Dinosaucers (1987) s01e36 Episode Script
Allo and Cos-Stego Meet the Abominable Snowman
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
ANKYLO: Genghis
Rex, O emperor of evil,
the monster monitor
has found something,
and it looks like
something awesome.
I'm busy.
And I'm sick and tired
of always losing to Allo.
That dino dunderhead
has more luck than brains.
How does he always
manage to defeat me?
Look at this.
Maybe it'll help you beat Allo.
This better be good.
Look at that.
We must have that
monster under our control.
Raah! Our control?
Uh, ahem, your control,
O sultan of synastry.
Unfortunately, getting
this monster won't be easy.
It lives in the
Himalaya Mountains.
It's one of the most dangerous
and inaccessible areas
on this pathetic planet.
It's too bad you can't get Allo
to capture that monster.
Why would I want Allo
to get that monster?
Then you could
steal him from Allo.
Trick Allo into
doing all the work,
then just step in
and get the goodies.
I like it. Glad I thought of it.
And I know just the dimwit-atops
for the job.
All I have to do
is show him this.
"$1 million reward
for the capture of the
Abominable Snowman."
I don't get it. What's this?
REX: Hurry up!
I'm hurrying, master.
Did you put the reward
poster where he'd see it?
He's coming. Hurry!
Someone's coming. Hang on.
Hang on?
O meat-eating monarch
of mercy, let me in.
There's no time.
But, Rex Oh, stop whining!
If anything happens,
you're covered by the
Tyranno Medical Plan.
Oh, thank you, O
duke of deductibles.
Oh, what a beautiful day.
He didn't see it.
He'll see the next one.
He missed them!
Earth is certainly
a pretty planet.
REX: Ankylo,
how would you like
to fly back to Tar Pits 2
upside down?
Sun. Sky. Flowers.
But no oscillation
super charger for Allo.
And no Earth money to
buy the parts to make one.
$1 million?
That'll buy enough parts
for 10 oscillation
super chargers.
He saw it, O
despot of deception.
Can I come in now?
Wait a minute.
What's an oscillation
super charger?
Please! Please!
ALL [SINGING]: He used to
eat the jungle up Most every night ♪
The eatin' captain'd
Eat up anything in sight ♪
He'd eat a fruit
A nut, a tree ♪
Then he heard music one
day And said I just gotta play ♪
He's hot stuff now
Doesn't eat up the trees ♪
He's the boogie woogie
brontosaur from Company B ♪
He's light on his feet
So handsome and free ♪
He's the boogie woogie
brontosaur from Company B ♪
STEGO: The Himalayas, Allo.
Unknown to any Dinosaucer.
Why should we want to go there?
Allo, remember our mission.
To seek out new life
and new civilizations.
To boldly go where no
Dinosaucer has gone before.
Besides, it'll take your mind
off the oscillation
super charger.
Well, that's true, Stego,
but, uh, it's not like you to
be so eager for adventure.
Allo, adventure is
my middle name.
ALLO: You were right, Stego.
It's different from any part
of Earth we've ever seen.
It certainly is spectacular.
And very profitable. What?
Um, very profitable in adding
to our knowledge of Earth.
This time Allo
will do all the work
without knowing that
he's really working for me.
I'll make this snow monster
a powerful Tyranno ally.
No muss, no fuss.
A brilliant plan, master,
even if it was mine.
I'll go this way,
and, uh, you explore
that mountain pass.
Look, if you need
me, just shout, okay?
Allo! What is it?
What kept you? Yow!
Now listen, Stego.
Are you a Dinosaucer or a mouse?
Is this a trick question?
Get going.
Did you ever have the feeling
that you were being watched?
Still, Allo said I
ought to be brave.
Aah! Allo?
Allo, are you
wearing hairy gloves?
STEGO: Hey, Allo!
Uhh, Stego, what's wrong?
What was it?
You saw a monster?
A big monster.
A big ugly monster.
Calm down. Now
tell me what you saw.
A big ugly monster!
Oh, don't be silly, Stego.
We're the biggest, ugliest
monsters on this planet.
It was just your imagination.
My imagination isn't hairy.
Now go back in there
and prove to yourself
there's no monster.
Do I have to?
It's for your own good.
Allo's right.
There's no monster.
No monster over here.
Nothing over there.
Nothing behind
Hey! Allo!
Same monster?
Are you losing your mind, Stego?
I thought adventure
was your middle name.
Believe me,
Allo, it's the truth.
Allo, tell me again
there's no monsters.
Let's try to
communicate with them.
Um, me Allo. Me friend.
Me no hurt you.
Me getting sick
of listening to this.
You speak English?
Pick a card.
