Dinosaucers (1987) s01e04 Episode Script
Hooray for Hollywood
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
what do I do, David?
It's not what you
do, but what I do.
What do you guys
think of that move, huh?
great move, David.
This wrestling is wonderful.
Yeah, but maybe you could make
one more move like a little to your right.
- You're standing on my claw.
- Oops.
Sorry about that. You see,
that's all there is to wrestling.
No matter how big
your opponent is,
you can use their size against them
and still body slam 'em to the ground.
- You mean like that?
Uh, I think you've got
the picture, Bonehead.
Well, I've had enough of this.
Hey, where're you goin'?
To this great new movie.
It's supposed to be really hot.
Ooh. It doesn't feel hot to me.
You know, Bonehead, sometimes
You're a real bonehead.
I'll catch you guys later.
Don't you want your movie?
DAVID: That's not the
movie, it's the newspaper.
It's just an ad for the movie.
Let's see.
Want ads, huh?
Wanted, babysitter.
Bonehead, why do
they sit on babies?
Beats me.
Wow, Stego, look at this.
A real dinosaur show
at Worldwide Studios.
Hey, let's tell the others
and go check it out.
I got a better idea.
Let's go ourselves
and not tell anyone.
Ah, ah, no way.
Maybe we can make
friends with these dinosaurs
and score some points with Allo.
No way.
[STAMMERING] By ourselves?
What if they're not friendly?
Then we'll just do like David said
and teach 'em about body slams.
STEGO: Worldwide
Studios, here we come!
REX: Ankylo, I want no clowning
around on this scouting mission.
ANKYLO: You got it, chiefasaur.
REX: Don't call me chief!
Oh, no!
Phew, that was close.
PILOT: Oh, Ray,
did you see that?
what? I didn't see anything.
You mean you didn't see a
UFO with a giant warthog flyin' it?
No! And you didn't either.
Huh? What's that?
Oh, the bossasaurus
is gonna love this.
A dinosaur show. [SNORTING]
I must inform
Genghis Rex of this.
Ankylo to Tar Pits Two. Come in.
What's your news, Ankylo?
I've just discovered dinosaurs in
a place called Worldwide Studios.
Good job, Ankylo.
These dinosaurs could
be very useful to us.
We must contact them
and make them our allies.
But, your scaliness,
what if they don't like us?
Then we'll dinonap them.
We must get them out
of the hands of humans.
STEGO: There it is,
Bonehead, Worldwide Studios.
Looks deserted.
Take us down.
Where should we land?
By the side of that lake.
That's strange.
This lake doesn't
have any plants.
No, but it has something else.
see something move, Stego?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Stego, get back here.
Help! Help! Whoa
I think he wants to be friends.
STEGO: Who needs
friends like this
- Oh, no.
Gee, Stego, I think your plates
were giving him dinosores.
There he is again.
Let's get out of here.
Now if you were a dinosaur,
where would you hide?
I am a dinosaur.
Hey, maybe they're
through one of those doors.
Okay, let's try this one.
What's all this stuff?
BONEHEAD: Mammal suits, I guess.
What do you think?
I think it'd look
better on Teryx.
Five minutes, gentlemen.
I guess our time is up.
What a bunch of wise guys.
Are you sure she wasn't
some kind of dinosaur?
STEGO: Nah, she looked more like
one of those mud monsters back home.
Yeah, you're right.
She was pretty ugly.
BONEHEAD: Hey, maybe
they're in that wax museum.
STEGO: Yeah. There's
always dinosaurs in museums.
This place gives me the creeps.
Yeah, me, too.
But we gotta find
those dinosaurs.
You go that way and
I'll check over here.
It's scary in here.
Go on.
Bonehead, is that you?
Well, what was that all about?
It almost got me.
"It" what?
It was this big. It had claws.
It had nasty,
sharp, pointy teeth.
It attacked me.
That's okay. Nothing's
gonna hurt you.
I'm with you.
[PANTING] I'm tired
and I wanna go home.
We'll never find
those dinosaurs.
[PANTING] Hey, let's take
a rest in that cave over there.
STEGO: I can't
see a thing in here.
BONEHEAD: Hey, I think
I feel some kind of switch.
guys. Nice day, huh?
That must be a wrestling
move David didn't tell us about.
ANKYLO: That looks like a
safe place to land, Genghis Rex.
I don't see any
mammals anywhere.
Let's go this way.
