Dinosaucers (1987) s01e43 Episode Script
Lochs and Bay Gulls
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
ANKYLO: Monster
alert! Monster alert!
BRACHIO: Turn that
blasted monster monitor off.
My ears are going crazy.
REX: What are you doing, Plesio?
BRACHIO: Stop that!
Aah, finally.
The monster monitor"s never
reacted so powerfully before.
And precisely, what
does that indicate, Plesio?
It means the
machine has found us
a real live dinosaur on Earth.
Are you positive it hasn"t
simply fixed on a Dinosaucer?
Positive, bossasaur.
This could be our first
ally on this little planet.
Yes, we must intercept
this creature at once.
Plesio, what are
its coordinates?
It"s located in the country
Earthlings call Scotland.
Hmm, we"ve never
been to Scotland.
Ankylo, go find out
how we should dress.
We leave as soon as you return.
I"m on my way.
ANNOUNCER: A legendary
creature comes out of seclusion today.
Startling new film footage
reveals the Loch Ness Monster.
All this tonight
on another edition
ofLifestyles of the
Extinct and Famous.
ALL: Huh?
Do you think
they"ve really found
the Loch Ness Monster
once and for all?
Ah, that"s just
a lot of baloney.
Oh, I don"t know
about that, David.
After visiting your planet,
I"ve come to the conclusion
that anything"s possible.
See, wise guy?
That probably is a real monster.
Not only real,
Sera, but a female.
SERA: It"s a girl monster?
And she looks enough
like Plesio to be his cousin.
So what?
I have cousins who
are monsters too.
That"s no monster, team.
That"s a supposedly
extinct Elasmosaurus,
truly a cousin to the
The chances are the Tyrannos
must already know about her.
We"ve gotta get to
Scotland before they do.
Wait, Allo, we"ll go too.
No, you Secret Scouts
mind the Lava Dome.
If we run into real trouble,
I want you here to call
in the other Dinosaucers.
REX: I look ridiculous.
But, bossasaurus,
according to my research,
every male in
Scotland wears a kilt.
We should have kilt you
for making us wear
these silly things.
All I wanna know is,
when do I get my claws
on that Loch Ness Monster?
Not before Plesio
attempts to win her over
to our side with his charm.
She"ll be like
putty in my flippers.
Get him.
A real Don Juanadon.
A real Cassanovatops.
You couldn"t sweep
a female off her paws
if you were the last
dinosaur on Reptilon.
What? Say that again.
I"ll say it over
and over and over.
Break it up, you two.
Hey, Rex, when
Plesio"s charm fails,
then do I get my claws on
that Loch Ness Monster?
Yes, Brachio, you simpleton.
But Plesio"s
scheme hatches first.
Go to it, fish face.
And remember, charm.
Charm. Yeah, charm.
I"m a bit rusty when
it comes to romance.
Maybe this book
Rex gave me will help.
Let"s see.
"How to pick up sea
serpents," chapter one.
"To attract a
high-class sea serpent,
splash around.
They are always attracted
by activity in the water."
Chapter two.
"Fang flossing
and good hygiene."
Well, hello, gorgeous.
Where have you been hiding
the past 65 million years?
You"re the Loch Ness Monster.
Loch Ness, yes.
Monster, no.
That, unfortunately,
was a name I got
as a result of a blind date
that, uh, went awry a
few million years ago.
Just call me Nessie.
Uh, just call me Plesio, please.
Pleased to meet
you, Plesio Please.
No, no. No, no,
just plain Plesio.
All right. Plesio.
What brings you to Loch Ness?
I saw you on TV and
rushed here to charm you.
I mean, meet you.
Heh, that"s very nice.
Have you ever been
to the Lochs before?
Uh, no.
But in Florida, I
visited the Keys.
Would you like me
to show you around?
I mean, it"s not often I get a
fellow dinosaur visiting me.
PLESIO: Why, I"d like
that very much, Nessie.
Loch Ness is beautiful, Nessie.
Almost as beautiful as you.
Oh, Plesio, you"re so charming.
Did you go to charm school?
