Dinosaucers (1987) s01e03 Episode Script

Happy Egg Day to You!

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
PAUL: Party. We're
gonna have a party.
A birthday party.
SARA: Paul, give it a rest.
We got the message days ago.
Oh, gimme a break, Sara, I'm
only gonna be fourteen once.
Lucky for us.
Well listen, as soon as Ryan
sets the party up with Allo
I'll be off all your backs.
This is gonna be so neat.
Allo eating birthday cake. Bronto
Thunder blowing on a noise maker.
I'm not sure the world is ready.
ALLO: Neither am I, I'm afraid.
What's the scoop, Allo?
Well, the Tyrannos
have been active lately.
I'm afraid they're about
to cause some trouble.
What kind?
We don't know, but we need to be
out protecting your planet from them.
I'm afraid there won't
be time for a party.
Oh, I guess not.
Hey Paul, cheer up.
We can have a party for you
after we find out what they're up to.
Yeah. Guess so.
I've got some
stuff to take care of.
I'll see you all later.
Well, did I do okay, Ryan?
Allo, you are super. He'll never
suspect a thing until we drag him in here.
What I don't understand is why
we need to shout surprise at him
He can't help but be surprised.
It's obvious.
It's also traditional.
Speaking of traditional,
what's all of this?
Well, you should recognize the
dino steaks and carnivor salad.
Sure, but what's
this other stuff?
Munchies. There's hot
dogs and pretzels and
You mean you eat dogs?
No, silly, that's just
what they're called.
Wow, you've gotta try this dip.
Dig in.
No! That's for the party.
Uh-oh, I think it's too late.
Thanks for suggesting I try
this stuff, David, it was great.
What did you call it?
Ah garden vegetable dip.
I guess I'll have to
make some more.
Thanks. I'll wait.
No. I meant I'll make
some more for later,
otherwise it'll
ruin your appetite.
What's this thing, Allo?
Watch. It's a birthday egg.
Back on Reptilon no birthday party
is complete without a birthday egg
and a party animal.
That's a A real
unusual thing, Allo.
Pretty snappy, huh?
Check this out.
We all chipped in and got
Paul just what he wanted.
It's a portable CD player.
It's the latest.
That's a seedy player?
Well, we heard him
mention he wanted one, too.
But ours looks
a little different.
Whoa, now look at that.
One seedy player.
It was the seediest
player we could find.
Not seedy, Dimetro,
CD, as in compact disc.
Oh, one of those.
We wondered why he would want
such an obsolete piece of equipment.
We've got all the trimmings.
Even tail decorations.
And for those of
us without tails,
we've got party
hats, cake, the works.
And get a load of these.
[LAUGHING] Isn't that a gas?
I suppose so, but why
do you bother lighting
it if you're just
gonna blow it out.
It's a joke.
So is this.
What's it for?
Oh, pin the tail
on the Ultrasaurus.
Well, at least it's neater than
what Bronto Thunder's doing.
We never could get him to
stop bobbing for seaweed.
Well, Paul's egg day
should be very special.
We'll have the best of
both world's here for him.
Yeah. He's gonna love it.
ALLO: And if you're right,
he'll never suspect a thing.
see it Tar Pits Two?
REX: I see it perfectly,
Terrible Dactyl.
TERRIBLE: It looks like
they're preparing for something.
REX: Perfect, perfect.
I've been waiting for
them to drop their guard.
Now we may have a chance to get into Lava
Dome and steal the secret of Dinovolving.
Yes, if we can change ourselves
into dinosaur shapes like they do,
they'll lose their
advantage over us.
And with the balance
of power even,
there'll be nothing to stop
us from overrunning the Earth.
Dactyl, keep watch on Lava Dome.
I want to know their
every movement.
Then when they least
suspect it we'll strike.
Oh, brother No party for me.
Oh well, it's not
the end of the world.
I'll be okay.
Who am I fooling?
This is the pits.
The Tar Pits.
And Allo sounds worried.
I wonder what Rex is up to.
I wonder. I bet if we could find
out then we could have the party.
That's it.
I'll go do a little spying on the
Tar Pits and see what I can find out.
And after we handle what
the Tyrannos are up to,
then it's party time!
Party! Party! Yah!
PAUL: Party.
We're gonna have
a birthday party!
Okay, we're all set.
Then let's get him in here.
Okay, Sara, let's sucker
the birthday boy in here.
You got it.
Oh, Paul.
Yo, Paul.
Oh boy, I can't wait to
see the look on his face.
SARA: You're gonna have to.
He's not here.
RYAN: What?
And his cycle's gone.
I don't understand.
Why would he have left?
Maybe because he thought
he wasn't going to have a party.
Oh no, now he's running around
out there with his feelings hurt.
We've gotta find him.
Well, I imagine I can
help you with that.
The tracker shouldn't have any trouble
finding the homing signal from his scooter.
He's heading right for the
Tyrannos base at Tar Pits Two.
But why in the worlds?
I don't like this.
Bonehead, you stay
here and watch the base.
We've got to get Paul back here.
Yeah, the food's getting cold.
Look, all of you.
Almost all the Dinosaucers
are leaving Lava Dome.
Get our craft ready.
While their guard is down
we'll get into their base
and steal the secret
of Dinovolving.
Nothing will be able to
stop us then. [LAUGHING]
PAUL: There it is.
Now to get in a little
closer to have a look.
Uh-oh, we got trouble.
They're all out
somewhere being bad, I bet.
Better call Allo.
Whoa, better not.
There might be someone left in
there monitoring our frequencies.
