Dinosaucers (1987) s01e46 Episode Script
Seeing Purple
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts.
Allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaurus.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
SARAH: There. Almost finished.
But why?
Why what?
Why did you buy
a broken picture?
I didn't, Bonehead.
It's a puzzle.
You buy the picture in pieces
then put it together again.
What for?
SARAH: Heh, because it's fun.
you should take it back
and make them
give you a new one.
Here. You try.
It doesn't fit.
Not only does she
buy a broken picture,
but the broken picture's busted.
Let me show you.
I did it. I did it. I fixed
the broken picture!
You sure did.
You did a terrific job.
Wow, I hope I'm not
catching a cold or anything.
You're not catching anything.
You're just sitting here.
I didn't mean that.
I meant I was afraid
I was getting sick.
Don't do that. That
would be terrible.
It's not that bad.
And anyway, don't
you get sick sometimes?
Almost never. We
can play all the time.
Behind you. He's
coming in behind you.
Do something.
I see. Got him!
That'll teach those
pirate marauders
to steal my neutron energy.
Here comes another
one. It's right there.
Ah, rats!
I was almost at the
hidden treasure planet,
but it looks like the
pirates of Galaxy X
brought out their secret weapon.
The giant paw from outer space.
Would it help if next
time I covered your ship
so the pirates couldn't see you?
Heh, I think it's about time
the giant paw from
outer space took a break.
Well, just you wait
David, you all right?
I will be when I stop sneezing.
giant paw to the rescue.
Thanks, big fella.
Think nothing of it.
Whatever this
is, we all have it.
I've just spent an hour sneezing
over some maps I'm studying.
This is awful.
You said it. Hey, I
wonder how Paul's doing.
He's down in the
hangar bay with Dimetro.
Yo, Paul, how're you
doing down there?
Ah, next question?
Paul, come on up
to the control room.
We've gotta put
our heads together.
Do you really think this
is going to help, Ryan?
If it doesn't, I don't
know what else to do.
Hey, what's wrong?
We're about to find out.
I've put in all the data I
can think of about sneezing.
The computer should tell
us what's wrong in a moment.
Anyone have any suggestions?
How about lunch?
I don't think Ryan meant
that kind of suggestion.
We'll eat in a little while.
Here it comes.
The answer to our sneezing. Ah!
RYAN: Uh-oh.
BONEHEAD: What is it?
SARAH: It says
we've become allergic
to a virus carried
by Dinosaucers.
Allergic? They
don't even have fur.
Looks like it doesn't matter.
It gets worse.
It says that there's a
chance that the virus
causing the allergy may mutate.
And do what?
What in the first
aid's name is that?
Spots. I'm covered
in purple spots.
I've heard of pink elephants
before, but this is ridiculous.
I think the virus mutated.
Don't worry. It's
probably nothing serious.
That's easy for you to
say. You're not purple.
PAUL: Uh-oh. It's spreading.
What's worse, they clash.
ALLO: This is most distressing.
Distressing? It's awful.
Don't worry, huh?
Real great, Sarah.
Any more suggestions?
Well, the color's nice.
Lots of nice things are purple.
Name six.
Uh, I can't think of any.
Not even food and I'm hungry.
Come to think of it, so am I.
I could do with a nice
tossed fern salad right now.
A couple of trees would be nice.
Ryan, I think we're seeing
more side effects of the virus.
All of us are hungry
and [YAWNS]
I'm feeling very
tired all of a sudden.
Me too.
SARAH: If you're sick,
I think you'd all
better get into bed.
Let's go and make up some
beds in the recreation room.
That way we can keep
an eye on everybody.
Yes, sir.
I mean, ma'am.
Will you tuck me in
and tell me the dino story
about Bonilocks and
the Three Humans?
I sure will. Now you scoot.
So if you and I
can get started now,
we should be able to come
up with some kind of cure.
That's right. The
computer will help us.
But let's hurry. I'm
getting pretty tired also.
But who's gonna help me?
