Dinosaucers (1987) s01e05 Episode Script
Divide and Conquer
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I
became the secret scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Hey, Allo, everyone, great news!
It was on TV,
a scientist at New
York University
has discovered a fantastic
new source of energy.
Allo, if that's true we can finally
help our home planet, Reptilon.
David, can you lead us
to this New York place?
No problem.
The rest of you mind the store.
Never know when Genghis Rex
may choose to rear his ugly face.
Better keep an eye
on these Dinosaucers,
so they don't get
into any trouble.
Trouble? Them?
Seems to me you're the only one
who ever gets into trouble around here.
Coming, David?
You bet.
T.D. to Tar Pits. Allo and
David departing Lava Dome.
ANKYLO: Roger dodger,
[SNORTS] Terrible Dactyl. [SNORTS]
happens next, master?
Very simple.
We planted that fake story
about a new energy source.
Now we've gotten Allo away
from his fellow Dinosaucers.
And now, now! Now we
attack the Lava Dome?
No, lummox!
Without Allo's leadership, Bronto
Thunder becomes an easy target.
I'll surprise him with my devolver and
turn him into a brainless apatosaurus,
like his ancestors.
[CHUCKLES] I get it. We
polish them off one by one.
Correct, for once.
Now, put Brachio on red alert.
Yes, master.
- Tar Pits calling Brachio.
I'm bored.
Why's Allo the only one
who gets to go to this.
New York City place?
It sounds like a fun place.
Who wants to go there with me?
Are you crazy, Bronto Thunder?
You'll be disobeying
Allo's orders.
Aw, Allo never
said we couldn't go.
And we'll do our
sightseeing at night.
No one'll see us.
Don't you ever learn?
You'll get us in trouble.
Sera, talk to this
Bronto-brain plant eater.
Well Aw, come on, Sera,
how often do you get a chance to
show a dinosaur around New York City?
Yeah, you're right. It
sounds like terrific fun.
Big Apple, here we come.
You're both crazy.
Mark my words, disobeying
instructions always leads to trouble.
Bye, Dimetro. Don't worry, I'll
keep my eye on Bronto Thunder.
Don't wait up.
T.D. to Tar Pits. Target
has departed Lava Dome.
Trajectory suggests New
York City as destination.
How easy to trick these
brainless Dinosaucers.
Ankylo, have the others join
us to intercept Bronto Thunder.
Tarpits to Brachio.
SERA: There's a movie about a giant gorilla
who climbed up the Empire State Building.
Yeah. He sat his human girlfriend on
top of it and swatted down enemy planes.
What a brilliant
battle strategy.
This gorilla must have
been Earth's greatest general.
Ah, no, this was a movie.
Of course they would have
made a movie about such a hero.
Ah, I'm starting to wish
I hadn't brought this up.
Hey, I bet we
could land on that!
Not unless you're a zeppelin.
I never heard of
that kind of dinosaur.
But don't worry, I
can land on anything.
Oh, Bronto Thunder, I don't
know if this is such a good idea.
Oh, we're gonna get in trouble.
No we won't. Those
people love us.
SERA: Oh no.
Let's go say hi to them.
I'm beginning to think
Dimetro had a point after all.
Look, dad, it's an apatosaurus.
A what?
Like wow. You mean the
rock group Apatosaurus?
Can I have your autograph?
Like I have all your records.
Well sure.
Tubular, man.
Ah, Bronto Thunder,
we've got places to be.
Right. Bye bye, everybody.
It must have been some
kind of publicity stunt.
It was an apatosaurus, Dad.
Sure, son.
What nice people.
I thought New Yorkers
weren't supposed to be friendly.
Sometimes they have
trouble with people,
but I guess dinosaurs do okay.
Wow, look at that!
Who's that magnificent
lady with the torch?
That's the Statue of Liberty.
She represents freedom
to people all over the world.
That's also what we
believe in on Reptilon.
It's what'll help us to
defeat the Tyrannos
and save our world.
Looks like we'll need
to save ourselves first.
Take that, Dinosaucers! [SNORTS]
SERA: We've been hit
by Ankylo's ankle buster!
The ship's going down!
We're gonna crash!
We may be going down,
Sera, but we won't crash,
not if I can just manage
to use the mow bit.
Bronto Thunder,
are you all right?
I'm okay.
- How about you?
- Fine.
But with those
Tyrannos out there,
I don't know how much
longer we'll stay that way.
ALLO: We've been duped.
The scientists here didn't know
anything about a new energy source.
The fake story must have
been planted by Genghis Rex.
We'll soon see.
