Dinosaucers (1987) s01e08 Episode Script

Be Prepared

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [CAMERA CLICKS]
DAVID: Great. They'll
never know what hit 'em.
BONEHEAD: I thought all
weekends were the same length,
Saturdays and Sunday.
They are most of the time, except
when there's no school on Monday,
then it's a long weekend.
That's why Paul's gone
to visit his grandparents.
should do something, too.
Maybe go on a trip.
Bonehead, are you hurt?
my tail bone saved me.
Who goes there?
Is someone there?
Come out or I'll force net you.
Hide! Hide! Hide!
Are the Tyrannos attacking?
No. [CHUCKLES] But if they were,
you guys sure wouldn't be ready.
That's not funny, Ryan. You
scared the daylights out of us.
Sorry. I didn't mean to.
What's going on here?
I was testing my
woodcraft skills
to see if I could get close
to the ship undetected.
But I see you were
detected. Pteryx caught you.
No, he succeeded.
All I caught was a bush.
Pteryx didn't see
you? I am impressed.
But why did you do it?
Skill at woodcraft is required
to become an Eagle Scout.
Ah, what a perfect hiding place.
ALLO: Ryan, we
could use that training.
It would help for some of
us to learn how to survive.
Why are you looking at me?
Your woodcraft could help make us
a much more efficient fighting team.
Terrible Dactyl to Tarpits Two.
Have infiltrated Dinosaucer
air space undetected.
Well done, Terrible
Dactyl. What are they up to?
It seems like they're
going on a camping trip.
And I just heard Allo say they
weren't taking their weapons.
The fools. We'll be able to take them
with our claws tied behind our backs.
We simply track them down
and put an end to them for good!
ALLO: Land by
that cave over there.
This is beautiful.
It's a perfect
spot for a picnic.
First we'll have to
conceal the DinoCrafts.
You mean this isn't the
place we're camping?
No way, Bonehead.
When we're done here
we're going up the mountain.
Who said anything
about mountains?
RYAN: Oh, this is really good.
I hope we can find it tomorrow.
Okay, everybody,
move it or lose it.
Lose what?
You don't want to have to climb
this mountain in the dark, do you?
ALL: No!
Tracking indicates they have
landed somewhere in this area.
In this wilderness they'll be
as obvious as spikes on a tail.
Now whose good idea was this?
And when do we eat?
ALLO: Water, shelter, food.
Everything we need is here.
Yeah, this is a good
place to set up camp.
Good. My flippers
are killing me.
I'm not built for
all this walking.
Ichy, why don't you
go fishing with David?
DAVID: My ancestors
probably fished in this very pool.
Let me show you
how to catch fish.
Now watch this.
We're building a campfire,
Bonehead, not a forest fire.
I just hate making two trips.
RYAN: We need
trees to build a shelter.
But this is gonna take forever.
Maybe not.
They're careless.
They suspect nothing.
Split up and find
them, Tyrannos.
How I love hunting trips.
Well, I'm still watching.
They're just not biting today.
They don't like berries?
They have to like berries.
My ancestors caught
loads of fish with berries.
My ancestors were
pretty good fishermen, too.
Yeah? You wanna
fish for a while?
- I thought you'd never ask.
- Huh?
This is how my ancestors did it.
They may have something there.
- How's the water?
- Fantastic!
Oh! Oh!
Ahhh! It's ice water!
You didn't ask
me if it was warm.
Hurry up. I'm freezing.
Couldn't we start it with
a heat ray or something?
Sorry, Bonehead, it says here
either stick or flint and steel,
or you might bang
some rocks together.
All right!
We'd better hurry with
our shelter. It's gonna rain.
It is not.
I checked the
forecast before we left.
Your handbook says those clouds are
thunderheads, and that means trouble.
I found them.
This is the life.
It sure is. The
peaceful wilderness.
Look, up there.
RYAN: Terrible Dactyl!
And he's spotted us!
We've gotta get
back to the DinoCraft.
They're making a
run for it. I'm going in!
We're trapped!
We've gotta get out of here.
Terrible Dactyl will
lead Rex right to us.
I think following the water down
is going to be our only chance.
Allo, those cliffs
are pretty steep.
Yes, but that's going to turn
out to be to our advantage.
