Dinosaucers (1987) s01e44 Episode Script
The Trojan Horseasaurus
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Are you sure this is the
right place, Quackpot?
Ha, ha. Of course
I"m sure, Genghis Rex.
This company manufactures
all of Earth"s spaceships.
Uh, I saw one of
their commercials.
Allo, they"re heading
straight for the warehouse.
We"re ready for them, Ryan.
in first, Genghis Rex.
REX: Good. Find out where
they keep the spaceships and
I wanna go in first,
Genghis Rex. He, he.
No way, duck bill.
QUACKPOT: Aw, please.
You never let me
do anything much.
I said no!
Terrible Dactyl, go
investigate the warehouse.
Quackpot, you"re staying here.
REX: This is going to be a
quick and a smooth operation.
We"ll just QUACKPOT: Aah!
Quackpot, come back here!
Genghis Rex, the Dinosau Aah!
The Dinosaucers!
Heh. They"re behind us.
Everyone, turn around.
Let"s get those Dinosaucers!
Quackpot, you idiotops.
Who"s side are you on?
I don"t know, but I
don"t think it"s ours.
Wow, what happened?
Looks like our side won.
Well, this was easy.
No. This was embarrassing.
You"re not gonna cause
anymore trouble today,
are you, Genghis Rex?
No more trouble, not for you.
But I make no
guarantees for him!
RYAN: And don"t come back.
Uh, so, heh,
what do we do now,
bossasaurus, huh?
I suppose I"ll
just have to think
of another brilliant way
to conquer the Earth.
But I still don"t understand
how the Dinosaucers
knew about our secret plan.
Oh. Uh, that"s because
I ran a full page ad
in the humans newspapers.
You did what?
I thought that good advertising
was the key to success.
You ruined our plan,
wrecked our ships
and turned me into a
walking paint commercial.
Genghis Rex, you"ve got to
do something about this joker.
You"re right, Terrible Dactyl.
Quackpot, you"re
banished from the Tyrannos
until you learn how to behave.
Uh Okay. I"ll leave.
But you"ll be sorry.
This has really turned
out to be a terrible morning.
I can"t believe
they banished me.
Now I"m all alone
on this strange planet.
Oh, I feel so sorry for myself.
GIRL: Hey, what
are you doing there?
Huh? Oh, uh, I"m sorry.
Uh, I didn"t mean to
Come on. Get out of the mud.
You"re ruining
that great costume.
That"s a beautiful latex job.
You should take
better care of it.
Huh? Latex?
Of course. Or is that polyfoam?
Listen, I work for
look-alike movies.
If I buy you a cup of coffee,
will you tell me how
you made this outfit?
Oh, uh, heh, sure.
QUACKPOT: Uh, so you see,
I used to work for
this small time outfit,
uh, the Tyrannos.
But they kicked me out.
I"d love to get even
with them, though.
Maybe a good practical
joke. He, he, he.
I love practical jokes.
Let"s do it.
Oh, he, he, he.
You do?
Hey, you"re not
bad for a, uh, human.
He, he, he. And I"ve
got this great idea.
SERA: Ladies, gentlemen
and Dinosaucers,
you are about to see a
demonstration of gymnastics.
An incredible feat.
Uh, aren"t you gonna
use both feet, Sera?
Uh, right, Bonehead.
Anyhow, I"m going to
demonstrate a running handspring
into a double somersault
landing on Bonehead"s back.
Drum roll, please.
Ready, David?
Ready, Sera.
Oh, I"ll get that.
Sera, are you okay?
Yeah, I"m fine.
But that better be an
important phone call.
I"m getting a clear signal.
REX: Allo, this is Genghis Rex.
Allo here.
What do you want, Genghis Rex?
Allo, the Ancients of
Reptilon have returned.
And they"re very angry with us.
What? Are you certain?
Would I lie to you?
Uh, yes.
This time I"m telling the truth.