Allo calling Lava
Dome. Come in, please.
DIMETRO: This is Lava
Dome. Dimetro at your service.
Any Tyranno activity, Dimetro?
Everybody present and accounted for?
Uh, no Tyranno activity
reported, but, um,
Bronto Thunder sort of went
sightseeing in New York City
and he sort of
took Sera with him.
ALLO: What?
Knowing Bronto
Thunder, he's in for trouble.
Dimetro, meet us over
in New York right away.
Come on, David,
there's no time to lose.
Bronto Thunder, the Tyrannos are all
over the place. What're we gonna do?
There's only one proven
strategy we can use.
We climb up this tall statue
and I swat at the Tyranno aircraft.
It'll be just the way it was
on the Empire State Building
with your brilliant
Earth general gorilla.
Ah, I really hope not.
Anyway, we won't let
them get us without a fight.
Here come the Tyrannos!
Now you'll get yours, mammal.
Time for me to use my ring to
enhance my gymnastics ability.
Secret scouts ring, power up!
Ha, ha, ha!
Come and get me, fang face!
How're you doing,
Bronto Thunder?
Just fine.
That gorilla had the right idea.
Not bad, big guy, but we
can't keep this up forever.
I know. And look! Here
comes someone else.
SERA: Is it another Tyranno?
Wait a minute.
That's Allo's ship.
Oh, well, now I'm
really in trouble.
Curses! It's Allo.
Let's put him out of
the way once and for all.
We'll see if you have
the nerve for it, Rex.
ALLO: [ON RADIO] Allo to
David. Come on, enjoy the fun.
Just watch out, I've
got Rex on my tail.
DAVID: I hear ya, Allo.
Taking evasive action.
But not soon enough.
DAVID: We'll see about that.
DAVID: Yahoo!
I haven't pulled this fancy a maneuver
since last year's skateboard championships.
Nobody makes a
fool out of Brachio.
I'll get even with all of ya.
I'm not gonna let
David outdo me.
No. Please. Please!
Please! Please, be a,
a nice mammal. [SNORTS]
ANKYLO: Don't pull those! Ahhh!
Are you all right?
Sure am, but Ankylo's
going all to pieces.
I'm just not having a good day.
Brachio, what in egg's
name are you doing?
If I have to take a fall, so do Bronto
Thunder and that runty little mammal.
Now get out your ankle
buster and help me.
That's it.
A little more.
A little more!
Just another little shove.
That's it for Bronto Thunder
and his pet mammal.
SERA: I wonder what King
Kong would have done about this.
- Who?
- The gorilla.
I thought he was only a general.
Oh, never mind.
we've gotta stop Brachio.
Right. Let's go.
Allo's landing.
Now's my chance to devolve him back
into a prehistoric mindless allosaurus.
All right, Brachio, freeze!
You too, shorty.
You're too late, Allo,
one more push and
the statue goes flyin'!
Along with Bronto
Thunder and the mammal.
Empty threats, Brachio.
We have the drop on you.
Do you really, Allo?
Allo, look out!
He's turning into a
prehistoric brachiosaurus.
Oh no! Oh!
The brachiosaurus, he's
gonna smunch us, master.
Do something.
Stop sniveling.
One more blast from my devolver
and I'll turn him back into an egg.
DAVID: Ahhh!
ALLO: You've turned
David into a cave boy.
So I have. Maybe it'll be
an improvement. [LAUGHS]
What fools these mammals be.
Hey, what's he doing?
My ship!
Now, Allo, prepare to devolve
as Brachio and that mammal did.
Hey, where is that
mammal anyway?
Never underestimate a mammal,
Rex, even a devolved one.
What's that thing?
[STUTTERING] Nice mammal.
Good mammal.
Put the club down
like a nice mammal.
Bronto Thunder, hold
on. Here comes Dimetro!
Okay, Dimetro, nice timing.
DIMETRO: Cushion the big
guy's fall, then head back to base.
Roger. Watch this move, Allo.
BOTH: Ahhh!
Welcome back to Earth.
Are you two all right?
Sure, but what about David?
Can you change him back?
Where is he? What're we gonna do?
Easy, Sera. He's right
He was right here.
Where did he go?
SERA: He's headed
into New York City.
Quick! Get the
raft from my ship.
All right. I'm gonna go
sightseeing in New York after all.
MAN 1: What's goin' on?
MAN 2: Hey, that
guy must be nuts.
DOG OWNER: Hey, cut it out!
Sit! Sit!
Let me go!
Hey, take it easy, handsome.
You want a hot dog, you wait
your turn like the next guy, huh?
