Dinosaucers (1987) s01e33 Episode Script
Age of Aquariums
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
The anchovy sign goes here.
Yeah, we just got in
a new school of them.
So I put them in here.
Who wrote this sign anyway?
Anchovies like to swim in large
schools and are often found on pizzas.
Very funny, David.
Now I have to redo it.
Ah, no, I've got the right
one hidden over here.
Who put the anchovies in here?
I did. What about it?
The diving ducks are
in tank number fourteen.
So, the diving ducks
love to eat anchovies
and to get from
their tank to this one
all they have to do is walk.
Oh, no!
I got one!
- SARA: Get him!
- There's one! Oh!
Well, that should do it.
Sara, you want to get
some food for these guys?
RYAN: But hold the anchovies!
I guess I'd better go see how many
of the you know what are left, huh?
Ah, don't feel bad, buddy.
Did I ever tell you about the time I
put a shipment of emperor penguins
in with the Adelies? [LAUGHING]
What a day.
RYAN: You can say that again.
I can't wait to get home. I'm sure
glad the aquarium is closed tomorrow.
Except for Ichy.
Oh, that's right.
We promised him a visit.
Are you sure we
won't get into trouble?
We'll be careful.
Besides, what could go wrong?
Psst. Hey, Ichy
The coast is clear.
Hey, Ichy.
- Here I am.
- Ah!
Don't ever do that again.
Come on.
Okay, everyone. Be careful
and no fooling around.
Look, fish, lots of them.
Yeah, that's the one
thing about an aquarium.
There sure are a lot of fish.
Here's your chance to see
them, Ichy, up close and personal.
Come on in, the water's fine.
Oh, this is so exciting.
I expected to get splashed.
Oh, I'm sorry
Is that better?
What are you?
I am an evolved ichthyiosaurus.
A dinosaur.
And you?
I am an anguilla.
An eel.
And what are you?
Ah, she's too shy.
She won't talk.
Will too.
I'm Ichy.
Oh, no you're not.
I think you're wonderful.
Ah, we can only stay down a
little while with these air tanks.
And there's something
else we want to show you.
Think you're pretty smart, huh?
I was the fastest in this
tank until you came along.
But you watch out. Next
time I'll take you on and win.
As the human say, it's a deal.
Did you hear that?
He says I'm the
fastest in the tank.
Hear who?
The dolphin.
You can understand
their whistles?
I can understand
any sea creature.
If I listen carefully.
Plesio to Genghis Rex.
Come in, Genghis Rex.
REX: This is Genghis Rex.
Dinosaucer ship sighted at the aquarium
where the Secret Scouts are working.
Those Dinosaucers must
be hatching some kind of plot
using the inhabitants
of the aquarium.
These might be the smartest,
strongest fish on earth.
Or perhaps in the
entire solar system.
Or perhaps the
entire universe. Or
Control yourself.
It's only an aquarium.
Sneak in there tonight
and find out what's going on.
Will do, over and out.
There must be some
way to get inside.
And I think I've found it.
OCTOPUS: You're back.
Oh, you're not the one.
One what?
Let her go.
I wasn't going to hurt her.
I'm just trying to
trade information.
What do you want
and what do you got?
I just want to set you free.
You have become
a dupe of humans.
You must join with
me and the Tyrannos
and rise up against
your oppressors.
Ah, against my what?
Against the bad guys.
Well, I knew that. I was
just checkin' to see if you did.
Why should we do anything?
We like it here.
Doesn't your personal
freedom mean anything to you?
Don't you want to
express your free will?
ALL: Yeah!
Don't you want to live life to the fullest
going where you want when you want?
ALL: Yeah!
Then join with me against the humans and
you'll never be treated like animals again.
But like we are animals.
I mean stupid animals.
Oh, yeah, that's different.
But what can we do?
Plenty. Now listen to me
and I'll explain my plan.
DAVID: I sure like it better in here
when there are no people around.
SARA: Me, too, it's
so quiet and peaceful.
Hey, over here.
Come and join us.
What do you want?
Hurry up.
I want to hurry up and finish the
feeding so we can get out of here.
Sounds good to me.
This is my whoa!
