Dinosaucers (1987) s01e38 Episode Script
It's an Archaeopteryx - It's a Plane - It's Thunder-Lizard
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Hurry, Bronto-Thunder!
We're running out of time!
Here we go.
Listen to that engine purr.
We're going to make record time
and win this race
once and for all.
If I can figure out
where we are, that is.
This is my first
race on Reptilon,
and I'm totally lost.
Don't worry, Paul.
I know these swamps
like the scales of my tail.
Besides, there's more than
just a race at stake here.
It's my pride.
Come on, Bronto-Thunder,
it's only a race.
You don't know my
girlfriend, Apatty Saurus.
Whenever she wins a race,
she never lets me forget it.
I'm sure she's only kidding.
Looks like we're
going nowhere fast.
At least we're still ahead.
Look out!
Last one home was
hatched from a rotten egg!
Uh-oh, looks like
they're all wet.
Poor Bronto-Thunder.
That's another
dinner he owes me.
Well, I guess it's all over
except for making
the dinner reservations.
I hate losing!
BOTH: Whoa!
It's about time you
turtles showed up.
The engine kept stalling,
but Bronto-Thunder
was able to fix it.
Let's see. What do I
want for dinner tonight?
Uh, fern pasta or conifer salad?
Since I'm paying, I
think I should choose.
And I have a hankering
for a cycad soufflé.
Cycad soufflé? Cycad soufflé?
Yuck! Yuck!
Sorry, Bronto-Thunder.
Since Sara and I won,
I think I should choose.
PAUL: That's okay with me.
Sorry, Bronto-Thunder,
but there's some
Reptilonian cooking
we're not ready for yet.
You don't even know what
the soufflé is made with.
It's quite tasty.
SARA: We'll take
your word for it.
Maybe the next time you lose.
It's a good thing
the Dinosaucers
have a better record
against the Tyrannos.
I was a hero on Earth, you know,
virtually every time
I turned around.
Heh. Really?
In fact, the day before we left,
I saved an entire city
from a giant shark attack.
You should have seen it.
It was the most gigantic
monster in history,
with great big fins
and great big fangs
and the biggest
most gigantic mouth
you ever saw.
And you should
have heard it roar.
But sharks can't roar.
This one could.
And it was hungry too.
Fortunately, I just happened
to be available.
Once again, Bronto-Thunder
saved the day.
Oh, Bronto-Thunder,
that's the most amazing
story I've ever heard.
All in a day's work.
Gosh! You're a
regular super hero.
Well, Eddie, I guess
you can put it that way.
Wow! I can't wait
to tell my friends
that I know Bronto-Thunder,
a real legend in his own time.
And in his own mind.
I've gotta tell my friends too.
They'll be so impressed.
My Bronto friend is such a hero.
I'm surprised at you.
You're already a hero.
Why did you have
to make up that story?
Oh, it won't do any harm.
after how Apatty
Saurus always wins,
I feel like I have
to do something
to make her think I'm special.
SARA: But you're already
special, Bronto-Thunder.
Allo, tell him he doesn't
have to impress anybody.
I'd love to, Sara,
but obviously he feels he must.
That's right.
Apatty Saurus respects me
again, and that's all that matters.
But you told a lie.
BRONTO: No, I didn't.
I fibbed to my girlfriend.
That's not a lie.
Allo, could you please
tell Bronto-Thunder
that a fib's a lie,
even to a girlfriend?
Oh, sorry, Sara.
But Bronto-Thunder's
a big lizard now.
I'll say he is.
And there are some things
he's gonna have to
find out for himself.
Come on, what harm
can it possibly do?
Hi, Mr. Bronto-Thunder.
Can we have your autograph?
And can you tell the
members of your fan club
how you saved those
Earthlings from that giant shark?
Oh, there really
isn't much to tell.
You can say that again.
Yes, there is.
It was the most thrilling
story I ever heard.
The shark was a
big, big monster.
It was the biggest in the
history of the universe.
The Earth mammals were helpless
as it came from the ocean
in search of nasty
things to do [ROARS]
And good things to eat.
It figured the entire
population of the planet
would make a nice midday snack.
Luckily, mankind's best friend
was around to lend a hand.
And when it was
over ALL: Hooray!
MAN 1: Oh, yeah!
There was only
one lizard standing.
It was Bronto-Thunder,
the greatest
Dinosaucer of them all.
Thanks, Eddie.
Now, why don't you
and the others run along?
I think my friends
wanna talk to me.
