Dinosaucers (1987) s01e45 Episode Script
We're Off to See the Lizard
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Hi, guys. What are you doing?
Hi, Sarah. We're watching
Ugh's favorite show,
Rin Tin Tinotops.
Yeah. It's about this
great dogasaurus.
He's the best.
He saves lives and does tricks.
He can even dance.
Ugh, are you all right?
Ugh, what's gotten into you?
He's acting like a dog.
He must have hit his head.
Hey, he chewed up
my favorite slipper.
Boy, if this is
man's best friend,
I'd hate to see his worst enemy.
What're we gonna do
to restore his memory?
Hey, I have an idea.
I have a cousin in the
next town who's a vet.
Ah, remember, Sarah.
Ugh's not your
typical earth animal.
That's okay.
Cousin Bruce isn't
your typical vet.
He's so far-sighted
he wouldn't know a
fur ball from a fur coat.
Ah, I still don't know.
Ugh, cut it out. Ugh
Ah, come on. Ugh.
Oh, on second
thought it's a great idea.
Plezio, your Tyranno tornado
transponder had better work.
He'll be able to control
the Earth's weather
just by pushing this button.
What major disaster
should we cause, bossasaur?
Let's try it out first.
Look out below!
You dragged me all
the way out here for this?
This thing is useless.
Don't worry, Ugh. We'll
have you to normal in no time.
Oh, no!
It's a tornado and it's
coming straight at us.
Where are we?
Looks like some
place over the volcano.
the planet Reptillon, little ones.
Who are you?
I am the good
dinosaur of Reptillon.
Can I help you? Yeah.
I need to talk to the
head of this place.
Then you need to see the
wonderful lizard of Reptillon.
He can help you
with any problem.
Great. Where do I find him?
must follow the green scaled track.
But as you go along.
Steer clear Of
wicked Rex's wrath.
And you will not go
wrong Wicked Rex?
right, flesh face. Ha, ha.
Ha, ha.
Yes, our wrath, ugly one.
That is, unless you hand over
that Secret Scouts'
ring, right now.
Here. Anything to keep
you two out of my hair.
TERYX: Don't do it, child.
Here on Reptillon, that
ring holds too much power
to fall into their evil hands.
Oh, shut up, you
goody two claws.
You haven't seen the last of
us, my pale faced little pest.
You'll give us that ring if
it's the last thing you do.
Better hurry and
reach the lizard
before Wicked Rex and
Princess Dei reach you again.
Thanks a lot, good dinosaucer.
Well, we're off
to see the lizard.
STEGO: Help! Help!
Who said that?
Oh, no, Ugh. We've
got to help him.
Shoo. Get away from him. Shoo!
Shoo! Shoo!
Oh, thank you. They
do that all the time.
Boy, I hate this line of work.
So why don't you do
something about it?
Well, I would, if only
I had some smarts.
Hey, why don't you come with us?
We're going to see the lizard.
He's going to help us get home.
Maybe he can help you.
You really think so? Oh, boy.
Look out!
You really should watch
where those trees fall.
You could hurt someone.
So who cares. Certainly not me.
Don't you know you're
supposed to love your neighbors?
I don't have any neighbors.
Besides, I don't
know how to love.
How sad.
Everyone should be able to love.
Why don't you come with us
to see the lizard of Reptillon?
Maybe he can help you too.
You really think so?
Oh, sure.
Come on.
Help. I'm being attacked
by a ferocious beast.
Don't be in an uproar.
I only wanted to ask you
if you had the correct time.
There he is. Save me. Oh.
That's the ferocious beast?
Shame on you.
You're supposed to be the
bravest of all dinosaucers.
Afraid of nothing.
I would, if only I
had some guts.
Come with us to see
the lizard of Reptillon.
He'll give you some guts.
All right.
Anything to get away
from that furry mammal.
There it is. The lizard's lair.
Come on.
What are you waiting for?
I think he's hibernating.
Ah Good.
Let's come back when he's awake.
Come on, Stego
Lion, think of Sarah.
Mr. Lizard.
Who dares to wake me
during my beauty sleep?
We do, Your Great Lizardness.
Well, beat it, kid.
You bother me.
But, please, sir,
the good dinosaucer
said you're the only one
who could help us.
Well, since you're a friend
of the good dinosaucers,
what do you want?
