doing it?
It's coming from the
ore in those mountains.
GENGHIS: There seems to be some
powerful force emanating from them.
Maybe it's something that we could use
for a new weapon against the Dinosaucers.
Inform our Earth base at Tar Pits 2
that we are landing here to investigate.
PAUL: What have we here?
Looks like old Genghis Rex is
busy somewhere doing his thing.
Which means being bad.
Let's see if we can get
a fix on where he's at.
Trackers on it. Now
to call the Dinosaucers.
Come in, Lava
Dome. Anybody home?
Come in, Allo. It's Paul.
Allo here, Paul.
What's going on?
We got Tyranno trouble.
Rex and his boys are down in
South America and up to no good.
Keep an eye on him.
And call any of the other
Secret Scouts who are available.
- We'll meet you at your headquarters.
- You got it.
Dimetro, Bronto Thunder.
Prepare the dinocraft for launch.
[QUACKS] I don't like to walk.
Why can't we fly?
Because that strange ore is
stopping the engines in our small craft
from working, Duckface.
Ah, that's duckbill.
I have a duckbill.
Whatever, Duckface.
Quiet, you idiotops.
Now, once we get into the
mountain and find some of that ore,
we'll have a new weapon
against the Dinosaucers.
And here is the way into
the heart of the mountain.
This place gives me the creeps.
Oh, quit whining,
you whimposaur.
[WHIMPERS] What should I do?
You think it's real
funny? Huh, Quackpot?
It's nice to see
you both so eager.
We're almost through.
And look. Look!
I don't believe it.
Look at that.
Dinosaurs. The old kind.
STYRACO: Dinosaurs? On Earth?
Huh? But all the dinosaurs
on this planet died.
Obviously not all
of them, eggbrain.
This valley must have
protected them somehow.
This is perfect.
These creatures
will be our slaves.
We'll make them help us gather
ore and build our new base here.
And after that,
they'll be the front line
in our war against the
humans and the Dinosaucers.
This guy is a nut.
What was that?
Huh? Oh, nothing,
oh, great bossasaurus.
Styraco, go back to the mother
ship and get the equipment we'll need.
Right away, Genghis Rex.
Nothing will be able to
stand against me now.
Not even you, Allo.
PAUL: So there
you have it, guys.
I've got the Tyrannos in
the hidden valley pinpointed.
I just can't believe
it. Real dinosaurs.
And what are we
then? Cheap imitations?
We can't allow the Tyrannos
to enslave those poor creatures.
Then let's get down there
and do something to stop it.
Right you are, Sara.
Let's fly.
GENGHIS: Make sure
these things work, Styraco,
I have no time
for failures today.
Oh, it'll certainly work
on these dumb beasts
since it would work on you,
or me, or even a Dinosaucer.
SARA: Paul says the Tyrannos
engines quit working near the mountains,
so we're not going to be able to
fly over that hidden valley either.
Oh? We'll have to do
what the Tyrannos did.
Walk in.
PAUL: And from further away.
We don't want their ship to see ours.
DIMETRO: Well, there's a
likely looking spot to land.
BRONTO: This rain
forest looks impossible.
Don't sweat it, Bronto Thunder,
we'll show you the ropes.
Like the lady said,
my man, nothing to it.
Just make like Tarzan.
These humans have a
strange way of doing things.
Is this going to hurt?
[LAUGHS] I don't
think so. Let's go, then.
Well, if Allo says
do it, I'll do it.
Oh, no!
Bronto Thunder,
quit hanging around.
BRONTO: Very funny.
I think I'll stick to walking.
Hey, look at that.
It's tar.
Mmm. That's probably one of the
things that attracted the Tyrannos here.
Yeah, it fits their lifestyle.
What I worry about is what their
lifestyle's gonna do to this nice jungle.
They'll probably
want to turn it
Hey, wait for me, guys!
We're over here, Bronto
Thunder. Come on.
Where? Where did you all go?
Oh, brother.
If the Earth dinosaurs
had friends like mine,
no wonder they're
almost extinct.
PAUL: It's all brush
and tangles ahead.
No way to swing through it.
That's the first thing for not.
Mmm, but it does
look terribly thick.
How are we going to
get to the valley in time
to save those dinosaurs
from Genghis Rex?
It'll take forever to bash
our way through this stuff.
We may not have to.
It doesn't have roots,
can you believe this?
It's all air plants.
Let's go everybody.
PAUL: Hey, neat.
SARA: Wow, this is neat.
ALLO: Hey, I can't see.
BRONTO: That was
my foot. ALLO: Ouch!
All right, be careful.
There still might be a
Tyranno in here somewhere.
My dinosensor says
they're much further in.
In any case, they're
up to no good.
What was that?
Sounded like Bronto
Thunder snoring.
I don't snore.
Never mind that. Come on.
Oh, no. This doesn't look good.
Look at that.
It's a Seismosaurus.
It's the biggest
dinosaur that ever lived.
And it looks like the maddest
dinosaur that ever lived.
What do we do now?
Well, I'm open to
any suggestions.
But friendship
usually works best.
Hi there, big guy.
Don't be afraid. We're friends.
But you're not smart enough to
know what I'm saying, are you?