The Ancients are here
at the University of California.
Well, at least
that sounds right.
The Ancients have landed.
You know what this means.
Secret Scouts, you"d
better head home.
You can"t help us with this.
What do you mean
we can"t help you?
We"ve always helped you,
just as you"ve always helped us.
Right. We"re not quitting now.
Yeah. Whoever
these Ancients are,
together we can handle them.
I don"t believe this.
You guys have already given up.
You don"t understand, Ryan.
The Ancients, we"re
descended from them.
They ruled Reptilon
for millions of years.
We can"t fight them.
You can try.
Allo, don"t give up.
Goodbye, Ryan.
What are we gonna do?
I don "t know, but we" ve
gotta help them somehow.
Well, whatever it is, I"m
giving it a parking ticket.
gone, puny humans,
for I have come to punish!
You don"t think this is
a Physics Department
joke, do you?
I don"t think so.
Do you think this is
the end for us, Allo?
Genghis Rex.
You have betrayed
your ancestral rulers
by attempting to conquer
what rightfully belongs to us.
The planet Earth.
You betrayed your
ancestors by trying to rule
what is rightfully ours.
The Ancients plan
to travel the galaxies
for countless millennia.
ALL: Lord, we obey you!
DIPLO: Only to
return and find you
attempting to
claim our territory.
Your betrayal came as
an absolute surprise to us.
After all, we were only gone
for a few hundred thousand
years next Tuesday.
Oh. What to do with
you young upstarts.
Genghis Rex,
you know what you were
saying about this being the end.
Yes. I think you"re right.
RYAN: There"s got to be
something we can do to help them.
But Allo didn"t want
us to get involved in this.
Yeah, but maybe we should
just go to California anyhow.
Just in case he
changes his mind.
Yeah. I kind of like that idea.
Let"s do it.
Where is everybody?
This is supposed to be
one largest
universities in the world.
Maybe that"s the reason.
I am Diplo.
Greatest of the Ancients.
And I"m still deciding
what shall be your fate.
At least he"s taking
his time about it.
DIPLO: You are guilty of
crimes against the Ancients
and you will have to pay.
Now to think of a
suitable punishment.
Oh, please, mighty
Ancient, spare me.
I didn"t know that
you wanted the Earth.
It was just a mistake.
Oh, come on, Ankylo.
Meet your end like a lizard.
No thanks. I"d rather grovel.
It amuses me to see
you at my feet, Ankylo.
But stand up, for I
have reached a decision.
Allo, you and your Dinosaucers
will return to Reptilon.
Genghis Rex, you must
abdicate your rulership
he, he, he, to Quackpot.
What does Quackpot
have to do with this?
I don"t know,
but I think there"s more
here than meets the eye.
RYAN: I think
you"re right, Sera.
Look at that stuff
dripping from Diplo"s side.
It almost looks like
Do you think you can get
close enough to see, Sera?
I"ll try.
And Genghis Rex,
you will also return to Reptilon
leaving Quackpot in
charge of the Tyrannos.
Heh. Aah.
The Secret Scouts?
What are you doing here,
kids? I told you to stay away.
Genghis Rex, bring the
human children to me.
Oh, with pleasure,
mighty Ancient.
No thanks.
We Secret Scouts can
get around on our own.
Hey, David, give
me a hand, will you?
No problem, Sera.
Secret Scout"s ring, power up.
Sera, what?
Uh, what are you doing?
Get off my back, kid.
Look out, sis.
Maybe this wasn"t
a good idea, Ryan.
Sera! Huh?
Bonehead, look out. Oh!
DIPLO: Ouch!
You"re right, David.
It"s machine oil.
What? Oil?
Your mighty
Ancient, Genghis Rex,
is just a special effects robot.
Uh, Quackpot, it"s been fun.
But I have this lunch
meeting in Antarctica.
Heh, it was just
a joke. He, he, he.