ALL: Help!
Something's wrong.
Let me out of here.
Relax. It's just a game.
Nothing's wrong.
That's right, fish face.
There's nothing wrong.
Nothing from my
point of view, I mean.
This will hold you while
we make our escape.
Any traitor to the
cause can stay here.
All others come
with me to freedom!
ALL: Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
LOBSTER: What're we
gonna do now? We're trapped.
You over there,
break this glass.
This is the first
step to freedom.
What's wrong with you guys?
Ah, some leader you are.
Every fool knows fish
need water to breathe.
Why didn't you just
say so in the first place.
This way. This way to freedom.
I'm beginning to think
I don't like freedom.
- PLESIO: This way.
- I'm going, I'm going.
Don't rush me.
Doesn't anyone have a light?
Yes, I'm definitely
beginning to dislike freedom.
It's icky in here.
Oh, if only Ichy were here.
I'm leaving.
PLESIO: This way, everyone.
Hey, you're going in
the wrong direction.
I'm not. You are.
If only I could get to my ring.
Yeah. If I could just
loosen these bonds a little.
Isn't there anyone
around to help us?
I feel so stupid and klutzy.
How did something
like this ever happen?
RYAN: Don't worry.
We're all in the same boat.
PAUL: Look. Behind you.
It's okay. I'm not
gonna hurt you.
Hey, I think it
understood what I said.
Your friends are
funny, but nice.
She does understand, Ryan.
All creatures can talk to each
other, if you learn how to listen.
Can you free all of us?
I'll try.
Look, another one.
Octopus, I got to thinking
about what you said.
You're right.
I was going in the
wrong direction,
but don't you go thinking
you're always right.
Here, let me show
you how to do that.
Well, at least we have
some guys on our side.
It's right around this corner.
Trust me.
That's what you said last time.
Yeah, I'm hungry.
And this isn't any fun.
You said this would
be a fun game to play.
- I'm hungry.
- I wanna go home.
- You lied to us.
- Yeah.
Now just a little longer and
you'll have all the food you want.
Swim with me
just a little further.
Wait a second. Douse the lights.
ALL: Yippee! All right! Oh, boy!
See, I said you could trust me.
So, eat all you want,
have all the fun you want
and then we'll
attack the humans.
Destroy their boats
and take over the seas.
Okay, so you all
know what to do now?
ALL: Yes!
All right, fish. Attack!
MAN: Oh!
Hit the boat.
MAN: Ah!
Good work.
We'll have the
seas to ourselves,
just as soon as we
drive the mammals away.
Down with the mammals!
But we're mammals.
You know, I don't think
this guy is playing a game.
There's our next target.
Only this time we
won't let them get away.
It's no fun to hurt people.
I don't want to do that.
Me either. But how
do we get back home?
The way we came, I'm afraid.
EEL: It's too high.
I'll never make it.
You wait here.
I'll go get help.
If he can do it, so can I.
- This is taking forever.
What's that noise?
I didn't hear anything.
Well, you must be deaf.
It sounded like a huge cow
falling into a small puddle.
Do cows ordinarily
fall into puddles?
Only in David's imagination.
Hark! I hear the sound of
cows falling into puddles.
I told you so.
The dolphins!
- DAVID: All right!
- SARA: Way to go!
- PAUL: Cool!
- RYAN: Yeah!
You're the greatest.
I wanna take this
human home with me.
Can I, huh? Huh? Can I?
Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh?
What'd he say?
Ah, just that he likes you.
So he's attacking
a tourist boat?
Come on, kids,
we have work to do.
Troops, the enemy
is coming. Attack!
Nothing doing.
I'm tired of this.
Do it yourself.
Come back.
Where are you going? Don't
you want freedom? Don't you?
We can't get back.
The drain pipe is too high.
Have everyone meet
here and I'll pick them up.
It looks like the battle is
over before it's even begun.
There, as good as
new, if not better.
This is the last of them.
I'm finished here, too. Finally.
I'll see you guys get
some special food.
Don't say the word
food around here.
Boy, these guys
are bottomless pits.
DAVID: So what's so special about
the fish in this temporary exhibit?
It has a very small brain
and a very big mouth.
