Dinosaucers (1987) s01e37 Episode Script

The Quack-Up of Quackpot

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Heh, let me see now.
I"m sure Styraco
is thirsty, ha, ha, ha,
and hungry, ha, ha, ha
and could use a
little pick me up.
He"ll get a rise out of this.
I"ll have time to
set all of this up
before Styraco gets here.
Hey, who"s the wiseguy?
Quack, you?
The book was right.
That was funny.
Quack, what book,
you armored idiotops?
This Earth book.
The story of April Fool"s Day.
What is this?
It"s all about how one
day a year on earth
is dedicated to practical jokes
and no one"s allowed
to get mad at you.
Oh, really?
Heh, this is incredible.
Why wasn"t I told?
Tricks. Fooling people.
Sneaky pranks, heh.
This is wonderful.
Why it"s almost like
it was made for me.
Uh, I wanna borrow this book.
Uh, I need to
enrich my mind, heh.
You can"t fool me.
You just want to
play more tricks on us.
Well, you"d better hurry.
April Fool"s Day is tomorrow.
Aah! Oh, tomorrow.
Oh, this is gonna be great.
Uh, my joke books.
My joy buzzer ray, heh.
And this. And this. And that.
My chattering fangs.
Now to have some fun.
Those humans won"t
know what hit them, heh.
This"ll be an April Fool"s
Day they"ll never forget.
Ah, that was one on
me and I got it mad
In the end.
I"m a funny guy.
At least no one
will have to worry
about going hungry
after their swim, heh.
MAN: I"ll check back here.Uh-oh.
Company"s coming.
Time for me to hide.
MAN: Okay. Chewey, take it away.
MAN: All right! All right!
This isn"t what I had in
Well, I guess the yoke"s on me.
Ahem, ahem, oh, yuck.
But the day is young, heh.
And I have not
yet begun to fool.
This time for sure.
This time someone"s gonna
get a real surprise, heh.
A wise guy, huh?
Nice doggie. Good doggie.
Look! There goes a cat.
Nobody makes a
fool of me, pooch.
SARAH: Really?
Another dinosaucer ship?
They actually
brought their wives?
Except for Teryx.
She brought her
boyfriend and two cousins.
Wow! This is incredible.
Come on, Ryan, enough is enough.
Hmm, okay.
What"s wrong with you guys?
Don"t you think it"s exciting?
No.Huh? Why?
BOTH: April Fool! Heh.
You mean they
didn"t There aren"t
You-you-you boys.
Can"t you take a joke?
PAUL: I don"t
think this is a joke.
Look at this. "Pool
closed until further notice."
There goes swimming. But why?
Look, there"s Mr. Feeny,
the pool caretaker.
Hey, Mr. Feeny, is this a joke?
I"m afraid not,
kids. I"ll show you.
PAUL: That"s gelatin.
It"ll take days to
clean out the pool.
You"re good kids,
but if some of
your friends did this
as an April Fool"s joke,
I don "t think it" s very funny.
Who would do
something this mean?
Uh-oh. I think I know.
And you"re sure they"re
Quackpot"s footprints, Ryan?
RYAN [OVER COMM]: Well, not too
many humans leave duckbill dinosaur tracks.
SARAH: Besides,
today "s April Fool" s Day
when people pull
pranks on each other.
And no one is supposed
to get in trouble for it.
But this prank wasn"t funny.
I"m afraid Quackpot is going
to hurt someone by accident.
You"re right, Ryan.
Something must
be done about this.
do it. I think he"d be noticed in town.
Well, you"re right about that.
Just be careful.
RYAN: Careful?
SARAH: Quackpot
doesn"t stand a chance.
What in the world?
Heh, oh boy, they
got a rise out of that.
They didn"t know what hit them.
This should get a
rise out of Quackpot.
Heh, here comes another one.
Oh, ratasaurus.
Some animals have
no sense of humor.
Ah, at last.
Huh, earth dogs
can"t climb ladders.
Hey, who are you,
Ah-ha, here"s my chance.
Earth dogs are
afraid of heights.
He"ll never jump down here.
Okay, so I"ve had some
setbacks, but this gag can"t miss.
Heh, nice day. Too
bad we might get rain.
You mammals, my moment has come.
Water balloons.
Those are dangerous.
Ah, so many targets,
so few balloons.
Heh, but I"ve got
to start somewhere.
Hey! Who"s the wise guy?
What am I doing wrong?
Everything, Quackpot.
Junk. Useless junk.
I"ve tried all the classics
My joy buzzer,
my water balloons.
My timing is off,
that"s the problem.
I need something good.
Quack, something
really good, heh.
I have this feeling that
the answer"s as plain
as the bill on my face.
Oh, my.
Custard pies, cream
pies. Hundreds of them.
I"m looking at the biggest
pie fight in history, heh.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,
oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
If he gets loose in there
with all of the factory workers,
it"ll be disastrous.
He won"t.
The lunch bell is going
to ring any moment.
So everybody leaves for lunch.
The factory will be empty.
Quack, where"d everybody go?
Anybody home?
Just like my ancestors
were pioneers.
They"ll have pie in their ears.
Well, that"s pie for the course.
Well, I [GRUNTS]
I thought you were
gonna wait for my signal.
Sorry. I was afraid he was
going to tell another bad joke.
Good point.
No. Not again.
Oh, no.
Humans coming.
Let me guess. He
slipped on a banana pie.
You got it.
And that"s what Quackpot gets
for playing mean
practical jokes on people.
He went thataway.
Ah, yuck!
It"s so sticky.
I"m green.
SARAH: There he goes!
I hope he slows down.
I don"t wanna lose him.
Oh, we won"t. Just
follow the green footprints.
April Fool"s Day.
Ba! This is the
worst day of my life.
My jokes didn"t
work, and [CRYING]
I"m green.
Oh, my. Oh, this
stuff is drying on me.
Oh, no. Those kids.
Well, they won"t catch me.
April Fool"s! April Phooey!
Looks like a big J. What is it?
A chain letter.
Time for our April Fool"s joke.
This should slow him down.
Now what?
I"ll give it full throttle.
I don"t think the Tyrannos
are gonna have to worry
about practical
jokes for a while.
They"ll be able to
see Quackpot coming.
You"re green.
I know. I know.
This is the worst
day of my life.
But at least it"s over.
Nothing more could
happen to me today.
The book was
right. This is funny.
Help. It tickles!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.
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