Sure thing, Mr. Thunder.
See you later.
Absolutely, kid.
Have a nice day, okay?
Well, Bronto-Thunder, what
are you going to do now?
You can't have those kids thinking
you're some kind of super hero.
I don't see why not.
I'll be back on Earth soon,
and then it won't
make any difference.
And if I tell them,
then I'll have to
tell Apatty Saurus.
Well, she may just
have to accept the fact
that you're only an
everyday Thunder lizard.
Don't you start
sticking your tail
into my business too.
I won't have to.
I suspect your problems
are just beginning.
What problems?
Apatty Saurus, I, uh, didn't
expect you back so soon.
Oh, Bronto-Thunder,
I've got the most
wonderful news.
I've just seen the
I told her all about your
magnificent exploits on Earth.
That's nice.
You did?
She wants to see
you immediately,
if not sooner.
She has things to
discuss with you.
Top secret things.
That's great.
It's an honor to greet
you, Your Highness.
Step forward, Bronto-Thunder.
I've got a proposition for you.
You mean, over there?
Come here.
I've heard all about those
super powers of yours
and how you've been
saving the Earth every day.
It was nothing, really.
Well, we'll see if we can
make something out of it.
I've need of a lizard
with your qualifications.
I'd be happy to do anything
Your Highness requests.
I'm sure you would.
As you may know,
the new fern crop
is about to be harvested,
and I hear tell the
Tyrannos are on Reptilon
to steal the crop and sell it.
They won't get away with it.
The Dinosaucers will stop them.
I'm glad you feel that way,
because that's
where you come in.
What's this?
That's your uniform.
You're the first official
superhero of Reptilon.
Thunder Lizard,
protector of the fern.
PAUL: The harvest is
proceeding as planned.
The Tyrannos are
here. I can feel it.
You sure you want to
go through with this?
I don't have much choice, do I?
I think you have
a lot of choice.
Paul, what's that?
PAUL: It's Genghis Rex.
But who's with him?
That ship belongs to Rex's
evil sister, Princess Dei,
the mean Deinonychus.
Compared to her, Rex
is just a pussy willow.
That's pussycat.
Uh-oh. Here come
the second stringers.
Excellent! Ha, ha.
After we've stolen this crop,
we'll bring Reptilon
to its knees.
Ha, ha.
We can't let them
get away with this.
And we won't.
It's time for the
protector of the fern
to go into action.
Well, here goes nothing.
No, here you go.
Look! Up in the sky!
It's an archaeopteryx!
No, it's a plane!
No, it's Thunder Lizard,
protector of the fern.
What in the name
of the tar pits is that?
Uh, did anybody get
the license plate number
of that Ultrasaurus?
Ha-ha-ha. The flying
fool's aim was off.
What? I'm losing control.
That maniac somehow
caused the stabilizer
to go wonky.
Rex, you incompetent
horn-toad, what have you done?
He did it! He did it!
Thunder Lizard's a hero.
A hero!
Let's get out of here!
We'll get you for
this, Thunder Lizard.
Uh, Thunder Lizard,
are you all right?
Uh, that's Lumber Wizard.
Uh, I mean, Blunder
Gizzard. I mean
Oh, I don't know what I mean.
ALL: Three cheers
for the Thunder Lizard!
Hipposaurus hooray!
I mean, Bumbler Blizzard.
Phew, it must be tough
being a superhero.
Golly, Mr. Thunder Lizard,
you're the most fantastic
hero I've ever seen.
Oh, and what about
Uh, he's okay,
but he's just a
hatchling in the water
compared to you.
I'm gonna tell my
friends we're breaking up
the Bronto-Thunder fan club
and start one for
Thunder Lizard.
Uh, sure, kid. Whatever you say.
Now run along, okay?
Sure, Mr. Thunder Lizard.
And thanks.
And what about
you, Apatty Saurus?
How do you feel
about Bronto-Thunder?
Hm Can I take
you out to dinner?
How about cycad soufflé?
Oh, I love cycad soufflé.
Let's go.
She loves Thunder
Lizard, not me.
It's about time you showed up.
what's the matter?
Except that everybody
loves Thunder Lizard
and nobody cares about
Bronto-Thunder anymore.
You were right after all, Sara.
I don't know how long I
can keep up this charade.
It'll be over soon,
I promise you that.
REX: And just where
have you been, Ankylo,
when you should have been here
helping us plot
to steal the crop?
Forgive me, Genghis Rex.