PLESIO: No, harm school.
NESSIE: Ugh, well,
wherever you went to school,
I "m just glad you" re here now.
It"s been a lonely
65 million years.
Get away from me,
you miserable birds.
I"m a dinosaur, not a statue.
Plesio, no.
These are my only friends.
Barry, Zoe and Shelly Joe.
They"re gulls that
fly around the bay.
Barry, Zoe, Shelly Joe,
stop that, what you"re doing.
Plesio is my friend.
Nice friends.
Maybe someday
you"ll introduce me
to your enemies.
I don"t understand it.
They"ve never
acted like that before.
Bah! Those gulls
are for the birds.
Forget them, Nessie.
Just think about us.
Oh, I haven"t been this happy
since the Cretaceous period.
I haven"t been
this happy, period.
No sign of any
Tyranno activity yet, Allo.
You and Ichy park your saucers
and I"ll do a little scouting.
Plesio, that slithering slime.
Allo, I found the
Loch Ness Monster.
Plesio is with her.
Okay, Pteryx, stay in position.
I"ll lure Plesio away
and Ichy will warn
Nessie about that Tyranno.
Aah. Hey.
I think I saw one of those
obnoxious TV reporters
looking around over there.
I"ll go chase him away.
Oh, he"s harmless.
Oh, we"re entitled to a
little privacy, aren"t we?
Stay here.
All right, Allo, I saw you.
Show yourself, coward.
My, my, aren"t we touchy today?
What are you doing here?
Oh, come on now.
You don"t really
think the Dinosaucers
would let you con
that poor monster
into joining the Tyrannos?
You stay away from her, Allo.
I"m warning you.
Give it up.
You think she"ll wanna
have anything to do with you
when she finds out why
you"re being so nice to her?
No, I won"t let you!
A sea monster.
Get away from me.
Get away from me.
Were you choking?
You are.
What were you saying?
Get away from here!
Get away from here!
Why? You"re an
intelligent ichthyosaur.
You must be a
friend of Plesio"s.
I "m no friend of Plesio" s.
And he"s certainly
no friend of yours.
Just what do you mean?
I mean that Plesio is a member
of a race of renegade
dinosaurs called Tyrannos
who are out to conquer
my planet and yours.
Well, everyone has his
thoughts, you know, but
And the only reason he
was fawning all over you was
to lure you into
joining the Tyrannos.
PLESIO: Take that!
ICHY: All right.
NESSIE: Plesio.
Force your enemy to
the bank of the Loch!
I"ll help you!
Nessie, you were wonderful.
You helped me turn the tide
against the
Dinosaucers literally.
Meanwhile, farewell,
Allo and Ichy.
It"s been a long hard day
of battling Dinosaucers.
Now comes fossilizing time.
Oh, no.
I can"t believe it.
Plesio has turned Allo
and Ichy into stone fossils.
What do you want? Wait a
minute. You "re Nessie" s friends.
Of course, I understand.
I speak 1460
intergalactic bird dialects.
I agree. I don"t
like Plesio either.
Come on and help
me convince Nessie
that he"s the bad
dinosaur, not us.
Now nothing can
stand between us.
No. But something
can fly between you.
Mainly me.
Why, you Hey, watch it.
Go away.
Oh, don"t hurt Barry,
Zoe and Shelly Joe.
Hurt them?
Tell them not to hurt me.
Let go!
He will, Plesio, but
you can bet that I won"t.
Hey, let go.
Not until you do. Give
Plesio his weapon back.
Tell her all about Plesio,
Barry, Zoe and Shelly Joe.
You heard the lady.
Give me that fossilizer!
Fat chance, flipper lips.
Your scam is over.
The gulls are telling
Nessie the truth about you.
What are you telling me?
Barry, Zoe, Shelly Joe, how
can you say such a thing?
Plesio, say it isn"t so.
It isn"t so.
Plesio, darling,
grab your fossilizer.
Nessie, no, don"t do this.
PLESIO: Thanks, Nessie.
I know I could count
on you, my little fern leaf.