I'm really hungry.
Hang on, Bonehead.
Paul and Sarah and David
are cooking you
guys up a fast snack.
How's the meat situation, David?
Well, if this doesn't keep
them happy for a little while
We're in big trouble.
There are only
about 30 of these left.
Seaweed surprise.
Wonder what the surprise is.
SARAH: That anyone would eat it?
Only one thing worries me.
What if the Tyrannos get
wind of what's going on here?
Ah, come on, Paul.
How would they find out?
Well, he might have a point.
Those Tyrannos are tricky guys.
But heck, if they try anything
we could always
give them the allergy.
Real cute.
You have a nasty mind.
Bonilocks lived
happily ever after.
Tell me another [SNORING]
Let's clear this up.
It shouldn't be long
before everyone is asleep.
Peace and quiet at last.
It's too quiet, Enkilo.
The Dinosaucers
are up to something.
I can feel it in my bones.
Can I feel it too?
Don't be more of a
nitwitotops than you have to.
Get up and see what
the scanner show.
Yes, your lizardness.
There seems to be a lot of
activity in Lava Dome tonight.
Oh, how am I supposed
to conquer the earth
with help like this?
But so much activity
so late? I knew it.
They are up to something.
What're you going
to do, bossasaurus.
I'm going to take the
problem by all three of its horns
and call Allo and ask him.
Genghis Rex to
Lava Dome. Come in.
You there at Lava
Dome. Answer me!
there at Lava Dome.
Answer me.
Uh-oh. Here comes trouble.
Lava Dome. What do
you want, Genghis Rex?
I do not talk to mammals.
I want to speak to Allo.
He's busy.
Then let me talk to another
of your Dinosaucer friends.
They're all busy.
And if you've got any
smarts you'll stay away
and not bother us.
So buzz off! Nosey lizard, heh.
Now why wouldn't
the silly mammal
let me talk to one
of the Dinosaucers?
It can only be one
of two things, unh.
Either the Secret
Scouts are alone, unh,
or there's something
wrong with the Dinosaucers.
For once you're right.
Everyone to the ships.
Prepare for an attack.
DAVID: Three
guesses who that is.
It's a Tyranno. But don't panic.
Okay. As long as
you have a plan.
DAVID: Yeah. If the
Tyrannos get into Lava Dome
and find Dinosaucers
sick in bed,
they'll capture them
and Teryx and us.
We're just going to
have to stop them.
RYAN: I don't know.
They're approaching.
And almost all the Dinosaucers
are too sick to even stand up,
let alone fly.
I could go out there.
No. There has to be another way.
That's it. I know how
we can beat them.
David's going to fight them.
I'm too young to
become a dinoburger.
I don't even know how
to drive a spaceship.
Fly. It's fly a spaceship.
See. I don't even
know the right words.
I can't do it.
Don't worry.
You're gonna do it
by remote control.
Ah, the video game.
RYAN: I can hook up the video game
to the Dinosaucers ship computers
and David can
drive them from here.
Fly them from here.
What you said.
How long will it take
to hook them up?
Did it already.
Then let's scorch some scales.
[IN UNISON]: All right!
Here we go.
SARAH: How're we doing?
Ask me again in 20 minutes.
What's this? Enkilo,
how can this be?
The Dinosaucers are here.
David, here they come again.
Look out!
DAVID: And now
Not good enough, Allo.
Yeah. I'm beginning
to get the hang of this.
Now I've got you!
There's no one
flying that tin can.
So that's your game, you
duplicitous Dinosaucers.
Well, two can play at that.
Tyrannos, break off the attack.
Rendezvous one
mile north of here
and try not to get lost.
SARAH: Yeah!
All right.
They're going.
We are now going
to attack Lava Dome!
Wasn't that what we
were just doing, unh,
oh, most terrible lizard?
Yes, it was, fossilbrain,
but this time we're
going to get it right.
We are going to attack on foot.
Why are we attacking their feet?
We are not attacking their feet!
