Dinosaucers (1987) s01e07 Episode Script
Burgers Up!
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Fries up. David, let's have
two doubles with cheese.
Coining right up, Mr. Ossley.
What do you call that?
It's a burger faster.
My friend Paul
and I invented it.
Ah, David.
You're always trying to
change things around here.
First came your cheese slicer,
then your burger
frying schedule.
We have a standard
procedure for doing things here.
But you never follow it.
I'm only trying to
help, Mr. Ossley.
Wonderful. If the Burger
Mart way doesn't suit you
You can take your
help elsewhere.
Ah, I'm sorry,
Mr. Ossley, I I
Uh You go home
and think it over.
Oh Oops.
Mr. Ossley wants to can me
just for trying to save him money.
Rules are meant to be followed.
If you don't follow them, no
wonder he doesn't take you seriously.
Gee, thanks for the sympathy.
Ossley's so stuck on procedure,
he can't see my ideas are good!
And when I tried to tell
Ryan about it, he said
I can imagine what he said.
The alarm! Oh, I almost forgot.
This is Burt and Harry's night.
Who are Burt and Harry?
They drive the Burger
Mart supply truck.
We always talk
football together.
Bet if I hustle, I can
meet 'em on the road.
[LAUGHING] Let's see
Burger Mart gets twenty
cases of frozen burger patties.
We'll be there
ten minutes early.
Smoothest run we ever had.
ANKYLO: I tell you,
we're on the wrong road.
I'll never understand
Earth freeways
Or these maps.
do understand 'em.
That's how I know
this is the right road,
and that's the truckload
of gamma fuel cells.
Those cells are all Genghis Rex needs to
put his new earthquake maker in operation.
ANKYLO: Not much of a truck to
carry such deadly cargo [SNORTS]
But I guess if you're sure
BRACHIO: I'm sure.
Boy, them Broncos stopped
Chicago dead in their tracks
Just like Like that!
Holy mackerel! Flying saucers!
HARRY: Let's get out of here!
Hey, them UFOs
stole our hamburgers.
Let's hoof it to the Burger
Mart and call the cops.
Say, David, before you go
Rules aren't always
bad, you know.
There are reasons for procedure.
Procedure is just a fancy
word for wasting time.
BRACHIO: This is
the fuel cell truck, Rex.
Well done. Hide your
ships while we unload it.
I've waited a long time
to get these gamma cells.
So, these are the
gamma cells, huh?
Fossil brain, if you open that,
the gamma radiation will kill us!
A robot will handle them.
You pull this
truck out of sight.
Burt and Harry should
show up any minute
Burt, Harry
Where's your truck?
Flying saucers
flew off with her!
Snatched our burgers!
We can't stop, David.
Going for the cops.
Hey, wait!
There's no such thing
as flying saucers
But there's sure such
a thing as Dinosaucers.
David, calling Dinosaucers.
I think we've got
Tyranno troubles.
PAUL: Hamburgers?
What would the Tyrannos
want with hamburgers?
What indeed?
I've never understood humans'
love for burnt slabs of meat
between pieces of fat bread.
Hmm, it does sound
funny put that way.
Well, it would make more
sense to leave the meat raw.
The Tyrannos didn't steal
that truck to throw a feast.
Let's find it.
We'll form search teams.
Now to load the quake maker.
[SNARLS] These are
strange looking fuel cells.
Everything on this planet is
strange lookin'. 'Specially the humans.
- It's done!
We now have the
power to shake the Earth!
I get a power reading
from inside that hill.
It's getting stronger.
Let's have a look.
Warm up almost complete, Rex.
Power! The power
to destroy continents.
The power to sweep these
human pests from this planet!
It's all mine!
And the moment is now!
What's that weird smell?
Open the fuel compartment.
It's been Drained.
Check the quake
maker, thoroughly.
I'll expect the
next test to work!
The signal came from that
mine. Why didn't we land there?
There's a right way and a
wrong way to scout a town.
That was the wrong
way. Now listen to me.
The whole town's
probably booby-trapped.
There's a procedure
for scouting these places.
DIMETRO: Everyone's reported
in, but Bronto Thunder and David.
We'll give them another hour.
Meanwhile let's return to base.
There's the truck.
Yes, and a Tyranno Tracktosaur.
- Stop you, hothead!
- Ouch!
That's the most
obvious trap in the book.
Phew. I finally see
the point of procedure.