Any last words, bird lady?
Love is blind.
Must you turn
those evil dinosaurs
into fossils, darling?
Isn"t there another way?
It"s the only way
we can spend the next
60 million years together
without being hounded.
Aw, isn"t that just
the sweetest thing
you ever seen?
I think I"m gonna be sick.
Genghis Rex, not now. Go away.
Tell me I didn"t hear Plesio
just tell me, Genghis Rex,
to go away.
You didn"t hear Plesio
just tell you, Genghis Rex,
to go away.
Thank you, Ankylo.
What would I do without you?
But as for you,
you lead-flippered,
slow pokasaurus,
you had your chance
to win this monster over
with your charm.
But since you apparently
have all the charm of a trilobite,
we move on to plan B.
Your charm? Win me over?
No, Rex, not plan B.
I won"t let you.
Plesio, how dare
you point a fossilizer
at our beloved Genghis Rex.
Put down your weapon, Plesio.
Remember, you"re a Tyranno,
sworn to uphold lies,
injustice in the Tarpits way.
How could you?
You tricked me and lied to me.
I hate you. I hate you.
Sorry, miss, but you"re
not going anywhere.
Brachio, seize her.
Come on, you.
Get your claws off me.
He"ll be happy to oblige,
provided you agree
to join the Tyrannos
in our battle against
the Dinosaucers.
I"d rather be a fossil.
REX: That can be arranged.
Unless you swear
allegiance to me at once!
I don"t care what
happens to me anymore.
Very well.
Reversing the
polarity on my fossilizer
to release these Dinosaucers
may ruin my career as a Tyranno.
But it "s Nessie" s only chance.
Huh? Huh?
Plesio, what did you?
This is your last chance,
Miss Loch Ness Monster.
Will you join the Tyrannos?
Forget it, you cold
blooded carnivores.
Then you have sealed your fate.
Oh. Oh.
Clumsy oafatops.
Now look what you"ve made me do!
I"m so sorry, sir.
Let me go help Ankylo.
She"s making a break
for it. Capture her!
Hey, get off of my claws.
Stop clowning around! Catch her!
The only thing that"s gonna be
captured is a pack of Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers. It can"t be.
You were all
fossilized into rocks.
The only rocks around here
are the ones in
your head, fang face.
Tyrannos, attack!
Where did you learn such
earthly boxing skills, Rex?
By watching video cassettes
of some mammal called Rocky.
I"ll get you, bird brain.
PTERYX: Not if I
don"t stay put, Brachio.
Hey, no fair.
Since when does a Tyranno
cry about playing fair?
Aah! Gotcha now, big beak. Whoa!
BRACHIO: Now you"re gonna pay!
You freed the
Dinosaucers, Plesio.
And now they"re
defeating your friends.
Isn"t it glorious?
But what will Genghis
Rex do to you?
To me?
The crown prince of cunning?
He doesn"t even
realize I freed them.
REX: Allo!
Brachio, where are you going?
As they say on Earth,
when the going gets
tough, the tough get going.
And since I"m really
tough, I"m really going.
Oh, no, I lost the
fossilizer gun in the fight.
I"ll grab Ankylo and
defossilize him later.
Plesio, let the creature go
and meet us at the spaceship.
He thinks you"ve been
holding me captive.
You will be safe.
Uh, bu But I"ve
got to go, Nessie.
Plesio, what about us?
We"ll always have Loch
Ness, but I"m still a Tyranno.
It"s not fair.
It"s as if the problems
of two dinosaurs
don"t amount to
a hill of seaweed
in this crazy world.
I want to go with you.
Nessie, I"m no
good at being noble.
But I know if you come with me,
you"ll regret it.
Maybe not today, but
soon, like in a million years.
Goodbye, Nessie.
Goodbye, Plesio.
May the great egg
never clear yolk on you.
Will you come with us,
become a Dinosaucer?
No, thank you.
My place is here.
But in another million
years or so, who knows?
I may leave these lochs
and move to the Keys.
I hear they"re beautiful.
Well, let"s at least
stay in close touch.