Oh, just a little joke. Oh.
You know, Genghis Rex,
I think we"ve finally
found something
we can agree upon.
I think you"re right, Allo.
Let"s trash him!
DIPLO: I am Diplo.
Greatest of the mighty Ancients.
We have returned.
REX: Oh, turn it off.
We know all about
Quackpot"s joke.
And we don"t
think it"s very funny.
Allo, let"s get rid of
this presumptuous toy.
You know, for once, Genghis Rex,
I"m on your side.
I"ll deal with you as
soon as I"m finished
with the rest of your
jokes, Quackpot.
To your ships, Dinosaucers.
Tyrannos! Attack!
For millennia, you have
lived without our guidance.
But now we have returned
to usher in a
golden age for all
I hate practical jokes.
DIPLO: I think there"s been
a misunderstanding here.
Oh, they"re making
a terrible mistake.
I think you made the mistake
by playing this
joke on everyone.
No, you don"t understand.
It"s not
Attack to disable only.
We don"t wanna
damage Quackpot"s toy.
DIPLO: Now, wait just a minute.
Come on, Stego. You heard me.
Ankylo, help that Dinosaucer.
Oh, do I have to?
DIPLO: Maybe
you don"t realize it,
but you"re making a big
Maybe you don"t understand,
so I"ll say this very simply.
We are the Ancients!
And we don"t believe you!
What are you talking about?
Farewell, Reptilonians.
I hope we never meet again.
Oh, it"s too late.
That is what we do
to practical jokers.
Oh, that wasn"t
part of the joke.
What are you talking
about, Quackpot?
That ship wasn"t
a special effect.
It wasn"t part of my joke.
You mean those
were the real Ancients?
That"s what I was
trying to tell you!
I don "t know who" s going to
have the last laugh, Quackpot,
but it won"t be you!
The Ancients were so advanced.
They really could have
brought a golden age
to Earth and Reptilon.
I think we"ll just
have to create
our own golden age, Ryan.
We will, Allo.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Are you sure this is the
right place, Quackpot?
Ha, ha. Of course
I"m sure, Genghis Rex.
This company manufactures
all of Earth"s spaceships.
Uh, I saw one of
their commercials.
Allo, they"re heading
straight for the warehouse.
We"re ready for them, Ryan.
in first, Genghis Rex.
REX: Good. Find out where
they keep the spaceships and
I wanna go in first,
Genghis Rex. He, he.
No way, duck bill.
QUACKPOT: Aw, please.
You never let me
do anything much.
I said no!
Terrible Dactyl, go
investigate the warehouse.
Quackpot, you"re staying here.
REX: This is going to be a
quick and a smooth operation.
We"ll just QUACKPOT: Aah!
Quackpot, come back here!
Genghis Rex, the Dinosau Aah!
The Dinosaucers!
Heh. They"re behind us.
Everyone, turn around.
Let"s get those Dinosaucers!
Quackpot, you idiotops.
Who"s side are you on?
I don"t know, but I
don"t think it"s ours.
Wow, what happened?
Looks like our side won.
Well, this was easy.
No. This was embarrassing.
You"re not gonna cause
anymore trouble today,
are you, Genghis Rex?
No more trouble, not for you.
But I make no
guarantees for him!
RYAN: And don"t come back.
Uh, so, heh,
what do we do now,
bossasaurus, huh?
I suppose I"ll
just have to think
of another brilliant way
to conquer the Earth.
But I still don"t understand
how the Dinosaucers
knew about our secret plan.
Oh. Uh, that"s because
I ran a full page ad
in the humans newspapers.
You did what?
I thought that good advertising
was the key to success.
You ruined our plan,
wrecked our ships
and turned me into a
walking paint commercial.
Genghis Rex, you"ve got to
do something about this joker.
You"re right, Terrible Dactyl.
Quackpot, you"re
banished from the Tyrannos
until you learn how to behave.