Ah, phooey!
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
The anchovy sign goes here.
Yeah, we just got in
a new school of them.
So I put them in here.
Who wrote this sign anyway?
Anchovies like to swim in large
schools and are often found on pizzas.
Very funny, David.
Now I have to redo it.
Ah, no, I've got the right
one hidden over here.
Who put the anchovies in here?
I did. What about it?
The diving ducks are
in tank number fourteen.
So, the diving ducks
love to eat anchovies
and to get from
their tank to this one
all they have to do is walk.
Oh, no!
I got one!
- SARA: Get him!
- There's one! Oh!
Well, that should do it.
Sara, you want to get
some food for these guys?
RYAN: But hold the anchovies!
I guess I'd better go see how many
of the you know what are left, huh?
Ah, don't feel bad, buddy.
Did I ever tell you about the time I
put a shipment of emperor penguins
in with the Adelies? [LAUGHING]
What a day.
RYAN: You can say that again.
I can't wait to get home. I'm sure
glad the aquarium is closed tomorrow.
Except for Ichy.
Oh, that's right.
We promised him a visit.
Are you sure we
won't get into trouble?
We'll be careful.
Besides, what could go wrong?
Psst. Hey, Ichy
The coast is clear.
Hey, Ichy.
- Here I am.
- Ah!
Don't ever do that again.
Come on.
Okay, everyone. Be careful
and no fooling around.
Look, fish, lots of them.
Yeah, that's the one
thing about an aquarium.
There sure are a lot of fish.
Here's your chance to see
them, Ichy, up close and personal.
Come on in, the water's fine.
Oh, this is so exciting.
I expected to get splashed.
Oh, I'm sorry
Is that better?
What are you?
I am an evolved ichthyiosaurus.
A dinosaur.
And you?
I am an anguilla.
An eel.
And what are you?
Ah, she's too shy.
She won't talk.
Will too.
I'm Ichy.
Oh, no you're not.
I think you're wonderful.
Ah, we can only stay down a
little while with these air tanks.
And there's something
else we want to show you.
Think you're pretty smart, huh?
I was the fastest in this
tank until you came along.
But you watch out. Next
time I'll take you on and win.
As the human say, it's a deal.
Did you hear that?
He says I'm the
fastest in the tank.
Hear who?
The dolphin.
You can understand
their whistles?
I can understand
any sea creature.
If I listen carefully.
Plesio to Genghis Rex.
Come in, Genghis Rex.
REX: This is Genghis Rex.
Dinosaucer ship sighted at the aquarium
where the Secret Scouts are working.
Those Dinosaucers must
be hatching some kind of plot
using the inhabitants
of the aquarium.
These might be the smartest,
strongest fish on earth.
Or perhaps in the
entire solar system.
Or perhaps the
entire universe. Or
Control yourself.
It's only an aquarium.
Sneak in there tonight
and find out what's going on.
Will do, over and out.
There must be some
way to get inside.
And I think I've found it.
OCTOPUS: You're back.
Oh, you're not the one.
One what?
Let her go.
I wasn't going to hurt her.
I'm just trying to
trade information.
What do you want
and what do you got?
I just want to set you free.
You have become
a dupe of humans.
You must join with
me and the Tyrannos
and rise up against
your oppressors.
Ah, against my what?
Against the bad guys.
Well, I knew that. I was
just checkin' to see if you did.
Why should we do anything?
We like it here.
Doesn't your personal
freedom mean anything to you?
Don't you want to
express your free will?
ALL: Yeah!
Don't you want to live life to the fullest
going where you want when you want?
ALL: Yeah!
Then join with me against the humans and
you'll never be treated like animals again.
But like we are animals.
I mean stupid animals.
Oh, yeah, that's different.
But what can we do?
Plenty. Now listen to me
and I'll explain my plan.
DAVID: I sure like it better in here
when there are no people around.
SARA: Me, too, it's
so quiet and peaceful.
Hey, over here.
Come and join us.
What do you want?
Hurry up.
I want to hurry up and finish the
feeding so we can get out of here.
Sounds good to me.
This is my whoa!
ALL: Help!
Something's wrong.
