Dinosaucers (1987) s01e41 Episode Script

The Heart And Sole of Bigfoot

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
REX: That"s where they are.
Somewhere here.
The Dinosaucers
and the Secret Scouts.
We have to avoid that area.
Right, my terrible Tyrannos.
Bossasaurus, watch out!
Get me out of here!
Don"t just stand
there. Help him.
Smooth, you idiotops.
Real smooth.
REX: Quackpot!
My mastersaurus calls. Heh.
Didn"t you set up
that screen, Quackpot?
I wasn"t setting you
up. Really. Ha, ha.
Just let me at him.
Perhaps. What"s that
spot Enkilo stomping?
Ah! That"s Canada,
Genghis Rex. Quack. Quack.
Go check it out, Quackpot.
See if it"s suitable for a
new Tyranno headquarters.
But Chiefasaurus, quack,
quack, it"s cold there. Ah.
Get going or I"ll let Ankylo
warm things up for you.
And don"t call me Chiefasaurus!
And, Quackpot,
any practical jokes,
and the joke will be on you.
Oh, yes, bossasaurus, sir.
Oh, yes, sir. Quack. Quack.
Ouch. Ouch. My aching Foot.
I hope this cool lake water
helps lumberjack"s foot.
Ah, relief.
Heh. Too bad this lake
won"t fit into my log cabin.
is going to hate Canada.
Quack. Quack. There
are no tarpits here.
Only trees and
mountains and fresh air.
Ah-ha. A native. Heh.
Wow. Now there"s a
foot worthy of a bunion.
Heh. Rex said
no practical jokes.
But, heh, way out here. Heh.
No one will ever know.
Ah, hope my foot
would be normal again.
Ah, hi, guy. You don"t
mind if I just drop in. Heh.
Huh? Who are you?
My fairy godfather or something?
Quack. "Fairy godfather"?
Oh, please, fairy godfather,
look, I got lumberjack"s foot.
Nothing I do seems to help.
Oh, that looks terrible. Heh.
Yeah, and it hurts too.
I can"t let anyone
see me like this.
Can you make it
look normal again?
joker"s on you, ha, ha,
to say nothing of
the rest of the deck.
MAN: Hey, that tickles.
I thought you were going
to help, fairy godfather.
But I have.
No one"s gonna be looking
at your foot anymore. Quack!
But now I"ll never win the
Mr. Lumberjack Beauty Contest.
Oh, gee, can"t you take a joke?
Not a bad joke.
Oh, my toe.
Wait till I get my hands on you.
I"ll have to call a toe truck.
Wait! You can"t
leave me like this.
You know, I"m beginning
to get the feeling
that wasn"t my fairy godfather.
And this just in from Canada.
The latest Big Foot sighting
came from grocery
store owner Natzi Ouzlar,
who claimed the monster tried
to buy a case of foot powder.
Efforts to capture
the beast have failed.
I didn"t want to miss the news.
They haven"t captured the
poor fellow yet, have they?
No, Dimetro. Not yet.
we should help him.
We monsters have
got to stick together.
Ha, Dimetro, we"re not
monsters, we"re Dinosaucers.
I get the feeling that no
one"s given Big Foot a chance
to explain that he"s
not a monster either.
Now I"m gonna be a Big Foot too.
Well, Big Foot,
big heart, Dimetro.
Calling Secret Scouts.
Ah, Paul, doing your
homework again?
What"s it this time?
American Literature?
Ah, hi, Allo. What"s up?
I bet you wanna check out
those Big Foot stories, don"t you?
Yeah, that"s right.
Interested in a
little trip to Canada?
That Big Foot"s a neat monster.
I"ll get Ryan and Sarah
and meet you right away.
Come on, Dimetro,
we"re going to Canada
for some fresh air, clean lakes
or maybe some snow and ice.
Jumping Jurassic.
The monster monitor is ringing.
It"s music to my ears.
A new monster has been detected.
Well, let"s see what kind he is.
Mm, a footasaurus obviously.
We"ll stamp out those
dinosaucers with this guy.
REX: Splendid, it"s in Canada.
Quackpot, you were in Canada.
Why is there nothing in
your report about Big Foot?
I didn"t see any monster,
oh, terrible Tyranno, heh.
We"ll have to recruit
him to our cause.
Quack, gosh, bossasaurus.
Silence! We"ll leave at once.
You three will come with me.
And stock up on foot powder.
I shall tackle this
great feet myself.
Any sign of Big
Foot, Paul? Nope.
Maybe we need smell-oh-tector.
After all, you can smell Ryan"s
big feet a mile away, heh.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, there he is. We"ve got him.
Oh, boy, a monster.
Oh, dear, there"s
that word again.
Oh, what monsters people are.
They think I"m
some sort of beast.
Oh, but I"m really
only a lumberjack.
Oh, no.
They"ve sent the Air
Force out to get me.
He should be right around
Don"t come any closer.