Uh Okay. I"ll leave.
But you"ll be sorry.
This has really turned
out to be a terrible morning.
I can"t believe
they banished me.
Now I"m all alone
on this strange planet.
Oh, I feel so sorry for myself.
GIRL: Hey, what
are you doing there?
Huh? Oh, uh, I"m sorry.
Uh, I didn"t mean to
Come on. Get out of the mud.
You"re ruining
that great costume.
That"s a beautiful latex job.
You should take
better care of it.
Huh? Latex?
Of course. Or is that polyfoam?
Listen, I work for
look-alike movies.
If I buy you a cup of coffee,
will you tell me how
you made this outfit?
Oh, uh, heh, sure.
QUACKPOT: Uh, so you see,
I used to work for
this small time outfit,
uh, the Tyrannos.
But they kicked me out.
I"d love to get even
with them, though.
Maybe a good practical
joke. He, he, he.
I love practical jokes.
Let"s do it.
Oh, he, he, he.
You do?
Hey, you"re not
bad for a, uh, human.
He, he, he. And I"ve
got this great idea.
SERA: Ladies, gentlemen
and Dinosaucers,
you are about to see a
demonstration of gymnastics.
An incredible feat.
Uh, aren"t you gonna
use both feet, Sera?
Uh, right, Bonehead.
Anyhow, I"m going to
demonstrate a running handspring
into a double somersault
landing on Bonehead"s back.
Drum roll, please.
Ready, David?
Ready, Sera.
Oh, I"ll get that.
Sera, are you okay?
Yeah, I"m fine.
But that better be an
important phone call.
I"m getting a clear signal.
REX: Allo, this is Genghis Rex.
Allo here.
What do you want, Genghis Rex?
Allo, the Ancients of
Reptilon have returned.
And they"re very angry with us.
What? Are you certain?
Would I lie to you?
Uh, yes.
This time I"m telling the truth.
The Ancients are here
at the University of California.
Well, at least
that sounds right.
The Ancients have landed.
You know what this means.
Secret Scouts, you"d
better head home.
You can"t help us with this.
What do you mean
we can"t help you?
We"ve always helped you,
just as you"ve always helped us.
Right. We"re not quitting now.
Yeah. Whoever
these Ancients are,
together we can handle them.
I don"t believe this.
You guys have already given up.
You don"t understand, Ryan.
The Ancients, we"re
descended from them.
They ruled Reptilon
for millions of years.
We can"t fight them.
You can try.
Allo, don"t give up.
Goodbye, Ryan.
What are we gonna do?
I don "t know, but we" ve
gotta help them somehow.
Well, whatever it is, I"m
giving it a parking ticket.
gone, puny humans,
for I have come to punish!
You don"t think this is
a Physics Department
joke, do you?
I don"t think so.
Do you think this is
the end for us, Allo?
Genghis Rex.
You have betrayed
your ancestral rulers
by attempting to conquer
what rightfully belongs to us.
The planet Earth.
You betrayed your
ancestors by trying to rule
what is rightfully ours.
The Ancients plan
to travel the galaxies
for countless millennia.
ALL: Lord, we obey you!
DIPLO: Only to
return and find you
attempting to
claim our territory.
Your betrayal came as
an absolute surprise to us.
After all, we were only gone
for a few hundred thousand
years next Tuesday.
Oh. What to do with
you young upstarts.
Genghis Rex,
you know what you were
saying about this being the end.
Yes. I think you"re right.
RYAN: There"s got to be
something we can do to help them.
But Allo didn"t want
us to get involved in this.
Yeah, but maybe we should
just go to California anyhow.
Just in case he
changes his mind.
Yeah. I kind of like that idea.
Let"s do it.
Where is everybody?
This is supposed to be
one largest
universities in the world.
Maybe that"s the reason.
I am Diplo.
Greatest of the Ancients.
And I"m still deciding
what shall be your fate.