Well, come on. Speak
up. I don't have all day.
I want to go home and
Ugh needs his memory back.
And I want some smarts.
And I want to love.
I want some guts.
Hmm. Home, smarts,
love, guts and memory.
That'll cost you a
hundred dino dollars
plus tax, of course.
But we have no money.
Mm. Too bad, my
little chickadees.
Oh, please. There
must be another way.
There must be
something else you want.
Well, since you
mention it, there is.
Just bring me the
crown of Princess Dei
and you got yourself a deal.
Ha, ha! Just on time.
Now we'll finally
have that ring.
Go! And bring me that
fair haired mammal.
As you wish, most evil
brother and sister act ever
to play the palace.
Wicked Rex's castle must
be around here somewhere.
Oh, I heard he bought a
summer house in the country.
Oh, no, you don't!
No. No.
Hey, I'm afraid of heights.
How nice of you to drop in.
Now give us that
Ah, ah, ah, ah-chhoo.
You fool. Ah-chhoo.
Get rid of the fur ball.
We're allergic.
Now give me that ring.
I can't. It won't come off.
Imprison her in the tar,
while we think of a
way to get that ring off.
I've gotta help the others.
Here goes.
Thanks. I was beginning
to stiffen in there.
We've got to find Sarah.
Come on. I think he
wants us to follow him.
How're we gonna get in there?
STEGO: That's how.
But we gotta hurry.
That drawbridge is
beginning to close.
Oh, Okay. The coast is clear.
Where is she, Ugh?
Oh, what's the use.
I'll never get home.
BONEHEAD: Sarah, you in there?
Scarasaurus. I'm
in here. Help me.
STEGO: Oh, it's
no use. It's locked.
How are we gonna get her out?
Like this.
Thank goodness.
Come on. We
better get out of here.
Going somewhere?
Let's get out of here.
Let's try that door.
good to see you again.
BONEHEAD: Uh, it's
Wicked Rex and Princess Dei.
Now we have you
right where we want you.
I've finally figured out a way
to get that ring off, my pretty.
All I have to do
is fossilize you.
I'm fossilizing
Oh, the shame of it.
ENKILO: Hooray!
Wicked Rex and
Princess Dei are fossilized.
But I don't understand.
I thought you liked them.
No, no, no. They
just paid the bills.
But now, we're in charge.
You can have this for payment.
Here you are, Mr. Lizard.
Princess Dei's crown.
Just like you asked.
Do we get our wishes now? Huh?
Oh, that.
Ahem. Why of course.
What was it you wanted?
I want some smarts, sir.
Let's see, there must be some
smarts in here somewhere.
Here. With this computer,
you'll have all the
smarts you need.
What is the
capital of Reptillon?
Volcano Heights.
Wow. With this I
really am smart.
How about me? I
wanna be able to love.
Now you have all
the love you need.
Oh, thank you. I love you.
I love all of you.
I love you and you and you.
Uh, enough already.
I need a little guts.
That's the easiest one of all.
If you were able to
get this crown away
from Wicked Rex and Princess Dei
then you've got all
the guts you need.
I do? I mean, I do.
See. Now you truly are the
bravest dinosaucer, Stego Lion.
What about Ugh's amnesia?
Easy as pie.
Just one spoonful
of my mystical,
magical milk of amnesia
and this little
fellow will be cured.
Gulp. Hey!
I can remember everything.
I'm a fur ball, not
Gee, thanks, Mr. Lizard.
And now help our friend Sarah.
Her problem is the
easiest of all to solve.
Sarah's always
been able to go home.
Why didn't the good
dinosaucer tell me before?
TERYX: Because you
never asked, Sarah.
All you said was you wanted
to see the head of this place.
You never told me
you wanted to go home.
Okay, Sarah, what's the
name of the dinosaucer
with the nicest smile?
That's simple. Bonehead.
Just close your eyes,
rub your Secret
Scouts ring and say,
"There's no face like Bonehead."
There's no face like Bonehead.
Bonehead. Bonehead. Bonehead.
Sarah? Are you all right?
I just had the strangest dream.
I always have strange dreams
when I eat chocolate
before bedtime.
You were there.
And you. And you. And you.
But I didn't
recognize any of you.
Oh, no. Poor Ugh
must still be a dog.
Oh.Speak for yourself, sister.