Hey! What you doin'?
Stop it, you big ape! That's
my whole day's inventory.
Cut it out now! You
pay up or I call a cop.
All right that's it.
Police! Police!
Mad hot dog eater!
I got a mad hot dog eater
here! Somebody come help me.
Come on, you
cops. Get over here.
ALLO: Well, here you are.
David? It's me, Sera.
I don't think he recognizes me.
Easy, son, we're friends. Come
on, we'll take you some place safe.
Well, what's the
matter with you people?
Didn't you ever see a cave
boy and two dinosaurs before?
I get it now. You guys
are all from a movie.
Hey, is Dino shootin' another one of
them big pictures here in town, huh?
Not Dino. Dinos!
We're dinosaurs
from outer space.
[CHUCKLES] Dinosaurs from
outer space. Great title. Don't tell me.
You got here in flying
saucers. [CHUCKLES]
Well, to tell you the truth
Heh. You're a riot. I love you.
And now where do I send the bill for
all the hot dogs your cave boy actor ate?
Send it to Reptilon.
Reptilon. I got it. Hey,
that's in Jersey, ain't it?
Hey, mac, what's the zip code?
I think David'll
like it more in here.
Right, Sera, look at him.
Why, it's like he
just came home.
Well, riding subways is the closest
thing we have to living in caves.
change him back to normal, Allo?
I'm not sure, but I'll just try reversing
the polarity of Rex's devolver here.
Now let's see what happens.
Move back, you two.
SERA: You did it.
David's back to normal.
You all right, David?
Mmm? Uh, yeah. Um, I'm fine,
but I don't remember too
clearly what happened.
Oh, nothing much.
You just turned into a cave boy
and chased Rex away with a club.
Then you destroyed a hot dog
stand in the middle of Times Square.
That I think I'm
going to remember.
But you guys blew
your cover to save me.
Now the world knows
about the Dinosaucers.
I don't think we
need to worry, David.
The world is one thing.
New Yorkers are another.
They don't think we're real.
Oh! So now, I can come
sightseeing anytime.
After all the trouble you caused
everyone by disobeying orders?
You'll be lucky if I ever let
you leave the Lava Dome again.
And if I do let you go
sightseeing on Earth again,
we go as a group.
Don't you know that it's
not safe for a dinosaur
to walk around New
York City alone at night?
It's a jungle out there.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I
became the secret scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Hey, Allo, everyone, great news!
It was on TV,
a scientist at New
York University
has discovered a fantastic
new source of energy.
Allo, if that's true we can finally
help our home planet, Reptilon.
David, can you lead us
to this New York place?
No problem.
The rest of you mind the store.
Never know when Genghis Rex
may choose to rear his ugly face.
Better keep an eye
on these Dinosaucers,
so they don't get
into any trouble.
Trouble? Them?
Seems to me you're the only one
who ever gets into trouble around here.
Coming, David?
You bet.
T.D. to Tar Pits. Allo and
David departing Lava Dome.
ANKYLO: Roger dodger,
[SNORTS] Terrible Dactyl. [SNORTS]
happens next, master?
Very simple.
We planted that fake story
about a new energy source.
Now we've gotten Allo away
from his fellow Dinosaucers.
And now, now! Now we
attack the Lava Dome?
No, lummox!
Without Allo's leadership, Bronto
Thunder becomes an easy target.
I'll surprise him with my devolver and
turn him into a brainless apatosaurus,
like his ancestors.
[CHUCKLES] I get it. We
polish them off one by one.
Correct, for once.
Now, put Brachio on red alert.
Yes, master.
- Tar Pits calling Brachio.
I'm bored.
Why's Allo the only one
who gets to go to this.
New York City place?
It sounds like a fun place.
Who wants to go there with me?
Are you crazy, Bronto Thunder?
You'll be disobeying
Allo's orders.
Aw, Allo never
said we couldn't go.
And we'll do our
sightseeing at night.
No one'll see us.
Don't you ever learn?
You'll get us in trouble.
Sera, talk to this
Bronto-brain plant eater.
Well Aw, come on, Sera,
how often do you get a chance to
show a dinosaur around New York City?
Yeah, you're right. It
sounds like terrific fun.
Big Apple, here we come.
You're both crazy.
Mark my words, disobeying
instructions always leads to trouble.
Bye, Dimetro. Don't worry, I'll
keep my eye on Bronto Thunder.
Don't wait up.
T.D. to Tar Pits. Target
has departed Lava Dome.
Trajectory suggests New
York City as destination.
How easy to trick these
brainless Dinosaucers.
