Dinosaucers (1987) s01e40 Episode Script
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
REX: There it is.
Stupendous Computer Systems,
the biggest producer
of computers
on this whole miserable planet.
Sabotage the central
factory complex,
and we can cripple the
industries of the entire world!
so, what now, Genghis Rex?
You want me to blow the
joint into smithereens? Ha-ha!
That'll bring Earth to its
knees for sure, Bossasaurus.
Oh, Ankylo, I detest violence.
My technique will
be a lot more subtle.
And a lot more fun besides!
ANKYLO: What about
all those checkpoints?
What about them?
You think I haven't
thought of them?
Time for a diversion.
Go forth and create a
diversion, my dino villains,
but remember, no close
encounters of any kind.
REX [OVER RADIO]: I said no
close encounters, you Mesozoic moron!
You're just there
to divert them,
not give us away.
Good. It worked.
My dinosaurs cap. Ahh!
He'll catch up.
Did you bring the chips, Ankylo?
Of course I did,
O Terrible Lizard.
Just put the chips inside.
This microchip duplicator
will read the data on them,
and soon they'll be in every
major new computer in the world.
I've put them all
in, Bossasaurus.
Those aren't the
chips you nitwitatops!
But mighty Genghis Rex,
it says chips right on the bag.
I mean microchips,
not potato chips!
Oh, microchips.
You mean those itty bitty ones?
You should have told me.
REX: Let me look at that bag.
You tail for brains.
These are chocolate chips!
QUACK: Heh, made it.
Rex, I got your dino chips.
Ankylo left them behind.
Oh, forgive me,
tyrant lizard king.
There are times, Ankylo,
when I wish they'd
dropped you at the hatchery.
You would have
made a great omelet.
[GRUNTS]REX: All right.
Stand by for villainous
speech number 17B.
When I press the
button on that console,
those dino chips will be copied
into all of Stupendous
Computer's products
and shipped all over the world.
Earth will be
brought to its knees.
And ripe for conquest!
Wait till you guys get a load
of this sound and color board
I just ordered from
Stupendous Computers.
As soon as I press return,
this baby's gonna burst into
a majestic symphony
of sound and color.
DAVID: Uh, Ryan,
that's no video game.
SARAH: That's Reptilon.
I smell Tyrannos somewhere.
Somewhere like
Stupendous Computers.
Guess it's time for
the Secret Scouts
to find out what's going on.
ALLO: I can't figure it out.
We've been trying to interface
with the human computers all day
and all we're
getting is garbage.
think we've got Tyranno trouble.
A baseball cap.
The Denver Dinosaurs?
What kind of team is that?
Very, very interesting.
I think I'll call the
Denver Police.
DOCTOR: Inspector White, I
think the source of the trouble
is a young computer
genius in the Denver area.
A young lonely genius
such as I once was.
There's an awful lot of computer
activity coming from your house.
Mind if I ask you
a few questions?
Uh, sure, Inspector.
Heh, what's wrong?
Well, a number of local computer
networks have gone haywire,
and we thought maybe
you'd be able to help us.
Who's that?
Uh, that? That's my, um, sister.
She's very, very shy.
They think Ryan had
something to do with
No time to lose.
Let's get out of here
and make tracks for Lava Dome.
Dinosaucers ♪
DAVID: I'd sure like to know
what the Tyrannos are
trying to pull this time.
PAUL: Nothing good.
Welcome back to
Beat The Computer.
Try to answer this question
before our Stupendous
model X-7000.
Try to answer this question.
Who was the first president
of the United States?
COMPUTER: The answer is
Gorgasaurus T. Washington.
Sorry. But my
answer card says
Gorgasaurus T. Washington.
COMPUTER: When hatching eggs,
always wear comfortable clothing.
Say, Wilma, free
airline tickets.
Where in tarnation is Reptilon?
I think it's in Jersey.
There's your trouble.
This thing was
manufactured on Reptilon.
Oh, no.
Who knows how many dino
chips have been shipped out.
We've got to
infiltrate the factory
and reprogram their
chip designing computers
before it's too late.
Tonight we go in again,
and this time we'll
sabotage everything.
And the whole Earth
will be forced to yield
to our superior wisdom,
might and cunning.
Yeah, Dr. Melnick.
Yeah. Uh, yeah.
