Dinosaucers (1987) s01e09 Episode Script
That Shrinking Feeling
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Bronto Thunder, this is
Allo. What's your status?
Another big night on watch.
Everyone out on patrol,
except me and Teryx.
Well, I'll be relieving
you in a few minutes.
Bronto Thunder, it's Teryx.
Come to the hanger bay right away!
What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter. I want
you to see my newest invention.
The fourth dimensional
quantum lens.
Or 4-D lens for short.
That's it? I ran all the way
here to see some gadget?
It so happens this gadget can
reach into the fourth dimension.
So? That's just me.
But watch this!
The same way the lens
makes your image bigger,
this lens can make
you bigger or smaller.
Teryx, have you been
hibernating well lately?
Hey, it works. I could make
you as tall as a tree or as.
[BEEP] Whoops!
Hey, what's the big idea?
Bronto, I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to [GASPS]
Great. What do we do now?
Don't worry. Here's Allo.
BOTH: Oh, no!
A new invention, Teryx?
The 4-D lens.
How do you like it?
I'm impressed. And I'll be even more
impressed when I'm my right size again.
Ah, we have a problem there.
When you shut off the power
you erased the computer codes.
What? You mean you can't
grow us back to normal?
Right now, it's stuck on shrink,
but send this data to Ryan to look at.
His computer will have
a copy of the codes.
How're we gonna
get to Ryan's house?
We can't even get on the table.
Calm down.
I'll hook up my ship to the
4-D lens and carry it to Ryan's.
It's no use. We need
another ship for this job.
All right, you two, let's go.
Ah, why don't we
play computer games?
We can't. Teryx is
sending me some files.
Something about a new
invention she's working on.
Hmm, my claw scanner is
picking up some odd signals.
Someone down there has a computer hooked
up to one of the Dinosaucers' main frames.
And I want to know why.
We'll be back by 10,
kids. Keep an eye things.
We know, Dad.
And I know you'd
rather be out having fun,
but your Mom and I
like an evening out, too.
We want you to have a good time, Dad. It's
just there's nothing to do around here.
cleaning up your rooms.
Or at least vacuum some of
those cobwebs on the ceiling.
BOTH: Oh, Mom.
Well, I can dream, can't I?
See you later.
Boy, is this gonna
be a dull night.
See those tiny lights out there?
It's the Dinosaucers.
They must be a mile away.
Ryan, Sara, it's us.
This isn't funny.
Bronto Thunder.
Apparently, I'm not the
only clumsy one around here.
This is not my night.
Okay, fun's fun. Now
make us big again.
The 4-D lens is stuck on shrink.
We need to access your computer
files to get the code for growing.
Okay. We'll be right up.
MOTHER: I always
forget something.
Now where did I
leave those tickets?
Night, kids.
Oh, they must be
down in the playroom.
What a mess!
I wish he wouldn't
leave his models all over.
He's always the first to
scream when they get broken.
That was close.
BRONTO: That's just great.
What else is going
to happen tonight?
I don't believe it.
Calling Genghis Rex.
This is Terrible Dactyl.
REX: [ON RADIO] What is it?
I'm watching the home of
Secret Scouts Ryan and Sara.
How exciting.
And for you, too,
when you hear my news.
If you want to get your
claws on the Dinosaucers,
now's the time.
They've shrunk to
the size of hatchlings.
What? I'm on my way!
Can't you pull it open, Bronto?
Sure. If I could reach it.
Sera, do you have any cable?
How about string? There's some
on my Mom's desk downstairs.
We'll go get it.
Ryan, try to find that computer
code while we're gone.
What's the name of the program?
If it's in there, I'll find it.
Uh, N.
I don't think this is working.
I know what I Yipes!
Okay, Teryx, your turn.
Look out below.
Uh-oh. Hey!
Okay, Bronto, help
us get it upstairs.
That is if you're not
all tied up right now.
Ha. Ha.
This is Teryx's file.