We are attacking on foot!
Didn't you see there was
no one flying those ships?
There must be no
Dinosaucers at Lava Dome.
And all we have to do to
take over the place is walk in.
So let's go!
SARAH: Uh-oh. We spoke too soon.
They're onto us. Now what?
We tell the Dinosaucers.
They're sick enough
without being worried too.
We can't get any
sicker than we are.
And the Tyrannos have
been in contact with you
as long as we have.
With a little more exposure
to the virus we've isolated,
we can give them
trouble even they can spot.
Heh, I knew these would
come in handy someday.
Come on, partner, let's
head them off at the pass.
Here they come.
We've warned you.
Get out of here now or
take the consequences.
Yeah. You've been warned.
Do you really think
that you two puny
humans can stop me?
Should we get them, Rex?
Attack those [GROANS]
I think now's the time to
make a strategic retreat.
If you mean run,
I'm right behind you.
Don't just stand
there. Get them!
How long till the
virus takes hold?
I don't know, but the first
time we see a spotty Tyranno,
we're safe.
Take a look. See how
far behind us they are.
Too close.
SARAH: Oh, no.
They'll follow us up here
and find the Dinosaucers
in their sick beds.
There they are.
Get those mammals.
Finally. Now we've
got ENKILO: Spots!
No, no, no, spots!
Boy, we were really
on the spot there.
We've been expecting you.
How nice of you to come visit.
Oh, do shut up!
Great news. We found the cure.
And here are the pills. We
made up one for each of you.
Even the Tyrannos.
Of course it'll take
a while to work.
And you're all quite welcome
to stay here
until you're better.
At least this way we
can keep an eye on you.
I was afraid you would say that.
Go away you wretched thing.
Okay. Next.
Who ordered the
number three special?
Spinach salad
with extra spinach.
Over here.
Oh, no!
Hey, Paul, here's one.
What's purple on
purple and growls?
I give up. What?
I know. I know.
Unh. It's Brachio!
Later for you, tail for brains.
It's going to be
a long recovery.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts.
Allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaurus.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
SARAH: There. Almost finished.
But why?
Why what?
Why did you buy
a broken picture?
I didn't, Bonehead.
It's a puzzle.
You buy the picture in pieces
then put it together again.
What for?
SARAH: Heh, because it's fun.
you should take it back
and make them
give you a new one.
Here. You try.
It doesn't fit.
Not only does she
buy a broken picture,
but the broken picture's busted.
Let me show you.
I did it. I did it. I fixed
the broken picture!
You sure did.
You did a terrific job.
Wow, I hope I'm not
catching a cold or anything.
You're not catching anything.
You're just sitting here.
I didn't mean that.
I meant I was afraid
I was getting sick.
Don't do that. That
would be terrible.
It's not that bad.
And anyway, don't
you get sick sometimes?
Almost never. We
can play all the time.
Behind you. He's
coming in behind you.
Do something.
I see. Got him!
That'll teach those
pirate marauders
to steal my neutron energy.
Here comes another
one. It's right there.
Ah, rats!
I was almost at the
hidden treasure planet,
but it looks like the
pirates of Galaxy X
brought out their secret weapon.
The giant paw from outer space.
Would it help if next
time I covered your ship
so the pirates couldn't see you?
Heh, I think it's about time
the giant paw from
outer space took a break.
Well, just you wait
David, you all right?
I will be when I stop sneezing.
giant paw to the rescue.
Thanks, big fella.
Think nothing of it.
Whatever this
is, we all have it.
I've just spent an hour sneezing
over some maps I'm studying.
This is awful.
You said it. Hey, I
wonder how Paul's doing.
He's down in the
hangar bay with Dimetro.
Yo, Paul, how're you
doing down there?
Ah, next question?
Paul, come on up
to the control room.
We've gotta put
our heads together.
Do you really think this
is going to help, Ryan?
If it doesn't, I don't
know what else to do.
Hey, what's wrong?
We're about to find out.