Ankylo, have the others join
us to intercept Bronto Thunder.
Tarpits to Brachio.
SERA: There's a movie about a giant gorilla
who climbed up the Empire State Building.
Yeah. He sat his human girlfriend on
top of it and swatted down enemy planes.
What a brilliant
battle strategy.
This gorilla must have
been Earth's greatest general.
Ah, no, this was a movie.
Of course they would have
made a movie about such a hero.
Ah, I'm starting to wish
I hadn't brought this up.
Hey, I bet we
could land on that!
Not unless you're a zeppelin.
I never heard of
that kind of dinosaur.
But don't worry, I
can land on anything.
Oh, Bronto Thunder, I don't
know if this is such a good idea.
Oh, we're gonna get in trouble.
No we won't. Those
people love us.
SERA: Oh no.
Let's go say hi to them.
I'm beginning to think
Dimetro had a point after all.
Look, dad, it's an apatosaurus.
A what?
Like wow. You mean the
rock group Apatosaurus?
Can I have your autograph?
Like I have all your records.
Well sure.
Tubular, man.
Ah, Bronto Thunder,
we've got places to be.
Right. Bye bye, everybody.
It must have been some
kind of publicity stunt.
It was an apatosaurus, Dad.
Sure, son.
What nice people.
I thought New Yorkers
weren't supposed to be friendly.
Sometimes they have
trouble with people,
but I guess dinosaurs do okay.
Wow, look at that!
Who's that magnificent
lady with the torch?
That's the Statue of Liberty.
She represents freedom
to people all over the world.
That's also what we
believe in on Reptilon.
It's what'll help us to
defeat the Tyrannos
and save our world.
Looks like we'll need
to save ourselves first.
Take that, Dinosaucers! [SNORTS]
SERA: We've been hit
by Ankylo's ankle buster!
The ship's going down!
We're gonna crash!
We may be going down,
Sera, but we won't crash,
not if I can just manage
to use the mow bit.
Bronto Thunder,
are you all right?
I'm okay.
- How about you?
- Fine.
But with those
Tyrannos out there,
I don't know how much
longer we'll stay that way.
ALLO: We've been duped.
The scientists here didn't know
anything about a new energy source.
The fake story must have
been planted by Genghis Rex.
We'll soon see.
Allo calling Lava
Dome. Come in, please.
DIMETRO: This is Lava
Dome. Dimetro at your service.
Any Tyranno activity, Dimetro?
Everybody present and accounted for?
Uh, no Tyranno activity
reported, but, um,
Bronto Thunder sort of went
sightseeing in New York City
and he sort of
took Sera with him.
ALLO: What?
Knowing Bronto
Thunder, he's in for trouble.
Dimetro, meet us over
in New York right away.
Come on, David,
there's no time to lose.
Bronto Thunder, the Tyrannos are all
over the place. What're we gonna do?
There's only one proven
strategy we can use.
We climb up this tall statue
and I swat at the Tyranno aircraft.
It'll be just the way it was
on the Empire State Building
with your brilliant
Earth general gorilla.
Ah, I really hope not.
Anyway, we won't let
them get us without a fight.
Here come the Tyrannos!
Now you'll get yours, mammal.
Time for me to use my ring to
enhance my gymnastics ability.
Secret scouts ring, power up!
Ha, ha, ha!
Come and get me, fang face!
How're you doing,
Bronto Thunder?
Just fine.
That gorilla had the right idea.
Not bad, big guy, but we
can't keep this up forever.
I know. And look! Here
comes someone else.
SERA: Is it another Tyranno?
Wait a minute.
That's Allo's ship.
Oh, well, now I'm
really in trouble.
Curses! It's Allo.
Let's put him out of
the way once and for all.
We'll see if you have
the nerve for it, Rex.
ALLO: [ON RADIO] Allo to
David. Come on, enjoy the fun.
Just watch out, I've
got Rex on my tail.
DAVID: I hear ya, Allo.
Taking evasive action.
But not soon enough.
DAVID: We'll see about that.
DAVID: Yahoo!
I haven't pulled this fancy a maneuver
since last year's skateboard championships.
Nobody makes a
fool out of Brachio.
I'll get even with all of ya.
I'm not gonna let
David outdo me.
No. Please. Please!
Please! Please, be a,
a nice mammal. [SNORTS]
ANKYLO: Don't pull those! Ahhh!
Are you all right?
Sure am, but Ankylo's
going all to pieces.
I'm just not having a good day.
Brachio, what in egg's
name are you doing?
If I have to take a fall, so do Bronto
Thunder and that runty little mammal.
Now get out your ankle
buster and help me.