It's a miracle if
they didn't hear that.
REX: No miracles
today, Bronto Thunder.
Your pupil's blundering
already alerted us.
Take them!
Capturing you
wasted precious time.
I won't have any
more interference.
Don't get all shook up, Rex.
If we're in the way, we'll leave.
It's you who'll be
shook up, Earth boy.
You're in the shock
vortex of our quake maker.
When the test quake begins,
you'll be the first to know.
All circuits check out, Rex.
Good. Begin restart sequence.
I think I can get
loose. Let's rush him.
We're outnumbered. Use your
head. Don't we have friends?
Oh Oh, yeah. My ring.
Allo, it's David and Bronto
Thunder. They're in trouble.
Pinpoint their
location. Let's go.
Am I crazy, or do they plan to start
earthquakes with frozen hamburgers?
Stay back. [SNORTS]
Those rays are deadly.
Obviously, they don't
know what hamburgers are.
Warm up almost complete, Rex.
Prepare for firing.
Ah, Bossasaur
Would you say all that
stuff about power again?
Yeah, I like that part.
Don't get cute.
Ah, Bronto Thunder Is there a
procedure for getting us out of this?
Frankly, no.
Then we'd better invent one.
Get him!
No, you don't!
Get back
Take one more step
and I'll destroy us all!
You fool! You'll be vaporized!
These things can't hurt
me. I eat 'em for breakfast.
Well, uh, lunch.
Anyway, here goes.
He's invulnerable!
He got me.
Take that, you
villain! [LAUGHING]
There'll be no earthquakes now.
That was a clever plan, David.
Just wish these burgers
had been cooked.
Let's take the truck.
You know how to operate it?
I drove my uncle's tractor once.
This isn't too different.
A fuel cell hit me.
I'm dying I'm dying!
Wait a minute.
I'm not dying!
And neither are we.
Styraco! Scan that fuel cell.
STYRACO: It's nothing
but a piece of frozen meat.
Those cursed Dinosaucers
fooled us! After them!
Got it! Now hop on.
Dig! Dig! We can
still catch them!
We'll follow them
in the tractorsaur.
The rest of you, get your ships!
Ah, which way did
they go, Bossasaurus?
I believe they went that way.
Oh, yeah.
REX: Remember our
security system, you fool.
ANKYLO: Oh Yeah.
Hurry! We can head them off!
Look out! It's the Dinosaucers!
ALLO: Keep them under control. I'll
look for Bronto Thunder and David.
David, I see the
tractorsaur. It's gaining on us.
I can't go any faster
without wrecking us.
Try and slow 'em down.
Hey, Bossasaurus, what's that?
Way to go! Give 'em an order of
fries with ketchup while you're at it.
Watch out for that curve!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Great pitching, Bronto Thunder.
You can join my team any time.
Blast these two!
We're stuck fast.
I'll have to call for
a ship to pick us up.
Hey, this stuff isn't bad.
I wonder what it's called.
Oh, shut up!
Sorry we're late. Is
everything under control?
No problem, Allo.
It was a breeze.
Well, keep up the good work.
See you back at Lava Dome.
Burger Mart, dead ahead.
Mission accomplished.
Stop before we get
there, so I can get off.
Ah Stop?
I'm sorry, guys,
but if you could
just tell me again.
We told you 100 times.
We were drivin' along
and we hear this roar.
Sorta like that.
Listen, that's our truck.
David, shouldn't we stop soon?
We should. We should,
but where are the brakes?
Good, David's safe,
and probably
inventing a great story.
David, what the dickens
you doin' with our truck?
Uh Found it.
The hijackers dumped
it up in the mountains.
You found it?
And I drove it back myself.
Yeah, so I see.
There's a box of patties
and some other stuff missin',
but most of it's there.
I wonder why they
didn't take it all.
Well, as long as the
truck's back, I'm satisfied.
Let's sort the
rest out tomorrow.
You know, I
underestimated you, David.
You have done Burger
Mart a great service.
Come see me in the morning.
So come on, what did he say?
Did you get your job back?
Better. He said saving the
truck showed I have what it takes.
He made me
assistant shift manager.
This calls for a celebration.
Soda's on me.
Oh, I almost forgot.
He gave me this.
A year's pass to the Rocky
Mountain Theme Park.
Exciting ghost town adventure.
Plus a thrill ride of the ages
The Mighty Earthquake.
Here. You guys take these.
