Dinosaucers (1987) s01e48 Episode Script
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Something must
be wrong with David.
I've never seen him
act this way before.
Indeed. He's been
moping all day, poor lad.
Dimetro, you're about the
only one David confides in.
Why don't you talk to him
and see what his problem is?
That I will.
Good day to you, David.
Oh. Hello, Dimetro.
Hey, why don't you come help me
ready the Dino ship for takeoff?
Oh, all right.Oh.
You know, lad,
when one Dinosaucer
has a problem,
we all pitch in to help.
Uh, that's nice.
And since the Secret Scouts
are our best and
closest friends,
the same goes for you.
DAVID: Well, I guess it
couldn't hurt to tell you.
You see my Grandpa
Morey is shorthanded
and can't get enough of
his farm produce to market.
And without his produce,
he'll have no money
to pay his mortgage.
That is serious.
What will happen?
DAVID: Well, if he can't
get the cows milked,
the apples picked
and the corn husked,
well, there'll be no hope.
The bank will have
to sell the farm.
There's always hope, David.
What do you mean?
With a little help from your
friends, the Dinosaucers,
we'll have that farm
turned around in no time.
Ha! All right.
Well then, we've
got it all planned out.
I don't see what
you need me for.
Sure we do.
You can answer some
important questions.
Like what's a farm?
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Hello. Morey here.
Hi, Gramps. It's me, David.
Who is it, dear?
It's David, Annie.
So how's my favorite grandson?
I'm fine, Grandpa.
I just wanted to warn you.
I'm coming to help
you save the farm
and I'm bringing
some of my friends.
That's nice of you, David,
but there's nothing you
and your little friends can do.
Well, these friends
aren't so little, Grandpa.
But don't be scared
when you see them.
They're kind of big
and unusual-looking.
What's the boy saying, Morey?
He's coming to help us.
He says he's bringing a
bunch of big ugly kids with him
and we shouldn't be scared.
Sometimes that boy talks
like he's somewhere
in outer space.
DAVID: We're about to land now.
Remember, don't be
startled by what you see.
Ha! That boy must think we
were born yesterday, Annie.
Land sakes.
It's This is an earthquake.
Let's go outside.
We're here.
David, who's here?
DAVID: Why, the
friends I told you about
over the phone.
Meet the Dinosaucers.
Allo and Dimetro.
Nice to meet you.
Uh, looks like they've fainted.
We'd better carry them inside.
Easy. Easy.
nearing the farm now,
oh, mighty mean and
malevolent Mesozoic
master of monsters and
masher of mere mammals.
Ouch! What was that for?
Your overabundance of flattery
embarrassed me, Ankylo.
And I hate being embarrassed.
Sorry, oh, magnificent Oops.
Heh, I mean, Genghis Rex.
We're about to land on the farm.
And the traffic is heavy.
The Dinosaucers
are already here.
Obviously, to
help save the farm,
All the better.
Now, I can break
everyone's hearts at one time.
What a guy. What a guy.
Oh, what happened?
You fainted.
Are you all right?
Fine. Fine.
Don't know why we
overreacted like that.
David's brought
lizards home before.
Just none quite so big.
What's that noise?
Oh, look, David, here
come more of your friends.
Oh, no. It's the Tyrannos.
Rex, Jim, Bob. No problem.
I'll go fix them some snacks.
Uh, are they meat
eaters or plant eaters?
You all stay here.
ALLO: Stop right there, Rex.
One more step and
you'll be a museum piece.
Oh, please, stop
being so theatrical, Allo.
I have every right
to be here. Legally.
DIMETRO: You've never done
anything legal in your life, Rex.
Oh, yeah?
What's that?
I have legally taken over the
past due mortgage of this farm.
Thanks to the skill
of my attorney, Plesio.
From the firm of
Slither, Slither and Shark
with offices in over
24,000 convenience stores
on Reptilon.
Why are you doing this?
Why else?
To make trouble for you.
Read it and weep.
Looks pretty genuine, huh?
That it does, David.
He's got us by our crabapples.