Where I come from
you're not exactly the
fur maid of the month.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Hi, guys. What are you doing?
Hi, Sarah. We're watching
Ugh's favorite show,
Rin Tin Tinotops.
Yeah. It's about this
great dogasaurus.
He's the best.
He saves lives and does tricks.
He can even dance.
Ugh, are you all right?
Ugh, what's gotten into you?
He's acting like a dog.
He must have hit his head.
Hey, he chewed up
my favorite slipper.
Boy, if this is
man's best friend,
I'd hate to see his worst enemy.
What're we gonna do
to restore his memory?
Hey, I have an idea.
I have a cousin in the
next town who's a vet.
Ah, remember, Sarah.
Ugh's not your
typical earth animal.
That's okay.
Cousin Bruce isn't
your typical vet.
He's so far-sighted
he wouldn't know a
fur ball from a fur coat.
Ah, I still don't know.
Ugh, cut it out. Ugh
Ah, come on. Ugh.
Oh, on second
thought it's a great idea.
Plezio, your Tyranno tornado
transponder had better work.
He'll be able to control
the Earth's weather
just by pushing this button.
What major disaster
should we cause, bossasaur?
Let's try it out first.
Look out below!
You dragged me all
the way out here for this?
This thing is useless.
Don't worry, Ugh. We'll
have you to normal in no time.
Oh, no!
It's a tornado and it's
coming straight at us.
Where are we?
Looks like some
place over the volcano.
the planet Reptillon, little ones.
Who are you?
I am the good
dinosaur of Reptillon.
Can I help you? Yeah.
I need to talk to the
head of this place.
Then you need to see the
wonderful lizard of Reptillon.
He can help you
with any problem.
Great. Where do I find him?
must follow the green scaled track.
But as you go along.
Steer clear Of
wicked Rex's wrath.
And you will not go
wrong Wicked Rex?
right, flesh face. Ha, ha.
Ha, ha.
Yes, our wrath, ugly one.
That is, unless you hand over
that Secret Scouts'
ring, right now.
Here. Anything to keep
you two out of my hair.
TERYX: Don't do it, child.
Here on Reptillon, that
ring holds too much power
to fall into their evil hands.
Oh, shut up, you
goody two claws.
You haven't seen the last of
us, my pale faced little pest.
You'll give us that ring if
it's the last thing you do.
Better hurry and
reach the lizard
before Wicked Rex and
Princess Dei reach you again.
Thanks a lot, good dinosaucer.
Well, we're off
to see the lizard.
STEGO: Help! Help!
Who said that?
Oh, no, Ugh. We've
got to help him.
Shoo. Get away from him. Shoo!
Shoo! Shoo!
Oh, thank you. They
do that all the time.
Boy, I hate this line of work.
So why don't you do
something about it?
Well, I would, if only
I had some smarts.
Hey, why don't you come with us?
We're going to see the lizard.
He's going to help us get home.
Maybe he can help you.
You really think so? Oh, boy.
Look out!
You really should watch
where those trees fall.
You could hurt someone.
So who cares. Certainly not me.
Don't you know you're
supposed to love your neighbors?
I don't have any neighbors.
Besides, I don't
know how to love.
How sad.
Everyone should be able to love.
Why don't you come with us
to see the lizard of Reptillon?
Maybe he can help you too.
You really think so?
Oh, sure.
Come on.
Help. I'm being attacked
by a ferocious beast.
Don't be in an uproar.
I only wanted to ask you
if you had the correct time.
There he is. Save me. Oh.
That's the ferocious beast?
Shame on you.
You're supposed to be the
bravest of all dinosaucers.
Afraid of nothing.
I would, if only I
had some guts.
Come with us to see
the lizard of Reptillon.
He'll give you some guts.
All right.
Anything to get away
from that furry mammal.
There it is. The lizard's lair.
Come on.
What are you waiting for?
I think he's hibernating.
Ah Good.
Let's come back when he's awake.
Come on, Stego
Lion, think of Sarah.
Mr. Lizard.
Who dares to wake me
during my beauty sleep?
We do, Your Great Lizardness.
Well, beat it, kid.
You bother me.
But, please, sir,
the good dinosaucer
said you're the only one
who could help us.
Well, since you're a friend
of the good dinosaucers,
what do you want?
Well, come on. Speak
up. I don't have all day.
