Dinosaucers (1987) s01e35 Episode Script
Fine-Feathered Friend
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
SARA: Allo, what's
wrong with Teryx?
DAVID: Is she
gonna be all right?
I hope so, kids.
Let's see what her
temperature reads.
DAVID: Wow, her
temperature's 200 degrees.
That's 50 degrees over normal.
This is very strange.
Dinosaucers almost
never get sick.
I must find out
what's wrong with her.
Maybe the computer can
tell us what's wrong with Teryx.
No sleep, high temperature,
won't eat, and severe chills.
That should do it.
"An unknown contagious disease."
No known cure on Earth.
Dinosaucers must
keep their distance.
Highly contagious.
"If not cured within 36
hours, effects can be fatal."
What is it, Allo?
What's wrong with Teryx?
We don't know.
But how can we cure her?
We can't.
There's no known
cure here on Earth.
I must go to Reptilon
and bring back
the dinosorceress.
She's the only one I
know who can help.
And another thing.
All Dinosaucers must keep
their distance from Teryx.
She's highly contagious.
Don't worry, Allo.
David and I will
take care of her.
Teryx must be
cured within 36 hours
or else.
It's f-f-freezing in here.
Are you kidding?
It's 120 degrees in here.
If it gets any hotter,
I'm gonna melt.
I don't know how else
to keep you warm, Teryx.
I do.
We'll take her to
the hot springs.
A steaming hot bath
should take away that chill.
I'll try anything at this point.
Feathers, my fine
feathered friend,
I think today is our lucky day.
Oh! Look.
That's a rare speckled cherkess.
And look! There's
an archaeopteryx.
They've only been
extinct for 3 million years.
This is unbelievable.
It's the find of the century.
I can't believe it.
Now I'll finally get the
recognition I deserve.
I, Egbert Feeny, will be known
as the greatest bird
collector of all time.
Well, what do you
think of that, Feathers?
Feeny's a weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
Aw, who asked you?
I must get a picture.
No one will ever believe me.
Rats. I'm too far away.
I must get closer
for a better shot.
I must make it to
Reptilon in time.
Time for hyper-space.
This was a good idea, David.
I feel a little better.
Why me?
Oh, no, they're taking her away.
I've got to get a picture.
There. I must have gotten
at least one good one.
Ugh, yuck.
Not now, Feathers.
This is no time to play.
I said stop doing [GROWLS]
Ni Nice b-b-bear.
Uh, heh, you just
want some honey, huh?
No way.
Not these!
Feeny's a weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
I sure hope the
dinosorceress can help Teryx.
Don't worry, Ichy. The
dinosorceress is very wise.
She'll know what to do.
We've got to go now, Teryx.
Make sure you keep covered up.
I will.
We'll be back in the morning
to take you to the
hot springs again.
It seems like the only thing
that takes that chill away.
Feathers, once old Was
Whitehead sees my find,
I'm bound to get that promotion.
And who knows?
Maybe I'll even get a raise.
Hm. I just don't know, Weenie.
The name's Feeny, sir.
Egbert Feeny.
Yes. Right.
Anyway, Weenie, this
picture doesn't show much.
Oh, please, Professor Whitehead.
Let me prove I'm right.
Just loan me the
equipment I need
and I promise I'll bring
back the find of the century.
We'll both be stars, sir.
Hm, stars, huh?
I've always wanted to
see my name in lights.
Okay, Weenie, my boy,
you've got your equipment.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Thank you.
You won't regret it.
I'd better not.
That equipment is
worth a million dollars.
This better be good, Weenie.
Because if it's not, you'll
wish you'd never heard
of the National Bird
Watching Society.
ALLO: So that's the
story, O Dinosorceress.
You must come to
Earth and help Teryx.
You're the only one
who can save her.
I could never let you and
the Dinosaucers down, Allo.
If Teryx needs me, I will come.
SARA: Feeling any
better this morning, Teryx?
Not really.
I'm getting weaker.
Well, come on.
David and I will take you
back to the hot springs.
That should make
you feel better.
How close are we to Earth, Allo?
Not close enough, Dinosorceress.
I'm afraid time
is not on our side.
DAVID: Are you any better?
No, I'm getting weaker.
I don't think I can
stand up anymore.
Well, we better get you home.
Oh, I can't get out.
I need help.
Oh, no! No!
She's just too heavy.
Well, how are we going
to get her out of there?
I've got an idea.
We'll lift her out
using the shuttle.
Hold on, Teryx.
We'll have you out
of there in no time.
Thank you. Wait.
Wait a minute.
That isn't the shuttle.
Hey, what's going on?
I don't know, but
we'd better find out.
They're taking Teryx.
That helicopter took Teryx.
We've got to do something.
We will.
We'll get her back.
Sara, you take the shuttle
and report this to
the Dinosaucers.