But there's eight codes here.
SARA: Which one
grows us back to normal?
[GASPS] A spider! Run, Sara!
We can make it.
Get on the train!
So long, spider.
Ryan, we should've
cleaned up the room.
Why? Look!
Ryan, help! I'm trapped!
Allo! Help!
We can't get in.
It's no use, Ryan.
Hurry! It's coming back!
Phew. That was
too close. Thanks.
Who's there?
It's us.
Okay, push it open.
Bronto Thunder, this is
no time for a nap. Come on.
Then what is?
Are you all right, Sara?
Yeah. I'm just trapped.
Thank you, Bronto Thunder.
Nice shot, Allo. [CORD SNAPPING]
Should I come down?
No, we need you up there
to operate the 4-D lens.
All right, everyone.
It's opening.
That did it. Come on!
Okay, we're all set.
Did you find the
growth sequence, Ryan?
It has to be one of these.
Do you remember
which one, Teryx?
It's that second one.
All right, let's Let's!
Goodness! Look what I found.
I haven't had dino-toys like this,
since I was knee-high to an egg.
Why, what's the matter?
You two look so shook up.
Take your hands
off that ship, Rex.
Go away, you pest.
Oh, you wart!
I ought to swat you like
the fleasaurus you are!
What happened to Rex? [SNORTS]
What? He was here a second ago.
Quack, quack. Let's take a look.
That device, it shrank us!
Well, well, Rex. Looks like you've
finally picked on someone your own size.
Terrible Dactyl, destroy them!
Actually, I think I'll
leave them to you.
Well, right now it's three
against three. That appeals to me.
A real fair fight. Good luck.
I'll give you a fair fight, you
leather-headed loon. [SNORTS]
Come back.
Be reasonable, Rex.
We don't need to fight.
We can both use the
lens to get back to normal.
But only one of us
can control the lens.
Tyrannos, attack!
I see you.
Ryan, we're gonna lure the
Tyrannos away from the Lens.
When we do, shut the door.
Okay, but please be careful. If you
wreck anything we have to explain it.
I'll do my best.
Don't you kids
ever clean in here?
Wait a second. The lens!
I'll attend to you
later, mammal.
ALLO: [ON RADIO] Is that so?
Hurry up, Ryan. Mom and
Dad will be home any second.
Teryx said it's the
second code from the top.
Okay. Here it goes.
Ryan, you did it.
No, wait, you overdid it. I
can't get out of the room.
Never mind. I think
I know how to fix it.
You think?
Ankylo, you armored
lizard, where are you?
Right here, Bronto Thunder.
Get in.
Okay, tractor beam on.
You're trapped now, Allo!
I bet Rex is seeing red now.
That won't stop me, Allo.
Now I can help the Dinosaucers.
Aren't you forgetting
something? What about me?
You need Teryx. I don't
know the shrinking code.
Well, big brother,
I suggest you figure it out
before Mom and Dad get home.
All right. No need
to get physical.
Forget the others for
now. Let's finish this one off.
It looks like we
interrupted something.
Oh, uh, just a little battle.
So I see.
Boy, these toys get
more elaborate every day.
Ow! Yeah, sometimes
they get a little out of hand.
Well, I'm still hungry.
Let's see what's
around to snack on.
Honey, I don't remember
buying these models for the kids.
They look so real.
Allo, come on out.
The 4-D lens is set to grow
you back to normal size.
Ryan, Sara, thanks
for everything.
Tyrannos! Fire retro-rockets!
Hey, where'd those
toys of yours go?
Um, upstairs.
You put them away?
I don't believe it.
[YAWNS] We better
get ready for bed.
All right, dear.
We'll be up in a bit.
BOTH: Hey!
I can use this to make
some toys of my own.
Aw, too bad. Toy's all broken.
Let's get out of here.
Hi, Mom, Dad. Heh, heh.
We're just cleaning
up the room a little.
Yeah, it really does matter
if you keep things tidy.