I had my years' worth
of that stuff last night.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Fries up. David, let's have
two doubles with cheese.
Coining right up, Mr. Ossley.
What do you call that?
It's a burger faster.
My friend Paul
and I invented it.
Ah, David.
You're always trying to
change things around here.
First came your cheese slicer,
then your burger
frying schedule.
We have a standard
procedure for doing things here.
But you never follow it.
I'm only trying to
help, Mr. Ossley.
Wonderful. If the Burger
Mart way doesn't suit you
You can take your
help elsewhere.
Ah, I'm sorry,
Mr. Ossley, I I
Uh You go home
and think it over.
Oh Oops.
Mr. Ossley wants to can me
just for trying to save him money.
Rules are meant to be followed.
If you don't follow them, no
wonder he doesn't take you seriously.
Gee, thanks for the sympathy.
Ossley's so stuck on procedure,
he can't see my ideas are good!
And when I tried to tell
Ryan about it, he said
I can imagine what he said.
The alarm! Oh, I almost forgot.
This is Burt and Harry's night.
Who are Burt and Harry?
They drive the Burger
Mart supply truck.
We always talk
football together.
Bet if I hustle, I can
meet 'em on the road.
[LAUGHING] Let's see
Burger Mart gets twenty
cases of frozen burger patties.
We'll be there
ten minutes early.
Smoothest run we ever had.
ANKYLO: I tell you,
we're on the wrong road.
I'll never understand
Earth freeways
Or these maps.
do understand 'em.
That's how I know
this is the right road,
and that's the truckload
of gamma fuel cells.
Those cells are all Genghis Rex needs to
put his new earthquake maker in operation.
ANKYLO: Not much of a truck to
carry such deadly cargo [SNORTS]
But I guess if you're sure
BRACHIO: I'm sure.
Boy, them Broncos stopped
Chicago dead in their tracks
Just like Like that!
Holy mackerel! Flying saucers!
HARRY: Let's get out of here!
Hey, them UFOs
stole our hamburgers.
Let's hoof it to the Burger
Mart and call the cops.
Say, David, before you go
Rules aren't always
bad, you know.
There are reasons for procedure.
Procedure is just a fancy
word for wasting time.
BRACHIO: This is
the fuel cell truck, Rex.
Well done. Hide your
ships while we unload it.
I've waited a long time
to get these gamma cells.
So, these are the
gamma cells, huh?
Fossil brain, if you open that,
the gamma radiation will kill us!
A robot will handle them.
You pull this
truck out of sight.
Burt and Harry should
show up any minute
Burt, Harry
Where's your truck?
Flying saucers
flew off with her!
Snatched our burgers!
We can't stop, David.
Going for the cops.
Hey, wait!
There's no such thing
as flying saucers
But there's sure such
a thing as Dinosaucers.
David, calling Dinosaucers.
I think we've got
Tyranno troubles.
PAUL: Hamburgers?
What would the Tyrannos
want with hamburgers?
What indeed?
I've never understood humans'
love for burnt slabs of meat
between pieces of fat bread.
Hmm, it does sound
funny put that way.
Well, it would make more
sense to leave the meat raw.
The Tyrannos didn't steal
that truck to throw a feast.
Let's find it.
We'll form search teams.
Now to load the quake maker.
[SNARLS] These are
strange looking fuel cells.
Everything on this planet is
strange lookin'. 'Specially the humans.
- It's done!
We now have the
power to shake the Earth!
I get a power reading
from inside that hill.
It's getting stronger.
Let's have a look.
Warm up almost complete, Rex.
Power! The power
to destroy continents.
The power to sweep these
human pests from this planet!
It's all mine!
And the moment is now!
What's that weird smell?
Open the fuel compartment.
It's been Drained.
Check the quake
maker, thoroughly.
I'll expect the
next test to work!
The signal came from that
mine. Why didn't we land there?
There's a right way and a
wrong way to scout a town.
That was the wrong
way. Now listen to me.
The whole town's
probably booby-trapped.
There's a procedure
for scouting these places.
DIMETRO: Everyone's reported
in, but Bronto Thunder and David.
We'll give them another hour.
Meanwhile let's return to base.
There's the truck.
Yes, and a Tyranno Tracktosaur.
- Stop you, hothead!
- Ouch!
That's the most
obvious trap in the book.
Phew. I finally see
the point of procedure.
It's a miracle if
they didn't hear that.