I'll follow that helicopter
on my skateboard.
If old Whitehead thinks
he's going to take all
the credit for my find,
he's crazy.
I'll just keep her captive
till I can get hold of him
and the other two professors
of the Bird Watching Society.
Dinosaucers ♪
Teryx has been captured!
But how? By whom?
I don't know,
but they took her
away in a helicopter.
David's following them.
He's going to call when he
finds out where they're going.
This is it. I'd better
call the Dinosaucers.
Come in, Dinos.
I followed the dinonapper
to a house located
20 miles from town.
I'm gonna have a look around.
I'll call back when I
have some more info.
Just wait till the world
gets a look at you.
I'll be rich.
I'll be famous.
In a short time,
Professors Whitehead,
Uslan and Melnicker
will be right here
in this very room.
The three top
scientific birdbrains
right here to view my find.
The name Egbert Feeny
will become a household word.
You go and keep an eye
on our prized possession
while I make these calls.
Oh, little one, if you
could only help me.
Teryx, are you all right?
Please help me out of here.
He says he's
going to exhibit me.
I can't get you
out of here myself.
If only I knew what
his plans were.
Professor Whitehead,
Professor Uslan,
Professor Melnicker. Cawk.
On their way, on
their way. Cawk.
Thanks, little guy.
I don't have any crackers,
but here's some bubble gum.
Don't worry, Teryx.
We'll you have out
of here in no time.
Aha, the rare
zebra-striped Congo bird.
Haven't seen one
of those in years.
What is it?
Professor Uslan,
it's Egbert Feeny.
Come to my house
as quickly as you can.
I've got the find
of the century.
It had better be!
I must get a picture of
that rare sea waddler.
Oh, fudge.
This better be important.
FEENY: Oh, it is,
Professor Melnicker.
This find is Egbert Feeny.
Come to my house to
view the find of the century.
And hurry.
He'd better have a find,
or he won't have a job
for the rest of the century.
Who is it?
I don't know any Egbert Feeny.
Oh, Weenie. You.
Well, this had better be good.
I was just in the middle of a
very important experiment.
Teryx was captured by
this weird bird watcher.
He's holding her till
the three top professors
of the Bird Watching
Society get there.
Well, we've got to
stop these professors
from getting there until
Allo and the dinosorceress
can get back there to cure her.
We don't have much time.
We'd better find out the
locations of these guys
and stop them quick.
Okay, David, what
are their names?
There's Professor Whitehead,
Professor Melnicker,
Professor Uslan.
Bingo. It's Professor Uslan.
Now, where's a safe
spot for him to land?
Those trees will break his fall.
Sorry, Professor Melnicker,
but this is for
everyone's own good.
That Feeny.
This is all his fault.
This had better not be
another one of Weenie's
wild-goose chases.
That should stall him.
Everyone is no use.
And now Bronto-Thunder,
Tricero and Ichy
are out trying to stall
the three professors.
There's no time to try
and bring Teryx back here.
We only have an
hour to cure her.
We have to take the
dinosorceress there.
Maybe they have a car I can use.
Where could they be?
It's about time.
Good evening, sir. We'd
like to demonstrate to you
the latest in battery-operated
vacuum cleaners.
Aren't you a little
young to be a salesman?
Great what a little plastic
surgery could do, huh?
Well, beat it.
I don't need a new
vacuum cleaner.
Sure you do.
But But Just
watch how this vacuum
can pick up
anything in the house.
FEENY: Now that you've
made a mess, I have no choice.
Clean it up, but make it quick.
You won't be disappointed.
A little up to the left.
Oh, Dinosorceress.
I'm so glad to see you.
And it looks like
I'm just in time.
Oh, I feel much better.
Oh, thank you, Dinosorceress.
You're very welcome, my dear.
And thank you too, little guy.
Feeny's a weenie.
Save the thank yous for later.
Let's get out of here.
Look at what you've done.
Now get out.
Just get out!
Gee, you try to do
a demonstration,
and what do you get?
Where could they be already?
Those darn pushy sales people.
I thought I told
you to get lost.
Weenie, after what
we've all been through,
if this isn't the greatest
find since penicillin,
your bird-watching
days are over.
Don't worry. You
won't be disappointed.
It's right in here.
Now, gentlemen, for
the find of the century.
This better not be some
kind of joke, Weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
ALLO: Dinosorceress, thank
you again for saving Teryx.
You're really neat.
Will you come back
and visit us sometime?
if you'll come and
visit us on Reptilon.
And that means you too, Allo.
Don't be a stranger.
Oh, no, Dinosorceress.
Or I'll turn you over my knee
and thump you like I used
to when you were little.
Yes, ma'am.
Thump you?
When you were little?
Well, uh, she's my aunt.
dinosorceress is his aunt?
Hm-hm. You should
see his mother.