Let me out of here.
Relax. It's just a game.
Nothing's wrong.
That's right, fish face.
There's nothing wrong.
Nothing from my
point of view, I mean.
This will hold you while
we make our escape.
Any traitor to the
cause can stay here.
All others come
with me to freedom!
ALL: Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
LOBSTER: What're we
gonna do now? We're trapped.
You over there,
break this glass.
This is the first
step to freedom.
What's wrong with you guys?
Ah, some leader you are.
Every fool knows fish
need water to breathe.
Why didn't you just
say so in the first place.
This way. This way to freedom.
I'm beginning to think
I don't like freedom.
- PLESIO: This way.
- I'm going, I'm going.
Don't rush me.
Doesn't anyone have a light?
Yes, I'm definitely
beginning to dislike freedom.
It's icky in here.
Oh, if only Ichy were here.
I'm leaving.
PLESIO: This way, everyone.
Hey, you're going in
the wrong direction.
I'm not. You are.
If only I could get to my ring.
Yeah. If I could just
loosen these bonds a little.
Isn't there anyone
around to help us?
I feel so stupid and klutzy.
How did something
like this ever happen?
RYAN: Don't worry.
We're all in the same boat.
PAUL: Look. Behind you.
It's okay. I'm not
gonna hurt you.
Hey, I think it
understood what I said.
Your friends are
funny, but nice.
She does understand, Ryan.
All creatures can talk to each
other, if you learn how to listen.
Can you free all of us?
I'll try.
Look, another one.
Octopus, I got to thinking
about what you said.
You're right.
I was going in the
wrong direction,
but don't you go thinking
you're always right.
Here, let me show
you how to do that.
Well, at least we have
some guys on our side.
It's right around this corner.
Trust me.
That's what you said last time.
Yeah, I'm hungry.
And this isn't any fun.
You said this would
be a fun game to play.
- I'm hungry.
- I wanna go home.
- You lied to us.
- Yeah.
Now just a little longer and
you'll have all the food you want.
Swim with me
just a little further.
Wait a second. Douse the lights.
ALL: Yippee! All right! Oh, boy!
See, I said you could trust me.
So, eat all you want,
have all the fun you want
and then we'll
attack the humans.
Destroy their boats
and take over the seas.
Okay, so you all
know what to do now?
ALL: Yes!
All right, fish. Attack!
MAN: Oh!
Hit the boat.
MAN: Ah!
Good work.
We'll have the
seas to ourselves,
just as soon as we
drive the mammals away.
Down with the mammals!
But we're mammals.
You know, I don't think
this guy is playing a game.
There's our next target.
Only this time we
won't let them get away.
It's no fun to hurt people.
I don't want to do that.
Me either. But how
do we get back home?
The way we came, I'm afraid.
EEL: It's too high.
I'll never make it.
You wait here.
I'll go get help.
If he can do it, so can I.
- This is taking forever.
What's that noise?
I didn't hear anything.
Well, you must be deaf.
It sounded like a huge cow
falling into a small puddle.
Do cows ordinarily
fall into puddles?
Only in David's imagination.
Hark! I hear the sound of
cows falling into puddles.
I told you so.
The dolphins!
- DAVID: All right!
- SARA: Way to go!
- PAUL: Cool!
- RYAN: Yeah!
You're the greatest.
I wanna take this
human home with me.
Can I, huh? Huh? Can I?
Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh?
What'd he say?
Ah, just that he likes you.
So he's attacking
a tourist boat?
Come on, kids,
we have work to do.
Troops, the enemy
is coming. Attack!
Nothing doing.
I'm tired of this.
Do it yourself.
Come back.
Where are you going? Don't
you want freedom? Don't you?
We can't get back.
The drain pipe is too high.
Have everyone meet
here and I'll pick them up.
It looks like the battle is
over before it's even begun.
There, as good as
new, if not better.
This is the last of them.
I'm finished here, too. Finally.
I'll see you guys get
some special food.
Don't say the word
food around here.
Boy, these guys
are bottomless pits.
DAVID: So what's so special about
the fish in this temporary exhibit?
It has a very small brain
and a very big mouth.
Ah, phooey!