Dinosaucers (1987) s01e42 Episode Script

Karatesaurus Wrecks

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: The principles
of karate are simple.
Yielding is power.
Gentle turns away strong.
You're putting me
on, right, Ryan?
Try me, Tricero.
And you really think
you can break bricks
with your bare hands, David?
DAVID: We did it in class.
Karate is a defense,
Dimetro. Never an attack.
DAVID: Hyah!
Have it your way then.
Oh Here I come!
I'd like to see
you do that again.
How did you learn
to do such things?
I told you. We've been
taking karate lessons.
Who invented this, uh, karate?
Well, uh
Nobody invented
it. It's from Japan.
Japan? Must be a
very exceptional place.
Haven't you guys ever
seen a Brucie Wong movie?
He's the greatest
karate master ever.
These Japanese have
karate and movies?
Yeah. Haven't you ever
heard of Gorgonzola?
cheese? No! The monster.
He's so big he makes
you guys look like shrimps.
I'd say we'd better learn
more about this Japan
and this karate.
That's just what I was thinking.
I'm telling you.
That kid broke the bone
in two with his bare hands.
Like this.
Aah! Idiot-tops!
To master karate,
you need a teacher.
A sensei-saurus.
The Dinosaucers have
discovered a method of destruction
using only their arms.
Yes. We are in danger
of losing the arms race,
unless you find a sensei-saurus.
The Tyrannos must learn karate.
But a sensei-saurus?
I don't even know
where they spawn.
Find one!
Y-Yes, sir.
Look, Ryan, they've got
Kramer vs. Gorgonzola.
All right.
Isn't this the one where they
fight over custody of Tokyo?
DAVID: "Flying Fists
of the Karate Dragon.
Meet the Lightning Hands
of the Tai-Kwan-Do Devils."
Hey, what about that?
"Learn Karate with Chuck Nowrist
and His Karate Caballeros."
Maybe it could teach
the dinos some karate.
No way. That guy's just a
show-off, not a real sensei.
Come on. I can't wait
to see these movies.
I'll never find a
sensei at this rate.
They all want money,
and all Rex gave me
was four-fifty in change
and a bus token.
This is hopeless.
"Learn Karate with Chuck Nowrist
and His Karate Caballeros."
This is it!
He's not a real live
sensei, but he'll do.
DAVID: Isn't Brucie
Wong the greatest?
Isn't Gorgonzola the greatest?
I had no idea there were
such huge dinos here on earth.
RYAN: He's just
a special effect.
Oh, he's
He's the big
brother I never had.
Dinos, I suggest we learn
about the country of Japan
in person.
BOTH [IN UNISON]: All right!
Karate is a mental discipline.
So if you think hard,
you'll punch hard.
Think. Punch. Think.
Punch. Think. Punch.
BOTH [IN UNISON]: Think. Punch.
If you want to break a
wooden board in two,
just think real hard,
and who knows, maybe
you'll be able to do it.
Or maybe not.
Of course, karate is
a mental discipline,
so you'll think of
some way to do it.
See? Wasn't that easy?
Bah! I could do
that with my tail.
Why, you clumsy oafasaur!
This is hopeless.
To learn karate we
must have a real sensei,
and the only place
we'll find one is in Japan.
RYAN: There it is, dinos. Tokyo.
DIMETRO: Just looks like
more America than here.
Uh, well, I think when
we get a little closer,
you'll notice the differences.
MAN: The principle
of karate is, uh,
use whatever force your
attackers sends to you.
If he pushes, you pull.
If he pulls, push back.
Now you will see this truth now.
Styraco, Ankylo. Attack.
It works!
With our mastery of karate,
we'll mop up this planet
with those dino-suckers.
Uh, When do we
meet Gorgonzola, huh?
I just gotta see him in person.
RYAN: Sit tight, Bonehead.
Remember. These folks have
never seen a Dinosaucer before.
Hi, guys. Can any
of you tell me where
Oh, American movie monster.
American Movie monster?
Oh, boy. Where?
Oh, heh, they mean me.
Hey, they like me.
Uh, what's this?
You. Hold it right there.
W-What do you want?
The name and number
of your makeup man.
This is incredible.
They love me.
Come on out, guys, they love me.
Hello, everybody. Sorry
about the disturbance.
The disturbance?
This is wonderful.
Which new American monster
movie are you advertising?
Uh Uh Well, let's see.
We're Dinosaucers, and
we wanna meet Gorgonzola.
The Dinosaucers Meet Gorgonzola.