Bye! Goodbye.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
SARA: Allo, what's
wrong with Teryx?
DAVID: Is she
gonna be all right?
I hope so, kids.
Let's see what her
temperature reads.
DAVID: Wow, her
temperature's 200 degrees.
That's 50 degrees over normal.
This is very strange.
Dinosaucers almost
never get sick.
I must find out
what's wrong with her.
Maybe the computer can
tell us what's wrong with Teryx.
No sleep, high temperature,
won't eat, and severe chills.
That should do it.
"An unknown contagious disease."
No known cure on Earth.
Dinosaucers must
keep their distance.
Highly contagious.
"If not cured within 36
hours, effects can be fatal."
What is it, Allo?
What's wrong with Teryx?
We don't know.
But how can we cure her?
We can't.
There's no known
cure here on Earth.
I must go to Reptilon
and bring back
the dinosorceress.
She's the only one I
know who can help.
And another thing.
All Dinosaucers must keep
their distance from Teryx.
She's highly contagious.
Don't worry, Allo.
David and I will
take care of her.
Teryx must be
cured within 36 hours
or else.
It's f-f-freezing in here.
Are you kidding?
It's 120 degrees in here.
If it gets any hotter,
I'm gonna melt.
I don't know how else
to keep you warm, Teryx.
I do.
We'll take her to
the hot springs.
A steaming hot bath
should take away that chill.
I'll try anything at this point.
Feathers, my fine
feathered friend,
I think today is our lucky day.
Oh! Look.
That's a rare speckled cherkess.
And look! There's
an archaeopteryx.
They've only been
extinct for 3 million years.
This is unbelievable.
It's the find of the century.
I can't believe it.
Now I'll finally get the
recognition I deserve.
I, Egbert Feeny, will be known
as the greatest bird
collector of all time.
Well, what do you
think of that, Feathers?
Feeny's a weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
Aw, who asked you?
I must get a picture.
No one will ever believe me.
Rats. I'm too far away.
I must get closer
for a better shot.
I must make it to
Reptilon in time.
Time for hyper-space.
This was a good idea, David.
I feel a little better.
Why me?
Oh, no, they're taking her away.
I've got to get a picture.
There. I must have gotten
at least one good one.
Ugh, yuck.
Not now, Feathers.
This is no time to play.
I said stop doing [GROWLS]
Ni Nice b-b-bear.
Uh, heh, you just
want some honey, huh?
No way.
Not these!
Feeny's a weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
I sure hope the
dinosorceress can help Teryx.
Don't worry, Ichy. The
dinosorceress is very wise.
She'll know what to do.
We've got to go now, Teryx.
Make sure you keep covered up.
I will.
We'll be back in the morning
to take you to the
hot springs again.
It seems like the only thing
that takes that chill away.
Feathers, once old Was
Whitehead sees my find,
I'm bound to get that promotion.
And who knows?
Maybe I'll even get a raise.
Hm. I just don't know, Weenie.
The name's Feeny, sir.
Egbert Feeny.
Yes. Right.
Anyway, Weenie, this
picture doesn't show much.
Oh, please, Professor Whitehead.
Let me prove I'm right.
Just loan me the
equipment I need
and I promise I'll bring
back the find of the century.
We'll both be stars, sir.
Hm, stars, huh?
I've always wanted to
see my name in lights.
Okay, Weenie, my boy,
you've got your equipment.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Thank you.
You won't regret it.
I'd better not.
That equipment is
worth a million dollars.
This better be good, Weenie.
Because if it's not, you'll
wish you'd never heard
of the National Bird
Watching Society.
ALLO: So that's the
story, O Dinosorceress.
You must come to
Earth and help Teryx.
You're the only one
who can save her.
I could never let you and
the Dinosaucers down, Allo.
If Teryx needs me, I will come.
SARA: Feeling any
better this morning, Teryx?
Not really.
I'm getting weaker.
Well, come on.
David and I will take you
back to the hot springs.
That should make
you feel better.
How close are we to Earth, Allo?
Not close enough, Dinosorceress.
I'm afraid time
is not on our side.
DAVID: Are you any better?
No, I'm getting weaker.
I don't think I can
stand up anymore.
Well, we better get you home.
Oh, I can't get out.
I need help.
Oh, no! No!
She's just too heavy.
Well, how are we going
to get her out of there?
I've got an idea.
We'll lift her out
using the shuttle.
Hold on, Teryx.
We'll have you out
of there in no time.
Thank you. Wait.
Wait a minute.
That isn't the shuttle.
Hey, what's going on?
I don't know, but
we'd better find out.
They're taking Teryx.
That helicopter took Teryx.
We've got to do something.
We will.
We'll get her back.
Sara, you take the shuttle
and report this to
the Dinosaucers.
I'll follow that helicopter
on my skateboard.