Hurry up, will you?
Oh, heh, sorry.
I-I didn't wanna pick
the ace of spades.
What the? What's this?
An ace of sandwich?
Not a playing card.
It's an invitation
for dinner, heh.
"This card good for
one pastrami on rye."
Hm. Where else?
The Deli Llama.
Uh, listen, honey,
no substitutions.
They look like
llamas in pajamas.
Two pastrami on rye coming up.
Could I have mine
on white bread?
What are you, an Eagle Scout?
Now listen, Mister, uh Who.
Who who?
You looking for
work as a night owl?
My name is Who.
You're Who? Who.
That's what I said. What?
Who? What?
Never mind.
WHO: Oh, these are good.
Oh, eat your sandwich.
Hey, it's When.
When what?
No, When Who.
My son.
My little snowball's
been missing for years.
You know, I feel a
flashback coming on.
We were your
run-of-the-mill llamas
peacefully living
on Mount Himalaya
until one night this crazy
rock fell out of the sky!
Well, you wouldn't
believe the fireworks.
This outer space mud ball
made a big impression on us.
Soon we were doing
very smart things,
like knowing when you
could beat a pair of aces.
Oh, I should have kept
a closer eye on my kid.
He wandered away,
and that was the
last I saw of him.
Until this.
$1 million?
Stego, you tried to trick me.
I've been a bad dino.
Perhaps we can help
you find your son When.
Uh, who's How?
Oh, no one. That was a question.
We have equipment
that might let us succeed
where others have failed.
That's terrific.
Tell you what I'm gonna do.
You find my son,
and I'll give you
a lifetime supply of
pastrami sandwiches.
Oh, on white.
Stego, there's a life form ahead
that matches the
reading of the llamas.
REX: Allo seems to
be onto something.
It's not much further.
The reading's
getting very strong.
He's on the other
side of the crevasse.
Go ahead. I'll wait.
Ha, ha. After you,
Mr. Adventure.
Hey, Allo!
What's up, Stego?
Look at that.
You think anyone's home?
I'm getting strong readings,
but I can't tell
exactly from where.
STEGO: This area
isn't on the map.
All it shows is Mount Himalaya.
CREATURE: Himalaya!
That's where it happened.
Slowly I turned, then I saw it.
I crept closer, step
by step, inch by inch.
Then I went crazy!
Allo, help!
Don't worry, Stego.
I'll use the tattletales.
VOICES: We got him. We got him.
He's trying to escape.
He's trying to escape.
He's down!
Stop struggling.
We won't hurt you.
You can't escape.
Those are tattletales.
They're used by the Triceracops
on Reptilon.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
We're gonna get a million bucks.
Oh, no, we're not.
We're gonna take
When back to Who.
Who? Who!
You'll really take me to Daddy?
We sure will.
REX: That's what
you think, Allo.
Hello, Allo.
If this fresh mountain
air has made you tired,
try a little sleepasaurus ray.
Oh, I can't stay awake.
Forty winks sounds great.
Snowman, have I
got a deal for you.
You do?
You're going to get a
once-in-a-lifetime chance
to be a Tyranno.
You'll love it.
I will?
Would this face lie to you?
Uh, is this a trick question?
What the?
Rex has captured When.
When? Just now.
What do we do?
We'll get back to our
own ship and follow them.
REX: This is terrific.
Allo gets all the knocks,
and I get the prize.
As you deserve, O
hugeness of humility.
Now, how to get home?
Well, as near
as I can figure it,
we've just passed
Mount Himalaya.
That's where it happened!
Slowly I turned.
Then I saw Who? Saw who?
I crept closer, step
by step, inch by inch.
Then I went crazy!
BOTH: Yow! Uhh!
Whoa! Whoa!
STEGO: Something
crazy's happening to Rex.
I'll use the tractor beam.
REX: We've stopped.
Oh, I haven't.
ALLO: I'll set them down.
It's 3:30.
No, no, When.
When, my son.
Oh, you mean When.
Sorry, very sorry.
When is over there.
My son! Oh, ho, ho.
Oh, my daddy! Oh, ho, ho.
My son.
My daddy.
You just said the secret word.
This is disgusting.
And it's all your fault!
Allo, what about us?
Sorry, Rex. No passengers.
But my ship's damaged.
So? Fix it.
This must have happened
when we hit Mount Himalaya.
ALL [IN UNISON]: Himalaya!
Oh, no.
That's where it happened.
Slowly we turned.
Don't worry. I've got a plan.
We crept closer,
step by step, inch by inch.
Run for your life!
And then we went crazy!
ALL [IN UNISON]: Himalaya!
Shut up and keep running!