That's what you're
after. Come with me.
Welcome to Tojuk
Studios, Dinosaucers.
I am Soji Yoshikawa, your host.
A great honor to meet you.
Your costumes and
makeup are incredible.
Here at Tojuk, we make
many kinds of movies.
Who are those guys?
SOJI: That's the cast of our
new fantasy action picture.
Snow White and
the Seven Samurai.
What I want to know is,
when do we meet Gorgonzola?
Whoa! You're my biggest fan.
I mean, I'm your
biggest fan, heh.
I mean, well, I think
you're the greatest.
He's just a machine, Bonehead.
Don't you talk
that way about him.
What are you doing here?
You're ruining the scene.
We don't need you until 3:00.
Mitsurosan, let me introduce
Huh? And what are you doing
in those ridiculous costumes?
These aren't our actors.
They're the Dinosaucers
from America.
Not our actors?
But they are perfect.
How would you like to
be in a Gorgonzola movie?
Would we? You bet we would.
Wow, won't it be great to
be in a Gorgonzola movie?
MAN: Remember,
karate is a defensive art.
Yeah, sure. That's
what you think.
I may be a blind old man,
but my ears are quite good.
Why, you Karate is defensive.
Never lower your guard.
Let us proceed with the lesson.
Wood is dead, it can do nothing.
Your hand is alive.
It can do anything.
Focus the entire
power of your mind..
Into your hand.
Now we are truly
masters of karate.
Ha. So you can chop
wood without an axe.
Such tricks are useless
against a true karate master.
You little diddle-saurus,
Genghis Rex is
master of all he surveys.
MAN: Oh, you need
many more lessons.
In the meantime,
promise me you will
use what I taught you
only as a last defense.
Oh, I promise.
The nerve of that
old geezer-otops,
trying to sucker us
into more lessons
when we already know
everything about karate.
You won't believe this.
The Dinosaucers
are here in Japan.
I just saw them
with my own eyes.
Now to give those pathetic
reptiles a real pounding,
karate style.
MITSUROSAN: The picture is
called Gorgonzola versus Gorgon.
The monster Gorgon was
resting in the South Seas
peacefully painting
picture of the natives
when navy testing
make him angry,
so naturally he attack Tokyo.
Of course, Gorgonzola
come to the rescue,
especially when he learned
that his cousins are visiting
from America. That's you.
Now stay on your
marks. Lights! Hai!
Camera! Hai!
Cue the monsters.
Oh! Hey! Look out!
My hero.
I'd say this scene
needs a rewrite.
Follow me.
Stay here.
Cut! Thanks. You can go.
A remote control.
My, my, how fascinating.
I wonder how it works.
That is not in the script!
Something's wrong
with the monsters.
Where's the controller?
Come on.
Something's gone haywire.
All the armies in the
world can't stop him.
How are we gonna?
He's just a machine, Bonehead.
The only way to slow
him down is to dino-volve.
MITSUROSAN: Oh! Gorgonzola!
Mitsurosan, is
there no other way
of controlling that monster?
There are controls in his
head, but how to reach them?
I'll have to reach them.
RYAN: All right,
Rex. Drop that control.
And what makes you
think you can make me?
Hi-ya? Did they just say hi-ya?
Since when do Tyrannos
know from karate?
Hi-ya! Hi-ya!
BONEHEAD: Dimetro! Help!
This is gonna be
tougher than I thought.
Come on, you big dumbosaur.
I'll get you for that,
you mammal, you.
DIMETRO: We've got him now.
Hey, I'm on your side.
There must be some way
of putting that overstuffed
buzzard out of commission.
That's it.
Bonehead, pick
up that water tank.
I'll get his attention.
Hey, you big bronto
brain, come and get me.
I'd say we just
short-circuited his glands.
Now to figure out how
these controls work, and fast.
We've toyed with
you long enough.
Now you'll know
what it feels like
to come face to face with
a master karatesaurus.
Hi-ya! Hi-ya!
DAVID: Master karatesaurus, huh?
You two look more like a couple
of karatesaurus wrecks to me.
Run for it, kids.
ENKILO: Aiee! Gorgonzola!
REX: Gorgonzola!
ALLO: I'm sorry
for all the trouble
the Tyrannos caused, Mitsurosan.
I hope the monsters
can be fixed up.
Don't worry about them.
You cannot keep a
gorgonzola down for very long.
I'll say. He's the greatest.
He's my idol. He's Bonehead,
he is just a machine!
Well, nobody's perfect.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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