I don't get.
I love it, but I don't get it.
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Bronto Thunder, this is
Allo. What's your status?
Another big night on watch.
Everyone out on patrol,
except me and Teryx.
Well, I'll be relieving
you in a few minutes.
Bronto Thunder, it's Teryx.
Come to the hanger bay right away!
What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter. I want
you to see my newest invention.
The fourth dimensional
quantum lens.
Or 4-D lens for short.
That's it? I ran all the way
here to see some gadget?
It so happens this gadget can
reach into the fourth dimension.
So? That's just me.
But watch this!
The same way the lens
makes your image bigger,
this lens can make
you bigger or smaller.
Teryx, have you been
hibernating well lately?
Hey, it works. I could make
you as tall as a tree or as.
[BEEP] Whoops!
Hey, what's the big idea?
Bronto, I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to [GASPS]
Great. What do we do now?
Don't worry. Here's Allo.
BOTH: Oh, no!
A new invention, Teryx?
The 4-D lens.
How do you like it?
I'm impressed. And I'll be even more
impressed when I'm my right size again.
Ah, we have a problem there.
When you shut off the power
you erased the computer codes.
What? You mean you can't
grow us back to normal?
Right now, it's stuck on shrink,
but send this data to Ryan to look at.
His computer will have
a copy of the codes.
How're we gonna
get to Ryan's house?
We can't even get on the table.
Calm down.
I'll hook up my ship to the
4-D lens and carry it to Ryan's.
It's no use. We need
another ship for this job.
All right, you two, let's go.
Ah, why don't we
play computer games?
We can't. Teryx is
sending me some files.
Something about a new
invention she's working on.
Hmm, my claw scanner is
picking up some odd signals.
Someone down there has a computer hooked
up to one of the Dinosaucers' main frames.
And I want to know why.
We'll be back by 10,
kids. Keep an eye things.
We know, Dad.
And I know you'd
rather be out having fun,
but your Mom and I
like an evening out, too.
We want you to have a good time, Dad. It's
just there's nothing to do around here.
cleaning up your rooms.
Or at least vacuum some of
those cobwebs on the ceiling.
BOTH: Oh, Mom.
Well, I can dream, can't I?
See you later.
Boy, is this gonna
be a dull night.
See those tiny lights out there?
It's the Dinosaucers.
They must be a mile away.
Ryan, Sara, it's us.
This isn't funny.
Bronto Thunder.
Apparently, I'm not the
only clumsy one around here.
This is not my night.
Okay, fun's fun. Now
make us big again.
The 4-D lens is stuck on shrink.
We need to access your computer
files to get the code for growing.
Okay. We'll be right up.
MOTHER: I always
forget something.
Now where did I
leave those tickets?
Night, kids.
Oh, they must be
down in the playroom.
What a mess!
I wish he wouldn't
leave his models all over.
He's always the first to
scream when they get broken.
That was close.
BRONTO: That's just great.
What else is going
to happen tonight?
I don't believe it.
Calling Genghis Rex.
This is Terrible Dactyl.
REX: [ON RADIO] What is it?
I'm watching the home of
Secret Scouts Ryan and Sara.
How exciting.
And for you, too,
when you hear my news.
If you want to get your
claws on the Dinosaucers,
now's the time.
They've shrunk to
the size of hatchlings.
What? I'm on my way!
Can't you pull it open, Bronto?
Sure. If I could reach it.
Sera, do you have any cable?
How about string? There's some
on my Mom's desk downstairs.
We'll go get it.
Ryan, try to find that computer
code while we're gone.
What's the name of the program?
If it's in there, I'll find it.
Uh, N.
I don't think this is working.
I know what I Yipes!
Okay, Teryx, your turn.
Look out below.
Uh-oh. Hey!
Okay, Bronto, help
us get it upstairs.
That is if you're not
all tied up right now.
Ha. Ha.
This is Teryx's file.
But there's eight codes here.
SARA: Which one
grows us back to normal?