I am no longer
thinking that the culprit
is a young teenage genius.
We are getting complaints
from as far away as Tokyo.
I see.
Uh, sorry I scared you, son.
I guess I got the wrong guy.
What do you mean?
They've gone up
to the Stupendous
Computers factory without me?
I think I see Silicon
Valley ahead.
And there's
Stupendous Computers.
DAVID: Get a load of that.
They've sure beefed
up their security.
It'll be hard sneaking in.
Say, look at all those guards.
They probably won't fall
for the same diversion twice.
ANKYLO: It's the Dinosaucers.
What'll we do?
REX: Well, the
skies are certainly
full of ra-ra-reptiles tonight.
If they dare to
interfere with my plans,
they'll regret their folly.
Golly, Rex, I sure wish
I were smart like you.
Yes, you poor nerdasaur,
I would imagine you do.
But don't hold
your breath waiting.
All right, Brachio,
time for diversion B.
Funny, it seems deserted.
What was that?
It's the Tyrannos,
creating a diversion of
some sort for themselves.
What a break for us too.
No time to waste. Come on.
Split up and find the
central control room.
MELNICK: I've almost got it.
Something with the microchips.
Who was that?
We have to find the
central control room.
The chip designing
computer should be there.
DAVID: Could that be it?
Come on, Quackpot,
you've seen all this before.
I'm looking for my cap.
We got company, Bossasaurus.
You sure have, Tyranno turkeys.
UNISON]: Yahoo! Boo!
After them!
Let's give them
a little surprise.
Secret Scouts ring, power up.
No time to play
around, you idiotsaurus!
But I'm scared. [SNICKERING]
You nerdasaur.
Just stay on so
you can get to them.
I'll save you Tyrannos.
Now where did those two go?
ALLO: Bonehead? Bonehead!
COMPUTER: Quality control.
Reject. Reject. Reject.
ALLO: Bonehead! Bonehead!
Those noisy machines.
I think I threw my back
out lifting that computer.
I'm kind of tired myself.
I wish we'd stayed at Lava Dome.
Ryan sure is lucky to
have missed this adventure.
They get all the fun,
and I have to play chess
with a talking powder puff.
No offense, Ugh.
RYAN: What? Checkmate?
Oh, brother.
I can't find Bonehead anywhere.
Idiots. You're still up there?
Come down quickly.
But how?
Tail for brains, just
let go of your claws.
Oh, I see.
A-ha! There's the culprit.
I'd better go into
the control room
and fix the
microchip duplicator.
There's nothing
like a free ride.
We'll look for Bonehead later.
We'd better get up there, fast.
Off that keyboard, you mammal!
The last time was just a taste.
This time we're going to
destroy your whole system.
What is the meaning of this?
I suppose you're going to
say you're from another planet
or something like that.
Pretty smart for a human.
Maybe after the conquest
I'll keep you around
for a few laughs.
You could be one of my slaves.
ALLO: Oh, no, you don't.
Genghis Rex seems to have
messed up your microchip
duplicator, Professor.
Let me just fix it for you.
No, you won't!
Don't worry about
a thing, Dr. Melnick.
The effects of this devolver
ray are only temporary.
DAVID: How does it feel to
have a brain the size of a walnut?
So you see,
they were trying to sabotage
the computer networks
of the entire world.
Reptiles from outer space.
It's a scientist's dream.
Of course, I will never
reveal your secret.
And tomorrow I will order
the biggest computer recall
in the history of Stupendous
Computer Systems.
I'm back.
COMPUTER: All right. All right.
It was George Washington.
I lied. I admit it.
MAN: Say, honey,
no more free tickets.
Hurry up and fix it already.
We've got mischief to cook up,
worlds to conquer.
Here, Bossasaurus.
Maybe one of these
will cheer you up.
It's a human recipe.
Heh, uh, I think I
found the problem, Rex.
REX: Chocolate chips?
Who's responsible for?
Uh, gee, Your Scale-liness.
I must have goofed again, huh?
Please, don't carry a
chip on your shoulder.
Better not eat that, O master.
Will you stop telling
me what to do?
Then let the chips
fall where they may.
Huh! Nerdasaurus.
ANKYLO: I told you not to.
You cretaceous clown!
You armor-coated scatterbrain!
ANKYLO: Oh, oh, Genghis Rex!