Those ignorant mammals
are shooting at us.
Get them!
ANKYLO: What's wrong,
bossasaur? These guys won't fall down.
They're fakes. Just
cardboard cutouts.
I'll fix them.
I'll deal with you later.
Let's go, Ankylo.
The dinosaurs are that way.
DAVID: Bonehead!
Time for the rest of
your wrestling lesson.
Hmm, that's strange.
Bonehead and Stego both gone.
Where could they be?
I wonder if this could have anything
to do with why they're missing.
Oh, no.
They must have gone to Worldwide
Studios thinking these dinosaurs were real.
Nah, they wouldn't.
Oh, yes, they would.
STEGO: Geez.
And Allo thinks
we're a little slow.
Take a look at these guys.
Hey, these dinos are fake.
And we broke 'em.
Allo's gonna be mad.
Especially when he finds out we
snuck out of Lava Dome for nothing.
You okay?
Yeah, I guess so.
But, we better
pick this thing up.
Uh-oh. Let's get out of here.
Except that we can't.
We're trapped! With With
BOTH: With humans!
And over here our dinosaur caves,
and look, there's
two of them now.
But, beware and hold tight.
They're ferocious.
What do we do now?
Act like a dinosaur.
Boy, are they ugly.
Yeah, you call them ferocious?
We're ugly? You should
talk, you tailless little
Forget about them.
Now's our chance.
Let's get out of here.
My throat's killing me from
all that roaring. [COUGHS]
Oh, no, check this
out. Here we go again.
Gee, they could have
at least got my good side.
Can I give the nice dinosaur
my ice cream, mommy?
That's very nice of you, dear.
It's always good to share.
Here, Mr. Dinosaur.
Oh no. Are you okay?
I guess so.
I just wish it was
seaweed ripple.
- Hey, doesn't
that actor remind
you of your mother?
You call that a makeup job?
I do a better job than
that with my eyes closed.
[GIGGLING] Look at this ear.
The rubber's the
cheapest I've ever seen.
And this nose.
For what they pay
actors these days,
you should be able to
afford something better.
Hey! Stop it!
Rex, what should I do? [SNORTS]
Ignore the pompous mammals.
We don't want to blow our cover.
Just go along with them.
this thing off of me!
REX: I can't take you anywhere.
What do we do now, Bonehead?
This place is too crowded
to make a run for it.
I got an idea.
Let's put those fake
dinosaurs back on the tracks,
then hide inside the
cave till the studio closes.
Too bad these things
don't have handles.
You can say that again.
Too bad these things
don't have Whoa!
For an extinct life form,
these things pack a wallop.
Yeah, well let's get
them back on the tracks
These guys could really
stand to lose a few pounds.
- There they are, oh, lord of the Tyrannos.
Finally, my domination of
this wretched planet can begin.
Watch how a true leader of saurians
converts a follower to his cause.
Greetings, noble
dinosaur survivor.
You must come with us.
We need you to
help us rule the earth.
Come back, you
ungrateful lizard.
Come back when Genghis Rex,
the magnificent speaks to you!
BOY: Look, mom, that cute
dinosaur almost stomped that ugly one.
[SHOUTING] You boorish
mammals! How dare you laugh at me!
It's Rex and Ankylo.
What should we do?
We've got to do
what Allo would do.
We must protect the humans.
But how? We don't
have any weapons.
We've got your plates and
spikes and my bonehead.
It's just gonna have to do.
Come on.
It's the Dinosaucers.
Where? After them!
It's that numbskull Bonehead
and his fraidysaur
friend, Stego.
I've been waiting for
this for a long time.
[STAMMERING] What do we do now?
Uh, running away
sounds awful good.
Hey, this tree is a fake.
And so are these rocks.
Get them!
Hey, those guys over in
special effects are somethin' else.
Yeah, they're a real blast.
Bonehead, let's get 'em with some
of those moves David taught us.
Great idea.
So, you dare to
meet me face to face.
Yeah, so prepare
to meet the ground.
I seem to have missed
something in the lesson.
That'll teach you to lay claws
on the lord of the Tyrannos.
I wish I'd just stayed in bed.
Here, Ankylo, have a nice trip.
Take that you overgrown
Whoa! It's the fakes.
Get off me, you eggbrain.
- Hey, this is beautiful.
- Yeah, great.
And now that big ugly dinosaur is going
to try and stomp on the little cute one.