[GASPS] A spider! Run, Sara!
We can make it.
Get on the train!
So long, spider.
Ryan, we should've
cleaned up the room.
Why? Look!
Ryan, help! I'm trapped!
Allo! Help!
We can't get in.
It's no use, Ryan.
Hurry! It's coming back!
Phew. That was
too close. Thanks.
Who's there?
It's us.
Okay, push it open.
Bronto Thunder, this is
no time for a nap. Come on.
Then what is?
Are you all right, Sara?
Yeah. I'm just trapped.
Thank you, Bronto Thunder.
Nice shot, Allo. [CORD SNAPPING]
Should I come down?
No, we need you up there
to operate the 4-D lens.
All right, everyone.
It's opening.
That did it. Come on!
Okay, we're all set.
Did you find the
growth sequence, Ryan?
It has to be one of these.
Do you remember
which one, Teryx?
It's that second one.
All right, let's Let's!
Goodness! Look what I found.
I haven't had dino-toys like this,
since I was knee-high to an egg.
Why, what's the matter?
You two look so shook up.
Take your hands
off that ship, Rex.
Go away, you pest.
Oh, you wart!
I ought to swat you like
the fleasaurus you are!
What happened to Rex? [SNORTS]
What? He was here a second ago.
Quack, quack. Let's take a look.
That device, it shrank us!
Well, well, Rex. Looks like you've
finally picked on someone your own size.
Terrible Dactyl, destroy them!
Actually, I think I'll
leave them to you.
Well, right now it's three
against three. That appeals to me.
A real fair fight. Good luck.
I'll give you a fair fight, you
leather-headed loon. [SNORTS]
Come back.
Be reasonable, Rex.
We don't need to fight.
We can both use the
lens to get back to normal.
But only one of us
can control the lens.
Tyrannos, attack!
I see you.
Ryan, we're gonna lure the
Tyrannos away from the Lens.
When we do, shut the door.
Okay, but please be careful. If you
wreck anything we have to explain it.
I'll do my best.
Don't you kids
ever clean in here?
Wait a second. The lens!
I'll attend to you
later, mammal.
ALLO: [ON RADIO] Is that so?
Hurry up, Ryan. Mom and
Dad will be home any second.
Teryx said it's the
second code from the top.
Okay. Here it goes.
Ryan, you did it.
No, wait, you overdid it. I
can't get out of the room.
Never mind. I think
I know how to fix it.
You think?
Ankylo, you armored
lizard, where are you?
Right here, Bronto Thunder.
Get in.
Okay, tractor beam on.
You're trapped now, Allo!
I bet Rex is seeing red now.
That won't stop me, Allo.
Now I can help the Dinosaucers.
Aren't you forgetting
something? What about me?
You need Teryx. I don't
know the shrinking code.
Well, big brother,
I suggest you figure it out
before Mom and Dad get home.
All right. No need
to get physical.
Forget the others for
now. Let's finish this one off.
It looks like we
interrupted something.
Oh, uh, just a little battle.
So I see.
Boy, these toys get
more elaborate every day.
Ow! Yeah, sometimes
they get a little out of hand.
Well, I'm still hungry.
Let's see what's
around to snack on.
Honey, I don't remember
buying these models for the kids.
They look so real.
Allo, come on out.
The 4-D lens is set to grow
you back to normal size.
Ryan, Sara, thanks
for everything.
Tyrannos! Fire retro-rockets!
Hey, where'd those
toys of yours go?
Um, upstairs.
You put them away?
I don't believe it.
[YAWNS] We better
get ready for bed.
All right, dear.
We'll be up in a bit.
BOTH: Hey!
I can use this to make
some toys of my own.
Aw, too bad. Toy's all broken.
Let's get out of here.
Hi, Mom, Dad. Heh, heh.
We're just cleaning
up the room a little.
Yeah, it really does matter
if you keep things tidy.
I don't get.
I love it, but I don't get it.