I want to go home and
Ugh needs his memory back.
And I want some smarts.
And I want to love.
I want some guts.
Hmm. Home, smarts,
love, guts and memory.
That'll cost you a
hundred dino dollars
plus tax, of course.
But we have no money.
Mm. Too bad, my
little chickadees.
Oh, please. There
must be another way.
There must be
something else you want.
Well, since you
mention it, there is.
Just bring me the
crown of Princess Dei
and you got yourself a deal.
Ha, ha! Just on time.
Now we'll finally
have that ring.
Go! And bring me that
fair haired mammal.
As you wish, most evil
brother and sister act ever
to play the palace.
Wicked Rex's castle must
be around here somewhere.
Oh, I heard he bought a
summer house in the country.
Oh, no, you don't!
No. No.
Hey, I'm afraid of heights.
How nice of you to drop in.
Now give us that
Ah, ah, ah, ah-chhoo.
You fool. Ah-chhoo.
Get rid of the fur ball.
We're allergic.
Now give me that ring.
I can't. It won't come off.
Imprison her in the tar,
while we think of a
way to get that ring off.
I've gotta help the others.
Here goes.
Thanks. I was beginning
to stiffen in there.
We've got to find Sarah.
Come on. I think he
wants us to follow him.
How're we gonna get in there?
STEGO: That's how.
But we gotta hurry.
That drawbridge is
beginning to close.
Oh, Okay. The coast is clear.
Where is she, Ugh?
Oh, what's the use.
I'll never get home.
BONEHEAD: Sarah, you in there?
Scarasaurus. I'm
in here. Help me.
STEGO: Oh, it's
no use. It's locked.
How are we gonna get her out?
Like this.
Thank goodness.
Come on. We
better get out of here.
Going somewhere?
Let's get out of here.
Let's try that door.
good to see you again.
BONEHEAD: Uh, it's
Wicked Rex and Princess Dei.
Now we have you
right where we want you.
I've finally figured out a way
to get that ring off, my pretty.
All I have to do
is fossilize you.
I'm fossilizing
Oh, the shame of it.
ENKILO: Hooray!
Wicked Rex and
Princess Dei are fossilized.
But I don't understand.
I thought you liked them.
No, no, no. They
just paid the bills.
But now, we're in charge.
You can have this for payment.
Here you are, Mr. Lizard.
Princess Dei's crown.
Just like you asked.
Do we get our wishes now? Huh?
Oh, that.
Ahem. Why of course.
What was it you wanted?
I want some smarts, sir.
Let's see, there must be some
smarts in here somewhere.
Here. With this computer,
you'll have all the
smarts you need.
What is the
capital of Reptillon?
Volcano Heights.
Wow. With this I
really am smart.
How about me? I
wanna be able to love.
Now you have all
the love you need.
Oh, thank you. I love you.
I love all of you.
I love you and you and you.
Uh, enough already.
I need a little guts.
That's the easiest one of all.
If you were able to
get this crown away
from Wicked Rex and Princess Dei
then you've got all
the guts you need.
I do? I mean, I do.
See. Now you truly are the
bravest dinosaucer, Stego Lion.
What about Ugh's amnesia?
Easy as pie.
Just one spoonful
of my mystical,
magical milk of amnesia
and this little
fellow will be cured.
Gulp. Hey!
I can remember everything.
I'm a fur ball, not
Gee, thanks, Mr. Lizard.
And now help our friend Sarah.
Her problem is the
easiest of all to solve.
Sarah's always
been able to go home.
Why didn't the good
dinosaucer tell me before?
TERYX: Because you
never asked, Sarah.
All you said was you wanted
to see the head of this place.
You never told me
you wanted to go home.
Okay, Sarah, what's the
name of the dinosaucer
with the nicest smile?
That's simple. Bonehead.
Just close your eyes,
rub your Secret
Scouts ring and say,
"There's no face like Bonehead."
There's no face like Bonehead.
Bonehead. Bonehead. Bonehead.
Sarah? Are you all right?
I just had the strangest dream.
I always have strange dreams
when I eat chocolate
before bedtime.
You were there.
And you. And you. And you.
But I didn't
recognize any of you.
Oh, no. Poor Ugh
must still be a dog.
Oh.Speak for yourself, sister.
Where I come from
you're not exactly the
fur maid of the month.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