He certainly is an ugly fella.
You think that you can scare me
by dressing up in
creepy creature outfits?
Well, it"s not going to work.
No, no. We"re your friends.
I said stay back!
SERA: It"s going
to crash into us.
Big logs! 10 o"clock high.
Uh, sir, I don"t suppose
you brought a log-jammer.
No. This tractor
beam will have to do.
RYAN: Allo, you did it.
Argh, those guys are monstrous.
He is one ugly looking customer.
Hey, wait, you guys
should have learned by now.
Ryan is right. Big Foot"s
as scared as we are.
I"ll be gentle.
Ooh, wait, Mr. Big Foot.
You can"t leave without
giving me your autograph.
Let"s get back in the
ship. We"ll catch him.
REX: No, you won"t.
And I"ll make sure of it.
Hit the dirt!
Rex just put en
energy web on the door.
It"ll take 20 minutes
to de-energize.
Big Foot will be
miles away by then.
REX: Hurry and get in,
friend, or they"ll get you.
REX: Hi there, friend.
We good looking beasties
have got to stick together.
I"ll take you where you"ll
be treated like a star.
Yikes. You"re a monster too.
You can"t take everything
at face value, Big Foot.
Okay. I need to make a friend.
I don "t suppose you" ve
got a foot bath there, do you?
Nothing"s too good
for my new pal.
SERA: Now we"ll
never find Big Foot.
Not necessarily.
Good show, Ryan.
You mean good shot.
Yes. It "s keyed
to my scout" s ring.
We"ll find Big Foot and Rex.
As soon as this
energy web dissolves,
we can get started.
I have the feeling that Big Foot
just stepped into
something very nasty.
Let me introduce you
to the rest of our group.
I don"t see Quackpot.
Oh, Quackie, come out
and meet our new friend.
Heh, oh, hi, Big Foot.
Uh, well, heh, gotta go do
some good deeds, quack.
Your own face is silly
enough, you don"t need this.
You did this to me
with your joke cards.
You dealt me a bad hand.
I mean foot.
I thought I said
no practical jokes,
you duckbilled dodo.
You guys are good, all right.
Good and bad.
Don"t just stand
there, Quackpot.
Get him! We can use him.
Quack, Quack. Don"t let
him get away to the ships.
He"ll get out. For sure!
The ships? Right!
REX: Quackpot, you idiotops,
you told him how to escape.
Sorry, Your Scaliness.
You cretatious creton.
Do I have to do
everything myself?
Fortunately, the ejector
seat works by remote control.
I"ve decided that I
like Canada after all.
Prepare for conquest mission.
Conquest? Sheesh! Did
I pick the wrong guys?
I take it that means you
will not aid us in our mission.
I"m not that kind
of monster, Rex,
and I"ll stop you from
doing bad things if I can.
Stop the majestic Ghengis Rex?
My special magician"s
straight jacket
will keep you in stictches.
You"re not only awful,
you make awful jokes.
Heh, better tow the line, pal.
Or Ghengis Rex will
really make you sorry.
Now, do monster, heh.
RYAN: Here we go.
Here"s the Tyranno
shuttle. And look.
Tarpits below.
Get ready, Pteryx.
You"re the only one
who can fly into the tarpits
under your own power.
Quackpot said this was a
magician"s straight jacket,
so there must be a way out.
This ship looks very
poorly put together.
was getting stuffy in here.
I feel a draft.
Hi, folks.
Just thought your ship
needed remodeling.
Stop that hairy human
from wrecking my shuttle.
RYAN: My gosh! Look!
Wow! Big Foot is really
putting the kibosh on Rex.
He"s making them walk
the plank. Pteryx, save them.
Arr, now mateys,
it"s a trip to Davey
Jones" tar pits.
Now, how do I land this thing?
Terrible-dactyl, help!
I won"t have to save
them, Sera. Look.
Someone call me? Hi, guys.
Nice day for a flight.
Bossasaur, what are
you doing in the air?
Falling! Help!
Grab hold, oh, terrible leader.
REX: No! Just me! Let go!
Mm, some days it doesn"t
pay to get out of the nest.
Heh, a valiant Tyranno
weathers any storm.
Did you say feathers, Quackpot?
Here you go.
Uh, sorry.
Not as sorry as
you"re going to be!
We"re starting our
pre-boarding, folks.
Big Feet and people
with small children first.
Dinosaucers ♪
Oh, don"t worry.
Nothing else can go wrong.
Now I"ll set it to reverse
so you"ll be all right.
BIG FOOT: I"m ticklish, heh.
The foot. My foot.
It"s recovered.
Thank you. I guess I
gotta start giving people
the benefit of the doubt,
no matter how they look.
Bye, Charlie. And
thanks for the autograph.
Charlie will be happier here.
You made the right
decision not to keep him, Allo.
Yes, as leader, I just
had to put my foot down.
Dinosaucers ♪
Thanks again!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.
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