Or the danger you could be in.
Now, Brachio, collar it.
All right, get all the
rest of them collared.
Then take them through the cave
and start them working
on the tar pit site.
They're all just doing
what Rex makes them.
ALLO: They can't help it.
The Tyrannos have put
collars of control on them.
What are those?
An old invention
of the Tyrannos.
They use them to control
saurians back on Reptilon
who don't agree with them.
The collar makes whatever
wears it a mindless slave.
ALLO: We've got to
stop this and quickly.
- But how?
- Those collars have to be disabled.
To do that we need
the control box.
Rex is hardly going to just let
you walk up and take it, though.
Oh, but that's just
what he's going to do.
I'm going to dinovolve myself back
to my ancestral Allosaurus shape.
And mix in with
the earth dinosaurs?
You can't.
He'll put one of
those collars on you.
You might not be able
to fight off its effects.
Let's find out.
I'm gonna try to
get that control box.
DIMETRO: Allo, be careful.
Now, to dinovolve myself.
Stay close all.
Don't worry, Allo, we'll
keep an eye on you.
No, not on me.
Get those poor dinosaurs free.
Come on. Get moving.
Collar the biggest ones first.
That one.
- Oh, no. Allo.
- They've got him.
Not for long.
What does that mean?
The dinovolve effect
only lasts a few minutes.
Then he'll turn back into Allo.
If he doesn't get to
Rex's control box in time,
then he'll change back to
himself right in front of Rex.
And Rex will have his
worst enemy as his slave.
Styraco, get some ropes so that
we can get this big one to work.
SARA: Come on, we have to get that
collar off Allo before he changes back.
Oh, no. More trouble.
Looks like a water hazard.
We can't go around it.
We're gonna have
to go across it.
There aren't even any vines.
That's a relief.
And I can't swim.
I'd say we have a problem.
Not as big a one as you think.
Bronto Thunder, I know
you've been having a hard day
No more tar.
Of course not.
I wouldn't ask you to
sit in any nasty old tar.
Oh, well, in that case.
Now, here's what
I want you to do.
I don't think this
is going to work.
Oh, come on, big
fella. It's for Allo.
We'll never sneak up on the Tyrannos
from behind if you don't come through.
Oh, all right.
But hurry up.
This water is cold.
Here goes.
Ooh. Ouch! Careful!
PAUL: Hang on, BT.
Here I go.
[LAUGHS] Cut it out.
We can't stop to eat right now.
It's not fair.
The only good thing that happens
to me all day and I can't enjoy it.
SARA: You can do that later.
We have to get that
collar of control off Allo.
To the vines.
This time I'm
gonna get it right.
I did it. I did it.
You sure did.
But what do I do
What? No! Stop!
The things I go through.
Brachio, Styraco, stop them!
Get collars on these wild ones.
They'll ruin everything.
Get to work.
You wouldn't think it was so funny
if you had to put the collars on them.
Ah, you're no fun.
But I see someone who will be.
Come on, we have to help Allo.
They went that way. Come on.
I don't think I'm going
to get the hang of this.
But if you hang around
with me, you will.
Rex! Rex! It's the Dinosaucers!
Where? Get them! Get them!
Uh-oh. The jig's up.
And we have other problems.
Allo should have
changed back by now.
- Uh-oh.
- I think it's the collar.
We've got to get it off him.
Okay, Quackpot.
You like the way I crash?
Let's see how you fly.
Nice place you've got here.
I just flew in from
the coast and,
boy, are my arms tired.
And no, no, no.
Seriously, seriously, folks.
Secret Scouts ring, power up.
You can't escape me.
I'm gonna get you pesky
mammals out of the way for good.
Out of the way, huh? No problem.
I think he wants
us out of here, Paul.
That's funny.
He keeps trying to catch me.
He's not trying
very hard, though.
Oh, well.
Come back here.
Dimetro and Bronto Thunder would not
have come with only those human hatchlings.
There's one missing.
One who'll be bigger and smarter
looking than the Earth dinosaurs.
One who can fight the
control collar and win.
Nothing can resist the collar.
A Dinosaucer can fight it.
You think so, do you, Allo?
Then try your luck
against my cousin here.
It's more than
twice your strength.
But at the same time I've got
something this poor creature doesn't.
I've got twice the brains.
Give up the control box, Rex.
Hey, Genghis Rex.
Ah! Whoa!
It's all over for you, Rex.
I'm getting out of here!
Yay! I did it.
These creatures are smart enough
to know who made them into slaves.
If I were you I'd leave before this big
one here decides to step on your ship.
There'll be another time, Allo!
But not right now.
Mammals. Disgusting.
Ah, that's better.
Now, we've got to
seal up this place,
so that no one will bother
these dinosaurs again.
Maybe they'll give us a hand.
Or a claw.
This last one
should do it, Allo.
One good push from the other
side will bring all the rocks down.
No one will ever be able
to use this entrance again.
Then let's get moving.
Hey, do you think I could
keep this baby Apatosaurus
if I told my mom he
followed me home?
Sure. You shouldn't have
any trouble housebreaking it.
Uh, on second
thought, maybe I'll pass.