Now, either come up
with the huge mortgage
payment by noon tomorrow,
or I foreclose,
and this farm becomes
a country home
for the Tyrannos.
You know, a country
home is nice, Genghis Rex,
but the desert.
Oh, now, that's
where I'd like to live.
You won't have to worry
about where you're gonna live
if you don't keep quiet!
Well, Ma, looks like
we're gonna have to leave.
It'd take a miracle
to keep us here.
A miracle?
What do you call evolved
dinosaurs from outer space?
Wait. Not so fast.
What do we have to do to
come up with enough money
to pay off the mortgage?
Ah, I reckon
just about everything
must be sold to market.
The apples, milk and
a whole harvest of corn.
Did you hear that, Dimetro?
Almost everything.
No problem.
PLESIO: Ah, but, Rex, what
if they somehow succeed?
Highly unlikely, Plesio.
But just to be sure,
I'll send the others to help
sabotage the Dinos' efforts
from start to finish.
And you'd better do it right.
I'll be back later
to make sure of it!
DIMETRO: I should
have this fixed in no time.
With this new Dino thruster,
this old tractor
will do warp speed.
Wow! Here it goes.
This is amazing.
We just may save
the farm after all.
So they think they're
so smart, huh?
Wait'll you see what happens
when I fire my tractor
beam at your tractor.
DAVID: Okay,
Dimetro, stand back.
I'm gonna plow this field
faster than you can say
old McDino had a farm.
McDino had a farm ♪
E-I-E-I-O ♪
And on that farm
He had a Saltopus ♪
E-I-E-I-O ♪
With a ♪
Hey! What's going on?
The Tyrannos are firing a
tractor beam at the tractor.
Jump, David!
Ah, so much for the tractor.
ALLO: Next on
my list, milk cows.
Come on, Elsie,
I'll start with you.
Well, it's time to go to work.
Hmm, this must be the faucet.
Okay, cow, do your thing.
Well, I guess you
need some help.
Aw, poor Allo doesn't
know how to milk a cow.
Hmm, well, maybe this'll do it.
Uh-oh. He figured it out.
Hmm, I gotta put a stop to this.
Oh, that fool. Ha!
At that rate, he'll
never finish. Heh.
You can milk the cow now.
Okay, Allo, don't move.
Hey, you weren't
supposed to move.
Wah! Stop this thing!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
The cows are making noises.
I-I'd better go see.
Way to go! Way to go!
That's a pretty good idea.
I'm not giving up that easy.
I'll just plow the field
the old-fashion way.
With a horse.
How you doing,
Come on, girl, let's go.
What's wrong, Bets?
Time's running out.
DAVID: Styraco!
MOREY: Hmm, David's
got a new plow on the horse.
Keep moving, girl.
To the corn fields!
Wow, look at
him plow that field.
The corn bins
won't be big enough.
Ha-ha-ha! Yeah!
This is moving
too slow, Dimetro.
The apples will make
us the most money,
but it'll take the
longest to collect.
Yeah, we've gotta
find a faster way.
DIMETRO: Oh, no. It's Brachio.
ALLO: Take cover. He's
gonna try and stop us.
Keep moving.
BRACHIO: Oh. I'm bushed.
I can't take anymore.
Good. You're all here.
That means the mission
was carried out as instructed.
Uh, ahem, uh,
well, uh [SNORTS]
Uh, mighty great one.
Ouch! Ouch.
What did I tell you
about embarrassing me?
I want nothing to ruin
this feeling of triumph
over the Dinosaucers.
I'm here to collect my just
due, you miserable mammals!
I want you to get
off my property
in one hour!
I believe it's the
other way around, sir.
This should cover the
mortgage payment nicely.
What is the meaning of this?
Follow me.
But I don't understand.
Oh, it was easy, Rex.
But we couldn't have done it
without the help of your
Tyrannosaurus rakes.
Yes, we would never
have made it in time
without Brachio's stomping,
Styraco's plowing
or Quackpot's help.
Tell them if they
ever need jobs,
my Gramps could use
a few good workers.
An apple a day keeps
the Tyrannos away.
DAVID: Hooray!