I've put in all the data I
can think of about sneezing.
The computer should tell
us what's wrong in a moment.
Anyone have any suggestions?
How about lunch?
I don't think Ryan meant
that kind of suggestion.
We'll eat in a little while.
Here it comes.
The answer to our sneezing. Ah!
RYAN: Uh-oh.
BONEHEAD: What is it?
SARAH: It says
we've become allergic
to a virus carried
by Dinosaucers.
Allergic? They
don't even have fur.
Looks like it doesn't matter.
It gets worse.
It says that there's a
chance that the virus
causing the allergy may mutate.
And do what?
What in the first
aid's name is that?
Spots. I'm covered
in purple spots.
I've heard of pink elephants
before, but this is ridiculous.
I think the virus mutated.
Don't worry. It's
probably nothing serious.
That's easy for you to
say. You're not purple.
PAUL: Uh-oh. It's spreading.
What's worse, they clash.
ALLO: This is most distressing.
Distressing? It's awful.
Don't worry, huh?
Real great, Sarah.
Any more suggestions?
Well, the color's nice.
Lots of nice things are purple.
Name six.
Uh, I can't think of any.
Not even food and I'm hungry.
Come to think of it, so am I.
I could do with a nice
tossed fern salad right now.
A couple of trees would be nice.
Ryan, I think we're seeing
more side effects of the virus.
All of us are hungry
and [YAWNS]
I'm feeling very
tired all of a sudden.
Me too.
SARAH: If you're sick,
I think you'd all
better get into bed.
Let's go and make up some
beds in the recreation room.
That way we can keep
an eye on everybody.
Yes, sir.
I mean, ma'am.
Will you tuck me in
and tell me the dino story
about Bonilocks and
the Three Humans?
I sure will. Now you scoot.
So if you and I
can get started now,
we should be able to come
up with some kind of cure.
That's right. The
computer will help us.
But let's hurry. I'm
getting pretty tired also.
But who's gonna help me?
I'm really hungry.
Hang on, Bonehead.
Paul and Sarah and David
are cooking you
guys up a fast snack.
How's the meat situation, David?
Well, if this doesn't keep
them happy for a little while
We're in big trouble.
There are only
about 30 of these left.
Seaweed surprise.
Wonder what the surprise is.
SARAH: That anyone would eat it?
Only one thing worries me.
What if the Tyrannos get
wind of what's going on here?
Ah, come on, Paul.
How would they find out?
Well, he might have a point.
Those Tyrannos are tricky guys.
But heck, if they try anything
we could always
give them the allergy.
Real cute.
You have a nasty mind.
Bonilocks lived
happily ever after.
Tell me another [SNORING]
Let's clear this up.
It shouldn't be long
before everyone is asleep.
Peace and quiet at last.
It's too quiet, Enkilo.
The Dinosaucers
are up to something.
I can feel it in my bones.
Can I feel it too?
Don't be more of a
nitwitotops than you have to.
Get up and see what
the scanner show.
Yes, your lizardness.
There seems to be a lot of
activity in Lava Dome tonight.
Oh, how am I supposed
to conquer the earth
with help like this?
But so much activity
so late? I knew it.
They are up to something.
What're you going
to do, bossasaurus.
I'm going to take the
problem by all three of its horns
and call Allo and ask him.
Genghis Rex to
Lava Dome. Come in.
You there at Lava
Dome. Answer me!
there at Lava Dome.
Answer me.
Uh-oh. Here comes trouble.
Lava Dome. What do
you want, Genghis Rex?
I do not talk to mammals.
I want to speak to Allo.
He's busy.
Then let me talk to another
of your Dinosaucer friends.
They're all busy.
And if you've got any
smarts you'll stay away
and not bother us.
So buzz off! Nosey lizard, heh.
Now why wouldn't
the silly mammal
let me talk to one
of the Dinosaucers?
It can only be one
of two things, unh.
Either the Secret
Scouts are alone, unh,
or there's something
wrong with the Dinosaucers.