I"d like that.
Nessie, I think
this is the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
ANKYLO: Monster
alert! Monster alert!
BRACHIO: Turn that
blasted monster monitor off.
My ears are going crazy.
REX: What are you doing, Plesio?
BRACHIO: Stop that!
Aah, finally.
The monster monitor"s never
reacted so powerfully before.
And precisely, what
does that indicate, Plesio?
It means the
machine has found us
a real live dinosaur on Earth.
Are you positive it hasn"t
simply fixed on a Dinosaucer?
Positive, bossasaur.
This could be our first
ally on this little planet.
Yes, we must intercept
this creature at once.
Plesio, what are
its coordinates?
It"s located in the country
Earthlings call Scotland.
Hmm, we"ve never
been to Scotland.
Ankylo, go find out
how we should dress.
We leave as soon as you return.
I"m on my way.
ANNOUNCER: A legendary
creature comes out of seclusion today.
Startling new film footage
reveals the Loch Ness Monster.
All this tonight
on another edition
ofLifestyles of the
Extinct and Famous.
ALL: Huh?
Do you think
they"ve really found
the Loch Ness Monster
once and for all?
Ah, that"s just
a lot of baloney.
Oh, I don"t know
about that, David.
After visiting your planet,
I"ve come to the conclusion
that anything"s possible.
See, wise guy?
That probably is a real monster.
Not only real,
Sera, but a female.
SERA: It"s a girl monster?
And she looks enough
like Plesio to be his cousin.
So what?
I have cousins who
are monsters too.
That"s no monster, team.
That"s a supposedly
extinct Elasmosaurus,
truly a cousin to the
The chances are the Tyrannos
must already know about her.
We"ve gotta get to
Scotland before they do.
Wait, Allo, we"ll go too.
No, you Secret Scouts
mind the Lava Dome.
If we run into real trouble,
I want you here to call
in the other Dinosaucers.
REX: I look ridiculous.
But, bossasaurus,
according to my research,
every male in
Scotland wears a kilt.
We should have kilt you
for making us wear
these silly things.
All I wanna know is,
when do I get my claws
on that Loch Ness Monster?
Not before Plesio
attempts to win her over
to our side with his charm.
She"ll be like
putty in my flippers.
Get him.
A real Don Juanadon.
A real Cassanovatops.
You couldn"t sweep
a female off her paws
if you were the last
dinosaur on Reptilon.
What? Say that again.
I"ll say it over
and over and over.
Break it up, you two.
Hey, Rex, when
Plesio"s charm fails,
then do I get my claws on
that Loch Ness Monster?
Yes, Brachio, you simpleton.
But Plesio"s
scheme hatches first.
Go to it, fish face.
And remember, charm.
Charm. Yeah, charm.
I"m a bit rusty when
it comes to romance.
Maybe this book
Rex gave me will help.
Let"s see.
"How to pick up sea
serpents," chapter one.
"To attract a
high-class sea serpent,
splash around.
They are always attracted
by activity in the water."
Chapter two.
"Fang flossing
and good hygiene."
Well, hello, gorgeous.
Where have you been hiding
the past 65 million years?
You"re the Loch Ness Monster.
Loch Ness, yes.
Monster, no.
That, unfortunately,
was a name I got
as a result of a blind date
that, uh, went awry a
few million years ago.
Just call me Nessie.
Uh, just call me Plesio, please.
Pleased to meet
you, Plesio Please.
No, no. No, no,
just plain Plesio.
All right. Plesio.
What brings you to Loch Ness?
I saw you on TV and
rushed here to charm you.
I mean, meet you.
Heh, that"s very nice.
Have you ever been
to the Lochs before?
Uh, no.
But in Florida, I
visited the Keys.
Would you like me
to show you around?
I mean, it"s not often I get a
fellow dinosaur visiting me.
PLESIO: Why, I"d like
that very much, Nessie.
Loch Ness is beautiful, Nessie.
Almost as beautiful as you.
Oh, Plesio, you"re so charming.
Did you go to charm school?
PLESIO: No, harm school.