REX: You bumbling,
incompetent excuse for dinosaurs!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Something must
be wrong with David.
I've never seen him
act this way before.
Indeed. He's been
moping all day, poor lad.
Dimetro, you're about the
only one David confides in.
Why don't you talk to him
and see what his problem is?
That I will.
Good day to you, David.
Oh. Hello, Dimetro.
Hey, why don't you come help me
ready the Dino ship for takeoff?
Oh, all right.Oh.
You know, lad,
when one Dinosaucer
has a problem,
we all pitch in to help.
Uh, that's nice.
And since the Secret Scouts
are our best and
closest friends,
the same goes for you.
DAVID: Well, I guess it
couldn't hurt to tell you.
You see my Grandpa
Morey is shorthanded
and can't get enough of
his farm produce to market.
And without his produce,
he'll have no money
to pay his mortgage.
That is serious.
What will happen?
DAVID: Well, if he can't
get the cows milked,
the apples picked
and the corn husked,
well, there'll be no hope.
The bank will have
to sell the farm.
There's always hope, David.
What do you mean?
With a little help from your
friends, the Dinosaucers,
we'll have that farm
turned around in no time.
Ha! All right.
Well then, we've
got it all planned out.
I don't see what
you need me for.
Sure we do.
You can answer some
important questions.
Like what's a farm?
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Hello. Morey here.
Hi, Gramps. It's me, David.
Who is it, dear?
It's David, Annie.
So how's my favorite grandson?
I'm fine, Grandpa.
I just wanted to warn you.
I'm coming to help
you save the farm
and I'm bringing
some of my friends.
That's nice of you, David,
but there's nothing you
and your little friends can do.
Well, these friends
aren't so little, Grandpa.
But don't be scared
when you see them.
They're kind of big
and unusual-looking.
What's the boy saying, Morey?
He's coming to help us.
He says he's bringing a
bunch of big ugly kids with him
and we shouldn't be scared.
Sometimes that boy talks
like he's somewhere
in outer space.
DAVID: We're about to land now.
Remember, don't be
startled by what you see.
Ha! That boy must think we
were born yesterday, Annie.
Land sakes.
It's This is an earthquake.
Let's go outside.
We're here.
David, who's here?
DAVID: Why, the
friends I told you about
over the phone.
Meet the Dinosaucers.
Allo and Dimetro.
Nice to meet you.
Uh, looks like they've fainted.
We'd better carry them inside.
Easy. Easy.
nearing the farm now,
oh, mighty mean and
malevolent Mesozoic
master of monsters and
masher of mere mammals.
Ouch! What was that for?
Your overabundance of flattery
embarrassed me, Ankylo.
And I hate being embarrassed.
Sorry, oh, magnificent Oops.
Heh, I mean, Genghis Rex.
We're about to land on the farm.
And the traffic is heavy.
The Dinosaucers
are already here.
Obviously, to
help save the farm,
All the better.
Now, I can break
everyone's hearts at one time.
What a guy. What a guy.
Oh, what happened?
You fainted.
Are you all right?
Fine. Fine.
Don't know why we
overreacted like that.
David's brought
lizards home before.
Just none quite so big.
What's that noise?
Oh, look, David, here
come more of your friends.
Oh, no. It's the Tyrannos.
Rex, Jim, Bob. No problem.
I'll go fix them some snacks.
Uh, are they meat
eaters or plant eaters?
You all stay here.
ALLO: Stop right there, Rex.
One more step and
you'll be a museum piece.
Oh, please, stop
being so theatrical, Allo.
I have every right
to be here. Legally.
DIMETRO: You've never done
anything legal in your life, Rex.
Oh, yeah?
What's that?
I have legally taken over the
past due mortgage of this farm.
Thanks to the skill
of my attorney, Plesio.
From the firm of
Slither, Slither and Shark
with offices in over
24,000 convenience stores
on Reptilon.
Why are you doing this?
Why else?
To make trouble for you.
Read it and weep.
Looks pretty genuine, huh?
That it does, David.
He's got us by our crabapples.
Now, either come up
with the huge mortgage
payment by noon tomorrow,
or I foreclose,
and this farm becomes
a country home
for the Tyrannos.