Hey, please, wait up!
Well, hm, that's snow business.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
ANKYLO: Genghis
Rex, O emperor of evil,
the monster monitor
has found something,
and it looks like
something awesome.
I'm busy.
And I'm sick and tired
of always losing to Allo.
That dino dunderhead
has more luck than brains.
How does he always
manage to defeat me?
Look at this.
Maybe it'll help you beat Allo.
This better be good.
Look at that.
We must have that
monster under our control.
Raah! Our control?
Uh, ahem, your control,
O sultan of synastry.
Unfortunately, getting
this monster won't be easy.
It lives in the
Himalaya Mountains.
It's one of the most dangerous
and inaccessible areas
on this pathetic planet.
It's too bad you can't get Allo
to capture that monster.
Why would I want Allo
to get that monster?
Then you could
steal him from Allo.
Trick Allo into
doing all the work,
then just step in
and get the goodies.
I like it. Glad I thought of it.
And I know just the dimwit-atops
for the job.
All I have to do
is show him this.
"$1 million reward
for the capture of the
Abominable Snowman."
I don't get it. What's this?
REX: Hurry up!
I'm hurrying, master.
Did you put the reward
poster where he'd see it?
He's coming. Hurry!
Someone's coming. Hang on.
Hang on?
O meat-eating monarch
of mercy, let me in.
There's no time.
But, Rex Oh, stop whining!
If anything happens,
you're covered by the
Tyranno Medical Plan.
Oh, thank you, O
duke of deductibles.
Oh, what a beautiful day.
He didn't see it.
He'll see the next one.
He missed them!
Earth is certainly
a pretty planet.
REX: Ankylo,
how would you like
to fly back to Tar Pits 2
upside down?
Sun. Sky. Flowers.
But no oscillation
super charger for Allo.
And no Earth money to
buy the parts to make one.
$1 million?
That'll buy enough parts
for 10 oscillation
super chargers.
He saw it, O
despot of deception.
Can I come in now?
Wait a minute.
What's an oscillation
super charger?
Please! Please!
ALL [SINGING]: He used to
eat the jungle up Most every night ♪
The eatin' captain'd
Eat up anything in sight ♪
He'd eat a fruit
A nut, a tree ♪
Then he heard music one
day And said I just gotta play ♪
He's hot stuff now
Doesn't eat up the trees ♪
He's the boogie woogie
brontosaur from Company B ♪
He's light on his feet
So handsome and free ♪
He's the boogie woogie
brontosaur from Company B ♪
STEGO: The Himalayas, Allo.
Unknown to any Dinosaucer.
Why should we want to go there?
Allo, remember our mission.
To seek out new life
and new civilizations.
To boldly go where no
Dinosaucer has gone before.
Besides, it'll take your mind
off the oscillation
super charger.
Well, that's true, Stego,
but, uh, it's not like you to
be so eager for adventure.
Allo, adventure is
my middle name.
ALLO: You were right, Stego.
It's different from any part
of Earth we've ever seen.
It certainly is spectacular.
And very profitable. What?
Um, very profitable in adding
to our knowledge of Earth.
This time Allo
will do all the work
without knowing that
he's really working for me.
I'll make this snow monster
a powerful Tyranno ally.
No muss, no fuss.
A brilliant plan, master,
even if it was mine.
I'll go this way,
and, uh, you explore
that mountain pass.
Look, if you need
me, just shout, okay?
Allo! What is it?
What kept you? Yow!
Now listen, Stego.
Are you a Dinosaucer or a mouse?
Is this a trick question?
Get going.
Did you ever have the feeling
that you were being watched?
Still, Allo said I
ought to be brave.
Aah! Allo?
Allo, are you
wearing hairy gloves?
STEGO: Hey, Allo!
Uhh, Stego, what's wrong?
What was it?
You saw a monster?
A big monster.
A big ugly monster.
Calm down. Now
tell me what you saw.
A big ugly monster!
Oh, don't be silly, Stego.
We're the biggest, ugliest
monsters on this planet.
It was just your imagination.
My imagination isn't hairy.
Now go back in there
and prove to yourself
there's no monster.
Do I have to?
It's for your own good.
Allo's right.
There's no monster.
No monster over here.
Nothing over there.
Nothing behind
Hey! Allo!
Same monster?
Are you losing your mind, Stego?
I thought adventure
was your middle name.
Believe me,
Allo, it's the truth.
Allo, tell me again
there's no monsters.
Let's try to
communicate with them.
Um, me Allo. Me friend.
Me no hurt you.
Me getting sick
of listening to this.
You speak English?
Pick a card.
Hurry up, will you?
Oh, heh, sorry.