NESSIE: Ugh, well,
wherever you went to school,
I "m just glad you" re here now.
It"s been a lonely
65 million years.
Get away from me,
you miserable birds.
I"m a dinosaur, not a statue.
Plesio, no.
These are my only friends.
Barry, Zoe and Shelly Joe.
They"re gulls that
fly around the bay.
Barry, Zoe, Shelly Joe,
stop that, what you"re doing.
Plesio is my friend.
Nice friends.
Maybe someday
you"ll introduce me
to your enemies.
I don"t understand it.
They"ve never
acted like that before.
Bah! Those gulls
are for the birds.
Forget them, Nessie.
Just think about us.
Oh, I haven"t been this happy
since the Cretaceous period.
I haven"t been
this happy, period.
No sign of any
Tyranno activity yet, Allo.
You and Ichy park your saucers
and I"ll do a little scouting.
Plesio, that slithering slime.
Allo, I found the
Loch Ness Monster.
Plesio is with her.
Okay, Pteryx, stay in position.
I"ll lure Plesio away
and Ichy will warn
Nessie about that Tyranno.
Aah. Hey.
I think I saw one of those
obnoxious TV reporters
looking around over there.
I"ll go chase him away.
Oh, he"s harmless.
Oh, we"re entitled to a
little privacy, aren"t we?
Stay here.
All right, Allo, I saw you.
Show yourself, coward.
My, my, aren"t we touchy today?
What are you doing here?
Oh, come on now.
You don"t really
think the Dinosaucers
would let you con
that poor monster
into joining the Tyrannos?
You stay away from her, Allo.
I"m warning you.
Give it up.
You think she"ll wanna
have anything to do with you
when she finds out why
you"re being so nice to her?
No, I won"t let you!
A sea monster.
Get away from me.
Get away from me.
Were you choking?
You are.
What were you saying?
Get away from here!
Get away from here!
Why? You"re an
intelligent ichthyosaur.
You must be a
friend of Plesio"s.
I "m no friend of Plesio" s.
And he"s certainly
no friend of yours.
Just what do you mean?
I mean that Plesio is a member
of a race of renegade
dinosaurs called Tyrannos
who are out to conquer
my planet and yours.
Well, everyone has his
thoughts, you know, but
And the only reason he
was fawning all over you was
to lure you into
joining the Tyrannos.
PLESIO: Take that!
ICHY: All right.
NESSIE: Plesio.
Force your enemy to
the bank of the Loch!
I"ll help you!
Nessie, you were wonderful.
You helped me turn the tide
against the
Dinosaucers literally.
Meanwhile, farewell,
Allo and Ichy.
It"s been a long hard day
of battling Dinosaucers.
Now comes fossilizing time.
Oh, no.
I can"t believe it.
Plesio has turned Allo
and Ichy into stone fossils.
What do you want? Wait a
minute. You "re Nessie" s friends.
Of course, I understand.
I speak 1460
intergalactic bird dialects.
I agree. I don"t
like Plesio either.
Come on and help
me convince Nessie
that he"s the bad
dinosaur, not us.
Now nothing can
stand between us.
No. But something
can fly between you.
Mainly me.
Why, you Hey, watch it.
Go away.
Oh, don"t hurt Barry,
Zoe and Shelly Joe.
Hurt them?
Tell them not to hurt me.
Let go!
He will, Plesio, but
you can bet that I won"t.
Hey, let go.
Not until you do. Give
Plesio his weapon back.
Tell her all about Plesio,
Barry, Zoe and Shelly Joe.
You heard the lady.
Give me that fossilizer!
Fat chance, flipper lips.
Your scam is over.
The gulls are telling
Nessie the truth about you.
What are you telling me?
Barry, Zoe, Shelly Joe, how
can you say such a thing?
Plesio, say it isn"t so.
It isn"t so.
Plesio, darling,
grab your fossilizer.
Nessie, no, don"t do this.
PLESIO: Thanks, Nessie.
I know I could count
on you, my little fern leaf.
Any last words, bird lady?
Love is blind.