I was out doing what I do best.
Oh, did you find
anything of interest?
Tell me, kind Genghis
Rex, beautiful Princess Dei,
have you ever wondered
why we've never
seen Thunder Lizard
and Bronto-Thunder
in the same place
at the same time?
The crop's almost loaded, Paul.
Maybe the Tyrannos
have given up.
You know better than
that, Bronto-Thunder.
I do, but you can't blame a
fake superhero for hoping.
Even so, there's
been no sign of them.
It's almost too good to be true.
Hurry, you two,
before those dinowits
stumble onto us.
They're going the wrong way.
Mr. Thunder Lizard,
the Tyrannos are getting
away with the crops.
Here goes nothing, again.
You Tyrannos will
be sorry you messed
with the protector of the fern!
Oh, Mr. Thunder Lizard,
I thought you could fly.
No, but I sure can
drop like a stone.
This This is a [GOBBLES]
Tasty fern.
And we owe it all
to Thunder Lizard.
Don't talk with your mouth full,
baby brother.
Genghis Rex! Princess Dei!
Someone's flying this way.
Oh, no, don't tell me
he's trying it again.
ANKYLO: I think he's
doing more than trying.
I think he's really flying.
Close the mouth of the ship!
In brightest sun,
in blackest soot,
no evil shall escape my foot.
Let those who
rob or steal or loot,
beware my power
Thunder Lizard's boot.
The smoke bombs!
Where are the smoke bombs?
SARA: Hurry, Paul!
PAUL: I'm hurrying.
I'm hurrying!
Thunder Lizard, it's
time the tough got going.
REX: Hey, stop! This isn't fair!
I'll say,
and it's all your
fault, baby brother.
Yeah! Hooray!
Hooray for Thunder Lizard.
Hooray for Thunder Lizard!
You did it. You saved the crop.
I'm sorry I doubted
you, Thunder Lizard.
Can you forgive me?
It's you who must
forgive me, Eddie.
You see, I'm not really a hero.
I'm just a mild-mannered
But you are a hero.
You came through
when it counted the most.
No, Eddie, I just got by
with a little help
from my friends.
Apatty Saurus,
can you ever forgive
me for lying to you?
Don't be silly. Of course.
But can you ever forgive me
for treating you so badly?
Oh, I think I might
be persuaded.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Hurry, Bronto-Thunder!
We're running out of time!
Here we go.
Listen to that engine purr.
We're going to make record time
and win this race
once and for all.
If I can figure out
where we are, that is.
This is my first
race on Reptilon,
and I'm totally lost.
Don't worry, Paul.
I know these swamps
like the scales of my tail.
Besides, there's more than
just a race at stake here.
It's my pride.
Come on, Bronto-Thunder,
it's only a race.
You don't know my
girlfriend, Apatty Saurus.
Whenever she wins a race,
she never lets me forget it.
I'm sure she's only kidding.
Looks like we're
going nowhere fast.
At least we're still ahead.
Look out!
Last one home was
hatched from a rotten egg!
Uh-oh, looks like
they're all wet.
Poor Bronto-Thunder.
That's another
dinner he owes me.
Well, I guess it's all over
except for making
the dinner reservations.
I hate losing!
BOTH: Whoa!
It's about time you
turtles showed up.
The engine kept stalling,
but Bronto-Thunder
was able to fix it.
Let's see. What do I
want for dinner tonight?
Uh, fern pasta or conifer salad?
Since I'm paying, I
think I should choose.
And I have a hankering
for a cycad soufflé.
Cycad soufflé? Cycad soufflé?
Yuck! Yuck!
Sorry, Bronto-Thunder.
Since Sara and I won,
I think I should choose.
PAUL: That's okay with me.
Sorry, Bronto-Thunder,
but there's some
Reptilonian cooking
we're not ready for yet.
You don't even know what
the soufflé is made with.
It's quite tasty.
SARA: We'll take
your word for it.
Maybe the next time you lose.
It's a good thing
the Dinosaucers
have a better record
against the Tyrannos.
I was a hero on Earth, you know,
virtually every time
I turned around.
Heh. Really?
In fact, the day before we left,
I saved an entire city
from a giant shark attack.
You should have seen it.
It was the most gigantic
monster in history,
with great big fins
and great big fangs
and the biggest
most gigantic mouth
you ever saw.
And you should
have heard it roar.
But sharks can't roar.
This one could.
And it was hungry too.
Fortunately, I just happened
to be available.