I-I didn't wanna pick
the ace of spades.
What the? What's this?
An ace of sandwich?
Not a playing card.
It's an invitation
for dinner, heh.
"This card good for
one pastrami on rye."
Hm. Where else?
The Deli Llama.
Uh, listen, honey,
no substitutions.
They look like
llamas in pajamas.
Two pastrami on rye coming up.
Could I have mine
on white bread?
What are you, an Eagle Scout?
Now listen, Mister, uh Who.
Who who?
You looking for
work as a night owl?
My name is Who.
You're Who? Who.
That's what I said. What?
Who? What?
Never mind.
WHO: Oh, these are good.
Oh, eat your sandwich.
Hey, it's When.
When what?
No, When Who.
My son.
My little snowball's
been missing for years.
You know, I feel a
flashback coming on.
We were your
run-of-the-mill llamas
peacefully living
on Mount Himalaya
until one night this crazy
rock fell out of the sky!
Well, you wouldn't
believe the fireworks.
This outer space mud ball
made a big impression on us.
Soon we were doing
very smart things,
like knowing when you
could beat a pair of aces.
Oh, I should have kept
a closer eye on my kid.
He wandered away,
and that was the
last I saw of him.
Until this.
$1 million?
Stego, you tried to trick me.
I've been a bad dino.
Perhaps we can help
you find your son When.
Uh, who's How?
Oh, no one. That was a question.
We have equipment
that might let us succeed
where others have failed.
That's terrific.
Tell you what I'm gonna do.
You find my son,
and I'll give you
a lifetime supply of
pastrami sandwiches.
Oh, on white.
Stego, there's a life form ahead
that matches the
reading of the llamas.
REX: Allo seems to
be onto something.
It's not much further.
The reading's
getting very strong.
He's on the other
side of the crevasse.
Go ahead. I'll wait.
Ha, ha. After you,
Mr. Adventure.
Hey, Allo!
What's up, Stego?
Look at that.
You think anyone's home?
I'm getting strong readings,
but I can't tell
exactly from where.
STEGO: This area
isn't on the map.
All it shows is Mount Himalaya.
CREATURE: Himalaya!
That's where it happened.
Slowly I turned, then I saw it.
I crept closer, step
by step, inch by inch.
Then I went crazy!
Allo, help!
Don't worry, Stego.
I'll use the tattletales.
VOICES: We got him. We got him.
He's trying to escape.
He's trying to escape.
He's down!
Stop struggling.
We won't hurt you.
You can't escape.
Those are tattletales.
They're used by the Triceracops
on Reptilon.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
We're gonna get a million bucks.
Oh, no, we're not.
We're gonna take
When back to Who.
Who? Who!
You'll really take me to Daddy?
We sure will.
REX: That's what
you think, Allo.
Hello, Allo.
If this fresh mountain
air has made you tired,
try a little sleepasaurus ray.
Oh, I can't stay awake.
Forty winks sounds great.
Snowman, have I
got a deal for you.
You do?
You're going to get a
once-in-a-lifetime chance
to be a Tyranno.
You'll love it.
I will?
Would this face lie to you?
Uh, is this a trick question?
What the?
Rex has captured When.
When? Just now.
What do we do?
We'll get back to our
own ship and follow them.
REX: This is terrific.
Allo gets all the knocks,
and I get the prize.
As you deserve, O
hugeness of humility.
Now, how to get home?
Well, as near
as I can figure it,
we've just passed
Mount Himalaya.
That's where it happened!
Slowly I turned.
Then I saw Who? Saw who?
I crept closer, step
by step, inch by inch.
Then I went crazy!
BOTH: Yow! Uhh!
Whoa! Whoa!
STEGO: Something
crazy's happening to Rex.
I'll use the tractor beam.
REX: We've stopped.
Oh, I haven't.
ALLO: I'll set them down.
It's 3:30.
No, no, When.
When, my son.
Oh, you mean When.
Sorry, very sorry.
When is over there.
My son! Oh, ho, ho.
Oh, my daddy! Oh, ho, ho.
My son.
My daddy.
You just said the secret word.
This is disgusting.
And it's all your fault!
Allo, what about us?
Sorry, Rex. No passengers.
But my ship's damaged.
So? Fix it.
This must have happened
when we hit Mount Himalaya.
ALL [IN UNISON]: Himalaya!
Oh, no.
That's where it happened.
Slowly we turned.
Don't worry. I've got a plan.
We crept closer,
step by step, inch by inch.
Run for your life!
And then we went crazy!
ALL [IN UNISON]: Himalaya!
Shut up and keep running!
Hey, please, wait up!
Well, hm, that's snow business.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