Hey, what are you doing?
This isn't in my tour
guide handbook.
Oh well, must be something
new they added to the attraction.
Quiet, you silly
mammal. [GROWLS]
That's it. Put me down.
Insults were not in
my job agreement.
Hey, stop that.
Where did you go?
Get this off of me!
I can't see!
Mammal, come back
here and fight like a
I've had enough
of this nonsense!
In about a second you're
all going to be fossils.
What a show.
That's the funniest
thing I've ever heard.
Yeah, this is even better
than Monday Night Football.
We've got to do something. We
can't let them hurt the humans.
They don't deserve
to be fossilized.
STEGO: Neither do we.
Yeah, but at least they'll
have a chance to get away.
Use your plates to protect them.
It was nice knowin'
you, Bonehead.
Yeah, Stego, see
you in the museum.
REX: Hold that pose, wimpasaurs,
I want to remember
you just like that.
Ah, sweet victory.
DAVID: Yaa-hoo!
No, not another mammal.
DAVID: Got it!
Face it, Tyrannos,
you've lost this battle.
When are you going to realize
the good guys always win?
We can't capture you and take you
back to Reptilon for justice this time.
These innocent
people might get hurt,
but next time we will.
You won this battle,
but the war will rage on,
and the Tyrannos will triumph!
This is all your fault.
When I get my claws on you
Uh, sorry, chiefasaurus.
And don't call me chiefasaurus!
Er, er, sorry, chief!
Hey, take off your costumes.
We want to see what
you look like under there.
Er, sorry, kids, uh, break time.
The actors got to eat.
Union rules, you know.
Yeah, sure.
Come on you guys, let's
get back to Lava Dome
before Allo notices you're gone.
BOTH: You said it. Yeah.
GIRL: Boy, wasn't that
dinosaur show great.
Oh, actors are so neat.
Ah, they wouldn't even take
off their costumes, the phonies.
BOTH: Did you see what I saw?
DAVID: Well, I hope you
guys learned your lesson.
BONEHEAD: I sure did.
I'm never gonna sneak out of
Lava Dome without permission again,
and neither is Stego.
Well Stego!
But I wanna go back
there every now and then.
What for?
Well, hey, I mean, now
that I've gotten a taste of it,
I can't give up show business.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
what do I do, David?
It's not what you
do, but what I do.
What do you guys
think of that move, huh?
great move, David.
This wrestling is wonderful.
Yeah, but maybe you could make
one more move like a little to your right.
- You're standing on my claw.
- Oops.
Sorry about that. You see,
that's all there is to wrestling.
No matter how big
your opponent is,
you can use their size against them
and still body slam 'em to the ground.
- You mean like that?
Uh, I think you've got
the picture, Bonehead.
Well, I've had enough of this.
Hey, where're you goin'?
To this great new movie.
It's supposed to be really hot.
Ooh. It doesn't feel hot to me.
You know, Bonehead, sometimes
You're a real bonehead.
I'll catch you guys later.
Don't you want your movie?
DAVID: That's not the
movie, it's the newspaper.
It's just an ad for the movie.
Let's see.
Want ads, huh?
Wanted, babysitter.
Bonehead, why do
they sit on babies?
Beats me.
Wow, Stego, look at this.
A real dinosaur show
at Worldwide Studios.
Hey, let's tell the others
and go check it out.
I got a better idea.
Let's go ourselves
and not tell anyone.
Ah, ah, no way.
Maybe we can make
friends with these dinosaurs
and score some points with Allo.
No way.
[STAMMERING] By ourselves?
What if they're not friendly?
Then we'll just do like David said
and teach 'em about body slams.
STEGO: Worldwide
Studios, here we come!
REX: Ankylo, I want no clowning
around on this scouting mission.
ANKYLO: You got it, chiefasaur.
REX: Don't call me chief!
Oh, no!
Phew, that was close.
PILOT: Oh, Ray,
did you see that?
what? I didn't see anything.
You mean you didn't see a
UFO with a giant warthog flyin' it?
No! And you didn't either.
Huh? What's that?
Oh, the bossasaurus
is gonna love this.
A dinosaur show. [SNORTING]
I must inform
Genghis Rex of this.
Ankylo to Tar Pits Two. Come in.
What's your news, Ankylo?
I've just discovered dinosaurs in
a place called Worldwide Studios.
Good job, Ankylo.
These dinosaurs could
be very useful to us.