Once again, Bronto-Thunder
saved the day.
Oh, Bronto-Thunder,
that's the most amazing
story I've ever heard.
All in a day's work.
Gosh! You're a
regular super hero.
Well, Eddie, I guess
you can put it that way.
Wow! I can't wait
to tell my friends
that I know Bronto-Thunder,
a real legend in his own time.
And in his own mind.
I've gotta tell my friends too.
They'll be so impressed.
My Bronto friend is such a hero.
I'm surprised at you.
You're already a hero.
Why did you have
to make up that story?
Oh, it won't do any harm.
after how Apatty
Saurus always wins,
I feel like I have
to do something
to make her think I'm special.
SARA: But you're already
special, Bronto-Thunder.
Allo, tell him he doesn't
have to impress anybody.
I'd love to, Sara,
but obviously he feels he must.
That's right.
Apatty Saurus respects me
again, and that's all that matters.
But you told a lie.
BRONTO: No, I didn't.
I fibbed to my girlfriend.
That's not a lie.
Allo, could you please
tell Bronto-Thunder
that a fib's a lie,
even to a girlfriend?
Oh, sorry, Sara.
But Bronto-Thunder's
a big lizard now.
I'll say he is.
And there are some things
he's gonna have to
find out for himself.
Come on, what harm
can it possibly do?
Hi, Mr. Bronto-Thunder.
Can we have your autograph?
And can you tell the
members of your fan club
how you saved those
Earthlings from that giant shark?
Oh, there really
isn't much to tell.
You can say that again.
Yes, there is.
It was the most thrilling
story I ever heard.
The shark was a
big, big monster.
It was the biggest in the
history of the universe.
The Earth mammals were helpless
as it came from the ocean
in search of nasty
things to do [ROARS]
And good things to eat.
It figured the entire
population of the planet
would make a nice midday snack.
Luckily, mankind's best friend
was around to lend a hand.
And when it was
over ALL: Hooray!
MAN 1: Oh, yeah!
There was only
one lizard standing.
It was Bronto-Thunder,
the greatest
Dinosaucer of them all.
Thanks, Eddie.
Now, why don't you
and the others run along?
I think my friends
wanna talk to me.
Sure thing, Mr. Thunder.
See you later.
Absolutely, kid.
Have a nice day, okay?
Well, Bronto-Thunder, what
are you going to do now?
You can't have those kids thinking
you're some kind of super hero.
I don't see why not.
I'll be back on Earth soon,
and then it won't
make any difference.
And if I tell them,
then I'll have to
tell Apatty Saurus.
Well, she may just
have to accept the fact
that you're only an
everyday Thunder lizard.
Don't you start
sticking your tail
into my business too.
I won't have to.
I suspect your problems
are just beginning.
What problems?
Apatty Saurus, I, uh, didn't
expect you back so soon.
Oh, Bronto-Thunder,
I've got the most
wonderful news.
I've just seen the
I told her all about your
magnificent exploits on Earth.
That's nice.
You did?
She wants to see
you immediately,
if not sooner.
She has things to
discuss with you.
Top secret things.
That's great.
It's an honor to greet
you, Your Highness.
Step forward, Bronto-Thunder.
I've got a proposition for you.
You mean, over there?
Come here.
I've heard all about those
super powers of yours
and how you've been
saving the Earth every day.
It was nothing, really.
Well, we'll see if we can
make something out of it.
I've need of a lizard
with your qualifications.
I'd be happy to do anything
Your Highness requests.
I'm sure you would.
As you may know,
the new fern crop
is about to be harvested,
and I hear tell the
Tyrannos are on Reptilon
to steal the crop and sell it.
They won't get away with it.
The Dinosaucers will stop them.
I'm glad you feel that way,
because that's
where you come in.
What's this?
That's your uniform.
You're the first official
superhero of Reptilon.
Thunder Lizard,
protector of the fern.
PAUL: The harvest is
proceeding as planned.
The Tyrannos are
here. I can feel it.
You sure you want to
go through with this?
I don't have much choice, do I?
I think you have
a lot of choice.
Paul, what's that?
PAUL: It's Genghis Rex.
But who's with him?
That ship belongs to Rex's
evil sister, Princess Dei,
the mean Deinonychus.
Compared to her, Rex
is just a pussy willow.
That's pussycat.
Uh-oh. Here come
the second stringers.
Excellent! Ha, ha.
After we've stolen this crop,
we'll bring Reptilon
to its knees.