REX: We'll land down
here and go in on foot.
Everyone follow me
and watch out for traps.
I hate sneakin' around.
Why couldn't we have gone
in with our fossilizers blazin'?
Because to steal the Dinovolver
we need cunning and stealth,
not brute force.
I'm doin' such a good job.
Allo will be so proud of me.
I'm taking such good
care of Lava Dome.
- Better than you know, you fool.
And now we're going
to take care of you.
Bonehead's the only
dinosaucer left in Lava Dome.
Fossilize him and we can go
steal the secret of Dinovolving.
Hmm, I wonder what this does?
Oh That's what it does!
The egg brain has set off the
Dinosaucers' alarm system himself.
This is our best
chance. Follow me.
It's a good thing
there's no one here.
They might think I was stupid.
No one ever puts
these back the right way.
Ankylo, you You!
Maybe this one
will turn things off.
Nope. Oh well, maybe this one.
ALLO: Dimetro, are we still getting
the homing signal from Paul's vehicle?
It's somewhere
fairly close, Allo,
but there's interference
from the Tar Pits base.
I can't pinpoint
Paul's location.
ALLO: And there
it is, Tar Pits Two.
SARA: Yuk, what a place
for Paul to go on his birthday.
ICHY: Just so he doesn't
get caught by the Tyrannos
and spends the rest
of his birthdays here.
Odd that they haven't
responded to our presence.
Not so odd, 'cause
no one's home.
I'd give an arm and a tail to
know what they were up to.
And just where Paul is.
We can't start a surprise
party without him.
Come on you dumb
thing. What's your problem?
What else is going
to go wrong today?
No party. No Tyrannos to spy on
and now this.
Clean out of fossil fuel
and not a tow truck in sight.
Time to shout for help.
Yo Lava Dome, it's Paul calling.
Uh, let's see,
maybe if I press all three
of these buttons at once.
PAUL: Allo, Dimetro,
anybody home?
Or Or maybe this one.
Oh, and now the ring's
communicator is busted too.
What a rotten day!
PAUL: Oh well, I'm not
all that far from Lava Dome.
I'll just run back. Let's see
if this function still works.
Secret scouts ring, power up.
I think Allo is
going to yell at me.
But at least I didn't do
anything else wrong.
That way.
No. That way [GRUNTING]
We don't even know
what we're looking for.
You mean you don't know.
I'll know a Dinovolver
when I see one.
We'll look down here.
We're lost.
I I said you're the boss.
And don't you forget it.
I don't intend to miss this
chance to steal the one advantage
the Dinosaucers have over us.
Now use the brains
not in your tails
and help me find the Dinovolver
before they come back.
ALLO: Dimetro, how's the
signal from Paul's sky cycle now?
DIMETRO: I have a pitch.
We're practically on top of it.
Follow me.
SARA: There it is,
but where's Paul?
ICHY: I hope nothing
happened to him.
ALLO: I don't like this.
I think we should get
back to Lava Dome
and use the tracking equipment
there. It's more accurate.
ALLO: You've got it. Let's fly.
What in the name of scales
and tails is going on in here?
Every alarm we
have is going off.
Let's go find Bonehead.
Bonehead! What is it?
I knew you were
gonna yell at me.
What set off the alarm?
I did and I couldn't
turn 'em off.
Thank goodness. We thought the
Tyrannos were invading or something.
Oh, no, no, no, nothing
happened. Everything's fine.
Well, that's a relief.
And guess what
There's the signal
from Paul's ring.
He's on his way back here.
Oh, oh, oh, great.
Everybody get back
in the room. Quick.
I don't like that.
I think the
Dinosaucers are back.
What are we doing to do?
We're going to hide.
There aren't that many of
them and this is a big place.
ALLO: This is kind of exciting.
RYAN: I can't
wait to see his face.
- Now, what do we shout?
- Close up the windows.
- RYAN: And turn the lights down.
- Ryan, light the candles.
DIMETRO: This will be fun.
One of these rooms should
do fine, they're out of the way.
Okay, Dimetro, kill the lights.
Ah, it was only an
Earth expression.
- I meant turn them off.
- Oh, sorry.
I left him a note in this room
that you want to see him in here.
ALLO: Ah, perfect.
RYAN: Okay, everybody
get your noisemakers ready.
ALL: Surprise!
What? Allo?
Genghis Rex?
Oh, no you don't.
What are you doing in here?
Oh, watch out.
That was fun.
Get away from me, spine face!
Oh! Get off me!
You stupid thing!
Now I have you!
Oh, I've always wanted
to do that to somebody.
Well, give me scales
and call me a lizard.
No one throws
food at Genghis Rex.
Especially not human food.
Allo! Catch!
I may be a fossil in a second,
but not before
you're devolved into a
Tyrannosaurus with a
brain the size of a pea.
You seem to have the
advantage of the ground
This time.
And you've worn
out your welcome.
We'll find our own way out.
Well, surprise.
You can say that again.
ALL: Happy Birthday!
Happy Egg Day, Paul!
Oh, oh, wait, wait a second.
Oh, wow!
It's nothing really.
Happy Birthday, Paul.
All right. You guys
are the greatest.
Huh? What's this a joke?
BOTH: Huh? David.
Ah, I knew I forgot something.
It's just what I wanted.
How did you know.
Urn, just a lucky guess.
Hey, I'm sorry
everything got ruined.
But it didn't.
This is the best
birthday I ever had.
And I can't wait
for the next one.
As long as it's
nothing like this one.
- Oh no
- That's for sure.
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