We must contact them
and make them our allies.
But, your scaliness,
what if they don't like us?
Then we'll dinonap them.
We must get them out
of the hands of humans.
STEGO: There it is,
Bonehead, Worldwide Studios.
Looks deserted.
Take us down.
Where should we land?
By the side of that lake.
That's strange.
This lake doesn't
have any plants.
No, but it has something else.
see something move, Stego?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Stego, get back here.
Help! Help! Whoa
I think he wants to be friends.
STEGO: Who needs
friends like this
- Oh, no.
Gee, Stego, I think your plates
were giving him dinosores.
There he is again.
Let's get out of here.
Now if you were a dinosaur,
where would you hide?
I am a dinosaur.
Hey, maybe they're
through one of those doors.
Okay, let's try this one.
What's all this stuff?
BONEHEAD: Mammal suits, I guess.
What do you think?
I think it'd look
better on Teryx.
Five minutes, gentlemen.
I guess our time is up.
What a bunch of wise guys.
Are you sure she wasn't
some kind of dinosaur?
STEGO: Nah, she looked more like
one of those mud monsters back home.
Yeah, you're right.
She was pretty ugly.
BONEHEAD: Hey, maybe
they're in that wax museum.
STEGO: Yeah. There's
always dinosaurs in museums.
This place gives me the creeps.
Yeah, me, too.
But we gotta find
those dinosaurs.
You go that way and
I'll check over here.
It's scary in here.
Go on.
Bonehead, is that you?
Well, what was that all about?
It almost got me.
"It" what?
It was this big. It had claws.
It had nasty,
sharp, pointy teeth.
It attacked me.
That's okay. Nothing's
gonna hurt you.
I'm with you.
[PANTING] I'm tired
and I wanna go home.
We'll never find
those dinosaurs.
[PANTING] Hey, let's take
a rest in that cave over there.
STEGO: I can't
see a thing in here.
BONEHEAD: Hey, I think
I feel some kind of switch.
guys. Nice day, huh?
That must be a wrestling
move David didn't tell us about.
ANKYLO: That looks like a
safe place to land, Genghis Rex.
I don't see any
mammals anywhere.
Let's go this way.
Those ignorant mammals
are shooting at us.
Get them!
ANKYLO: What's wrong,
bossasaur? These guys won't fall down.
They're fakes. Just
cardboard cutouts.
I'll fix them.
I'll deal with you later.
Let's go, Ankylo.
The dinosaurs are that way.
DAVID: Bonehead!
Time for the rest of
your wrestling lesson.
Hmm, that's strange.
Bonehead and Stego both gone.
Where could they be?
I wonder if this could have anything
to do with why they're missing.
Oh, no.
They must have gone to Worldwide
Studios thinking these dinosaurs were real.
Nah, they wouldn't.
Oh, yes, they would.
STEGO: Geez.
And Allo thinks
we're a little slow.
Take a look at these guys.
Hey, these dinos are fake.
And we broke 'em.
Allo's gonna be mad.
Especially when he finds out we
snuck out of Lava Dome for nothing.
You okay?
Yeah, I guess so.
But, we better
pick this thing up.
Uh-oh. Let's get out of here.
Except that we can't.
We're trapped! With With
BOTH: With humans!
And over here our dinosaur caves,
and look, there's
two of them now.
But, beware and hold tight.
They're ferocious.
What do we do now?
Act like a dinosaur.
Boy, are they ugly.
Yeah, you call them ferocious?
We're ugly? You should
talk, you tailless little
Forget about them.
Now's our chance.
Let's get out of here.
My throat's killing me from
all that roaring. [COUGHS]
Oh, no, check this
out. Here we go again.
Gee, they could have
at least got my good side.
Can I give the nice dinosaur
my ice cream, mommy?
That's very nice of you, dear.
It's always good to share.
Here, Mr. Dinosaur.
Oh no. Are you okay?
I guess so.
I just wish it was
seaweed ripple.
- Hey, doesn't
that actor remind
you of your mother?
You call that a makeup job?
I do a better job than
that with my eyes closed.
[GIGGLING] Look at this ear.
The rubber's the
cheapest I've ever seen.
And this nose.
For what they pay
actors these days,
you should be able to
afford something better.
Hey! Stop it!
Rex, what should I do? [SNORTS]
Ignore the pompous mammals.
We don't want to blow our cover.
Just go along with them.
this thing off of me!