Must you turn
those evil dinosaurs
into fossils, darling?
Isn"t there another way?
It"s the only way
we can spend the next
60 million years together
without being hounded.
Aw, isn"t that just
the sweetest thing
you ever seen?
I think I"m gonna be sick.
Genghis Rex, not now. Go away.
Tell me I didn"t hear Plesio
just tell me, Genghis Rex,
to go away.
You didn"t hear Plesio
just tell you, Genghis Rex,
to go away.
Thank you, Ankylo.
What would I do without you?
But as for you,
you lead-flippered,
slow pokasaurus,
you had your chance
to win this monster over
with your charm.
But since you apparently
have all the charm of a trilobite,
we move on to plan B.
Your charm? Win me over?
No, Rex, not plan B.
I won"t let you.
Plesio, how dare
you point a fossilizer
at our beloved Genghis Rex.
Put down your weapon, Plesio.
Remember, you"re a Tyranno,
sworn to uphold lies,
injustice in the Tarpits way.
How could you?
You tricked me and lied to me.
I hate you. I hate you.
Sorry, miss, but you"re
not going anywhere.
Brachio, seize her.
Come on, you.
Get your claws off me.
He"ll be happy to oblige,
provided you agree
to join the Tyrannos
in our battle against
the Dinosaucers.
I"d rather be a fossil.
REX: That can be arranged.
Unless you swear
allegiance to me at once!
I don"t care what
happens to me anymore.
Very well.
Reversing the
polarity on my fossilizer
to release these Dinosaucers
may ruin my career as a Tyranno.
But it "s Nessie" s only chance.
Huh? Huh?
Plesio, what did you?
This is your last chance,
Miss Loch Ness Monster.
Will you join the Tyrannos?
Forget it, you cold
blooded carnivores.
Then you have sealed your fate.
Oh. Oh.
Clumsy oafatops.
Now look what you"ve made me do!
I"m so sorry, sir.
Let me go help Ankylo.
She"s making a break
for it. Capture her!
Hey, get off of my claws.
Stop clowning around! Catch her!
The only thing that"s gonna be
captured is a pack of Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers. It can"t be.
You were all
fossilized into rocks.
The only rocks around here
are the ones in
your head, fang face.
Tyrannos, attack!
Where did you learn such
earthly boxing skills, Rex?
By watching video cassettes
of some mammal called Rocky.
I"ll get you, bird brain.
PTERYX: Not if I
don"t stay put, Brachio.
Hey, no fair.
Since when does a Tyranno
cry about playing fair?
Aah! Gotcha now, big beak. Whoa!
BRACHIO: Now you"re gonna pay!
You freed the
Dinosaucers, Plesio.
And now they"re
defeating your friends.
Isn"t it glorious?
But what will Genghis
Rex do to you?
To me?
The crown prince of cunning?
He doesn"t even
realize I freed them.
REX: Allo!
Brachio, where are you going?
As they say on Earth,
when the going gets
tough, the tough get going.
And since I"m really
tough, I"m really going.
Oh, no, I lost the
fossilizer gun in the fight.
I"ll grab Ankylo and
defossilize him later.
Plesio, let the creature go
and meet us at the spaceship.
He thinks you"ve been
holding me captive.
You will be safe.
Uh, bu But I"ve
got to go, Nessie.
Plesio, what about us?
We"ll always have Loch
Ness, but I"m still a Tyranno.
It"s not fair.
It"s as if the problems
of two dinosaurs
don"t amount to
a hill of seaweed
in this crazy world.
I want to go with you.
Nessie, I"m no
good at being noble.
But I know if you come with me,
you"ll regret it.
Maybe not today, but
soon, like in a million years.
Goodbye, Nessie.
Goodbye, Plesio.
May the great egg
never clear yolk on you.
Will you come with us,
become a Dinosaucer?
No, thank you.
My place is here.
But in another million
years or so, who knows?
I may leave these lochs
and move to the Keys.
I hear they"re beautiful.
Well, let"s at least
stay in close touch.
I"d like that.
Nessie, I think
this is the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.