For once you're right.
Everyone to the ships.
Prepare for an attack.
DAVID: Three
guesses who that is.
It's a Tyranno. But don't panic.
Okay. As long as
you have a plan.
DAVID: Yeah. If the
Tyrannos get into Lava Dome
and find Dinosaucers
sick in bed,
they'll capture them
and Teryx and us.
We're just going to
have to stop them.
RYAN: I don't know.
They're approaching.
And almost all the Dinosaucers
are too sick to even stand up,
let alone fly.
I could go out there.
No. There has to be another way.
That's it. I know how
we can beat them.
David's going to fight them.
I'm too young to
become a dinoburger.
I don't even know how
to drive a spaceship.
Fly. It's fly a spaceship.
See. I don't even
know the right words.
I can't do it.
Don't worry.
You're gonna do it
by remote control.
Ah, the video game.
RYAN: I can hook up the video game
to the Dinosaucers ship computers
and David can
drive them from here.
Fly them from here.
What you said.
How long will it take
to hook them up?
Did it already.
Then let's scorch some scales.
[IN UNISON]: All right!
Here we go.
SARAH: How're we doing?
Ask me again in 20 minutes.
What's this? Enkilo,
how can this be?
The Dinosaucers are here.
David, here they come again.
Look out!
DAVID: And now
Not good enough, Allo.
Yeah. I'm beginning
to get the hang of this.
Now I've got you!
There's no one
flying that tin can.
So that's your game, you
duplicitous Dinosaucers.
Well, two can play at that.
Tyrannos, break off the attack.
Rendezvous one
mile north of here
and try not to get lost.
SARAH: Yeah!
All right.
They're going.
We are now going
to attack Lava Dome!
Wasn't that what we
were just doing, unh,
oh, most terrible lizard?
Yes, it was, fossilbrain,
but this time we're
going to get it right.
We are going to attack on foot.
Why are we attacking their feet?
We are not attacking their feet!
We are attacking on foot!
Didn't you see there was
no one flying those ships?
There must be no
Dinosaucers at Lava Dome.
And all we have to do to
take over the place is walk in.
So let's go!
SARAH: Uh-oh. We spoke too soon.
They're onto us. Now what?
We tell the Dinosaucers.
They're sick enough
without being worried too.
We can't get any
sicker than we are.
And the Tyrannos have
been in contact with you
as long as we have.
With a little more exposure
to the virus we've isolated,
we can give them
trouble even they can spot.
Heh, I knew these would
come in handy someday.
Come on, partner, let's
head them off at the pass.
Here they come.
We've warned you.
Get out of here now or
take the consequences.
Yeah. You've been warned.
Do you really think
that you two puny
humans can stop me?
Should we get them, Rex?
Attack those [GROANS]
I think now's the time to
make a strategic retreat.
If you mean run,
I'm right behind you.
Don't just stand
there. Get them!
How long till the
virus takes hold?
I don't know, but the first
time we see a spotty Tyranno,
we're safe.
Take a look. See how
far behind us they are.
Too close.
SARAH: Oh, no.
They'll follow us up here
and find the Dinosaucers
in their sick beds.
There they are.
Get those mammals.
Finally. Now we've
got ENKILO: Spots!
No, no, no, spots!
Boy, we were really
on the spot there.
We've been expecting you.
How nice of you to come visit.
Oh, do shut up!
Great news. We found the cure.
And here are the pills. We
made up one for each of you.
Even the Tyrannos.
Of course it'll take
a while to work.
And you're all quite welcome
to stay here
until you're better.
At least this way we
can keep an eye on you.
I was afraid you would say that.
Go away you wretched thing.
Okay. Next.
Who ordered the
number three special?
Spinach salad
with extra spinach.
Over here.
Oh, no!
Hey, Paul, here's one.
What's purple on
purple and growls?
I give up. What?
I know. I know.
Unh. It's Brachio!
Later for you, tail for brains.
It's going to be
a long recovery.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