REX: I can't take you anywhere.
What do we do now, Bonehead?
This place is too crowded
to make a run for it.
I got an idea.
Let's put those fake
dinosaurs back on the tracks,
then hide inside the
cave till the studio closes.
Too bad these things
don't have handles.
You can say that again.
Too bad these things
don't have Whoa!
For an extinct life form,
these things pack a wallop.
Yeah, well let's get
them back on the tracks
These guys could really
stand to lose a few pounds.
- There they are, oh, lord of the Tyrannos.
Finally, my domination of
this wretched planet can begin.
Watch how a true leader of saurians
converts a follower to his cause.
Greetings, noble
dinosaur survivor.
You must come with us.
We need you to
help us rule the earth.
Come back, you
ungrateful lizard.
Come back when Genghis Rex,
the magnificent speaks to you!
BOY: Look, mom, that cute
dinosaur almost stomped that ugly one.
[SHOUTING] You boorish
mammals! How dare you laugh at me!
It's Rex and Ankylo.
What should we do?
We've got to do
what Allo would do.
We must protect the humans.
But how? We don't
have any weapons.
We've got your plates and
spikes and my bonehead.
It's just gonna have to do.
Come on.
It's the Dinosaucers.
Where? After them!
It's that numbskull Bonehead
and his fraidysaur
friend, Stego.
I've been waiting for
this for a long time.
[STAMMERING] What do we do now?
Uh, running away
sounds awful good.
Hey, this tree is a fake.
And so are these rocks.
Get them!
Hey, those guys over in
special effects are somethin' else.
Yeah, they're a real blast.
Bonehead, let's get 'em with some
of those moves David taught us.
Great idea.
So, you dare to
meet me face to face.
Yeah, so prepare
to meet the ground.
I seem to have missed
something in the lesson.
That'll teach you to lay claws
on the lord of the Tyrannos.
I wish I'd just stayed in bed.
Here, Ankylo, have a nice trip.
Take that you overgrown
Whoa! It's the fakes.
Get off me, you eggbrain.
- Hey, this is beautiful.
- Yeah, great.
And now that big ugly dinosaur is going
to try and stomp on the little cute one.
Hey, what are you doing?
This isn't in my tour
guide handbook.
Oh well, must be something
new they added to the attraction.
Quiet, you silly
mammal. [GROWLS]
That's it. Put me down.
Insults were not in
my job agreement.
Hey, stop that.
Where did you go?
Get this off of me!
I can't see!
Mammal, come back
here and fight like a
I've had enough
of this nonsense!
In about a second you're
all going to be fossils.
What a show.
That's the funniest
thing I've ever heard.
Yeah, this is even better
than Monday Night Football.
We've got to do something. We
can't let them hurt the humans.
They don't deserve
to be fossilized.
STEGO: Neither do we.
Yeah, but at least they'll
have a chance to get away.
Use your plates to protect them.
It was nice knowin'
you, Bonehead.
Yeah, Stego, see
you in the museum.
REX: Hold that pose, wimpasaurs,
I want to remember
you just like that.
Ah, sweet victory.
DAVID: Yaa-hoo!
No, not another mammal.
DAVID: Got it!
Face it, Tyrannos,
you've lost this battle.
When are you going to realize
the good guys always win?
We can't capture you and take you
back to Reptilon for justice this time.
These innocent
people might get hurt,
but next time we will.
You won this battle,
but the war will rage on,
and the Tyrannos will triumph!
This is all your fault.
When I get my claws on you
Uh, sorry, chiefasaurus.
And don't call me chiefasaurus!
Er, er, sorry, chief!
Hey, take off your costumes.
We want to see what
you look like under there.
Er, sorry, kids, uh, break time.
The actors got to eat.
Union rules, you know.
Yeah, sure.
Come on you guys, let's
get back to Lava Dome
before Allo notices you're gone.
BOTH: You said it. Yeah.
GIRL: Boy, wasn't that
dinosaur show great.
Oh, actors are so neat.
Ah, they wouldn't even take
off their costumes, the phonies.
BOTH: Did you see what I saw?
DAVID: Well, I hope you
guys learned your lesson.
BONEHEAD: I sure did.
I'm never gonna sneak out of
Lava Dome without permission again,
and neither is Stego.
Well Stego!
But I wanna go back
there every now and then.
What for?
Well, hey, I mean, now
that I've gotten a taste of it,
I can't give up show business.