If old Whitehead thinks
he's going to take all
the credit for my find,
he's crazy.
I'll just keep her captive
till I can get hold of him
and the other two professors
of the Bird Watching Society.
Dinosaucers ♪
Teryx has been captured!
But how? By whom?
I don't know,
but they took her
away in a helicopter.
David's following them.
He's going to call when he
finds out where they're going.
This is it. I'd better
call the Dinosaucers.
Come in, Dinos.
I followed the dinonapper
to a house located
20 miles from town.
I'm gonna have a look around.
I'll call back when I
have some more info.
Just wait till the world
gets a look at you.
I'll be rich.
I'll be famous.
In a short time,
Professors Whitehead,
Uslan and Melnicker
will be right here
in this very room.
The three top
scientific birdbrains
right here to view my find.
The name Egbert Feeny
will become a household word.
You go and keep an eye
on our prized possession
while I make these calls.
Oh, little one, if you
could only help me.
Teryx, are you all right?
Please help me out of here.
He says he's
going to exhibit me.
I can't get you
out of here myself.
If only I knew what
his plans were.
Professor Whitehead,
Professor Uslan,
Professor Melnicker. Cawk.
On their way, on
their way. Cawk.
Thanks, little guy.
I don't have any crackers,
but here's some bubble gum.
Don't worry, Teryx.
We'll you have out
of here in no time.
Aha, the rare
zebra-striped Congo bird.
Haven't seen one
of those in years.
What is it?
Professor Uslan,
it's Egbert Feeny.
Come to my house
as quickly as you can.
I've got the find
of the century.
It had better be!
I must get a picture of
that rare sea waddler.
Oh, fudge.
This better be important.
FEENY: Oh, it is,
Professor Melnicker.
This find is Egbert Feeny.
Come to my house to
view the find of the century.
And hurry.
He'd better have a find,
or he won't have a job
for the rest of the century.
Who is it?
I don't know any Egbert Feeny.
Oh, Weenie. You.
Well, this had better be good.
I was just in the middle of a
very important experiment.
Teryx was captured by
this weird bird watcher.
He's holding her till
the three top professors
of the Bird Watching
Society get there.
Well, we've got to
stop these professors
from getting there until
Allo and the dinosorceress
can get back there to cure her.
We don't have much time.
We'd better find out the
locations of these guys
and stop them quick.
Okay, David, what
are their names?
There's Professor Whitehead,
Professor Melnicker,
Professor Uslan.
Bingo. It's Professor Uslan.
Now, where's a safe
spot for him to land?
Those trees will break his fall.
Sorry, Professor Melnicker,
but this is for
everyone's own good.
That Feeny.
This is all his fault.
This had better not be
another one of Weenie's
wild-goose chases.
That should stall him.
Everyone is no use.
And now Bronto-Thunder,
Tricero and Ichy
are out trying to stall
the three professors.
There's no time to try
and bring Teryx back here.
We only have an
hour to cure her.
We have to take the
dinosorceress there.
Maybe they have a car I can use.
Where could they be?
It's about time.
Good evening, sir. We'd
like to demonstrate to you
the latest in battery-operated
vacuum cleaners.
Aren't you a little
young to be a salesman?
Great what a little plastic
surgery could do, huh?
Well, beat it.
I don't need a new
vacuum cleaner.
Sure you do.
But But Just
watch how this vacuum
can pick up
anything in the house.
FEENY: Now that you've
made a mess, I have no choice.
Clean it up, but make it quick.
You won't be disappointed.
A little up to the left.
Oh, Dinosorceress.
I'm so glad to see you.
And it looks like
I'm just in time.
Oh, I feel much better.
Oh, thank you, Dinosorceress.
You're very welcome, my dear.
And thank you too, little guy.
Feeny's a weenie.
Save the thank yous for later.
Let's get out of here.
Look at what you've done.
Now get out.
Just get out!
Gee, you try to do
a demonstration,
and what do you get?
Where could they be already?
Those darn pushy sales people.
I thought I told
you to get lost.
Weenie, after what
we've all been through,
if this isn't the greatest
find since penicillin,
your bird-watching
days are over.
Don't worry. You
won't be disappointed.
It's right in here.
Now, gentlemen, for
the find of the century.
This better not be some
kind of joke, Weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
Feeny's a weenie.
ALLO: Dinosorceress, thank
you again for saving Teryx.
You're really neat.
Will you come back
and visit us sometime?
if you'll come and
visit us on Reptilon.
And that means you too, Allo.
Don't be a stranger.
Oh, no, Dinosorceress.
Or I'll turn you over my knee
and thump you like I used
to when you were little.
Yes, ma'am.
Thump you?
When you were little?
Well, uh, she's my aunt.
dinosorceress is his aunt?
Hm-hm. You should
see his mother.
Bye! Goodbye.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