At least he"s taking
his time about it.
DIPLO: You are guilty of
crimes against the Ancients
and you will have to pay.
Now to think of a
suitable punishment.
Oh, please, mighty
Ancient, spare me.
I didn"t know that
you wanted the Earth.
It was just a mistake.
Oh, come on, Ankylo.
Meet your end like a lizard.
No thanks. I"d rather grovel.
It amuses me to see
you at my feet, Ankylo.
But stand up, for I
have reached a decision.
Allo, you and your Dinosaucers
will return to Reptilon.
Genghis Rex, you must
abdicate your rulership
he, he, he, to Quackpot.
What does Quackpot
have to do with this?
I don"t know,
but I think there"s more
here than meets the eye.
RYAN: I think
you"re right, Sera.
Look at that stuff
dripping from Diplo"s side.
It almost looks like
Do you think you can get
close enough to see, Sera?
I"ll try.
And Genghis Rex,
you will also return to Reptilon
leaving Quackpot in
charge of the Tyrannos.
Heh. Aah.
The Secret Scouts?
What are you doing here,
kids? I told you to stay away.
Genghis Rex, bring the
human children to me.
Oh, with pleasure,
mighty Ancient.
No thanks.
We Secret Scouts can
get around on our own.
Hey, David, give
me a hand, will you?
No problem, Sera.
Secret Scout"s ring, power up.
Sera, what?
Uh, what are you doing?
Get off my back, kid.
Look out, sis.
Maybe this wasn"t
a good idea, Ryan.
Sera! Huh?
Bonehead, look out. Oh!
DIPLO: Ouch!
You"re right, David.
It"s machine oil.
What? Oil?
Your mighty
Ancient, Genghis Rex,
is just a special effects robot.
Uh, Quackpot, it"s been fun.
But I have this lunch
meeting in Antarctica.
Heh, it was just
a joke. He, he, he.
Oh, just a little joke. Oh.
You know, Genghis Rex,
I think we"ve finally
found something
we can agree upon.
I think you"re right, Allo.
Let"s trash him!
DIPLO: I am Diplo.
Greatest of the mighty Ancients.
We have returned.
REX: Oh, turn it off.
We know all about
Quackpot"s joke.
And we don"t
think it"s very funny.
Allo, let"s get rid of
this presumptuous toy.
You know, for once, Genghis Rex,
I"m on your side.
I"ll deal with you as
soon as I"m finished
with the rest of your
jokes, Quackpot.
To your ships, Dinosaucers.
Tyrannos! Attack!
For millennia, you have
lived without our guidance.
But now we have returned
to usher in a
golden age for all
I hate practical jokes.
DIPLO: I think there"s been
a misunderstanding here.
Oh, they"re making
a terrible mistake.
I think you made the mistake
by playing this
joke on everyone.
No, you don"t understand.
It"s not
Attack to disable only.
We don"t wanna
damage Quackpot"s toy.
DIPLO: Now, wait just a minute.
Come on, Stego. You heard me.
Ankylo, help that Dinosaucer.
Oh, do I have to?
DIPLO: Maybe
you don"t realize it,
but you"re making a big
Maybe you don"t understand,
so I"ll say this very simply.
We are the Ancients!
And we don"t believe you!
What are you talking about?
Farewell, Reptilonians.
I hope we never meet again.
Oh, it"s too late.
That is what we do
to practical jokers.
Oh, that wasn"t
part of the joke.
What are you talking
about, Quackpot?
That ship wasn"t
a special effect.
It wasn"t part of my joke.
You mean those
were the real Ancients?
That"s what I was
trying to tell you!
I don "t know who" s going to
have the last laugh, Quackpot,
but it won"t be you!
The Ancients were so advanced.
They really could have
brought a golden age
to Earth and Reptilon.
I think we"ll just
have to create
our own golden age, Ryan.
We will, Allo.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.