You know, a country
home is nice, Genghis Rex,
but the desert.
Oh, now, that's
where I'd like to live.
You won't have to worry
about where you're gonna live
if you don't keep quiet!
Well, Ma, looks like
we're gonna have to leave.
It'd take a miracle
to keep us here.
A miracle?
What do you call evolved
dinosaurs from outer space?
Wait. Not so fast.
What do we have to do to
come up with enough money
to pay off the mortgage?
Ah, I reckon
just about everything
must be sold to market.
The apples, milk and
a whole harvest of corn.
Did you hear that, Dimetro?
Almost everything.
No problem.
PLESIO: Ah, but, Rex, what
if they somehow succeed?
Highly unlikely, Plesio.
But just to be sure,
I'll send the others to help
sabotage the Dinos' efforts
from start to finish.
And you'd better do it right.
I'll be back later
to make sure of it!
DIMETRO: I should
have this fixed in no time.
With this new Dino thruster,
this old tractor
will do warp speed.
Wow! Here it goes.
This is amazing.
We just may save
the farm after all.
So they think they're
so smart, huh?
Wait'll you see what happens
when I fire my tractor
beam at your tractor.
DAVID: Okay,
Dimetro, stand back.
I'm gonna plow this field
faster than you can say
old McDino had a farm.
McDino had a farm ♪
E-I-E-I-O ♪
And on that farm
He had a Saltopus ♪
E-I-E-I-O ♪
With a ♪
Hey! What's going on?
The Tyrannos are firing a
tractor beam at the tractor.
Jump, David!
Ah, so much for the tractor.
ALLO: Next on
my list, milk cows.
Come on, Elsie,
I'll start with you.
Well, it's time to go to work.
Hmm, this must be the faucet.
Okay, cow, do your thing.
Well, I guess you
need some help.
Aw, poor Allo doesn't
know how to milk a cow.
Hmm, well, maybe this'll do it.
Uh-oh. He figured it out.
Hmm, I gotta put a stop to this.
Oh, that fool. Ha!
At that rate, he'll
never finish. Heh.
You can milk the cow now.
Okay, Allo, don't move.
Hey, you weren't
supposed to move.
Wah! Stop this thing!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
The cows are making noises.
I-I'd better go see.
Way to go! Way to go!
That's a pretty good idea.
I'm not giving up that easy.
I'll just plow the field
the old-fashion way.
With a horse.
How you doing,
Come on, girl, let's go.
What's wrong, Bets?
Time's running out.
DAVID: Styraco!
MOREY: Hmm, David's
got a new plow on the horse.
Keep moving, girl.
To the corn fields!
Wow, look at
him plow that field.
The corn bins
won't be big enough.
Ha-ha-ha! Yeah!
This is moving
too slow, Dimetro.
The apples will make
us the most money,
but it'll take the
longest to collect.
Yeah, we've gotta
find a faster way.
DIMETRO: Oh, no. It's Brachio.
ALLO: Take cover. He's
gonna try and stop us.
Keep moving.
BRACHIO: Oh. I'm bushed.
I can't take anymore.
Good. You're all here.
That means the mission
was carried out as instructed.
Uh, ahem, uh,
well, uh [SNORTS]
Uh, mighty great one.
Ouch! Ouch.
What did I tell you
about embarrassing me?
I want nothing to ruin
this feeling of triumph
over the Dinosaucers.
I'm here to collect my just
due, you miserable mammals!
I want you to get
off my property
in one hour!
I believe it's the
other way around, sir.
This should cover the
mortgage payment nicely.
What is the meaning of this?
Follow me.
But I don't understand.
Oh, it was easy, Rex.
But we couldn't have done it
without the help of your
Tyrannosaurus rakes.
Yes, we would never
have made it in time
without Brachio's stomping,
Styraco's plowing
or Quackpot's help.
Tell them if they
ever need jobs,
my Gramps could use
a few good workers.
An apple a day keeps
the Tyrannos away.
DAVID: Hooray!
REX: You bumbling,
incompetent excuse for dinosaurs!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BOY: Dic.