You're no fun when
the chips are down.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
REX: There it is.
Stupendous Computer Systems,
the biggest producer
of computers
on this whole miserable planet.
Sabotage the central
factory complex,
and we can cripple the
industries of the entire world!
so, what now, Genghis Rex?
You want me to blow the
joint into smithereens? Ha-ha!
That'll bring Earth to its
knees for sure, Bossasaurus.
Oh, Ankylo, I detest violence.
My technique will
be a lot more subtle.
And a lot more fun besides!
ANKYLO: What about
all those checkpoints?
What about them?
You think I haven't
thought of them?
Time for a diversion.
Go forth and create a
diversion, my dino villains,
but remember, no close
encounters of any kind.
REX [OVER RADIO]: I said no
close encounters, you Mesozoic moron!
You're just there
to divert them,
not give us away.
Good. It worked.
My dinosaurs cap. Ahh!
He'll catch up.
Did you bring the chips, Ankylo?
Of course I did,
O Terrible Lizard.
Just put the chips inside.
This microchip duplicator
will read the data on them,
and soon they'll be in every
major new computer in the world.
I've put them all
in, Bossasaurus.
Those aren't the
chips you nitwitatops!
But mighty Genghis Rex,
it says chips right on the bag.
I mean microchips,
not potato chips!
Oh, microchips.
You mean those itty bitty ones?
You should have told me.
REX: Let me look at that bag.
You tail for brains.
These are chocolate chips!
QUACK: Heh, made it.
Rex, I got your dino chips.
Ankylo left them behind.
Oh, forgive me,
tyrant lizard king.
There are times, Ankylo,
when I wish they'd
dropped you at the hatchery.
You would have
made a great omelet.
[GRUNTS]REX: All right.
Stand by for villainous
speech number 17B.
When I press the
button on that console,
those dino chips will be copied
into all of Stupendous
Computer's products
and shipped all over the world.
Earth will be
brought to its knees.
And ripe for conquest!
Wait till you guys get a load
of this sound and color board
I just ordered from
Stupendous Computers.
As soon as I press return,
this baby's gonna burst into
a majestic symphony
of sound and color.
DAVID: Uh, Ryan,
that's no video game.
SARAH: That's Reptilon.
I smell Tyrannos somewhere.
Somewhere like
Stupendous Computers.
Guess it's time for
the Secret Scouts
to find out what's going on.
ALLO: I can't figure it out.
We've been trying to interface
with the human computers all day
and all we're
getting is garbage.
think we've got Tyranno trouble.
A baseball cap.
The Denver Dinosaurs?
What kind of team is that?
Very, very interesting.
I think I'll call the
Denver Police.
DOCTOR: Inspector White, I
think the source of the trouble
is a young computer
genius in the Denver area.
A young lonely genius
such as I once was.
There's an awful lot of computer
activity coming from your house.
Mind if I ask you
a few questions?
Uh, sure, Inspector.
Heh, what's wrong?
Well, a number of local computer
networks have gone haywire,
and we thought maybe
you'd be able to help us.
Who's that?
Uh, that? That's my, um, sister.
She's very, very shy.
They think Ryan had
something to do with
No time to lose.
Let's get out of here
and make tracks for Lava Dome.
Dinosaucers ♪
DAVID: I'd sure like to know
what the Tyrannos are
trying to pull this time.
PAUL: Nothing good.
Welcome back to
Beat The Computer.
Try to answer this question
before our Stupendous
model X-7000.
Try to answer this question.
Who was the first president
of the United States?
COMPUTER: The answer is
Gorgasaurus T. Washington.
Sorry. But my
answer card says
Gorgasaurus T. Washington.
COMPUTER: When hatching eggs,
always wear comfortable clothing.
Say, Wilma, free
airline tickets.
Where in tarnation is Reptilon?
I think it's in Jersey.
There's your trouble.
This thing was
manufactured on Reptilon.
Oh, no.
Who knows how many dino
chips have been shipped out.
We've got to
infiltrate the factory
and reprogram their
chip designing computers
before it's too late.
Tonight we go in again,
and this time we'll
sabotage everything.
And the whole Earth
will be forced to yield
to our superior wisdom,
might and cunning.
Yeah, Dr. Melnick.
Yeah. Uh, yeah.
I am no longer
thinking that the culprit
is a young teenage genius.