That's it.
A little more.
A little more!
Just another little shove.
That's it for Bronto Thunder
and his pet mammal.
SERA: I wonder what King
Kong would have done about this.
- Who?
- The gorilla.
I thought he was only a general.
Oh, never mind.
we've gotta stop Brachio.
Right. Let's go.
Allo's landing.
Now's my chance to devolve him back
into a prehistoric mindless allosaurus.
All right, Brachio, freeze!
You too, shorty.
You're too late, Allo,
one more push and
the statue goes flyin'!
Along with Bronto
Thunder and the mammal.
Empty threats, Brachio.
We have the drop on you.
Do you really, Allo?
Allo, look out!
He's turning into a
prehistoric brachiosaurus.
Oh no! Oh!
The brachiosaurus, he's
gonna smunch us, master.
Do something.
Stop sniveling.
One more blast from my devolver
and I'll turn him back into an egg.
DAVID: Ahhh!
ALLO: You've turned
David into a cave boy.
So I have. Maybe it'll be
an improvement. [LAUGHS]
What fools these mammals be.
Hey, what's he doing?
My ship!
Now, Allo, prepare to devolve
as Brachio and that mammal did.
Hey, where is that
mammal anyway?
Never underestimate a mammal,
Rex, even a devolved one.
What's that thing?
[STUTTERING] Nice mammal.
Good mammal.
Put the club down
like a nice mammal.
Bronto Thunder, hold
on. Here comes Dimetro!
Okay, Dimetro, nice timing.
DIMETRO: Cushion the big
guy's fall, then head back to base.
Roger. Watch this move, Allo.
BOTH: Ahhh!
Welcome back to Earth.
Are you two all right?
Sure, but what about David?
Can you change him back?
Where is he? What're we gonna do?
Easy, Sera. He's right
He was right here.
Where did he go?
SERA: He's headed
into New York City.
Quick! Get the
raft from my ship.
All right. I'm gonna go
sightseeing in New York after all.
MAN 1: What's goin' on?
MAN 2: Hey, that
guy must be nuts.
DOG OWNER: Hey, cut it out!
Sit! Sit!
Let me go!
Hey, take it easy, handsome.
You want a hot dog, you wait
your turn like the next guy, huh?
Hey! What you doin'?
Stop it, you big ape! That's
my whole day's inventory.
Cut it out now! You
pay up or I call a cop.
All right that's it.
Police! Police!
Mad hot dog eater!
I got a mad hot dog eater
here! Somebody come help me.
Come on, you
cops. Get over here.
ALLO: Well, here you are.
David? It's me, Sera.
I don't think he recognizes me.
Easy, son, we're friends. Come
on, we'll take you some place safe.
Well, what's the
matter with you people?
Didn't you ever see a cave
boy and two dinosaurs before?
I get it now. You guys
are all from a movie.
Hey, is Dino shootin' another one of
them big pictures here in town, huh?
Not Dino. Dinos!
We're dinosaurs
from outer space.
[CHUCKLES] Dinosaurs from
outer space. Great title. Don't tell me.
You got here in flying
saucers. [CHUCKLES]
Well, to tell you the truth
Heh. You're a riot. I love you.
And now where do I send the bill for
all the hot dogs your cave boy actor ate?
Send it to Reptilon.
Reptilon. I got it. Hey,
that's in Jersey, ain't it?
Hey, mac, what's the zip code?
I think David'll
like it more in here.
Right, Sera, look at him.
Why, it's like he
just came home.
Well, riding subways is the closest
thing we have to living in caves.
change him back to normal, Allo?
I'm not sure, but I'll just try reversing
the polarity of Rex's devolver here.
Now let's see what happens.
Move back, you two.
SERA: You did it.
David's back to normal.
You all right, David?
Mmm? Uh, yeah. Um, I'm fine,
but I don't remember too
clearly what happened.
Oh, nothing much.
You just turned into a cave boy
and chased Rex away with a club.
Then you destroyed a hot dog
stand in the middle of Times Square.
That I think I'm
going to remember.
But you guys blew
your cover to save me.
Now the world knows
about the Dinosaucers.
I don't think we
need to worry, David.
The world is one thing.
New Yorkers are another.
They don't think we're real.
Oh! So now, I can come
sightseeing anytime.
After all the trouble you caused
everyone by disobeying orders?
You'll be lucky if I ever let
you leave the Lava Dome again.
And if I do let you go
sightseeing on Earth again,
we go as a group.
Don't you know that it's
not safe for a dinosaur
to walk around New
York City alone at night?
It's a jungle out there.