Dinosaucers (1987) s01e47 Episode Script

There's No Such Thing as Stego-Claws

NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Ghengis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
SARAH: Deck the
halls With bows of holly ♪
DAVID: Fa-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la ♪
SARAH: 'Tis the
season To be jolly ♪
DAVID: Fa-la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la ♪
What in the name
of the great egg
is going on in here?
It's Earth's holiday season.
Parties, gifts, songs.
Time for families
to be together.
Uh, did I say
something wrong, Allo?
No, it's not you.
All this makes us
homesick for Reptilon.
You see, tomorrow
is our big holiday.
Merry Dinosaur Day.
Well, why don't you go home
to Reptilon for the holidays?
The Secret Scouts can keep
an eye out for Tyranno trouble
while you're gone.
Please, Allo. Could we?
Well Oh, why not?
What could happen
in three days anyhow?
STEGO: All right, that's great.
Just what is Merry Dinosaur Day?
We celebrate the birth
of our planet Reptilon
and the Three Musketeers galaxy.
The Three Musketeers galaxy?
On Earth, we call it
the Milky Way Galaxy.
On Merry Dinosaur Day,
Stego-Claws travels
from nest to nest
and leaves a special
toy for each dinosaur.
You're kidding me, right?
Of course not.
Stego-Claws really exists.
Terrible Dactyl
calling the Tarpits.
Come in, Tarpits.
This is Ghengis Rex.
What are the Dinosaucers
up to, Terrible?
TERRIBLE: They're all
going home to Reptilon
for Merry Dinosaur Day.
Bah humbugasaurus!
If there's anything I hate
worse than Dinosaucers,
it's Merry Dinosaur Day.
You said it.
Toys, gifts, smiles, happiness.
It makes me wanna scream.
I have a plan.
Oh, now you're talking,
oh, carnivorous cretaceous
kingpin. Heh-heh-heh.
What's the plan?
It's very simple and very evil.
Now, here's what we do.
Time for action.
What kind of bonehead
do you think I am, David?
How could your Santa Claus
fit in your small Earth chimney?
I'm not kidding, Bonehead.
That's how he's
supposed to do it.
Besides, this isn't
a real chimney,
it's an air duct. Look.
It just doesn't seem safe to me.
Aah! You're right. Look out!
Your prisoners.
Present and accounted
for, Ghengis Rex.
Excellent. Bonehead,
I understand
you're on your way
home to Reptilon. True?
That's no big secret.
We're going home for
Merry Dinosaur Day.
So you can steal a kiss
from your favorite girl
under the saucertoe while
you await Stego-Claws?
Wha? Huh? Saucertoe?
We don't have
mistles on Reptilon.
Well, Bonehead,
you're going to have
a long wait for him.
Because there's no such
thing as Stego-Claws.
DAVID: Baloney!
He's just trying
to ruin your fun.
That's right, mammal.
I am trying to ruin his fun
and all the Dinosaucers' fun
and put an end to
Merry Dinosaur Day
once and for all.
Well, no one's going
to believe your lie.
That's where I've got you.
Because it's the others
who have lied to you.
And, Bonehead
ALL: There's no such
thing as Stego-Claws.
No, I won't listen to this.
Wait! Bonehead!
Shall I retrieve him,
Ghengis Rex, huh?
Take them back to Lava Dome.
My plan is proceeding perfectly.
What next, scroogasaurus sir?
Prepare the mother ship.
We depart for
Reptilon immediately.
Well, well, well.
Where have you two been?
We were captured
by the Tyrannos.
Are you all right?
What did they want?
They told me
there's no such
thing as Stego-Claws.
Well, is there?
Well, um Uh, you see Um
I want the truth.
Of course there's such
a thing as Stego-Claws.
Then the Tyrannos were lying?
Maybe they just
don't believe in him
because Stego-Claws
only brings presents
to good dinosaurs,
never to those bad
little Tyranno tikes.
I think someone's lying, and
it may not be the Tyrannos.
I'm not going home
for Merry Dinosaur Day.
Let him go.
I have a hunch he'll feel
better about this in the morning.
Thanks for staying
with me tonight, David.
Forget it.
You really think your friends
lied to you, Bonehead?
I don't know what
to think, David.
I'm just afraid
there's no such
thing as Stego-Claws.
No such thing as Stego-Claws.
No such thing as
Stego-Claws [♪♪♪]
ALL: There's no such
thing as Stego-Claws.
STEGO-CLAWS: Ho, ho, ho!
David, wake up.
Guess who's here.
STEGO-CLAWS: Ho, ho, ho!
Hmm, sounds like
the jolly green giant.
Actually, you're not very wrong.
I don't believe this.
I must be dreaming.
It's no dream, David.
I'm Stego-Claws.
I heard that one of my
favorite Dinosaucers
no longer believes in me.
Is that right, Bonehead?
Yes. No.
I don't know what
to believe anymore.
I'm confused.
That's why I'm here.
I want you and
your mammal friend
to come with me on
my gift-giving round.
I want you to believe again.
What do you say, David?
Should we go?
This guys looks an
awful lot like our Stego.
How do we know the Dinosaucers
aren't playing a trick on us?
Seems like there's
only one way to find out.
Let's go.
Then what are we waiting for?
Whoa! We're on top
of the Lava Dome.
It's magic.
Now let's board my sledosaucer.
My fine team of flying dinosaurs
will carry us magically
through the sky
and all the way to Reptilon.
What you staring at, lumpy?
Your beak is glowing red.
Don't knock it if
you ain't tried it, mac.
It's what got me my job, see.
You're the leader
of Stego-Claws'
team of dinosaurs.