Ha, ha.
We can't let them
get away with this.
And we won't.
It's time for the
protector of the fern
to go into action.
Well, here goes nothing.
No, here you go.
Look! Up in the sky!
It's an archaeopteryx!
No, it's a plane!
No, it's Thunder Lizard,
protector of the fern.
What in the name
of the tar pits is that?
Uh, did anybody get
the license plate number
of that Ultrasaurus?
Ha-ha-ha. The flying
fool's aim was off.
What? I'm losing control.
That maniac somehow
caused the stabilizer
to go wonky.
Rex, you incompetent
horn-toad, what have you done?
He did it! He did it!
Thunder Lizard's a hero.
A hero!
Let's get out of here!
We'll get you for
this, Thunder Lizard.
Uh, Thunder Lizard,
are you all right?
Uh, that's Lumber Wizard.
Uh, I mean, Blunder
Gizzard. I mean
Oh, I don't know what I mean.
ALL: Three cheers
for the Thunder Lizard!
Hipposaurus hooray!
I mean, Bumbler Blizzard.
Phew, it must be tough
being a superhero.
Golly, Mr. Thunder Lizard,
you're the most fantastic
hero I've ever seen.
Oh, and what about
Uh, he's okay,
but he's just a
hatchling in the water
compared to you.
I'm gonna tell my
friends we're breaking up
the Bronto-Thunder fan club
and start one for
Thunder Lizard.
Uh, sure, kid. Whatever you say.
Now run along, okay?
Sure, Mr. Thunder Lizard.
And thanks.
And what about
you, Apatty Saurus?
How do you feel
about Bronto-Thunder?
Hm Can I take
you out to dinner?
How about cycad soufflé?
Oh, I love cycad soufflé.
Let's go.
She loves Thunder
Lizard, not me.
It's about time you showed up.
what's the matter?
Except that everybody
loves Thunder Lizard
and nobody cares about
Bronto-Thunder anymore.
You were right after all, Sara.
I don't know how long I
can keep up this charade.
It'll be over soon,
I promise you that.
REX: And just where
have you been, Ankylo,
when you should have been here
helping us plot
to steal the crop?
Forgive me, Genghis Rex.
I was out doing what I do best.
Oh, did you find
anything of interest?
Tell me, kind Genghis
Rex, beautiful Princess Dei,
have you ever wondered
why we've never
seen Thunder Lizard
and Bronto-Thunder
in the same place
at the same time?
The crop's almost loaded, Paul.
Maybe the Tyrannos
have given up.
You know better than
that, Bronto-Thunder.
I do, but you can't blame a
fake superhero for hoping.
Even so, there's
been no sign of them.
It's almost too good to be true.
Hurry, you two,
before those dinowits
stumble onto us.
They're going the wrong way.
Mr. Thunder Lizard,
the Tyrannos are getting
away with the crops.
Here goes nothing, again.
You Tyrannos will
be sorry you messed
with the protector of the fern!
Oh, Mr. Thunder Lizard,
I thought you could fly.
No, but I sure can
drop like a stone.
This This is a [GOBBLES]
Tasty fern.
And we owe it all
to Thunder Lizard.
Don't talk with your mouth full,
baby brother.
Genghis Rex! Princess Dei!
Someone's flying this way.
Oh, no, don't tell me
he's trying it again.
ANKYLO: I think he's
doing more than trying.
I think he's really flying.
Close the mouth of the ship!
In brightest sun,
in blackest soot,
no evil shall escape my foot.
Let those who
rob or steal or loot,
beware my power
Thunder Lizard's boot.
The smoke bombs!
Where are the smoke bombs?
SARA: Hurry, Paul!
PAUL: I'm hurrying.
I'm hurrying!
Thunder Lizard, it's
time the tough got going.
REX: Hey, stop! This isn't fair!
I'll say,
and it's all your
fault, baby brother.
Yeah! Hooray!
Hooray for Thunder Lizard.
Hooray for Thunder Lizard!
You did it. You saved the crop.
I'm sorry I doubted
you, Thunder Lizard.
Can you forgive me?
It's you who must
forgive me, Eddie.
You see, I'm not really a hero.
I'm just a mild-mannered
But you are a hero.
You came through
when it counted the most.
No, Eddie, I just got by
with a little help
from my friends.
Apatty Saurus,
can you ever forgive
me for lying to you?
Don't be silly. Of course.
But can you ever forgive me
for treating you so badly?
Oh, I think I might
be persuaded.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