REX: No miracles
today, Bronto Thunder.
Your pupil's blundering
already alerted us.
Take them!
Capturing you
wasted precious time.
I won't have any
more interference.
Don't get all shook up, Rex.
If we're in the way, we'll leave.
It's you who'll be
shook up, Earth boy.
You're in the shock
vortex of our quake maker.
When the test quake begins,
you'll be the first to know.
All circuits check out, Rex.
Good. Begin restart sequence.
I think I can get
loose. Let's rush him.
We're outnumbered. Use your
head. Don't we have friends?
Oh Oh, yeah. My ring.
Allo, it's David and Bronto
Thunder. They're in trouble.
Pinpoint their
location. Let's go.
Am I crazy, or do they plan to start
earthquakes with frozen hamburgers?
Stay back. [SNORTS]
Those rays are deadly.
Obviously, they don't
know what hamburgers are.
Warm up almost complete, Rex.
Prepare for firing.
Ah, Bossasaur
Would you say all that
stuff about power again?
Yeah, I like that part.
Don't get cute.
Ah, Bronto Thunder Is there a
procedure for getting us out of this?
Frankly, no.
Then we'd better invent one.
Get him!
No, you don't!
Get back
Take one more step
and I'll destroy us all!
You fool! You'll be vaporized!
These things can't hurt
me. I eat 'em for breakfast.
Well, uh, lunch.
Anyway, here goes.
He's invulnerable!
He got me.
Take that, you
villain! [LAUGHING]
There'll be no earthquakes now.
That was a clever plan, David.
Just wish these burgers
had been cooked.
Let's take the truck.
You know how to operate it?
I drove my uncle's tractor once.
This isn't too different.
A fuel cell hit me.
I'm dying I'm dying!
Wait a minute.
I'm not dying!
And neither are we.
Styraco! Scan that fuel cell.
STYRACO: It's nothing
but a piece of frozen meat.
Those cursed Dinosaucers
fooled us! After them!
Got it! Now hop on.
Dig! Dig! We can
still catch them!
We'll follow them
in the tractorsaur.
The rest of you, get your ships!
Ah, which way did
they go, Bossasaurus?
I believe they went that way.
Oh, yeah.
REX: Remember our
security system, you fool.
ANKYLO: Oh Yeah.
Hurry! We can head them off!
Look out! It's the Dinosaucers!
ALLO: Keep them under control. I'll
look for Bronto Thunder and David.
David, I see the
tractorsaur. It's gaining on us.
I can't go any faster
without wrecking us.
Try and slow 'em down.
Hey, Bossasaurus, what's that?
Way to go! Give 'em an order of
fries with ketchup while you're at it.
Watch out for that curve!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Great pitching, Bronto Thunder.
You can join my team any time.
Blast these two!
We're stuck fast.
I'll have to call for
a ship to pick us up.
Hey, this stuff isn't bad.
I wonder what it's called.
Oh, shut up!
Sorry we're late. Is
everything under control?
No problem, Allo.
It was a breeze.
Well, keep up the good work.
See you back at Lava Dome.
Burger Mart, dead ahead.
Mission accomplished.
Stop before we get
there, so I can get off.
Ah Stop?
I'm sorry, guys,
but if you could
just tell me again.
We told you 100 times.
We were drivin' along
and we hear this roar.
Sorta like that.
Listen, that's our truck.
David, shouldn't we stop soon?
We should. We should,
but where are the brakes?
Good, David's safe,
and probably
inventing a great story.
David, what the dickens
you doin' with our truck?
Uh Found it.
The hijackers dumped
it up in the mountains.
You found it?
And I drove it back myself.
Yeah, so I see.
There's a box of patties
and some other stuff missin',
but most of it's there.
I wonder why they
didn't take it all.
Well, as long as the
truck's back, I'm satisfied.
Let's sort the
rest out tomorrow.
You know, I
underestimated you, David.
You have done Burger
Mart a great service.
Come see me in the morning.
So come on, what did he say?
Did you get your job back?
Better. He said saving the
truck showed I have what it takes.
He made me
assistant shift manager.
This calls for a celebration.
Soda's on me.
Oh, I almost forgot.
He gave me this.
A year's pass to the Rocky
Mountain Theme Park.
Exciting ghost town adventure.
Plus a thrill ride of the ages
The Mighty Earthquake.
Here. You guys take these.
I had my years' worth
of that stuff last night.