You must be Yeah. Rude Ralph.
The red-nosed
Rhamphorhynchus at your service.
Hop in, gents.
Next stop, Reptilon.
DAVID: That's the strangest-looking
dinosaur I've ever seen.
Watch your lip, flesh face.
For a guy who
won't even got no tail,
you ain't got no room to talk.
Now buckle your seat belts.
Here we go.
Ho, ho, ho!
How come I don't
feel like laughing?
Relax, David.
We're with Stego-Claws.
What could possibly go wrong?
I was afraid you'd say that.
Let's go.
Wow, we're on Reptilon already.
Here's my home and workshop.
The North Pole.
That'll be $8,523,456,009.
Not including the tip.
DAVID: Put it on our tab.
Now I want you two
to see my workshop.
This is where my
furball elves and I
make all the toys.
Isn't it beautiful?
Beauty may be in the eye
of the beholder, Bonehead,
but I just can't see it here.
Me neither.
But I can see trouble.
Oh, no!
Who did this?
Who would want
to ruin the holiday
for all the good little
Dinosaucers of Reptilon?
must be the Tyrannos.
Who else would be so dastardly?
But why?
Maybe it's just
their way of saying
ALL: Merry Dinosaur Day!
What are you going
to do, Ghengis Rex?
Very simple.
My devolver will transform you
back into a mindless,
prehistoric stegosaurus.
And my chattering fangs
will have a very
unpleasant conversation
with the mammal.
And my ankle buster will
cover Bonehead in chains.
Now, as we say
on the battlefield:
Ready, aim, fire!
I'll save you.
You won't get away with this.
Sheesh. That old guy
really packed a wallop.
There's no one to save
you now, Stego-Claws.
Stop it!
What's happening to Ghengis Rex?
He's allergic to furballs.
In the immortal words of
every dog on Earth, heh,
Oh, yeah, we've gotta transform
Bonehead back to normal.
Look! Rex left his devolver.
All we have to do is
reverse the polarity.
Are you ready, Bonehead?
Here we go.
Hi. Did you miss me?
No buts about it.
No time for idle chitchat.
I'm behind schedule.
First thing, straighten
this mess up.
Wow, that's amazing.
You can say that again.
Wow, that's amazing.
Let's go.
I can't believe what I'm seeing.
Wow, take a look at that!
What do you think?
A Tyranno trap?
Oh, come on now, David.
There aren't Tyrannos
hiding behind every door.
We'll get out here, Rude Ralph.
You got it.
Oh! Shh.
This Dinosaucer
family has truly captured
the meaning of
Merry Dinosaur Day.
This is magnificent.
And you thought it
was a Tyranno trap.
I'm sure glad it isn't.
Because if it was,
right about now
Ghengis Rex and his gang
would pop up from
every corner and yell
ALL: Merry Dinosaur Day!
I don't believe it.
Believe it.
One blast of this ray
and Reptilon's magnetic field
and the very air around you
will crush you like
dinosaur egg shells.
Uh, lighten up, Rexie.
Aah! Splat!
you think you're doing?
Why, I'm just stocking
up on duckbills.
What else?
I will suffer no
more indignities.
The Tyrannos
will not lose again.
What's happening?
It feels like the sky is
falling. Crushing me.
Maybe this is one of those
high-pressure systems
your TV weathermen on
Earth are always talking about.
No, it's Reptilon's
magnetic field.
Rex is making it
constrict around us
like the tail of
a giant serpent.
It's It's getting worse.
We're done for.
Have faith.
All's not lost yet.
Ugh. Well, if
anyone has an idea,
I think this might be a
good time to let us hear it.
Another minute
and there will be no
more Merry Dinosaur Days.
No more Stego-Claws!
That's it. Tinsel.
Stego-Claws, have you flipped?
What good will a
handful of tinsel do?
On Reptilon, our holiday
tinsel is made of aluminum.
I said we needed an idea,
not a science lecture
from Mr. Lizard.
Aluminum will disrupt
Reptilon's magnetic field.
REX: No! Not aluminum!
Anything but aluminum.
Curses! Foiled again!
Now for the final touch.
Do something, Ghengis Rex.
Take that.
Quickly, Rude Ralph.
Take us to Lava Dome on Earth.
You got it.
Oh. This time of the day
I can take the Van
Allen belt parkway
or I can go by way of Mercury,
then circle around Jersey
It doesn't matter. Just go.
ALL: Jingle
horse, jingle horse ♪
Jingle by and by ♪
Oh, what fun
With Stego-Claws ♪
Running through the sky ♪
Ho, ho, ho!
STEGO: Hey, you guys awake?
Come on. Wake up.
I just came by to say
Merry Dinosaur Day.
You're staying here
on Earth with us?
Who? Me?
What do you mean Stego-Claws?
Come on, Bonehead, wake up.
It's me, Stego.
Not Stego-Claws.
Uh, you sure?
Sure I'm sure.
You must have
been dreaming, pal.
Well, if you were
dreaming, Bonehead,
I was dreaming the same dream.
Look, I gotta run.
The mother ship is
ready to leave for Reptilon.
You're still not
coming, Bonehead?
I'm coming.
I'll be right there.
Great. I was hoping
you'd see things differently
this morning.
I'll go tell the
others. Bye, David.
Well, what?
Was it really Stego-Claws
or was it all a set up
by the Dinosaucers
to renew your holiday spirit?
I I'm not sure.
But I am sure of one thing.
What's that?
This time I'm going to believe
that there really is such
a thing as Stego-Claws.
Me too.
Merry Dinosaur Day, Bonehead.
Dinosaur Day to all,
and to all, a goodnight.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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