There won't be room for the
Tyrannos craft down there.
You said it. Let's go.
have visual contact, Dactyl.
We'll be on them in two minutes.
RYAN: Keep it moving!
We've really got 'em now.
Tyrannos, hold your fire.
There's no sign of
them. They've fled.
really creamed them. The creeps!
We haven't yet, but we will!
Spread out and find them!
Dive! Dive!
They're down there,
but I can't get at 'em.
You don't have to. You can
bury them under half the cliff.
Keep stomping.
ICHY: If that comes down
on us, we'll all be done for.
We just have to make
the odds more even.
How? Climb back up the
cliff and throw rocks at them?
Maybe, not quite that.
But if you have a problem
and you look around
the solution is
usually close by
And I've just found it.
It's going!
Hang on. Here goes.
- SERA: Guys!
- DAVID: Look out!
ICHY: Hang on!
I think they made it.
Now it's our turn.
One, two
I can't do it.
Yes, you can.
They're getting away!
Now what do we do?
Head them off at the pass?
Not a bad idea.
I'm glad I thought of it.
We'll pick them off one by one.
Is this great or what?
ALL: No!
If nature had meant
Dactyls to walk
we would have different feet.
Boy, that was some ride.
SERA: Yeah, more
fun than a roller coaster.
If you call a roller coaster with
a built-in ice water shower fun.
Well done, Dinosaucers.
Oh, glad that's over.
Never again.
Tyrannos, spread out.
Then there's no way
they'll get past us.
Do you think this
is such a safe plan?
Safe? They're undefended.
They don't have a
chance against us.
RYAN: They'll probably spread out
and come at us from here and here.
Yes, and don't forget from
over here and here, too.
We must be ready for them.
How does it look?
Plenty big enough to slow down
some of those Tyrannos chasing us.
DAVID: Let's cover it up.
Now this is what I call
really using our heads.
And this should keep
'em tied up for a while.
Oh, look! Human tracks.
How do they get around on
such little feet [GROANS]
That's the signal. The
Tyrannos are on their way.
And we're ready for them.
It's just too deep.
And in the meantime,
they're making their getaway.
We can't lose them now!
After them!
You can't just leave me here.
Well, maybe they can.
Don't go away mad.
In fact, don't go
away! [QUACKING]
Oh, seriously, folks
These traps will only slow
them up for a little while.
We've got to get
back to our DinoCraft.
And home sweet home.
booby traps are such a nuisance.
They wouldn't be if there
weren't so many boobies around.
I say Help! Get
me down from here.
We don't have time. Come on!
We'll come back
for you, Terrible.
Oh. I'll just hang
out here then, shall I?
SERA: That hurts. Ow!
DAVID: That's my foot.
SERA: Watch your hand.
ICHY: Hey, what're you doing?
DAVID: Get your tail out of my eye!
We're almost there.
We just have to
cross this ravine.
BONEHEAD: Oh, and the only
one of us who can fly is Pteryx.
Like spikes on a tail.
We've got to do something!
We've just got to use our heads.
If we have the biggest tree in
the forest growing right here,
I could knock it down with
my head and make a bridge.
Mmm, bridge, head
I wonder
I've got it.
Stand back, then run for it.
What're you doing?
Dinovolving back to my roots.
Step back.
Bronto Thunder.
What are they doin'?
I don't know, but hurry.
They're almost in range.
Now! Fossilize them!
- BOTH: Oh, no!
- RYAN: Go for it!
They're getting away.
Well done, Ryan.
Hey, give us a hand here!
ALLO: Everybody, pull hard!
BOTH: Whoa!
Bronto Thunder,
that worked just great.
It sure worked
better than it tasted.
BRACHIO: Is this what they mean
when they say stuck between
a rock and a hard place?
Oh, be quiet and
give me a boost!
RYAN: You guys did great.
ALLO: Well, you did
pretty well yourself, Ryan.
I'm sure you'll get
that merit badge.
ICHY: Who would have thought a
walk in the woods could be so interesting?
I had a great time. We
should do this again.
Are you crazy?
The next time I want ice water,
I'm gonna get it out
of the refrigerator.
But what I really
want is a bath.
That's a first.
Mmm Girls!
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