We are getting complaints
from as far away as Tokyo.
I see.
Uh, sorry I scared you, son.
I guess I got the wrong guy.
What do you mean?
They've gone up
to the Stupendous
Computers factory without me?
I think I see Silicon
Valley ahead.
And there's
Stupendous Computers.
DAVID: Get a load of that.
They've sure beefed
up their security.
It'll be hard sneaking in.
Say, look at all those guards.
They probably won't fall
for the same diversion twice.
ANKYLO: It's the Dinosaucers.
What'll we do?
REX: Well, the
skies are certainly
full of ra-ra-reptiles tonight.
If they dare to
interfere with my plans,
they'll regret their folly.
Golly, Rex, I sure wish
I were smart like you.
Yes, you poor nerdasaur,
I would imagine you do.
But don't hold
your breath waiting.
All right, Brachio,
time for diversion B.
Funny, it seems deserted.
What was that?
It's the Tyrannos,
creating a diversion of
some sort for themselves.
What a break for us too.
No time to waste. Come on.
Split up and find the
central control room.
MELNICK: I've almost got it.
Something with the microchips.
Who was that?
We have to find the
central control room.
The chip designing
computer should be there.
DAVID: Could that be it?
Come on, Quackpot,
you've seen all this before.
I'm looking for my cap.
We got company, Bossasaurus.
You sure have, Tyranno turkeys.
UNISON]: Yahoo! Boo!
After them!
Let's give them
a little surprise.
Secret Scouts ring, power up.
No time to play
around, you idiotsaurus!
But I'm scared. [SNICKERING]
You nerdasaur.
Just stay on so
you can get to them.
I'll save you Tyrannos.
Now where did those two go?
ALLO: Bonehead? Bonehead!
COMPUTER: Quality control.
Reject. Reject. Reject.
ALLO: Bonehead! Bonehead!
Those noisy machines.
I think I threw my back
out lifting that computer.
I'm kind of tired myself.
I wish we'd stayed at Lava Dome.
Ryan sure is lucky to
have missed this adventure.
They get all the fun,
and I have to play chess
with a talking powder puff.
No offense, Ugh.
RYAN: What? Checkmate?
Oh, brother.
I can't find Bonehead anywhere.
Idiots. You're still up there?
Come down quickly.
But how?
Tail for brains, just
let go of your claws.
Oh, I see.
A-ha! There's the culprit.
I'd better go into
the control room
and fix the
microchip duplicator.
There's nothing
like a free ride.
We'll look for Bonehead later.
We'd better get up there, fast.
Off that keyboard, you mammal!
The last time was just a taste.
This time we're going to
destroy your whole system.
What is the meaning of this?
I suppose you're going to
say you're from another planet
or something like that.
Pretty smart for a human.
Maybe after the conquest
I'll keep you around
for a few laughs.
You could be one of my slaves.
ALLO: Oh, no, you don't.
Genghis Rex seems to have
messed up your microchip
duplicator, Professor.
Let me just fix it for you.
No, you won't!
Don't worry about
a thing, Dr. Melnick.
The effects of this devolver
ray are only temporary.
DAVID: How does it feel to
have a brain the size of a walnut?
So you see,
they were trying to sabotage
the computer networks
of the entire world.
Reptiles from outer space.
It's a scientist's dream.
Of course, I will never
reveal your secret.
And tomorrow I will order
the biggest computer recall
in the history of Stupendous
Computer Systems.
I'm back.
COMPUTER: All right. All right.
It was George Washington.
I lied. I admit it.
MAN: Say, honey,
no more free tickets.
Hurry up and fix it already.
We've got mischief to cook up,
worlds to conquer.
Here, Bossasaurus.
Maybe one of these
will cheer you up.
It's a human recipe.
Heh, uh, I think I
found the problem, Rex.
REX: Chocolate chips?
Who's responsible for?
Uh, gee, Your Scale-liness.
I must have goofed again, huh?
Please, don't carry a
chip on your shoulder.
Better not eat that, O master.
Will you stop telling
me what to do?
Then let the chips
fall where they may.
Huh! Nerdasaurus.
ANKYLO: I told you not to.
You cretaceous clown!
You armor-coated scatterbrain!
ANKYLO: Oh, oh, Genghis Rex!
You're no fun when
the chips are down.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